| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| #define LOG_TAG "IncrementalService" |
| |
| #include "IncrementalService.h" |
| |
| #include <android-base/logging.h> |
| #include <android-base/no_destructor.h> |
| #include <android-base/properties.h> |
| #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> |
| #include <binder/AppOpsManager.h> |
| #include <binder/Status.h> |
| #include <sys/stat.h> |
| #include <uuid/uuid.h> |
| |
| #include <charconv> |
| #include <ctime> |
| #include <iterator> |
| #include <span> |
| #include <type_traits> |
| |
| #include "IncrementalServiceValidation.h" |
| #include "Metadata.pb.h" |
| |
| using namespace std::literals; |
| |
| constexpr const char* kLoaderUsageStats = "android.permission.LOADER_USAGE_STATS"; |
| constexpr const char* kOpUsage = "android:loader_usage_stats"; |
| |
| constexpr const char* kInteractAcrossUsers = "android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS"; |
| |
| namespace android::incremental { |
| |
| using content::pm::DataLoaderParamsParcel; |
| using content::pm::FileSystemControlParcel; |
| using content::pm::IDataLoader; |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| using IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel = os::incremental::IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel; |
| |
| struct Constants { |
| static constexpr auto backing = "backing_store"sv; |
| static constexpr auto mount = "mount"sv; |
| static constexpr auto mountKeyPrefix = "MT_"sv; |
| static constexpr auto storagePrefix = "st"sv; |
| static constexpr auto mountpointMdPrefix = ".mountpoint."sv; |
| static constexpr auto infoMdName = ".info"sv; |
| static constexpr auto readLogsDisabledMarkerName = ".readlogs_disabled"sv; |
| static constexpr auto libDir = "lib"sv; |
| static constexpr auto libSuffix = ".so"sv; |
| static constexpr auto blockSize = 4096; |
| static constexpr auto systemPackage = "android"sv; |
| |
| static constexpr auto userStatusDelay = 100ms; |
| |
| static constexpr auto progressUpdateInterval = 1000ms; |
| static constexpr auto perUidTimeoutOffset = progressUpdateInterval * 2; |
| static constexpr auto minPerUidTimeout = progressUpdateInterval * 3; |
| |
| // If DL was up and not crashing for 10mins, we consider it healthy and reset all delays. |
| static constexpr auto healthyDataLoaderUptime = 10min; |
| // 10s, 100s (~2min), 1000s (~15min), 10000s (~3hrs) |
| static constexpr auto minBindDelay = 10s; |
| static constexpr auto maxBindDelay = 10000s; |
| static constexpr auto bindDelayMultiplier = 10; |
| static constexpr auto bindDelayJitterDivider = 10; |
| }; |
| |
| static const Constants& constants() { |
| static constexpr Constants c; |
| return c; |
| } |
| |
| template <base::LogSeverity level = base::ERROR> |
| bool mkdirOrLog(std::string_view name, int mode = 0770, bool allowExisting = true) { |
| auto cstr = path::c_str(name); |
| if (::mkdir(cstr, mode)) { |
| if (!allowExisting || errno != EEXIST) { |
| PLOG(level) << "Can't create directory '" << name << '\''; |
| return false; |
| } |
| struct stat st; |
| if (::stat(cstr, &st) || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { |
| PLOG(level) << "Path exists but is not a directory: '" << name << '\''; |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| if (::chmod(cstr, mode)) { |
| PLOG(level) << "Changing permission failed for '" << name << '\''; |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| static std::string toMountKey(std::string_view path) { |
| if (path.empty()) { |
| return "@none"; |
| } |
| if (path == "/"sv) { |
| return "@root"; |
| } |
| if (path::isAbsolute(path)) { |
| path.remove_prefix(1); |
| } |
| if (path.size() > 16) { |
| path = path.substr(0, 16); |
| } |
| std::string res(path); |
| std::replace_if( |
| res.begin(), res.end(), [](char c) { return c == '/' || c == '@'; }, '_'); |
| return std::string(constants().mountKeyPrefix) += res; |
| } |
| |
| static std::pair<std::string, std::string> makeMountDir(std::string_view incrementalDir, |
| std::string_view path) { |
| auto mountKey = toMountKey(path); |
| const auto prefixSize = mountKey.size(); |
| for (int counter = 0; counter < 1000; |
| mountKey.resize(prefixSize), base::StringAppendF(&mountKey, "%d", counter++)) { |
| auto mountRoot = path::join(incrementalDir, mountKey); |
| if (mkdirOrLog(mountRoot, 0777, false)) { |
| return {mountKey, mountRoot}; |
| } |
| } |
| return {}; |
| } |
| |
| template <class Map> |
| typename Map::const_iterator findParentPath(const Map& map, std::string_view path) { |
| const auto nextIt = map.upper_bound(path); |
| if (nextIt == map.begin()) { |
| return map.end(); |
| } |
| const auto suspectIt = std::prev(nextIt); |
| if (!path::startsWith(path, suspectIt->first)) { |
| return map.end(); |
| } |
| return suspectIt; |
| } |
| |
| static base::unique_fd dup(base::borrowed_fd fd) { |
| const auto res = fcntl(fd.get(), F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0); |
| return base::unique_fd(res); |
| } |
| |
| template <class ProtoMessage, class Control> |
| static ProtoMessage parseFromIncfs(const IncFsWrapper* incfs, const Control& control, |
| std::string_view path) { |
| auto md = incfs->getMetadata(control, path); |
| ProtoMessage message; |
| return message.ParseFromArray(md.data(), md.size()) ? message : ProtoMessage{}; |
| } |
| |
| static bool isValidMountTarget(std::string_view path) { |
| return path::isAbsolute(path) && path::isEmptyDir(path).value_or(true); |
| } |
| |
| std::string makeBindMdName() { |
| static constexpr auto uuidStringSize = 36; |
| |
| uuid_t guid; |
| uuid_generate(guid); |
| |
| std::string name; |
| const auto prefixSize = constants().mountpointMdPrefix.size(); |
| name.reserve(prefixSize + uuidStringSize); |
| |
| name = constants().mountpointMdPrefix; |
| name.resize(prefixSize + uuidStringSize); |
| uuid_unparse(guid, name.data() + prefixSize); |
| |
| return name; |
| } |
| |
| static bool checkReadLogsDisabledMarker(std::string_view root) { |
| const auto markerPath = path::c_str(path::join(root, constants().readLogsDisabledMarkerName)); |
| struct stat st; |
| return (::stat(markerPath, &st) == 0); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| IncrementalService::IncFsMount::~IncFsMount() { |
| if (dataLoaderStub) { |
| dataLoaderStub->cleanupResources(); |
| dataLoaderStub = {}; |
| } |
| control.close(); |
| LOG(INFO) << "Unmounting and cleaning up mount " << mountId << " with root '" << root << '\''; |
| for (auto&& [target, _] : bindPoints) { |
| LOG(INFO) << " bind: " << target; |
| incrementalService.mVold->unmountIncFs(target); |
| } |
| LOG(INFO) << " root: " << root; |
| incrementalService.mVold->unmountIncFs(path::join(root, constants().mount)); |
| cleanupFilesystem(root); |
| } |
| |
| auto IncrementalService::IncFsMount::makeStorage(StorageId id) -> StorageMap::iterator { |
| std::string name; |
| for (int no = nextStorageDirNo.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed), i = 0; |
| i < 1024 && no >= 0; no = nextStorageDirNo.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed), ++i) { |
| name.clear(); |
| base::StringAppendF(&name, "%.*s_%d_%d", int(constants().storagePrefix.size()), |
| constants().storagePrefix.data(), id, no); |
| auto fullName = path::join(root, constants().mount, name); |
| if (auto err = incrementalService.mIncFs->makeDir(control, fullName, 0755); !err) { |
| std::lock_guard l(lock); |
| return storages.insert_or_assign(id, Storage{std::move(fullName)}).first; |
| } else if (err != EEXIST) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << "(): failed to create dir |" << fullName << "| " << err; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| nextStorageDirNo = 0; |
| return storages.end(); |
| } |
| |
| template <class Func> |
| static auto makeCleanup(Func&& f) { |
| auto deleter = [f = std::move(f)](auto) { f(); }; |
| // &f is a dangling pointer here, but we actually never use it as deleter moves it in. |
| return std::unique_ptr<Func, decltype(deleter)>(&f, std::move(deleter)); |
| } |
| |
| static std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(&::closedir)> openDir(const char* dir) { |
| return {::opendir(dir), ::closedir}; |
| } |
| |
| static auto openDir(std::string_view dir) { |
| return openDir(path::c_str(dir)); |
| } |
| |
| static int rmDirContent(const char* path) { |
| auto dir = openDir(path); |
| if (!dir) { |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| while (auto entry = ::readdir(dir.get())) { |
| if (entry->d_name == "."sv || entry->d_name == ".."sv) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| auto fullPath = base::StringPrintf("%s/%s", path, entry->d_name); |
| if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) { |
| if (const auto err = rmDirContent(fullPath.c_str()); err != 0) { |
| PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to delete " << fullPath << " content"; |
| return err; |
| } |
| if (const auto err = ::rmdir(fullPath.c_str()); err != 0) { |
| PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to rmdir " << fullPath; |
| return err; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (const auto err = ::unlink(fullPath.c_str()); err != 0) { |
| PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to delete " << fullPath; |
| return err; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::IncFsMount::cleanupFilesystem(std::string_view root) { |
| rmDirContent(path::join(root, constants().backing).c_str()); |
| ::rmdir(path::join(root, constants().backing).c_str()); |
| ::rmdir(path::join(root, constants().mount).c_str()); |
| ::rmdir(path::c_str(root)); |
| } |
| |
| IncrementalService::IncrementalService(ServiceManagerWrapper&& sm, std::string_view rootDir) |
| : mVold(sm.getVoldService()), |
| mDataLoaderManager(sm.getDataLoaderManager()), |
| mIncFs(sm.getIncFs()), |
| mAppOpsManager(sm.getAppOpsManager()), |
| mJni(sm.getJni()), |
| mLooper(sm.getLooper()), |
| mTimedQueue(sm.getTimedQueue()), |
| mProgressUpdateJobQueue(sm.getProgressUpdateJobQueue()), |
| mFs(sm.getFs()), |
| mIncrementalDir(rootDir) { |
| CHECK(mVold) << "Vold service is unavailable"; |
| CHECK(mDataLoaderManager) << "DataLoaderManagerService is unavailable"; |
| CHECK(mAppOpsManager) << "AppOpsManager is unavailable"; |
| CHECK(mJni) << "JNI is unavailable"; |
| CHECK(mLooper) << "Looper is unavailable"; |
| CHECK(mTimedQueue) << "TimedQueue is unavailable"; |
| CHECK(mProgressUpdateJobQueue) << "mProgressUpdateJobQueue is unavailable"; |
| CHECK(mFs) << "Fs is unavailable"; |
| |
| mJobQueue.reserve(16); |
| mJobProcessor = std::thread([this]() { |
| mJni->initializeForCurrentThread(); |
| runJobProcessing(); |
| }); |
| mCmdLooperThread = std::thread([this]() { |
| mJni->initializeForCurrentThread(); |
| runCmdLooper(); |
| }); |
| |
| const auto mountedRootNames = adoptMountedInstances(); |
| mountExistingImages(mountedRootNames); |
| } |
| |
| IncrementalService::~IncrementalService() { |
| { |
| std::lock_guard lock(mJobMutex); |
| mRunning = false; |
| } |
| mJobCondition.notify_all(); |
| mJobProcessor.join(); |
| mLooper->wake(); |
| mCmdLooperThread.join(); |
| mTimedQueue->stop(); |
| mProgressUpdateJobQueue->stop(); |
| // Ensure that mounts are destroyed while the service is still valid. |
| mBindsByPath.clear(); |
| mMounts.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| static const char* toString(IncrementalService::BindKind kind) { |
| switch (kind) { |
| case IncrementalService::BindKind::Temporary: |
| return "Temporary"; |
| case IncrementalService::BindKind::Permanent: |
| return "Permanent"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::onDump(int fd) { |
| dprintf(fd, "Incremental is %s\n", incfs::enabled() ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED"); |
| dprintf(fd, "Incremental dir: %s\n", mIncrementalDir.c_str()); |
| |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock); |
| |
| dprintf(fd, "Mounts (%d): {\n", int(mMounts.size())); |
| for (auto&& [id, ifs] : mMounts) { |
| const IncFsMount& mnt = *ifs; |
| dprintf(fd, " [%d]: {\n", id); |
| if (id != mnt.mountId) { |
| dprintf(fd, " reference to mountId: %d\n", mnt.mountId); |
| } else { |
| dprintf(fd, " mountId: %d\n", mnt.mountId); |
| dprintf(fd, " root: %s\n", mnt.root.c_str()); |
| dprintf(fd, " nextStorageDirNo: %d\n", mnt.nextStorageDirNo.load()); |
| if (mnt.dataLoaderStub) { |
| mnt.dataLoaderStub->onDump(fd); |
| } else { |
| dprintf(fd, " dataLoader: null\n"); |
| } |
| dprintf(fd, " storages (%d): {\n", int(mnt.storages.size())); |
