blob: 719ff2c975bb1b1c4b70f4a1cce375e5329a3a76 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "Camera3-DepthPhotoProcessor"
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#include "DepthPhotoProcessor.h"
#include <dynamic_depth/camera.h>
#include <dynamic_depth/cameras.h>
#include <dynamic_depth/container.h>
#include <dynamic_depth/device.h>
#include <dynamic_depth/dimension.h>
#include <dynamic_depth/dynamic_depth.h>
#include <dynamic_depth/point.h>
#include <dynamic_depth/pose.h>
#include <dynamic_depth/profile.h>
#include <dynamic_depth/profiles.h>
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include <libexif/exif-data.h>
#include <libexif/exif-system.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/ExifUtils.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <xmpmeta/xmp_data.h>
#include <xmpmeta/xmp_writer.h>
#ifndef __unused
#define __unused __attribute__((__unused__))
using dynamic_depth::Camera;
using dynamic_depth::Cameras;
using dynamic_depth::CameraParams;
using dynamic_depth::Container;
using dynamic_depth::DepthFormat;
using dynamic_depth::DepthMap;
using dynamic_depth::DepthMapParams;
using dynamic_depth::DepthUnits;
using dynamic_depth::Device;
using dynamic_depth::DeviceParams;
using dynamic_depth::Dimension;
using dynamic_depth::Image;
using dynamic_depth::ImagingModel;
using dynamic_depth::ImagingModelParams;
using dynamic_depth::Item;
using dynamic_depth::Pose;
using dynamic_depth::Profile;
using dynamic_depth::Profiles;
struct std::default_delete<jpeg_compress_struct> {
inline void operator()(jpeg_compress_struct* cinfo) const {
namespace android {
namespace camera3 {
// Depth samples with low confidence can skew the
// near/far values and impact the range inverse coding.
static const float CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD = .15f;
ExifOrientation getExifOrientation(const unsigned char *jpegBuffer, size_t jpegBufferSize) {
if ((jpegBuffer == nullptr) || (jpegBufferSize == 0)) {
return ExifOrientation::ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED;
auto exifData = exif_data_new();
exif_data_load_data(exifData, jpegBuffer, jpegBufferSize);
ExifEntry *orientation = exif_content_get_entry(exifData->ifd[EXIF_IFD_0],
if ((orientation == nullptr) || (orientation->size != sizeof(ExifShort))) {
ALOGV("%s: Orientation EXIF entry invalid!", __FUNCTION__);
return ExifOrientation::ORIENTATION_0_DEGREES;
auto orientationValue = exif_get_short(orientation->data, exif_data_get_byte_order(exifData));
ExifOrientation ret;
switch (orientationValue) {
case ExifOrientation::ORIENTATION_0_DEGREES:
case ExifOrientation::ORIENTATION_90_DEGREES:
case ExifOrientation::ORIENTATION_180_DEGREES:
case ExifOrientation::ORIENTATION_270_DEGREES:
ret = static_cast<ExifOrientation> (orientationValue);
ALOGE("%s: Unexpected EXIF orientation value: %d, defaulting to 0 degrees",
__FUNCTION__, orientationValue);
ret = ExifOrientation::ORIENTATION_0_DEGREES;
return ret;
status_t encodeGrayscaleJpeg(size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t *in, void *out,
const size_t maxOutSize, uint8_t jpegQuality, ExifOrientation exifOrientation,
size_t &actualSize) {
status_t ret;
// libjpeg is a C library so we use C-style "inheritance" by
// putting libjpeg's jpeg_destination_mgr first in our custom
// struct. This allows us to cast jpeg_destination_mgr* to
// CustomJpegDestMgr* when we get it passed to us in a callback.
struct CustomJpegDestMgr : public jpeg_destination_mgr {
JOCTET *mBuffer;
size_t mBufferSize;
size_t mEncodedSize;
bool mSuccess;
} dmgr;
std::unique_ptr<jpeg_compress_struct> cinfo = std::make_unique<jpeg_compress_struct>();
jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
// Initialize error handling with standard callbacks, but
// then override output_message (to print to ALOG) and
// error_exit to set a flag and print a message instead
// of killing the whole process.
cinfo->err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
cinfo->err->output_message = [](j_common_ptr cinfo) {
char buffer[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX];
/* Create the message */
(*cinfo->err->format_message)(cinfo, buffer);
ALOGE("libjpeg error: %s", buffer);
cinfo->err->error_exit = [](j_common_ptr cinfo) {
if(cinfo->client_data) {
auto & dmgr = *static_cast<CustomJpegDestMgr*>(cinfo->client_data);
dmgr.mSuccess = false;
// Now that we initialized some callbacks, let's create our compressor
dmgr.mBuffer = static_cast<JOCTET*>(out);
dmgr.mBufferSize = maxOutSize;
dmgr.mEncodedSize = 0;
dmgr.mSuccess = true;
cinfo->client_data = static_cast<void*>(&dmgr);
// These lambdas become C-style function pointers and as per C++11 spec
// may not capture anything.
