blob: 91d682e35f82490256d6038955d7046415b84968 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <utility>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utils/Condition.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/List.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/Thread.h>
#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include <android/hardware/camera/device/3.2/ICameraDevice.h>
#include <android/hardware/camera/device/3.2/ICameraDeviceSession.h>
#include <android/hardware/camera/device/3.2/ICameraDeviceCallback.h>
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
#include <camera/CaptureResult.h>
#include "common/CameraDeviceBase.h"
#include "device3/StatusTracker.h"
#include "device3/Camera3BufferManager.h"
#include "utils/TagMonitor.h"
* Function pointer types with C calling convention to
* use for HAL callback functions.
extern "C" {
typedef void (callbacks_process_capture_result_t)(
const struct camera3_callback_ops *,
const camera3_capture_result_t *);
typedef void (callbacks_notify_t)(
const struct camera3_callback_ops *,
const camera3_notify_msg_t *);
namespace android {
namespace camera3 {
class Camera3Stream;
class Camera3ZslStream;
class Camera3OutputStreamInterface;
class Camera3StreamInterface;
} // namespace camera3
* CameraDevice for HAL devices with version CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0 or higher.
class Camera3Device :
public CameraDeviceBase,
virtual public hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ICameraDeviceCallback,
private camera3_callback_ops {
explicit Camera3Device(const String8& id);
virtual ~Camera3Device();
* CameraDeviceBase interface
const String8& getId() const override;
// Transitions to idle state on success.
status_t initialize(CameraModule *module) override;
status_t initialize(sp<CameraProviderManager> manager) override;
status_t disconnect() override;
status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16> &args) override;
const CameraMetadata& info() const override;
// Capture and setStreamingRequest will configure streams if currently in
// idle state
status_t capture(CameraMetadata &request, int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL) override;
status_t captureList(const List<const CameraMetadata> &requests,
const std::list<const SurfaceMap> &surfaceMaps,
int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL) override;
status_t setStreamingRequest(const CameraMetadata &request,
int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL) override;
status_t setStreamingRequestList(const List<const CameraMetadata> &requests,
const std::list<const SurfaceMap> &surfaceMaps,
int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL) override;
status_t clearStreamingRequest(int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL) override;
status_t waitUntilRequestReceived(int32_t requestId, nsecs_t timeout) override;
// Actual stream creation/deletion is delayed until first request is submitted
// If adding streams while actively capturing, will pause device before adding
// stream, reconfiguring device, and unpausing. If the client create a stream
// with nullptr consumer surface, the client must then call setConsumers()
// and finish the stream configuration before starting output streaming.
status_t createStream(sp<Surface> consumer,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int format,
android_dataspace dataSpace, camera3_stream_rotation_t rotation, int *id,
int streamSetId = camera3::CAMERA3_STREAM_SET_ID_INVALID,
bool isShared = false, uint32_t consumerUsage = 0) override;
status_t createStream(const std::vector<sp<Surface>>& consumers,
bool hasDeferredConsumer, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int format,
android_dataspace dataSpace, camera3_stream_rotation_t rotation, int *id,
int streamSetId = camera3::CAMERA3_STREAM_SET_ID_INVALID,