| for (auto&& [storageId, storage] : mnt.storages) { |
| dprintf(fd, " [%d] -> [%s] (%d %% loaded) \n", storageId, storage.name.c_str(), |
| (int)(getLoadingProgressFromPath(mnt, storage.name.c_str(), |
| /*stopOnFirstIncomplete=*/false) |
| .getProgress() * |
| 100)); |
| } |
| dprintf(fd, " }\n"); |
| |
| dprintf(fd, " bindPoints (%d): {\n", int(mnt.bindPoints.size())); |
| for (auto&& [target, bind] : mnt.bindPoints) { |
| dprintf(fd, " [%s]->[%d]:\n", target.c_str(), bind.storage); |
| dprintf(fd, " savedFilename: %s\n", bind.savedFilename.c_str()); |
| dprintf(fd, " sourceDir: %s\n", bind.sourceDir.c_str()); |
| dprintf(fd, " kind: %s\n", toString(bind.kind)); |
| } |
| dprintf(fd, " }\n"); |
| } |
| dprintf(fd, " }\n"); |
| } |
| dprintf(fd, "}\n"); |
| dprintf(fd, "Sorted binds (%d): {\n", int(mBindsByPath.size())); |
| for (auto&& [target, mountPairIt] : mBindsByPath) { |
| const auto& bind = mountPairIt->second; |
| dprintf(fd, " [%s]->[%d]:\n", target.c_str(), bind.storage); |
| dprintf(fd, " savedFilename: %s\n", bind.savedFilename.c_str()); |
| dprintf(fd, " sourceDir: %s\n", bind.sourceDir.c_str()); |
| dprintf(fd, " kind: %s\n", toString(bind.kind)); |
| } |
| dprintf(fd, "}\n"); |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::needStartDataLoaderLocked(IncFsMount& ifs) { |
| if (ifs.dataLoaderStub->params().packageName == Constants::systemPackage) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| // Check all permanent binds. |
| for (auto&& [_, bindPoint] : ifs.bindPoints) { |
| if (bindPoint.kind != BindKind::Permanent) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| const auto progress = getLoadingProgressFromPath(ifs, bindPoint.sourceDir, |
| /*stopOnFirstIncomplete=*/true); |
| if (!progress.isError() && !progress.fullyLoaded()) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "Non system mount: [" << bindPoint.sourceDir |
| << "], partial progress: " << progress.getProgress() * 100 << "%"; |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::onSystemReady() { |
| if (mSystemReady.exchange(true)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<IfsMountPtr> mounts; |
| { |
| std::lock_guard l(mLock); |
| mounts.reserve(mMounts.size()); |
| for (auto&& [id, ifs] : mMounts) { |
| if (ifs->mountId != id) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| if (needStartDataLoaderLocked(*ifs)) { |
| mounts.push_back(ifs); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (mounts.empty()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| std::thread([this, mounts = std::move(mounts)]() { |
| mJni->initializeForCurrentThread(); |
| for (auto&& ifs : mounts) { |
| ifs->dataLoaderStub->requestStart(); |
| } |
| }).detach(); |
| } |
| |
| auto IncrementalService::getStorageSlotLocked() -> MountMap::iterator { |
| for (;;) { |
| if (mNextId == kMaxStorageId) { |
| mNextId = 0; |
| } |
| auto id = ++mNextId; |
| auto [it, inserted] = mMounts.try_emplace(id, nullptr); |
| if (inserted) { |
| return it; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| StorageId IncrementalService::createStorage( |
| std::string_view mountPoint, const content::pm::DataLoaderParamsParcel& dataLoaderParams, |
| CreateOptions options) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "createStorage: " << mountPoint << " | " << int(options); |
| if (!path::isAbsolute(mountPoint)) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "path is not absolute: " << mountPoint; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| |
| auto mountNorm = path::normalize(mountPoint); |
| { |
| const auto id = findStorageId(mountNorm); |
| if (id != kInvalidStorageId) { |
| if (options & CreateOptions::OpenExisting) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "Opened existing storage " << id; |
| return id; |
| } |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Directory " << mountPoint << " is already mounted at storage " << id; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!(options & CreateOptions::CreateNew)) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "not requirested create new storage, and it doesn't exist: " << mountPoint; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| |
| if (!path::isEmptyDir(mountNorm)) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Mounting over existing non-empty directory is not supported: " << mountNorm; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| auto [mountKey, mountRoot] = makeMountDir(mIncrementalDir, mountNorm); |
| if (mountRoot.empty()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Bad mount point"; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| // Make sure the code removes all crap it may create while still failing. |
| auto firstCleanup = [](const std::string* ptr) { IncFsMount::cleanupFilesystem(*ptr); }; |
| auto firstCleanupOnFailure = |
| std::unique_ptr<std::string, decltype(firstCleanup)>(&mountRoot, firstCleanup); |
| |
| auto mountTarget = path::join(mountRoot, constants().mount); |
| const auto backing = path::join(mountRoot, constants().backing); |
| if (!mkdirOrLog(backing, 0777) || !mkdirOrLog(mountTarget)) { |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| |
| IncFsMount::Control control; |
| { |
| std::lock_guard l(mMountOperationLock); |
| IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel controlParcel; |
| |
| if (auto err = rmDirContent(backing.c_str())) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Coudn't clean the backing directory " << backing << ": " << err; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| if (!mkdirOrLog(path::join(backing, ".index"), 0777)) { |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| if (!mkdirOrLog(path::join(backing, ".incomplete"), 0777)) { |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| auto status = mVold->mountIncFs(backing, mountTarget, 0, &controlParcel); |
| if (!status.isOk()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Vold::mountIncFs() failed: " << status.toString8(); |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| if (controlParcel.cmd.get() < 0 || controlParcel.pendingReads.get() < 0 || |
| controlParcel.log.get() < 0) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Vold::mountIncFs() returned invalid control parcel."; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| int cmd = controlParcel.cmd.release().release(); |
| int pendingReads = controlParcel.pendingReads.release().release(); |
| int logs = controlParcel.log.release().release(); |
| int blocksWritten = |
| controlParcel.blocksWritten ? controlParcel.blocksWritten->release().release() : -1; |
| control = mIncFs->createControl(cmd, pendingReads, logs, blocksWritten); |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock); |
| const auto mountIt = getStorageSlotLocked(); |
| const auto mountId = mountIt->first; |
| l.unlock(); |
| |
| auto ifs = |
| std::make_shared<IncFsMount>(std::move(mountRoot), mountId, std::move(control), *this); |
| // Now it's the |ifs|'s responsibility to clean up after itself, and the only cleanup we need |
| // is the removal of the |ifs|. |
| firstCleanupOnFailure.release(); |
| |
| auto secondCleanup = [this, &l](auto itPtr) { |
| if (!l.owns_lock()) { |
| l.lock(); |
| } |
| mMounts.erase(*itPtr); |
| }; |
| auto secondCleanupOnFailure = |
| std::unique_ptr<decltype(mountIt), decltype(secondCleanup)>(&mountIt, secondCleanup); |
| |
| const auto storageIt = ifs->makeStorage(ifs->mountId); |
| if (storageIt == ifs->storages.end()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Can't create a default storage directory"; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| |
| { |
| metadata::Mount m; |
| m.mutable_storage()->set_id(ifs->mountId); |
| m.mutable_loader()->set_type((int)dataLoaderParams.type); |
| m.mutable_loader()->set_package_name(dataLoaderParams.packageName); |
| m.mutable_loader()->set_class_name(dataLoaderParams.className); |
| m.mutable_loader()->set_arguments(dataLoaderParams.arguments); |
| const auto metadata = m.SerializeAsString(); |
| if (auto err = |
| mIncFs->makeFile(ifs->control, |
| path::join(ifs->root, constants().mount, |
| constants().infoMdName), |
| 0777, idFromMetadata(metadata), |
| {.metadata = {metadata.data(), (IncFsSize)metadata.size()}})) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Saving mount metadata failed: " << -err; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const auto bk = |
| (options & CreateOptions::PermanentBind) ? BindKind::Permanent : BindKind::Temporary; |
| if (auto err = addBindMount(*ifs, storageIt->first, storageIt->second.name, |
| std::string(storageIt->second.name), std::move(mountNorm), bk, l); |
| err < 0) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Adding bind mount failed: " << -err; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| |
| // Done here as well, all data structures are in good state. |
| secondCleanupOnFailure.release(); |
| |
| mountIt->second = std::move(ifs); |
| l.unlock(); |
| |
| LOG(INFO) << "created storage " << mountId; |
| return mountId; |
| } |
| |
| StorageId IncrementalService::createLinkedStorage(std::string_view mountPoint, |
| StorageId linkedStorage, |
| IncrementalService::CreateOptions options) { |
| if (!isValidMountTarget(mountPoint)) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Mount point is invalid or missing"; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock); |
| auto ifs = getIfsLocked(linkedStorage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Ifs unavailable"; |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| |
| const auto mountIt = getStorageSlotLocked(); |
| const auto storageId = mountIt->first; |
| const auto storageIt = ifs->makeStorage(storageId); |
| if (storageIt == ifs->storages.end()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Can't create a new storage"; |
| mMounts.erase(mountIt); |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| |
| l.unlock(); |
| |
| const auto bk = |
| (options & CreateOptions::PermanentBind) ? BindKind::Permanent : BindKind::Temporary; |
| if (auto err = addBindMount(*ifs, storageIt->first, storageIt->second.name, |
| std::string(storageIt->second.name), path::normalize(mountPoint), |
| bk, l); |
| err < 0) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "bindMount failed with error: " << err; |
| (void)mIncFs->unlink(ifs->control, storageIt->second.name); |
| ifs->storages.erase(storageIt); |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| |
| mountIt->second = ifs; |
| return storageId; |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::startLoading(StorageId storage, |
| content::pm::DataLoaderParamsParcel&& dataLoaderParams, |
| const DataLoaderStatusListener& statusListener, |
| StorageHealthCheckParams&& healthCheckParams, |
| const StorageHealthListener& healthListener, |
| const std::vector<PerUidReadTimeouts>& perUidReadTimeouts) { |
| // Per Uid timeouts. |
| if (!perUidReadTimeouts.empty()) { |
| setUidReadTimeouts(storage, perUidReadTimeouts); |
| } |
| |
| // Re-initialize DataLoader. |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock); |
| const auto ifs = getIfsLocked(storage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| if (ifs->dataLoaderStub) { |
| ifs->dataLoaderStub->cleanupResources(); |
| ifs->dataLoaderStub = {}; |
| } |
| l.unlock(); |
| |
| // DataLoader. |
| auto dataLoaderStub = prepareDataLoader(*ifs, std::move(dataLoaderParams), &statusListener, |
| std::move(healthCheckParams), &healthListener); |
| CHECK(dataLoaderStub); |
| |
| return dataLoaderStub->requestStart(); |
| } |
| |
| IncrementalService::BindPathMap::const_iterator IncrementalService::findStorageLocked( |
| std::string_view path) const { |
| return findParentPath(mBindsByPath, path); |
| } |
| |
| StorageId IncrementalService::findStorageId(std::string_view path) const { |
| std::lock_guard l(mLock); |
| auto it = findStorageLocked(path); |
| if (it == mBindsByPath.end()) { |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| return it->second->second.storage; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::disallowReadLogs(StorageId storageId) { |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock); |
| const auto ifs = getIfsLocked(storageId); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "disallowReadLogs failed, invalid storageId: " << storageId; |
| return; |
| } |
| if (!ifs->readLogsAllowed()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| ifs->disallowReadLogs(); |
| l.unlock(); |
| |
| const auto metadata = constants().readLogsDisabledMarkerName; |
