blob: 99526de56e4efce19ab212b4fa23f47957aef18e [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<dimen name="dismiss_circle_size">96dp</dimen>
<dimen name="dismiss_circle_small">60dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of the gradient indicating the dismiss edge when moving a PIP or bubble. -->
<dimen name="floating_dismiss_gradient_height">548dp</dimen>
<!-- The padding around a PiP actions. -->
<dimen name="pip_action_padding">16dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of the PiP actions container in which the actions are vertically centered. -->
<dimen name="pip_action_size">48dp</dimen>
<!-- The width and height of the PiP action asset drawn within the container. -->
<dimen name="pip_action_inner_size">20dp</dimen>
<!-- The width and height of the PiP expand action container. -->
<dimen name="pip_expand_action_size">60dp</dimen>
<!-- The width and height of the PiP expand action asset drawn within the container. -->
<dimen name="pip_expand_action_inner_size">28dp</dimen>
<!-- The padding between actions in the PiP in landscape Note that the PiP does not reflect
the configuration of the device, so we can't use -land resources. -->
<dimen name="pip_between_action_padding_land">8dp</dimen>
<!-- The buffer to use when calculating whether the pip is in an adjust zone. -->
<dimen name="pip_bottom_offset_buffer">1dp</dimen>
<!-- The corner radius for PiP window. -->
<dimen name="pip_corner_radius">16dp</dimen>
<!-- The bottom margin of the PIP drag to dismiss info text shown when moving a PIP. -->
<dimen name="pip_dismiss_text_bottom_margin">24dp</dimen>
<!-- The bottom margin of the expand container when there are actions.
Equal to pip_action_size - pip_action_padding. -->
<dimen name="pip_expand_container_edge_margin">30dp</dimen>
<!-- The shortest-edge size of the expanded PiP. -->
<dimen name="pip_expanded_shortest_edge_size">160dp</dimen>
<!-- The additional offset to apply to the IME animation to account for the input field. -->
<dimen name="pip_ime_offset">48dp</dimen>
<!-- The touchable/draggable edge size for PIP resize. -->
<dimen name="pip_resize_edge_size">48dp</dimen>
<!-- PIP Resize handle size, margin and padding. -->
<dimen name="pip_resize_handle_size">12dp</dimen>
<dimen name="pip_resize_handle_margin">4dp</dimen>
<dimen name="pip_resize_handle_padding">0dp</dimen>
<!-- PIP Split icon size and margin. -->
<dimen name="pip_split_icon_size">24dp</dimen>
<dimen name="pip_split_icon_margin">12dp</dimen>
<!-- PIP stash offset size, which is the width of visible PIP region when stashed. -->
<dimen name="pip_stash_offset">32dp</dimen>
<!-- PIP shadow radius, originally as
<dimen name="pip_shadow_radius">5dp</dimen>
<!-- The width and height of the background for custom action in PiP menu. -->
<dimen name="pip_custom_close_bg_size">32dp</dimen>
<!-- Extra padding between picture-in-picture windows and any registered keep clear areas. -->
<dimen name="pip_keep_clear_areas_padding">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="dismiss_target_x_size">24dp</dimen>
<dimen name="floating_dismiss_bottom_margin">50dp</dimen>
<!-- How high we lift the divider when touching -->
<dimen name="docked_stack_divider_lift_elevation">4dp</dimen>
<!-- Icon size for split screen -->