dmgr.init_destination = [](j_compress_ptr cinfo) {
auto & dmgr = static_cast<CustomJpegDestMgr&>(*cinfo->dest);
dmgr.next_output_byte = dmgr.mBuffer;
dmgr.free_in_buffer = dmgr.mBufferSize;
ALOGV("%s:%d jpeg start: %p [%zu]",
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, dmgr.mBuffer, dmgr.mBufferSize);
dmgr.empty_output_buffer = [](j_compress_ptr cinfo __unused) {
ALOGV("%s:%d Out of buffer", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return 0;
dmgr.term_destination = [](j_compress_ptr cinfo) {
auto & dmgr = static_cast<CustomJpegDestMgr&>(*cinfo->dest);
dmgr.mEncodedSize = dmgr.mBufferSize - dmgr.free_in_buffer;
ALOGV("%s:%d Done with jpeg: %zu", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, dmgr.mEncodedSize);
cinfo->dest = static_cast<struct jpeg_destination_mgr*>(&dmgr);
cinfo->image_width = width;
cinfo->image_height = height;
cinfo->input_components = 1;
cinfo->in_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE;
// Initialize defaults and then override what we want
jpeg_set_quality(cinfo.get(), jpegQuality, 1);
jpeg_set_colorspace(cinfo.get(), JCS_GRAYSCALE);
cinfo->raw_data_in = 0;
cinfo->dct_method = JDCT_IFAST;
cinfo->comp_info[0].h_samp_factor = 1;
cinfo->comp_info[1].h_samp_factor = 1;
cinfo->comp_info[2].h_samp_factor = 1;
cinfo->comp_info[0].v_samp_factor = 1;
cinfo->comp_info[1].v_samp_factor = 1;
cinfo->comp_info[2].v_samp_factor = 1;
jpeg_start_compress(cinfo.get(), TRUE);
if (exifOrientation != ExifOrientation::ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED) {
std::unique_ptr<ExifUtils> utils(ExifUtils::create());
if (utils->generateApp1()) {
const uint8_t* exifBuffer = utils->getApp1Buffer();
size_t exifBufferSize = utils->getApp1Length();
jpeg_write_marker(cinfo.get(), JPEG_APP0 + 1, static_cast<const JOCTET*>(exifBuffer),
} else {
ALOGE("%s: Unable to generate App1 buffer", __FUNCTION__);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cinfo->image_height; i++) {
auto currentRow = static_cast<JSAMPROW>(in + i*width);
jpeg_write_scanlines(cinfo.get(), &currentRow, /*num_lines*/1);
actualSize = dmgr.mEncodedSize;
if (dmgr.mSuccess) {
ret = NO_ERROR;
} else {
return ret;
inline void unpackDepth16(uint16_t value, std::vector<float> *points /*out*/,
std::vector<float> *confidence /*out*/, float *near /*out*/, float *far /*out*/) {
// Android densely packed depth map. The units for the range are in
// millimeters and need to be scaled to meters.
// The confidence value is encoded in the 3 most significant bits.
// The confidence data needs to be additionally normalized with
// values 1.0f, 0.0f representing maximum and minimum confidence
// respectively.
auto point = static_cast<float>(value & 0x1FFF) / 1000.f;
auto conf = (value >> 13) & 0x7;
float normConfidence = (conf == 0) ? 1.f : (static_cast<float>(conf) - 1) / 7.f;
if (normConfidence < CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD) {
if (*near > point) {
*near = point;
if (*far < point) {
*far = point;
// Trivial case, read forward from top,left corner.
void rotate0AndUnpack(DepthPhotoInputFrame inputFrame, std::vector<float> *points /*out*/,
std::vector<float> *confidence /*out*/, float *near /*out*/, float *far /*out*/) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputFrame.mDepthMapHeight; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < inputFrame.mDepthMapWidth; j++) {
unpackDepth16(inputFrame.mDepthMapBuffer[i*inputFrame.mDepthMapStride + j], points,
confidence, near, far);
// 90 degrees CW rotation can be applied by starting to read from bottom, left corner
// transposing rows and columns.
void rotate90AndUnpack(DepthPhotoInputFrame inputFrame, std::vector<float> *points /*out*/,
std::vector<float> *confidence /*out*/, float *near /*out*/, float *far /*out*/) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputFrame.mDepthMapWidth; i++) {
for (ssize_t j = inputFrame.mDepthMapHeight-1; j >= 0; j--) {
unpackDepth16(inputFrame.mDepthMapBuffer[j*inputFrame.mDepthMapStride + i], points,
confidence, near, far);
// 180 CW degrees rotation can be applied by starting to read backwards from bottom, right corner.