| if (auto err = mIncFs->makeFile(ifs->control, |
| path::join(ifs->root, constants().mount, |
| constants().readLogsDisabledMarkerName), |
| 0777, idFromMetadata(metadata), {})) { |
| //{.metadata = {metadata.data(), (IncFsSize)metadata.size()}})) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to make marker file for storageId: " << storageId; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| setStorageParams(storageId, /*enableReadLogs=*/false); |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::setStorageParams(StorageId storageId, bool enableReadLogs) { |
| const auto ifs = getIfs(storageId); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "setStorageParams failed, invalid storageId: " << storageId; |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| |
| const auto& params = ifs->dataLoaderStub->params(); |
| if (enableReadLogs) { |
| if (!ifs->readLogsAllowed()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "setStorageParams failed, readlogs disabled for storageId: " << storageId; |
| return -EPERM; |
| } |
| |
| // Check loader usage stats permission and apop. |
| if (auto status = mAppOpsManager->checkPermission(kLoaderUsageStats, kOpUsage, |
| params.packageName.c_str()); |
| !status.isOk()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << " Permission: " << kLoaderUsageStats |
| << " check failed: " << status.toString8(); |
| return fromBinderStatus(status); |
| } |
| |
| // Check multiuser permission. |
| if (auto status = mAppOpsManager->checkPermission(kInteractAcrossUsers, nullptr, |
| params.packageName.c_str()); |
| !status.isOk()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << " Permission: " << kInteractAcrossUsers |
| << " check failed: " << status.toString8(); |
| return fromBinderStatus(status); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (auto status = applyStorageParams(*ifs, enableReadLogs); !status.isOk()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "applyStorageParams failed: " << status.toString8(); |
| return fromBinderStatus(status); |
| } |
| |
| if (enableReadLogs) { |
| registerAppOpsCallback(params.packageName); |
| } |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| binder::Status IncrementalService::applyStorageParams(IncFsMount& ifs, bool enableReadLogs) { |
| os::incremental::IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel control; |
| control.cmd.reset(dup(ifs.control.cmd())); |
| control.pendingReads.reset(dup(ifs.control.pendingReads())); |
| auto logsFd = ifs.control.logs(); |
| if (logsFd >= 0) { |
| control.log.reset(dup(logsFd)); |
| } |
| |
| std::lock_guard l(mMountOperationLock); |
| const auto status = mVold->setIncFsMountOptions(control, enableReadLogs); |
| if (status.isOk()) { |
| // Store enabled state. |
| ifs.setReadLogsEnabled(enableReadLogs); |
| } |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::deleteStorage(StorageId storageId) { |
| const auto ifs = getIfs(storageId); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| return; |
| } |
| deleteStorage(*ifs); |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::deleteStorage(IncrementalService::IncFsMount& ifs) { |
| std::unique_lock l(ifs.lock); |
| deleteStorageLocked(ifs, std::move(l)); |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::deleteStorageLocked(IncrementalService::IncFsMount& ifs, |
| std::unique_lock<std::mutex>&& ifsLock) { |
| const auto storages = std::move(ifs.storages); |
| // Don't move the bind points out: Ifs's dtor will use them to unmount everything. |
| const auto bindPoints = ifs.bindPoints; |
| ifsLock.unlock(); |
| |
| std::lock_guard l(mLock); |
| for (auto&& [id, _] : storages) { |
| if (id != ifs.mountId) { |
| mMounts.erase(id); |
| } |
| } |
| for (auto&& [path, _] : bindPoints) { |
| mBindsByPath.erase(path); |
| } |
| mMounts.erase(ifs.mountId); |
| } |
| |
| StorageId IncrementalService::openStorage(std::string_view pathInMount) { |
| if (!path::isAbsolute(pathInMount)) { |
| return kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| |
| return findStorageId(path::normalize(pathInMount)); |
| } |
| |
| IncrementalService::IfsMountPtr IncrementalService::getIfs(StorageId storage) const { |
| std::lock_guard l(mLock); |
| return getIfsLocked(storage); |
| } |
| |
| const IncrementalService::IfsMountPtr& IncrementalService::getIfsLocked(StorageId storage) const { |
| auto it = mMounts.find(storage); |
| if (it == mMounts.end()) { |
| static const base::NoDestructor<IfsMountPtr> kEmpty{}; |
| return *kEmpty; |
| } |
| return it->second; |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::bind(StorageId storage, std::string_view source, std::string_view target, |
| BindKind kind) { |
| if (!isValidMountTarget(target)) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": not a valid bind target " << target; |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| |
| const auto ifs = getIfs(storage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": no ifs object for storage " << storage; |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_lock l(ifs->lock); |
| const auto storageInfo = ifs->storages.find(storage); |
| if (storageInfo == ifs->storages.end()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "no storage"; |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| std::string normSource = normalizePathToStorageLocked(*ifs, storageInfo, source); |
| if (normSource.empty()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "invalid source path"; |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| l.unlock(); |
| std::unique_lock l2(mLock, std::defer_lock); |
| return addBindMount(*ifs, storage, storageInfo->second.name, std::move(normSource), |
| path::normalize(target), kind, l2); |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::unbind(StorageId storage, std::string_view target) { |
| if (!path::isAbsolute(target)) { |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| |
| LOG(INFO) << "Removing bind point " << target << " for storage " << storage; |
| |
| // Here we should only look up by the exact target, not by a subdirectory of any existing mount, |
| // otherwise there's a chance to unmount something completely unrelated |
| const auto norm = path::normalize(target); |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock); |
| const auto storageIt = mBindsByPath.find(norm); |
| if (storageIt == mBindsByPath.end() || storageIt->second->second.storage != storage) { |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| const auto bindIt = storageIt->second; |
| const auto storageId = bindIt->second.storage; |
| const auto ifs = getIfsLocked(storageId); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Internal error: storageId " << storageId << " for bound path " << target |
| << " is missing"; |
| return -EFAULT; |
| } |
| mBindsByPath.erase(storageIt); |
| l.unlock(); |
| |
| mVold->unmountIncFs(bindIt->first); |
| std::unique_lock l2(ifs->lock); |
| if (ifs->bindPoints.size() <= 1) { |
| ifs->bindPoints.clear(); |
| deleteStorageLocked(*ifs, std::move(l2)); |
| } else { |
| const std::string savedFile = std::move(bindIt->second.savedFilename); |
| ifs->bindPoints.erase(bindIt); |
| l2.unlock(); |
| if (!savedFile.empty()) { |
| mIncFs->unlink(ifs->control, path::join(ifs->root, constants().mount, savedFile)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| std::string IncrementalService::normalizePathToStorageLocked( |
| const IncFsMount& incfs, IncFsMount::StorageMap::const_iterator storageIt, |
| std::string_view path) const { |
| if (!path::isAbsolute(path)) { |
| return path::normalize(path::join(storageIt->second.name, path)); |
| } |
| auto normPath = path::normalize(path); |
| if (path::startsWith(normPath, storageIt->second.name)) { |
| return normPath; |
| } |
| // not that easy: need to find if any of the bind points match |
| const auto bindIt = findParentPath(incfs.bindPoints, normPath); |
| if (bindIt == incfs.bindPoints.end()) { |
| return {}; |
| } |
| return path::join(bindIt->second.sourceDir, path::relativize(bindIt->first, normPath)); |
| } |
| |
| std::string IncrementalService::normalizePathToStorage(const IncFsMount& ifs, StorageId storage, |
| std::string_view path) const { |
| std::unique_lock l(ifs.lock); |
| const auto storageInfo = ifs.storages.find(storage); |
| if (storageInfo == ifs.storages.end()) { |
| return {}; |
| } |
| return normalizePathToStorageLocked(ifs, storageInfo, path); |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::makeFile(StorageId storage, std::string_view path, int mode, FileId id, |
| incfs::NewFileParams params, std::span<const uint8_t> data) { |
| if (auto ifs = getIfs(storage)) { |
| std::string normPath = normalizePathToStorage(*ifs, storage, path); |
| if (normPath.empty()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Internal error: storageId " << storage |
| << " failed to normalize: " << path; |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| if (auto err = mIncFs->makeFile(ifs->control, normPath, mode, id, params); err) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Internal error: storageId " << storage << " failed to makeFile: " << err; |
| return err; |
| } |
| if (!data.empty()) { |
| if (auto err = setFileContent(ifs, id, path, data); err) { |
| return err; |
| } |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::makeDir(StorageId storageId, std::string_view path, int mode) { |
| if (auto ifs = getIfs(storageId)) { |
| std::string normPath = normalizePathToStorage(*ifs, storageId, path); |
| if (normPath.empty()) { |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| return mIncFs->makeDir(ifs->control, normPath, mode); |
| } |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::makeDirs(StorageId storageId, std::string_view path, int mode) { |
| const auto ifs = getIfs(storageId); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| return makeDirs(*ifs, storageId, path, mode); |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::makeDirs(const IncFsMount& ifs, StorageId storageId, std::string_view path, |
| int mode) { |
| std::string normPath = normalizePathToStorage(ifs, storageId, path); |
| if (normPath.empty()) { |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| return mIncFs->makeDirs(ifs.control, normPath, mode); |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::link(StorageId sourceStorageId, std::string_view oldPath, |
| StorageId destStorageId, std::string_view newPath) { |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock); |
| auto ifsSrc = getIfsLocked(sourceStorageId); |
| if (!ifsSrc) { |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| if (sourceStorageId != destStorageId && getIfsLocked(destStorageId) != ifsSrc) { |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| l.unlock(); |
| std::string normOldPath = normalizePathToStorage(*ifsSrc, sourceStorageId, oldPath); |
| std::string normNewPath = normalizePathToStorage(*ifsSrc, destStorageId, newPath); |
| if (normOldPath.empty() || normNewPath.empty()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid paths in link(): " << normOldPath << " | " << normNewPath; |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| if (auto err = mIncFs->link(ifsSrc->control, normOldPath, normNewPath); err < 0) { |
| PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to link " << oldPath << "[" << normOldPath << "]" |
| << " to " << newPath << "[" << normNewPath << "]"; |
| return err; |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::unlink(StorageId storage, std::string_view path) { |
| if (auto ifs = getIfs(storage)) { |
| std::string normOldPath = normalizePathToStorage(*ifs, storage, path); |
| return mIncFs->unlink(ifs->control, normOldPath); |
| } |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::addBindMount(IncFsMount& ifs, StorageId storage, |
| std::string_view storageRoot, std::string&& source, |
| std::string&& target, BindKind kind, |
| std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& mainLock) { |
| if (!isValidMountTarget(target)) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": invalid mount target " << target; |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| |
| std::string mdFileName; |
| std::string metadataFullPath; |
| if (kind != BindKind::Temporary) { |
| metadata::BindPoint bp; |
| bp.set_storage_id(storage); |
| bp.set_allocated_dest_path(&target); |
| bp.set_allocated_source_subdir(&source); |
| const auto metadata = bp.SerializeAsString(); |
| bp.release_dest_path(); |