<dimen name="split_icon_size">72dp</dimen>
<!-- Divider handle size for legacy split screen -->
<dimen name="docked_divider_handle_width">16dp</dimen>
<dimen name="docked_divider_handle_height">2dp</dimen>
<!-- Divider handle size for split screen -->
<dimen name="split_divider_handle_width">72dp</dimen>
<dimen name="split_divider_handle_height">3dp</dimen>
<dimen name="split_divider_bar_width">10dp</dimen>
<dimen name="split_divider_corner_size">42dp</dimen>
<!-- One-Handed Mode -->
<!-- Threshold for dragging distance to enable one-handed mode -->
<dimen name="gestures_onehanded_drag_threshold">20dp</dimen>
<!-- The amount to inset the drop target regions from the edge of the display -->
<dimen name="drop_layout_display_margin">16dp</dimen>
<!-- How much each bubble is elevated. -->
<dimen name="bubble_elevation">1dp</dimen>
<!-- How much the bubble flyout text container is elevated. -->
<dimen name="bubble_flyout_elevation">4dp</dimen>
<!-- How much padding is around the left and right sides of the flyout text. -->
<dimen name="bubble_flyout_padding_x">14dp</dimen>
<!-- How much padding is around the top and bottom of the flyout text. -->
<dimen name="bubble_flyout_padding_y">10dp</dimen>
<!-- Size of the triangle that points from the flyout to the bubble stack. -->
<dimen name="bubble_flyout_pointer_size">6dp</dimen>
<!-- How much space to leave between the flyout (tip of the arrow) and the bubble stack. -->
<dimen name="bubble_flyout_space_from_bubble">8dp</dimen>
<!-- How much space to leave between the flyout text and the avatar displayed in the flyout. -->
<dimen name="bubble_flyout_avatar_message_space">6dp</dimen>
<!-- If the screen percentage is smaller than this, we'll use this value instead. -->
<dimen name="bubbles_flyout_min_width_large_screen">200dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding between status bar and bubbles when displayed in expanded state -->
<dimen name="bubble_padding_top">16dp</dimen>
<!-- Space between bubbles when expanded. -->
<dimen name="bubble_spacing">3dp</dimen>
<!-- Size of the bubble. -->
<dimen name="bubble_size">60dp</dimen>
<!-- Width of bubble name view -->
<dimen name="bubble_name_width">90dp</dimen>
<!-- Size of the badge shown on the bubble. -->
<dimen name="bubble_badge_size">24dp</dimen>
<!-- Extra padding added to the touchable rect for bubbles so they are easier to grab. -->
<dimen name="bubble_touch_padding">12dp</dimen>
<!-- Size of the circle around the bubbles when they're in the dismiss target. -->
<dimen name="bubble_dismiss_encircle_size">52dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding around the view displayed when the bubble is expanded -->
<dimen name="bubble_expanded_view_padding">16dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding for the edge of the expanded view that is closest to the edge of the screen used
when displaying in landscape on a large screen. -->
<dimen name="bubble_expanded_view_largescreen_landscape_padding">128dp</dimen>
<!-- This should be at least the size of bubble_expanded_view_padding; it is used to include
a slight touch slop around the expanded view. -->
<dimen name="bubble_expanded_view_slop">8dp</dimen>
<!-- Default (and minimum) height of the expanded view shown when the bubble is expanded.
