blob: af6fa86bacf40bd05f50a42cfc670d08d3fdfacc [file] [log] [blame]
// Curious where your @Scenario tests are running?
// @Ignore: Will not run in any configuration
// @FlakyTest: Tests that don't block pre/postsubmit but are staged to run known failures.
// Tests will run in postsubmit on sysui-e2e-staged suite.
// @PlatinumTest: Marking your test with this annotation will put your tests in presubmit.
// Please DO NOT annotate new or old tests with @PlatinumTest annotation
// without discussing with mdb:android-platinum
// @Postsubmit: Do not use this annotation for e2e tests. This won't have any affect.
// For all other e2e tests which are not platinum, they run in sysui-silver suite,that
// primarily runs in postsubmit with an exception to e2e test related changes.
// If you want to see one shot place to monitor all e2e tests, look for
// sysui-e2e-staged suite.
// v2/android-virtual-infra/test_mapping/presubmit-avd
"presubmit": [
"name": "SystemUIGoogleTests",
"options": [
"exclude-annotation": "org.junit.Ignore"
"exclude-annotation": "androidx.test.filters.FlakyTest"
"name": "SystemUIGoogleScreenshotTests",
"options": [
"exclude-annotation": "org.junit.Ignore"
"exclude-annotation": "androidx.test.filters.FlakyTest"
"exclude-annotation": "android.platform.test.annotations.Postsubmit"
// The test doesn't run on AOSP Cuttlefish
"keywords": ["internal"]
// TODO(b/251476085): Consider merging with SystemUIGoogleScreenshotTests (in U+)
"name": "SystemUIGoogleBiometricsScreenshotTests",
"options": [
"exclude-annotation": "org.junit.Ignore"
"exclude-annotation": "androidx.test.filters.FlakyTest"
// The test doesn't run on AOSP Cuttlefish
"keywords": ["internal"]
// Permission indicators
"name": "CtsPermissionUiTestCases",
"options": [
"exclude-annotation": "org.junit.Ignore"
"exclude-annotation": "android.platform.test.annotations.FlakyTest"
"include-filter": "android.permissionui.cts.CameraMicIndicatorsPermissionTest"
// Permission indicators
"name": "CtsVoiceRecognitionTestCases",
"options": [
"exclude-annotation": "org.junit.Ignore"
"exclude-annotation": "androidx.test.filters.FlakyTest"
"auto-end-to-end-postsubmit": [
"name": "AndroidAutomotiveHomeTests",
"options" : [
"include-filter": "android.platform.tests.HomeTest"
"name": "AndroidAutomotiveNotificationsTests",
"options" : [
"include-filter": "android.platform.tests.NotificationTest"
"postsubmit": [
// Permission indicators
"name": "CtsPermissionUiTestCases",
"options": [
"include-filter": "android.permissionui.cts.CameraMicIndicatorsPermissionTest"
"name": "SystemUIGoogleScreenshotTests",
"options": [
"exclude-annotation": "org.junit.Ignore"
"exclude-annotation": "android.platform.test.annotations.FlakyTest"
"include-annotation": "android.platform.test.annotations.Postsubmit"