blob: b5d3a1fc6c1fc27ee078df69a4a07a556d31907e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "android-base/macros.h"
#include "androidfw/ByteBucketArray.h"
#include "androidfw/Chunk.h"
#include "androidfw/Idmap.h"
#include "androidfw/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "androidfw/Util.h"
namespace android {
class DynamicPackageEntry {
DynamicPackageEntry() = default;
DynamicPackageEntry(std::string&& package_name, int package_id)
: package_name(std::move(package_name)), package_id(package_id) {}
std::string package_name;
int package_id = 0;
// TypeSpec is going to be immediately proceeded by
// an array of Type structs, all in the same block of memory.
struct TypeSpec {
// Pointer to the mmapped data where flags are kept.
// Flags denote whether the resource entry is public
// and under which configurations it varies.
const ResTable_typeSpec* type_spec;
// The number of types that follow this struct.
// There is a type for each configuration that entries are defined for.
size_t type_count;
// Trick to easily access a variable number of Type structs
// proceeding this struct, and to ensure their alignment.
const ResTable_type* types[0];
inline uint32_t GetFlagsForEntryIndex(uint16_t entry_index) const {
if (entry_index >= dtohl(type_spec->entryCount)) {
return 0u;
const uint32_t* flags = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(type_spec + 1);
return flags[entry_index];
using package_property_t = uint32_t;
enum : package_property_t {
// TypeSpecPtr points to a block of memory that holds a TypeSpec struct, followed by an array of
// ResTable_type pointers.
// TypeSpecPtr is a managed pointer that knows how to delete itself.
using TypeSpecPtr = util::unique_cptr<TypeSpec>;
struct OverlayableInfo {
std::string name;
std::string actor;
uint32_t policy_flags;
class LoadedPackage {
class iterator {
iterator& operator=(const iterator& rhs) {
loadedPackage_ = rhs.loadedPackage_;
typeIndex_ = rhs.typeIndex_;
entryIndex_ = rhs.entryIndex_;
return *this;
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const {
return loadedPackage_ == rhs.loadedPackage_ &&
typeIndex_ == rhs.typeIndex_ &&
entryIndex_ == rhs.entryIndex_;
bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const {
return !(*this == rhs);
iterator operator++(int) {
size_t prevTypeIndex_ = typeIndex_;
size_t prevEntryIndex_ = entryIndex_;
return iterator(loadedPackage_, prevTypeIndex_, prevEntryIndex_);
iterator& operator++();
uint32_t operator*() const;
friend class LoadedPackage;
iterator(const LoadedPackage* lp, size_t ti, size_t ei);
const LoadedPackage* loadedPackage_;
size_t typeIndex_;
size_t entryIndex_;
const size_t typeIndexEnd_; // STL style end, so one past the last element
iterator begin() const {
return iterator(this, 0, 0);
iterator end() const {
return iterator(this, resource_ids_.size() + 1, 0);
static std::unique_ptr<const LoadedPackage> Load(const Chunk& chunk,
package_property_t property_flags);
// Finds the entry with the specified type name and entry name. The names are in UTF-16 because
// the underlying ResStringPool API expects this. For now this is acceptable, but since
// the default policy in AAPT2 is to build UTF-8 string pools, this needs to change.
// Returns a partial resource ID, with the package ID left as 0x00. The caller is responsible
// for patching the correct package ID to the resource ID.
uint32_t FindEntryByName(const std::u16string& type_name, const std::u16string& entry_name) const;
static const ResTable_entry* GetEntry(const ResTable_type* type_chunk, uint16_t entry_index);
static uint32_t GetEntryOffset(const ResTable_type* type_chunk, uint16_t entry_index);
static const ResTable_entry* GetEntryFromOffset(const ResTable_type* type_chunk, uint32_t offset);
// Returns the string pool where type names are stored.
inline const ResStringPool* GetTypeStringPool() const {
return &type_string_pool_;
// Returns the string pool where the names of resource entries are stored.
inline const ResStringPool* GetKeyStringPool() const {
return &key_string_pool_;
inline const std::string& GetPackageName() const {
return package_name_;
inline int GetPackageId() const {
return package_id_;
// Returns true if this package is dynamic (shared library) and needs to have an ID assigned.
inline bool IsDynamic() const {
return (property_flags_ & PROPERTY_DYNAMIC) != 0;
// Returns true if this package is a Runtime Resource Overlay.
inline bool IsOverlay() const {
return (property_flags_ & PROPERTY_OVERLAY) != 0;
// Returns true if this package originates from a system provided resource.
inline bool IsSystem() const {
return (property_flags_ & PROPERTY_SYSTEM) != 0;
// Returns true if this package is a custom loader and should behave like an overlay.