bool isShared = false, uint32_t consumerUsage = 0) override;
status_t createInputStream(
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int format,
int *id) override;
status_t createZslStream(
uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
int depth,
int *id,
sp<camera3::Camera3ZslStream>* zslStream);
status_t createReprocessStreamFromStream(int outputId, int *id) override;
status_t getStreamInfo(int id,
uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height,
uint32_t *format, android_dataspace *dataSpace) override;
status_t setStreamTransform(int id, int transform) override;
status_t deleteStream(int id) override;
status_t deleteReprocessStream(int id) override;
status_t configureStreams(bool isConstraiedHighSpeed = false) override;
status_t getInputBufferProducer(
sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> *producer) override;
status_t createDefaultRequest(int templateId, CameraMetadata *request) override;
// Transitions to the idle state on success
status_t waitUntilDrained() override;
status_t setNotifyCallback(wp<NotificationListener> listener) override;
bool willNotify3A() override;
status_t waitForNextFrame(nsecs_t timeout) override;
status_t getNextResult(CaptureResult *frame) override;
status_t triggerAutofocus(uint32_t id) override;
status_t triggerCancelAutofocus(uint32_t id) override;
status_t triggerPrecaptureMetering(uint32_t id) override;
status_t pushReprocessBuffer(int reprocessStreamId,
buffer_handle_t *buffer, wp<BufferReleasedListener> listener) override;
status_t flush(int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL) override;
status_t prepare(int streamId) override;
status_t tearDown(int streamId) override;
status_t addBufferListenerForStream(int streamId,
wp<camera3::Camera3StreamBufferListener> listener) override;
status_t prepare(int maxCount, int streamId) override;
uint32_t getDeviceVersion() override;
ssize_t getJpegBufferSize(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) const override;
ssize_t getPointCloudBufferSize() const;
ssize_t getRawOpaqueBufferSize(int32_t width, int32_t height) const;
// Methods called by subclasses
void notifyStatus(bool idle); // updates from StatusTracker
* Set the deferred consumer surfaces to the output stream and finish the deferred
* consumer configuration.
status_t setConsumerSurfaces(int streamId, const std::vector<sp<Surface>>& consumers) override;
static const size_t kDumpLockAttempts = 10;
static const size_t kDumpSleepDuration = 100000; // 0.10 sec
static const nsecs_t kShutdownTimeout = 5000000000; // 5 sec
static const nsecs_t kActiveTimeout = 500000000; // 500 ms
static const size_t kInFlightWarnLimit = 20;
static const size_t kInFlightWarnLimitHighSpeed = 256; // batch size 32 * pipe depth 8
// SCHED_FIFO priority for request submission thread in HFR mode
static const int kRequestThreadPriority = 1;
struct RequestTrigger;
// minimal jpeg buffer size: 256KB + blob header
static const ssize_t kMinJpegBufferSize = 256 * 1024 + sizeof(camera3_jpeg_blob);
// Constant to use for stream ID when one doesn't exist
static const int NO_STREAM = -1;
// A lock to enforce serialization on the input/configure side
// of the public interface.
// Only locked by public methods inherited from CameraDeviceBase.
// Not locked by methods guarded by mOutputLock, since they may act
// concurrently to the input/configure side of the interface.
// Must be locked before mLock if both will be locked by a method
Mutex mInterfaceLock;
// The main lock on internal state
Mutex mLock;
// Camera device ID
const String8 mId;
// Flag indicating is the current active stream configuration is constrained high speed.
bool mIsConstrainedHighSpeedConfiguration;
/**** Scope for mLock ****/
* Adapter for legacy HAL / HIDL HAL interface calls; calls either into legacy HALv3 or the
* HIDL HALv3 interfaces.