| bp.release_source_subdir(); |
| mdFileName = makeBindMdName(); |
| metadataFullPath = path::join(ifs.root, constants().mount, mdFileName); |
| auto node = mIncFs->makeFile(ifs.control, metadataFullPath, 0444, idFromMetadata(metadata), |
| {.metadata = {metadata.data(), (IncFsSize)metadata.size()}}); |
| if (node) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": couldn't create a mount node " << mdFileName; |
| return int(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const auto res = addBindMountWithMd(ifs, storage, std::move(mdFileName), std::move(source), |
| std::move(target), kind, mainLock); |
| if (res) { |
| mIncFs->unlink(ifs.control, metadataFullPath); |
| } |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::addBindMountWithMd(IncrementalService::IncFsMount& ifs, StorageId storage, |
| std::string&& metadataName, std::string&& source, |
| std::string&& target, BindKind kind, |
| std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& mainLock) { |
| { |
| std::lock_guard l(mMountOperationLock); |
| const auto status = mVold->bindMount(source, target); |
| if (!status.isOk()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Calling Vold::bindMount() failed: " << status.toString8(); |
| return status.exceptionCode() == binder::Status::EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC |
| ? status.serviceSpecificErrorCode() > 0 ? -status.serviceSpecificErrorCode() |
| : status.serviceSpecificErrorCode() == 0 |
| ? -EFAULT |
| : status.serviceSpecificErrorCode() |
| : -EIO; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!mainLock.owns_lock()) { |
| mainLock.lock(); |
| } |
| std::lock_guard l(ifs.lock); |
| addBindMountRecordLocked(ifs, storage, std::move(metadataName), std::move(source), |
| std::move(target), kind); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::addBindMountRecordLocked(IncFsMount& ifs, StorageId storage, |
| std::string&& metadataName, std::string&& source, |
| std::string&& target, BindKind kind) { |
| const auto [it, _] = |
| ifs.bindPoints.insert_or_assign(target, |
| IncFsMount::Bind{storage, std::move(metadataName), |
| std::move(source), kind}); |
| mBindsByPath[std::move(target)] = it; |
| } |
| |
| RawMetadata IncrementalService::getMetadata(StorageId storage, std::string_view path) const { |
| const auto ifs = getIfs(storage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| return {}; |
| } |
| const auto normPath = normalizePathToStorage(*ifs, storage, path); |
| if (normPath.empty()) { |
| return {}; |
| } |
| return mIncFs->getMetadata(ifs->control, normPath); |
| } |
| |
| RawMetadata IncrementalService::getMetadata(StorageId storage, FileId node) const { |
| const auto ifs = getIfs(storage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| return {}; |
| } |
| return mIncFs->getMetadata(ifs->control, node); |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::setUidReadTimeouts( |
| StorageId storage, const std::vector<PerUidReadTimeouts>& perUidReadTimeouts) { |
| using microseconds = std::chrono::microseconds; |
| using milliseconds = std::chrono::milliseconds; |
| |
| auto maxPendingTimeUs = microseconds(0); |
| for (const auto& timeouts : perUidReadTimeouts) { |
| maxPendingTimeUs = std::max(maxPendingTimeUs, microseconds(timeouts.maxPendingTimeUs)); |
| } |
| if (maxPendingTimeUs < Constants::minPerUidTimeout) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Skip setting read timeouts (maxPendingTime < Constants::minPerUidTimeout): " |
| << duration_cast<milliseconds>(maxPendingTimeUs).count() << "ms < " |
| << Constants::minPerUidTimeout.count() << "ms"; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const auto ifs = getIfs(storage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Setting read timeouts failed: invalid storage id: " << storage; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (auto err = mIncFs->setUidReadTimeouts(ifs->control, perUidReadTimeouts); err < 0) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Setting read timeouts failed: " << -err; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const auto timeout = std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(maxPendingTimeUs) - |
| Constants::perUidTimeoutOffset; |
| updateUidReadTimeouts(storage, Clock::now() + timeout); |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::clearUidReadTimeouts(StorageId storage) { |
| const auto ifs = getIfs(storage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| mIncFs->setUidReadTimeouts(ifs->control, {}); |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::updateUidReadTimeouts(StorageId storage, Clock::time_point timeLimit) { |
| // Reached maximum timeout. |
| if (Clock::now() >= timeLimit) { |
| return clearUidReadTimeouts(storage); |
| } |
| |
| // Still loading? |
| const auto progress = getLoadingProgress(storage, /*stopOnFirstIncomplete=*/true); |
| if (progress.isError()) { |
| // Something is wrong, abort. |
| return clearUidReadTimeouts(storage); |
| } |
| |
| if (progress.started() && progress.fullyLoaded()) { |
| // Fully loaded, check readLogs collection. |
| const auto ifs = getIfs(storage); |
| if (!ifs->readLogsEnabled()) { |
| return clearUidReadTimeouts(storage); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const auto timeLeft = timeLimit - Clock::now(); |
| if (timeLeft < Constants::progressUpdateInterval) { |
| // Don't bother. |
| return clearUidReadTimeouts(storage); |
| } |
| |
| addTimedJob(*mTimedQueue, storage, Constants::progressUpdateInterval, |
| [this, storage, timeLimit]() { updateUidReadTimeouts(storage, timeLimit); }); |
| } |
| |
| std::unordered_set<std::string_view> IncrementalService::adoptMountedInstances() { |
| std::unordered_set<std::string_view> mountedRootNames; |
| mIncFs->listExistingMounts([this, &mountedRootNames](auto root, auto backingDir, auto binds) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "Existing mount: " << backingDir << "->" << root; |
| for (auto [source, target] : binds) { |
| LOG(INFO) << " bind: '" << source << "'->'" << target << "'"; |
| LOG(INFO) << " " << path::join(root, source); |
| } |
| |
| // Ensure it's a kind of a mount that's managed by IncrementalService |
| if (path::basename(root) != constants().mount || |
| path::basename(backingDir) != constants().backing) { |
| return; |
| } |
| const auto expectedRoot = path::dirname(root); |
| if (path::dirname(backingDir) != expectedRoot) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (path::dirname(expectedRoot) != mIncrementalDir) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (!path::basename(expectedRoot).starts_with(constants().mountKeyPrefix)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| LOG(INFO) << "Looks like an IncrementalService-owned: " << expectedRoot; |
| |
| // make sure we clean up the mount if it happens to be a bad one. |
| // Note: unmounting needs to run first, so the cleanup object is created _last_. |
| auto cleanupFiles = makeCleanup([&]() { |
| LOG(INFO) << "Failed to adopt existing mount, deleting files: " << expectedRoot; |
| IncFsMount::cleanupFilesystem(expectedRoot); |
| }); |
| auto cleanupMounts = makeCleanup([&]() { |
| LOG(INFO) << "Failed to adopt existing mount, cleaning up: " << expectedRoot; |
| for (auto&& [_, target] : binds) { |
| mVold->unmountIncFs(std::string(target)); |
| } |
| mVold->unmountIncFs(std::string(root)); |
| }); |
| |
| auto control = mIncFs->openMount(root); |
| if (!control) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "failed to open mount " << root; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| auto mountRecord = |
| parseFromIncfs<metadata::Mount>(mIncFs.get(), control, |
| path::join(root, constants().infoMdName)); |
| if (!mountRecord.has_loader() || !mountRecord.has_storage()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Bad mount metadata in mount at " << expectedRoot; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| auto mountId = mountRecord.storage().id(); |
| mNextId = std::max(mNextId, mountId + 1); |
| |
| DataLoaderParamsParcel dataLoaderParams; |
| { |
| const auto& loader = mountRecord.loader(); |
| dataLoaderParams.type = (content::pm::DataLoaderType)loader.type(); |
| dataLoaderParams.packageName = loader.package_name(); |
| dataLoaderParams.className = loader.class_name(); |
| dataLoaderParams.arguments = loader.arguments(); |
| } |
| |
| auto ifs = std::make_shared<IncFsMount>(std::string(expectedRoot), mountId, |
| std::move(control), *this); |
| cleanupFiles.release(); // ifs will take care of that now |
| |
| // Check if marker file present. |
| if (checkReadLogsDisabledMarker(root)) { |
| ifs->disallowReadLogs(); |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<std::pair<std::string, metadata::BindPoint>> permanentBindPoints; |
| auto d = openDir(root); |
| while (auto e = ::readdir(d.get())) { |
| if (e->d_type == DT_REG) { |
| auto name = std::string_view(e->d_name); |
| if (name.starts_with(constants().mountpointMdPrefix)) { |
| permanentBindPoints |
| .emplace_back(name, |
| parseFromIncfs<metadata::BindPoint>(mIncFs.get(), |
| ifs->control, |
| path::join(root, |
| name))); |
| if (permanentBindPoints.back().second.dest_path().empty() || |
| permanentBindPoints.back().second.source_subdir().empty()) { |
| permanentBindPoints.pop_back(); |
| mIncFs->unlink(ifs->control, path::join(root, name)); |
| } else { |
| LOG(INFO) << "Permanent bind record: '" |
| << permanentBindPoints.back().second.source_subdir() << "'->'" |
| << permanentBindPoints.back().second.dest_path() << "'"; |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (e->d_type == DT_DIR) { |
| if (e->d_name == "."sv || e->d_name == ".."sv) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| auto name = std::string_view(e->d_name); |
| if (name.starts_with(constants().storagePrefix)) { |
| int storageId; |
| const auto res = |
| std::from_chars(name.data() + constants().storagePrefix.size() + 1, |
| name.data() + name.size(), storageId); |
| if (res.ec != std::errc{} || *res.ptr != '_') { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring storage with invalid name '" << name |
| << "' for mount " << expectedRoot; |
| continue; |
| } |
| auto [_, inserted] = mMounts.try_emplace(storageId, ifs); |
| if (!inserted) { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring storage with duplicate id " << storageId |
| << " for mount " << expectedRoot; |
| continue; |
| } |
| ifs->storages.insert_or_assign(storageId, |
| IncFsMount::Storage{path::join(root, name)}); |
| mNextId = std::max(mNextId, storageId + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (ifs->storages.empty()) { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "No valid storages in mount " << root; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // now match the mounted directories with what we expect to have in the metadata |
| { |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock, std::defer_lock); |
| for (auto&& [metadataFile, bindRecord] : permanentBindPoints) { |
| auto mountedIt = std::find_if(binds.begin(), binds.end(), |
| [&, bindRecord = bindRecord](auto&& bind) { |
| return bind.second == bindRecord.dest_path() && |
| path::join(root, bind.first) == |
| bindRecord.source_subdir(); |
| }); |
| if (mountedIt != binds.end()) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "Matched permanent bound " << bindRecord.source_subdir() |
| << " to mount " << mountedIt->first; |
| addBindMountRecordLocked(*ifs, bindRecord.storage_id(), std::move(metadataFile), |
| std::move(*bindRecord.mutable_source_subdir()), |
| std::move(*bindRecord.mutable_dest_path()), |
| BindKind::Permanent); |
| if (mountedIt != binds.end() - 1) { |
| std::iter_swap(mountedIt, binds.end() - 1); |
| } |
| binds = binds.first(binds.size() - 1); |
| } else { |
| LOG(INFO) << "Didn't match permanent bound " << bindRecord.source_subdir() |
| << ", mounting"; |
| // doesn't exist - try mounting back |
| if (addBindMountWithMd(*ifs, bindRecord.storage_id(), std::move(metadataFile), |
| std::move(*bindRecord.mutable_source_subdir()), |
| std::move(*bindRecord.mutable_dest_path()), |
| BindKind::Permanent, l)) { |
| mIncFs->unlink(ifs->control, metadataFile); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // if anything stays in |binds| those are probably temporary binds; system restarted since |
| // they were mounted - so let's unmount them all. |
| for (auto&& [source, target] : binds) { |
| if (source.empty()) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| mVold->unmountIncFs(std::string(target)); |
| } |
