| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <!-- |
| Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| --> |
| <resources> |
| <dimen name="dismiss_circle_size">96dp</dimen> |
| <dimen name="dismiss_circle_small">60dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The height of the gradient indicating the dismiss edge when moving a PIP or bubble. --> |
| <dimen name="floating_dismiss_gradient_height">548dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The padding around a PiP actions. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_action_padding">16dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The height of the PiP actions container in which the actions are vertically centered. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_action_size">48dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width and height of the PiP action asset drawn within the container. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_action_inner_size">20dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width and height of the PiP expand action container. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_expand_action_size">60dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width and height of the PiP expand action asset drawn within the container. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_expand_action_inner_size">28dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The padding between actions in the PiP in landscape Note that the PiP does not reflect |
| the configuration of the device, so we can't use -land resources. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_between_action_padding_land">8dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The buffer to use when calculating whether the pip is in an adjust zone. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_bottom_offset_buffer">1dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The corner radius for PiP window. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_corner_radius">16dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The bottom margin of the PIP drag to dismiss info text shown when moving a PIP. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_dismiss_text_bottom_margin">24dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The bottom margin of the expand container when there are actions. |
| Equal to pip_action_size - pip_action_padding. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_expand_container_edge_margin">30dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The shortest-edge size of the expanded PiP. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_expanded_shortest_edge_size">160dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The additional offset to apply to the IME animation to account for the input field. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_ime_offset">48dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The touchable/draggable edge size for PIP resize. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_resize_edge_size">48dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- PIP Resize handle size, margin and padding. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_resize_handle_size">12dp</dimen> |
| <dimen name="pip_resize_handle_margin">4dp</dimen> |
| <dimen name="pip_resize_handle_padding">0dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- PIP Split icon size and margin. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_split_icon_size">24dp</dimen> |
| <dimen name="pip_split_icon_margin">12dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- PIP stash offset size, which is the width of visible PIP region when stashed. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_stash_offset">32dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- PIP shadow radius, originally as |
| <dimen name="pip_shadow_radius">5dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width and height of the background for custom action in PiP menu. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_custom_close_bg_size">32dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- Extra padding between picture-in-picture windows and any registered keep clear areas. --> |
| <dimen name="pip_keep_clear_areas_padding">16dp</dimen> |
| |
| <dimen name="dismiss_target_x_size">24dp</dimen> |
| <dimen name="floating_dismiss_bottom_margin">50dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- How high we lift the divider when touching --> |
| <dimen name="docked_stack_divider_lift_elevation">4dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- Icon size for split screen --> |
| <dimen name="split_icon_size">72dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Divider handle size for legacy split screen --> |
| <dimen name="docked_divider_handle_width">16dp</dimen> |
| <dimen name="docked_divider_handle_height">2dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Divider handle size for split screen --> |
| <dimen name="split_divider_handle_width">72dp</dimen> |
| <dimen name="split_divider_handle_height">3dp</dimen> |
| |
| <dimen name="split_divider_bar_width">10dp</dimen> |
| <dimen name="split_divider_corner_size">42dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- One-Handed Mode --> |
| <!-- Threshold for dragging distance to enable one-handed mode --> |
| <dimen name="gestures_onehanded_drag_threshold">20dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The amount to inset the drop target regions from the edge of the display --> |
| <dimen name="drop_layout_display_margin">16dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- How much each bubble is elevated. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_elevation">1dp</dimen> |
| <!-- How much the bubble flyout text container is elevated. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_flyout_elevation">4dp</dimen> |
| <!-- How much padding is around the left and right sides of the flyout text. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_flyout_padding_x">14dp</dimen> |
| <!-- How much padding is around the top and bottom of the flyout text. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_flyout_padding_y">10dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Size of the triangle that points from the flyout to the bubble stack. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_flyout_pointer_size">6dp</dimen> |
| <!-- How much space to leave between the flyout (tip of the arrow) and the bubble stack. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_flyout_space_from_bubble">8dp</dimen> |
| <!-- How much space to leave between the flyout text and the avatar displayed in the flyout. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_flyout_avatar_message_space">6dp</dimen> |
| <!-- If the screen percentage is smaller than this, we'll use this value instead. --> |
