blob: a163f4bbd8007b3931f60325d62e7b4eae04f1d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#define LOG_TAG "BundleContext"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <audio_utils/power.h>
#include <Utils.h>
#include "BundleContext.h"
#include "BundleTypes.h"
#include "math.h"
namespace aidl::android::hardware::audio::effect {
using ::aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioChannelLayout;
using ::aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDeviceDescription;
using ::aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDeviceType;
BundleContext::BundleContext(int statusDepth, const Parameter::Common& common,
const lvm::BundleEffectType& type)
: EffectContext(statusDepth, common), mType(type) {
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << type;
int channelCount = ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::getChannelCount(
mSamplesPerSecond = common.input.base.sampleRate * channelCount;
BundleContext::~BundleContext() {
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__;
RetCode BundleContext::init() {
std::lock_guard lg(mMutex);
// init with pre-defined preset NORMAL
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS; i++) {
mBandGainMdB[i] = lvm::kSoftPresets[0 /* normal */][i] * 100;
// allocate lvm instance
LVM_ReturnStatus_en status;
LVM_InstParams_t params = {.BufferMode = LVM_UNMANAGED_BUFFERS,
.MaxBlockSize = lvm::MAX_CALL_SIZE,
.EQNB_NumBands = lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS,
.PSA_Included = LVM_PSA_ON};
status = LVM_GetInstanceHandle(&mInstance, &params);
GOTO_IF_LVM_ERROR(status, deinit, "LVM_GetInstanceHandleFailed");
// set control
LVM_ControlParams_t controlParams;
status = LVM_SetControlParameters(mInstance, &controlParams);
GOTO_IF_LVM_ERROR(status, deinit, "LVM_SetControlParametersFailed");
/* Set the headroom parameters */
LVM_HeadroomParams_t headroomParams;
status = LVM_SetHeadroomParams(mInstance, &headroomParams);
GOTO_IF_LVM_ERROR(status, deinit, "LVM_SetHeadroomParamsFailed");
return RetCode::SUCCESS;
void BundleContext::deInit() {
std::lock_guard lg(mMutex);
if (mInstance) {
mInstance = nullptr;
RetCode BundleContext::enable() {
if (mEnabled) return RetCode::ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER;
// Bass boost or Virtualizer can be temporarily disabled if playing over device speaker due to
// their nature.
bool tempDisabled = false;
switch (mType) {
case lvm::BundleEffectType::EQUALIZER:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " enable bundle EQ";
if (mSamplesToExitCountEq <= 0) mNumberEffectsEnabled++;
mSamplesToExitCountEq = (mSamplesPerSecond * 0.1);
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::EQUALIZER));
case lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " enable bundle BB";
if (mSamplesToExitCountBb <= 0) mNumberEffectsEnabled++;
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST));
mSamplesToExitCountBb = (mSamplesPerSecond * 0.1);
tempDisabled = mBassTempDisabled;
case lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " enable bundle VR";
if (mSamplesToExitCountVirt <= 0) mNumberEffectsEnabled++;
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER));
mSamplesToExitCountVirt = (mSamplesPerSecond * 0.1);
tempDisabled = mVirtualizerTempDisabled;
case lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " enable bundle VOL";
if ((mEffectInDrain & (1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME))) == 0)
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME));
mEnabled = true;
return (tempDisabled ? RetCode::SUCCESS : enableOperatingMode());
RetCode BundleContext::enableOperatingMode() {
LVM_ControlParams_t params;
std::lock_guard lg(mMutex);
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_GetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, "failGetControlParams");
switch (mType) {
case lvm::BundleEffectType::EQUALIZER:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " enable bundle EQ";
params.EQNB_OperatingMode = LVM_EQNB_ON;
case lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " enable bundle BB";
params.BE_OperatingMode = LVM_BE_ON;
case lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " enable bundle VR";
params.VirtualizerOperatingMode = LVM_MODE_ON;
case lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " enable bundle VOL";
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_SetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, "failSetControlParams");
return limitLevel();
RetCode BundleContext::disable() {
if (!mEnabled) return RetCode::ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER;
switch (mType) {
case lvm::BundleEffectType::EQUALIZER:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " disable bundle EQ";
mEffectInDrain |= 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::EQUALIZER);
case lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " disable bundle BB";
mEffectInDrain |= 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST);
case lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " disable bundle VR";
mEffectInDrain |= 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER);
case lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " disable bundle VOL";
mEffectInDrain |= 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME);
mEnabled = false;
return disableOperatingMode();
RetCode BundleContext::disableOperatingMode() {
LVM_ControlParams_t params;
std::lock_guard lg(mMutex);
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_GetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, "failGetControlParams");
switch (mType) {
case lvm::BundleEffectType::EQUALIZER:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " disable bundle EQ";
params.EQNB_OperatingMode = LVM_EQNB_OFF;
case lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " disable bundle BB";
params.BE_OperatingMode = LVM_BE_OFF;
case lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " disable bundle VR";
params.VirtualizerOperatingMode = LVM_MODE_OFF;
case lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME:
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " disable bundle VOL";
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_SetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, "failSetControlParams");
mEnabled = false;
return limitLevel();
RetCode BundleContext::limitLevel() {
int gainCorrection = 0;
// Count the energy contribution per band for EQ and BassBoost only if they are active.
