blob: 21cb39a703d34634156a6d0213e5bbeaea9cb715 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "DeviceHalAidl"
// #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#include <algorithm>
#include <forward_list>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/audio/core/BnStreamCallback.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/audio/core/BnStreamOutEventCallback.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/audio/core/StreamDescriptor.h>
#include <error/expected_utils.h>
#include <media/AidlConversionCppNdk.h>
#include <media/AidlConversionNdkCpp.h>
#include <media/AidlConversionUtil.h>
#include <mediautils/TimeCheck.h>
#include <Utils.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include "DeviceHalAidl.h"
#include "EffectHalAidl.h"
#include "StreamHalAidl.h"
using aidl::android::aidl_utils::statusTFromBinderStatus;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::Boolean;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioChannelLayout;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioConfig;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDevice;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDeviceAddress;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioDeviceType;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioFormatDescription;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioFormatType;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioInputFlags;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioIoFlags;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioLatencyMode;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioMMapPolicy;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioMMapPolicyInfo;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioMMapPolicyType;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioMode;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioOutputFlags;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPort;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPortConfig;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPortDeviceExt;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPortExt;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPortMixExt;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioPortMixExtUseCase;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioProfile;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::AudioSource;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::Float;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::Int;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::MicrophoneDynamicInfo;
using aidl::android::media::audio::common::MicrophoneInfo;
using aidl::android::media::audio::IHalAdapterVendorExtension;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::getFrameSizeInBytes;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::isBitPositionFlagSet;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::isDefaultAudioFormat;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::makeBitPositionFlagMask;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::common::RecordTrackMetadata;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::AudioPatch;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::AudioRoute;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IBluetooth;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IBluetoothA2dp;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IBluetoothLe;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IModule;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::ITelephony;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::ModuleDebug;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::StreamDescriptor;
using aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::VendorParameter;
namespace android {
namespace {
bool isConfigEqualToPortConfig(const AudioConfig& config, const AudioPortConfig& portConfig) {
return portConfig.sampleRate.value().value == config.base.sampleRate &&
portConfig.channelMask.value() == config.base.channelMask &&
portConfig.format.value() == config.base.format;
void setConfigFromPortConfig(AudioConfig* config, const AudioPortConfig& portConfig) {
config->base.sampleRate = portConfig.sampleRate.value().value;
config->base.channelMask = portConfig.channelMask.value();
config->base.format = portConfig.format.value();
void setPortConfigFromConfig(AudioPortConfig* portConfig, const AudioConfig& config) {
if (config.base.sampleRate != 0) {
portConfig->sampleRate = Int{ .value = config.base.sampleRate };
if (config.base.channelMask != AudioChannelLayout{}) {
portConfig->channelMask = config.base.channelMask;
if (config.base.format != AudioFormatDescription{}) {
portConfig->format = config.base.format;
// Note: these converters are for types defined in different AIDL files. Although these
// AIDL files are copies of each other, however formally these are different types
// thus we don't use a conversion via a parcelable.
ConversionResult<media::AudioRoute> ndk2cpp_AudioRoute(const AudioRoute& ndk) {
media::AudioRoute cpp;
cpp.sourcePortIds.end(), ndk.sourcePortIds.begin(), ndk.sourcePortIds.end());
cpp.sinkPortId = ndk.sinkPortId;
cpp.isExclusive = ndk.isExclusive;
return cpp;
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> retrieveSubInterface(const std::shared_ptr<IModule>& module,
::ndk::ScopedAStatus (IModule::*getT)(std::shared_ptr<T>*)) {
if (module != nullptr) {
std::shared_ptr<T> instance;
if (auto status = (module.get()->*getT)(&instance); status.isOk()) {
return instance;
return nullptr;
} // namespace
DeviceHalAidl::DeviceHalAidl(const std::string& instance, const std::shared_ptr<IModule>& module,
const std::shared_ptr<IHalAdapterVendorExtension>& vext)
: ConversionHelperAidl("DeviceHalAidl"),
mInstance(instance), mModule(module), mVendorExt(vext),
mTelephony(retrieveSubInterface<ITelephony>(module, &IModule::getTelephony)),
mBluetooth(retrieveSubInterface<IBluetooth>(module, &IModule::getBluetooth)),
mBluetoothA2dp(retrieveSubInterface<IBluetoothA2dp>(module, &IModule::getBluetoothA2dp)),
mBluetoothLe(retrieveSubInterface<IBluetoothLe>(module, &IModule::getBluetoothLe)) {
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getAudioPorts(std::vector<media::audio::common::AudioPort> *ports) {
return ::aidl::android::convertContainer(mPorts, ports,
[](const Ports::value_type& pair) { return ndk2cpp_AudioPort(pair.second); });
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getAudioRoutes(std::vector<media::AudioRoute> *routes) {
mRoutes, ndk2cpp_AudioRoute));
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getSupportedModes(std::vector<media::audio::common::AudioMode> *modes) {
if (modes == nullptr) {
return BAD_VALUE;
if (mModule == nullptr) return NO_INIT;
if (mTelephony == nullptr) return INVALID_OPERATION;
std::vector<AudioMode> aidlModes;
aidlModes, ndk2cpp_AudioMode));
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getSupportedDevices(uint32_t*) {
// Obsolete.
status_t DeviceHalAidl::initCheck() {
if (mModule == nullptr) return NO_INIT;
std::vector<AudioPort> ports;
ALOGW_IF(ports.empty(), "%s: module %s returned an empty list of audio ports",
__func__, mInstance.c_str());
std::transform(ports.begin(), ports.end(), std::inserter(mPorts, mPorts.end()),
[](const auto& p) { return std::make_pair(, p); });
mDefaultInputPortId = mDefaultOutputPortId = -1;
const int defaultDeviceFlag = 1 << AudioPortDeviceExt::FLAG_INDEX_DEFAULT_DEVICE;
for (const auto& pair : mPorts) {
const auto& p = pair.second;
if (p.ext.getTag() == AudioPortExt::Tag::device &&
(p.ext.get<AudioPortExt::Tag::device>().flags & defaultDeviceFlag) != 0) {
if (p.flags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::input) {
mDefaultInputPortId =;
} else if (p.flags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::output) {
mDefaultOutputPortId =;
ALOGI("%s: module %s default port ids: input %d, output %d",
__func__, mInstance.c_str(), mDefaultInputPortId, mDefaultOutputPortId);
std::vector<AudioPortConfig> portConfigs;
statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getAudioPortConfigs(&portConfigs))); // OK if empty
std::transform(portConfigs.begin(), portConfigs.end(),
std::inserter(mPortConfigs, mPortConfigs.end()),
[](const auto& p) { return std::make_pair(, p); });
std::transform(mPortConfigs.begin(), mPortConfigs.end(),
std::inserter(mInitialPortConfigIds, mInitialPortConfigIds.end()),
[](const auto& pcPair) { return pcPair.first; });
std::vector<AudioPatch> patches;
statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getAudioPatches(&patches))); // OK if empty
std::transform(patches.begin(), patches.end(),
std::inserter(mPatches, mPatches.end()),
[](const auto& p) { return std::make_pair(, p); });
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::setVoiceVolume(float volume) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
if (mTelephony == nullptr) return INVALID_OPERATION;
ITelephony::TelecomConfig inConfig{ .voiceVolume = Float{volume} }, outConfig;
statusTFromBinderStatus(mTelephony->setTelecomConfig(inConfig, &outConfig)));
ALOGW_IF(outConfig.voiceVolume.has_value() && volume != outConfig.voiceVolume.value().value,