class HalInterface {
HalInterface(camera3_device_t *device);
HalInterface(sp<hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ICameraDeviceSession> &session);
HalInterface(const HalInterface &other);
// Returns true if constructed with a valid device or session, and not yet cleared
bool valid();
// Reset this HalInterface object (does not call close())
void clear();
// Calls into the HAL interface
// Caller takes ownership of requestTemplate
status_t constructDefaultRequestSettings(camera3_request_template_t templateId,
/*out*/ camera_metadata_t **requestTemplate);
status_t configureStreams(/*inout*/ camera3_stream_configuration *config);
status_t processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *request);
status_t flush();
status_t dump(int fd);
status_t close();
// Find a buffer_handle_t based on frame number and stream ID
status_t popInflightBuffer(int32_t frameNumber, int32_t streamId,
/*out*/ buffer_handle_t **buffer);
camera3_device_t *mHal3Device;
sp<hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ICameraDeviceSession> mHidlSession;
std::mutex mInflightLock;
status_t pushInflightBufferLocked(int32_t frameNumber, int32_t streamId,
buffer_handle_t *buffer, int acquireFence);
// Cache of buffer handles keyed off (frameNumber << 32 | streamId)
// value is a pair of (buffer_handle_t*, acquire_fence FD)
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::pair<buffer_handle_t*, int>> mInflightBufferMap;
struct BufferHasher {
size_t operator()(const buffer_handle_t& buf) const {
if (buf == nullptr)
return 0;
size_t result = 1;
result = 31 * result + buf->numFds;
result = 31 * result + buf->numInts;
int length = buf->numFds + buf->numInts;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result = 31 * result + buf->data[i];
return result;
struct BufferComparator {
bool operator()(const buffer_handle_t& buf1, const buffer_handle_t& buf2) const {
if (buf1->numFds == buf2->numFds && buf1->numInts == buf2->numInts) {
int length = buf1->numFds + buf1->numInts;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (buf1->data[i] != buf2->data[i]) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
std::mutex mBufferIdMapLock; // protecting mBufferIdMaps and mNextBufferId
typedef std::unordered_map<const buffer_handle_t, uint64_t,
BufferHasher, BufferComparator> BufferIdMap;
// stream ID -> per stream buffer ID map
std::unordered_map<int, BufferIdMap> mBufferIdMaps;
uint64_t mNextBufferId = 1; // 0 means no buffer
static const uint64_t BUFFER_ID_NO_BUFFER = 0;
// method to extract buffer's unique ID
// TODO: we should switch to use gralloc mapper's getBackingStore API
// once we ran in binderized gralloc mode, but before that is ready,
// we need to rely on the conventional buffer queue behavior where
// buffer_handle_t's FD won't change.
// return pair of (newlySeenBuffer?, bufferId)
std::pair<bool, uint64_t> getBufferId(const buffer_handle_t& buf, int streamId);
std::unique_ptr<HalInterface> mInterface;
CameraMetadata mDeviceInfo;
CameraMetadata mRequestTemplateCache[CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_COUNT];
uint32_t mDeviceVersion;
// whether Camera3Device should derive ANDROID_CONTROL_POST_RAW_SENSITIVITY_BOOST for
// backward compatibility. Should not be changed after initialization.
bool mDerivePostRawSensKey = false;
struct Size {
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
explicit Size(uint32_t w = 0, uint32_t h = 0) : width(w), height(h){}
// Map from format to size.
Vector<Size> mSupportedOpaqueInputSizes;
enum Status {
} mStatus;
// Only clear mRecentStatusUpdates, mStatusWaiters from waitUntilStateThenRelock
Vector<Status> mRecentStatusUpdates;
int mStatusWaiters;
Condition mStatusChanged;
// Tracking cause of fatal errors when in STATUS_ERROR
String8 mErrorCause;
// Mapping of stream IDs to stream instances
typedef KeyedVector<int, sp<camera3::Camera3OutputStreamInterface> >
StreamSet mOutputStreams;
sp<camera3::Camera3Stream> mInputStream;
int mNextStreamId;
bool mNeedConfig;
int mDummyStreamId;
// Whether to send state updates upstream
// Pause when doing transparent reconfiguration
bool mPauseStateNotify;
// Need to hold on to stream references until configure completes.
