| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| #include "Util.h" |
| |
| #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" |
| |
| #include "AppInfo.h" |
| #include "split/TableSplitter.h" |
| #include "test/Builders.h" |
| #include "test/Test.h" |
| #include "util/Files.h" |
| |
| namespace aapt { |
| |
| #ifdef _WIN32 |
| #define CREATE_PATH(path) android::base::StringPrintf(";%s", path) |
| #else |
| #define CREATE_PATH(path) android::base::StringPrintf(":%s", path) |
| #endif |
| |
| #define EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, config) \ |
| EXPECT_EQ(constraints.configs.size(), 1); \ |
| EXPECT_EQ(*constraints.configs.begin(), config); \ |
| constraints.configs.clear(); |
| |
| TEST(UtilTest, SplitNamesAreSanitized) { |
| AppInfo app_info{"com.pkg"}; |
| SplitConstraints split_constraints{ |
| {test::ParseConfigOrDie("en-rUS-land"), test::ParseConfigOrDie("b+sr+Latn")}}; |
| |
| const auto doc = GenerateSplitManifest(app_info, split_constraints); |
| const auto &root = doc->root; |
| EXPECT_EQ(root->name, "manifest"); |
| // split names cannot contain hyphens or plus signs. |
| EXPECT_EQ(root->FindAttribute("", "split")->value, "config.b_sr_Latn_en_rUS_land"); |
| // but we should use resource qualifiers verbatim in 'targetConfig'. |
| EXPECT_EQ(root->FindAttribute("", "targetConfig")->value, "b+sr+Latn,en-rUS-land"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST (UtilTest, LongVersionCodeDefined) { |
| auto doc = test::BuildXmlDom(R"( |
| <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" |
| package="com.android.aapt.test" android:versionCode="0x1" android:versionCodeMajor="0x1"> |
| </manifest>)"); |
| SetLongVersionCode(doc->root.get(), 42); |
| |
| auto version_code = doc->root->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionCode"); |
| ASSERT_NE(version_code, nullptr); |
| EXPECT_EQ(version_code->value, "0x0000002a"); |
| |
| ASSERT_NE(version_code->compiled_value, nullptr); |
| auto compiled_version_code = ValueCast<BinaryPrimitive>(version_code->compiled_value.get()); |
| ASSERT_NE(compiled_version_code, nullptr); |
| EXPECT_EQ(compiled_version_code->value.data, 42U); |
| |
| auto version_code_major = doc->root->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionCodeMajor"); |
| EXPECT_EQ(version_code_major, nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| TEST (UtilTest, LongVersionCodeUndefined) { |
| auto doc = test::BuildXmlDom(R"( |
| <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" |
| package="com.android.aapt.test"> |
| </manifest>)"); |
| SetLongVersionCode(doc->root.get(), 420000000000); |
| |
| auto version_code = doc->root->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionCode"); |
| ASSERT_NE(version_code, nullptr); |
| EXPECT_EQ(version_code->value, "0xc9f36800"); |
| |
| ASSERT_NE(version_code->compiled_value, nullptr); |
| auto compiled_version_code = ValueCast<BinaryPrimitive>(version_code->compiled_value.get()); |
| ASSERT_NE(compiled_version_code, nullptr); |
| EXPECT_EQ(compiled_version_code->value.data, 0xc9f36800); |
| |
| auto version_code_major = doc->root->FindAttribute(xml::kSchemaAndroid, "versionCodeMajor"); |
| ASSERT_NE(version_code_major, nullptr); |
| EXPECT_EQ(version_code_major->value, "0x00000061"); |
| |
| ASSERT_NE(version_code_major->compiled_value, nullptr); |
| auto compiled_version_code_major = ValueCast<BinaryPrimitive>( |
| version_code_major->compiled_value.get()); |
| ASSERT_NE(compiled_version_code_major, nullptr); |
| EXPECT_EQ(compiled_version_code_major->value.data, 0x61); |
| } |
| |
| |
| TEST (UtilTest, ParseSplitParameters) { |
| IDiagnostics* diagnostics = test::ContextBuilder().Build().get()->GetDiagnostics(); |
| std::string path; |
| SplitConstraints constraints; |
| ConfigDescription expected_configuration; |
| |
| // ========== Test IMSI ========== |
| // mcc: 'mcc[0-9]{3}' |
| // mnc: 'mnc[0-9]{1,3}' |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("mcc310"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setMcc(0x0136) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("mcc310-mnc004"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setMcc(0x0136) |
| .setMnc(0x0004) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("mcc310-mnc000"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setMcc(0x0136) |
| .setMnc(0xFFFF) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| // ========== Test LOCALE ========== |
| // locale: '[a-z]{2,3}(-r[a-z]{2})?' |
| // locale: 'b+[a-z]{2,3}(+[a-z[0-9]]{2})?' |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("es"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setLanguage(0x6573) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("fr-rCA"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setLanguage(0x6672) |
| .setCountry(0x4341) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("b+es+419"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setLanguage(0x6573) |
| .setCountry(0xA424) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| // ========== Test SCREEN_TYPE ========== |
| // orientation: '(port|land|square)' |
| // touchscreen: '(notouch|stylus|finger)' |
| // density" '(anydpi|nodpi|ldpi|mdpi|tvdpi|hdpi|xhdpi|xxhdpi|xxxhdpi|[0-9]*dpi)' |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("square"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setOrientation(0x03) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("stylus"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setTouchscreen(0x02) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("xxxhdpi"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setDensity(0x0280) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x0004) // version [any density requires donut] |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("land-xhdpi-finger"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setOrientation(0x02) |
| .setTouchscreen(0x03) |
| .setDensity(0x0140) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x0004) // version [any density requires donut] |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| // ========== Test INPUT ========== |
| // keyboard: '(nokeys|qwerty|12key)' |
| // navigation: '(nonav|dpad|trackball|wheel)' |
| // inputFlags: '(keysexposed|keyshidden|keyssoft)' |
