blob: c023b312b4716eb9365a0b9aa92f0a0cb195eae5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -e
# This script dumps the git SHAs of all commits inside api tracking directories.
# It can used by tools wanting to track API changes, and the primary original
# purpose is to verify verify all API change SHAs have been tracked by the
# server-side API-council tools.
# The only argument is used to specify a git commit range to filter by.
# Example invocation (API changes between O and P):
# frameworks/base/api/ origin/oreo-dev..origin/pie-dev
set -o pipefail
eecho() { echo $@ >&2 ; }
if [[ $1 == *..* ]]; then
eecho No range or invalid range specified, defaulting to all commits from HEAD.
eecho -n building queryview...
{ source build/ && lunch aosp_arm && m queryview; } >/dev/null 2>&1 \
|| { eecho failed; exit 1; }
eecho "done"
# This finds the directories where the dependant java_sdk_libs are defined
bazel query --config=queryview --output=package \
'kind(java_sdk_library, deps(//frameworks/base/api/..., 1))' 2>/dev/null
echo frameworks/base/core/api # Not a java_sdk_library.
echo frameworks/base/services/api # Not a java_sdk_library.
# Find relevant api subdirectories
find $bpdirs -type f -name '*current.txt' -path '*/api/*' \
| xargs realpath --relative-to=$(pwd) | xargs dirname | sort | uniq
# Dump sorted SHAs of commits in these directories
{ for d in $apidirs; do
( cd $d
eecho inspecting $d
exclude_arg=$(test -n "$exclude" && {
git rev-parse -q --verify $exclude > /dev/null && echo "--not $exclude" \
|| eecho "$d has no revision $exclude, including all commits"; } || true)
for f in $(find . -name '*current.txt'); do
git --no-pager log --pretty=format:%H --no-merges --follow $include $exclude_arg -- $f
echo # No trailing newline with --no-pager
done; } | sort | uniq