Vector<sp<camera3::Camera3StreamInterface> > mDeletedStreams;
// Whether the HAL will send partial result
bool mUsePartialResult;
// Number of partial results that will be delivered by the HAL.
uint32_t mNumPartialResults;
/**** End scope for mLock ****/
// The offset converting from clock domain of other subsystem
// (video/hardware composer) to that of camera. Assumption is that this
// offset won't change during the life cycle of the camera device. In other
// words, camera device shouldn't be open during CPU suspend.
nsecs_t mTimestampOffset;
typedef struct AeTriggerCancelOverride {
bool applyAeLock;
uint8_t aeLock;
bool applyAePrecaptureTrigger;
uint8_t aePrecaptureTrigger;
} AeTriggerCancelOverride_t;
class CaptureRequest : public LightRefBase<CaptureRequest> {
CameraMetadata mSettings;
sp<camera3::Camera3Stream> mInputStream;
camera3_stream_buffer_t mInputBuffer;
Vector<sp<camera3::Camera3OutputStreamInterface> >
SurfaceMap mOutputSurfaces;
CaptureResultExtras mResultExtras;
// Used to cancel AE precapture trigger for devices doesn't support
AeTriggerCancelOverride_t mAeTriggerCancelOverride;
// The number of requests that should be submitted to HAL at a time.
// For example, if batch size is 8, this request and the following 7
// requests will be submitted to HAL at a time. The batch size for
// the following 7 requests will be ignored by the request thread.
int mBatchSize;
// Whether this request is from a repeating or repeating burst.
bool mRepeating;
typedef List<sp<CaptureRequest> > RequestList;
status_t checkStatusOkToCaptureLocked();
status_t convertMetadataListToRequestListLocked(
const List<const CameraMetadata> &metadataList,
const std::list<const SurfaceMap> &surfaceMaps,
bool repeating,
RequestList *requestList);
void convertToRequestList(List<const CameraMetadata>& requests,
std::list<const SurfaceMap>& surfaceMaps,
const CameraMetadata& request);
status_t submitRequestsHelper(const List<const CameraMetadata> &requests,
const std::list<const SurfaceMap> &surfaceMaps,
bool repeating,
int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL);
* Implementation of android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ICameraDeviceCallback
hardware::Return<void> processCaptureResult(
const hardware::camera::device::V3_2::CaptureResult& result) override;
hardware::Return<void> notify(
const hardware::camera::device::V3_2::NotifyMsg& msg) override;
* Common initialization code shared by both HAL paths
* Must be called with mLock and mInterfaceLock held.
status_t initializeCommonLocked();
* Get the last request submitted to the hal by the request thread.
* Must be called with mLock held.
virtual CameraMetadata getLatestRequestLocked();
* Update the current device status and wake all waiting threads.
* Must be called with mLock held.
void internalUpdateStatusLocked(Status status);
* Pause processing and flush everything, but don't tell the clients.
* This is for reconfiguring outputs transparently when according to the
* CameraDeviceBase interface we shouldn't need to.
* Must be called with mLock and mInterfaceLock both held.
status_t internalPauseAndWaitLocked();
* Resume work after internalPauseAndWaitLocked()
* Must be called with mLock and mInterfaceLock both held.
status_t internalResumeLocked();
* Wait until status tracker tells us we've transitioned to the target state
* set, which is either ACTIVE when active==true or IDLE (which is any
* non-ACTIVE state) when active==false.
* Needs to be called with mLock and mInterfaceLock held. This means there
* can ever only be one waiter at most.
* During the wait mLock is released.
status_t waitUntilStateThenRelock(bool active, nsecs_t timeout);
* Implementation of waitUntilDrained. On success, will transition to IDLE state.
* Need to be called with mLock and mInterfaceLock held.
status_t waitUntilDrainedLocked();
* Do common work for setting up a streaming or single capture request.
* On success, will transition to ACTIVE if in IDLE.
sp<CaptureRequest> setUpRequestLocked(const CameraMetadata &request,
const SurfaceMap &surfaceMap);
* Build a CaptureRequest request from the CameraDeviceBase request
* settings.
sp<CaptureRequest> createCaptureRequest(const CameraMetadata &request,
const SurfaceMap &surfaceMap);
* Take the currently-defined set of streams and configure the HAL to use
* them. This is a long-running operation (may be several hundered ms).
status_t configureStreamsLocked();
* Cancel stream configuration that did not finish successfully.
