blob: 32cb2192117efc9e75309f05b94777eca5a2f3a9 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <aidl/android/media/BnResourceManagerService.h>
#include <media/MediaResource.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
namespace android {
class ResourceManagerService;
* Death Notifier to track IResourceManagerClient's death.
class DeathNotifier : public std::enable_shared_from_this<DeathNotifier> {
// BinderDiedContext defines the cookie that is passed as DeathRecipient.
// Since this can maintain more context than a raw pointer, we can
// validate the scope of DeathNotifier, before deferencing it upon the binder death.
struct BinderDiedContext {
std::weak_ptr<DeathNotifier> mDeathNotifier;
static std::shared_ptr<DeathNotifier> Create(
const std::shared_ptr<::aidl::android::media::IResourceManagerClient>& client,
const std::weak_ptr<ResourceManagerService>& service,
const ::aidl::android::media::ClientInfoParcel& clientInfo,
bool overrideProcessInfo = false);
DeathNotifier(const std::shared_ptr<::aidl::android::media::IResourceManagerClient>& client,
const std::weak_ptr<ResourceManagerService>& service,
const ::aidl::android::media::ClientInfoParcel& clientInfo);
virtual ~DeathNotifier() {
// Implement death recipient
static void BinderDiedCallback(void* cookie);
static void BinderUnlinkedCallback(void* cookie);
virtual void binderDied();
void link() {
// Create the context that is passed as cookie to the binder death notification.
// The context gets deleted at BinderUnlinkedCallback.
mCookie = new BinderDiedContext{.mDeathNotifier = weak_from_this()};
// Register for the callbacks by linking to death notification.
AIBinder_linkToDeath(mClient->asBinder().get(), mDeathRecipient.get(), mCookie);
void unlink() {
if (mClient != nullptr) {
// Unlink from the death notification.
AIBinder_unlinkToDeath(mClient->asBinder().get(), mDeathRecipient.get(), mCookie);
mClient = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<::aidl::android::media::IResourceManagerClient> mClient;
std::weak_ptr<ResourceManagerService> mService;
const ::aidl::android::media::ClientInfoParcel mClientInfo;
BinderDiedContext* mCookie;
::ndk::ScopedAIBinder_DeathRecipient mDeathRecipient;
class OverrideProcessInfoDeathNotifier : public DeathNotifier {
const std::shared_ptr<::aidl::android::media::IResourceManagerClient>& client,
const std::weak_ptr<ResourceManagerService>& service,
const ::aidl::android::media::ClientInfoParcel& clientInfo)
: DeathNotifier(client, service, clientInfo) {}
virtual ~OverrideProcessInfoDeathNotifier() {}
virtual void binderDied();
// Encapsulate Resource List as vector of resources instead of map.
// Since the number of resource is very limited, maintaining it as
// std::vector helps with both performance and memory requiremnts.
struct ResourceList {
// Add or Update an entry into ResourceList.
// If a new entry is added, isNewEntry will be set to true upon return
// returns true on successful update, false otherwise.
bool add(const ::aidl::android::media::MediaResourceParcel& res, bool* isNewEntry = nullptr);
// reduce the resource usage by subtracting the resource value.
// If the resource value is 0 after reducing the resource usage,
// that entry will be removed and removedEntryValue is set to the
// value before it was removed upon return otherwise it will be set to -1.
// returns true on successful removal of the resource, false otherwise.
bool remove(const ::aidl::android::media::MediaResourceParcel& res,
long* removedEntryValue = nullptr);
// Returns true if there aren't any resource entries.
bool empty() const {
return mResourceList.empty();
// Returns resource list as a non-modifiable vectors
const std::vector<::aidl::android::media::MediaResourceParcel>& getResources() const {
return mResourceList;
// Converts resource list into string format
std::string toString() const;
// BEGIN: Test only function
// Check if two resource lists are the same.
bool operator==(const ResourceList& rhs) const;
// Add or Update an entry into ResourceList.