float energyContribution = 0;
float energyCross = 0;
float energyBassBoost = 0;
float crossCorrection = 0;
LVM_ControlParams_t params;
std::lock_guard lg(mMutex);
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_GetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, " getControlParamFailed");
bool eqEnabled = params.EQNB_OperatingMode == LVM_EQNB_ON;
bool bbEnabled = params.BE_OperatingMode == LVM_BE_ON;
bool viEnabled = params.VirtualizerOperatingMode == LVM_MODE_ON;
if (eqEnabled) {
for (int i = 0; i < lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS; i++) {
float bandFactor = mBandGainMdB[i] / 1500.0;
float bandCoefficient = lvm::kBandEnergyCoefficient[i];
float bandEnergy = bandFactor * bandCoefficient * bandCoefficient;
if (bandEnergy > 0) energyContribution += bandEnergy;
// cross EQ coefficients
float bandFactorSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS - 1; i++) {
float bandFactor1 = mBandGainMdB[i] / 1500.0;
float bandFactor2 = mBandGainMdB[i + 1] / 1500.0;
if (bandFactor1 > 0 && bandFactor2 > 0) {
float crossEnergy =
bandFactor1 * bandFactor2 * lvm::kBandEnergyCrossCoefficient[i];
bandFactorSum += bandFactor1 * bandFactor2;
if (crossEnergy > 0) energyCross += crossEnergy;
bandFactorSum -= 1.0;
if (bandFactorSum > 0) crossCorrection = bandFactorSum * 0.7;
// BassBoost contribution
if (bbEnabled) {
float boostFactor = mBassStrengthSaved / 1000.0;
float boostCoefficient = lvm::kBassBoostEnergyCoefficient;
energyContribution += boostFactor * boostCoefficient * boostCoefficient;
if (eqEnabled) {
for (int i = 0; i < lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS; i++) {
float bandFactor = mBandGainMdB[i] / 1500.0;
float bandCrossCoefficient = lvm::kBassBoostEnergyCrossCoefficient[i];
float bandEnergy = boostFactor * bandFactor * bandCrossCoefficient;
if (bandEnergy > 0) energyBassBoost += bandEnergy;
// Virtualizer contribution
if (viEnabled) {
energyContribution += lvm::kVirtualizerContribution * lvm::kVirtualizerContribution;
double totalEnergyEstimation =
sqrt(energyContribution + energyCross + energyBassBoost) - crossCorrection;
LOG(INFO) << " TOTAL energy estimation: " << totalEnergyEstimation << " dB";
// roundoff
int maxLevelRound = (int)(totalEnergyEstimation + 0.99);
if (maxLevelRound + mVolume > 0) {
gainCorrection = maxLevelRound + mVolume;
params.VC_EffectLevel = mVolume - gainCorrection;
if (params.VC_EffectLevel < -96) {
params.VC_EffectLevel = -96;
LOG(INFO) << "\tVol: " << mVolume << ", GainCorrection: " << gainCorrection
<< ", Actual vol: " << params.VC_EffectLevel;
/* Activate the initial settings */
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_SetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, " setControlParamFailed");
if (mFirstVolume) {
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_SetVolumeNoSmoothing(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, " setVolumeNoSmoothingFailed");
LOG(INFO) << "\tLVM_VOLUME: Disabling Smoothing for first volume change to remove "
mFirstVolume = false;
return RetCode::SUCCESS;
bool BundleContext::isDeviceSupportedBassBoost(
const std::vector<aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDeviceDescription>& devices) {
for (const auto& device : devices) {
if (device != AudioDeviceDescription{AudioDeviceType::OUT_SPEAKER, ""} &&
device != AudioDeviceDescription{AudioDeviceType::OUT_CARKIT,
AudioDeviceDescription::CONNECTION_BT_SCO} &&
device != AudioDeviceDescription{AudioDeviceType::OUT_SPEAKER,
AudioDeviceDescription::CONNECTION_BT_A2DP}) {
return false;
return true;
bool BundleContext::isDeviceSupportedVirtualizer(
const std::vector<aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDeviceDescription>& devices) {
for (const auto& device : devices) {
if (device != AudioDeviceDescription{AudioDeviceType::OUT_HEADSET,
AudioDeviceDescription::CONNECTION_ANALOG} &&
device != AudioDeviceDescription{AudioDeviceType::OUT_HEADPHONE,
AudioDeviceDescription::CONNECTION_ANALOG} &&
device != AudioDeviceDescription{AudioDeviceType::OUT_HEADPHONE,
AudioDeviceDescription::CONNECTION_BT_A2DP} &&
