blob: c5ab7cb1341a8f2f577819983a6c34a96fc04fa1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android/hardware/BnCameraService.h>
#include <android/hardware/BnSensorPrivacyListener.h>
#include <android/hardware/ICameraServiceListener.h>
#include <android/hardware/camera2/BnCameraInjectionSession.h>
#include <android/hardware/camera2/ICameraInjectionCallback.h>
#include <cutils/multiuser.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
#include <binder/ActivityManager.h>
#include <binder/AppOpsManager.h>
#include <binder/BinderService.h>
#include <binder/IAppOpsCallback.h>
#include <binder/IUidObserver.h>
#include <hardware/camera.h>
#include <sensorprivacy/SensorPrivacyManager.h>
#include <android/hardware/camera/common/1.0/types.h>
#include <camera/VendorTagDescriptor.h>
#include <camera/CaptureResult.h>
#include <camera/CameraParameters.h>
#include <camera/camera2/ConcurrentCamera.h>
#include "CameraFlashlight.h"
#include "common/CameraProviderManager.h"
#include "media/RingBuffer.h"
#include "utils/AutoConditionLock.h"
#include "utils/ClientManager.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace android {
extern volatile int32_t gLogLevel;
class MemoryHeapBase;
class MediaPlayer;
class CameraService :
public BinderService<CameraService>,
public virtual ::android::hardware::BnCameraService,
public virtual IBinder::DeathRecipient,
public virtual CameraProviderManager::StatusListener
friend class BinderService<CameraService>;
friend class CameraOfflineSessionClient;
class Client;
class BasicClient;
class OfflineClient;
// The effective API level. The Camera2 API running in LEGACY mode counts as API_1.
enum apiLevel {
API_1 = 1,
API_2 = 2
// 3 second busy timeout when other clients are connecting
static const nsecs_t DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_NS = 3000000000;
// 1 second busy timeout when other clients are disconnecting
static const nsecs_t DEFAULT_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT_NS = 1000000000;
// Default number of messages to store in eviction log
static const size_t DEFAULT_EVENT_LOG_LENGTH = 100;
// Event log ID
static const int SN_EVENT_LOG_ID = 0x534e4554;
// Implementation of BinderService<T>
static char const* getServiceName() { return ""; }
virtual ~CameraService();
// HAL Callbacks - implements CameraProviderManager::StatusListener
virtual void onDeviceStatusChanged(const String8 &cameraId,
hardware::camera::common::V1_0::CameraDeviceStatus newHalStatus) override;
virtual void onDeviceStatusChanged(const String8 &cameraId,
const String8 &physicalCameraId,
hardware::camera::common::V1_0::CameraDeviceStatus newHalStatus) override;
virtual void onTorchStatusChanged(const String8& cameraId,
hardware::camera::common::V1_0::TorchModeStatus newStatus) override;
virtual void onNewProviderRegistered() override;
// ICameraService
virtual binder::Status getNumberOfCameras(int32_t type, int32_t* numCameras);
virtual binder::Status getCameraInfo(int cameraId,
hardware::CameraInfo* cameraInfo);
virtual binder::Status getCameraCharacteristics(const String16& cameraId,
int targetSdkVersion, CameraMetadata* cameraInfo);
virtual binder::Status getCameraVendorTagDescriptor(
hardware::camera2::params::VendorTagDescriptor* desc);
virtual binder::Status getCameraVendorTagCache(
hardware::camera2::params::VendorTagDescriptorCache* cache);
virtual binder::Status connect(const sp<hardware::ICameraClient>& cameraClient,
int32_t cameraId, const String16& clientPackageName,
int32_t clientUid, int clientPid, int targetSdkVersion,
sp<hardware::ICamera>* device);
virtual binder::Status connectDevice(
const sp<hardware::camera2::ICameraDeviceCallbacks>& cameraCb, const String16& cameraId,
const String16& clientPackageName, const std::optional<String16>& clientFeatureId,
int32_t clientUid, int scoreOffset, int targetSdkVersion,
sp<hardware::camera2::ICameraDeviceUser>* device);
virtual binder::Status addListener(const sp<hardware::ICameraServiceListener>& listener,
std::vector<hardware::CameraStatus>* cameraStatuses);
virtual binder::Status removeListener(
const sp<hardware::ICameraServiceListener>& listener);
virtual binder::Status getConcurrentCameraIds(
std::vector<hardware::camera2::utils::ConcurrentCameraIdCombination>* concurrentCameraIds);
virtual binder::Status isConcurrentSessionConfigurationSupported(
const std::vector<hardware::camera2::utils::CameraIdAndSessionConfiguration>& sessions,
int targetSdkVersion, /*out*/bool* supported);
virtual binder::Status getLegacyParameters(
int32_t cameraId,
String16* parameters);
virtual binder::Status setTorchMode(const String16& cameraId, bool enabled,
const sp<IBinder>& clientBinder);
virtual binder::Status notifySystemEvent(int32_t eventId,
const std::vector<int32_t>& args);
virtual binder::Status notifyDeviceStateChange(int64_t newState);
virtual binder::Status notifyDisplayConfigurationChange();
// OK = supports api of that version, -EOPNOTSUPP = does not support
virtual binder::Status supportsCameraApi(
const String16& cameraId, int32_t apiVersion,
bool *isSupported);
virtual binder::Status isHiddenPhysicalCamera(
const String16& cameraId,
bool *isSupported);
virtual binder::Status injectCamera(
const String16& packageName, const String16& internalCamId,
const String16& externalCamId,
const sp<hardware::camera2::ICameraInjectionCallback>& callback,
sp<hardware::camera2::ICameraInjectionSession>* cameraInjectionSession);
// Extra permissions checks
virtual status_t onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data,
Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags);
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
virtual status_t shellCommand(int in, int out, int err, const Vector<String16>& args);
binder::Status addListenerHelper(const sp<hardware::ICameraServiceListener>& listener,
std::vector<hardware::CameraStatus>* cameraStatuses, bool isVendor = false,
bool isProcessLocalTest = false);
// Monitored UIDs availability notification
void notifyMonitoredUids();
// Stores current open session device info in temp file.
