| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| #define LOG_TAG "DeviceHalAidl" |
| // #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <forward_list> |
| |
| #include <aidl/android/hardware/audio/core/BnStreamCallback.h> |
| #include <aidl/android/hardware/audio/core/BnStreamOutEventCallback.h> |
| #include <aidl/android/hardware/audio/core/StreamDescriptor.h> |
| #include <error/expected_utils.h> |
| #include <media/AidlConversionCppNdk.h> |
| #include <media/AidlConversionNdkCpp.h> |
| #include <media/AidlConversionUtil.h> |
| #include <mediautils/TimeCheck.h> |
| #include <Utils.h> |
| #include <utils/Log.h> |
| |
| #include "DeviceHalAidl.h" |
| #include "EffectHalAidl.h" |
| #include "StreamHalAidl.h" |
| |
| using aidl::android::aidl_utils::statusTFromBinderStatus; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::Boolean; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioChannelLayout; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioConfig; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDevice; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDeviceAddress; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDeviceType; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioFormatDescription; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioFormatType; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioInputFlags; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioIoFlags; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioLatencyMode; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioMMapPolicy; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioMMapPolicyInfo; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioMMapPolicyType; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioMode; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioOutputFlags; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPort; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPortConfig; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPortDeviceExt; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPortExt; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPortMixExt; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPortMixExtUseCase; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioProfile; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioSource; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::Float; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::Int; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::MicrophoneDynamicInfo; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::common::MicrophoneInfo; |
| using aidl::android::media::audio::IHalAdapterVendorExtension; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::getFrameSizeInBytes; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::isBitPositionFlagSet; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::isDefaultAudioFormat; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::makeBitPositionFlagMask; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::RecordTrackMetadata; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::AudioPatch; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::AudioRoute; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IBluetooth; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IBluetoothA2dp; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IBluetoothLe; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IModule; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::ITelephony; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::ModuleDebug; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::StreamDescriptor; |
| using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::VendorParameter; |
| |
| namespace android { |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| bool isConfigEqualToPortConfig(const AudioConfig& config, const AudioPortConfig& portConfig) { |
| return portConfig.sampleRate.value().value == config.base.sampleRate && |
| portConfig.channelMask.value() == config.base.channelMask && |
| portConfig.format.value() == config.base.format; |
| } |
| |
| void setConfigFromPortConfig(AudioConfig* config, const AudioPortConfig& portConfig) { |
| config->base.sampleRate = portConfig.sampleRate.value().value; |
| config->base.channelMask = portConfig.channelMask.value(); |
| config->base.format = portConfig.format.value(); |
| } |
| |
| void setPortConfigFromConfig(AudioPortConfig* portConfig, const AudioConfig& config) { |
| if (config.base.sampleRate != 0) { |
| portConfig->sampleRate = Int{ .value = config.base.sampleRate }; |
| } |
| if (config.base.channelMask != AudioChannelLayout{}) { |
| portConfig->channelMask = config.base.channelMask; |
| } |
| if (config.base.format != AudioFormatDescription{}) { |
| portConfig->format = config.base.format; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Note: these converters are for types defined in different AIDL files. Although these |
| // AIDL files are copies of each other, however formally these are different types |
| // thus we don't use a conversion via a parcelable. |
| ConversionResult<media::AudioRoute> ndk2cpp_AudioRoute(const AudioRoute& ndk) { |
| media::AudioRoute cpp; |
| cpp.sourcePortIds.insert( |
| cpp.sourcePortIds.end(), ndk.sourcePortIds.begin(), ndk.sourcePortIds.end()); |
| cpp.sinkPortId = ndk.sinkPortId; |
| cpp.isExclusive = ndk.isExclusive; |
| return cpp; |
| } |
| |
| template<typename T> |
| std::shared_ptr<T> retrieveSubInterface(const std::shared_ptr<IModule>& module, |
| ::ndk::ScopedAStatus (IModule::*getT)(std::shared_ptr<T>*)) { |
| if (module != nullptr) { |
| std::shared_ptr<T> instance; |
| if (auto status = (module.get()->*getT)(&instance); status.isOk()) { |
| return instance; |
| } |
| } |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| DeviceHalAidl::DeviceHalAidl(const std::string& instance, const std::shared_ptr<IModule>& module, |
| const std::shared_ptr<IHalAdapterVendorExtension>& vext) |
| : ConversionHelperAidl("DeviceHalAidl"), |
| mInstance(instance), mModule(module), mVendorExt(vext), |
| mTelephony(retrieveSubInterface<ITelephony>(module, &IModule::getTelephony)), |
| mBluetooth(retrieveSubInterface<IBluetooth>(module, &IModule::getBluetooth)), |
| mBluetoothA2dp(retrieveSubInterface<IBluetoothA2dp>(module, &IModule::getBluetoothA2dp)), |
| mBluetoothLe(retrieveSubInterface<IBluetoothLe>(module, &IModule::getBluetoothLe)) { |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getAudioPorts(std::vector<media::audio::common::AudioPort> *ports) { |
| return ::aidl::android::convertContainer(mPorts, ports, |
| [](const Ports::value_type& pair) { return ndk2cpp_AudioPort(pair.second); }); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getAudioRoutes(std::vector<media::AudioRoute> *routes) { |
| ::aidl::android::convertContainer<std::vector<media::AudioRoute>>( |
| mRoutes, ndk2cpp_AudioRoute)); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getSupportedModes(std::vector<media::audio::common::AudioMode> *modes) { |
| if (modes == nullptr) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| if (mModule == nullptr) return NO_INIT; |
| if (mTelephony == nullptr) return INVALID_OPERATION; |
| std::vector<AudioMode> aidlModes; |
| statusTFromBinderStatus(mTelephony->getSupportedAudioModes(&aidlModes))); |
| ::aidl::android::convertContainer<std::vector<media::audio::common::AudioMode>>( |
| aidlModes, ndk2cpp_AudioMode)); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getSupportedDevices(uint32_t*) { |
| // Obsolete. |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::initCheck() { |
| if (mModule == nullptr) return NO_INIT; |
| std::vector<AudioPort> ports; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getAudioPorts(&ports))); |
| ALOGW_IF(ports.empty(), "%s: module %s returned an empty list of audio ports", |
| __func__, mInstance.c_str()); |
| std::transform(ports.begin(), ports.end(), std::inserter(mPorts, mPorts.end()), |
| [](const auto& p) { return std::make_pair(p.id, p); }); |
| mDefaultInputPortId = mDefaultOutputPortId = -1; |
| const int defaultDeviceFlag = 1 << AudioPortDeviceExt::FLAG_INDEX_DEFAULT_DEVICE; |
| for (const auto& pair : mPorts) { |
| const auto& p = pair.second; |
| if (p.ext.getTag() == AudioPortExt::Tag::device && |
| (p.ext.get<AudioPortExt::Tag::device>().flags & defaultDeviceFlag) != 0) { |
| if (p.flags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::input) { |
| mDefaultInputPortId = p.id; |
| } else if (p.flags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::output) { |
| mDefaultOutputPortId = p.id; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ALOGI("%s: module %s default port ids: input %d, output %d", |
| __func__, mInstance.c_str(), mDefaultInputPortId, mDefaultOutputPortId); |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(updateRoutes()); |
| std::vector<AudioPortConfig> portConfigs; |
| statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getAudioPortConfigs(&portConfigs))); // OK if empty |
| std::transform(portConfigs.begin(), portConfigs.end(), |
| std::inserter(mPortConfigs, mPortConfigs.end()), |
| [](const auto& p) { return std::make_pair(p.id, p); }); |
| std::transform(mPortConfigs.begin(), mPortConfigs.end(), |
| std::inserter(mInitialPortConfigIds, mInitialPortConfigIds.end()), |
| [](const auto& pcPair) { return pcPair.first; }); |
| std::vector<AudioPatch> patches; |
| statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getAudioPatches(&patches))); // OK if empty |
| std::transform(patches.begin(), patches.end(), |
| std::inserter(mPatches, mPatches.end()), |
| [](const auto& p) { return std::make_pair(p.id, p); }); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::setVoiceVolume(float volume) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| if (mTelephony == nullptr) return INVALID_OPERATION; |
| ITelephony::TelecomConfig inConfig{ .voiceVolume = Float{volume} }, outConfig; |
| statusTFromBinderStatus(mTelephony->setTelecomConfig(inConfig, &outConfig))); |
| ALOGW_IF(outConfig.voiceVolume.has_value() && volume != outConfig.voiceVolume.value().value, |
| "%s: the resulting voice volume %f is not the same as requested %f", |
