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page.title=Sign Up for More Information
page.metaDescription=Developers, sign up to receive information about Google Play for Education.
<p>We're looking forward to improving how students learn in the classroom as we
bring your first-class educational content into schools across the United
States, and to a broader international audience in the future. </p>
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Whether you have an existing educational app or are developing a fresh idea that
will unlock learning in the classroom &mdash; sign up to receive information about
Google Play for Education. To get your apps ready, read our
<a href="{@docRoot}distribute/essentials/gpfe-guidelines.html">guidelines for building
educational apps</a>.</p>
</p><a href="">Developer Sign Up »</a> </p>
<div style="width:48%; margin-left:2%; float:left;">
If you're a school or system interested in tablets and Google Play for Education,
complete the expression of interest form at <a href=""></a>.
</p><a href="">School Interest Form »</a> </div>