blob: 97573e1e820740096348c34a0956fd2891e5f849 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <SkAndroidCodec.h>
#include <SkCodec.h>
#include <SkColorSpace.h>
#include <SkImageInfo.h>
#include <SkPngChunkReader.h>
#include <SkRect.h>
#include <SkRefCnt.h>
#include <SkSize.h>
#include <cutils/compiler.h>
#include <optional>
namespace android {
class Bitmap;
class ANDROID_API ImageDecoder final {
std::unique_ptr<SkAndroidCodec> mCodec;
sk_sp<SkPngChunkReader> mPeeker;
ImageDecoder(std::unique_ptr<SkAndroidCodec> codec, sk_sp<SkPngChunkReader> peeker = nullptr,
SkCodec::ZeroInitialized zeroInit = SkCodec::kNo_ZeroInitialized);
SkISize getSampledDimensions(int sampleSize) const;
bool setTargetSize(int width, int height);
bool setCropRect(const SkIRect*);
bool setOutColorType(SkColorType outColorType);
bool setUnpremultipliedRequired(bool unpremultipliedRequired);
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> getDefaultColorSpace() const;
void setOutColorSpace(sk_sp<SkColorSpace> cs);
// The size is the final size after scaling, adjusting for the origin, and
// cropping.
SkImageInfo getOutputInfo() const;
int width() const;
int height() const;
// True if the current frame is opaque.
bool opaque() const;
bool gray() const;
SkCodec::Result decode(void* pixels, size_t rowBytes);
// Return true if the decoder has advanced beyond all frames.
bool finished() const;
bool advanceFrame();
bool rewind();
bool isAnimated();
int currentFrame() const;
SkCodec::FrameInfo getCurrentFrameInfo();
// Set whether the ImageDecoder should handle RestorePrevious frames.
void setHandleRestorePrevious(bool handle);
SkCodec::Result extractGainmap(Bitmap* destination);
// State machine for keeping track of how to handle RestorePrevious (RP)
// frames in decode().
enum class RestoreState {
// Neither this frame nor the prior is RP, so there is no need to cache
// or restore.
// This is the first in a sequence of one or more RP frames. decode()
// needs to cache the provided pixels.
// This is the second (or later) in a sequence of multiple RP frames.
// decode() needs to restore the cached frame that preceded the first RP
// frame in the sequence.
// This is the first non-RP frame after a sequence of one or more RP
// frames. decode() still needs to restore the cached frame. Separate
// from kRPFrame because if the following frame is RP the state will
// change to kFirstRPFrame.
SkISize mTargetSize;
SkISize mDecodeSize;
SkColorType mOutColorType;
bool mUnpremultipliedRequired;
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> mOutColorSpace;
SkAndroidCodec::AndroidOptions mOptions;
bool mCurrentFrameIsIndependent;
bool mCurrentFrameIsOpaque;
bool mHandleRestorePrevious;
RestoreState mRestoreState;
sk_sp<Bitmap> mRestoreFrame;
std::optional<SkIRect> mCropRect;
std::optional<SkEncodedOrigin> mOverrideOrigin;
ImageDecoder(const ImageDecoder&) = delete;
ImageDecoder& operator=(const ImageDecoder&) = delete;
SkAlphaType getOutAlphaType() const;
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> getOutputColorSpace() const;
bool swapWidthHeight() const;
// Store/restore a frame if necessary. Returns false on error.
bool handleRestorePrevious(const SkImageInfo&, void* pixels, size_t rowBytes);
SkEncodedOrigin getOrigin() const {
return mOverrideOrigin.has_value() ? *mOverrideOrigin : mCodec->codec()->getOrigin();
} // namespace android