blob: 65e93a9f93a3d5cc83149c9b8fe1853f8756dc87 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "CameraServiceProxyWrapper"
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/String16.h>
#include <camera/StringUtils.h>
#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
#include "CameraServiceProxyWrapper.h"
namespace android {
using hardware::CameraExtensionSessionStats;
using hardware::CameraSessionStats;
using hardware::ICameraServiceProxy;
namespace {
// Sentinel value to be returned when extension session with a stale or invalid key is reported.
const std::string POISON_EXT_STATS_KEY("poisoned_stats");
} // anonymous namespace
* CameraSessionStatsWrapper functions
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::CameraSessionStatsWrapper::updateProxyDeviceState(
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy>& proxyBinder) {
if (proxyBinder == nullptr) return;
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::CameraSessionStatsWrapper::onOpen(
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy>& proxyBinder) {
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::CameraSessionStatsWrapper::onClose(
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy>& proxyBinder, int32_t latencyMs,
bool deviceError) {
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
mSessionStats.mNewCameraState = CameraSessionStats::CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED;
mSessionStats.mLatencyMs = latencyMs;
mSessionStats.mDeviceError = deviceError;
mSessionStats.mSessionIndex = 0;
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::CameraSessionStatsWrapper::onStreamConfigured(
int operatingMode, bool internalReconfig, int32_t latencyMs) {
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
if (internalReconfig) {
} else {
mSessionStats.mLatencyMs = latencyMs;
mSessionStats.mSessionType = operatingMode;
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::CameraSessionStatsWrapper::onActive(
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy>& proxyBinder, float maxPreviewFps) {
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
mSessionStats.mNewCameraState = CameraSessionStats::CAMERA_STATE_ACTIVE;
mSessionStats.mMaxPreviewFps = maxPreviewFps;
// Reset mCreationDuration to -1 to distinguish between 1st session
// after configuration, and all other sessions after configuration.
mSessionStats.mLatencyMs = -1;
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::CameraSessionStatsWrapper::onIdle(
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy>& proxyBinder,
int64_t requestCount, int64_t resultErrorCount, bool deviceError,
const std::string& userTag, int32_t videoStabilizationMode, bool usedUltraWide,
bool usedZoomOverride, const std::vector<hardware::CameraStreamStats>& streamStats) {
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
mSessionStats.mNewCameraState = CameraSessionStats::CAMERA_STATE_IDLE;
mSessionStats.mRequestCount = requestCount;
mSessionStats.mResultErrorCount = resultErrorCount;
mSessionStats.mDeviceError = deviceError;
mSessionStats.mUserTag = userTag;
mSessionStats.mVideoStabilizationMode = videoStabilizationMode;
mSessionStats.mUsedUltraWide = usedUltraWide;
mSessionStats.mUsedZoomOverride = usedZoomOverride;
mSessionStats.mStreamStats = streamStats;
mSessionStats.mInternalReconfigure = 0;
mSessionStats.mCameraExtensionSessionStats = {};
int64_t CameraServiceProxyWrapper::CameraSessionStatsWrapper::getLogId() {
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
return mSessionStats.mLogId;
std::string CameraServiceProxyWrapper::CameraSessionStatsWrapper::updateExtensionSessionStats(
const hardware::CameraExtensionSessionStats& extStats) {
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
CameraExtensionSessionStats& currStats = mSessionStats.mCameraExtensionSessionStats;
if (currStats.key != extStats.key) {
// Mismatched keys. Extensions stats likely reported for a closed session
ALOGW("%s: mismatched extensions stats key: current='%s' reported='%s'. Dropping stats.",
__FUNCTION__, toStdString(currStats.key).c_str(), toStdString(extStats.key).c_str());
return POISON_EXT_STATS_KEY; // return poisoned key to so future calls are
// definitely dropped.
// Matching keys...
if (currStats.key.size()) {
// non-empty matching keys. overwrite.
ALOGV("%s: Overwriting extension session stats: %s", __FUNCTION__,
currStats = extStats;
return toStdString(currStats.key);
// Matching empty keys...
if (mSessionStats.mClientName != toStdString(extStats.clientName)) {
ALOGW("%s: extension stats reported for unexpected package: current='%s' reported='%s'. "
"Dropping stats.", __FUNCTION__,
// Matching empty keys for the current client...
if (mSessionStats.mNewCameraState == CameraSessionStats::CAMERA_STATE_OPEN ||
mSessionStats.mNewCameraState == CameraSessionStats::CAMERA_STATE_IDLE) {
// Camera is open, but not active. It is possible that the active callback hasn't
// occurred yet. Keep the stats, but don't associate it with any session.