void cacheDump();
// Register an offline client for a given active camera id
status_t addOfflineClient(String8 cameraId, sp<BasicClient> offlineClient);
// Client functionality
enum sound_kind {
void playSound(sound_kind kind);
void loadSoundLocked(sound_kind kind);
void decreaseSoundRef();
void increaseSoundRef();
// CameraDeviceFactory functionality
int getDeviceVersion(const String8& cameraId, int* facing = nullptr,
int* orientation = nullptr);
// Methods to be used in CameraService class tests only
// CameraService class test method only - clear static variables in the
// cameraserver process, which otherwise might affect multiple test runs.
void clearCachedVariables();
// Add test listener, linkToDeath won't be called since this is for process
// local testing.
binder::Status addListenerTest(const sp<hardware::ICameraServiceListener>& listener,
std::vector<hardware::CameraStatus>* cameraStatuses);
// Shared utilities
static binder::Status filterGetInfoErrorCode(status_t err);
// CameraClient functionality
class BasicClient : public virtual RefBase {
friend class CameraService;
virtual status_t initialize(sp<CameraProviderManager> manager,
const String8& monitorTags) = 0;
virtual binder::Status disconnect();
// because we can't virtually inherit IInterface, which breaks
// virtual inheritance
virtual sp<IBinder> asBinderWrapper() = 0;
// Return the remote callback binder object (e.g. ICameraDeviceCallbacks)
sp<IBinder> getRemote() {
return mRemoteBinder;
// Disallows dumping over binder interface
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
// Internal dump method to be called by CameraService
virtual status_t dumpClient(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) = 0;
virtual status_t startWatchingTags(const String8 &tags, int outFd);
virtual status_t stopWatchingTags(int outFd);
virtual status_t dumpWatchedEventsToVector(std::vector<std::string> &out);
// Return the package name for this client
virtual String16 getPackageName() const;
// Return the camera facing for this client
virtual int getCameraFacing() const;
// Return the camera orientation for this client
virtual int getCameraOrientation() const;
// Notify client about a fatal error
virtual void notifyError(int32_t errorCode,
const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras) = 0;
// Get the UID of the application client using this
virtual uid_t getClientUid() const;
// Get the PID of the application client using this
virtual int getClientPid() const;
// Check what API level is used for this client. This is used to determine which
// superclass this can be cast to.
virtual bool canCastToApiClient(apiLevel level) const;
// Block the client form using the camera
virtual void block();
// set audio restriction from client
// Will call into camera service and hold mServiceLock
virtual status_t setAudioRestriction(int32_t mode);
// Get current global audio restriction setting
// Will call into camera service and hold mServiceLock
virtual int32_t getServiceAudioRestriction() const;
// Get current audio restriction setting for this client
virtual int32_t getAudioRestriction() const;
static bool isValidAudioRestriction(int32_t mode);
// Override rotate-and-crop AUTO behavior
virtual status_t setRotateAndCropOverride(uint8_t rotateAndCrop) = 0;
// Whether the client supports camera muting (black only output)
virtual bool supportsCameraMute() = 0;
// Set/reset camera mute
virtual status_t setCameraMute(bool enabled) = 0;
// The injection camera session to replace the internal camera
// session.
virtual status_t injectCamera(const String8& injectedCamId,
sp<CameraProviderManager> manager) = 0;
// Stop the injection camera and restore to internal camera session.
virtual status_t stopInjection() = 0;
BasicClient(const sp<CameraService>& cameraService,
const sp<IBinder>& remoteCallback,
const String16& clientPackageName,
const std::optional<String16>& clientFeatureId,
const String8& cameraIdStr,
int cameraFacing,
int sensorOrientation,
int clientPid,
uid_t clientUid,
int servicePid);
virtual ~BasicClient();
// the instance is in the middle of destruction. When this is set,
// the instance should not be accessed from callback.
// CameraService's mClientLock should be acquired to access this.