"%s: the resulting voice volume %f is not the same as requested %f",
__func__, outConfig.voiceVolume.value().value, volume);
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::setMasterVolume(float volume) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->setMasterVolume(volume));
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getMasterVolume(float *volume) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getMasterVolume(volume));
status_t DeviceHalAidl::setMode(audio_mode_t mode) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
AudioMode audioMode = VALUE_OR_FATAL(::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_mode_t_AudioMode(mode));
if (mTelephony != nullptr) {
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->updateAudioMode(audioMode));
status_t DeviceHalAidl::setMicMute(bool state) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->setMicMute(state));
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getMicMute(bool *state) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getMicMute(state));
status_t DeviceHalAidl::setMasterMute(bool state) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->setMasterMute(state));
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getMasterMute(bool *state) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getMasterMute(state));
status_t DeviceHalAidl::setParameters(const String8& kvPairs) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
AudioParameter parameters(kvPairs);
ALOGD("%s: parameters: \"%s\"", __func__, parameters.toString().c_str());
if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateBtA2dpParameters(parameters); status != OK) {
ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating BT A2DP parameters failed: %d", __func__, status);
if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateBtHfpParameters(parameters); status != OK) {
ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating BT HFP parameters failed: %d", __func__, status);
if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateBtLeParameters(parameters); status != OK) {
ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating BT LE parameters failed: %d", __func__, status);
if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateBtScoParameters(parameters); status != OK) {
ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating BT SCO parameters failed: %d", __func__, status);
if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateScreenParameters(parameters); status != OK) {
ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating screen parameters failed: %d", __func__, status);
if (status_t status = filterAndUpdateTelephonyParameters(parameters); status != OK) {
ALOGW("%s: filtering or updating telephony parameters failed: %d", __func__, status);
return parseAndSetVendorParameters(mVendorExt, mModule, parameters);
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getParameters(const String8& keys, String8 *values) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
if (values == nullptr) {
return BAD_VALUE;
AudioParameter parameterKeys(keys), result;
if (status_t status = filterAndRetrieveBtA2dpParameters(parameterKeys, &result); status != OK) {
ALOGW("%s: filtering or retrieving BT A2DP parameters failed: %d", __func__, status);
*values = result.toString();
return parseAndGetVendorParameters(mVendorExt, mModule, parameterKeys, values);
namespace {
class Cleanup {
typedef void (DeviceHalAidl::*Cleaner)(int32_t);
Cleanup(DeviceHalAidl* device, Cleaner cleaner, int32_t id) :
mDevice(device), mCleaner(cleaner), mId(id) {}
~Cleanup() { clean(); }
void clean() {
if (mDevice != nullptr) (mDevice->*mCleaner)(mId);
void disarm() { mDevice = nullptr; }
DeviceHalAidl* mDevice;
const Cleaner mCleaner;
const int32_t mId;
} // namespace
// Since the order of container elements destruction is unspecified,
// ensure that cleanups are performed from the most recent one and upwards.
// This is the same as if there were individual Cleanup instances on the stack,
// however the bonus is that we can disarm all of them with just one statement.
class DeviceHalAidl::Cleanups : public std::forward_list<Cleanup> {
~Cleanups() { for (auto& c : *this) c.clean(); }
void disarmAll() { for (auto& c : *this) c.disarm(); }
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getInputBufferSize(const struct audio_config* config, size_t* size) {
ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__);
if (size == nullptr) return BAD_VALUE;
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
AudioConfig aidlConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_config_t_AudioConfig(*config, true /*isInput*/));
AudioDevice aidlDevice;
aidlDevice.type.type = AudioDeviceType::IN_DEFAULT;
AudioSource aidlSource = AudioSource::DEFAULT;
AudioIoFlags aidlFlags = AudioIoFlags::make<AudioIoFlags::Tag::input>(0);
AudioPortConfig mixPortConfig;
Cleanups cleanups;
audio_config writableConfig = *config;
AudioPatch aidlPatch;
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(prepareToOpenStream(0 /*handle*/, aidlDevice, aidlFlags, aidlSource,
&writableConfig, &cleanups, &aidlConfig, &mixPortConfig, &aidlPatch));
*size = aidlConfig.frameCount *
getFrameSizeInBytes(aidlConfig.base.format, aidlConfig.base.channelMask);
// Do not disarm cleanups to release temporary port configs.
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::prepareToOpenStream(
int32_t aidlHandle, const AudioDevice& aidlDevice, const AudioIoFlags& aidlFlags,
AudioSource aidlSource, struct audio_config* config,
Cleanups* cleanups, AudioConfig* aidlConfig, AudioPortConfig* mixPortConfig,
AudioPatch* aidlPatch) {
ALOGD("%p %s::%s: handle %d, device %s, flags %s, source %s, config %s, mix port config %s",
this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__, aidlHandle, aidlDevice.toString().c_str(),
aidlFlags.toString().c_str(), toString(aidlSource).c_str(),
aidlConfig->toString().c_str(), mixPortConfig->toString().c_str());
const bool isInput = aidlFlags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::input;
// Find / create AudioPortConfigs for the device port and the mix port,
// then find / create a patch between them, and open a stream on the mix port.
AudioPortConfig devicePortConfig;
bool created = false;
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(findOrCreatePortConfig(aidlDevice, aidlConfig,
&devicePortConfig, &created));
if (created) {
cleanups->emplace_front(this, &DeviceHalAidl::resetPortConfig,;
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(findOrCreatePortConfig(*aidlConfig, aidlFlags, aidlHandle, aidlSource,
std::set<int32_t>{devicePortConfig.portId}, mixPortConfig, &created));
if (created) {
cleanups->emplace_front(this, &DeviceHalAidl::resetPortConfig, mixPortConfig->id);
setConfigFromPortConfig(aidlConfig, *mixPortConfig);
if (isInput) {
{}, {mixPortConfig->id}, aidlPatch, &created));
} else {
{mixPortConfig->id}, {}, aidlPatch, &created));
if (created) {
cleanups->emplace_front(this, &DeviceHalAidl::resetPatch, aidlPatch->id);
if (aidlConfig->frameCount <= 0) {
aidlConfig->frameCount = aidlPatch->minimumStreamBufferSizeFrames;
::aidl::android::aidl2legacy_AudioConfig_audio_config_t(*aidlConfig, isInput));
return OK;
namespace {
class StreamCallbackBase {
explicit StreamCallbackBase(const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker) : mBroker(broker) {}
void* getCookie() const { return mCookie; }
void setCookie(void* cookie) { mCookie = cookie; }
sp<CallbackBroker> getBroker() const {
if (void* cookie = mCookie; cookie != nullptr) return mBroker.promote();
return nullptr;
const wp<CallbackBroker> mBroker;
std::atomic<void*> mCookie;
template<class C>
class StreamCallbackBaseHelper {
explicit StreamCallbackBaseHelper(const StreamCallbackBase& base) : mBase(base) {}
sp<C> getCb(const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker, void* cookie);
using CbRef = const sp<C>&;
ndk::ScopedAStatus runCb(const std::function<void(CbRef cb)>& f) {
if (auto cb = getCb(mBase.getBroker(), mBase.getCookie()); cb != nullptr) f(cb);
return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
const StreamCallbackBase& mBase;
sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceCallback> StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceCallback>::getCb(
const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker, void* cookie) {
if (broker != nullptr) return broker->getStreamOutCallback(cookie);
return nullptr;
const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker, void* cookie) {
if (broker != nullptr) return broker->getStreamOutEventCallback(cookie);
return nullptr;
const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker, void* cookie) {
if (broker != nullptr) return broker->getStreamOutLatencyModeCallback(cookie);
return nullptr;
Note on the callback ownership.
In the Binder ownership model, the server implementation is kept alive
as long as there is any client (proxy object) alive. This is done by
incrementing the refcount of the server-side object by the Binder framework.
When it detects that the last client is gone, it decrements the refcount back.