void cancelStreamsConfigurationLocked();
* Add a dummy stream to the current stream set as a workaround for
* not allowing 0 streams in the camera HAL spec.
status_t addDummyStreamLocked();
* Remove a dummy stream if the current config includes real streams.
status_t tryRemoveDummyStreamLocked();
* Set device into an error state due to some fatal failure, and set an
* error message to indicate why. Only the first call's message will be
* used. The message is also sent to the log.
void setErrorState(const char *fmt, ...);
void setErrorStateV(const char *fmt, va_list args);
void setErrorStateLocked(const char *fmt, ...);
void setErrorStateLockedV(const char *fmt, va_list args);
* Debugging trylock/spin method
* Try to acquire a lock a few times with sleeps between before giving up.
bool tryLockSpinRightRound(Mutex& lock);
* Helper function to determine if an input size for implementation defined
* format is supported.
bool isOpaqueInputSizeSupported(uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
* Helper function to get the largest Jpeg resolution (in area)
* Return Size(0, 0) if static metatdata is invalid
Size getMaxJpegResolution() const;
* Helper function to get the offset between MONOTONIC and BOOTTIME
* timestamp.
static nsecs_t getMonoToBoottimeOffset();
* Helper function to map between legacy and new dataspace enums
static android_dataspace mapToLegacyDataspace(android_dataspace dataSpace);
* Helper functions to map between framework and HIDL values
static hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::PixelFormat mapToPixelFormat(int frameworkFormat);
static hardware::camera::device::V3_2::DataspaceFlags mapToHidlDataspace(
android_dataspace dataSpace);
static hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ConsumerUsageFlags mapToConsumerUsage(uint32_t usage);
static hardware::camera::device::V3_2::StreamRotation mapToStreamRotation(
camera3_stream_rotation_t rotation);
static hardware::camera::device::V3_2::StreamConfigurationMode mapToStreamConfigurationMode(
camera3_stream_configuration_mode_t operationMode);
static camera3_buffer_status_t mapHidlBufferStatus(hardware::camera::device::V3_2::BufferStatus status);
static int mapToFrameworkFormat(hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::PixelFormat pixelFormat);
static uint32_t mapConsumerToFrameworkUsage(
hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ConsumerUsageFlags usage);
static uint32_t mapProducerToFrameworkUsage(
hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ProducerUsageFlags usage);
struct RequestTrigger {
// Metadata tag number, e.g. android.control.aePrecaptureTrigger
uint32_t metadataTag;
// Metadata value, e.g. 'START' or the trigger ID
int32_t entryValue;
// The last part of the fully qualified path, e.g. afTrigger
const char *getTagName() const {
return get_camera_metadata_tag_name(metadataTag) ?: "NULL";
// e.g. TYPE_BYTE, TYPE_INT32, etc.
int getTagType() const {
return get_camera_metadata_tag_type(metadataTag);
* Thread for managing capture request submission to HAL device.
class RequestThread : public Thread {
RequestThread(wp<Camera3Device> parent,
sp<camera3::StatusTracker> statusTracker,
HalInterface* interface,
uint32_t deviceVersion,
bool aeLockAvailable);
void setNotificationListener(wp<NotificationListener> listener);
* Call after stream (re)-configuration is completed.
void configurationComplete(bool isConstrainedHighSpeed);
* Set or clear the list of repeating requests. Does not block
* on either. Use waitUntilPaused to wait until request queue
* has emptied out.
status_t setRepeatingRequests(const RequestList& requests,
int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL);
status_t clearRepeatingRequests(/*out*/
int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL);
status_t queueRequestList(List<sp<CaptureRequest> > &requests,
int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL);
* Remove all queued and repeating requests, and pending triggers
status_t clear(/*out*/int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL);
* Flush all pending requests in HAL.
status_t flush();
* Queue a trigger to be dispatched with the next outgoing
* process_capture_request. The settings for that request only
* will be temporarily rewritten to add the trigger tag/value.