device != AudioDeviceDescription{AudioDeviceType::OUT_HEADSET,
AudioDeviceDescription::CONNECTION_USB}) {
return false;
return true;
bool BundleContext::isConfigSupportedVirtualizer(size_t channelCount,
const AudioDeviceDescription& device) {
return (channelCount >= 1 && channelCount <= FCC_2) && isDeviceSupportedVirtualizer({device});
RetCode BundleContext::setOutputDevice(
const std::vector<aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDeviceDescription>& devices) {
mOutputDevice = devices;
switch (mType) {
case lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST:
if (!isDeviceSupportedBassBoost(devices)) {
// If a device doesn't support bass boost, the effect must be temporarily disabled.
// The effect must still report its original state as this can only be changed by
// the start/stop commands.
if (mEnabled) {
mBassTempDisabled = true;
} else {
// If a device supports bass boost and the effect has been temporarily disabled
// previously then re-enable it
if (!mEnabled) {
mBassTempDisabled = false;
case lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER:
if (!isDeviceSupportedVirtualizer(devices)) {
if (mEnabled) {
mVirtualizerTempDisabled = true;
} else {
if (!mEnabled) {
mVirtualizerTempDisabled = false;
return RetCode::SUCCESS;
LVM_INT16 BundleContext::LVC_ToDB_s32Tos16(LVM_INT32 Lin_fix) const {
LVM_INT16 db_fix;
LVM_INT16 Shift;
LVM_INT16 SmallRemainder;
LVM_UINT32 Remainder = (LVM_UINT32)Lin_fix;
/* Count leading bits, 1 cycle in assembly*/
for (Shift = 0; Shift < 32; Shift++) {
if ((Remainder & 0x80000000U) != 0) {
Remainder = Remainder << 1;
* Based on the approximation equation (for Q11.4 format):
* dB = -96 * Shift + 16 * (8 * Remainder - 2 * Remainder^2)
db_fix = (LVM_INT16)(-96 * Shift); /* Six dB steps in Q11.4 format*/
SmallRemainder = (LVM_INT16)((Remainder & 0x7fffffff) >> 24);
db_fix = (LVM_INT16)(db_fix + SmallRemainder);
SmallRemainder = (LVM_INT16)(SmallRemainder * SmallRemainder);
db_fix = (LVM_INT16)(db_fix - (LVM_INT16)((LVM_UINT16)SmallRemainder >> 9));
/* Correct for small offset */
db_fix = (LVM_INT16)(db_fix - 5);
return db_fix;
/* static */
float BundleContext::VolToDb(float vol) {
float dB = audio_utils_power_from_amplitude(vol);
return std::max(dB, -96.f);
RetCode BundleContext::setVolumeStereo(const Parameter::VolumeStereo& volume) {
LVM_ControlParams_t params;
LVM_ReturnStatus_en status = LVM_SUCCESS;
// Convert volume to dB
float leftdB = VolToDb(volume.left);
float rightdB = VolToDb(volume.right);
float maxdB = std::max(leftdB, rightdB);
float pandB = rightdB - leftdB;
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " pandB: " << pandB << " maxdB " << maxdB;
std::lock_guard lg(mMutex);
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_GetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
params.VC_Balance = pandB;
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_SetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
mVolumeStereo = volume;
return RetCode::SUCCESS;
RetCode BundleContext::setEqualizerPreset(const std::size_t presetIdx) {
if (presetIdx < 0 || presetIdx >= lvm::MAX_NUM_PRESETS) {
std::vector<Equalizer::BandLevel> bandLevels;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS; i++) {
lvm::kSoftPresets[presetIdx][i] * 100});
RetCode ret = updateControlParameter(bandLevels);
if (RetCode::SUCCESS == ret) {
mCurPresetIdx = presetIdx;
LOG(INFO) << __func__ << " success with " << presetIdx;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << " failed to setPreset " << presetIdx;
return ret;
RetCode BundleContext::setEqualizerBandLevels(const std::vector<Equalizer::BandLevel>& bandLevels) {
RETURN_VALUE_IF(bandLevels.size() > lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS || bandLevels.empty(),
RetCode::ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER, "sizeExceedMax");
RetCode ret = updateControlParameter(bandLevels);
if (RetCode::SUCCESS == ret) {
mCurPresetIdx = lvm::PRESET_CUSTOM;
LOG(INFO) << __func__ << " succeed with " << ::android::internal::ToString(bandLevels);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << " failed with " << ::android::internal::ToString(bandLevels);