Thus, it is not needed to keep any references to StreamCallback on our
side (after we have sent an instance to the client), because we are
the server-side. The callback object will be kept alive as long as the HAL server
holds a strong ref to IStreamCallback proxy.
class OutputStreamCallbackAidl : public StreamCallbackBase,
public StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceCallback>,
public ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::BnStreamCallback {
explicit OutputStreamCallbackAidl(const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker)
: StreamCallbackBase(broker),
*static_cast<StreamCallbackBase*>(this)) {}
ndk::ScopedAStatus onTransferReady() override {
return runCb([](CbRef cb) { cb->onWriteReady(); });
ndk::ScopedAStatus onError() override {
return runCb([](CbRef cb) { cb->onError(); });
ndk::ScopedAStatus onDrainReady() override {
return runCb([](CbRef cb) { cb->onDrainReady(); });
class OutputStreamEventCallbackAidl :
public StreamCallbackBase,
public StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceEventCallback>,
public StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceLatencyModeCallback>,
public ::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::BnStreamOutEventCallback {
explicit OutputStreamEventCallbackAidl(const sp<CallbackBroker>& broker)
: StreamCallbackBase(broker),
*static_cast<StreamCallbackBase*>(this)) {}
ndk::ScopedAStatus onCodecFormatChanged(const std::vector<uint8_t>& in_audioMetadata) override {
std::basic_string<uint8_t> halMetadata(in_audioMetadata.begin(), in_audioMetadata.end());
return StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceEventCallback>::runCb(
[&halMetadata](auto cb) { cb->onCodecFormatChanged(halMetadata); });
ndk::ScopedAStatus onRecommendedLatencyModeChanged(
const std::vector<AudioLatencyMode>& in_modes) override {
auto halModes = VALUE_OR_FATAL(
return StreamCallbackBaseHelper<StreamOutHalInterfaceLatencyModeCallback>::runCb(
[&halModes](auto cb) { cb->onRecommendedLatencyModeChanged(halModes); });
} // namespace
status_t DeviceHalAidl::openOutputStream(
audio_io_handle_t handle, audio_devices_t devices,
audio_output_flags_t flags, struct audio_config* config,
const char* address,
sp<StreamOutHalInterface>* outStream) {
ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__);
if (!outStream || !config) {
return BAD_VALUE;
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
int32_t aidlHandle = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
AudioConfig aidlConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_config_t_AudioConfig(*config, false /*isInput*/));
AudioDevice aidlDevice = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_device_AudioDevice(devices, address));
int32_t aidlOutputFlags = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
AudioIoFlags aidlFlags = AudioIoFlags::make<AudioIoFlags::Tag::output>(aidlOutputFlags);
AudioPortConfig mixPortConfig;
Cleanups cleanups;
AudioPatch aidlPatch;
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(prepareToOpenStream(aidlHandle, aidlDevice, aidlFlags,
AudioSource::SYS_RESERVED_INVALID /*only needed for input*/,
config, &cleanups, &aidlConfig, &mixPortConfig, &aidlPatch));
::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IModule::OpenOutputStreamArguments args;
args.portConfigId =;
const bool isOffload = isBitPositionFlagSet(
aidlOutputFlags, AudioOutputFlags::COMPRESS_OFFLOAD);
std::shared_ptr<OutputStreamCallbackAidl> streamCb;
if (isOffload) {
streamCb = ndk::SharedRefBase::make<OutputStreamCallbackAidl>(this);
auto eventCb = ndk::SharedRefBase::make<OutputStreamEventCallbackAidl>(this);
if (isOffload) {
args.offloadInfo = aidlConfig.offloadInfo;
args.callback = streamCb;
args.bufferSizeFrames = aidlConfig.frameCount;
args.eventCallback = eventCb;
::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IModule::OpenOutputStreamReturn ret;
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->openOutputStream(args, &ret)));
StreamContextAidl context(ret.desc, isOffload);
if (!context.isValid()) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed to created a valid stream context from the descriptor: %s",
__func__, ret.desc.toString().c_str());
return NO_INIT;
*outStream = sp<StreamOutHalAidl>::make(*config, std::move(context), aidlPatch.latenciesMs[0],
std::move(, mVendorExt, this /*callbackBroker*/);
void* cbCookie = (*outStream).get();
std::lock_guard l(mLock);
mCallbacks.emplace(cbCookie, Callbacks{});
if (streamCb) streamCb->setCookie(cbCookie);
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::openInputStream(
audio_io_handle_t handle, audio_devices_t devices,
struct audio_config* config, audio_input_flags_t flags,
const char* address, audio_source_t source,
audio_devices_t outputDevice, const char* outputDeviceAddress,
sp<StreamInHalInterface>* inStream) {
ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__);
if (!inStream || !config) {
return BAD_VALUE;
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
int32_t aidlHandle = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
AudioConfig aidlConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_config_t_AudioConfig(*config, true /*isInput*/));
AudioDevice aidlDevice = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_device_AudioDevice(devices, address));
int32_t aidlInputFlags = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
AudioIoFlags aidlFlags = AudioIoFlags::make<AudioIoFlags::Tag::input>(aidlInputFlags);
AudioSource aidlSource = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
AudioPortConfig mixPortConfig;
Cleanups cleanups;
AudioPatch aidlPatch;
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(prepareToOpenStream(aidlHandle, aidlDevice, aidlFlags, aidlSource,
config, &cleanups, &aidlConfig, &mixPortConfig, &aidlPatch));
::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IModule::OpenInputStreamArguments args;
args.portConfigId =;
RecordTrackMetadata aidlTrackMetadata{
.source = aidlSource, .gain = 1, .channelMask = aidlConfig.base.channelMask };
if (outputDevice != AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) {
aidlTrackMetadata.destinationDevice = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
outputDevice, outputDeviceAddress));
args.bufferSizeFrames = aidlConfig.frameCount;
::aidl::android::hardware::audio::core::IModule::OpenInputStreamReturn ret;
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->openInputStream(args, &ret)));
StreamContextAidl context(ret.desc, false /*isAsynchronous*/);
if (!context.isValid()) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed to created a valid stream context from the descriptor: %s",
__func__, ret.desc.toString().c_str());
return NO_INIT;
*inStream = sp<StreamInHalAidl>::make(*config, std::move(context), aidlPatch.latenciesMs[0],
std::move(, mVendorExt, this /*micInfoProvider*/);
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::supportsAudioPatches(bool* supportsPatches) {
*supportsPatches = true;
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::createAudioPatch(unsigned int num_sources,
const struct audio_port_config* sources,
unsigned int num_sinks,
const struct audio_port_config* sinks,
audio_patch_handle_t* patch) {
ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__);
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
if (num_sinks > AUDIO_PATCH_PORTS_MAX || num_sources > AUDIO_PATCH_PORTS_MAX ||
sources == nullptr || sinks == nullptr || patch == nullptr) {
return BAD_VALUE;
// When the patch handle (*patch) is AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE, it means
// the framework wants to create a new patch. The handle has to be generated
// by the HAL. Since handles generated this way can only be unique within
// a HAL module, the framework generates a globally unique handle, and maps
// it on the <HAL module, patch handle> pair.
// When the patch handle is set, it meant the framework intends to update
// an existing patch.
// This behavior corresponds to HAL module behavior, with the only difference
// that the HAL module uses `int32_t` for patch IDs. The following assert ensures
// that both the framework and the HAL use the same value for "no ID":
static_assert(AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE == 0);
int32_t halPatchId = static_cast<int32_t>(*patch);
// Upon conversion, mix port configs contain audio configuration, while
// device port configs contain device address. This data is used to find
// or create HAL configs.
std::vector<AudioPortConfig> aidlSources, aidlSinks;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_sources; ++i) {
bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection(
sources[i].role, sources[i].type)) ==
sources[i], isInput, 0)));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_sinks; ++i) {
bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection(
sinks[i].role, sinks[i].type)) ==
sinks[i], isInput, 0)));
Cleanups cleanups;
auto existingPatchIt = halPatchId != 0 ? mPatches.find(halPatchId): mPatches.end();
AudioPatch aidlPatch;
if (existingPatchIt != mPatches.end()) {
aidlPatch = existingPatchIt->second;
// The IDs will be found by 'fillPortConfigs', however the original 'aidlSources' and
// 'aidlSinks' will not be updated because 'setAudioPatch' only needs IDs. Here we log
// the source arguments, where only the audio configuration and device specifications
// are relevant.