// - subclasses should set this to true in their destructors.
bool mDestructionStarted;
// these are initialized in the constructor.
static sp<CameraService> sCameraService;
const String8 mCameraIdStr;
const int mCameraFacing;
const int mOrientation;
String16 mClientPackageName;
std::optional<String16> mClientFeatureId;
pid_t mClientPid;
const uid_t mClientUid;
const pid_t mServicePid;
bool mDisconnected;
bool mUidIsTrusted;
mutable Mutex mAudioRestrictionLock;
int32_t mAudioRestriction;
// - The app-side Binder interface to receive callbacks from us
sp<IBinder> mRemoteBinder; // immutable after constructor
// Permissions management methods for camera lifecycle
// Notify rest of system/apps about camera opening, and check appops
virtual status_t startCameraOps();
// Notify rest of system/apps about camera starting to stream data, and confirm appops
virtual status_t startCameraStreamingOps();
// Notify rest of system/apps about camera stopping streaming data
virtual status_t finishCameraStreamingOps();
// Notify rest of system/apps about camera closing
virtual status_t finishCameraOps();
// Handle errors for start/checkOps
virtual status_t handleAppOpMode(int32_t mode);
// Just notify camera appops to trigger unblocking dialog if sensor
// privacy is enabled and camera mute is not supported
virtual status_t noteAppOp();
std::unique_ptr<AppOpsManager> mAppOpsManager = nullptr;
class OpsCallback : public BnAppOpsCallback {
explicit OpsCallback(wp<BasicClient> client);
virtual void opChanged(int32_t op, const String16& packageName);
wp<BasicClient> mClient;
}; // class OpsCallback
sp<OpsCallback> mOpsCallback;
// Track whether checkOps was called successfully, to avoid
// finishing what we didn't start, on camera open.
bool mOpsActive;
// Track whether startOps was called successfully on start of
// camera streaming.
bool mOpsStreaming;
// IAppOpsCallback interface, indirected through opListener
virtual void opChanged(int32_t op, const String16& packageName);
}; // class BasicClient
class Client : public hardware::BnCamera, public BasicClient
typedef hardware::ICameraClient TCamCallbacks;
// ICamera interface (see ICamera for details)
virtual binder::Status disconnect();
virtual status_t connect(const sp<hardware::ICameraClient>& client) = 0;
virtual status_t lock() = 0;
virtual status_t unlock() = 0;
virtual status_t setPreviewTarget(const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& bufferProducer)=0;
virtual void setPreviewCallbackFlag(int flag) = 0;
virtual status_t setPreviewCallbackTarget(
const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& callbackProducer) = 0;
virtual status_t startPreview() = 0;
virtual void stopPreview() = 0;
virtual bool previewEnabled() = 0;
virtual status_t setVideoBufferMode(int32_t videoBufferMode) = 0;
virtual status_t startRecording() = 0;
virtual void stopRecording() = 0;
virtual bool recordingEnabled() = 0;
virtual void releaseRecordingFrame(const sp<IMemory>& mem) = 0;
virtual status_t autoFocus() = 0;
virtual status_t cancelAutoFocus() = 0;
virtual status_t takePicture(int msgType) = 0;
virtual status_t setParameters(const String8& params) = 0;
virtual String8 getParameters() const = 0;
virtual status_t sendCommand(int32_t cmd, int32_t arg1, int32_t arg2) = 0;
virtual status_t setVideoTarget(const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& bufferProducer) = 0;
// Interface used by CameraService
Client(const sp<CameraService>& cameraService,
const sp<hardware::ICameraClient>& cameraClient,
const String16& clientPackageName,
const std::optional<String16>& clientFeatureId,
const String8& cameraIdStr,
int api1CameraId,
int cameraFacing,
int sensorOrientation,
int clientPid,
uid_t clientUid,
int servicePid);
// return our camera client
const sp<hardware::ICameraClient>& getRemoteCallback() {
return mRemoteCallback;
virtual sp<IBinder> asBinderWrapper() {
return asBinder(this);
virtual void notifyError(int32_t errorCode,
const CaptureResultExtras& resultExtras);
// Check what API level is used for this client. This is used to determine which
// superclass this can be cast to.
virtual bool canCastToApiClient(apiLevel level) const;
void setImageDumpMask(int /*mask*/) { }
// Initialized in constructor
// - The app-side Binder interface to receive callbacks from us
sp<hardware::ICameraClient> mRemoteCallback;
int mCameraId; // All API1 clients use integer camera IDs
}; // class Client
* A listener class that implements the LISTENER interface for use with a ClientManager, and
* implements the following methods:
* void onClientRemoved(const ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>& descriptor);
* void onClientAdded(const ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>& descriptor);
class ClientEventListener {
void onClientAdded(const resource_policy::ClientDescriptor<String8,
sp<CameraService::BasicClient>>& descriptor);
void onClientRemoved(const resource_policy::ClientDescriptor<String8,
sp<CameraService::BasicClient>>& descriptor);
}; // class ClientEventListener
typedef std::shared_ptr<resource_policy::ClientDescriptor<String8,
sp<CameraService::BasicClient>>> DescriptorPtr;
* A container class for managing active camera clients that are using HAL devices. Active
* clients are represented by ClientDescriptor objects that contain strong pointers to the
* actual BasicClient subclass binder interface implementation.
* This class manages the eviction behavior for the camera clients. See the parent class
* implementation in utils/ClientManager for the specifics of this behavior.
class CameraClientManager : public resource_policy::ClientManager<String8,
sp<CameraService::BasicClient>, ClientEventListener> {
virtual ~CameraClientManager();
* Return a strong pointer to the active BasicClient for this camera ID, or an empty
* if none exists.
sp<CameraService::BasicClient> getCameraClient(const String8& id) const;
* Return a string describing the current state.
