blob: b5fd4865c6258a24d4aef876efb8ea3678aa2644 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <android/hardware/camera/device/3.6/ICameraOfflineSession.h>
#include <fmq/MessageQueue.h>
#include "common/CameraOfflineSessionBase.h"
#include "device3/Camera3BufferManager.h"
#include "device3/DistortionMapper.h"
#include "device3/InFlightRequest.h"
#include "device3/Camera3OutputUtils.h"
#include "device3/RotateAndCropMapper.h"
#include "device3/ZoomRatioMapper.h"
#include "utils/TagMonitor.h"
#include <camera_metadata_hidden.h>
namespace android {
namespace camera3 {
class Camera3Stream;
class Camera3OutputStreamInterface;
class Camera3StreamInterface;
} // namespace camera3
// An immutable struct containing general states that will be copied from Camera3Device to
// Camera3OfflineSession
struct Camera3OfflineStates {
const TagMonitor& tagMonitor, const metadata_vendor_id_t vendorTagId,
const bool useHalBufManager, const bool needFixupMonochromeTags,
const bool usePartialResult, const uint32_t numPartialResults,
const int64_t lastCompletedRegularFN, const int64_t lastCompletedReprocessFN,
const int64_t lastCompletedZslFN, const uint32_t nextResultFN,
const uint32_t nextReprocResultFN, const uint32_t nextZslResultFN,
const uint32_t nextShutterFN, const uint32_t nextReprocShutterFN,
const uint32_t nextZslShutterFN, const CameraMetadata& deviceInfo,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, CameraMetadata>& physicalDeviceInfoMap,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::DistortionMapper>& distortionMappers,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::ZoomRatioMapper>& zoomRatioMappers,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::RotateAndCropMapper>&
rotateAndCropMappers) :
mTagMonitor(tagMonitor), mVendorTagId(vendorTagId),
mUseHalBufManager(useHalBufManager), mNeedFixupMonochromeTags(needFixupMonochromeTags),
mUsePartialResult(usePartialResult), mNumPartialResults(numPartialResults),
mRotateAndCropMappers(rotateAndCropMappers) {}
const TagMonitor& mTagMonitor;
const metadata_vendor_id_t mVendorTagId;
const bool mUseHalBufManager;
const bool mNeedFixupMonochromeTags;
const bool mUsePartialResult;
const uint32_t mNumPartialResults;
// The last completed (buffers, result metadata, and error notify) regular
// request frame number
const int64_t mLastCompletedRegularFrameNumber;
// The last completed (buffers, result metadata, and error notify) reprocess
// request frame number
const int64_t mLastCompletedReprocessFrameNumber;
// The last completed (buffers, result metadata, and error notify) zsl
// request frame number
const int64_t mLastCompletedZslFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next non-reprocess result
const uint32_t mNextResultFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next reprocess result
const uint32_t mNextReprocessResultFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next ZSL still capture result
const uint32_t mNextZslStillResultFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next non-reprocess shutter
const uint32_t mNextShutterFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next reprocess shutter
const uint32_t mNextReprocessShutterFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next ZSL still capture shutter
const uint32_t mNextZslStillShutterFrameNumber;
const CameraMetadata& mDeviceInfo;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, CameraMetadata>& mPhysicalDeviceInfoMap;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::DistortionMapper>& mDistortionMappers;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::ZoomRatioMapper>& mZoomRatioMappers;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::RotateAndCropMapper>& mRotateAndCropMappers;
* Camera3OfflineSession for offline session defined in HIDL ICameraOfflineSession@3.6 or higher
class Camera3OfflineSession :
public CameraOfflineSessionBase,
public camera3::SetErrorInterface,
public camera3::InflightRequestUpdateInterface,
public camera3::RequestBufferInterface,
public camera3::FlushBufferInterface {
// initialize by Camera3Device.