ALOGD("%s: [disregard IDs] sources: %s, sinks: %s",
__func__, ::android::internal::ToString(aidlSources).c_str(),
auto fillPortConfigs = [&](
const std::vector<AudioPortConfig>& configs,
const std::set<int32_t>& destinationPortIds,
std::vector<int32_t>* ids, std::set<int32_t>* portIds) -> status_t {
for (const auto& s : configs) {
AudioPortConfig portConfig;
bool created = false;
s, destinationPortIds, &portConfig, &created));
if (created) {
cleanups.emplace_front(this, &DeviceHalAidl::resetPortConfig,;
if (portIds != nullptr) {
return OK;
// When looking up port configs, the destinationPortId is only used for mix ports.
// Thus, we process device port configs first, and look up the destination port ID from them.
bool sourceIsDevice = std::any_of(aidlSources.begin(), aidlSources.end(),
[](const auto& config) { return config.ext.getTag() == AudioPortExt::device; });
const std::vector<AudioPortConfig>& devicePortConfigs =
sourceIsDevice ? aidlSources : aidlSinks;
std::vector<int32_t>* devicePortConfigIds =
sourceIsDevice ? &aidlPatch.sourcePortConfigIds : &aidlPatch.sinkPortConfigIds;
const std::vector<AudioPortConfig>& mixPortConfigs =
sourceIsDevice ? aidlSinks : aidlSources;
std::vector<int32_t>* mixPortConfigIds =
sourceIsDevice ? &aidlPatch.sinkPortConfigIds : &aidlPatch.sourcePortConfigIds;
std::set<int32_t> devicePortIds;
devicePortConfigs, std::set<int32_t>(), devicePortConfigIds, &devicePortIds));
mixPortConfigs, devicePortIds, mixPortConfigIds, nullptr));
if (existingPatchIt != mPatches.end()) {
mModule->setAudioPatch(aidlPatch, &aidlPatch)));
existingPatchIt->second = aidlPatch;
} else {
bool created = false;
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(findOrCreatePatch(aidlPatch, &aidlPatch, &created));
// Since no cleanup of the patch is needed, 'created' is ignored.
halPatchId =;
*patch = static_cast<audio_patch_handle_t>(halPatchId);
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::releaseAudioPatch(audio_patch_handle_t patch) {
ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__);
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
static_assert(AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE == 0);
return BAD_VALUE;
int32_t halPatchId = static_cast<int32_t>(patch);
auto patchIt = mPatches.find(halPatchId);
if (patchIt == mPatches.end()) {
ALOGE("%s: patch with id %d not found", __func__, halPatchId);
return BAD_VALUE;
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getAudioPort(struct audio_port* port) {
ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__);
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
if (port == nullptr) {
return BAD_VALUE;
audio_port_v7 portV7;
audio_populate_audio_port_v7(port, &portV7);
return audio_populate_audio_port(&portV7, port) ? OK : BAD_VALUE;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getAudioPort(struct audio_port_v7 *port) {
ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__);
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
if (port == nullptr) {
return BAD_VALUE;
bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection(port->role, port->type)) ==
::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_port_v7_AudioPort(*port, isInput));
if (aidlPort.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::device) {
ALOGE("%s: provided port is not a device port (module %s): %s",
__func__, mInstance.c_str(), aidlPort.toString().c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
const auto& matchDevice = aidlPort.ext.get<AudioPortExt::device>().device;
// It seems that we don't have to call HAL since all valid ports have been added either
// during initialization, or while handling connection of an external device.
auto portsIt = findPort(matchDevice);
if (portsIt == mPorts.end()) {
ALOGE("%s: device port for device %s is not found in the module %s",
__func__, matchDevice.toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
const int32_t fwkId =;
aidlPort = portsIt->second; = fwkId;
*port = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::aidl2legacy_AudioPort_audio_port_v7(
aidlPort, isInput));
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::setAudioPortConfig(const struct audio_port_config* config) {
ALOGD("%p %s::%s", this, getClassName().c_str(), __func__);
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
if (config == nullptr) {
return BAD_VALUE;
bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection(
config->role, config->type)) == ::aidl::android::AudioPortDirection::INPUT;
AudioPortConfig requestedPortConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
*config, isInput, 0 /*portId*/));
AudioPortConfig portConfig;
bool created = false;
requestedPortConfig, std::set<int32_t>(), &portConfig, &created));
return OK;
MicrophoneInfoProvider::Info const* DeviceHalAidl::getMicrophoneInfo() {
if (mMicrophones.status == Microphones::Status::UNKNOWN) {
std::vector<MicrophoneInfo> aidlInfo;
status_t status = statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->getMicrophones(&aidlInfo));
if (status == OK) {
mMicrophones.status = Microphones::Status::QUERIED; = std::move(aidlInfo);
} else if (status == INVALID_OPERATION) {
mMicrophones.status = Microphones::Status::NOT_SUPPORTED;
} else {
ALOGE("%s: Unexpected status from 'IModule.getMicrophones': %d", __func__, status);
return {};
if (mMicrophones.status == Microphones::Status::QUERIED) {
return &;
return {}; // NOT_SUPPORTED
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getMicrophones(
std::vector<audio_microphone_characteristic_t>* microphones) {
if (!microphones) {
return BAD_VALUE;
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
auto staticInfo = getMicrophoneInfo();
if (!staticInfo) return INVALID_OPERATION;
std::vector<MicrophoneDynamicInfo> emptyDynamicInfo;
std::transform(staticInfo->begin(), staticInfo->end(), std::back_inserter(emptyDynamicInfo),
[](const auto& info) { return MicrophoneDynamicInfo{ .id = }; });
*microphones = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
*staticInfo, emptyDynamicInfo,
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::addDeviceEffect(
const struct audio_port_config *device, sp<EffectHalInterface> effect) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
if (!effect) {
return BAD_VALUE;
bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection(
device->role, device->type)) == ::aidl::android::AudioPortDirection::INPUT;
auto requestedPortConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
*device, isInput, 0));
if (requestedPortConfig.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::Tag::device) {
ALOGE("%s: provided port config is not a device port config: %s",
__func__, requestedPortConfig.toString().c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
AudioPortConfig devicePortConfig;
bool created;
requestedPortConfig, {} /*destinationPortIds*/, &devicePortConfig, &created));
Cleanups cleanups;
if (created) {
cleanups.emplace_front(this, &DeviceHalAidl::resetPortConfig,;
auto aidlEffect = sp<effect::EffectHalAidl>::cast(effect);
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->addDeviceEffect(, aidlEffect->getIEffect())));
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::removeDeviceEffect(
const struct audio_port_config *device, sp<EffectHalInterface> effect) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
if (!effect) {
return BAD_VALUE;
bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection(
device->role, device->type)) == ::aidl::android::AudioPortDirection::INPUT;
auto requestedPortConfig = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
*device, isInput, 0));
if (requestedPortConfig.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::Tag::device) {
ALOGE("%s: provided port config is not a device port config: %s",
__func__, requestedPortConfig.toString().c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
auto existingPortConfigIt = findPortConfig(
if (existingPortConfigIt == mPortConfigs.end()) {
ALOGE("%s: could not find a configured device port for the config %s",
__func__, requestedPortConfig.toString().c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
auto aidlEffect = sp<effect::EffectHalAidl>::cast(effect);
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->removeDeviceEffect(
existingPortConfigIt->first, aidlEffect->getIEffect()));
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getMmapPolicyInfos(
media::audio::common::AudioMMapPolicyType policyType,
std::vector<media::audio::common::AudioMMapPolicyInfo>* policyInfos) {
AudioMMapPolicyType mmapPolicyType = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
std::vector<AudioMMapPolicyInfo> mmapPolicyInfos;
if (status_t status = statusTFromBinderStatus(
mModule->getMmapPolicyInfos(mmapPolicyType, &mmapPolicyInfos)); status != OK) {
return status;
mmapPolicyInfos, ndk2cpp_AudioMMapPolicyInfo));
return OK;
int32_t DeviceHalAidl::getAAudioMixerBurstCount() {
int32_t mixerBurstCount = 0;
if (mModule->getAAudioMixerBurstCount(&mixerBurstCount).isOk()) {
return mixerBurstCount;
return 0;
int32_t DeviceHalAidl::getAAudioHardwareBurstMinUsec() {
int32_t hardwareBurstMinUsec = 0;
if (mModule->getAAudioHardwareBurstMinUsec(&hardwareBurstMinUsec).isOk()) {
return hardwareBurstMinUsec;
return 0;
error::Result<audio_hw_sync_t> DeviceHalAidl::getHwAvSync() {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
int32_t aidlHwAvSync;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
return mModule->dump(fd, Args(args).args(), args.size());
int32_t DeviceHalAidl::supportsBluetoothVariableLatency(bool* supports) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
if (supports == nullptr) {
return BAD_VALUE;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->supportsVariableLatency(supports));
status_t DeviceHalAidl::getSoundDoseInterface(const std::string& module,
::ndk::SpAIBinder* soundDoseBinder) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
if (mSoundDose == nullptr) {
ndk::ScopedAStatus status = mModule->getSoundDose(&mSoundDose);
if (!status.isOk()) {
ALOGE("%s failed to return the sound dose interface for module %s: %s",
return BAD_VALUE;
*soundDoseBinder = mSoundDose->asBinder();
ALOGI("%s using audio AIDL HAL sound dose interface", __func__);
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice(const struct audio_port_v7* port) {
// There is not AIDL API defined for `prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice`.