| cleanupMounts.release(); // ifs now manages everything |
| |
| if (ifs->bindPoints.empty()) { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "No valid bind points for mount " << expectedRoot; |
| deleteStorage(*ifs); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| prepareDataLoaderLocked(*ifs, std::move(dataLoaderParams)); |
| CHECK(ifs->dataLoaderStub); |
| |
| mountedRootNames.insert(path::basename(ifs->root)); |
| |
| // not locking here at all: we're still in the constructor, no other calls can happen |
| mMounts[ifs->mountId] = std::move(ifs); |
| }); |
| |
| return mountedRootNames; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::mountExistingImages( |
| const std::unordered_set<std::string_view>& mountedRootNames) { |
| auto dir = openDir(mIncrementalDir); |
| if (!dir) { |
| PLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't open the root incremental dir " << mIncrementalDir; |
| return; |
| } |
| while (auto entry = ::readdir(dir.get())) { |
| if (entry->d_type != DT_DIR) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| std::string_view name = entry->d_name; |
| if (!name.starts_with(constants().mountKeyPrefix)) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (mountedRootNames.find(name) != mountedRootNames.end()) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| const auto root = path::join(mIncrementalDir, name); |
| if (!mountExistingImage(root)) { |
| IncFsMount::cleanupFilesystem(root); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::mountExistingImage(std::string_view root) { |
| auto mountTarget = path::join(root, constants().mount); |
| const auto backing = path::join(root, constants().backing); |
| |
| IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel controlParcel; |
| auto status = mVold->mountIncFs(backing, mountTarget, 0, &controlParcel); |
| if (!status.isOk()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Vold::mountIncFs() failed: " << status.toString8(); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| int cmd = controlParcel.cmd.release().release(); |
| int pendingReads = controlParcel.pendingReads.release().release(); |
| int logs = controlParcel.log.release().release(); |
| int blocksWritten = |
| controlParcel.blocksWritten ? controlParcel.blocksWritten->release().release() : -1; |
| IncFsMount::Control control = mIncFs->createControl(cmd, pendingReads, logs, blocksWritten); |
| |
| auto ifs = std::make_shared<IncFsMount>(std::string(root), -1, std::move(control), *this); |
| |
| auto mount = parseFromIncfs<metadata::Mount>(mIncFs.get(), ifs->control, |
| path::join(mountTarget, constants().infoMdName)); |
| if (!mount.has_loader() || !mount.has_storage()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Bad mount metadata in mount at " << root; |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| ifs->mountId = mount.storage().id(); |
| mNextId = std::max(mNextId, ifs->mountId + 1); |
| |
| // Check if marker file present. |
| if (checkReadLogsDisabledMarker(mountTarget)) { |
| ifs->disallowReadLogs(); |
| } |
| |
| // DataLoader params |
| DataLoaderParamsParcel dataLoaderParams; |
| { |
| const auto& loader = mount.loader(); |
| dataLoaderParams.type = (content::pm::DataLoaderType)loader.type(); |
| dataLoaderParams.packageName = loader.package_name(); |
| dataLoaderParams.className = loader.class_name(); |
| dataLoaderParams.arguments = loader.arguments(); |
| } |
| |
| prepareDataLoader(*ifs, std::move(dataLoaderParams)); |
| CHECK(ifs->dataLoaderStub); |
| |
| std::vector<std::pair<std::string, metadata::BindPoint>> bindPoints; |
| auto d = openDir(mountTarget); |
| while (auto e = ::readdir(d.get())) { |
| if (e->d_type == DT_REG) { |
| auto name = std::string_view(e->d_name); |
| if (name.starts_with(constants().mountpointMdPrefix)) { |
| bindPoints.emplace_back(name, |
| parseFromIncfs<metadata::BindPoint>(mIncFs.get(), |
| ifs->control, |
| path::join(mountTarget, |
| name))); |
| if (bindPoints.back().second.dest_path().empty() || |
| bindPoints.back().second.source_subdir().empty()) { |
| bindPoints.pop_back(); |
| mIncFs->unlink(ifs->control, path::join(ifs->root, constants().mount, name)); |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (e->d_type == DT_DIR) { |
| if (e->d_name == "."sv || e->d_name == ".."sv) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| auto name = std::string_view(e->d_name); |
| if (name.starts_with(constants().storagePrefix)) { |
| int storageId; |
| const auto res = std::from_chars(name.data() + constants().storagePrefix.size() + 1, |
| name.data() + name.size(), storageId); |
| if (res.ec != std::errc{} || *res.ptr != '_') { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring storage with invalid name '" << name << "' for mount " |
| << root; |
| continue; |
| } |
| auto [_, inserted] = mMounts.try_emplace(storageId, ifs); |
| if (!inserted) { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring storage with duplicate id " << storageId |
| << " for mount " << root; |
| continue; |
| } |
| ifs->storages.insert_or_assign(storageId, |
| IncFsMount::Storage{ |
| path::join(root, constants().mount, name)}); |
| mNextId = std::max(mNextId, storageId + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (ifs->storages.empty()) { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "No valid storages in mount " << root; |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| int bindCount = 0; |
| { |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock, std::defer_lock); |
| for (auto&& bp : bindPoints) { |
| bindCount += !addBindMountWithMd(*ifs, bp.second.storage_id(), std::move(bp.first), |
| std::move(*bp.second.mutable_source_subdir()), |
| std::move(*bp.second.mutable_dest_path()), |
| BindKind::Permanent, l); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (bindCount == 0) { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "No valid bind points for mount " << root; |
| deleteStorage(*ifs); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // not locking here at all: we're still in the constructor, no other calls can happen |
| mMounts[ifs->mountId] = std::move(ifs); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::runCmdLooper() { |
| constexpr auto kTimeoutMsecs = -1; |
| while (mRunning.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { |
| mLooper->pollAll(kTimeoutMsecs); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| IncrementalService::DataLoaderStubPtr IncrementalService::prepareDataLoader( |
| IncFsMount& ifs, DataLoaderParamsParcel&& params, |
| const DataLoaderStatusListener* statusListener, |
| StorageHealthCheckParams&& healthCheckParams, const StorageHealthListener* healthListener) { |
| std::unique_lock l(ifs.lock); |
| prepareDataLoaderLocked(ifs, std::move(params), statusListener, std::move(healthCheckParams), |
| healthListener); |
| return ifs.dataLoaderStub; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::prepareDataLoaderLocked(IncFsMount& ifs, DataLoaderParamsParcel&& params, |
| const DataLoaderStatusListener* statusListener, |
| StorageHealthCheckParams&& healthCheckParams, |
| const StorageHealthListener* healthListener) { |
| if (ifs.dataLoaderStub) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "Skipped data loader preparation because it already exists"; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| FileSystemControlParcel fsControlParcel; |
| fsControlParcel.incremental = std::make_optional<IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel>(); |
| fsControlParcel.incremental->cmd.reset(dup(ifs.control.cmd())); |
| fsControlParcel.incremental->pendingReads.reset(dup(ifs.control.pendingReads())); |
| fsControlParcel.incremental->log.reset(dup(ifs.control.logs())); |
| if (ifs.control.blocksWritten() >= 0) { |
| fsControlParcel.incremental->blocksWritten.emplace(dup(ifs.control.blocksWritten())); |
| } |
| fsControlParcel.service = new IncrementalServiceConnector(*this, ifs.mountId); |
| |
| ifs.dataLoaderStub = |
| new DataLoaderStub(*this, ifs.mountId, std::move(params), std::move(fsControlParcel), |
| statusListener, std::move(healthCheckParams), healthListener, |
| path::join(ifs.root, constants().mount)); |
| } |
| |
| template <class Duration> |
| static long elapsedMcs(Duration start, Duration end) { |
| return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end - start).count(); |
| } |
| |
| template <class Duration> |
| static constexpr auto castToMs(Duration d) { |
| return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(d); |
| } |
| |
| // Extract lib files from zip, create new files in incfs and write data to them |
| // Lib files should be placed next to the APK file in the following matter: |
| // Example: |
| // /path/to/base.apk |
| // /path/to/lib/arm/first.so |
| // /path/to/lib/arm/second.so |
| bool IncrementalService::configureNativeBinaries(StorageId storage, std::string_view apkFullPath, |
| std::string_view libDirRelativePath, |
| std::string_view abi, bool extractNativeLibs) { |
| auto start = Clock::now(); |
| |
| const auto ifs = getIfs(storage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid storage " << storage; |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| const auto targetLibPathRelativeToStorage = |
| path::join(path::dirname(normalizePathToStorage(*ifs, storage, apkFullPath)), |
| libDirRelativePath); |
| |
| // First prepare target directories if they don't exist yet |
| if (auto res = makeDirs(*ifs, storage, targetLibPathRelativeToStorage, 0755)) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to prepare target lib directory " << targetLibPathRelativeToStorage |
| << " errno: " << res; |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| auto mkDirsTs = Clock::now(); |
| ZipArchiveHandle zipFileHandle; |
| if (OpenArchive(path::c_str(apkFullPath), &zipFileHandle)) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open zip file at " << apkFullPath; |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Need a shared pointer: will be passing it into all unpacking jobs. |
| std::shared_ptr<ZipArchive> zipFile(zipFileHandle, [](ZipArchiveHandle h) { CloseArchive(h); }); |
| void* cookie = nullptr; |
| const auto libFilePrefix = path::join(constants().libDir, abi) += "/"; |
| if (StartIteration(zipFile.get(), &cookie, libFilePrefix, constants().libSuffix)) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start zip iteration for " << apkFullPath; |
| return false; |
| } |
| auto endIteration = [](void* cookie) { EndIteration(cookie); }; |
| auto iterationCleaner = std::unique_ptr<void, decltype(endIteration)>(cookie, endIteration); |
| |
| auto openZipTs = Clock::now(); |
| |
| auto mapFiles = (mIncFs->features() & incfs::Features::v2); |
| incfs::FileId sourceId; |
| if (mapFiles) { |
| sourceId = mIncFs->getFileId(ifs->control, apkFullPath); |
| if (!incfs::isValidFileId(sourceId)) { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "Error getting IncFS file ID for apk path '" << apkFullPath |
| << "', mapping disabled"; |
| mapFiles = false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<Job> jobQueue; |
| ZipEntry entry; |
| std::string_view fileName; |
| while (!Next(cookie, &entry, &fileName)) { |
| if (fileName.empty()) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| const auto entryUncompressed = entry.method == kCompressStored; |
| const auto entryPageAligned = (entry.offset & (constants().blockSize - 1)) == 0; |
| |
| if (!extractNativeLibs) { |
| // ensure the file is properly aligned and unpacked |
| if (!entryUncompressed) { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "Library " << fileName << " must be uncompressed to mmap it"; |
| return false; |
| } |
| if (!entryPageAligned) { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "Library " << fileName |
| << " must be page-aligned to mmap it, offset = 0x" << std::hex |
| << entry.offset; |
| return false; |
| } |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| auto startFileTs = Clock::now(); |
| |
| const auto libName = path::basename(fileName); |
| auto targetLibPath = path::join(targetLibPathRelativeToStorage, libName); |
| const auto targetLibPathAbsolute = normalizePathToStorage(*ifs, storage, targetLibPath); |
| // If the extract file already exists, skip |
| if (access(targetLibPathAbsolute.c_str(), F_OK) == 0) { |
| if (perfLoggingEnabled()) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "incfs: Native lib file already exists: " << targetLibPath |
| << "; skipping extraction, spent " |
| << elapsedMcs(startFileTs, Clock::now()) << "mcs"; |