return ret;
std::vector<Equalizer::BandLevel> BundleContext::getEqualizerBandLevels() const {
std::vector<Equalizer::BandLevel> bandLevels;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS; i++) {
Equalizer::BandLevel{static_cast<int32_t>(i), mBandGainMdB[i]});
return bandLevels;
std::vector<int32_t> BundleContext::getEqualizerCenterFreqs() {
std::vector<int32_t> freqs;
LVM_ControlParams_t params;
std::lock_guard lg(mMutex);
/* Get the current settings */
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_GetControlParameters(mInstance, &params), freqs,
" getControlParamFailed");
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS; i++) {
freqs.push_back((int32_t)params.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].Frequency * 1000);
return freqs;
bool BundleContext::isBandLevelIndexInRange(
const std::vector<Equalizer::BandLevel>& bandLevels) const {
const auto [min, max] =
std::minmax_element(bandLevels.begin(), bandLevels.end(),
[](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a.index < b.index; });
return min->index >= 0 && max->index < lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS;
RetCode BundleContext::updateControlParameter(const std::vector<Equalizer::BandLevel>& bandLevels) {
RETURN_VALUE_IF(!isBandLevelIndexInRange(bandLevels), RetCode::ERROR_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER,
std::array<int, lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS> tempLevel(mBandGainMdB);
for (const auto& it : bandLevels) {
tempLevel[it.index] = it.levelMb;
LVM_ControlParams_t params;
std::lock_guard lg(mMutex);
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_GetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, " getControlParamFailed");
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS; i++) {
params.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].Frequency = lvm::kPresetsFrequencies[i];
params.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].QFactor = lvm::kPresetsQFactors[i];
params.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].Gain =
tempLevel[i] > 0 ? (tempLevel[i] + 50) / 100 : (tempLevel[i] - 50) / 100;
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_SetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, " setControlParamFailed");
mBandGainMdB = tempLevel;
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " update bandGain to " << ::android::internal::ToString(mBandGainMdB)
<< "mdB";
return RetCode::SUCCESS;
RetCode BundleContext::setBassBoostStrength(int strength) {
// Update Control Parameter
LVM_ControlParams_t params;
std::lock_guard lg(mMutex);
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_GetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, " getControlParamFailed");
params.BE_EffectLevel = (LVM_INT16)((15 * strength) / 1000);
params.BE_CentreFreq = LVM_BE_CENTRE_90Hz;
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_SetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, " setControlParamFailed");
mBassStrengthSaved = strength;
LOG(INFO) << __func__ << " success with strength " << strength;
return limitLevel();
RetCode BundleContext::setVolumeLevel(float level) {
if (mMuteEnabled) {
mLevelSaved = level;
} else {
mVolume = level;
LOG(INFO) << __func__ << " success with level " << level;
return limitLevel();
float BundleContext::getVolumeLevel() const {
return (mMuteEnabled ? mLevelSaved : mVolume);
RetCode BundleContext::setVolumeMute(bool mute) {
mMuteEnabled = mute;
if (mMuteEnabled) {
mLevelSaved = mVolume;
mVolume = -96;
} else {
mVolume = mLevelSaved;
return limitLevel();
RetCode BundleContext::setVirtualizerStrength(int strength) {
// Update Control Parameter
LVM_ControlParams_t params;
std::lock_guard lg(mMutex);
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_GetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, " getControlParamFailed");
params.CS_EffectLevel = ((strength * 32767) / 1000);
RETURN_VALUE_IF(LVM_SUCCESS != LVM_SetControlParameters(mInstance, &params),
RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR, " setControlParamFailed");