String8 toString() const;
* Make a ClientDescriptor object wrapping the given BasicClient strong pointer.
static DescriptorPtr makeClientDescriptor(const String8& key, const sp<BasicClient>& value,
int32_t cost, const std::set<String8>& conflictingKeys, int32_t score,
int32_t ownerId, int32_t state, int oomScoreOffset);
* Make a ClientDescriptor object wrapping the given BasicClient strong pointer with
* values intialized from a prior ClientDescriptor.
static DescriptorPtr makeClientDescriptor(const sp<BasicClient>& value,
const CameraService::DescriptorPtr& partial, int oomScoreOffset);
}; // class CameraClientManager
int32_t updateAudioRestriction();
int32_t updateAudioRestrictionLocked();
typedef hardware::camera::common::V1_0::CameraDeviceStatus CameraDeviceStatus;
* Typesafe version of device status, containing both the HAL-layer and the service interface-
* layer values.
enum class StatusInternal : int32_t {
NOT_PRESENT = static_cast<int32_t>(CameraDeviceStatus::NOT_PRESENT),
PRESENT = static_cast<int32_t>(CameraDeviceStatus::PRESENT),
ENUMERATING = static_cast<int32_t>(CameraDeviceStatus::ENUMERATING),
NOT_AVAILABLE = static_cast<int32_t>(hardware::ICameraServiceListener::STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE),
UNKNOWN = static_cast<int32_t>(hardware::ICameraServiceListener::STATUS_UNKNOWN)
* Container class for the state of each logical camera device, including: ID, status, and
* dependencies on other devices. The mapping of camera ID -> state saved in mCameraStates
* represents the camera devices advertised by the HAL (and any USB devices, when we add
* those).
* This container does NOT represent an active camera client. These are represented using
* the ClientDescriptors stored in mActiveClientManager.
class CameraState {
* Make a new CameraState and set the ID, cost, and conflicting devices using the values
* returned in the HAL's camera_info struct for each device.
CameraState(const String8& id, int cost, const std::set<String8>& conflicting,
SystemCameraKind deviceKind);
virtual ~CameraState();
* Return the status for this device.
* This method acquires mStatusLock.
StatusInternal getStatus() const;
* This function updates the status for this camera device, unless the given status
* is in the given list of rejected status states, and execute the function passed in
* with a signature onStatusUpdateLocked(const String8&, int32_t)
* if the status has changed.
* This method is idempotent, and will not result in the function passed to
* onStatusUpdateLocked being called more than once for the same arguments.
* This method aquires mStatusLock.
template<class Func>
void updateStatus(StatusInternal status,
const String8& cameraId,
std::initializer_list<StatusInternal> rejectSourceStates,
Func onStatusUpdatedLocked);
* Return the last set CameraParameters object generated from the information returned by
* the HAL for this device (or an empty CameraParameters object if none has been set).
CameraParameters getShimParams() const;
* Set the CameraParameters for this device.
void setShimParams(const CameraParameters& params);
* Return the resource_cost advertised by the HAL for this device.
int getCost() const;
* Return a set of the IDs of conflicting devices advertised by the HAL for this device.
std::set<String8> getConflicting() const;
* Return the ID of this camera device.
String8 getId() const;
* Return the kind (SystemCameraKind) of this camera device.
SystemCameraKind getSystemCameraKind() const;
* Add/Remove the unavailable physical camera ID.
bool addUnavailablePhysicalId(const String8& physicalId);
bool removeUnavailablePhysicalId(const String8& physicalId);
* Set and get client package name.
void setClientPackage(const String8& clientPackage);
String8 getClientPackage() const;
* Return the unavailable physical ids for this device.
* This method acquires mStatusLock.
std::vector<String8> getUnavailablePhysicalIds() const;
const String8 mId;
StatusInternal mStatus; // protected by mStatusLock
const int mCost;
std::set<String8> mConflicting;
std::set<String8> mUnavailablePhysicalIds;
String8 mClientPackage;
mutable Mutex mStatusLock;
CameraParameters mShimParams;
const SystemCameraKind mSystemCameraKind;
}; // class CameraState
// Observer for UID lifecycle enforcing that UIDs in idle
// state cannot use the camera to protect user privacy.
class UidPolicy : public BnUidObserver, public virtual IBinder::DeathRecipient {
explicit UidPolicy(sp<CameraService> service)
: mRegistered(false), mService(service) {}
void registerSelf();
void unregisterSelf();
bool isUidActive(uid_t uid, String16 callingPackage);
int32_t getProcState(uid_t uid);
void onUidGone(uid_t uid, bool disabled);
void onUidActive(uid_t uid);
void onUidIdle(uid_t uid, bool disabled);
void onUidStateChanged(uid_t uid, int32_t procState, int64_t procStateSeq,
int32_t capability);
void addOverrideUid(uid_t uid, String16 callingPackage, bool active);
void removeOverrideUid(uid_t uid, String16 callingPackage);
void registerMonitorUid(uid_t uid);
void unregisterMonitorUid(uid_t uid);
// IBinder::DeathRecipient implementation
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder> &who);
bool isUidActiveLocked(uid_t uid, String16 callingPackage);
int32_t getProcStateLocked(uid_t uid);
void updateOverrideUid(uid_t uid, String16 callingPackage, bool active, bool insert);
Mutex mUidLock;
bool mRegistered;
ActivityManager mAm;
wp<CameraService> mService;
std::unordered_set<uid_t> mActiveUids;
// Monitored uid map to cached procState and refCount pair
std::unordered_map<uid_t, std::pair<int32_t, size_t>> mMonitoredUids;
std::unordered_map<uid_t, bool> mOverrideUids;
}; // class UidPolicy
// If sensor privacy is enabled then all apps, including those that are active, should be
// prevented from accessing the camera.