| } |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| if (mapFiles && entryUncompressed && entryPageAligned && entry.uncompressed_length > 0) { |
| incfs::NewMappedFileParams mappedFileParams = { |
| .sourceId = sourceId, |
| .sourceOffset = entry.offset, |
| .size = entry.uncompressed_length, |
| }; |
| |
| if (auto res = mIncFs->makeMappedFile(ifs->control, targetLibPathAbsolute, 0755, |
| mappedFileParams); |
| res == 0) { |
| if (perfLoggingEnabled()) { |
| auto doneTs = Clock::now(); |
| LOG(INFO) << "incfs: Mapped " << libName << ": " |
| << elapsedMcs(startFileTs, doneTs) << "mcs"; |
| } |
| continue; |
| } else { |
| LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to map file for: '" << targetLibPath << "' errno: " << res |
| << "; falling back to full extraction"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Create new lib file without signature info |
| incfs::NewFileParams libFileParams = { |
| .size = entry.uncompressed_length, |
| .signature = {}, |
| // Metadata of the new lib file is its relative path |
| .metadata = {targetLibPath.c_str(), (IncFsSize)targetLibPath.size()}, |
| }; |
| incfs::FileId libFileId = idFromMetadata(targetLibPath); |
| if (auto res = mIncFs->makeFile(ifs->control, targetLibPathAbsolute, 0755, libFileId, |
| libFileParams)) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to make file for: " << targetLibPath << " errno: " << res; |
| // If one lib file fails to be created, abort others as well |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| auto makeFileTs = Clock::now(); |
| |
| // If it is a zero-byte file, skip data writing |
| if (entry.uncompressed_length == 0) { |
| if (perfLoggingEnabled()) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "incfs: Extracted " << libName |
| << "(0 bytes): " << elapsedMcs(startFileTs, makeFileTs) << "mcs"; |
| } |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| jobQueue.emplace_back([this, zipFile, entry, ifs = std::weak_ptr<IncFsMount>(ifs), |
| libFileId, libPath = std::move(targetLibPath), |
| makeFileTs]() mutable { |
| extractZipFile(ifs.lock(), zipFile.get(), entry, libFileId, libPath, makeFileTs); |
| }); |
| |
| if (perfLoggingEnabled()) { |
| auto prepareJobTs = Clock::now(); |
| LOG(INFO) << "incfs: Processed " << libName << ": " |
| << elapsedMcs(startFileTs, prepareJobTs) |
| << "mcs, make file: " << elapsedMcs(startFileTs, makeFileTs) |
| << " prepare job: " << elapsedMcs(makeFileTs, prepareJobTs); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| auto processedTs = Clock::now(); |
| |
| if (!jobQueue.empty()) { |
| { |
| std::lock_guard lock(mJobMutex); |
| if (mRunning) { |
| auto& existingJobs = mJobQueue[ifs->mountId]; |
| if (existingJobs.empty()) { |
| existingJobs = std::move(jobQueue); |
| } else { |
| existingJobs.insert(existingJobs.end(), std::move_iterator(jobQueue.begin()), |
| std::move_iterator(jobQueue.end())); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| mJobCondition.notify_all(); |
| } |
| |
| if (perfLoggingEnabled()) { |
| auto end = Clock::now(); |
| LOG(INFO) << "incfs: configureNativeBinaries complete in " << elapsedMcs(start, end) |
| << "mcs, make dirs: " << elapsedMcs(start, mkDirsTs) |
| << " open zip: " << elapsedMcs(mkDirsTs, openZipTs) |
| << " make files: " << elapsedMcs(openZipTs, processedTs) |
| << " schedule jobs: " << elapsedMcs(processedTs, end); |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::extractZipFile(const IfsMountPtr& ifs, ZipArchiveHandle zipFile, |
| ZipEntry& entry, const incfs::FileId& libFileId, |
| std::string_view debugLibPath, |
| Clock::time_point scheduledTs) { |
| if (!ifs) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "Skipping zip file " << debugLibPath << " extraction for an expired mount"; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| auto startedTs = Clock::now(); |
| |
| // Write extracted data to new file |
| // NOTE: don't zero-initialize memory, it may take a while for nothing |
| auto libData = std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[entry.uncompressed_length]); |
| if (ExtractToMemory(zipFile, &entry, libData.get(), entry.uncompressed_length)) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to extract native lib zip entry: " << path::basename(debugLibPath); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| auto extractFileTs = Clock::now(); |
| |
| if (setFileContent(ifs, libFileId, debugLibPath, |
| std::span(libData.get(), entry.uncompressed_length))) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (perfLoggingEnabled()) { |
| auto endFileTs = Clock::now(); |
| LOG(INFO) << "incfs: Extracted " << path::basename(debugLibPath) << "(" |
| << entry.compressed_length << " -> " << entry.uncompressed_length |
| << " bytes): " << elapsedMcs(startedTs, endFileTs) |
| << "mcs, scheduling delay: " << elapsedMcs(scheduledTs, startedTs) |
| << " extract: " << elapsedMcs(startedTs, extractFileTs) |
| << " open/prepare/write: " << elapsedMcs(extractFileTs, endFileTs); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::waitForNativeBinariesExtraction(StorageId storage) { |
| struct WaitPrinter { |
| const Clock::time_point startTs = Clock::now(); |
| ~WaitPrinter() noexcept { |
| if (perfLoggingEnabled()) { |
| const auto endTs = Clock::now(); |
| LOG(INFO) << "incfs: waitForNativeBinariesExtraction() complete in " |
| << elapsedMcs(startTs, endTs) << "mcs"; |
| } |
| } |
| } waitPrinter; |
| |
| MountId mount; |
| { |
| auto ifs = getIfs(storage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| mount = ifs->mountId; |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_lock lock(mJobMutex); |
| mJobCondition.wait(lock, [this, mount] { |
| return !mRunning || |
| (mPendingJobsMount != mount && mJobQueue.find(mount) == mJobQueue.end()); |
| }); |
| return mRunning; |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::setFileContent(const IfsMountPtr& ifs, const incfs::FileId& fileId, |
| std::string_view debugFilePath, |
| std::span<const uint8_t> data) const { |
| auto startTs = Clock::now(); |
| |
| const auto writeFd = mIncFs->openForSpecialOps(ifs->control, fileId); |
| if (!writeFd.ok()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open write fd for: " << debugFilePath |
| << " errno: " << writeFd.get(); |
| return writeFd.get(); |
| } |
| |
| const auto dataLength = data.size(); |
| |
| auto openFileTs = Clock::now(); |
| const int numBlocks = (data.size() + constants().blockSize - 1) / constants().blockSize; |
| std::vector<IncFsDataBlock> instructions(numBlocks); |
| for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { |
| const auto blockSize = std::min<long>(constants().blockSize, data.size()); |
| instructions[i] = IncFsDataBlock{ |
| .fileFd = writeFd.get(), |
| .pageIndex = static_cast<IncFsBlockIndex>(i), |
| .dataSize = static_cast<uint32_t>(blockSize), |
| .data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data.data()), |
| }; |
| data = data.subspan(blockSize); |
| } |
| auto prepareInstsTs = Clock::now(); |
| |
| size_t res = mIncFs->writeBlocks(instructions); |
| if (res != instructions.size()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write data into: " << debugFilePath; |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| if (perfLoggingEnabled()) { |
| auto endTs = Clock::now(); |
| LOG(INFO) << "incfs: Set file content " << debugFilePath << "(" << dataLength |
| << " bytes): " << elapsedMcs(startTs, endTs) |
| << "mcs, open: " << elapsedMcs(startTs, openFileTs) |
| << " prepare: " << elapsedMcs(openFileTs, prepareInstsTs) |
| << " write: " << elapsedMcs(prepareInstsTs, endTs); |
| } |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::isFileFullyLoaded(StorageId storage, std::string_view filePath) const { |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock); |
| const auto ifs = getIfsLocked(storage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "isFileFullyLoaded failed, invalid storageId: " << storage; |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| const auto storageInfo = ifs->storages.find(storage); |
| if (storageInfo == ifs->storages.end()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "isFileFullyLoaded failed, no storage: " << storage; |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| l.unlock(); |
| return isFileFullyLoadedFromPath(*ifs, filePath); |
| } |
| |
| int IncrementalService::isFileFullyLoadedFromPath(const IncFsMount& ifs, |
| std::string_view filePath) const { |
| const auto [filledBlocks, totalBlocks] = mIncFs->countFilledBlocks(ifs.control, filePath); |
| if (filledBlocks < 0) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "isFileFullyLoadedFromPath failed to get filled blocks count for: " |
| << filePath << " errno: " << filledBlocks; |
| return filledBlocks; |
| } |
| if (totalBlocks < filledBlocks) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "isFileFullyLoadedFromPath failed to get total num of blocks"; |
| return -EINVAL; |
| } |
| return totalBlocks - filledBlocks; |
| } |
| |
| IncrementalService::LoadingProgress IncrementalService::getLoadingProgress( |
| StorageId storage, bool stopOnFirstIncomplete) const { |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock); |
| const auto ifs = getIfsLocked(storage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "getLoadingProgress failed, invalid storageId: " << storage; |
| return {-EINVAL, -EINVAL}; |
| } |
| const auto storageInfo = ifs->storages.find(storage); |
| if (storageInfo == ifs->storages.end()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "getLoadingProgress failed, no storage: " << storage; |
| return {-EINVAL, -EINVAL}; |
| } |
| l.unlock(); |
| return getLoadingProgressFromPath(*ifs, storageInfo->second.name, stopOnFirstIncomplete); |
| } |
| |
| IncrementalService::LoadingProgress IncrementalService::getLoadingProgressFromPath( |
| const IncFsMount& ifs, std::string_view storagePath, |
| const bool stopOnFirstIncomplete) const { |
| ssize_t totalBlocks = 0, filledBlocks = 0, error = 0; |
| mFs->listFilesRecursive(storagePath, [&, this](auto filePath) { |
| const auto [filledBlocksCount, totalBlocksCount] = |
| mIncFs->countFilledBlocks(ifs.control, filePath); |
| if (filledBlocksCount == -EOPNOTSUPP || filledBlocksCount == -ENOTSUP || |
| filledBlocksCount == -ENOENT) { |
| // a kind of a file that's not really being loaded, e.g. a mapped range |
| // an older IncFS used to return ENOENT in this case, so handle it the same way |
| return true; |
| } |
| if (filledBlocksCount < 0) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "getLoadingProgress failed to get filled blocks count for: " << filePath |
| << " errno: " << filledBlocksCount; |
| error = filledBlocksCount; |
| return false; |
| } |
| totalBlocks += totalBlocksCount; |
| filledBlocks += filledBlocksCount; |
| if (stopOnFirstIncomplete && filledBlocks < totalBlocks) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| }); |
| |
| return error ? LoadingProgress{error, error} : LoadingProgress{filledBlocks, totalBlocks}; |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::updateLoadingProgress( |
| StorageId storage, const StorageLoadingProgressListener& progressListener) { |
| const auto progress = getLoadingProgress(storage, /*stopOnFirstIncomplete=*/false); |
| if (progress.isError()) { |
| // Failed to get progress from incfs, abort. |
| return false; |
| } |
| progressListener->onStorageLoadingProgressChanged(storage, progress.getProgress()); |
| if (progress.fullyLoaded()) { |
| // Stop updating progress once it is fully loaded |
| return true; |
| } |
| addTimedJob(*mProgressUpdateJobQueue, storage, |
| Constants::progressUpdateInterval /* repeat after 1s */, |
| [storage, progressListener, this]() { |
| updateLoadingProgress(storage, progressListener); |
| }); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::registerLoadingProgressListener( |
| StorageId storage, const StorageLoadingProgressListener& progressListener) { |
| return updateLoadingProgress(storage, progressListener); |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::unregisterLoadingProgressListener(StorageId storage) { |
| return removeTimedJobs(*mProgressUpdateJobQueue, storage); |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::registerStorageHealthListener( |
| StorageId storage, StorageHealthCheckParams&& healthCheckParams, |
| const StorageHealthListener& healthListener) { |
| DataLoaderStubPtr dataLoaderStub; |
| { |
| std::unique_lock l(mLock); |
| const auto& ifs = getIfsLocked(storage); |