mVirtStrengthSaved = strength;
LOG(INFO) << __func__ << " success with strength " << strength;
return limitLevel();
RetCode BundleContext::setForcedDevice(
const ::aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDeviceDescription& device) {
RETURN_VALUE_IF(true != isDeviceSupportedVirtualizer({device}), RetCode::ERROR_EFFECT_LIB_ERROR,
" deviceNotSupportVirtualizer");
mForceDevice = device;
return RetCode::SUCCESS;
void BundleContext::initControlParameter(LVM_ControlParams_t& params) const {
/* General parameters */
params.OperatingMode = LVM_MODE_ON;
params.SampleRate = LVM_FS_44100;
params.SourceFormat = LVM_STEREO;
params.SpeakerType = LVM_HEADPHONES;
/* Concert Sound parameters */
params.VirtualizerOperatingMode = LVM_MODE_OFF;
params.VirtualizerType = LVM_CONCERTSOUND;
params.VirtualizerReverbLevel = 100;
params.CS_EffectLevel = LVM_CS_EFFECT_NONE;
params.EQNB_OperatingMode = LVM_EQNB_OFF;
params.EQNB_NBands = lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS;
params.pEQNB_BandDefinition = getDefaultEqualizerBandDefs();
/* Volume Control parameters */
params.VC_EffectLevel = 0;
params.VC_Balance = 0;
/* Treble Enhancement parameters */
params.TE_OperatingMode = LVM_TE_OFF;
params.TE_EffectLevel = 0;
/* PSA Control parameters */
params.PSA_Enable = LVM_PSA_OFF;
params.PSA_PeakDecayRate = (LVM_PSA_DecaySpeed_en)0;
/* Bass Enhancement parameters */
params.BE_OperatingMode = LVM_BE_OFF;
params.BE_EffectLevel = 0;
params.BE_CentreFreq = LVM_BE_CENTRE_90Hz;
params.BE_HPF = LVM_BE_HPF_ON;
/* PSA Control parameters */
params.PSA_Enable = LVM_PSA_OFF;
params.PSA_PeakDecayRate = LVM_PSA_SPEED_MEDIUM;
/* TE Control parameters */
params.TE_OperatingMode = LVM_TE_OFF;
params.TE_EffectLevel = 0;
params.NrChannels = audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO);
params.SourceFormat = LVM_STEREO;
void BundleContext::initHeadroomParameter(LVM_HeadroomParams_t& params) const {
params.pHeadroomDefinition = getDefaultEqualizerHeadroomBanDefs();
params.NHeadroomBands = 2;
params.Headroom_OperatingMode = LVM_HEADROOM_OFF;
LVM_EQNB_BandDef_t *BundleContext::getDefaultEqualizerBandDefs() {
static LVM_EQNB_BandDef_t* BandDefs = []() {
static LVM_EQNB_BandDef_t tempDefs[lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS];
/* N-Band Equaliser parameters */
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lvm::MAX_NUM_BANDS; i++) {
tempDefs[i].Frequency = lvm::kPresetsFrequencies[i];
tempDefs[i].QFactor = lvm::kPresetsQFactors[i];
tempDefs[i].Gain = lvm::kSoftPresets[0/* normal */][i];
return tempDefs;
return BandDefs;
LVM_HeadroomBandDef_t *BundleContext::getDefaultEqualizerHeadroomBanDefs() {
static LVM_HeadroomBandDef_t HeadroomBandDef[LVM_HEADROOM_MAX_NBANDS] = {
.Limit_Low = 20,
.Limit_High = 4999,
.Headroom_Offset = 0,
.Limit_Low = 5000,
.Limit_High = 24000,
.Headroom_Offset = 0,
return HeadroomBandDef;
std::vector<Virtualizer::ChannelAngle> BundleContext::getSpeakerAngles(
const Virtualizer::SpeakerAnglesPayload payload) {
std::vector<Virtualizer::ChannelAngle> angles;
auto chCount = ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::getChannelCount(payload.layout);
RETURN_VALUE_IF(!isConfigSupportedVirtualizer(chCount, payload.device), angles,
if (chCount == 1) {
angles = {{.channel = (int32_t)AudioChannelLayout::CHANNEL_FRONT_LEFT,
.azimuthDegree = 0,
.elevationDegree = 0}};
} else {
angles = {{.channel = (int32_t)AudioChannelLayout::CHANNEL_FRONT_LEFT,
.azimuthDegree = -90,
.elevationDegree = 0},
{.channel = (int32_t)AudioChannelLayout::CHANNEL_FRONT_RIGHT,
.azimuthDegree = 90,
.elevationDegree = 0}};
return angles;
IEffect::Status BundleContext::lvmProcess(float* in, float* out, int samples) {
IEffect::Status status = {EX_NULL_POINTER, 0, 0};
RETURN_VALUE_IF(!in, status, "nullInput");
RETURN_VALUE_IF(!out, status, "nullOutput");
status = {EX_ILLEGAL_STATE, 0, 0};
int64_t inputFrameCount = getCommon().input.frameCount;
int64_t outputFrameCount = getCommon().output.frameCount;
RETURN_VALUE_IF(inputFrameCount != outputFrameCount, status, "FrameCountMismatch");
int isDataAvailable = true;