* Subsequent requests will not be rewritten (for this tag).
status_t queueTrigger(RequestTrigger trigger[], size_t count);
* Pause/unpause the capture thread. Doesn't block, so use
* waitUntilPaused to wait until the thread is paused.
void setPaused(bool paused);
* Wait until thread processes the capture request with settings'
* == requestId.
* Returns TIMED_OUT in case the thread does not process the request
* within the timeout.
status_t waitUntilRequestProcessed(int32_t requestId, nsecs_t timeout);
* Shut down the thread. Shutdown is asynchronous, so thread may
* still be running once this method returns.
virtual void requestExit();
* Get the latest request that was sent to the HAL
* with process_capture_request.
CameraMetadata getLatestRequest() const;
* Returns true if the stream is a target of any queued or repeating
* capture request
bool isStreamPending(sp<camera3::Camera3StreamInterface>& stream);
virtual bool threadLoop();
static const String8& getId(const wp<Camera3Device> &device);
status_t queueTriggerLocked(RequestTrigger trigger);
// Mix-in queued triggers into this request
int32_t insertTriggers(const sp<CaptureRequest> &request);
// Purge the queued triggers from this request,
// restoring the old field values for those tags.
status_t removeTriggers(const sp<CaptureRequest> &request);
// HAL workaround: Make sure a trigger ID always exists if
// a trigger does
status_t addDummyTriggerIds(const sp<CaptureRequest> &request);
static const nsecs_t kRequestTimeout = 50e6; // 50 ms
// Used to prepare a batch of requests.
struct NextRequest {
sp<CaptureRequest> captureRequest;
camera3_capture_request_t halRequest;
Vector<camera3_stream_buffer_t> outputBuffers;
bool submitted;
// Wait for the next batch of requests and put them in mNextRequests. mNextRequests will
// be empty if it times out.
void waitForNextRequestBatch();
// Waits for a request, or returns NULL if times out. Must be called with mRequestLock hold.
sp<CaptureRequest> waitForNextRequestLocked();
// Prepare HAL requests and output buffers in mNextRequests. Return TIMED_OUT if getting any
// output buffer timed out. If an error is returned, the caller should clean up the pending
// request batch.
status_t prepareHalRequests();
// Return buffers, etc, for requests in mNextRequests that couldn't be fully constructed and
// send request errors if sendRequestError is true. The buffers will be returned in the
// ERROR state to mark them as not having valid data. mNextRequests will be cleared.
void cleanUpFailedRequests(bool sendRequestError);
// Stop the repeating request if any of its output streams is abandoned.
void checkAndStopRepeatingRequest();
// Pause handling
bool waitIfPaused();
void unpauseForNewRequests();
// Relay error to parent device object setErrorState
void setErrorState(const char *fmt, ...);
// If the input request is in mRepeatingRequests. Must be called with mRequestLock hold
bool isRepeatingRequestLocked(const sp<CaptureRequest>&);
// Handle AE precapture trigger cancel for devices <= CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_2.
void handleAePrecaptureCancelRequest(const sp<CaptureRequest>& request);
// Clear repeating requests. Must be called with mRequestLock held.
status_t clearRepeatingRequestsLocked(/*out*/ int64_t *lastFrameNumber = NULL);
wp<Camera3Device> mParent;
wp<camera3::StatusTracker> mStatusTracker;
HalInterface* mInterface;
uint32_t mDeviceVersion;
wp<NotificationListener> mListener;
const String8& mId; // The camera ID
int mStatusId; // The RequestThread's component ID for
// status tracking
Mutex mRequestLock;
Condition mRequestSignal;
RequestList mRequestQueue;
RequestList mRepeatingRequests;
// The next batch of requests being prepped for submission to the HAL, no longer
// on the request queue. Read-only even with mRequestLock held, outside
// of threadLoop
Vector<NextRequest> mNextRequests;
// To protect flush() and sending a request batch to HAL.