| __func__, outConfig.voiceVolume.value().value, volume); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::setMasterVolume(float volume) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->setMasterVolume(volume)); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getMasterVolume(float *volume) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getMasterVolume(volume)); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::setMode(audio_mode_t mode) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| AudioMode audioMode = VALUE_OR_FATAL(::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_mode_t_AudioMode(mode)); |
| if (mTelephony != nullptr) { |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mTelephony->switchAudioMode(audioMode))); |
| } |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->updateAudioMode(audioMode)); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::setMicMute(bool state) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->setMicMute(state)); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getMicMute(bool *state) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getMicMute(state)); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::setMasterMute(bool state) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->setMasterMute(state)); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getMasterMute(bool *state) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getMasterMute(state)); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::setParameters(const String8& kvPairs) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| AudioParameter parameters(kvPairs); |
| ALOGD("%s: parameters: \"%s\"", __func__, parameters.toString().c_str()); |
| |
| if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateBtA2dpParameters(parameters); status != OK) { |
| ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating BT A2DP parameters failed: %d", __func__, status); |
| } |
| if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateBtHfpParameters(parameters); status != OK) { |
| ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating BT HFP parameters failed: %d", __func__, status); |
| } |
| if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateBtLeParameters(parameters); status != OK) { |
| ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating BT LE parameters failed: %d", __func__, status); |
| } |
| if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateBtScoParameters(parameters); status != OK) { |
| ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating BT SCO parameters failed: %d", __func__, status); |
| } |
| if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateScreenParameters(parameters); status != OK) { |
| ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating screen parameters failed: %d", __func__, status); |
| } |
| if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateTelephonyParameters(parameters); status != OK) { |
| ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating telephony parameters failed: %d", __func__, status); |
| } |
| return parseAndSetVendorParameters(mVendorExt, mModule, parameters); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getParameters(const String8& keys, String8 *values) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| if (values == nullptr) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| AudioParameter parameterKeys(keys), result; |
| if (status_t status = filterAndRetrieveBtA2dpParameters(parameterKeys, &result); status != OK) { |
| ALOGW("%s: filtering or retrieving BT A2DP parameters failed: %d", __func__, status); |
| } |
| *values = result.toString(); |
| return parseAndGetVendorParameters(mVendorExt, mModule, parameterKeys, values); |
| } |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| class Cleanup { |
| public: |
| typedef void (DeviceHalAidl::*Cleaner)(int32_t); |
| |
| Cleanup(DeviceHalAidl* device, Cleaner cleaner, int32_t id) : |
| mDevice(device), mCleaner(cleaner), mId(id) {} |
| ~Cleanup() { clean(); } |
| void clean() { |
| if (mDevice != nullptr) (mDevice->*mCleaner)(mId); |
| disarm(); |
| } |
| void disarm() { mDevice = nullptr; } |
| |
| private: |
| DeviceHalAidl* mDevice; |
| const Cleaner mCleaner; |
| const int32_t mId; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| // Since the order of container elements destruction is unspecified, |
| // ensure that cleanups are performed from the most recent one and upwards. |
| // This is the same as if there were individual Cleanup instances on the stack, |
| // however the bonus is that we can disarm all of them with just one statement. |
| class DeviceHalAidl::Cleanups : public std::forward_list<Cleanup> { |
| public: |
| ~Cleanups() { for (auto& c : *this) c.clean(); } |
| void disarmAll() { for (auto& c : *this) c.disarm(); } |
| }; |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getInputBufferSize(const struct audio_config* config, size_t* size) { |
| ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__); |
| if (size == nullptr) return BAD_VALUE; |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| AudioConfig aidlConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_config_t_AudioConfig(*config, true /*isInput*/)); |
| AudioDevice aidlDevice; |
| aidlDevice.type.type = AudioDeviceType::IN_DEFAULT; |
| AudioSource aidlSource = AudioSource::DEFAULT; |
| AudioIoFlags aidlFlags = AudioIoFlags::make<AudioIoFlags::Tag::input>(0); |
| AudioPortConfig mixPortConfig; |
| Cleanups cleanups; |
| audio_config writableConfig = *config; |
| AudioPatch aidlPatch; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(prepareToOpenStream(0 /*handle*/, aidlDevice, aidlFlags, aidlSource, |
| &writableConfig, &cleanups, &aidlConfig, &mixPortConfig, &aidlPatch)); |
| *size = aidlConfig.frameCount * |
| getFrameSizeInBytes(aidlConfig.base.format, aidlConfig.base.channelMask); |
| // Do not disarm cleanups to release temporary port configs. |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::prepareToOpenStream( |
| int32_t aidlHandle, const AudioDevice& aidlDevice, const AudioIoFlags& aidlFlags, |
| AudioSource aidlSource, struct audio_config* config, |
| Cleanups* cleanups, AudioConfig* aidlConfig, AudioPortConfig* mixPortConfig, |
| AudioPatch* aidlPatch) { |
| ALOGD("%p %s::%s: handle %d, device %s, flags %s, source %s, config %s, mix port config %s", |
| this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__, aidlHandle, aidlDevice.toString().c_str(), |
| aidlFlags.toString().c_str(), toString(aidlSource).c_str(), |
| aidlConfig->toString().c_str(), mixPortConfig->toString().c_str()); |
| resetUnusedPatchesAndPortConfigs(); |
| const bool isInput = aidlFlags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::input; |
| // Find / create AudioPortConfigs for the device port and the mix port, |
| // then find / create a patch between them, and open a stream on the mix port. |
| AudioPortConfig devicePortConfig; |
| bool created = false; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(findOrCreatePortConfig(aidlDevice, aidlConfig, |
| &devicePortConfig, &created)); |
| if (created) { |
| cleanups->emplace_front(this, &DeviceHalAidl::resetPortConfig, devicePortConfig.id); |
| } |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(findOrCreatePortConfig(*aidlConfig, aidlFlags, aidlHandle, aidlSource, |
| std::set<int32_t>{devicePortConfig.portId}, mixPortConfig, &created)); |
| if (created) { |
| cleanups->emplace_front(this, &DeviceHalAidl::resetPortConfig, mixPortConfig->id); |
| } |
| setConfigFromPortConfig(aidlConfig, *mixPortConfig); |
| if (isInput) { |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(findOrCreatePatch( |
| {devicePortConfig.id}, {mixPortConfig->id}, aidlPatch, &created)); |
| } else { |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(findOrCreatePatch( |
| {mixPortConfig->id}, {devicePortConfig.id}, aidlPatch, &created)); |
| } |
| if (created) { |
| cleanups->emplace_front(this, &DeviceHalAidl::resetPatch, aidlPatch->id); |
| } |
| if (aidlConfig->frameCount <= 0) { |
| aidlConfig->frameCount = aidlPatch->minimumStreamBufferSizeFrames; |
| } |
| ::aidl::android::aidl2legacy_AudioConfig_audio_config_t(*aidlConfig, isInput)); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| class StreamCallbackBase { |
| protected: |
| explicit StreamCallbackBase(const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker) : mBroker(broker) {} |
| public: |
| void* getCookie() const { return mCookie; } |
| void setCookie(void* cookie) { mCookie = cookie; } |
| sp<CallbackBroker> getBroker() const { |
| if (void* cookie = mCookie; cookie != nullptr) return mBroker.promote(); |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| private: |
| const wp<CallbackBroker> mBroker; |
| std::atomic<void*> mCookie; |
| }; |
| |
| template<class C> |
| class StreamCallbackBaseHelper { |
| protected: |
| explicit StreamCallbackBaseHelper(const StreamCallbackBase& base) : mBase(base) {} |
| sp<C> getCb(const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker, void* cookie); |
| using CbRef = const sp<C>&; |
| ndk::ScopedAStatus runCb(const std::function<void(CbRef cb)>& f) { |
| if (auto cb = getCb(mBase.getBroker(), mBase.getCookie()); cb != nullptr) f(cb); |
| return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok(); |
| } |
| private: |
| const StreamCallbackBase& mBase; |
| }; |
| |
| template<> |
| sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceCallback> StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceCallback>::getCb( |
| const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker, void* cookie) { |
| if (broker != nullptr) return broker->getStreamOutCallback(cookie); |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceEventCallback> |
| StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceEventCallback>::getCb( |
| const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker, void* cookie) { |
| if (broker != nullptr) return broker->getStreamOutEventCallback(cookie); |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceLatencyModeCallback> |
| StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceLatencyModeCallback>::getCb( |
| const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker, void* cookie) { |