// Call `setConnectedState` instead.
// TODO(b/279824103): call prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice when it is added.
if (const status_t status = setConnectedState(port, false /*connected*/); status == NO_ERROR) {
// Return that there was no error as otherwise the disconnection procedure will not be
// considered complete for upper layers, and 'setConnectedState' will not be called again.
return NO_ERROR;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::setConnectedState(const struct audio_port_v7 *port, bool connected) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
if (port == nullptr) {
return BAD_VALUE;
if (!connected && mDeviceDisconnectionNotified.erase(port->id) > 0) {
// For device disconnection, APM will first call `prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice`
// and then call `setConnectedState`. However, there is no API for
// `prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice` yet. In that case, `setConnectedState` will be
// called when calling `prepareToDisconnectExternalDevice`. Do not call to the HAL if
// previous call is successful. Also remove the cache here to avoid a large cache after
// a long run.
return NO_ERROR;
bool isInput = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(::aidl::android::portDirection(port->role, port->type)) ==
AudioPort aidlPort = VALUE_OR_RETURN_STATUS(
::aidl::android::legacy2aidl_audio_port_v7_AudioPort(*port, isInput));
if (aidlPort.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::device) {
ALOGE("%s: provided port is not a device port (module %s): %s",
__func__, mInstance.c_str(), aidlPort.toString().c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
if (connected) {
AudioDevice matchDevice = aidlPort.ext.get<AudioPortExt::device>().device;
// Reset the device address to find the "template" port.
matchDevice.address = AudioDeviceAddress::make<AudioDeviceAddress::id>();
auto portsIt = findPort(matchDevice);
if (portsIt == mPorts.end()) {
// Since 'setConnectedState' is called for all modules, it is normal when the device
// port not found in every one of them.
return BAD_VALUE;
} else {
ALOGD("%s: device port for device %s found in the module %s",
__func__, matchDevice.toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str());
// Use the ID of the "template" port, use all the information from the provided port. = portsIt->first;
AudioPort connectedPort;
aidlPort, &connectedPort)));
const auto [it, inserted] = mPorts.insert(std::make_pair(, connectedPort));
"%s: module %s, duplicate port ID received from HAL: %s, existing port: %s",
__func__, mInstance.c_str(), connectedPort.toString().c_str(),
mConnectedPorts[] = false;
} else { // !connected
AudioDevice matchDevice = aidlPort.ext.get<AudioPortExt::device>().device;
auto portsIt = findPort(matchDevice);
if (portsIt == mPorts.end()) {
// Since 'setConnectedState' is called for all modules, it is normal when the device
// port not found in every one of them.
return BAD_VALUE;
} else {
ALOGD("%s: device port for device %s found in the module %s",
__func__, matchDevice.toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str());
// Streams are closed by AudioFlinger independently from device disconnections.
// It is possible that the stream has not been closed yet.
const int32_t portId = portsIt->;
if (!isPortHeldByAStream(portId)) {
} else {
ALOGD("%s: since device port ID %d is used by a stream, "
"external device disconnection postponed", __func__, portId);
mConnectedPorts[portId] = true;
return updateRoutes();
status_t DeviceHalAidl::setSimulateDeviceConnections(bool enabled) {
if (!mModule) return NO_INIT;
ModuleDebug debug{ .simulateDeviceConnections = enabled };
status_t status = statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->setModuleDebug(debug));
// This is important to log as it affects HAL behavior.
if (status == OK) {
ALOGI("%s: set enabled: %d", __func__, enabled);
} else {
ALOGW("%s: set enabled to %d failed: %d", __func__, enabled, status);
return status;
bool DeviceHalAidl::audioDeviceMatches(const AudioDevice& device, const AudioPort& p) {
if (p.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::Tag::device) return false;
return p.ext.get<AudioPortExt::Tag::device>().device == device;
bool DeviceHalAidl::audioDeviceMatches(const AudioDevice& device, const AudioPortConfig& p) {
if (p.ext.getTag() != AudioPortExt::Tag::device) return false;
if (device.type.type == AudioDeviceType::IN_DEFAULT) {
return p.portId == mDefaultInputPortId;
} else if (device.type.type == AudioDeviceType::OUT_DEFAULT) {
return p.portId == mDefaultOutputPortId;
return p.ext.get<AudioPortExt::Tag::device>().device == device;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::createOrUpdatePortConfig(
const AudioPortConfig& requestedPortConfig, PortConfigs::iterator* result, bool* created) {
AudioPortConfig appliedPortConfig;
bool applied = false;
requestedPortConfig, &appliedPortConfig, &applied)));
if (!applied) {
appliedPortConfig, &appliedPortConfig, &applied)));
if (!applied) {
ALOGE("%s: module %s did not apply suggested config %s",
__func__, mInstance.c_str(), appliedPortConfig.toString().c_str());
return NO_INIT;
int32_t id =;
if ( != 0 && != id) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s: requested port config id %d changed to %d", __func__,, id);
auto [it, inserted] = mPortConfigs.insert_or_assign(std::move(id),
*result = it;
*created = inserted;
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndRetrieveBtA2dpParameters(
AudioParameter &keys, AudioParameter *result) {
if (String8 key = String8(AudioParameter::keyReconfigA2dpSupported); keys.containsKey(key)) {
bool supports;
result->addInt(key, supports ? 1 : 0);
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateBtA2dpParameters(AudioParameter &parameters) {
std::optional<bool> a2dpEnabled;
std::optional<std::vector<VendorParameter>> reconfigureOffload;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtA2dpSuspended),
[&a2dpEnabled](const String8& trueOrFalse) {
if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueTrue) {
a2dpEnabled = false; // 'suspended' == true
return OK;
} else if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueFalse) {
a2dpEnabled = true; // 'suspended' == false
return OK;
ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"",
AudioParameter::keyBtA2dpSuspended, trueOrFalse.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyReconfigA2dp),
[&](const String8& value) -> status_t {
if (mVendorExt != nullptr) {
std::vector<VendorParameter> result;
std::string(value.c_str()), &result)));
reconfigureOffload = std::move(result);
} else {
reconfigureOffload = std::vector<VendorParameter>();
return OK;
if (mBluetoothA2dp != nullptr && a2dpEnabled.has_value()) {
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mBluetoothA2dp->setEnabled(a2dpEnabled.value()));
if (mBluetoothA2dp != nullptr && reconfigureOffload.has_value()) {
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mBluetoothA2dp->reconfigureOffload(
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateBtHfpParameters(AudioParameter &parameters) {
IBluetooth::HfpConfig hfpConfig;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtHfpEnable),
[&hfpConfig](const String8& trueOrFalse) {
if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueTrue) {
hfpConfig.isEnabled = Boolean{ .value = true };
return OK;
} else if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueFalse) {
hfpConfig.isEnabled = Boolean{ .value = false };
return OK;
ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"",
AudioParameter::keyBtHfpEnable, trueOrFalse.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtHfpSamplingRate),
[&hfpConfig](int sampleRate) {
return sampleRate > 0 ?