Mutex mFlushLock;
bool mReconfigured;
// Used by waitIfPaused, waitForNextRequest, and waitUntilPaused
Mutex mPauseLock;
bool mDoPause;
Condition mDoPauseSignal;
bool mPaused;
Condition mPausedSignal;
sp<CaptureRequest> mPrevRequest;
int32_t mPrevTriggers;
uint32_t mFrameNumber;
mutable Mutex mLatestRequestMutex;
Condition mLatestRequestSignal;
// for latest process_capture_request
int32_t mLatestRequestId;
CameraMetadata mLatestRequest;
typedef KeyedVector<uint32_t/*tag*/, RequestTrigger> TriggerMap;
Mutex mTriggerMutex;
TriggerMap mTriggerMap;
TriggerMap mTriggerRemovedMap;
TriggerMap mTriggerReplacedMap;
uint32_t mCurrentAfTriggerId;
uint32_t mCurrentPreCaptureTriggerId;
int64_t mRepeatingLastFrameNumber;
// Whether the device supports AE lock
bool mAeLockAvailable;
// Flag indicating if we should prepare video stream for video requests.
bool mPrepareVideoStream;
sp<RequestThread> mRequestThread;
* In-flight queue for tracking completion of capture requests.
struct InFlightRequest {
// Set by notify() SHUTTER call.
nsecs_t shutterTimestamp;
// Set by process_capture_result().
nsecs_t sensorTimestamp;
int requestStatus;
// Set by process_capture_result call with valid metadata
bool haveResultMetadata;
// Decremented by calls to process_capture_result with valid output
// and input buffers
int numBuffersLeft;
CaptureResultExtras resultExtras;
// If this request has any input buffer
bool hasInputBuffer;
// The last metadata that framework receives from HAL and
// not yet send out because the shutter event hasn't arrived.
// It's added by process_capture_result and sent when framework
// receives the shutter event.
CameraMetadata pendingMetadata;
// The metadata of the partial results that framework receives from HAL so far
// and has sent out.
CameraMetadata collectedPartialResult;
// Buffers are added by process_capture_result when output buffers
// return from HAL but framework has not yet received the shutter
// event. They will be returned to the streams when framework receives
// the shutter event.
Vector<camera3_stream_buffer_t> pendingOutputBuffers;
// Used to cancel AE precapture trigger for devices doesn't support
AeTriggerCancelOverride_t aeTriggerCancelOverride;
// Default constructor needed by KeyedVector
InFlightRequest() :
aeTriggerCancelOverride({false, 0, false, 0}){
InFlightRequest(int numBuffers, CaptureResultExtras extras, bool hasInput,
AeTriggerCancelOverride aeTriggerCancelOverride) :
// Map from frame number to the in-flight request state
typedef KeyedVector<uint32_t, InFlightRequest> InFlightMap;
Mutex mInFlightLock; // Protects mInFlightMap
InFlightMap mInFlightMap;
int mInFlightStatusId;
status_t registerInFlight(uint32_t frameNumber,
int32_t numBuffers, CaptureResultExtras resultExtras, bool hasInput,
const AeTriggerCancelOverride_t &aeTriggerCancelOverride);
* Override result metadata for cancelling AE precapture trigger applied in
* handleAePrecaptureCancelRequest().
void overrideResultForPrecaptureCancel(CameraMetadata* result,
const AeTriggerCancelOverride_t &aeTriggerCancelOverride);
* Tracking for idle detection
sp<camera3::StatusTracker> mStatusTracker;
* Graphic buffer manager for output streams. Each device has a buffer manager, which is used
* by the output streams to get and return buffers if these streams are registered to this
* buffer manager.