| <dimen name="bubbles_flyout_min_width_large_screen">200dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Padding between status bar and bubbles when displayed in expanded state --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_padding_top">16dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Space between bubbles when expanded. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_spacing">3dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Size of the bubble. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_size">60dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Width of bubble name view --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_name_width">90dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Size of the badge shown on the bubble. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_badge_size">24dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Extra padding added to the touchable rect for bubbles so they are easier to grab. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_touch_padding">12dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Size of the circle around the bubbles when they're in the dismiss target. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_dismiss_encircle_size">52dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Padding around the view displayed when the bubble is expanded --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_expanded_view_padding">16dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Padding for the edge of the expanded view that is closest to the edge of the screen used |
| when displaying in landscape on a large screen. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_expanded_view_largescreen_landscape_padding">128dp</dimen> |
| <!-- This should be at least the size of bubble_expanded_view_padding; it is used to include |
| a slight touch slop around the expanded view. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_expanded_view_slop">8dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Default (and minimum) height of the expanded view shown when the bubble is expanded. |
| If this value changes then R.dimen.bubble_expanded_view_min_height in CtsVerifier |
| should also be updated. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_expanded_default_height">180dp</dimen> |
| <!-- The width of the overflow view on large screens or in landscape on phone. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_expanded_view_overflow_width">380dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Inset to apply to the icon in the overflow button. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_overflow_icon_inset">30dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Default (and minimum) height of bubble overflow --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_overflow_height">480dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Bubble overflow padding when there are no bubbles --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_overflow_empty_state_padding">16dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Horizontal padding of the overflow container. Total desired padding is 16dp but the items |
| already have 5dp added to each side. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_overflow_container_padding_horizontal">11dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Horizontal padding between items in the overflow view, half of the desired amount. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_overflow_item_padding_horizontal">5dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Vertical padding between items in the overflow view, half the desired amount. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_overflow_item_padding_vertical">16dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Padding of label for bubble overflow view --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_overflow_text_padding">7dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Height of bubble overflow empty state illustration --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_empty_overflow_image_height">200dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Padding of bubble overflow empty state subtitle --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_empty_overflow_subtitle_padding">50dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Height of the triangle that points to the expanded bubble. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_pointer_height">10dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Width of the triangle that points to the expanded bubble. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_pointer_width">12dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Radius of the pointer --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_pointer_radius">2dp</dimen> |
| <!-- The amount the pointer overlaps with the expanded view to be flush on an edge with |
| a radius. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_pointer_overlap">1dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Extra padding around the dismiss target for bubbles --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_dismiss_slop">16dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Height of button allowing users to adjust settings for bubbles. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_manage_button_height">36dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Height of manage button including margins. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_manage_button_total_height">68dp</dimen> |
| <!-- The margin around the outside of the manage button. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_manage_button_margin">16dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Height of an item in the bubble manage menu. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_menu_item_height">60dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Padding applied to the bubble manage menu. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_menu_padding">16dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Size of the icons in the manage menu. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_menu_icon_size">24dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Max width of the message bubble--> |
| <dimen name="bubble_message_max_width">144dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Min width of the message bubble --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_message_min_width">32dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Interior padding of the message bubble --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_message_padding">4dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Offset between bubbles in their stacked position. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_stack_offset">12dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Offset between stack y and animation y for bubble swap. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_swap_animation_offset">15dp</dimen> |
| <!-- How far offscreen the bubble stack rests. There's some padding around the bubble so |
| add 3dp to the desired overhang. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_stack_offscreen">3dp</dimen> |
| <!-- How far down the screen the stack starts. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_stack_starting_offset_y">120dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Space between the pointer triangle and the bubble expanded view --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_pointer_margin">5dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Padding applied to the bubble dismiss target. Touches in this padding cause the bubbles to |