| if (broker != nullptr) return broker->getStreamOutLatencyModeCallback(cookie); |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| Note on the callback ownership. |
| |
| In the Binder ownership model, the server implementation is kept alive |
| as long as there is any client (proxy object) alive. This is done by |
| incrementing the refcount of the server-side object by the Binder framework. |
| When it detects that the last client is gone, it decrements the refcount back. |
| |
| Thus, it is not needed to keep any references to StreamCallback on our |
| side (after we have sent an instance to the client), because we are |
| the server-side. The callback object will be kept alive as long as the HAL server |
| holds a strong ref to IStreamCallback proxy. |
| */ |
| |
| class OutputStreamCallbackAidl : public StreamCallbackBase, |
| public StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceCallback>, |
| public ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::BnStreamCallback { |
| public: |
| explicit OutputStreamCallbackAidl(const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker) |
| : StreamCallbackBase(broker), |
| StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceCallback>( |
| *static_cast<StreamCallbackBase*>(this)) {} |
| ndk::ScopedAStatus onTransferReady() override { |
| return runCb([](CbRef cb) { cb->onWriteReady(); }); |
| } |
| ndk::ScopedAStatus onError() override { |
| return runCb([](CbRef cb) { cb->onError(); }); |
| } |
| ndk::ScopedAStatus onDrainReady() override { |
| return runCb([](CbRef cb) { cb->onDrainReady(); }); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| class OutputStreamEventCallbackAidl : |
| public StreamCallbackBase, |
| public StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceEventCallback>, |
| public StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceLatencyModeCallback>, |
| public ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::BnStreamOutEventCallback { |
| public: |
| explicit OutputStreamEventCallbackAidl(const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker) |
| : StreamCallbackBase(broker), |
| StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceEventCallback>( |
| *static_cast<StreamCallbackBase*>(this)), |
| StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceLatencyModeCallback>( |
| *static_cast<StreamCallbackBase*>(this)) {} |
| ndk::ScopedAStatus onCodecFormatChanged(const std::vector<uint8_t>& in_audioMetadata) override { |
| std::basic_string<uint8_t> halMetadata(in_audioMetadata.begin(), in_audioMetadata.end()); |
| return StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceEventCallback>::runCb( |
| [&halMetadata](auto cb) { cb->onCodecFormatChanged(halMetadata); }); |
| } |
| ndk::ScopedAStatus onRecommendedLatencyModeChanged( |
| const std::vector<AudioLatencyMode>& in_modes) override { |
| auto halModes = VALUE_OR_FATAL( |
| ::aidl::android::convertContainer<std::vector<audio_latency_mode_t>>( |
| in_modes, |
| ::aidl::android::aidl2legacy_AudioLatencyMode_audio_latency_mode_t)); |
| return StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceLatencyModeCallback>::runCb( |
| [&halModes](auto cb) { cb->onRecommendedLatencyModeChanged(halModes); }); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::openOutputStream( |
| audio_io_handle_t handle, audio_devices_t devices, |
| audio_output_flags_t flags, struct audio_config* config, |
| const char* address, |
| sp<StreamOutHalInterface>* outStream) { |
| ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__); |
| if (!outStream || !config) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| int32_t aidlHandle = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_io_handle_t_int32_t(handle)); |
| AudioConfig aidlConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_config_t_AudioConfig(*config, false /*isInput*/)); |
| AudioDevice aidlDevice = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_device_AudioDevice(devices, address)); |
| int32_t aidlOutputFlags = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_output_flags_t_int32_t_mask(flags)); |
| AudioIoFlags aidlFlags = AudioIoFlags::make<AudioIoFlags::Tag::output>(aidlOutputFlags); |
| AudioPortConfig mixPortConfig; |
| Cleanups cleanups; |
| AudioPatch aidlPatch; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(prepareToOpenStream(aidlHandle, aidlDevice, aidlFlags, |
| AudioSource::SYS_RESERVED_INVALID /*only needed for input*/, |
| config, &cleanups, &aidlConfig, &mixPortConfig, &aidlPatch)); |
| ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IModule::OpenOutputStreamArguments args; |
| args.portConfigId = mixPortConfig.id; |
| const bool isOffload = isBitPositionFlagSet( |
| aidlOutputFlags, AudioOutputFlags::COMPRESS_OFFLOAD); |
| std::shared_ptr<OutputStreamCallbackAidl> streamCb; |
| if (isOffload) { |
| streamCb = ndk::SharedRefBase::make<OutputStreamCallbackAidl>(this); |
| } |
| auto eventCb = ndk::SharedRefBase::make<OutputStreamEventCallbackAidl>(this); |
| if (isOffload) { |
| args.offloadInfo = aidlConfig.offloadInfo; |
| args.callback = streamCb; |
| } |
| args.bufferSizeFrames = aidlConfig.frameCount; |
| args.eventCallback = eventCb; |
| ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IModule::OpenOutputStreamReturn ret; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->openOutputStream(args, &ret))); |
| StreamContextAidl context(ret.desc, isOffload); |
| if (!context.isValid()) { |
| ALOGE("%s: Failed to created a valid stream context from the descriptor: %s", |
| __func__, ret.desc.toString().c_str()); |
| return NO_INIT; |
| } |
| *outStream = sp<StreamOutHalAidl>::make(*config, std::move(context), aidlPatch.latenciesMs[0], |
| std::move(ret.stream), mVendorExt, this /*callbackBroker*/); |
| mStreams.insert(std::pair(*outStream, aidlPatch.id)); |
| void* cbCookie = (*outStream).get(); |
| { |
| std::lock_guard l(mLock); |
| mCallbacks.emplace(cbCookie, Callbacks{}); |
| } |
| if (streamCb) streamCb->setCookie(cbCookie); |
| eventCb->setCookie(cbCookie); |
| cleanups.disarmAll(); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::openInputStream( |
| audio_io_handle_t handle, audio_devices_t devices, |
| struct audio_config* config, audio_input_flags_t flags, |
| const char* address, audio_source_t source, |
| audio_devices_t outputDevice, const char* outputDeviceAddress, |
| sp<StreamInHalInterface>* inStream) { |
| ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__); |
| if (!inStream || !config) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| int32_t aidlHandle = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_io_handle_t_int32_t(handle)); |
| AudioConfig aidlConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_config_t_AudioConfig(*config, true /*isInput*/)); |
| AudioDevice aidlDevice = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_device_AudioDevice(devices, address)); |
| int32_t aidlInputFlags = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_input_flags_t_int32_t_mask(flags)); |
| AudioIoFlags aidlFlags = AudioIoFlags::make<AudioIoFlags::Tag::input>(aidlInputFlags); |
| AudioSource aidlSource = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_source_t_AudioSource(source)); |
| AudioPortConfig mixPortConfig; |
| Cleanups cleanups; |
| AudioPatch aidlPatch; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(prepareToOpenStream(aidlHandle, aidlDevice, aidlFlags, aidlSource, |
| config, &cleanups, &aidlConfig, &mixPortConfig, &aidlPatch)); |
| ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IModule::OpenInputStreamArguments args; |
| args.portConfigId = mixPortConfig.id; |
| RecordTrackMetadata aidlTrackMetadata{ |
| .source = aidlSource, .gain = 1, .channelMask = aidlConfig.base.channelMask }; |
| if (outputDevice != AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) { |
| aidlTrackMetadata.destinationDevice = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_device_AudioDevice( |
| outputDevice, outputDeviceAddress)); |
| } |
| args.sinkMetadata.tracks.push_back(std::move(aidlTrackMetadata)); |
| args.bufferSizeFrames = aidlConfig.frameCount; |
| ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IModule::OpenInputStreamReturn ret; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->openInputStream(args, &ret))); |
| StreamContextAidl context(ret.desc, false /*isAsynchronous*/); |
| if (!context.isValid()) { |
| ALOGE("%s: Failed to created a valid stream context from the descriptor: %s", |
| __func__, ret.desc.toString().c_str()); |
| return NO_INIT; |
| } |
| *inStream = sp<StreamInHalAidl>::make(*config, std::move(context), aidlPatch.latenciesMs[0], |
| std::move(ret.stream), mVendorExt, this /*micInfoProvider*/); |
| mStreams.insert(std::pair(*inStream, aidlPatch.id)); |
| cleanups.disarmAll(); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::supportsAudioPatches(bool* supportsPatches) { |
| *supportsPatches = true; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::createAudioPatch(unsigned int num_sources, |
| const struct audio_port_config* sources, |
| unsigned int num_sinks, |
| const struct audio_port_config* sinks, |
| audio_patch_handle_t* patch) { |
| ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__); |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| if (num_sinks > AUDIO_PATCH_PORTS_MAX || num_sources > AUDIO_PATCH_PORTS_MAX || |
| sources == nullptr || sinks == nullptr || patch == nullptr) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| // When the patch handle (*patch) is AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE, it means |
| // the framework wants to create a new patch. The handle has to be generated |
| // by the HAL. Since handles generated this way can only be unique within |
| // a HAL module, the framework generates a globally unique handle, and maps |
| // it on the <HAL module, patch handle> pair. |
| // When the patch handle is set, it meant the framework intends to update |
| // an existing patch. |
| // |
| // This behavior corresponds to HAL module behavior, with the only difference |
| // that the HAL module uses `int32_t` for patch IDs. The following assert ensures |
| // that both the framework and the HAL use the same value for "no ID": |
| static_assert(AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE == 0); |
| int32_t halPatchId = static_cast<int32_t>(*patch); |
