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| <!-- |
| /** |
| * Copyright (c) 2019, The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| --> |
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| <string name="config_batterymeterPerimeterPath" translatable="false"> |
| M 11,1.505 H 8 V 0.995 C 8,0.445 7.55,-0.005 7,-0.005 H 5 C 4.45,-0.005 4,0.445 4,0.995 V 1.505 H 1 C 0.45,1.505 0,1.955 0,2.505 V 19.005 C 0,19.555 0.45,20.005 1,20.005 H 11 C 11.55,20.005 12,19.555 12,19.005 V 2.505 C 12,1.955 11.543,1.505 11,1.505 Z M 10.5,18.505 H 1.5 V 3.005 H 10.5 Z |
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| |
| <string name="config_batterymeterFillMask" translatable="false"> |
| M 10.5,18.505 H 1.5 V 3.005 H 10.5 Z |
| </string> |
| <string name="config_batterymeterBoltPath" translatable="false"> |
| M 3.92,11.5 H 5 V 15.01 C 5,15.17 5.13,15.26 5.25,15.26 5.33,15.26 5.42,15.22 5.47,15.13 L 8.3,9.87 C 8.39,9.7 8.27,9.5 8.08,9.5 H 7 V 5.99 C 7,5.83 6.87,5.74 6.75,5.74 6.67,5.74 6.58,5.78 6.53,5.87 L 3.7,11.13 C 3.61,11.3 3.73,11.5 3.92,11.5 Z |
| </string> |
| <string name="config_batterymeterPowersavePath" translatable="false"> |
| M 3.75,11.25 H 5.25 V 12.75 C 5.25,13.16 5.59,13.5 6,13.5 6.41,13.5 6.75,13.16 6.75,12.75 V 11.25 H 8.25 C 8.66,11.25 9,10.91 9,10.5 9,10.09 8.66,9.7499 8.25,9.7499 H 6.75 V 8.2499 C 6.75,7.8399 6.41,7.4999 6,7.4999 5.59,7.4999 5.2794,7.841 5.25,8.2499 V 9.7499 H 3.75 C 3.34,9.7499 3,10.09 3,10.5 3,10.91 3.3401,11.25 3.75,11.25 Z |
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| <!-- X path for SignalDrawable as defined on a 24x24 canvas. --> |
| <string name="config_signalXPath" translatable="false"> |
| M 20.72,16.22 L 19,17.94 L 17.28,16.22 C 16.99,15.93 16.51,15.93 16.22,16.22 C 15.93,16.51 15.93,16.99 16.22,17.28 L 17.94,19 L 16.22,20.72 C 15.93,21.01 15.93,21.49 16.22,21.78 C 16.37,21.93 16.56,22 16.75,22 C 16.94,22 17.13,21.93 17.28,21.78 L 19,20.06 L 20.72,21.78 C 20.87,21.93 21.06,22 21.25,22 C 21.44,22 21.63,21.93 21.78,21.78 C 22.07,21.49 22.07,21.01 21.78,20.72 L 20.06,19 L 21.78,17.28 C 22.07,16.99 22.07,16.51 21.78,16.22 C 21.49,15.93 21.01,15.93 20.72,16.22 Z |
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| should be cut out to display config_signalXPath.--> |
| <item name="config_signalCutoutWidthFraction" format="float" type="dimen">10</item> |
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