If this value changes then R.dimen.bubble_expanded_view_min_height in CtsVerifier
should also be updated. -->
<dimen name="bubble_expanded_default_height">180dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the overflow view on large screens or in landscape on phone. -->
<dimen name="bubble_expanded_view_overflow_width">380dp</dimen>
<!-- Inset to apply to the icon in the overflow button. -->
<dimen name="bubble_overflow_icon_inset">30dp</dimen>
<!-- Default (and minimum) height of bubble overflow -->
<dimen name="bubble_overflow_height">480dp</dimen>
<!-- Bubble overflow padding when there are no bubbles -->
<dimen name="bubble_overflow_empty_state_padding">16dp</dimen>
<!-- Horizontal padding of the overflow container. Total desired padding is 16dp but the items
already have 5dp added to each side. -->
<dimen name="bubble_overflow_container_padding_horizontal">11dp</dimen>
<!-- Horizontal padding between items in the overflow view, half of the desired amount. -->
<dimen name="bubble_overflow_item_padding_horizontal">5dp</dimen>
<!-- Vertical padding between items in the overflow view, half the desired amount. -->
<dimen name="bubble_overflow_item_padding_vertical">16dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding of label for bubble overflow view -->
<dimen name="bubble_overflow_text_padding">7dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of bubble overflow empty state illustration -->
<dimen name="bubble_empty_overflow_image_height">200dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding of bubble overflow empty state subtitle -->
<dimen name="bubble_empty_overflow_subtitle_padding">50dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of the triangle that points to the expanded bubble. -->
<dimen name="bubble_pointer_height">10dp</dimen>
<!-- Width of the triangle that points to the expanded bubble. -->
<dimen name="bubble_pointer_width">12dp</dimen>
<!-- Radius of the pointer -->
<dimen name="bubble_pointer_radius">2dp</dimen>
<!-- The amount the pointer overlaps with the expanded view to be flush on an edge with
a radius. -->
<dimen name="bubble_pointer_overlap">1dp</dimen>
<!-- Extra padding around the dismiss target for bubbles -->
<dimen name="bubble_dismiss_slop">16dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of button allowing users to adjust settings for bubbles. -->
<dimen name="bubble_manage_button_height">36dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of manage button including margins. -->
<dimen name="bubble_manage_button_total_height">68dp</dimen>
<!-- The margin around the outside of the manage button. -->
<dimen name="bubble_manage_button_margin">16dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of an item in the bubble manage menu. -->
<dimen name="bubble_menu_item_height">60dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding applied to the bubble manage menu. -->
<dimen name="bubble_menu_padding">16dp</dimen>
<!-- Size of the icons in the manage menu. -->
<dimen name="bubble_menu_icon_size">24dp</dimen>
<!-- Max width of the message bubble-->
<dimen name="bubble_message_max_width">144dp</dimen>
<!-- Min width of the message bubble -->
<dimen name="bubble_message_min_width">32dp</dimen>
<!-- Interior padding of the message bubble -->
<dimen name="bubble_message_padding">4dp</dimen>
<!-- Offset between bubbles in their stacked position. -->
<dimen name="bubble_stack_offset">12dp</dimen>
<!-- Offset between stack y and animation y for bubble swap. -->
<dimen name="bubble_swap_animation_offset">15dp</dimen>
<!-- How far offscreen the bubble stack rests. There's some padding around the bubble so
add 3dp to the desired overhang. -->
<dimen name="bubble_stack_offscreen">3dp</dimen>
<!-- How far down the screen the stack starts. -->
<dimen name="bubble_stack_starting_offset_y">120dp</dimen>
<!-- Space between the pointer triangle and the bubble expanded view -->
<dimen name="bubble_pointer_margin">5dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding applied to the bubble dismiss target. Touches in this padding cause the bubbles to
snap to the dismiss target. -->
<dimen name="bubble_dismiss_target_padding_x">40dp</dimen>
<dimen name="bubble_dismiss_target_padding_y">20dp</dimen>
<dimen name="bubble_manage_menu_elevation">4dp</dimen>
<!-- Size of manage user education views on large screens or in landscape. -->
<dimen name="bubbles_user_education_width">480dp</dimen>
<!-- Margin applied to the end of the user education views (really only matters for phone
since the width is match parent). -->
<dimen name="bubble_user_education_margin_end">24dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding applied to the end of the user education view. -->
<dimen name="bubble_user_education_padding_end">58dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding between the bubble and the user education text. -->
<dimen name="bubble_user_education_stack_padding">16dp</dimen>
<!-- Max width for the bubble popup view. -->
<dimen name="bubble_popup_content_max_width">300dp</dimen>
<!-- Horizontal margin for the bubble popup view. -->
<dimen name="bubble_popup_margin_horizontal">32dp</dimen>
<!-- Top margin for the bubble popup view. -->
<dimen name="bubble_popup_margin_top">16dp</dimen>
<!-- Width for the bubble popup view arrow. -->
<dimen name="bubble_popup_arrow_width">12dp</dimen>