class SensorPrivacyPolicy : public hardware::BnSensorPrivacyListener,
public virtual IBinder::DeathRecipient {
explicit SensorPrivacyPolicy(wp<CameraService> service)
: mService(service), mSensorPrivacyEnabled(false), mRegistered(false) {}
void registerSelf();
void unregisterSelf();
bool isSensorPrivacyEnabled();
bool isCameraPrivacyEnabled(userid_t userId);
binder::Status onSensorPrivacyChanged(bool enabled);
// IBinder::DeathRecipient implementation
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder> &who);
SensorPrivacyManager mSpm;
wp<CameraService> mService;
Mutex mSensorPrivacyLock;
bool mSensorPrivacyEnabled;
bool mRegistered;
bool hasCameraPrivacyFeature();
sp<UidPolicy> mUidPolicy;
sp<SensorPrivacyPolicy> mSensorPrivacyPolicy;
// Delay-load the Camera HAL module
virtual void onFirstRef();
// Eumerate all camera providers in the system
status_t enumerateProviders();
// Add/remove a new camera to camera and torch state lists or remove an unplugged one
// Caller must not hold mServiceLock
void addStates(const String8 id);
void removeStates(const String8 id);
// Check if we can connect, before we acquire the service lock.
// The returned originalClientPid is the PID of the original process that wants to connect to
// camera.
// The returned clientPid is the PID of the client that directly connects to camera.
// originalClientPid and clientPid are usually the same except when the application uses
// mediaserver to connect to camera (using MediaRecorder to connect to camera). In that case,
// clientPid is the PID of mediaserver and originalClientPid is the PID of the application.
binder::Status validateConnectLocked(const String8& cameraId, const String8& clientName8,
/*inout*/int& clientUid, /*inout*/int& clientPid, /*out*/int& originalClientPid) const;
binder::Status validateClientPermissionsLocked(const String8& cameraId, const String8& clientName8,
/*inout*/int& clientUid, /*inout*/int& clientPid, /*out*/int& originalClientPid) const;
// Handle active client evictions, and update service state.
// Only call with with mServiceLock held.
status_t handleEvictionsLocked(const String8& cameraId, int clientPid,
apiLevel effectiveApiLevel, const sp<IBinder>& remoteCallback, const String8& packageName,
int scoreOffset,
sp<BasicClient>* client,
std::shared_ptr<resource_policy::ClientDescriptor<String8, sp<BasicClient>>>* partial);
// Should an operation attempt on a cameraId be rejected ? (this can happen
// under various conditions. For example if a camera device is advertised as
// system only or hidden secure camera, amongst possible others.
bool shouldRejectSystemCameraConnection(const String8 & cameraId) const;
// Should a device status update be skipped for a particular camera device ? (this can happen
// under various conditions. For example if a camera device is advertised as
// system only or hidden secure camera, amongst possible others.
static bool shouldSkipStatusUpdates(SystemCameraKind systemCameraKind, bool isVendorListener,
int clientPid, int clientUid);
// Gets the kind of camera device (i.e public, hidden secure or system only)
// getSystemCameraKind() needs mInterfaceMutex which might lead to deadlocks
// if held along with mStatusListenerLock (depending on lock ordering, b/141756275), it is
// recommended that we don't call this function with mStatusListenerLock held.
status_t getSystemCameraKind(const String8& cameraId, SystemCameraKind *kind) const;
// Update the set of API1Compatible camera devices without including system
// cameras and secure cameras. This is used for hiding system only cameras
// from clients using camera1 api and not having android.permission.SYSTEM_CAMERA.
// This function expects @param normalDeviceIds, to have normalDeviceIds
// sorted in alpha-numeric order.
void filterAPI1SystemCameraLocked(const std::vector<std::string> &normalDeviceIds);
// Single implementation shared between the various connect calls
template<class CALLBACK, class CLIENT>
binder::Status connectHelper(const sp<CALLBACK>& cameraCb, const String8& cameraId,
int api1CameraId, const String16& clientPackageName,
const std::optional<String16>& clientFeatureId, int clientUid, int clientPid,
apiLevel effectiveApiLevel, bool shimUpdateOnly, int scoreOffset, int targetSdkVersion,
/*out*/sp<CLIENT>& device);
// Lock guarding camera service state
Mutex mServiceLock;
// Condition to use with mServiceLock, used to handle simultaneous connect calls from clients
std::shared_ptr<WaitableMutexWrapper> mServiceLockWrapper;
// Return NO_ERROR if the device with a give ID can be connected to
status_t checkIfDeviceIsUsable(const String8& cameraId) const;
// Container for managing currently active application-layer clients
CameraClientManager mActiveClientManager;
// Adds client logs during open session to the file pointed by fd.