| |
| // Upon conversion, mix port configs contain audio configuration, while |
| // device port configs contain device address. This data is used to find |
| // or create HAL configs. |
| std::vector<AudioPortConfig> aidlSources, aidlSinks; |
| for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_sources; ++i) { |
| bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection( |
| sources[i].role, sources[i].type)) == |
| ::aidl::android::AudioPortDirection::INPUT; |
| aidlSources.push_back(VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_port_config_AudioPortConfig( |
| sources[i], isInput, 0))); |
| } |
| for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_sinks; ++i) { |
| bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection( |
| sinks[i].role, sinks[i].type)) == |
| ::aidl::android::AudioPortDirection::INPUT; |
| aidlSinks.push_back(VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_port_config_AudioPortConfig( |
| sinks[i], isInput, 0))); |
| } |
| Cleanups cleanups; |
| auto existingPatchIt = halPatchId != 0 ? mPatches.find(halPatchId): mPatches.end(); |
| AudioPatch aidlPatch; |
| if (existingPatchIt != mPatches.end()) { |
| aidlPatch = existingPatchIt->second; |
| aidlPatch.sourcePortConfigIds.clear(); |
| aidlPatch.sinkPortConfigIds.clear(); |
| } |
| // The IDs will be found by 'fillPortConfigs', however the original 'aidlSources' and |
| // 'aidlSinks' will not be updated because 'setAudioPatch' only needs IDs. Here we log |
| // the source arguments, where only the audio configuration and device specifications |
| // are relevant. |
| ALOGD("%s: [disregard IDs] sources: %s, sinks: %s", |
| __func__, ::android::internal::ToString(aidlSources).c_str(), |
| ::android::internal::ToString(aidlSinks).c_str()); |
| auto fillPortConfigs = [&]( |
| const std::vector<AudioPortConfig>& configs, |
| const std::set<int32_t>& destinationPortIds, |
| std::vector<int32_t>* ids, std::set<int32_t>* portIds) -> status_t { |
| for (const auto& s : configs) { |
| AudioPortConfig portConfig; |
| bool created = false; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(findOrCreatePortConfig( |
| s, destinationPortIds, &portConfig, &created)); |
| if (created) { |
| cleanups.emplace_front(this, &DeviceHalAidl::resetPortConfig, portConfig.id); |
| } |
| ids->push_back(portConfig.id); |
| if (portIds != nullptr) { |
| portIds->insert(portConfig.portId); |
| } |
| } |
| return OK; |
| }; |
| // When looking up port configs, the destinationPortId is only used for mix ports. |
| // Thus, we process device port configs first, and look up the destination port ID from them. |
| bool sourceIsDevice = std::any_of(aidlSources.begin(), aidlSources.end(), |
| [](const auto& config) { return config.ext.getTag() == AudioPortExt::device; }); |
| const std::vector<AudioPortConfig>& devicePortConfigs = |
| sourceIsDevice ? aidlSources : aidlSinks; |
| std::vector<int32_t>* devicePortConfigIds = |
| sourceIsDevice ? &aidlPatch.sourcePortConfigIds : &aidlPatch.sinkPortConfigIds; |
| const std::vector<AudioPortConfig>& mixPortConfigs = |
| sourceIsDevice ? aidlSinks : aidlSources; |
| std::vector<int32_t>* mixPortConfigIds = |
| sourceIsDevice ? &aidlPatch.sinkPortConfigIds : &aidlPatch.sourcePortConfigIds; |
| std::set<int32_t> devicePortIds; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(fillPortConfigs( |
| devicePortConfigs, std::set<int32_t>(), devicePortConfigIds, &devicePortIds)); |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(fillPortConfigs( |
| mixPortConfigs, devicePortIds, mixPortConfigIds, nullptr)); |
| if (existingPatchIt != mPatches.end()) { |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus( |
| mModule->setAudioPatch(aidlPatch, &aidlPatch))); |
| existingPatchIt->second = aidlPatch; |
| } else { |
| bool created = false; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(findOrCreatePatch(aidlPatch, &aidlPatch, &created)); |
| // Since no cleanup of the patch is needed, 'created' is ignored. |
| halPatchId = aidlPatch.id; |
| *patch = static_cast<audio_patch_handle_t>(halPatchId); |
| } |
| cleanups.disarmAll(); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::releaseAudioPatch(audio_patch_handle_t patch) { |
| ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__); |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| static_assert(AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE == 0); |
| if (patch == AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| int32_t halPatchId = static_cast<int32_t>(patch); |
| auto patchIt = mPatches.find(halPatchId); |
| if (patchIt == mPatches.end()) { |
| ALOGE("%s: patch with id %d not found", __func__, halPatchId); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->resetAudioPatch(halPatchId))); |
| mPatches.erase(patchIt); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getAudioPort(struct audio_port* port) { |
| ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__); |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| if (port == nullptr) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| audio_port_v7 portV7; |
| audio_populate_audio_port_v7(port, &portV7); |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(getAudioPort(&portV7)); |
| return audio_populate_audio_port(&portV7, port) ? OK : BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getAudioPort(struct audio_port_v7 *port) { |
| ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__); |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| if (port == nullptr) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection(port->role, port->type)) == |
| ::aidl::android::AudioPortDirection::INPUT; |
| auto aidlPort = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_port_v7_AudioPort(*port, isInput)); |
| if (aidlPort.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::device) { |
| ALOGE("%s: provided port is not a device port (module %s): %s", |
| __func__, mInstance.c_str(), aidlPort.toString().c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| const auto& matchDevice = aidlPort.ext.get<AudioPortExt::device>().device; |
| // It seems that we don't have to call HAL since all valid ports have been added either |
| // during initialization, or while handling connection of an external device. |
| auto portsIt = findPort(matchDevice); |
| if (portsIt == mPorts.end()) { |
| ALOGE("%s: device port for device %s is not found in the module %s", |
| __func__, matchDevice.toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| const int32_t fwkId = aidlPort.id; |
| aidlPort = portsIt->second; |
| aidlPort.id = fwkId; |
| *port = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::aidl2legacy_AudioPort_audio_port_v7( |
| aidlPort, isInput)); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::setAudioPortConfig(const struct audio_port_config* config) { |
| ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__); |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| if (config == nullptr) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection( |
| config->role, config->type)) == ::aidl::android::AudioPortDirection::INPUT; |
| AudioPortConfig requestedPortConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_port_config_AudioPortConfig( |
| *config, isInput, 0 /*portId*/)); |
| AudioPortConfig portConfig; |
| bool created = false; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(findOrCreatePortConfig( |
| requestedPortConfig, std::set<int32_t>(), &portConfig, &created)); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| MicrophoneInfoProvider::Info const* DeviceHalAidl::getMicrophoneInfo() { |
| if (mMicrophones.status == Microphones::Status::UNKNOWN) { |
| std::vector<MicrophoneInfo> aidlInfo; |
| status_t status = statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getMicrophones(&aidlInfo)); |
| if (status == OK) { |
| mMicrophones.status = Microphones::Status::QUERIED; |
| mMicrophones.info = std::move(aidlInfo); |
| } else if (status == INVALID_OPERATION) { |
| mMicrophones.status = Microphones::Status::NOT_SUPPORTED; |
| } else { |
| ALOGE("%s: Unexpected status from 'IModule.getMicrophones': %d", __func__, status); |
| return {}; |
| } |
| } |
| if (mMicrophones.status == Microphones::Status::QUERIED) { |
| return &mMicrophones.info; |
| } |
| return {}; // NOT_SUPPORTED |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getMicrophones( |
| std::vector<audio_microphone_characteristic_t>* microphones) { |
| if (!microphones) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| auto staticInfo = getMicrophoneInfo(); |
| if (!staticInfo) return INVALID_OPERATION; |
| std::vector<MicrophoneDynamicInfo> emptyDynamicInfo; |
| emptyDynamicInfo.reserve(staticInfo->size()); |
| std::transform(staticInfo->begin(), staticInfo->end(), std::back_inserter(emptyDynamicInfo), |
| [](const auto& info) { return MicrophoneDynamicInfo{ .id = info.id }; }); |
| *microphones = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::convertContainers<std::vector<audio_microphone_characteristic_t>>( |
| *staticInfo, emptyDynamicInfo, |
| ::aidl::android::aidl2legacy_MicrophoneInfos_audio_microphone_characteristic_t) |
| ); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::addDeviceEffect( |
| const struct audio_port_config *device, sp<EffectHalInterface> effect) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| if (!effect) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection( |
| device->role, device->type)) == ::aidl::android::AudioPortDirection::INPUT; |
| auto requestedPortConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_port_config_AudioPortConfig( |
| *device, isInput, 0)); |
| if (requestedPortConfig.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::Tag::device) { |
| ALOGE("%s: provided port config is not a device port config: %s", |
| __func__, requestedPortConfig.toString().c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| AudioPortConfig devicePortConfig; |
| bool created; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(findOrCreatePortConfig( |
| requestedPortConfig, {} /*destinationPortIds*/, &devicePortConfig, &created)); |
| Cleanups cleanups; |
| if (created) { |
| cleanups.emplace_front(this, &DeviceHalAidl::resetPortConfig, devicePortConfig.id); |
| } |