<!-- Height for the bubble popup view arrow. -->
<dimen name="bubble_popup_arrow_height">10dp</dimen>
<!-- Corner radius for the bubble popup view arrow. -->
<dimen name="bubble_popup_arrow_corner_radius">2dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding for the bubble popup view contents. -->
<dimen name="bubble_popup_padding">24dp</dimen>
<!-- The size of the caption bar inset at the top of bubble bar expanded view. -->
<dimen name="bubble_bar_expanded_view_caption_height">32dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of the dots shown for the caption menu in the bubble bar expanded view.. -->
<dimen name="bubble_bar_expanded_view_caption_dot_size">4dp</dimen>
<!-- The spacing between the dots for the caption menu in the bubble bar expanded view.. -->
<dimen name="bubble_bar_expanded_view_caption_dot_spacing">4dp</dimen>
<!-- Minimum width of the bubble bar manage menu. -->
<dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_min_width">200dp</dimen>
<!-- Size of the dismiss icon in the bubble bar manage menu. -->
<dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_dismiss_icon_size">16dp</dimen>
<!-- Padding of the bubble bar manage menu, provides space for menu shadows -->
<dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_padding">8dp</dimen>
<!-- Top padding of the bubble bar manage menu -->
<dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_padding_top">2dp</dimen>
<!-- Spacing between sections of the bubble bar manage menu -->
<dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_section_spacing">2dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of an item in the bubble bar manage menu. -->
<dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_item_height">52dp</dimen>
<!-- Size of the icons in the bubble bar manage menu. -->
<dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_item_icon_size">20dp</dimen>
<!-- Bottom and end margin for compat buttons. -->
<dimen name="compat_button_margin">24dp</dimen>
<!-- The radius of the corners of the compat hint bubble. -->
<dimen name="compat_hint_corner_radius">28dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the compat hint point. -->
<dimen name="compat_hint_point_width">10dp</dimen>
<!-- The end padding for the compat hint. Computed as (compat button width (=48) / 2
+ compat_button_margin - compat_hint_corner_radius - compat_hint_point_width / 2). -->
<dimen name="compat_hint_padding_end">7dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the compat hint. -->
<dimen name="compat_hint_width">188dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the camera compat hint. -->
<dimen name="camera_compat_hint_width">143dp</dimen>
<!-- The corner radius of the letterbox education dialog. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_corner_radius">28dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the top icon in the letterbox education dialog. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_title_icon_width">45dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of the top icon in the letterbox education dialog. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_title_icon_height">44dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of an icon in the letterbox education dialog. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_icon_width">40dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of an icon in the letterbox education dialog. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_icon_height">32dp</dimen>
<!-- The fixed width of the dialog if there is enough space in the parent. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_width">472dp</dimen>
<!-- The margin between the dialog container and its parent. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_margin">16dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of each action container in the letterbox education dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_action_width">140dp</dimen>
<!-- The space between two actions in the letterbox education dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_space_between_actions">24dp</dimen>
<!-- The corner radius of the buttons in the letterbox education dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_button_radius">12dp</dimen>
<!-- The horizontal padding for the buttons in the letterbox education dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_horizontal_padding">16dp</dimen>
<!-- The vertical padding for the buttons in the letterbox education dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_vertical_padding">8dp</dimen>
<!-- The insets for the buttons in the letterbox education dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_vertical_inset">6dp</dimen>
<!-- The margin between the dialog container and its parent. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_margin">24dp</dimen>
<!-- The corner radius of the restart confirmation dialog. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_corner_radius">28dp</dimen>