sp<camera3::Camera3BufferManager> mBufferManager;
* Thread for preparing streams
class PreparerThread : private Thread, public virtual RefBase {
void setNotificationListener(wp<NotificationListener> listener);
* Queue up a stream to be prepared. Streams are processed by a background thread in FIFO
* order. Pre-allocate up to maxCount buffers for the stream, or the maximum number needed
* for the pipeline if maxCount is ALLOCATE_PIPELINE_MAX.
status_t prepare(int maxCount, sp<camera3::Camera3StreamInterface>& stream);
* Cancel all current and pending stream preparation
status_t clear();
Mutex mLock;
virtual bool threadLoop();
// Guarded by mLock
wp<NotificationListener> mListener;
List<sp<camera3::Camera3StreamInterface> > mPendingStreams;
bool mActive;
bool mCancelNow;
// Only accessed by threadLoop and the destructor
sp<camera3::Camera3StreamInterface> mCurrentStream;
sp<PreparerThread> mPreparerThread;
* Output result queue and current HAL device 3A state
// Lock for output side of device
Mutex mOutputLock;
/**** Scope for mOutputLock ****/
// the minimal frame number of the next non-reprocess result
uint32_t mNextResultFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next reprocess result
uint32_t mNextReprocessResultFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next non-reprocess shutter
uint32_t mNextShutterFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next reprocess shutter
uint32_t mNextReprocessShutterFrameNumber;
List<CaptureResult> mResultQueue;
Condition mResultSignal;
wp<NotificationListener> mListener;
/**** End scope for mOutputLock ****/
* Callback functions from HAL device
void processCaptureResult(const camera3_capture_result *result);
void notify(const camera3_notify_msg *msg);
// Specific notify handlers
void notifyError(const camera3_error_msg_t &msg,
sp<NotificationListener> listener);
void notifyShutter(const camera3_shutter_msg_t &msg,
sp<NotificationListener> listener);
// helper function to return the output buffers to the streams.
void returnOutputBuffers(const camera3_stream_buffer_t *outputBuffers,
size_t numBuffers, nsecs_t timestamp);
// Send a partial capture result.
void sendPartialCaptureResult(const camera_metadata_t * partialResult,
const CaptureResultExtras &resultExtras, uint32_t frameNumber,
const AeTriggerCancelOverride_t &aeTriggerCancelOverride);
// Send a total capture result given the pending metadata and result extras,
// partial results, and the frame number to the result queue.
void sendCaptureResult(CameraMetadata &pendingMetadata,
CaptureResultExtras &resultExtras,
CameraMetadata &collectedPartialResult, uint32_t frameNumber,
bool reprocess, const AeTriggerCancelOverride_t &aeTriggerCancelOverride);
// Insert the result to the result queue after updating frame number and overriding AE
// trigger cancel.
// mOutputLock must be held when calling this function.
void insertResultLocked(CaptureResult *result, uint32_t frameNumber,
const AeTriggerCancelOverride_t &aeTriggerCancelOverride);
/**** Scope for mInFlightLock ****/
// Remove the in-flight map entry of the given index from mInFlightMap.
// It must only be called with mInFlightLock held.
void removeInFlightMapEntryLocked(int idx);
// Remove the in-flight request of the given index from mInFlightMap
// if it's no longer needed. It must only be called with mInFlightLock held.
void removeInFlightRequestIfReadyLocked(int idx);
/**** End scope for mInFlightLock ****/
// Debug tracker for metadata tag value changes
// - Enabled with the -m <taglist> option to dumpsys, such as
// dumpsys -m android.control.aeState,android.control.aeMode
// - Disabled with -m off
// - dumpsys -m 3a is a shortcut for ae/af/awbMode, State, and Triggers
TagMonitor mTagMonitor;
void monitorMetadata(TagMonitor::eventSource source, int64_t frameNumber,
nsecs_t timestamp, const CameraMetadata& metadata);
* Static callback forwarding methods from HAL to instance
static callbacks_process_capture_result_t sProcessCaptureResult;
static callbacks_notify_t sNotify;
}; // class Camera3Device
}; // namespace android