void dumpOpenSessionClientLogs(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args, const String8& cameraId);
// Adds client logs during closed session to the file pointed by fd.
void dumpClosedSessionClientLogs(int fd, const String8& cameraId);
// Mapping from camera ID -> state for each device, map is protected by mCameraStatesLock
std::map<String8, std::shared_ptr<CameraState>> mCameraStates;
// Mutex guarding mCameraStates map
mutable Mutex mCameraStatesLock;
// Circular buffer for storing event logging for dumps
RingBuffer<String8> mEventLog;
Mutex mLogLock;
// set of client package names to watch. if this set contains 'all', then all clients will
// be watched. Access should be guarded by mLogLock
std::set<String16> mWatchedClientPackages;
// cache of last monitored tags dump immediately before the client disconnects. If a client
// re-connects, its entry is not updated until it disconnects again. Access should be guarded
// by mLogLock
std::map<String16, std::string> mWatchedClientsDumpCache;
// The last monitored tags set by client
String8 mMonitorTags;
// Currently allowed user IDs
std::set<userid_t> mAllowedUsers;
* Get the camera state for a given camera id.
* This acquires mCameraStatesLock.
std::shared_ptr<CameraService::CameraState> getCameraState(const String8& cameraId) const;
* Evict client who's remote binder has died. Returns true if this client was in the active
* list and was disconnected.
* This method acquires mServiceLock.
bool evictClientIdByRemote(const wp<IBinder>& cameraClient);
* Remove the given client from the active clients list; does not disconnect the client.
* This method acquires mServiceLock.
void removeByClient(const BasicClient* client);
* Add new client to active clients list after conflicting clients have disconnected using the
* values set in the partial descriptor passed in to construct the actual client descriptor.
* This is typically called at the end of a connect call.
* This method must be called with mServiceLock held.
void finishConnectLocked(const sp<BasicClient>& client, const DescriptorPtr& desc,
int oomScoreOffset);
* Returns the underlying camera Id string mapped to a camera id int
* Empty string is returned when the cameraIdInt is invalid.
String8 cameraIdIntToStr(int cameraIdInt);
* Returns the underlying camera Id string mapped to a camera id int
* Empty string is returned when the cameraIdInt is invalid.
std::string cameraIdIntToStrLocked(int cameraIdInt);
* Remove a single client corresponding to the given camera id from the list of active clients.
* If none exists, return an empty strongpointer.
* This method must be called with mServiceLock held.
sp<CameraService::BasicClient> removeClientLocked(const String8& cameraId);
* Handle a notification that the current device user has changed.
void doUserSwitch(const std::vector<int32_t>& newUserIds);
* Add an event log message.
void logEvent(const char* event);
* Add an event log message that a client has been disconnected.
void logDisconnected(const char* cameraId, int clientPid, const char* clientPackage);
* Add an event log message that a client has been disconnected from offline device.
void logDisconnectedOffline(const char* cameraId, int clientPid, const char* clientPackage);
* Add an event log message that an offline client has been connected.
void logConnectedOffline(const char* cameraId, int clientPid,
const char* clientPackage);
* Add an event log message that a client has been connected.
void logConnected(const char* cameraId, int clientPid, const char* clientPackage);
* Add an event log message that a client's connect attempt has been rejected.
void logRejected(const char* cameraId, int clientPid, const char* clientPackage,
const char* reason);
* Add an event log message when a client calls setTorchMode succesfully.
void logTorchEvent(const char* cameraId, const char *torchState, int clientPid);
* Add an event log message that the current device user has been switched.
void logUserSwitch(const std::set<userid_t>& oldUserIds,
const std::set<userid_t>& newUserIds);
* Add an event log message that a device has been removed by the HAL
void logDeviceRemoved(const char* cameraId, const char* reason);
* Add an event log message that a device has been added by the HAL
void logDeviceAdded(const char* cameraId, const char* reason);
* Add an event log message that a client has unexpectedly died.
void logClientDied(int clientPid, const char* reason);
* Add a event log message that a serious service-level error has occured
* The errorCode should be one of the Android Errors
void logServiceError(const char* msg, int errorCode);
* Dump the event log to an FD
void dumpEventLog(int fd);
void cacheClientTagDumpIfNeeded(const char *cameraId, BasicClient *client);
* This method will acquire mServiceLock
void updateCameraNumAndIds();
* Filter camera characteristics for S Performance class primary cameras.