| auto aidlEffect = sp<effect::EffectHalAidl>::cast(effect); |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->addDeviceEffect( |
| devicePortConfig.id, aidlEffect->getIEffect()))); |
| cleanups.disarmAll(); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::removeDeviceEffect( |
| const struct audio_port_config *device, sp<EffectHalInterface> effect) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| if (!effect) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection( |
| device->role, device->type)) == ::aidl::android::AudioPortDirection::INPUT; |
| auto requestedPortConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_port_config_AudioPortConfig( |
| *device, isInput, 0)); |
| if (requestedPortConfig.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::Tag::device) { |
| ALOGE("%s: provided port config is not a device port config: %s", |
| __func__, requestedPortConfig.toString().c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| auto existingPortConfigIt = findPortConfig( |
| requestedPortConfig.ext.get<AudioPortExt::Tag::device>().device); |
| if (existingPortConfigIt == mPortConfigs.end()) { |
| ALOGE("%s: could not find a configured device port for the config %s", |
| __func__, requestedPortConfig.toString().c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| auto aidlEffect = sp<effect::EffectHalAidl>::cast(effect); |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->removeDeviceEffect( |
| existingPortConfigIt->first, aidlEffect->getIEffect())); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getMmapPolicyInfos( |
| media::audio::common::AudioMMapPolicyType policyType, |
| std::vector<media::audio::common::AudioMMapPolicyInfo>* policyInfos) { |
| AudioMMapPolicyType mmapPolicyType = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| cpp2ndk_AudioMMapPolicyType(policyType)); |
| |
| std::vector<AudioMMapPolicyInfo> mmapPolicyInfos; |
| |
| if (status_t status = statusTFromBinderStatus( |
| mModule->getMmapPolicyInfos(mmapPolicyType, &mmapPolicyInfos)); status != OK) { |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| *policyInfos = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| convertContainer<std::vector<media::audio::common::AudioMMapPolicyInfo>>( |
| mmapPolicyInfos, ndk2cpp_AudioMMapPolicyInfo)); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| int32_t DeviceHalAidl::getAAudioMixerBurstCount() { |
| int32_t mixerBurstCount = 0; |
| if (mModule->getAAudioMixerBurstCount(&mixerBurstCount).isOk()) { |
| return mixerBurstCount; |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| int32_t DeviceHalAidl::getAAudioHardwareBurstMinUsec() { |
| int32_t hardwareBurstMinUsec = 0; |
| if (mModule->getAAudioHardwareBurstMinUsec(&hardwareBurstMinUsec).isOk()) { |
| return hardwareBurstMinUsec; |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| error::Result<audio_hw_sync_t> DeviceHalAidl::getHwAvSync() { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| int32_t aidlHwAvSync; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->generateHwAvSyncId(&aidlHwAvSync))); |
| ::aidl::android::aidl2legacy_int32_t_audio_hw_sync_t(aidlHwAvSync)); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| return mModule->dump(fd, Args(args).args(), args.size()); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t DeviceHalAidl::supportsBluetoothVariableLatency(bool* supports) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| if (supports == nullptr) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->supportsVariableLatency(supports)); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::getSoundDoseInterface(const std::string& module, |
| ::ndk::SpAIBinder* soundDoseBinder) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| if (mSoundDose == nullptr) { |
| ndk::ScopedAStatus status = mModule->getSoundDose(&mSoundDose); |
| if (!status.isOk()) { |
| ALOGE("%s failed to return the sound dose interface for module %s: %s", |
| __func__, |
| module.c_str(), |
| status.getDescription().c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| } |
| *soundDoseBinder = mSoundDose->asBinder(); |
| ALOGI("%s using audio AIDL HAL sound dose interface", __func__); |
| |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice(const struct audio_port_v7* port) { |
| // There is not AIDL API defined for `prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice`. |
| // Call `setConnectedState` instead. |
| // TODO(b/279824103): call prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice when it is added. |
| if (const status_t status = setConnectedState(port, false /*connected*/); status == NO_ERROR) { |
| mDeviceDisconnectionNotified.insert(port->id); |
| } |
| // Return that there was no error as otherwise the disconnection procedure will not be |
| // considered complete for upper layers, and 'setConnectedState' will not be called again. |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::setConnectedState(const struct audio_port_v7 *port, bool connected) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| if (port == nullptr) { |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| if (!connected && mDeviceDisconnectionNotified.erase(port->id) > 0) { |
| // For device disconnection, APM will first call `prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice` |
| // and then call `setConnectedState`. However, there is no API for |
| // `prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice` yet. In that case, `setConnectedState` will be |
| // called when calling `prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice`. Do not call to the HAL if |
| // previous call is successful. Also remove the cache here to avoid a large cache after |
| // a long run. |
| return NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection(port->role, port->type)) == |
| ::aidl::android::AudioPortDirection::INPUT; |
| AudioPort aidlPort = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS( |
| ::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_port_v7_AudioPort(*port, isInput)); |
| if (aidlPort.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::device) { |
| ALOGE("%s: provided port is not a device port (module %s): %s", |
| __func__, mInstance.c_str(), aidlPort.toString().c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| if (connected) { |
| AudioDevice matchDevice = aidlPort.ext.get<AudioPortExt::device>().device; |
| // Reset the device address to find the "template" port. |
| matchDevice.address = AudioDeviceAddress::make<AudioDeviceAddress::id>(); |
| auto portsIt = findPort(matchDevice); |
| if (portsIt == mPorts.end()) { |
| // Since 'setConnectedState' is called for all modules, it is normal when the device |
| // port not found in every one of them. |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } else { |
| ALOGD("%s: device port for device %s found in the module %s", |
| __func__, matchDevice.toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str()); |
| } |
| resetUnusedPatchesAndPortConfigs(); |
| // Use the ID of the "template" port, use all the information from the provided port. |
| aidlPort.id = portsIt->first; |
| AudioPort connectedPort; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->connectExternalDevice( |
| aidlPort, &connectedPort))); |
| const auto [it, inserted] = mPorts.insert(std::make_pair(connectedPort.id, connectedPort)); |
| LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!inserted, |
| "%s: module %s, duplicate port ID received from HAL: %s, existing port: %s", |
| __func__, mInstance.c_str(), connectedPort.toString().c_str(), |
| it->second.toString().c_str()); |
| mConnectedPorts[connectedPort.id] = false; |
| } else { // !connected |
| AudioDevice matchDevice = aidlPort.ext.get<AudioPortExt::device>().device; |
| auto portsIt = findPort(matchDevice); |
| if (portsIt == mPorts.end()) { |
| // Since 'setConnectedState' is called for all modules, it is normal when the device |
| // port not found in every one of them. |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } else { |
| ALOGD("%s: device port for device %s found in the module %s", |
| __func__, matchDevice.toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str()); |
| } |
| resetUnusedPatchesAndPortConfigs(); |
| // Streams are closed by AudioFlinger independently from device disconnections. |
| // It is possible that the stream has not been closed yet. |
| const int32_t portId = portsIt->second.id; |
| if (!isPortHeldByAStream(portId)) { |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus( |
| mModule->disconnectExternalDevice(portId))); |
| mPorts.erase(portsIt); |
| mConnectedPorts.erase(portId); |
| } else { |
| ALOGD("%s: since device port ID %d is used by a stream, " |
| "external device disconnection postponed", __func__, portId); |
| mConnectedPorts[portId] = true; |
| } |
| } |
| return updateRoutes(); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::setSimulateDeviceConnections(bool enabled) { |
| if (!mModule) return NO_INIT; |
| resetUnusedPatchesAndPortConfigs(); |
| ModuleDebug debug{ .simulateDeviceConnections = enabled }; |
| status_t status = statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->setModuleDebug(debug)); |
| // This is important to log as it affects HAL behavior. |
| if (status == OK) { |
| ALOGI("%s: set enabled: %d", __func__, enabled); |
| } else { |
| ALOGW("%s: set enabled to %d failed: %d", __func__, enabled, status); |
| } |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| bool DeviceHalAidl::audioDeviceMatches(const AudioDevice& device, const AudioPort& p) { |
| if (p.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::Tag::device) return false; |
| return p.ext.get<AudioPortExt::Tag::device>().device == device; |
| } |
| |
| bool DeviceHalAidl::audioDeviceMatches(const AudioDevice& device, const AudioPortConfig& p) { |
| if (p.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::Tag::device) return false; |
| if (device.type.type == AudioDeviceType::IN_DEFAULT) { |
| return p.portId == mDefaultInputPortId; |
| } else if (device.type.type == AudioDeviceType::OUT_DEFAULT) { |
| return p.portId == mDefaultOutputPortId; |
| } |
| return p.ext.get<AudioPortExt::Tag::device>().device == device; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::createOrUpdatePortConfig( |