| // inputFlags: '(navexposed|navhidden)' |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("qwerty"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setKeyboard(0x02) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("dpad"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setNavigation(0x02) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("keyssoft-navhidden"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setInputFlags(0x0B) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("keyshidden-nokeys-navexposed-trackball"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setKeyboard(0x01) |
| .setNavigation(0x03) |
| .setInputFlags(0x06) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| // ========== Test SCREEN_SIZE ========== |
| // screenWidth/screenHeight: '[0-9]+x[0-9]+' |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("1920x1080"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setScreenWidth(0x0780) |
| .setScreenHeight(0x0438) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| // ========== Test VERSION ========== |
| // version 'v[0-9]+' |
| |
| // ========== Test SCREEN_CONFIG ========== |
| // screenLayout [direction]: '(ldltr|ldrtl)' |
| // screenLayout [size]: '(small|normal|large|xlarge)' |
| // screenLayout [long]: '(long|notlong)' |
| // uiMode [type]: '(desk|car|television|appliance|watch|vrheadset)' |
| // uiMode [night]: '(night|notnight)' |
| // smallestScreenWidthDp: 'sw[0-9]dp' |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("ldrtl"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setScreenLayout(0x80) |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("small"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setScreenLayout(0x01) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x0004) // screenLayout (size) requires donut |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("notlong"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setScreenLayout(0x10) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x0004) // screenLayout (long) requires donut |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("ldltr-normal-long"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setScreenLayout(0x62) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x0004) // screenLayout (size|long) requires donut |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("car"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setUiMode(0x03) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x0008) // uiMode requires froyo |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("vrheadset"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setUiMode(0x07) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x001A) // uiMode 'vrheadset' requires oreo |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("television-night"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setUiMode(0x24) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x0008) // uiMode requires froyo |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("sw1920dp"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setSmallestScreenWidthDp(0x0780) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x000D) // smallestScreenWidthDp requires honeycomb mr2 |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| // ========== Test SCREEN_SIZE_DP ========== |
| // screenWidthDp: 'w[0-9]dp' |
| // screenHeightDp: 'h[0-9]dp' |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("w1920dp"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setScreenWidthDp(0x0780) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x000D) // screenWidthDp requires honeycomb mr2 |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("h1080dp"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setScreenHeightDp(0x0438) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x000D) // screenHeightDp requires honeycomb mr2 |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| // ========== Test SCREEN_CONFIG_2 ========== |
| // screenLayout2: '(round|notround)' |
| // colorMode: '(widecg|nowidecg)' |
| // colorMode: '(highhdr|lowdr)' |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("round"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setScreenLayout2(0x02) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x0017) // screenLayout2 (round) requires marshmallow |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("widecg-highdr"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &constraints)); |
| expected_configuration = test::ConfigDescriptionBuilder() |
| .setColorMode(0x0A) |
| .setSdkVersion(0x001A) // colorMode (hdr|colour gamut) requires oreo |
| .Build(); |
| EXPECT_CONFIG_EQ(constraints, expected_configuration); |
| } |
| |
| TEST (UtilTest, AdjustSplitConstraintsForMinSdk) { |
| std::unique_ptr<IAaptContext> context = test::ContextBuilder().Build(); |
| |
| IDiagnostics* diagnostics = context.get()->GetDiagnostics(); |
| std::vector<SplitConstraints> test_constraints; |
| std::string path; |
| |
| test_constraints.push_back({}); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("v7"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &test_constraints.back())); |
| test_constraints.push_back({}); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ParseSplitParameter(CREATE_PATH("xhdpi"), |
| diagnostics, &path, &test_constraints.back())); |
| EXPECT_EQ(test_constraints.size(), 2); |
| EXPECT_EQ(test_constraints[0].name, "v7"); |
| EXPECT_EQ(test_constraints[0].configs.size(), 1); |
| EXPECT_NE(*test_constraints[0].configs.begin(), ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(test_constraints[1].name, "xhdpi"); |
| EXPECT_EQ(test_constraints[1].configs.size(), 1); |
| EXPECT_NE(*test_constraints[0].configs.begin(), ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()); |
| |
| auto adjusted_contraints = AdjustSplitConstraintsForMinSdk(26, test_constraints); |
| EXPECT_EQ(adjusted_contraints.size(), 2); |
| EXPECT_EQ(adjusted_contraints[0].name, "v7"); |
| EXPECT_EQ(adjusted_contraints[0].configs.size(), 0); |
| EXPECT_EQ(adjusted_contraints[1].name, "xhdpi"); |
| EXPECT_EQ(adjusted_contraints[1].configs.size(), 1); |
| EXPECT_NE(*adjusted_contraints[1].configs.begin(), ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace aapt |