* mServiceLock should be locked.
void filterSPerfClassCharacteristicsLocked();
// File descriptor to temp file used for caching previous open
// session dumpsys info.
int mMemFd;
// Number of camera devices (excluding hidden secure cameras)
int mNumberOfCameras;
// Number of camera devices (excluding hidden secure cameras and
// system cameras)
int mNumberOfCamerasWithoutSystemCamera;
std::vector<std::string> mNormalDeviceIds;
std::vector<std::string> mNormalDeviceIdsWithoutSystemCamera;
std::set<std::string> mPerfClassPrimaryCameraIds;
// sounds
sp<MediaPlayer> newMediaPlayer(const char *file);
Mutex mSoundLock;
sp<MediaPlayer> mSoundPlayer[NUM_SOUNDS];
int mSoundRef; // reference count (release all MediaPlayer when 0)
// Basic flag on whether the camera subsystem is in a usable state
bool mInitialized;
sp<CameraProviderManager> mCameraProviderManager;
class ServiceListener : public virtual IBinder::DeathRecipient {
ServiceListener(sp<CameraService> parent, sp<hardware::ICameraServiceListener> listener,
int uid, int pid, bool isVendorClient, bool openCloseCallbackAllowed)
: mParent(parent), mListener(listener), mListenerUid(uid), mListenerPid(pid),
mOpenCloseCallbackAllowed(openCloseCallbackAllowed) { }
status_t initialize(bool isProcessLocalTest) {
if (isProcessLocalTest) {
return OK;
return IInterface::asBinder(mListener)->linkToDeath(this);
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder> &/*who*/) {
auto parent = mParent.promote();
if (parent.get() != nullptr) {
int getListenerUid() { return mListenerUid; }
int getListenerPid() { return mListenerPid; }
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceListener> getListener() { return mListener; }
bool isVendorListener() { return mIsVendorListener; }
bool isOpenCloseCallbackAllowed() { return mOpenCloseCallbackAllowed; }
wp<CameraService> mParent;
sp<hardware::ICameraServiceListener> mListener;
int mListenerUid = -1;
int mListenerPid = -1;
bool mIsVendorListener = false;
bool mOpenCloseCallbackAllowed = false;
// Guarded by mStatusListenerMutex
std::vector<sp<ServiceListener>> mListenerList;
Mutex mStatusListenerLock;
* Update the status for the given camera id (if that device exists), and broadcast the
* status update to all current ICameraServiceListeners if the status has changed. Any
* statuses in rejectedSourceStates will be ignored.
* This method must be idempotent.
* This method acquires mStatusLock and mStatusListenerLock.
void updateStatus(StatusInternal status,
const String8& cameraId,
void updateStatus(StatusInternal status,
const String8& cameraId);
* Update the opened/closed status of the given camera id.
* This method acqiures mStatusListenerLock.
void updateOpenCloseStatus(const String8& cameraId, bool open, const String16& packageName);
// flashlight control
sp<CameraFlashlight> mFlashlight;
// guard mTorchStatusMap
Mutex mTorchStatusMutex;
// guard mTorchClientMap
Mutex mTorchClientMapMutex;
// guard mTorchUidMap
Mutex mTorchUidMapMutex;
// camera id -> torch status
KeyedVector<String8, hardware::camera::common::V1_0::TorchModeStatus>
// camera id -> torch client binder
// only store the last client that turns on each camera's torch mode
KeyedVector<String8, sp<IBinder>> mTorchClientMap;
// camera id -> [incoming uid, current uid] pair
std::map<String8, std::pair<int, int>> mTorchUidMap;
// check and handle if torch client's process has died
void handleTorchClientBinderDied(const wp<IBinder> &who);
// handle torch mode status change and invoke callbacks. mTorchStatusMutex
// should be locked.
void onTorchStatusChangedLocked(const String8& cameraId,
hardware::camera::common::V1_0::TorchModeStatus newStatus,
SystemCameraKind systemCameraKind);
// get a camera's torch status. mTorchStatusMutex should be locked.
status_t getTorchStatusLocked(const String8 &cameraId,
hardware::camera::common::V1_0::TorchModeStatus *status) const;
// set a camera's torch status. mTorchStatusMutex should be locked.
status_t setTorchStatusLocked(const String8 &cameraId,
hardware::camera::common::V1_0::TorchModeStatus status);
// notify physical camera status when the physical camera is public.
// Expects mStatusListenerLock to be locked.
void notifyPhysicalCameraStatusLocked(int32_t status, const String16& physicalCameraId,
const std::list<String16>& logicalCameraIds, SystemCameraKind deviceKind);
// get list of logical cameras which are backed by physicalCameraId
std::list<String16> getLogicalCameras(const String8& physicalCameraId);
// IBinder::DeathRecipient implementation
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder> &who);
* Initialize and cache the metadata used by the HAL1 shim for a given cameraId.
* Sets Status to a service-specific error on failure
binder::Status initializeShimMetadata(int cameraId);
* Get the cached CameraParameters for the camera. If they haven't been
* cached yet, then initialize them for the first time.
* Sets Status to a service-specific error on failure
binder::Status getLegacyParametersLazy(int cameraId, /*out*/CameraParameters* parameters);
// Blocks all clients from the UID
void blockClientsForUid(uid_t uid);
// Blocks all active clients.
void blockAllClients();
// Overrides the UID state as if it is idle
status_t handleSetUidState(const Vector<String16>& args, int err);
// Clears the override for the UID state
status_t handleResetUidState(const Vector<String16>& args, int err);
// Gets the UID state
status_t handleGetUidState(const Vector<String16>& args, int out, int err);
// Set the rotate-and-crop AUTO override behavior
status_t handleSetRotateAndCrop(const Vector<String16>& args);
// Get the rotate-and-crop AUTO override behavior
status_t handleGetRotateAndCrop(int out);
// Set the mask for image dump to disk
status_t handleSetImageDumpMask(const Vector<String16>& args);
// Get the mask for image dump to disk
status_t handleGetImageDumpMask(int out);
// Set the camera mute state
status_t handleSetCameraMute(const Vector<String16>& args);
// Handle 'watch' command as passed through 'cmd'
status_t handleWatchCommand(const Vector<String16> &args, int outFd);
// Enable tag monitoring of the given tags in provided clients
status_t startWatchingTags(const Vector<String16> &args, int outFd);
// Disable tag monitoring
status_t stopWatchingTags(int outFd);
// Print events of monitored tags in all cached and attached clients
status_t printWatchedTags(const Vector<String16> &args, int outFd);
// Print events of monitored tags in all attached clients as they are captured. New events are
// fetched every `refreshMicros` us
// NOTE: This function does not terminate unless interrupted.
