blob: df5f921f3a626444f0cc1bc34e6caa122d073170 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!-- Determines whether the shell features all run on another thread. This is to be overrided
by the resources of the app using the Shell library. -->
<bool name="config_enableShellMainThread">false</bool>
<!-- Determines whether to register the shell task organizer on init.
TODO(b/238217847): This config is temporary until we refactor the base WMComponent. -->
<bool name="config_registerShellTaskOrganizerOnInit">true</bool>
<!-- Determines whether to register the shell transitions on init.
TODO(b/238217847): This config is temporary until we refactor the base WMComponent. -->
<bool name="config_registerShellTransitionsOnInit">true</bool>
<!-- Animation duration for PIP when entering. -->
<integer name="config_pipEnterAnimationDuration">425</integer>
<!-- Animation duration for PIP when exiting. -->
<integer name="config_pipExitAnimationDuration">250</integer>
<!-- Animation duration for resizing of PIP. -->
<integer name="config_pipResizeAnimationDuration">425</integer>
<!-- Animation duration for crossfading of PIP (specifically to fade out the layer on top). -->
<integer name="config_pipCrossfadeAnimationDuration">150</integer>
<!-- Allow dragging the PIP to a location to close it -->
<bool name="config_pipEnableDismissDragToEdge">true</bool>
<!-- Allow PIP to resize to a slightly bigger state upon touch/showing the menu -->
<bool name="config_pipEnableResizeForMenu">true</bool>
<!-- Allow PIP to resize via dragging the corner of PiP. -->
<bool name="config_pipEnableDragCornerResize">false</bool>
<!-- PiP minimum size, which is a % based off the shorter side of display width and height -->
<fraction name="config_pipShortestEdgePercent">40%</fraction>
<!-- Show PiP enter split icon, which allows apps to directly enter splitscreen from PiP. -->
<bool name="config_pipEnableEnterSplitButton">false</bool>
<!-- Time (duration in milliseconds) that the shell waits for an app to close the PiP by itself
if a custom action is present before closing it. -->
<integer name="config_pipForceCloseDelay">1000</integer>
<!-- Animation duration when using long press on recents to dock -->
<integer name="long_press_dock_anim_duration">250</integer>
<!-- Animation duration for translating of one handed when trigger / dismiss. -->
<integer name="config_one_handed_translate_animation_duration">600</integer>
<!-- One handed mode default offset % of display size -->
<fraction name="config_one_handed_offset">40%</fraction>
<!-- Allow one handed to enable round corner -->
<bool name="config_one_handed_enable_round_corner">true</bool>
<!-- Bounds [left top right bottom] on screen for picture-in-picture (PIP) windows,
when the PIP menu is shown in center. -->
<string translatable="false" name="pip_menu_bounds">"596 280 1324 690"</string>
<!-- Animation duration when exit starting window: fade out icon -->
<integer name="starting_window_app_reveal_icon_fade_out_duration">133</integer>
<!-- Animation duration when exit starting window: reveal app -->
<integer name="starting_window_app_reveal_anim_delay">83</integer>
<!-- Animation duration when exit starting window: reveal app -->
<integer name="starting_window_app_reveal_anim_duration">266</integer>
<!-- Default insets [LEFT/RIGHTxTOP/BOTTOM] from the screen edge for picture-in-picture windows.
These values are in DPs and will be converted to pixel sizes internally. -->
<string translatable="false" name="config_defaultPictureInPictureScreenEdgeInsets">
<!-- The percentage of the screen width to use for the default width or height of
picture-in-picture windows. Regardless of the percent set here, calculated size will never
be smaller than @dimen/default_minimal_size_pip_resizable_task. -->
<item name="config_pictureInPictureDefaultSizePercent" format="float" type="dimen">0.23</item>
<!-- The default aspect ratio for picture-in-picture windows. -->
<item name="config_pictureInPictureDefaultAspectRatio" format="float" type="dimen">
<!-- This is the limit for the max and min aspect ratio (1 / this value) at which the min size
will be used instead of an adaptive size based loosely on area. -->
<item name="config_pictureInPictureAspectRatioLimitForMinSize" format="float" type="dimen">
<!-- The default gravity for the picture-in-picture window.
Currently, this maps to Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.RIGHT -->
<integer name="config_defaultPictureInPictureGravity">0x55</integer>
<!-- Whether to dim a split-screen task when the other is the IME target -->
<bool name="config_dimNonImeAttachedSide">true</bool>