blob: 4e21e58279cbcd227bcc10dbb09aa7d9a3045c70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android/hardware/ICameraServiceProxy.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <camera/CameraSessionStats.h>
namespace android {
class CameraServiceProxyWrapper {
// Guard mCameraServiceProxy
Mutex mProxyMutex;
// Cached interface to the camera service proxy in system service
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy> mCameraServiceProxy;
class CameraSessionStatsWrapper {
hardware::CameraSessionStats mSessionStats;
Mutex mLock; // lock for per camera session stats
* Update the session stats of a given camera device (open/close/active/idle) with
* the camera proxy service in the system service
void updateProxyDeviceState(sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy>& proxyBinder);
CameraSessionStatsWrapper(const std::string& cameraId, int facing, int newCameraState,
const std::string& clientName, int apiLevel, bool isNdk,
int32_t latencyMs, int64_t logId)
: mSessionStats(cameraId, facing, newCameraState, clientName, apiLevel, isNdk,
latencyMs, logId) {}
void onOpen(sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy>& proxyBinder);
void onClose(sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy>& proxyBinder, int32_t latencyMs,
bool deviceError);
void onStreamConfigured(int operatingMode, bool internalReconfig, int32_t latencyMs);
void onActive(sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy>& proxyBinder, float maxPreviewFps);
void onIdle(sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy>& proxyBinder,
int64_t requestCount, int64_t resultErrorCount, bool deviceError,
const std::string& userTag, int32_t videoStabilizationMode, bool usedUltraWide,
const std::vector<hardware::CameraStreamStats>& streamStats);
std::string updateExtensionSessionStats(
const hardware::CameraExtensionSessionStats& extStats);
// Returns the logId associated with this event.
int64_t getLogId();
// Lock for camera session stats map
Mutex mLock;
// Map from camera id to the camera's session statistics
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<CameraSessionStatsWrapper>> mSessionStatsMap;
std::random_device mRandomDevice; // pulls 32-bit random numbers from /dev/urandom
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy> getCameraServiceProxy();
// Returns a randomly generated ID that is suitable for logging the event. A new identifier
// should only be generated for an open event. All other events for the cameraId should use the
// ID generated for the open event associated with them.
static int64_t generateLogId(std::random_device& randomDevice);
CameraServiceProxyWrapper(sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy> serviceProxy = nullptr) :
{ }
static sp<hardware::ICameraServiceProxy> getDefaultCameraServiceProxy();
// Open
void logOpen(const std::string& id, int facing,
const std::string& clientPackageName, int apiLevel, bool isNdk,
int32_t latencyMs);
// Close
void logClose(const std::string& id, int32_t latencyMs, bool deviceError);
// Stream configuration
void logStreamConfigured(const std::string& id, int operatingMode, bool internalReconfig,
int32_t latencyMs);
// Session state becomes active
void logActive(const std::string& id, float maxPreviewFps);
// Session state becomes idle
void logIdle(const std::string& id,
int64_t requestCount, int64_t resultErrorCount, bool deviceError,
const std::string& userTag, int32_t videoStabilizationMode, bool usedUltraWide,
const std::vector<hardware::CameraStreamStats>& streamStats);
// Ping camera service proxy for user update
void pingCameraServiceProxy();
// Return the current top activity rotate and crop override.
int getRotateAndCropOverride(const std::string &packageName, int lensFacing, int userId);
// Return the current top activity autoframing.
int getAutoframingOverride(const std::string& packageName);
// Detect if the camera is disabled by device policy.
bool isCameraDisabled(int userId);
// Returns the logId currently associated with the given cameraId. See 'mLogId' in
// frameworks/av/camera/include/camera/CameraSessionStats.h for more details about this
// identifier. Returns a non-0 value on success.
int64_t getCurrentLogIdForCamera(const std::string& cameraId);
// Update the stored extension stats to the latest values
std::string updateExtensionStats(const hardware::CameraExtensionSessionStats& extStats);
} // android