status_t printWatchedTagsUntilInterrupt(useconds_t refreshMicros, int outFd);
// Print all events in vector `events' that came after lastPrintedEvent
static void printNewWatchedEvents(int outFd,
const char *cameraId,
const String16 &packageName,
const std::vector<std::string> &events,
const std::string &lastPrintedEvent);
// Parses comma separated clients list and adds them to mWatchedClientPackages.
// Does not acquire mLogLock before modifying mWatchedClientPackages. It is the caller's
// responsibility to acquire mLogLock before calling this function.
void parseClientsToWatchLocked(String8 clients);
// Prints the shell command help
status_t printHelp(int out);
// Returns true if client should monitor tags based on the contents of mWatchedClientPackages.
// Acquires mLogLock before querying mWatchedClientPackages.
bool isClientWatched(const BasicClient *client);
// Returns true if client should monitor tags based on the contents of mWatchedClientPackages.
// Does not acquire mLogLock before querying mWatchedClientPackages. It is the caller's
// responsibility to acquire mLogLock before calling this functions.
bool isClientWatchedLocked(const BasicClient *client);
* Get the current system time as a formatted string.
static String8 getFormattedCurrentTime();
static binder::Status makeClient(const sp<CameraService>& cameraService,
const sp<IInterface>& cameraCb, const String16& packageName,
const std::optional<String16>& featureId, const String8& cameraId, int api1CameraId,
int facing, int sensorOrientation, int clientPid, uid_t clientUid, int servicePid,
int deviceVersion, apiLevel effectiveApiLevel, bool overrideForPerfClass,
/*out*/sp<BasicClient>* client);
status_t checkCameraAccess(const String16& opPackageName);
static String8 toString(std::set<userid_t> intSet);
static int32_t mapToInterface(hardware::camera::common::V1_0::TorchModeStatus status);
static StatusInternal mapToInternal(hardware::camera::common::V1_0::CameraDeviceStatus status);
static int32_t mapToInterface(StatusInternal status);
void broadcastTorchModeStatus(const String8& cameraId,
hardware::camera::common::V1_0::TorchModeStatus status,
SystemCameraKind systemCameraKind);
void disconnectClient(const String8& id, sp<BasicClient> clientToDisconnect);
// Regular online and offline devices must not be in conflict at camera service layer.
// Use separate keys for offline devices.
static const String8 kOfflineDevice;
// Sentinel value to be stored in `mWatchedClientsPackages` to indicate that all clients should
// be watched.
static const String16 kWatchAllClientsFlag;
// TODO: right now each BasicClient holds one AppOpsManager instance.
// We can refactor the code so all of clients share this instance
AppOpsManager mAppOps;
// Aggreated audio restriction mode for all camera clients
int32_t mAudioRestriction;
// Current override cmd rotate-and-crop mode; AUTO means no override
uint8_t mOverrideRotateAndCropMode = ANDROID_SCALER_ROTATE_AND_CROP_AUTO;
// Current image dump mask
uint8_t mImageDumpMask = 0;
// Current camera mute mode
bool mOverrideCameraMuteMode = false;
* A listener class that implements the IBinder::DeathRecipient interface
* for use to call back the error state injected by the external camera, and
* camera service can kill the injection when binder signals process death.
class InjectionStatusListener : public virtual IBinder::DeathRecipient {
InjectionStatusListener(sp<CameraService> parent) : mParent(parent) {}
void addListener(const sp<hardware::camera2::ICameraInjectionCallback>& callback);
void removeListener();
void notifyInjectionError(String8 injectedCamId, status_t err);
// IBinder::DeathRecipient implementation
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who);
Mutex mListenerLock;
wp<CameraService> mParent;
sp<hardware::camera2::ICameraInjectionCallback> mCameraInjectionCallback;
sp<InjectionStatusListener> mInjectionStatusListener;
* A class that implements the hardware::camera2::BnCameraInjectionSession interface
class CameraInjectionSession : public hardware::camera2::BnCameraInjectionSession {
CameraInjectionSession(sp<CameraService> parent) : mParent(parent) {}
virtual ~CameraInjectionSession() {}
binder::Status stopInjection() override;
Mutex mInjectionSessionLock;
wp<CameraService> mParent;
void clearInjectionParameters();
// This is the existing camera id being replaced.
String8 mInjectionInternalCamId;
// This is the external camera Id replacing the internalId.
String8 mInjectionExternalCamId;
bool mInjectionInitPending = true;
// Guard mInjectionInternalCamId and mInjectionInitPending.
Mutex mInjectionParametersLock;
} // namespace android