explicit Camera3OfflineSession(const std::string& id,
const sp<camera3::Camera3Stream>& inputStream,
const camera3::StreamSet& offlineStreamSet,
camera3::BufferRecords&& bufferRecords,
const camera3::InFlightRequestMap& offlineReqs,
const Camera3OfflineStates& offlineStates);
virtual ~Camera3OfflineSession();
virtual status_t initialize(wp<NotificationListener> /*listener*/) = 0;
* CameraOfflineSessionBase interface
status_t disconnect() override;
status_t dump(int fd) override;
* FrameProducer interface
const std::string& getId() const override;
const CameraMetadata& info() const override;
status_t waitForNextFrame(nsecs_t timeout) override;
status_t getNextResult(CaptureResult *frame) override;
// TODO: methods for notification (error/idle/finished etc) passing
* End of CameraOfflineSessionBase interface
// Camera device ID
const std::string mId;
sp<camera3::Camera3Stream> mInputStream;
camera3::StreamSet mOutputStreams;
camera3::BufferRecords mBufferRecords;
SessionStatsBuilder mSessionStatsBuilder;
std::mutex mOfflineReqsLock;
camera3::InFlightRequestMap mOfflineReqs;
TagMonitor mTagMonitor;
const metadata_vendor_id_t mVendorTagId;
const bool mUseHalBufManager;
const bool mNeedFixupMonochromeTags;
const bool mUsePartialResult;
const uint32_t mNumPartialResults;
std::mutex mOutputLock;
std::list<CaptureResult> mResultQueue;
std::condition_variable mResultSignal;
// the last completed frame number of regular requests
int64_t mLastCompletedRegularFrameNumber;
// the last completed frame number of reprocess requests
int64_t mLastCompletedReprocessFrameNumber;
// the last completed frame number of ZSL still capture requests
int64_t mLastCompletedZslFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next non-reprocess result
uint32_t mNextResultFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next reprocess result
uint32_t mNextReprocessResultFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next ZSL still capture result
uint32_t mNextZslStillResultFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next non-reprocess shutter
uint32_t mNextShutterFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next reprocess shutter
uint32_t mNextReprocessShutterFrameNumber;
// the minimal frame number of the next ZSL still capture shutter
uint32_t mNextZslStillShutterFrameNumber;
// End of mOutputLock scope
const CameraMetadata mDeviceInfo;
std::unordered_map<std::string, CameraMetadata> mPhysicalDeviceInfoMap;
std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::DistortionMapper> mDistortionMappers;
std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::ZoomRatioMapper> mZoomRatioMappers;
std::unordered_map<std::string, camera3::RotateAndCropMapper> mRotateAndCropMappers;
mutable std::mutex mLock;
enum Status {
} mStatus;
wp<NotificationListener> mListener;
// End of mLock protect scope
std::mutex mProcessCaptureResultLock;
// Tracking cause of fatal errors when in STATUS_ERROR
std::string mErrorCause;
// Lock to ensure requestStreamBuffers() callbacks are serialized
std::mutex mRequestBufferInterfaceLock;
// allow request buffer until all requests are processed or disconnectImpl is called
bool mAllowRequestBuffer = true;
// For client methods such as disconnect/dump
std::mutex mInterfaceLock;
// The current minimum expected frame duration based on AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE
nsecs_t mMinExpectedDuration = 0;
// Whether the camera device runs at fixed frame rate based on AE_MODE and
bool mIsFixedFps = false;
// SetErrorInterface
void setErrorState(const char *fmt, ...) override;
void setErrorStateLocked(const char *fmt, ...) override;
// InflightRequestUpdateInterface
void onInflightEntryRemovedLocked(nsecs_t duration) override;
void checkInflightMapLengthLocked() override;
void onInflightMapFlushedLocked() override;
// RequestBufferInterface
bool startRequestBuffer() override;
void endRequestBuffer() override;
nsecs_t getWaitDuration() override;
// FlushBufferInterface
void getInflightBufferKeys(std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>>* out) override;
void getInflightRequestBufferKeys(std::vector<uint64_t>* out) override;
std::vector<sp<camera3::Camera3StreamInterface>> getAllStreams() override;
void setErrorStateLockedV(const char *fmt, va_list args);
status_t disconnectImpl();
// Clients need to ensure that 'mInterfaceLock' is acquired before calling this method
virtual void closeSessionLocked() = 0;
// Clients need to ensure that 'mLock' is acquired before calling this method
virtual void releaseSessionLocked() = 0;
}; // class Camera3OfflineSession
}; // namespace android