auto frameSize = getInputFrameSize();
RETURN_VALUE_IF(0 == frameSize, status, "zeroFrameSize");
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " start processing";
if ((mEffectProcessCalled & 1 << int(mType)) != 0) {
const int undrainedEffects = mEffectInDrain & ~mEffectProcessCalled;
if ((undrainedEffects & 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::EQUALIZER)) != 0) {
mSamplesToExitCountEq = 0;
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::EQUALIZER));
if ((undrainedEffects & 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST)) != 0) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Draining BASS_BOOST";
mSamplesToExitCountBb = 0;
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST));
if ((undrainedEffects & 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER)) != 0) {
mSamplesToExitCountVirt = 0;
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER));
if ((undrainedEffects & 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME)) != 0) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Draining VOLUME";
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME));
mEffectProcessCalled |= 1 << int(mType);
if (!mEnabled) {
switch (mType) {
case lvm::BundleEffectType::EQUALIZER:
if (mSamplesToExitCountEq > 0) {
mSamplesToExitCountEq -= samples;
if (mSamplesToExitCountEq <= 0) {
isDataAvailable = false;
if ((mEffectInDrain & 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::EQUALIZER)) != 0) {
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::EQUALIZER));
LOG(DEBUG) << "Effect_process() this is the last frame for EQUALIZER";
case lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST:
if (mSamplesToExitCountBb > 0) {
mSamplesToExitCountBb -= samples;
if (mSamplesToExitCountBb <= 0) {
isDataAvailable = false;
if ((mEffectInDrain & 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST)) != 0) {
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::BASS_BOOST));
LOG(DEBUG) << "Effect_process() this is the last frame for BASS_BOOST";
case lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER:
if (mSamplesToExitCountVirt > 0) {
mSamplesToExitCountVirt -= samples;
if (mSamplesToExitCountVirt <= 0) {
isDataAvailable = false;
if ((mEffectInDrain & 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER)) != 0) {
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VIRTUALIZER));
LOG(DEBUG) << "Effect_process() this is the last frame for VIRTUALIZER";
case lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME:
isDataAvailable = false;
if ((mEffectInDrain & 1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME)) != 0) {
mEffectInDrain &= ~(1 << int(lvm::BundleEffectType::VOLUME));
LOG(DEBUG) << "Effect_process() LVM_VOLUME Effect is not enabled";
if (isDataAvailable) {
bool accumulate = false;
if (mNumberEffectsCalled >= mNumberEffectsEnabled) {
// We expect the # effects called to be equal to # effects enabled in sequence (including
// draining effects). Warn if this is not the case due to inconsistent calls.
ALOGW_IF(mNumberEffectsCalled > mNumberEffectsEnabled,
"%s Number of effects called %d is greater than number of effects enabled %d",
__func__, mNumberEffectsCalled, mNumberEffectsEnabled);
mEffectProcessCalled = 0; // reset our consistency check.
if (!isDataAvailable) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Effect_process() processing last frame";
mNumberEffectsCalled = 0;
LVM_UINT16 frames = samples * sizeof(float) / frameSize;
float* outTmp = (accumulate ? getWorkBuffer() : out);
/* Process the samples */
LVM_ReturnStatus_en lvmStatus;
std::lock_guard lg(mMutex);
lvmStatus = LVM_Process(mInstance, in, outTmp, frames, 0);
if (lvmStatus != LVM_SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << lvmStatus;
if (accumulate) {
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
out[i] += outTmp[i];
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
if (accumulate) {
out[i] += in[i];
} else {
out[i] = in[i];
LOG(DEBUG) << __func__ << " done processing";
return {STATUS_OK, samples, samples};
} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::audio::effect