| snap to the dismiss target. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_dismiss_target_padding_x">40dp</dimen> |
| <dimen name="bubble_dismiss_target_padding_y">20dp</dimen> |
| <dimen name="bubble_manage_menu_elevation">4dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Size of manage user education views on large screens or in landscape. --> |
| <dimen name="bubbles_user_education_width">480dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Margin applied to the end of the user education views (really only matters for phone |
| since the width is match parent). --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_user_education_margin_end">24dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Padding applied to the end of the user education view. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_user_education_padding_end">58dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Padding between the bubble and the user education text. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_user_education_stack_padding">16dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Max width for the bubble popup view. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_popup_content_max_width">300dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Horizontal margin for the bubble popup view. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_popup_margin_horizontal">32dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Top margin for the bubble popup view. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_popup_margin_top">16dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Width for the bubble popup view arrow. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_popup_arrow_width">12dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Height for the bubble popup view arrow. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_popup_arrow_height">10dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Corner radius for the bubble popup view arrow. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_popup_arrow_corner_radius">2dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Padding for the bubble popup view contents. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_popup_padding">24dp</dimen> |
| <!-- The size of the caption bar inset at the top of bubble bar expanded view. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_bar_expanded_view_caption_height">32dp</dimen> |
| <!-- The height of the dots shown for the caption menu in the bubble bar expanded view.. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_bar_expanded_view_caption_dot_size">4dp</dimen> |
| <!-- The spacing between the dots for the caption menu in the bubble bar expanded view.. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_bar_expanded_view_caption_dot_spacing">4dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Minimum width of the bubble bar manage menu. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_min_width">200dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Size of the dismiss icon in the bubble bar manage menu. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_dismiss_icon_size">16dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Padding of the bubble bar manage menu, provides space for menu shadows --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_padding">8dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Top padding of the bubble bar manage menu --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_padding_top">2dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Spacing between sections of the bubble bar manage menu --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_section_spacing">2dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Height of an item in the bubble bar manage menu. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_item_height">52dp</dimen> |
| <!-- Size of the icons in the bubble bar manage menu. --> |
| <dimen name="bubble_bar_manage_menu_item_icon_size">20dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- Bottom and end margin for compat buttons. --> |
| <dimen name="compat_button_margin">24dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The radius of the corners of the compat hint bubble. --> |
| <dimen name="compat_hint_corner_radius">28dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of the compat hint point. --> |
| <dimen name="compat_hint_point_width">10dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The end padding for the compat hint. Computed as (compat button width (=48) / 2 |
| + compat_button_margin - compat_hint_corner_radius - compat_hint_point_width / 2). --> |
| <dimen name="compat_hint_padding_end">7dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of the compat hint. --> |
| <dimen name="compat_hint_width">188dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of the camera compat hint. --> |
| <dimen name="camera_compat_hint_width">143dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The corner radius of the letterbox education dialog. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_corner_radius">28dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of the top icon in the letterbox education dialog. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_title_icon_width">45dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The height of the top icon in the letterbox education dialog. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_title_icon_height">44dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of an icon in the letterbox education dialog. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_icon_width">40dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The height of an icon in the letterbox education dialog. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_icon_height">32dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The fixed width of the dialog if there is enough space in the parent. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_width">472dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The margin between the dialog container and its parent. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_margin">16dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of each action container in the letterbox education dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_action_width">140dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The space between two actions in the letterbox education dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_space_between_actions">24dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The corner radius of the buttons in the letterbox education dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_button_radius">12dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The horizontal padding for the buttons in the letterbox education dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_horizontal_padding">16dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The vertical padding for the buttons in the letterbox education dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_vertical_padding">8dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The insets for the buttons in the letterbox education dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_education_dialog_vertical_inset">6dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The margin between the dialog container and its parent. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_margin">24dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The corner radius of the restart confirmation dialog. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_corner_radius">28dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The fixed width of the dialog if there is enough space in the parent. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_width">348dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of the top icon in the restart confirmation dialog. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_title_icon_width">32dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The height of the top icon in the restart confirmation dialog. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_title_icon_height">32dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of an icon in the restart confirmation dialog. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_icon_width">40dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The height of an icon in the restart confirmation dialog. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_icon_height">32dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The space between two actions in the restart confirmation dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_space_between_actions">24dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of the buttons in the restart dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_button_width">82dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of the buttons in the restart dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_button_height">36dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The corner radius of the buttons in the restart dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_button_radius">18dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The insets for the buttons in the letterbox restart dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_vertical_inset">6dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The horizontal padding for the buttons in the letterbox restart dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_horizontal_padding">16dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The vertical padding for the buttons in the letterbox restart dialog --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_restart_dialog_vertical_padding">8dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The margin between the reachability dialog container and its parent. --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_reachability_education_dialog_margin">16dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The size of the icon in the item of reachability education --> |
| <dimen name="letterbox_reachability_education_item_image_size">24dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of the brand image on staring surface. --> |
| <dimen name="starting_surface_brand_image_width">200dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The height of the brand image on staring surface. --> |
| <dimen name="starting_surface_brand_image_height">80dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The length of the shift of main window when exit starting window. --> |
| <dimen name="starting_surface_exit_animation_window_shift_length">20dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The distance of the shift icon when normal exit starting window. --> |
| <dimen name="starting_surface_normal_exit_icon_distance">120dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The distance of the shift icon when early exit starting window. --> |
| <dimen name="starting_surface_early_exit_icon_distance">32dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The default minimal size of a PiP task, in both dimensions. --> |
| <dimen name="default_minimal_size_pip_resizable_task">108dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- |
| The overridable minimal size of a PiP task, in both dimensions. |
| Different from default_minimal_size_pip_resizable_task, this is to limit the dimension |
| when the pinned stack size is overridden by app via minWidth/minHeight. |
| --> |
| <dimen name="overridable_minimal_size_pip_resizable_task">48dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The thickness of shadows of a window that has focus in DIP. --> |
| <dimen name="freeform_decor_shadow_focused_thickness">20dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The thickness of shadows of a window that doesn't have focus in DIP. --> |
| <dimen name="freeform_decor_shadow_unfocused_thickness">5dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- Height of button (32dp) + 2 * margin (5dp each). --> |
| <dimen name="freeform_decor_caption_height">42dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of the handle menu in desktop mode. --> |
| <dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_width">216dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The height of the handle menu's "App Info" pill in desktop mode. --> |
| <dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_app_info_pill_height">52dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The height of the handle menu's "Windowing" pill in desktop mode. --> |
| <dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_windowing_pill_height">52dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The height of the handle menu's "More Actions" pill in desktop mode. --> |
| <dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_more_actions_pill_height">156dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The top margin of the handle menu in desktop mode. --> |
| <dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_margin_top">4dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The start margin of the handle menu in desktop mode. --> |
| <dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_margin_start">6dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The margin between pills of the handle menu in desktop mode. --> |
| <dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_pill_spacing_margin">2dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The radius of the caption menu corners. --> |
| <dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_corner_radius">26dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The radius of the caption menu shadow. --> |
| <dimen name="desktop_mode_handle_menu_shadow_radius">2dp</dimen> |
| |
| <dimen name="freeform_resize_handle">15dp</dimen> |
| |
| <dimen name="freeform_resize_corner">44dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The width of the area at the sides of the screen where a freeform task will transition to |
| split select if dragged until the touch input is within the range. --> |
| <dimen name="desktop_mode_transition_area_width">32dp</dimen> |
| |
| <!-- The height of the area at the top of the screen where a freeform task will transition to |
| fullscreen if dragged until the top bound of the task is within the area. --> |
| <dimen name="desktop_mode_transition_area_height">16dp</dimen> |
| </resources> |