void addOrUpdate(const ::aidl::android::media::MediaResourceParcel& res);
// END: Test only function
std::vector<::aidl::android::media::MediaResourceParcel> mResourceList;
// Encapsulation for Resource Info, that contains
// - pid of the app
// - uid of the app
// - client id
// - name of the client (specifically for the codec)
// - the client associted with it
// - death notifier for the (above) client
// - list of resources associated with it
// - A flag that marks whether this resource is pending to be removed.
struct ResourceInfo {
pid_t pid;
uid_t uid;
int64_t clientId;
std::string name;
std::shared_ptr<::aidl::android::media::IResourceManagerClient> client;
std::shared_ptr<DeathNotifier> deathNotifier = nullptr;
ResourceList resources;
bool pendingRemoval{false};
uint32_t importance = 0;
* Resource Reclaim request info that encapsulates
* - the calling/requesting process pid.
* - the calling/requesting client's importance.
* - the list of resources requesting (to be reclaimed from others)
struct ReclaimRequestInfo {
int mCallingPid = -1;
uint32_t mCallingClientImportance = 0;
const std::vector<::aidl::android::media::MediaResourceParcel>& mResources;
* Resource request info that encapsulates
* - the calling/requesting process pid.
* - the resource requesting (to be reclaimed from others)
struct ResourceRequestInfo {
// pid of the calling/requesting process.
int mCallingPid = -1;
// resources requested.
const ::aidl::android::media::MediaResourceParcel* mResource;
* Structure that defines the Client - a possible target to relcaim from.
* This encapsulates pid, uid of the process and the client id
* based on the reclaim policy.
struct ClientInfo {
// pid of the process.
pid_t mPid = -1;
// uid of the process.
uid_t mUid = -1;
// Client Id.
int64_t mClientId = -1;
ClientInfo(pid_t pid = -1, uid_t uid = -1, const int64_t& clientId = -1)
: mPid(pid), mUid(uid), mClientId(clientId) {}
// Map of Resource information index through the client id.
typedef std::map<int64_t, ResourceInfo> ResourceInfos;
// Map of Resource information indexed through the process id.
typedef std::map<int, ResourceInfos> PidResourceInfosMap;
// templated function to stringify the given vector of items.
template <typename T>
String8 getString(const std::vector<T>& items) {
String8 itemsStr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) {
itemsStr.appendFormat("%s ", toString(items[i]).c_str());
return itemsStr;
// Bunch of utility functions that looks for a specific Resource.
//Check whether a given resource (of type and subtype) is found in given resource parcel.
bool hasResourceType(MediaResource::Type type, MediaResource::SubType subType,
const ::aidl::android::media::MediaResourceParcel& resource);
//Check whether a given resource (of type and subtype) is found in given resource list.
bool hasResourceType(MediaResource::Type type, MediaResource::SubType subType,
const ResourceList& resources);
//Check whether a given resource (of type and subtype) is found in given resource info list.
bool hasResourceType(MediaResource::Type type, MediaResource::SubType subType,
const ResourceInfos& infos);
// Return modifiable list of ResourceInfo for a given process (look up by pid)
// from the map of ResourceInfos.
ResourceInfos& getResourceInfosForEdit(int pid, PidResourceInfosMap& map);
// Return modifiable ResourceInfo for a given process (look up by pid)
// from the map of ResourceInfos.
// If the item is not in the map, create one and add it to the map.
ResourceInfo& getResourceInfoForEdit(
const aidl::android::media::ClientInfoParcel& clientInfo,
const std::shared_ptr<aidl::android::media::IResourceManagerClient>& client,
ResourceInfos& infos);
// Merge resources from r2 into r1.
void mergeResources(::aidl::android::media::MediaResourceParcel& r1,
const ::aidl::android::media::MediaResourceParcel& r2);
// To notify the media_resource_monitor about the resource being granted.
void notifyResourceGranted(
int pid,
const std::vector<::aidl::android::media::MediaResourceParcel>& resources);
} // namespace android