ALOGV("%s: extension stat reported for an open, but not active camera. "
"Saving stats, but not generating key.", __FUNCTION__);
currStats = extStats;
return {}; // Subsequent calls will handle setting the correct key.
if (mSessionStats.mNewCameraState == CameraSessionStats::CAMERA_STATE_ACTIVE) {
// camera is active. First call for the session!
currStats = extStats;
// Generate a new key from logId and sessionIndex.
std::ostringstream key;
key << mSessionStats.mSessionIndex << '/' << mSessionStats.mLogId;
currStats.key = String16(key.str().c_str());
ALOGV("%s: New extension session stats: %s", __FUNCTION__, currStats.toString().c_str());
return toStdString(currStats.key);
// Camera is closed. Probably a stale call.
ALOGW("%s: extension stats reported for closed camera id '%s'. Dropping stats.",
__FUNCTION__, mSessionStats.mCameraId.c_str());
return {};
* CameraServiceProxyWrapper functions
sp<ICameraServiceProxy> CameraServiceProxyWrapper::getCameraServiceProxy() {
#ifndef __BRILLO__
Mutex::Autolock al(mProxyMutex);
if (mCameraServiceProxy == nullptr) {
mCameraServiceProxy = getDefaultCameraServiceProxy();
return mCameraServiceProxy;
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy> CameraServiceProxyWrapper::getDefaultCameraServiceProxy() {
#ifndef __BRILLO__
sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager();
// Use checkService because cameraserver normally starts before the
// system server and the proxy service. So the long timeout that getService
// has before giving up is inappropriate.
sp<IBinder> binder = sm->checkService(String16(""));
if (binder != nullptr) {
return interface_cast<ICameraServiceProxy>(binder);
return nullptr;
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::pingCameraServiceProxy() {
sp<ICameraServiceProxy> proxyBinder = getCameraServiceProxy();
if (proxyBinder == nullptr) return;
int CameraServiceProxyWrapper::getRotateAndCropOverride(const std::string &packageName,
int lensFacing, int userId) {
sp<ICameraServiceProxy> proxyBinder = getCameraServiceProxy();
if (proxyBinder == nullptr) return true;
int ret = 0;
auto status = proxyBinder->getRotateAndCropOverride(packageName, lensFacing,
userId, &ret);
if (!status.isOk()) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed during top activity orientation query: %s", __FUNCTION__,
return ret;
int CameraServiceProxyWrapper::getAutoframingOverride(const std::string& packageName) {
sp<ICameraServiceProxy> proxyBinder = getCameraServiceProxy();
if (proxyBinder == nullptr) {
int ret = 0;
auto status = proxyBinder->getAutoframingOverride(packageName, &ret);
if (!status.isOk()) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed during autoframing override query: %s", __FUNCTION__,
return ret;
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::logStreamConfigured(const std::string& id,
int operatingMode, bool internalConfig, int32_t latencyMs) {
std::shared_ptr<CameraSessionStatsWrapper> sessionStats;
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
if (mSessionStatsMap.count(id) == 0) {
ALOGE("%s: SessionStatsMap should contain camera %s",
__FUNCTION__, id.c_str());
sessionStats = mSessionStatsMap[id];
ALOGV("%s: id %s, operatingMode %d, internalConfig %d, latencyMs %d",
__FUNCTION__, id.c_str(), operatingMode, internalConfig, latencyMs);
sessionStats->onStreamConfigured(operatingMode, internalConfig, latencyMs);
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::logActive(const std::string& id, float maxPreviewFps) {
std::shared_ptr<CameraSessionStatsWrapper> sessionStats;
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
if (mSessionStatsMap.count(id) == 0) {
ALOGE("%s: SessionStatsMap should contain camera %s when logActive is called",
__FUNCTION__, id.c_str());
sessionStats = mSessionStatsMap[id];
ALOGV("%s: id %s", __FUNCTION__, id.c_str());
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy> proxyBinder = getCameraServiceProxy();
sessionStats->onActive(proxyBinder, maxPreviewFps);
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::logIdle(const std::string& id,
int64_t requestCount, int64_t resultErrorCount, bool deviceError,
const std::string& userTag, int32_t videoStabilizationMode, bool usedUltraWide,
bool usedZoomOverride, const std::vector<hardware::CameraStreamStats>& streamStats) {
std::shared_ptr<CameraSessionStatsWrapper> sessionStats;
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
if (mSessionStatsMap.count(id) == 0) {
ALOGE("%s: SessionStatsMap should contain camera %s when logIdle is called",