hfpConfig.sampleRate = Int{ .value = sampleRate }, OK : BAD_VALUE;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtHfpVolume),
[&hfpConfig](int volume0to15) {
if (volume0to15 >= 0 && volume0to15 <= 15) {
hfpConfig.volume = Float{ .value = volume0to15 / 15.0f };
return OK;
return BAD_VALUE;
if (mBluetooth != nullptr && hfpConfig != IBluetooth::HfpConfig{}) {
IBluetooth::HfpConfig newHfpConfig;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mBluetooth->setHfpConfig(hfpConfig, &newHfpConfig));
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateBtLeParameters(AudioParameter &parameters) {
std::optional<bool> leEnabled;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtLeSuspended),
[&leEnabled](const String8& trueOrFalse) {
if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueTrue) {
leEnabled = false; // 'suspended' == true
return OK;
} else if (trueOrFalse == AudioParameter::valueFalse) {
leEnabled = true; // 'suspended' == false
return OK;
ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"",
AudioParameter::keyBtLeSuspended, trueOrFalse.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
if (mBluetoothLe != nullptr && leEnabled.has_value()) {
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mBluetoothLe->setEnabled(leEnabled.value()));
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateBtScoParameters(AudioParameter &parameters) {
IBluetooth::ScoConfig scoConfig;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtSco),
[&scoConfig](const String8& onOrOff) {
if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOn) {
scoConfig.isEnabled = Boolean{ .value = true };
return OK;
} else if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOff) {
scoConfig.isEnabled = Boolean{ .value = false };
return OK;
ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"",
AudioParameter::keyBtSco, onOrOff.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtScoHeadsetName),
[&scoConfig](const String8& name) {
scoConfig.debugName = name;
return OK;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtNrec),
[&scoConfig](const String8& onOrOff) {
if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOn) {
scoConfig.isNrecEnabled = Boolean{ .value = true };
return OK;
} else if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOff) {
scoConfig.isNrecEnabled = Boolean{ .value = false };
return OK;
ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"",
AudioParameter::keyBtNrec, onOrOff.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyBtScoWb),
[&scoConfig](const String8& onOrOff) {
if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOn) {
scoConfig.mode = IBluetooth::ScoConfig::Mode::SCO_WB;
return OK;
} else if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOff) {
scoConfig.mode = IBluetooth::ScoConfig::Mode::SCO;
return OK;
ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"",
AudioParameter::keyBtScoWb, onOrOff.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
if (mBluetooth != nullptr && scoConfig != IBluetooth::ScoConfig{}) {
IBluetooth::ScoConfig newScoConfig;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mBluetooth->setScoConfig(scoConfig, &newScoConfig));
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateScreenParameters(AudioParameter &parameters) {
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyScreenState),
[&](const String8& onOrOff) -> status_t {
std::optional<bool> isTurnedOn;
if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOn) {
isTurnedOn = true;
} else if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueOff) {
isTurnedOn = false;
if (!isTurnedOn.has_value()) {
ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"",
AudioParameter::keyScreenState, onOrOff.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyScreenRotation),
[&](int rotationDegrees) -> status_t {
IModule::ScreenRotation rotation;
switch (rotationDegrees) {
case 0: rotation = IModule::ScreenRotation::DEG_0; break;
case 90: rotation = IModule::ScreenRotation::DEG_90; break;
case 180: rotation = IModule::ScreenRotation::DEG_180; break;
case 270: rotation = IModule::ScreenRotation::DEG_270; break;
ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value %d",
AudioParameter::keyScreenRotation, rotationDegrees);
return BAD_VALUE;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(mModule->updateScreenRotation(rotation));
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::filterAndUpdateTelephonyParameters(AudioParameter &parameters) {
using TtyMode = ITelephony::TelecomConfig::TtyMode;
ITelephony::TelecomConfig telConfig;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyTtyMode),
[&telConfig](const String8& mode) {
if (mode == AudioParameter::valueTtyModeOff) {
telConfig.ttyMode = TtyMode::OFF;
return OK;
} else if (mode == AudioParameter::valueTtyModeFull) {
telConfig.ttyMode = TtyMode::FULL;
return OK;
} else if (mode == AudioParameter::valueTtyModeHco) {
telConfig.ttyMode = TtyMode::HCO;
return OK;
} else if (mode == AudioParameter::valueTtyModeVco) {
telConfig.ttyMode = TtyMode::VCO;
return OK;
ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"",
AudioParameter::keyTtyMode, mode.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
parameters, String8(AudioParameter::keyHacSetting),
[&telConfig](const String8& onOrOff) {
if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueHacOn) {
telConfig.isHacEnabled = Boolean{ .value = true };
return OK;
} else if (onOrOff == AudioParameter::valueHacOff) {
telConfig.isHacEnabled = Boolean{ .value = false };
return OK;
ALOGE("setParameters: parameter key \"%s\" has invalid value \"%s\"",
AudioParameter::keyHacSetting, onOrOff.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
if (mTelephony != nullptr && telConfig != ITelephony::TelecomConfig{}) {
ITelephony::TelecomConfig newTelConfig;
return statusTFromBinderStatus(
mTelephony->setTelecomConfig(telConfig, &newTelConfig));
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::findOrCreatePatch(
const AudioPatch& requestedPatch, AudioPatch* patch, bool* created) {
std::set<int32_t> sourcePortConfigIds(requestedPatch.sourcePortConfigIds.begin(),
std::set<int32_t> sinkPortConfigIds(requestedPatch.sinkPortConfigIds.begin(),
return findOrCreatePatch(sourcePortConfigIds, sinkPortConfigIds, patch, created);
status_t DeviceHalAidl::findOrCreatePatch(
const std::set<int32_t>& sourcePortConfigIds, const std::set<int32_t>& sinkPortConfigIds,
AudioPatch* patch, bool* created) {
auto patchIt = findPatch(sourcePortConfigIds, sinkPortConfigIds);
if (patchIt == mPatches.end()) {
AudioPatch requestedPatch, appliedPatch;
sourcePortConfigIds.begin(), sourcePortConfigIds.end());
sinkPortConfigIds.begin(), sinkPortConfigIds.end());
requestedPatch, &appliedPatch)));
patchIt = mPatches.insert(mPatches.end(), std::make_pair(, appliedPatch));
*created = true;
} else {
*created = false;
*patch = patchIt->second;
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::findOrCreatePortConfig(const AudioDevice& device, const AudioConfig* config,
AudioPortConfig* portConfig, bool* created) {
auto portConfigIt = findPortConfig(device);
if (portConfigIt == mPortConfigs.end()) {
auto portsIt = findPort(device);
if (portsIt == mPorts.end()) {
ALOGE("%s: device port for device %s is not found in the module %s",
__func__, device.toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
AudioPortConfig requestedPortConfig;
requestedPortConfig.portId = portsIt->first;
if (config != nullptr) {
setPortConfigFromConfig(&requestedPortConfig, *config);
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(createOrUpdatePortConfig(requestedPortConfig, &portConfigIt,
} else {
*created = false;
*portConfig = portConfigIt->second;
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::findOrCreatePortConfig(
const AudioConfig& config, const std::optional<AudioIoFlags>& flags, int32_t ioHandle,
AudioSource source, const std::set<int32_t>& destinationPortIds,
AudioPortConfig* portConfig, bool* created) {
// These flags get removed one by one in this order when retrying port finding.