| if (!ifs) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| dataLoaderStub = ifs->dataLoaderStub; |
| if (!dataLoaderStub) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| dataLoaderStub->setHealthListener(std::move(healthCheckParams), &healthListener); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::unregisterStorageHealthListener(StorageId storage) { |
| StorageHealthCheckParams invalidCheckParams; |
| invalidCheckParams.blockedTimeoutMs = -1; |
| registerStorageHealthListener(storage, std::move(invalidCheckParams), {}); |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::perfLoggingEnabled() { |
| static const bool enabled = base::GetBoolProperty("incremental.perflogging", false); |
| return enabled; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::runJobProcessing() { |
| for (;;) { |
| std::unique_lock lock(mJobMutex); |
| mJobCondition.wait(lock, [this]() { return !mRunning || !mJobQueue.empty(); }); |
| if (!mRunning) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| auto it = mJobQueue.begin(); |
| mPendingJobsMount = it->first; |
| auto queue = std::move(it->second); |
| mJobQueue.erase(it); |
| lock.unlock(); |
| |
| for (auto&& job : queue) { |
| job(); |
| } |
| |
| lock.lock(); |
| mPendingJobsMount = kInvalidStorageId; |
| lock.unlock(); |
| mJobCondition.notify_all(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::registerAppOpsCallback(const std::string& packageName) { |
| sp<IAppOpsCallback> listener; |
| { |
| std::unique_lock lock{mCallbacksLock}; |
| auto& cb = mCallbackRegistered[packageName]; |
| if (cb) { |
| return; |
| } |
| cb = new AppOpsListener(*this, packageName); |
| listener = cb; |
| } |
| |
| mAppOpsManager->startWatchingMode(AppOpsManager::OP_GET_USAGE_STATS, |
| String16(packageName.c_str()), listener); |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::unregisterAppOpsCallback(const std::string& packageName) { |
| sp<IAppOpsCallback> listener; |
| { |
| std::unique_lock lock{mCallbacksLock}; |
| auto found = mCallbackRegistered.find(packageName); |
| if (found == mCallbackRegistered.end()) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| listener = found->second; |
| mCallbackRegistered.erase(found); |
| } |
| |
| mAppOpsManager->stopWatchingMode(listener); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::onAppOpChanged(const std::string& packageName) { |
| if (!unregisterAppOpsCallback(packageName)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<IfsMountPtr> affected; |
| { |
| std::lock_guard l(mLock); |
| affected.reserve(mMounts.size()); |
| for (auto&& [id, ifs] : mMounts) { |
| if (ifs->mountId == id && ifs->dataLoaderStub->params().packageName == packageName) { |
| affected.push_back(ifs); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| for (auto&& ifs : affected) { |
| applyStorageParams(*ifs, false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::addTimedJob(TimedQueueWrapper& timedQueue, MountId id, Milliseconds after, |
| Job what) { |
| if (id == kInvalidStorageId) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| timedQueue.addJob(id, after, std::move(what)); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::removeTimedJobs(TimedQueueWrapper& timedQueue, MountId id) { |
| if (id == kInvalidStorageId) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| timedQueue.removeJobs(id); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::DataLoaderStub(IncrementalService& service, MountId id, |
| DataLoaderParamsParcel&& params, |
| FileSystemControlParcel&& control, |
| const DataLoaderStatusListener* statusListener, |
| StorageHealthCheckParams&& healthCheckParams, |
| const StorageHealthListener* healthListener, |
| std::string&& healthPath) |
| : mService(service), |
| mId(id), |
| mParams(std::move(params)), |
| mControl(std::move(control)), |
| mStatusListener(statusListener ? *statusListener : DataLoaderStatusListener()), |
| mHealthListener(healthListener ? *healthListener : StorageHealthListener()), |
| mHealthPath(std::move(healthPath)), |
| mHealthCheckParams(std::move(healthCheckParams)) { |
| if (mHealthListener) { |
| if (!isHealthParamsValid()) { |
| mHealthListener = {}; |
| } |
| } else { |
| // Disable advanced health check statuses. |
| mHealthCheckParams.blockedTimeoutMs = -1; |
| } |
| updateHealthStatus(); |
| } |
| |
| IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::~DataLoaderStub() { |
| if (isValid()) { |
| cleanupResources(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::cleanupResources() { |
| auto now = Clock::now(); |
| { |
| std::unique_lock lock(mMutex); |
| mHealthPath.clear(); |
| unregisterFromPendingReads(); |
| resetHealthControl(); |
| mService.removeTimedJobs(*mService.mTimedQueue, mId); |
| } |
| |
| requestDestroy(); |
| |
| { |
| std::unique_lock lock(mMutex); |
| mParams = {}; |
| mControl = {}; |
| mHealthControl = {}; |
| mHealthListener = {}; |
| mStatusCondition.wait_until(lock, now + 60s, [this] { |
| return mCurrentStatus == IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_DESTROYED; |
| }); |
| mStatusListener = {}; |
| mId = kInvalidStorageId; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| sp<content::pm::IDataLoader> IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::getDataLoader() { |
| sp<IDataLoader> dataloader; |
| auto status = mService.mDataLoaderManager->getDataLoader(id(), &dataloader); |
| if (!status.isOk()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get dataloader: " << status.toString8(); |
| return {}; |
| } |
| if (!dataloader) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "DataLoader is null: " << status.toString8(); |
| return {}; |
| } |
| return dataloader; |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::requestCreate() { |
| return setTargetStatus(IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_CREATED); |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::requestStart() { |
| return setTargetStatus(IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_STARTED); |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::requestDestroy() { |
| return setTargetStatus(IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_DESTROYED); |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::setTargetStatus(int newStatus) { |
| { |
| std::unique_lock lock(mMutex); |
| setTargetStatusLocked(newStatus); |
| } |
| return fsmStep(); |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::setTargetStatusLocked(int status) { |
| auto oldStatus = mTargetStatus; |
| mTargetStatus = status; |
| mTargetStatusTs = Clock::now(); |
| LOG(DEBUG) << "Target status update for DataLoader " << id() << ": " << oldStatus << " -> " |
| << status << " (current " << mCurrentStatus << ")"; |
| } |
| |
| Milliseconds IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::updateBindDelay() { |
| std::unique_lock lock(mMutex); |
| const auto previousBindTs = mPreviousBindTs; |
| const auto now = Clock::now(); |
| mPreviousBindTs = now; |
| |
| const auto nonCrashingInterval = std::max(castToMs(now - previousBindTs), 100ms); |
| if (previousBindTs.time_since_epoch() == Clock::duration::zero() || |
| nonCrashingInterval > Constants::healthyDataLoaderUptime) { |
| mPreviousBindDelay = 0ms; |
| return mPreviousBindDelay; |
| } |
| |
| constexpr auto minBindDelayMs = castToMs(Constants::minBindDelay); |
| constexpr auto maxBindDelayMs = castToMs(Constants::maxBindDelay); |
| |
| const auto bindDelayMs = |
| std::min(std::max(mPreviousBindDelay * Constants::bindDelayMultiplier, minBindDelayMs), |
| maxBindDelayMs) |
| .count(); |
| const auto bindDelayJitterRangeMs = bindDelayMs / Constants::bindDelayJitterDivider; |
| const auto bindDelayJitterMs = rand() % (bindDelayJitterRangeMs * 2) - bindDelayJitterRangeMs; |
| mPreviousBindDelay = std::chrono::milliseconds(bindDelayMs + bindDelayJitterMs); |
| |
| return mPreviousBindDelay; |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::bind() { |
| const auto bindDelay = updateBindDelay(); |
| if (bindDelay > 1s) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "Delaying bind to " << mParams.packageName << " by " |
| << bindDelay.count() / 1000 << "s"; |
| } |
| |
| bool result = false; |
| auto status = mService.mDataLoaderManager->bindToDataLoader(id(), mParams, bindDelay.count(), |
| this, &result); |
| if (!status.isOk() || !result) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to bind a data loader for mount " << id(); |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::create() { |
| auto dataloader = getDataLoader(); |
| if (!dataloader) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| auto status = dataloader->create(id(), mParams, mControl, this); |
| if (!status.isOk()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create DataLoader: " << status.toString8(); |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::start() { |
| auto dataloader = getDataLoader(); |
| if (!dataloader) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| auto status = dataloader->start(id()); |
| if (!status.isOk()) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start DataLoader: " << status.toString8(); |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::destroy() { |
| return mService.mDataLoaderManager->unbindFromDataLoader(id()).isOk(); |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::fsmStep() { |
| if (!isValid()) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| int currentStatus; |
| int targetStatus; |
| { |
| std::unique_lock lock(mMutex); |
| currentStatus = mCurrentStatus; |
| targetStatus = mTargetStatus; |
| } |
| |
| LOG(DEBUG) << "fsmStep: " << id() << ": " << currentStatus << " -> " << targetStatus; |
| |
| if (currentStatus == targetStatus) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| switch (targetStatus) { |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_UNAVAILABLE: |
| // Do nothing, this is a reset state. |
| break; |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_DESTROYED: { |
| return destroy(); |
| } |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_STARTED: { |
| switch (currentStatus) { |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_CREATED: |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_STOPPED: |
| return start(); |
| } |
| [[fallthrough]]; |
| } |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_CREATED: |
| switch (currentStatus) { |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_DESTROYED: |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_UNAVAILABLE: |
| return bind(); |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_BOUND: |
| return create(); |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid target status: " << targetStatus |
| << ", current status: " << currentStatus; |
| break; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| binder::Status IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::onStatusChanged(MountId mountId, int newStatus) { |
| if (!isValid()) { |
| return binder::Status:: |
| fromServiceSpecificError(-EINVAL, "onStatusChange came to invalid DataLoaderStub"); |
| } |
| if (id() != mountId) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Mount ID mismatch: expected " << id() << ", but got: " << mountId; |
| return binder::Status::fromServiceSpecificError(-EPERM, "Mount ID mismatch."); |
| } |
| if (newStatus == IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_UNRECOVERABLE) { |
| // User-provided status, let's postpone the handling to avoid possible deadlocks. |
| mService.addTimedJob(*mService.mTimedQueue, id(), Constants::userStatusDelay, |
| [this, newStatus]() { setCurrentStatus(newStatus); }); |
| return binder::Status::ok(); |
| } |
| |
| setCurrentStatus(newStatus); |
| return binder::Status::ok(); |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::setCurrentStatus(int newStatus) { |
| int targetStatus, oldStatus; |
| DataLoaderStatusListener listener; |
| { |
| std::unique_lock lock(mMutex); |
| if (mCurrentStatus == newStatus) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| oldStatus = mCurrentStatus; |
| mCurrentStatus = newStatus; |
| targetStatus = mTargetStatus; |
| |
| listener = mStatusListener; |
| |
| if (mCurrentStatus == IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_UNAVAILABLE || |
| mCurrentStatus == IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_UNRECOVERABLE) { |
| // For unavailable, unbind from DataLoader to ensure proper re-commit. |
| setTargetStatusLocked(IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_DESTROYED); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| LOG(DEBUG) << "Current status update for DataLoader " << id() << ": " << oldStatus << " -> " |