__FUNCTION__, id.c_str());
sessionStats = mSessionStatsMap[id];
ALOGV("%s: id %s, requestCount %" PRId64 ", resultErrorCount %" PRId64 ", deviceError %d"
", userTag %s, videoStabilizationMode %d", __FUNCTION__, id.c_str(), requestCount,
resultErrorCount, deviceError, userTag.c_str(), videoStabilizationMode);
for (size_t i = 0; i < streamStats.size(); i++) {
ALOGV("%s: streamStats[%zu]: w %d h %d, requestedCount %" PRId64 ", dropCount %"
PRId64 ", startTimeMs %d" ,
__FUNCTION__, i, streamStats[i].mWidth, streamStats[i].mHeight,
streamStats[i].mRequestCount, streamStats[i].mErrorCount,
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy> proxyBinder = getCameraServiceProxy();
sessionStats->onIdle(proxyBinder, requestCount, resultErrorCount, deviceError, userTag,
videoStabilizationMode, usedUltraWide, usedZoomOverride, streamStats);
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::logOpen(const std::string& id, int facing,
const std::string& clientPackageName, int effectiveApiLevel, bool isNdk,
int32_t latencyMs) {
std::shared_ptr<CameraSessionStatsWrapper> sessionStats;
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
if (mSessionStatsMap.count(id) > 0) {
ALOGE("%s: SessionStatsMap shouldn't contain camera %s",
__FUNCTION__, id.c_str());
int apiLevel = CameraSessionStats::CAMERA_API_LEVEL_1;
if (effectiveApiLevel == 2) {
apiLevel = CameraSessionStats::CAMERA_API_LEVEL_2;
// Generate a new log ID for open events
int64_t logId = generateLogId(mRandomDevice);
sessionStats = std::make_shared<CameraSessionStatsWrapper>(
id, facing, CameraSessionStats::CAMERA_STATE_OPEN, clientPackageName,
apiLevel, isNdk, latencyMs, logId);
mSessionStatsMap.emplace(id, sessionStats);
ALOGV("%s: Adding id %s", __FUNCTION__, id.c_str());
ALOGV("%s: id %s, facing %d, effectiveApiLevel %d, isNdk %d, latencyMs %d",
__FUNCTION__, id.c_str(), facing, effectiveApiLevel, isNdk, latencyMs);
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy> proxyBinder = getCameraServiceProxy();
void CameraServiceProxyWrapper::logClose(const std::string& id, int32_t latencyMs,
bool deviceError) {
std::shared_ptr<CameraSessionStatsWrapper> sessionStats;
Mutex::Autolock l(mLock);
if (mSessionStatsMap.count(id) == 0) {
ALOGE("%s: SessionStatsMap should contain camera %s before it's closed",
__FUNCTION__, id.c_str());
sessionStats = mSessionStatsMap[id];
if (sessionStats == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: SessionStatsMap should contain camera %s",
__FUNCTION__, id.c_str());
ALOGV("%s: Erasing id %s, deviceError %d", __FUNCTION__, id.c_str(), deviceError);
ALOGV("%s: id %s, latencyMs %d, deviceError %d", __FUNCTION__,
id.c_str(), latencyMs, deviceError);
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy> proxyBinder = getCameraServiceProxy();
sessionStats->onClose(proxyBinder, latencyMs, deviceError);
bool CameraServiceProxyWrapper::isCameraDisabled(int userId) {
sp<ICameraServiceProxy> proxyBinder = getCameraServiceProxy();
if (proxyBinder == nullptr) return true;
bool ret = false;
auto status = proxyBinder->isCameraDisabled(userId, &ret);
if (!status.isOk()) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed during camera disabled query: %s", __FUNCTION__,
return ret;
int64_t CameraServiceProxyWrapper::getCurrentLogIdForCamera(const std::string& cameraId) {
std::shared_ptr<CameraSessionStatsWrapper> stats;
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
if (mSessionStatsMap.count(cameraId) == 0) {
ALOGE("%s: SessionStatsMap should contain camera %s before asking for its logging ID.",
__FUNCTION__, cameraId.c_str());
return 0;
stats = mSessionStatsMap[cameraId];
return stats->getLogId();
int64_t CameraServiceProxyWrapper::generateLogId(std::random_device& randomDevice) {
int64_t ret = 0;
do {
// std::random_device generates 32 bits per call, so we call it twice
ret = randomDevice();
ret = ret << 32;
ret = ret | randomDevice();
} while (ret == 0); // 0 is not a valid identifier
return ret;
std::string CameraServiceProxyWrapper::updateExtensionStats(
const hardware::CameraExtensionSessionStats& extStats) {
std::shared_ptr<CameraSessionStatsWrapper> stats;
std::string cameraId = toStdString(extStats.cameraId);
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
if (mSessionStatsMap.count(cameraId) == 0) {
ALOGE("%s CameraExtensionSessionStats reported for camera id that isn't open: %s",
__FUNCTION__, cameraId.c_str());
return {};
stats = mSessionStatsMap[cameraId];
return stats->updateExtensionSessionStats(extStats);
} // namespace android