static const std::vector<AudioInputFlags> kOptionalInputFlags{
AudioInputFlags::FAST, AudioInputFlags::RAW };
auto portConfigIt = findPortConfig(config, flags, ioHandle);
if (portConfigIt == mPortConfigs.end() && flags.has_value()) {
auto optionalInputFlagsIt = kOptionalInputFlags.begin();
AudioIoFlags matchFlags = flags.value();
auto portsIt = findPort(config, matchFlags, destinationPortIds);
while (portsIt == mPorts.end() && matchFlags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::input
&& optionalInputFlagsIt != kOptionalInputFlags.end()) {
if (!isBitPositionFlagSet(
matchFlags.get<AudioIoFlags::Tag::input>(), *optionalInputFlagsIt)) {
matchFlags.set<AudioIoFlags::Tag::input>(matchFlags.get<AudioIoFlags::Tag::input>() &
portsIt = findPort(config, matchFlags, destinationPortIds);
ALOGI("%s: mix port for config %s, flags %s was not found in the module %s, "
"retried with flags %s", __func__, config.toString().c_str(),
flags.value().toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str(),
if (portsIt == mPorts.end()) {
ALOGE("%s: mix port for config %s, flags %s is not found in the module %s",
__func__, config.toString().c_str(), matchFlags.toString().c_str(),
return BAD_VALUE;
AudioPortConfig requestedPortConfig;
requestedPortConfig.portId = portsIt->first;
setPortConfigFromConfig(&requestedPortConfig, config);
requestedPortConfig.ext = AudioPortMixExt{ .handle = ioHandle };
if (matchFlags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::input
&& source != AudioSource::SYS_RESERVED_INVALID) {
requestedPortConfig.ext.get<AudioPortExt::Tag::mix>().usecase =
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(createOrUpdatePortConfig(requestedPortConfig, &portConfigIt,
} else if (portConfigIt == mPortConfigs.end() && !flags.has_value()) {
ALOGW("%s: mix port config for %s, handle %d not found in the module %s, "
"and was not created as flags are not specified",
__func__, config.toString().c_str(), ioHandle, mInstance.c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
} else {
AudioPortConfig requestedPortConfig = portConfigIt->second;
if (requestedPortConfig.ext.getTag() == AudioPortExt::Tag::mix) {
AudioPortMixExt& mixExt = requestedPortConfig.ext.get<AudioPortExt::Tag::mix>();
if (mixExt.usecase.getTag() == AudioPortMixExtUseCase::Tag::source &&
source != AudioSource::SYS_RESERVED_INVALID) {
mixExt.usecase.get<AudioPortMixExtUseCase::Tag::source>() = source;
if (requestedPortConfig != portConfigIt->second) {
RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERROR(createOrUpdatePortConfig(requestedPortConfig, &portConfigIt,
} else {
*created = false;
*portConfig = portConfigIt->second;
return OK;
status_t DeviceHalAidl::findOrCreatePortConfig(
const AudioPortConfig& requestedPortConfig, const std::set<int32_t>& destinationPortIds,
AudioPortConfig* portConfig, bool* created) {
using Tag = AudioPortExt::Tag;
if (requestedPortConfig.ext.getTag() == Tag::mix) {
if (const auto& p = requestedPortConfig;
!p.sampleRate.has_value() || !p.channelMask.has_value() ||
!p.format.has_value()) {
ALOGW("%s: provided mix port config is not fully specified: %s",
__func__, p.toString().c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
AudioConfig config;
setConfigFromPortConfig(&config, requestedPortConfig);
AudioSource source = requestedPortConfig.ext.get<Tag::mix>().usecase.getTag() ==
AudioPortMixExtUseCase::Tag::source ?
get<AudioPortMixExtUseCase::Tag::source>() : AudioSource::SYS_RESERVED_INVALID;
return findOrCreatePortConfig(config, requestedPortConfig.flags,
requestedPortConfig.ext.get<Tag::mix>().handle, source, destinationPortIds,
portConfig, created);
} else if (requestedPortConfig.ext.getTag() == Tag::device) {
return findOrCreatePortConfig(
requestedPortConfig.ext.get<Tag::device>().device, nullptr /*config*/,
portConfig, created);
ALOGW("%s: unsupported audio port config: %s",
__func__, requestedPortConfig.toString().c_str());
return BAD_VALUE;
DeviceHalAidl::Patches::iterator DeviceHalAidl::findPatch(
const std::set<int32_t>& sourcePortConfigIds, const std::set<int32_t>& sinkPortConfigIds) {
return std::find_if(mPatches.begin(), mPatches.end(),
[&](const auto& pair) {
const auto& p = pair.second;
std::set<int32_t> patchSrcs(
p.sourcePortConfigIds.begin(), p.sourcePortConfigIds.end());
std::set<int32_t> patchSinks(
p.sinkPortConfigIds.begin(), p.sinkPortConfigIds.end());
return sourcePortConfigIds == patchSrcs && sinkPortConfigIds == patchSinks; });
DeviceHalAidl::Ports::iterator DeviceHalAidl::findPort(const AudioDevice& device) {
if (device.type.type == AudioDeviceType::IN_DEFAULT) {
return mPorts.find(mDefaultInputPortId);
} else if (device.type.type == AudioDeviceType::OUT_DEFAULT) {
return mPorts.find(mDefaultOutputPortId);
if (device.address.getTag() != AudioDeviceAddress::id ||
!device.address.get<AudioDeviceAddress::id>().empty()) {
return std::find_if(mPorts.begin(), mPorts.end(),
[&](const auto& pair) { return audioDeviceMatches(device, pair.second); });
// For connection w/o an address, two ports can be found: the template port,
// and a connected port (if exists). Make sure we return the connected port.
DeviceHalAidl::Ports::iterator portIt = mPorts.end();
for (auto it = mPorts.begin(); it != mPorts.end(); ++it) {
if (audioDeviceMatches(device, it->second)) {
if (mConnectedPorts.find(it->first) != mConnectedPorts.end()) {
return it;
} else {
// Will return 'it' if there is no connected port.
portIt = it;
return portIt;
DeviceHalAidl::Ports::iterator DeviceHalAidl::findPort(
const AudioConfig& config, const AudioIoFlags& flags,
const std::set<int32_t>& destinationPortIds) {
auto belongsToProfile = [&config](const AudioProfile& prof) {
return (isDefaultAudioFormat(config.base.format) || prof.format == config.base.format) &&
(config.base.channelMask.getTag() == AudioChannelLayout::none ||
std::find(prof.channelMasks.begin(), prof.channelMasks.end(),
config.base.channelMask) != prof.channelMasks.end()) &&
(config.base.sampleRate == 0 ||
std::find(prof.sampleRates.begin(), prof.sampleRates.end(),
config.base.sampleRate) != prof.sampleRates.end());
static const std::vector<AudioOutputFlags> kOptionalOutputFlags{AudioOutputFlags::BIT_PERFECT};
int optionalFlags = 0;
auto flagMatches = [&flags, &optionalFlags](const AudioIoFlags& portFlags) {
// Ports should be able to match if the optional flags are not requested.