inline bool IsCustomLoader() const {
return (property_flags_ & PROPERTY_LOADER) != 0;
inline package_property_t GetPropertyFlags() const {
return property_flags_;
// Returns the map of package name to package ID used in this LoadedPackage. At runtime, a
// package could have been assigned a different package ID than what this LoadedPackage was
// compiled with. AssetManager rewrites the package IDs so that they are compatible at runtime.
inline const std::vector<DynamicPackageEntry>& GetDynamicPackageMap() const {
return dynamic_package_map_;
// Populates a set of ResTable_config structs, possibly excluding configurations defined for
// the mipmap type.
void CollectConfigurations(bool exclude_mipmap, std::set<ResTable_config>* out_configs) const;
// Populates a set of strings representing locales.
// If `canonicalize` is set to true, each locale is transformed into its canonical format
// before being inserted into the set. This may cause some equivalent locales to de-dupe.
void CollectLocales(bool canonicalize, std::set<std::string>* out_locales) const;
// type_idx is TT - 1 from 0xPPTTEEEE.
inline const TypeSpec* GetTypeSpecByTypeIndex(uint8_t type_index) const {
// If the type IDs are offset in this package, we need to take that into account when searching
// for a type.
return type_specs_[type_index - type_id_offset_].get();
template <typename Func>
void ForEachTypeSpec(Func f) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < type_specs_.size(); i++) {
const TypeSpecPtr& ptr = type_specs_[i];
if (ptr != nullptr) {
uint8_t type_id = ptr->type_spec->id;
f(ptr.get(), type_id - 1);
// Retrieves the overlayable properties of the specified resource. If the resource is not
// overlayable, this will return a null pointer.
const OverlayableInfo* GetOverlayableInfo(uint32_t resid) const {
for (const std::pair<OverlayableInfo, std::unordered_set<uint32_t>>& overlayable_info_ids
: overlayable_infos_) {
if (overlayable_info_ids.second.find(resid) != overlayable_info_ids.second.end()) {
return &overlayable_info_ids.first;
return nullptr;
// Retrieves whether or not the package defines overlayable resources.
// TODO(123905379): Remove this when the enforcement of overlayable is turned on for all APK and
// not just those that defined overlayable resources.
bool DefinesOverlayable() const {
return defines_overlayable_;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& GetOverlayableMap() const {
return overlayable_map_;
ResStringPool type_string_pool_;
ResStringPool key_string_pool_;
std::string package_name_;
bool defines_overlayable_ = false;
int package_id_ = -1;
int type_id_offset_ = 0;
package_property_t property_flags_ = 0U;
ByteBucketArray<TypeSpecPtr> type_specs_;
ByteBucketArray<uint32_t> resource_ids_;
std::vector<DynamicPackageEntry> dynamic_package_map_;
std::vector<const std::pair<OverlayableInfo, std::unordered_set<uint32_t>>> overlayable_infos_;
// A map of overlayable name to actor
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> overlayable_map_;
// Read-only view into a resource table. This class validates all data
// when loading, including offsets and lengths.
class LoadedArsc {
// Load a resource table from memory pointed to by `data` of size `len`.
// The lifetime of `data` must out-live the LoadedArsc returned from this method.
// If `system` is set to true, the LoadedArsc is considered as a system provided resource.
// If `load_as_shared_library` is set to true, the application package (0x7f) is treated
// as a shared library (0x00). When loaded into an AssetManager, the package will be assigned an
// ID.
static std::unique_ptr<const LoadedArsc> Load(const StringPiece& data,
const LoadedIdmap* loaded_idmap = nullptr,
package_property_t property_flags = 0U);
// Create an empty LoadedArsc. This is used when an APK has no resources.arsc.
static std::unique_ptr<const LoadedArsc> CreateEmpty();
// Returns the string pool where all string resource values
// (Res_value::dataType == Res_value::TYPE_STRING) are indexed.
inline const ResStringPool* GetStringPool() const {
return global_string_pool_.get();
// Gets a pointer to the package with the specified package ID, or nullptr if no such package
// exists.
const LoadedPackage* GetPackageById(uint8_t package_id) const;
// Returns a vector of LoadedPackage pointers, representing the packages in this LoadedArsc.
inline const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const LoadedPackage>>& GetPackages() const {
return packages_;
LoadedArsc() = default;
bool LoadTable(
const Chunk& chunk, const LoadedIdmap* loaded_idmap, package_property_t property_flags);
std::unique_ptr<ResStringPool> global_string_pool_ = util::make_unique<ResStringPool>();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const LoadedPackage>> packages_;
} // namespace android
#endif /* LOADEDARSC_H_ */