| const AudioPortConfig& requestedPortConfig, PortConfigs::iterator* result, bool* created) { |
| AudioPortConfig appliedPortConfig; |
| bool applied = false; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->setAudioPortConfig( |
| requestedPortConfig, &appliedPortConfig, &applied))); |
| if (!applied) { |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->setAudioPortConfig( |
| appliedPortConfig, &appliedPortConfig, &applied))); |
| if (!applied) { |
| ALOGE("%s: module %s did not apply suggested config %s", |
| __func__, mInstance.c_str(), appliedPortConfig.toString().c_str()); |
| return NO_INIT; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int32_t id = appliedPortConfig.id; |
| if (requestedPortConfig.id != 0 && requestedPortConfig.id != id) { |
| LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s: requested port config id %d changed to %d", __func__, |
| requestedPortConfig.id, id); |
| } |
| |
| auto [it, inserted] = mPortConfigs.insert_or_assign(std::move(id), |
| std::move(appliedPortConfig)); |
| *result = it; |
| *created = inserted; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndRetrieveBtA2dpParameters( |
| AudioParameter &keys, AudioParameter *result) { |
| if (String8 key = String8(AudioParameter::keyReconfigA2dpSupported); keys.containsKey(key)) { |
| keys.remove(key); |
| bool supports; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus( |
| mBluetoothA2dp->supportsOffloadReconfiguration(&supports))); |
| result->addInt(key, supports ? 1 : 0); |
| } |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateBtA2dpParameters(AudioParameter ¶meters) { |
| std::optional<bool> a2dpEnabled; |
| std::optional<std::vector<VendorParameter>> reconfigureOffload; |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<String8>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtA2dpSuspended), |
| [&a2dpEnabled](const String8& trueOrFalse) { |
| if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueTrue) { |
| a2dpEnabled = false; // 'suspended' == true |
| return OK; |
| } else if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueFalse) { |
| a2dpEnabled = true; // 'suspended' == false |
| return OK; |
| } |
| ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"", |
| AudioParameter::keyBtA2dpSuspended, trueOrFalse.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| })); |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<String8>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyReconfigA2dp), |
| [&](const String8& value) -> status_t { |
| if (mVendorExt != nullptr) { |
| std::vector<VendorParameter> result; |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus( |
| mVendorExt->parseBluetoothA2dpReconfigureOffload( |
| std::string(value.c_str()), &result))); |
| reconfigureOffload = std::move(result); |
| } else { |
| reconfigureOffload = std::vector<VendorParameter>(); |
| } |
| return OK; |
| })); |
| if (mBluetoothA2dp != nullptr && a2dpEnabled.has_value()) { |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mBluetoothA2dp->setEnabled(a2dpEnabled.value())); |
| } |
| if (mBluetoothA2dp != nullptr && reconfigureOffload.has_value()) { |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mBluetoothA2dp->reconfigureOffload( |
| reconfigureOffload.value())); |
| } |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateBtHfpParameters(AudioParameter ¶meters) { |
| IBluetooth::HfpConfig hfpConfig; |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<String8>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtHfpEnable), |
| [&hfpConfig](const String8& trueOrFalse) { |
| if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueTrue) { |
| hfpConfig.isEnabled = Boolean{ .value = true }; |
| return OK; |
| } else if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueFalse) { |
| hfpConfig.isEnabled = Boolean{ .value = false }; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"", |
| AudioParameter::keyBtHfpEnable, trueOrFalse.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| })); |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<int>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtHfpSamplingRate), |
| [&hfpConfig](int sampleRate) { |
| return sampleRate > 0 ? |
| hfpConfig.sampleRate = Int{ .value = sampleRate }, OK : BAD_VALUE; |
| })); |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<int>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtHfpVolume), |
| [&hfpConfig](int volume0to15) { |
| if (volume0to15 >= 0 && volume0to15 <= 15) { |
| hfpConfig.volume = Float{ .value = volume0to15 / 15.0f }; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| })); |
| if (mBluetooth != nullptr && hfpConfig != IBluetooth::HfpConfig{}) { |
| IBluetooth::HfpConfig newHfpConfig; |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mBluetooth->setHfpConfig(hfpConfig, &newHfpConfig)); |
| } |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateBtLeParameters(AudioParameter ¶meters) { |
| std::optional<bool> leEnabled; |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<String8>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtLeSuspended), |
| [&leEnabled](const String8& trueOrFalse) { |
| if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueTrue) { |
| leEnabled = false; // 'suspended' == true |
| return OK; |
| } else if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueFalse) { |
| leEnabled = true; // 'suspended' == false |
| return OK; |
| } |
| ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"", |
| AudioParameter::keyBtLeSuspended, trueOrFalse.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| })); |
| if (mBluetoothLe != nullptr && leEnabled.has_value()) { |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mBluetoothLe->setEnabled(leEnabled.value())); |
| } |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateBtScoParameters(AudioParameter ¶meters) { |
| IBluetooth::ScoConfig scoConfig; |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<String8>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtSco), |
| [&scoConfig](const String8& onOrOff) { |
| if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOn) { |
| scoConfig.isEnabled = Boolean{ .value = true }; |
| return OK; |
| } else if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOff) { |
| scoConfig.isEnabled = Boolean{ .value = false }; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"", |
| AudioParameter::keyBtSco, onOrOff.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| })); |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<String8>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtScoHeadsetName), |
| [&scoConfig](const String8& name) { |
| scoConfig.debugName = name; |
| return OK; |
| })); |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<String8>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtNrec), |
| [&scoConfig](const String8& onOrOff) { |
| if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOn) { |
| scoConfig.isNrecEnabled = Boolean{ .value = true }; |
| return OK; |
| } else if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOff) { |
| scoConfig.isNrecEnabled = Boolean{ .value = false }; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"", |
| AudioParameter::keyBtNrec, onOrOff.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| })); |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<String8>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtScoWb), |
| [&scoConfig](const String8& onOrOff) { |
| if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOn) { |
| scoConfig.mode = IBluetooth::ScoConfig::Mode::SCO_WB; |
| return OK; |
| } else if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOff) { |
| scoConfig.mode = IBluetooth::ScoConfig::Mode::SCO; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"", |
| AudioParameter::keyBtScoWb, onOrOff.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| })); |
| if (mBluetooth != nullptr && scoConfig != IBluetooth::ScoConfig{}) { |
| IBluetooth::ScoConfig newScoConfig; |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mBluetooth->setScoConfig(scoConfig, &newScoConfig)); |
| } |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateScreenParameters(AudioParameter ¶meters) { |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<String8>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyScreenState), |
| [&](const String8& onOrOff) -> status_t { |
| std::optional<bool> isTurnedOn; |
| if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOn) { |
| isTurnedOn = true; |
| } else if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOff) { |
| isTurnedOn = false; |
| } |
| if (!isTurnedOn.has_value()) { |
| ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"", |
| AudioParameter::keyScreenState, onOrOff.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus( |
| mModule->updateScreenState(isTurnedOn.value())); |
| })); |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<int>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyScreenRotation), |
| [&](int rotationDegrees) -> status_t { |
| IModule::ScreenRotation rotation; |
| switch (rotationDegrees) { |
| case 0: rotation = IModule::ScreenRotation::DEG_0; break; |
| case 90: rotation = IModule::ScreenRotation::DEG_90; break; |
| case 180: rotation = IModule::ScreenRotation::DEG_180; break; |
| case 270: rotation = IModule::ScreenRotation::DEG_270; break; |
| default: |
| ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value %d", |
| AudioParameter::keyScreenRotation, rotationDegrees); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->updateScreenRotation(rotation)); |
| })); |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateTelephonyParameters(AudioParameter ¶meters) { |
| using TtyMode = ITelephony::TelecomConfig::TtyMode; |
| ITelephony::TelecomConfig telConfig; |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<String8>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyTtyMode), |
| [&telConfig](const String8& mode) { |
| if (mode == AudioParameter::valueTtyModeOff) { |
| telConfig.ttyMode = TtyMode::OFF; |
| return OK; |
| } else if (mode == AudioParameter::valueTtyModeFull) { |
| telConfig.ttyMode = TtyMode::FULL; |
| return OK; |
| } else if (mode == AudioParameter::valueTtyModeHco) { |
| telConfig.ttyMode = TtyMode::HCO; |
| return OK; |