return portFlags == flags ||
(portFlags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::output &&
portFlags.get<AudioIoFlags::Tag::output>() &
~optionalFlags) == flags);
auto matcher = [&](const auto& pair) {
const auto& p = pair.second;
return p.ext.getTag() == AudioPortExt::Tag::mix &&
flagMatches(p.flags) &&
(destinationPortIds.empty() ||
std::any_of(destinationPortIds.begin(), destinationPortIds.end(),
[&](const int32_t destId) { return mRoutingMatrix.count(
std::make_pair(, destId)) != 0; })) &&
(p.profiles.empty() ||
std::find_if(p.profiles.begin(), p.profiles.end(), belongsToProfile) !=
p.profiles.end()); };
auto result = std::find_if(mPorts.begin(), mPorts.end(), matcher);
if (result == mPorts.end() && flags.getTag() == AudioIoFlags::Tag::output) {
auto optionalOutputFlagsIt = kOptionalOutputFlags.begin();
while (result == mPorts.end() && optionalOutputFlagsIt != kOptionalOutputFlags.end()) {
if (isBitPositionFlagSet(
flags.get<AudioIoFlags::Tag::output>(), *optionalOutputFlagsIt)) {
// If the flag is set by the request, it must be matched.
optionalFlags |= makeBitPositionFlagMask(*optionalOutputFlagsIt++);
result = std::find_if(mPorts.begin(), mPorts.end(), matcher);
ALOGI("%s: port for config %s, flags %s was not found in the module %s, "
"retried with excluding optional flags %#x", __func__, config.toString().c_str(),
flags.toString().c_str(), mInstance.c_str(), optionalFlags);
return result;
DeviceHalAidl::PortConfigs::iterator DeviceHalAidl::findPortConfig(const AudioDevice& device) {
return std::find_if(mPortConfigs.begin(), mPortConfigs.end(),
[&](const auto& pair) { return audioDeviceMatches(device, pair.second); });
DeviceHalAidl::PortConfigs::iterator DeviceHalAidl::findPortConfig(
const AudioConfig& config, const std::optional<AudioIoFlags>& flags, int32_t ioHandle) {
using Tag = AudioPortExt::Tag;
return std::find_if(mPortConfigs.begin(), mPortConfigs.end(),
[&](const auto& pair) {
const auto& p = pair.second;
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(p.ext.getTag() == Tag::mix &&
!p.sampleRate.has_value() || !p.channelMask.has_value() ||
!p.format.has_value() || !p.flags.has_value(),
"%s: stored mix port config is not fully specified: %s",
__func__, p.toString().c_str());
return p.ext.getTag() == Tag::mix &&
isConfigEqualToPortConfig(config, p) &&
(!flags.has_value() || p.flags.value() == flags.value()) &&
p.ext.template get<Tag::mix>().handle == ioHandle; });
bool DeviceHalAidl::isPortHeldByAStream(int32_t portId) {
// It is assumed that mStreams has already been cleaned up.
for (const auto& streamPair : mStreams) {
int32_t patchId = streamPair.second;
auto patchIt = mPatches.find(patchId);
if (patchIt == mPatches.end()) continue;
for (int32_t id : patchIt->second.sourcePortConfigIds) {
auto portConfigIt = mPortConfigs.find(id);
if (portConfigIt != mPortConfigs.end() && portConfigIt->second.portId == portId) {
return true;
for (int32_t id : patchIt->second.sinkPortConfigIds) {
auto portConfigIt = mPortConfigs.find(id);
if (portConfigIt != mPortConfigs.end() && portConfigIt->second.portId == portId) {
return true;
return false;
void DeviceHalAidl::resetPatch(int32_t patchId) {
if (auto it = mPatches.find(patchId); it != mPatches.end()) {
if (ndk::ScopedAStatus status = mModule->resetAudioPatch(patchId); !status.isOk()) {
ALOGE("%s: error while resetting patch %d: %s",
__func__, patchId, status.getDescription().c_str());
ALOGE("%s: patch id %d not found", __func__, patchId);
void DeviceHalAidl::resetPortConfig(int32_t portConfigId) {
if (auto it = mPortConfigs.find(portConfigId); it != mPortConfigs.end()) {
if (ndk::ScopedAStatus status = mModule->resetAudioPortConfig(portConfigId);
!status.isOk()) {
ALOGE("%s: error while resetting port config %d: %s",
__func__, portConfigId, status.getDescription().c_str());
ALOGE("%s: port config id %d not found", __func__, portConfigId);
void DeviceHalAidl::resetUnusedPatches() {
// Since patches can be created independently of streams via 'createAudioPatch',
// here we only clean up patches for released streams.
for (auto it = mStreams.begin(); it != mStreams.end(); ) {
if (auto streamSp = it->first.promote(); streamSp) {
} else {
it = mStreams.erase(it);
void DeviceHalAidl::resetUnusedPatchesAndPortConfigs() {
void DeviceHalAidl::resetUnusedPortConfigs() {
// The assumption is that port configs are used to create patches
// (or to open streams, but that involves creation of patches, too). Thus,
// orphaned port configs can and should be reset.
std::map<int32_t, int32_t /*portID*/> portConfigIds;
std::transform(mPortConfigs.begin(), mPortConfigs.end(),
std::inserter(portConfigIds, portConfigIds.end()),
[](const auto& pcPair) { return std::make_pair(pcPair.first, pcPair.second.portId); });
for (const auto& p : mPatches) {
for (int32_t id : p.second.sourcePortConfigIds) portConfigIds.erase(id);
for (int32_t id : p.second.sinkPortConfigIds) portConfigIds.erase(id);
for (int32_t id : mInitialPortConfigIds) {
std::set<int32_t> retryDeviceDisconnection;
for (const auto& portConfigAndIdPair : portConfigIds) {
if (const auto it = mConnectedPorts.find(portConfigAndIdPair.second);
it != mConnectedPorts.end() && it->second) {
for (int32_t portId : retryDeviceDisconnection) {
if (!isPortHeldByAStream(portId)) {
if (auto status = mModule->disconnectExternalDevice(portId); status.isOk()) {
ALOGD("%s: executed postponed external device disconnection for port ID %d",
__func__, portId);
if (!retryDeviceDisconnection.empty()) {
status_t DeviceHalAidl::updateRoutes() {
ALOGW_IF(mRoutes.empty(), "%s: module %s returned an empty list of audio routes",
__func__, mInstance.c_str());
for (const auto& r : mRoutes) {
for (auto portId : r.sourcePortIds) {
mRoutingMatrix.emplace(r.sinkPortId, portId);
mRoutingMatrix.emplace(portId, r.sinkPortId);
return OK;
void DeviceHalAidl::clearCallbacks(void* cookie) {
std::lock_guard l(mLock);
sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceCallback> DeviceHalAidl::getStreamOutCallback(void* cookie) {
return getCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::out);
void DeviceHalAidl::setStreamOutCallback(
void* cookie, const sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceCallback>& cb) {
setCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::out, cb);
sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceEventCallback> DeviceHalAidl::getStreamOutEventCallback(
void* cookie) {
return getCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::event);
void DeviceHalAidl::setStreamOutEventCallback(
void* cookie, const sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceEventCallback>& cb) {
setCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::event, cb);
sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceLatencyModeCallback> DeviceHalAidl::getStreamOutLatencyModeCallback(
void* cookie) {
return getCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::latency);
void DeviceHalAidl::setStreamOutLatencyModeCallback(
void* cookie, const sp<StreamOutHalInterfaceLatencyModeCallback>& cb) {
setCallbackImpl(cookie, &Callbacks::latency, cb);
template<class C>
sp<C> DeviceHalAidl::getCallbackImpl(void* cookie, wp<C> DeviceHalAidl::Callbacks::* field) {
std::lock_guard l(mLock);
if (auto it = mCallbacks.find(cookie); it != mCallbacks.end()) {
return ((it->second).*field).promote();
return nullptr;
template<class C>
void DeviceHalAidl::setCallbackImpl(
void* cookie, wp<C> DeviceHalAidl::Callbacks::* field, const sp<C>& cb) {
std::lock_guard l(mLock);
if (auto it = mCallbacks.find(cookie); it != mCallbacks.end()) {
(it->second).*field = cb;
} // namespace android