<!-- The fixed width of the dialog if there is enough space in the parent. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_width">348dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the top icon in the restart confirmation dialog. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_title_icon_width">32dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of the top icon in the restart confirmation dialog. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_title_icon_height">32dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of an icon in the restart confirmation dialog. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_icon_width">40dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of an icon in the restart confirmation dialog. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_icon_height">32dp</dimen>
<!-- The space between two actions in the restart confirmation dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_space_between_actions">24dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the buttons in the restart dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_button_width">82dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the buttons in the restart dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_button_height">36dp</dimen>
<!-- The corner radius of the buttons in the restart dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_button_radius">18dp</dimen>
<!-- The insets for the buttons in the letterbox restart dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_vertical_inset">6dp</dimen>
<!-- The horizontal padding for the buttons in the letterbox restart dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_horizontal_padding">16dp</dimen>
<!-- The vertical padding for the buttons in the letterbox restart dialog -->
<dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_vertical_padding">8dp</dimen>
<!-- The margin between the reachability dialog container and its parent. -->
<dimen name="letterbox_reachability_education_dialog_margin">16dp</dimen>
<!-- The size of the icon in the item of reachability education -->
<dimen name="letterbox_reachability_education_item_image_size">24dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the brand image on staring surface. -->
<dimen name="starting_surface_brand_image_width">200dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of the brand image on staring surface. -->
<dimen name="starting_surface_brand_image_height">80dp</dimen>
<!-- The length of the shift of main window when exit starting window. -->
<dimen name="starting_surface_exit_animation_window_shift_length">20dp</dimen>
<!-- The distance of the shift icon when normal exit starting window. -->
<dimen name="starting_surface_normal_exit_icon_distance">120dp</dimen>
<!-- The distance of the shift icon when early exit starting window. -->
<dimen name="starting_surface_early_exit_icon_distance">32dp</dimen>
<!-- The default minimal size of a PiP task, in both dimensions. -->
<dimen name="default_minimal_size_pip_resizable_task">108dp</dimen>
The overridable minimal size of a PiP task, in both dimensions.
Different from default_minimal_size_pip_resizable_task, this is to limit the dimension
when the pinned stack size is overridden by app via minWidth/minHeight.
<dimen name="overridable_minimal_size_pip_resizable_task">48dp</dimen>
<!-- The thickness of shadows of a window that has focus in DIP. -->
<dimen name="freeform_decor_shadow_focused_thickness">20dp</dimen>
<!-- The thickness of shadows of a window that doesn't have focus in DIP. -->
<dimen name="freeform_decor_shadow_unfocused_thickness">5dp</dimen>
<!-- Height of button (32dp) + 2 * margin (5dp each). -->
<dimen name="freeform_decor_caption_height">42dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the handle menu in desktop mode. -->
<dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_width">216dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of the handle menu's "App Info" pill in desktop mode. -->
<dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_app_info_pill_height">52dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of the handle menu's "Windowing" pill in desktop mode. -->
<dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_windowing_pill_height">52dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of the handle menu's "More Actions" pill in desktop mode. -->
<dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_more_actions_pill_height">156dp</dimen>
<!-- The top margin of the handle menu in desktop mode. -->
<dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_margin_top">4dp</dimen>
<!-- The start margin of the handle menu in desktop mode. -->
<dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_margin_start">6dp</dimen>
<!-- The margin between pills of the handle menu in desktop mode. -->
<dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_pill_spacing_margin">2dp</dimen>
<!-- The radius of the caption menu corners. -->
<dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_corner_radius">26dp</dimen>
<!-- The radius of the caption menu shadow. -->
<dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_shadow_radius">2dp</dimen>
<dimen name="freeform_resize_handle">15dp</dimen>
<dimen name="freeform_resize_corner">44dp</dimen>
<!-- The width of the area at the sides of the screen where a freeform task will transition to
split select if dragged until the touch input is within the range. -->
<dimen name="desktop_mode_transition_area_width">32dp</dimen>
<!-- The height of the area at the top of the screen where a freeform task will transition to
fullscreen if dragged until the top bound of the task is within the area. -->
<dimen name="desktop_mode_transition_area_height">16dp</dimen>