| } else if (mode == AudioParameter::valueTtyModeVco) { |
| telConfig.ttyMode = TtyMode::VCO; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"", |
| AudioParameter::keyTtyMode, mode.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| })); |
| (void)VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(filterOutAndProcessParameter<String8>( |
| parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyHacSetting), |
| [&telConfig](const String8& onOrOff) { |
| if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueHacOn) { |
| telConfig.isHacEnabled = Boolean{ .value = true }; |
| return OK; |
| } else if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueHacOff) { |
| telConfig.isHacEnabled = Boolean{ .value = false }; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"", |
| AudioParameter::keyHacSetting, onOrOff.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| })); |
| if (mTelephony != nullptr && telConfig != ITelephony::TelecomConfig{}) { |
| ITelephony::TelecomConfig newTelConfig; |
| return statusTFromBinderStatus( |
| mTelephony->setTelecomConfig(telConfig, &newTelConfig)); |
| } |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::findOrCreatePatch( |
| const AudioPatch& requestedPatch, AudioPatch* patch, bool* created) { |
| std::set<int32_t> sourcePortConfigIds(requestedPatch.sourcePortConfigIds.begin(), |
| requestedPatch.sourcePortConfigIds.end()); |
| std::set<int32_t> sinkPortConfigIds(requestedPatch.sinkPortConfigIds.begin(), |
| requestedPatch.sinkPortConfigIds.end()); |
| return findOrCreatePatch(sourcePortConfigIds, sinkPortConfigIds, patch, created); |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::findOrCreatePatch( |
| const std::set<int32_t>& sourcePortConfigIds, const std::set<int32_t>& sinkPortConfigIds, |
| AudioPatch* patch, bool* created) { |
| auto patchIt = findPatch(sourcePortConfigIds, sinkPortConfigIds); |
| if (patchIt == mPatches.end()) { |
| AudioPatch requestedPatch, appliedPatch; |
| requestedPatch.sourcePortConfigIds.insert(requestedPatch.sourcePortConfigIds.end(), |
| sourcePortConfigIds.begin(), sourcePortConfigIds.end()); |
| requestedPatch.sinkPortConfigIds.insert(requestedPatch.sinkPortConfigIds.end(), |
| sinkPortConfigIds.begin(), sinkPortConfigIds.end()); |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->setAudioPatch( |
| requestedPatch, &appliedPatch))); |
| patchIt = mPatches.insert(mPatches.end(), std::make_pair(appliedPatch.id, appliedPatch)); |
| *created = true; |
| } else { |
| *created = false; |
| } |
| *patch = patchIt->second; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::findOrCreatePortConfig(const AudioDevice& device, const AudioConfig* config, |
| AudioPortConfig* portConfig, bool* created) { |
| auto portConfigIt = findPortConfig(device); |
| if (portConfigIt == mPortConfigs.end()) { |
| auto portsIt = findPort(device); |
| if (portsIt == mPorts.end()) { |
| ALOGE("%s: device port for device %s is not found in the module %s", |
| __func__, device.toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| AudioPortConfig requestedPortConfig; |
| requestedPortConfig.portId = portsIt->first; |
| if (config != nullptr) { |
| setPortConfigFromConfig(&requestedPortConfig, *config); |
| } |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(createOrUpdatePortConfig(requestedPortConfig, &portConfigIt, |
| created)); |
| } else { |
| *created = false; |
| } |
| *portConfig = portConfigIt->second; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::findOrCreatePortConfig( |
| const AudioConfig& config, const std::optional<AudioIoFlags>& flags, int32_t ioHandle, |
| AudioSource source, const std::set<int32_t>& destinationPortIds, |
| AudioPortConfig* portConfig, bool* created) { |
| // These flags get removed one by one in this order when retrying port finding. |
| static const std::vector<AudioInputFlags> kOptionalInputFlags{ |
| AudioInputFlags::FAST, AudioInputFlags::RAW }; |
| auto portConfigIt = findPortConfig(config, flags, ioHandle); |
| if (portConfigIt == mPortConfigs.end() && flags.has_value()) { |
| auto optionalInputFlagsIt = kOptionalInputFlags.begin(); |
| AudioIoFlags matchFlags = flags.value(); |
| auto portsIt = findPort(config, matchFlags, destinationPortIds); |
| while (portsIt == mPorts.end() && matchFlags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::input |
| && optionalInputFlagsIt != kOptionalInputFlags.end()) { |
| if (!isBitPositionFlagSet( |
| matchFlags.get<AudioIoFlags::Tag::input>(), *optionalInputFlagsIt)) { |
| ++optionalInputFlagsIt; |
| continue; |
| } |
| matchFlags.set<AudioIoFlags::Tag::input>(matchFlags.get<AudioIoFlags::Tag::input>() & |
| ~makeBitPositionFlagMask(*optionalInputFlagsIt++)); |
| portsIt = findPort(config, matchFlags, destinationPortIds); |
| ALOGI("%s: mix port for config %s, flags %s was not found in the module %s, " |
| "retried with flags %s", __func__, config.toString().c_str(), |
| flags.value().toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str(), |
| matchFlags.toString().c_str()); |
| } |
| if (portsIt == mPorts.end()) { |
| ALOGE("%s: mix port for config %s, flags %s is not found in the module %s", |
| __func__, config.toString().c_str(), matchFlags.toString().c_str(), |
| mInstance.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| AudioPortConfig requestedPortConfig; |
| requestedPortConfig.portId = portsIt->first; |
| setPortConfigFromConfig(&requestedPortConfig, config); |
| requestedPortConfig.ext = AudioPortMixExt{ .handle = ioHandle }; |
| if (matchFlags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::input |
| && source != AudioSource::SYS_RESERVED_INVALID) { |
| requestedPortConfig.ext.get<AudioPortExt::Tag::mix>().usecase = |
| AudioPortMixExtUseCase::make<AudioPortMixExtUseCase::Tag::source>(source); |
| } |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(createOrUpdatePortConfig(requestedPortConfig, &portConfigIt, |
| created)); |
| } else if (portConfigIt == mPortConfigs.end() && !flags.has_value()) { |
| ALOGW("%s: mix port config for %s, handle %d not found in the module %s, " |
| "and was not created as flags are not specified", |
| __func__, config.toString().c_str(), ioHandle, mInstance.c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } else { |
| AudioPortConfig requestedPortConfig = portConfigIt->second; |
| if (requestedPortConfig.ext.getTag() == AudioPortExt::Tag::mix) { |
| AudioPortMixExt& mixExt = requestedPortConfig.ext.get<AudioPortExt::Tag::mix>(); |
| if (mixExt.usecase.getTag() == AudioPortMixExtUseCase::Tag::source && |
| source != AudioSource::SYS_RESERVED_INVALID) { |
| mixExt.usecase.get<AudioPortMixExtUseCase::Tag::source>() = source; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (requestedPortConfig != portConfigIt->second) { |
| RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(createOrUpdatePortConfig(requestedPortConfig, &portConfigIt, |
| created)); |
| } else { |
| *created = false; |
| } |
| } |
| *portConfig = portConfigIt->second; |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::findOrCreatePortConfig( |
| const AudioPortConfig& requestedPortConfig, const std::set<int32_t>& destinationPortIds, |
| AudioPortConfig* portConfig, bool* created) { |
| using Tag = AudioPortExt::Tag; |
| if (requestedPortConfig.ext.getTag() == Tag::mix) { |
| if (const auto& p = requestedPortConfig; |
| !p.sampleRate.has_value() || !p.channelMask.has_value() || |
| !p.format.has_value()) { |
| ALOGW("%s: provided mix port config is not fully specified: %s", |
| __func__, p.toString().c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| AudioConfig config; |
| setConfigFromPortConfig(&config, requestedPortConfig); |
| AudioSource source = requestedPortConfig.ext.get<Tag::mix>().usecase.getTag() == |
| AudioPortMixExtUseCase::Tag::source ? |
| requestedPortConfig.ext.get<Tag::mix>().usecase. |
| get<AudioPortMixExtUseCase::Tag::source>() : AudioSource::SYS_RESERVED_INVALID; |
| return findOrCreatePortConfig(config, requestedPortConfig.flags, |
| requestedPortConfig.ext.get<Tag::mix>().handle, source, destinationPortIds, |
| portConfig, created); |
| } else if (requestedPortConfig.ext.getTag() == Tag::device) { |
| return findOrCreatePortConfig( |
| requestedPortConfig.ext.get<Tag::device>().device, nullptr /*config*/, |
| portConfig, created); |
| } |
| ALOGW("%s: unsupported audio port config: %s", |
| __func__, requestedPortConfig.toString().c_str()); |
| return BAD_VALUE; |
| } |
| |
| DeviceHalAidl::Patches::iterator DeviceHalAidl::findPatch( |
| const std::set<int32_t>& sourcePortConfigIds, const std::set<int32_t>& sinkPortConfigIds) { |
| return std::find_if(mPatches.begin(), mPatches.end(), |
| [&](const auto& pair) { |
| const auto& p = pair.second; |
| std::set<int32_t> patchSrcs( |
| p.sourcePortConfigIds.begin(), p.sourcePortConfigIds.end()); |
| std::set<int32_t> patchSinks( |
| p.sinkPortConfigIds.begin(), p.sinkPortConfigIds.end()); |
| return sourcePortConfigIds == patchSrcs && sinkPortConfigIds == patchSinks; }); |
| } |
| |
| DeviceHalAidl::Ports::iterator DeviceHalAidl::findPort(const AudioDevice& device) { |
| if (device.type.type == AudioDeviceType::IN_DEFAULT) { |
| return mPorts.find(mDefaultInputPortId); |
| } else if (device.type.type == AudioDeviceType::OUT_DEFAULT) { |
| return mPorts.find(mDefaultOutputPortId); |
| } |
| if (device.address.getTag() != AudioDeviceAddress::id || |
| !device.address.get<AudioDeviceAddress::id>().empty()) { |
| return std::find_if(mPorts.begin(), mPorts.end(), |
| [&](const auto& pair) { return audioDeviceMatches(device, pair.second); }); |
| } |
| // For connection w/o an address, two ports can be found: the template port, |
| // and a connected port (if exists). Make sure we return the connected port. |
| DeviceHalAidl::Ports::iterator portIt = mPorts.end(); |
| for (auto it = mPorts.begin(); it != mPorts.end(); ++it) { |
| if (audioDeviceMatches(device, it->second)) { |
| if (mConnectedPorts.find(it->first) != mConnectedPorts.end()) { |
| return it; |
| } else { |
| // Will return 'it' if there is no connected port. |
| portIt = it; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return portIt; |
| } |
| |
| DeviceHalAidl::Ports::iterator DeviceHalAidl::findPort( |
| const AudioConfig& config, const AudioIoFlags& flags, |
| const std::set<int32_t>& destinationPortIds) { |