| << newStatus << " (target " << targetStatus << ")"; |
| |
| if (listener) { |
| listener->onStatusChanged(id(), newStatus); |
| } |
| |
| fsmStep(); |
| |
| mStatusCondition.notify_all(); |
| } |
| |
| binder::Status IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::reportStreamHealth(MountId mountId, |
| int newStatus) { |
| if (!isValid()) { |
| return binder::Status:: |
| fromServiceSpecificError(-EINVAL, |
| "reportStreamHealth came to invalid DataLoaderStub"); |
| } |
| if (id() != mountId) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Mount ID mismatch: expected " << id() << ", but got: " << mountId; |
| return binder::Status::fromServiceSpecificError(-EPERM, "Mount ID mismatch."); |
| } |
| { |
| std::lock_guard lock(mMutex); |
| mStreamStatus = newStatus; |
| } |
| return binder::Status::ok(); |
| } |
| |
| bool IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::isHealthParamsValid() const { |
| return mHealthCheckParams.blockedTimeoutMs > 0 && |
| mHealthCheckParams.blockedTimeoutMs < mHealthCheckParams.unhealthyTimeoutMs; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::onHealthStatus(StorageHealthListener healthListener, |
| int healthStatus) { |
| LOG(DEBUG) << id() << ": healthStatus: " << healthStatus; |
| if (healthListener) { |
| healthListener->onHealthStatus(id(), healthStatus); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static int adjustHealthStatus(int healthStatus, int streamStatus) { |
| if (healthStatus == IStorageHealthListener::HEALTH_STATUS_OK) { |
| // everything is good; no need to change status |
| return healthStatus; |
| } |
| int newHeathStatus = healthStatus; |
| switch (streamStatus) { |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::STREAM_STORAGE_ERROR: |
| // storage is limited and storage not healthy |
| newHeathStatus = IStorageHealthListener::HEALTH_STATUS_UNHEALTHY_STORAGE; |
| break; |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::STREAM_INTEGRITY_ERROR: |
| // fall through |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::STREAM_SOURCE_ERROR: |
| // fall through |
| case IDataLoaderStatusListener::STREAM_TRANSPORT_ERROR: |
| if (healthStatus == IStorageHealthListener::HEALTH_STATUS_UNHEALTHY) { |
| newHeathStatus = IStorageHealthListener::HEALTH_STATUS_UNHEALTHY_TRANSPORT; |
| } |
| // pending/blocked status due to transportation issues is not regarded as unhealthy |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| return newHeathStatus; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::updateHealthStatus(bool baseline) { |
| LOG(DEBUG) << id() << ": updateHealthStatus" << (baseline ? " (baseline)" : ""); |
| |
| int healthStatusToReport = -1; |
| StorageHealthListener healthListener; |
| |
| { |
| std::unique_lock lock(mMutex); |
| unregisterFromPendingReads(); |
| |
| healthListener = mHealthListener; |
| |
| // Healthcheck depends on timestamp of the oldest pending read. |
| // To get it, we need to re-open a pendingReads FD to get a full list of reads. |
| // Additionally we need to re-register for epoll with fresh FDs in case there are no |
| // reads. |
| const auto now = Clock::now(); |
| const auto kernelTsUs = getOldestPendingReadTs(); |
| if (baseline) { |
| // Updating baseline only on looper/epoll callback, i.e. on new set of pending |
| // reads. |
| mHealthBase = {now, kernelTsUs}; |
| } |
| |
| if (kernelTsUs == kMaxBootClockTsUs || mHealthBase.kernelTsUs == kMaxBootClockTsUs || |
| mHealthBase.userTs > now) { |
| LOG(DEBUG) << id() << ": No pending reads or invalid base, report Ok and wait."; |
| registerForPendingReads(); |
| healthStatusToReport = IStorageHealthListener::HEALTH_STATUS_OK; |
| lock.unlock(); |
| onHealthStatus(healthListener, healthStatusToReport); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| resetHealthControl(); |
| |
| // Always make sure the data loader is started. |
| setTargetStatusLocked(IDataLoaderStatusListener::DATA_LOADER_STARTED); |
| |
| // Skip any further processing if health check params are invalid. |
| if (!isHealthParamsValid()) { |
| LOG(DEBUG) << id() |
| << ": Skip any further processing if health check params are invalid."; |
| healthStatusToReport = IStorageHealthListener::HEALTH_STATUS_READS_PENDING; |
| lock.unlock(); |
| onHealthStatus(healthListener, healthStatusToReport); |
| // Triggering data loader start. This is a one-time action. |
| fsmStep(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Don't schedule timer job less than 500ms in advance. |
| static constexpr auto kTolerance = 500ms; |
| |
| const auto blockedTimeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(mHealthCheckParams.blockedTimeoutMs); |
| const auto unhealthyTimeout = |
| std::chrono::milliseconds(mHealthCheckParams.unhealthyTimeoutMs); |
| const auto unhealthyMonitoring = |
| std::max(1000ms, |
| std::chrono::milliseconds(mHealthCheckParams.unhealthyMonitoringMs)); |
| |
| const auto kernelDeltaUs = kernelTsUs - mHealthBase.kernelTsUs; |
| const auto userTs = mHealthBase.userTs + std::chrono::microseconds(kernelDeltaUs); |
| const auto delta = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - userTs); |
| |
| Milliseconds checkBackAfter; |
| if (delta + kTolerance < blockedTimeout) { |
| LOG(DEBUG) << id() << ": Report reads pending and wait for blocked status."; |
| checkBackAfter = blockedTimeout - delta; |
| healthStatusToReport = IStorageHealthListener::HEALTH_STATUS_READS_PENDING; |
| } else if (delta + kTolerance < unhealthyTimeout) { |
| LOG(DEBUG) << id() << ": Report blocked and wait for unhealthy."; |
| checkBackAfter = unhealthyTimeout - delta; |
| healthStatusToReport = IStorageHealthListener::HEALTH_STATUS_BLOCKED; |
| } else { |
| LOG(DEBUG) << id() << ": Report unhealthy and continue monitoring."; |
| checkBackAfter = unhealthyMonitoring; |
| healthStatusToReport = IStorageHealthListener::HEALTH_STATUS_UNHEALTHY; |
| } |
| // Adjust health status based on stream status |
| healthStatusToReport = adjustHealthStatus(healthStatusToReport, mStreamStatus); |
| LOG(DEBUG) << id() << ": updateHealthStatus in " << double(checkBackAfter.count()) / 1000.0 |
| << "secs"; |
| mService.addTimedJob(*mService.mTimedQueue, id(), checkBackAfter, |
| [this]() { updateHealthStatus(); }); |
| } |
| |
| // With kTolerance we are expecting these to execute before the next update. |
| if (healthStatusToReport != -1) { |
| onHealthStatus(healthListener, healthStatusToReport); |
| } |
| |
| fsmStep(); |
| } |
| |
| const incfs::UniqueControl& IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::initializeHealthControl() { |
| if (mHealthPath.empty()) { |
| resetHealthControl(); |
| return mHealthControl; |
| } |
| if (mHealthControl.pendingReads() < 0) { |
| mHealthControl = mService.mIncFs->openMount(mHealthPath); |
| } |
| if (mHealthControl.pendingReads() < 0) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open health control for: " << id() << ", path: " << mHealthPath |
| << "(" << mHealthControl.cmd() << ":" << mHealthControl.pendingReads() << ":" |
| << mHealthControl.logs() << ")"; |
| } |
| return mHealthControl; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::resetHealthControl() { |
| mHealthControl = {}; |
| } |
| |
| BootClockTsUs IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::getOldestPendingReadTs() { |
| auto result = kMaxBootClockTsUs; |
| |
| const auto& control = initializeHealthControl(); |
| if (control.pendingReads() < 0) { |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| if (mService.mIncFs->waitForPendingReads(control, 0ms, &mLastPendingReads) != |
| android::incfs::WaitResult::HaveData || |
| mLastPendingReads.empty()) { |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| LOG(DEBUG) << id() << ": pendingReads: " << control.pendingReads() << ", " |
| << mLastPendingReads.size() << ": " << mLastPendingReads.front().bootClockTsUs; |
| |
| for (auto&& pendingRead : mLastPendingReads) { |
| result = std::min(result, pendingRead.bootClockTsUs); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::registerForPendingReads() { |
| const auto pendingReadsFd = mHealthControl.pendingReads(); |
| if (pendingReadsFd < 0) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| LOG(DEBUG) << id() << ": addFd(pendingReadsFd): " << pendingReadsFd; |
| |
| mService.mLooper->addFd( |
| pendingReadsFd, android::Looper::POLL_CALLBACK, android::Looper::EVENT_INPUT, |
| [](int, int, void* data) -> int { |
| auto&& self = (DataLoaderStub*)data; |
| self->updateHealthStatus(/*baseline=*/true); |
| return 0; |
| }, |
| this); |
| mService.mLooper->wake(); |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::unregisterFromPendingReads() { |
| const auto pendingReadsFd = mHealthControl.pendingReads(); |
| if (pendingReadsFd < 0) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| LOG(DEBUG) << id() << ": removeFd(pendingReadsFd): " << pendingReadsFd; |
| |
| mService.mLooper->removeFd(pendingReadsFd); |
| mService.mLooper->wake(); |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::setHealthListener( |
| StorageHealthCheckParams&& healthCheckParams, const StorageHealthListener* healthListener) { |
| std::lock_guard lock(mMutex); |
| mHealthCheckParams = std::move(healthCheckParams); |
| if (healthListener == nullptr) { |
| // reset listener and params |
| mHealthListener = {}; |
| } else { |
| mHealthListener = *healthListener; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static std::string toHexString(const RawMetadata& metadata) { |
| int n = metadata.size(); |
| std::string res(n * 2, '\0'); |
| // Same as incfs::toString(fileId) |
| static constexpr char kHexChar[] = "0123456789abcdef"; |
| for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { |
| res[i * 2] = kHexChar[(metadata[i] & 0xf0) >> 4]; |
| res[i * 2 + 1] = kHexChar[(metadata[i] & 0x0f)]; |
| } |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::DataLoaderStub::onDump(int fd) { |
| dprintf(fd, " dataLoader: {\n"); |
| dprintf(fd, " currentStatus: %d\n", mCurrentStatus); |
| dprintf(fd, " targetStatus: %d\n", mTargetStatus); |
| dprintf(fd, " targetStatusTs: %lldmcs\n", |
| (long long)(elapsedMcs(mTargetStatusTs, Clock::now()))); |
| dprintf(fd, " health: {\n"); |
| dprintf(fd, " path: %s\n", mHealthPath.c_str()); |
| dprintf(fd, " base: %lldmcs (%lld)\n", |
| (long long)(elapsedMcs(mHealthBase.userTs, Clock::now())), |
| (long long)mHealthBase.kernelTsUs); |
| dprintf(fd, " blockedTimeoutMs: %d\n", int(mHealthCheckParams.blockedTimeoutMs)); |
| dprintf(fd, " unhealthyTimeoutMs: %d\n", int(mHealthCheckParams.unhealthyTimeoutMs)); |
| dprintf(fd, " unhealthyMonitoringMs: %d\n", |
| int(mHealthCheckParams.unhealthyMonitoringMs)); |
| dprintf(fd, " lastPendingReads: \n"); |
| const auto control = mService.mIncFs->openMount(mHealthPath); |
| for (auto&& pendingRead : mLastPendingReads) { |
| dprintf(fd, " fileId: %s\n", mService.mIncFs->toString(pendingRead.id).c_str()); |
| const auto metadata = mService.mIncFs->getMetadata(control, pendingRead.id); |
| dprintf(fd, " metadataHex: %s\n", toHexString(metadata).c_str()); |
| dprintf(fd, " blockIndex: %d\n", pendingRead.block); |
| dprintf(fd, " bootClockTsUs: %lld\n", (long long)pendingRead.bootClockTsUs); |
| } |
| dprintf(fd, " bind: %llds ago (delay: %llds)\n", |
| (long long)(elapsedMcs(mPreviousBindTs, Clock::now()) / 1000000), |
| (long long)(mPreviousBindDelay.count() / 1000)); |
| dprintf(fd, " }\n"); |
| const auto& params = mParams; |
| dprintf(fd, " dataLoaderParams: {\n"); |
| dprintf(fd, " type: %s\n", toString(params.type).c_str()); |
| dprintf(fd, " packageName: %s\n", params.packageName.c_str()); |
| dprintf(fd, " className: %s\n", params.className.c_str()); |
| dprintf(fd, " arguments: %s\n", params.arguments.c_str()); |
| dprintf(fd, " }\n"); |
| dprintf(fd, " }\n"); |
| } |
| |
| void IncrementalService::AppOpsListener::opChanged(int32_t, const String16&) { |
| incrementalService.onAppOpChanged(packageName); |
| } |
| |
| binder::Status IncrementalService::IncrementalServiceConnector::setStorageParams( |
| bool enableReadLogs, int32_t* _aidl_return) { |
| *_aidl_return = incrementalService.setStorageParams(storage, enableReadLogs); |
| return binder::Status::ok(); |
| } |
| |
| FileId IncrementalService::idFromMetadata(std::span<const uint8_t> metadata) { |
| return IncFs_FileIdFromMetadata({(const char*)metadata.data(), metadata.size()}); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace android::incremental |