| auto belongsToProfile = [&config](const AudioProfile& prof) { |
| return (isDefaultAudioFormat(config.base.format) || prof.format == config.base.format) && |
| (config.base.channelMask.getTag() == AudioChannelLayout::none || |
| std::find(prof.channelMasks.begin(), prof.channelMasks.end(), |
| config.base.channelMask) != prof.channelMasks.end()) && |
| (config.base.sampleRate == 0 || |
| std::find(prof.sampleRates.begin(), prof.sampleRates.end(), |
| config.base.sampleRate) != prof.sampleRates.end()); |
| }; |
| static const std::vector<AudioOutputFlags> kOptionalOutputFlags{AudioOutputFlags::BIT_PERFECT}; |
| int optionalFlags = 0; |
| auto flagMatches = [&flags, &optionalFlags](const AudioIoFlags& portFlags) { |
| // Ports should be able to match if the optional flags are not requested. |
| return portFlags == flags || |
| (portFlags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::output && |
| AudioIoFlags::make<AudioIoFlags::Tag::output>( |
| portFlags.get<AudioIoFlags::Tag::output>() & |
| ~optionalFlags) == flags); |
| }; |
| auto matcher = [&](const auto& pair) { |
| const auto& p = pair.second; |
| return p.ext.getTag() == AudioPortExt::Tag::mix && |
| flagMatches(p.flags) && |
| (destinationPortIds.empty() || |
| std::any_of(destinationPortIds.begin(), destinationPortIds.end(), |
| [&](const int32_t destId) { return mRoutingMatrix.count( |
| std::make_pair(p.id, destId)) != 0; })) && |
| (p.profiles.empty() || |
| std::find_if(p.profiles.begin(), p.profiles.end(), belongsToProfile) != |
| p.profiles.end()); }; |
| auto result = std::find_if(mPorts.begin(), mPorts.end(), matcher); |
| if (result == mPorts.end() && flags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::output) { |
| auto optionalOutputFlagsIt = kOptionalOutputFlags.begin(); |
| while (result == mPorts.end() && optionalOutputFlagsIt != kOptionalOutputFlags.end()) { |
| if (isBitPositionFlagSet( |
| flags.get<AudioIoFlags::Tag::output>(), *optionalOutputFlagsIt)) { |
| // If the flag is set by the request, it must be matched. |
| ++optionalOutputFlagsIt; |
| continue; |
| } |
| optionalFlags |= makeBitPositionFlagMask(*optionalOutputFlagsIt++); |
| result = std::find_if(mPorts.begin(), mPorts.end(), matcher); |
| ALOGI("%s: port for config %s, flags %s was not found in the module %s, " |
| "retried with excluding optional flags %#x", __func__, config.toString().c_str(), |
| flags.toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str(), optionalFlags); |
| } |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| DeviceHalAidl::PortConfigs::iterator DeviceHalAidl::findPortConfig(const AudioDevice& device) { |
| return std::find_if(mPortConfigs.begin(), mPortConfigs.end(), |
| [&](const auto& pair) { return audioDeviceMatches(device, pair.second); }); |
| } |
| |
| DeviceHalAidl::PortConfigs::iterator DeviceHalAidl::findPortConfig( |
| const AudioConfig& config, const std::optional<AudioIoFlags>& flags, int32_t ioHandle) { |
| using Tag = AudioPortExt::Tag; |
| return std::find_if(mPortConfigs.begin(), mPortConfigs.end(), |
| [&](const auto& pair) { |
| const auto& p = pair.second; |
| LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(p.ext.getTag() == Tag::mix && |
| !p.sampleRate.has_value() || !p.channelMask.has_value() || |
| !p.format.has_value() || !p.flags.has_value(), |
| "%s: stored mix port config is not fully specified: %s", |
| __func__, p.toString().c_str()); |
| return p.ext.getTag() == Tag::mix && |
| isConfigEqualToPortConfig(config, p) && |
| (!flags.has_value() || p.flags.value() == flags.value()) && |
| p.ext.template get<Tag::mix>().handle == ioHandle; }); |
| } |
| |
| bool DeviceHalAidl::isPortHeldByAStream(int32_t portId) { |
| // It is assumed that mStreams has already been cleaned up. |
| for (const auto& streamPair : mStreams) { |
| int32_t patchId = streamPair.second; |
| auto patchIt = mPatches.find(patchId); |
| if (patchIt == mPatches.end()) continue; |
| for (int32_t id : patchIt->second.sourcePortConfigIds) { |
| auto portConfigIt = mPortConfigs.find(id); |
| if (portConfigIt != mPortConfigs.end() && portConfigIt->second.portId == portId) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| for (int32_t id : patchIt->second.sinkPortConfigIds) { |
| auto portConfigIt = mPortConfigs.find(id); |
| if (portConfigIt != mPortConfigs.end() && portConfigIt->second.portId == portId) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| void DeviceHalAidl::resetPatch(int32_t patchId) { |
| if (auto it = mPatches.find(patchId); it != mPatches.end()) { |
| mPatches.erase(it); |
| if (ndk::ScopedAStatus status = mModule->resetAudioPatch(patchId); !status.isOk()) { |
| ALOGE("%s: error while resetting patch %d: %s", |
| __func__, patchId, status.getDescription().c_str()); |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| ALOGE("%s: patch id %d not found", __func__, patchId); |
| } |
| |
| void DeviceHalAidl::resetPortConfig(int32_t portConfigId) { |
| if (auto it = mPortConfigs.find(portConfigId); it != mPortConfigs.end()) { |
| mPortConfigs.erase(it); |
| if (ndk::ScopedAStatus status = mModule->resetAudioPortConfig(portConfigId); |
| !status.isOk()) { |
| ALOGE("%s: error while resetting port config %d: %s", |
| __func__, portConfigId, status.getDescription().c_str()); |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| ALOGE("%s: port config id %d not found", __func__, portConfigId); |
| } |
| |
| void DeviceHalAidl::resetUnusedPatches() { |
| // Since patches can be created independently of streams via 'createAudioPatch', |
| // here we only clean up patches for released streams. |
| for (auto it = mStreams.begin(); it != mStreams.end(); ) { |
| if (auto streamSp = it->first.promote(); streamSp) { |
| ++it; |
| } else { |
| resetPatch(it->second); |
| it = mStreams.erase(it); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void DeviceHalAidl::resetUnusedPatchesAndPortConfigs() { |
| resetUnusedPatches(); |
| resetUnusedPortConfigs(); |
| } |
| |
| void DeviceHalAidl::resetUnusedPortConfigs() { |
| // The assumption is that port configs are used to create patches |
| // (or to open streams, but that involves creation of patches, too). Thus, |
| // orphaned port configs can and should be reset. |
| std::map<int32_t, int32_t /*portID*/> portConfigIds; |
| std::transform(mPortConfigs.begin(), mPortConfigs.end(), |
| std::inserter(portConfigIds, portConfigIds.end()), |
| [](const auto& pcPair) { return std::make_pair(pcPair.first, pcPair.second.portId); }); |
| for (const auto& p : mPatches) { |
| for (int32_t id : p.second.sourcePortConfigIds) portConfigIds.erase(id); |
| for (int32_t id : p.second.sinkPortConfigIds) portConfigIds.erase(id); |
| } |
| for (int32_t id : mInitialPortConfigIds) { |
| portConfigIds.erase(id); |
| } |
| std::set<int32_t> retryDeviceDisconnection; |
| for (const auto& portConfigAndIdPair : portConfigIds) { |
| resetPortConfig(portConfigAndIdPair.first); |
| if (const auto it = mConnectedPorts.find(portConfigAndIdPair.second); |
| it != mConnectedPorts.end() && it->second) { |
| retryDeviceDisconnection.insert(portConfigAndIdPair.second); |
| } |
| } |
| for (int32_t portId : retryDeviceDisconnection) { |
| if (!isPortHeldByAStream(portId)) { |
| if (auto status = mModule->disconnectExternalDevice(portId); status.isOk()) { |
| mPorts.erase(portId); |
| mConnectedPorts.erase(portId); |
| ALOGD("%s: executed postponed external device disconnection for port ID %d", |
| __func__, portId); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (!retryDeviceDisconnection.empty()) { |
| updateRoutes(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| status_t DeviceHalAidl::updateRoutes() { |
| statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getAudioRoutes(&mRoutes))); |
| ALOGW_IF(mRoutes.empty(), "%s: module %s returned an empty list of audio routes", |
| __func__, mInstance.c_str()); |
| mRoutingMatrix.clear(); |
| for (const auto& r : mRoutes) { |
| for (auto portId : r.sourcePortIds) { |
| mRoutingMatrix.emplace(r.sinkPortId, portId); |
| mRoutingMatrix.emplace(portId, r.sinkPortId); |
| } |
| } |
| return OK; |
| } |
| |
| void DeviceHalAidl::clearCallbacks(void* cookie) { |
| std::lock_guard l(mLock); |
| mCallbacks.erase(cookie); |
| } |
| |
| sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceCallback> DeviceHalAidl::getStreamOutCallback(void* cookie) { |
| return getCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::out); |
| } |
| |
| void DeviceHalAidl::setStreamOutCallback( |
| void* cookie, const sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceCallback>& cb) { |
| setCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::out, cb); |
| } |
| |
| sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceEventCallback> DeviceHalAidl::getStreamOutEventCallback( |
| void* cookie) { |
| return getCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::event); |
| } |
| |
| void DeviceHalAidl::setStreamOutEventCallback( |
| void* cookie, const sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceEventCallback>& cb) { |
| setCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::event, cb); |
| } |
| |
| sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceLatencyModeCallback> DeviceHalAidl::getStreamOutLatencyModeCallback( |
| void* cookie) { |
| return getCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::latency); |
| } |
| |
| void DeviceHalAidl::setStreamOutLatencyModeCallback( |
| void* cookie, const sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceLatencyModeCallback>& cb) { |
| setCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::latency, cb); |
| } |
| |
| template<class C> |
| sp<C> DeviceHalAidl::getCallbackImpl(void* cookie, wp<C> DeviceHalAidl::Callbacks::* field) { |
| std::lock_guard l(mLock); |
| if (auto it = mCallbacks.find(cookie); it != mCallbacks.end()) { |
| return ((it->second).*field).promote(); |
| } |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| template<class C> |
| void DeviceHalAidl::setCallbackImpl( |
| void* cookie, wp<C> DeviceHalAidl::Callbacks::* field, const sp<C>& cb) { |
| std::lock_guard l(mLock); |
| if (auto it = mCallbacks.find(cookie); it != mCallbacks.end()) { |
| (it->second).*field = cb; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace android |