void rotate180AndUnpack(DepthPhotoInputFrame inputFrame, std::vector<float> *points /*out*/,
std::vector<float> *confidence /*out*/, float *near /*out*/, float *far /*out*/) {
for (ssize_t i = inputFrame.mDepthMapHeight-1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (ssize_t j = inputFrame.mDepthMapWidth-1; j >= 0; j--) {
unpackDepth16(inputFrame.mDepthMapBuffer[i*inputFrame.mDepthMapStride + j], points,
confidence, near, far);
// 270 degrees CW rotation can be applied by starting to read from top, right corner
// transposing rows and columns.
void rotate270AndUnpack(DepthPhotoInputFrame inputFrame, std::vector<float> *points /*out*/,
std::vector<float> *confidence /*out*/, float *near /*out*/, float *far /*out*/) {
for (ssize_t i = inputFrame.mDepthMapWidth-1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < inputFrame.mDepthMapHeight; j++) {
unpackDepth16(inputFrame.mDepthMapBuffer[j*inputFrame.mDepthMapStride + i], points,
confidence, near, far);
bool rotateAndUnpack(DepthPhotoInputFrame inputFrame, std::vector<float> *points /*out*/,
std::vector<float> *confidence /*out*/, float *near /*out*/, float *far /*out*/) {
switch (inputFrame.mOrientation) {
case DepthPhotoOrientation::DEPTH_ORIENTATION_0_DEGREES:
rotate0AndUnpack(inputFrame, points, confidence, near, far);
return false;
case DepthPhotoOrientation::DEPTH_ORIENTATION_90_DEGREES:
rotate90AndUnpack(inputFrame, points, confidence, near, far);
return true;
case DepthPhotoOrientation::DEPTH_ORIENTATION_180_DEGREES:
rotate180AndUnpack(inputFrame, points, confidence, near, far);
return false;
case DepthPhotoOrientation::DEPTH_ORIENTATION_270_DEGREES:
rotate270AndUnpack(inputFrame, points, confidence, near, far);
return true;
ALOGE("%s: Unsupported depth photo rotation: %d, default to 0", __FUNCTION__,
rotate0AndUnpack(inputFrame, points, confidence, near, far);
return false;
std::unique_ptr<dynamic_depth::DepthMap> processDepthMapFrame(DepthPhotoInputFrame inputFrame,
ExifOrientation exifOrientation, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Item>> *items /*out*/,
bool *switchDimensions /*out*/) {
if ((items == nullptr) || (switchDimensions == nullptr)) {
return nullptr;
std::vector<float> points, confidence;
size_t pointCount = inputFrame.mDepthMapWidth * inputFrame.mDepthMapHeight;
float near = UINT16_MAX;
float far = .0f;
*switchDimensions = false;
// Physical rotation of depth and confidence maps may be needed in case
// the EXIF orientation is set to 0 degrees and the depth photo orientation
// (source color image) has some different value.
if (exifOrientation == ExifOrientation::ORIENTATION_0_DEGREES) {
*switchDimensions = rotateAndUnpack(inputFrame, &points, &confidence, &near, &far);
} else {
rotate0AndUnpack(inputFrame, &points, &confidence, &near, &far);
size_t width = inputFrame.mDepthMapWidth;
size_t height = inputFrame.mDepthMapHeight;
if (*switchDimensions) {
width = inputFrame.mDepthMapHeight;
height = inputFrame.mDepthMapWidth;
if (near == far) {
ALOGE("%s: Near and far range values must not match!", __FUNCTION__);
return nullptr;
std::vector<uint8_t> pointsQuantized, confidenceQuantized;
pointsQuantized.reserve(pointCount); confidenceQuantized.reserve(pointCount);
auto pointIt = points.begin();
auto confidenceIt = confidence.begin();
while ((pointIt != points.end()) && (confidenceIt != confidence.end())) {
auto point = *pointIt;
if ((*confidenceIt) < CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD) {
point = std::clamp(point, near, far);
pointsQuantized.push_back(floorf(((far * (point - near)) /
(point * (far - near))) * 255.0f));
confidenceQuantized.push_back(floorf(*confidenceIt * 255.0f));
confidenceIt++; pointIt++;
DepthMapParams depthParams(DepthFormat::kRangeInverse, near, far, DepthUnits::kMeters,
depthParams.confidence_uri = "android/confidencemap";
depthParams.mime = "image/jpeg";
size_t actualJpegSize;
auto ret = encodeGrayscaleJpeg(width, height,,, inputFrame.mMaxJpegSize,
inputFrame.mJpegQuality, exifOrientation, actualJpegSize);
if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
ALOGE("%s: Depth map compression failed!", __FUNCTION__);
return nullptr;
ret = encodeGrayscaleJpeg(width, height,,, inputFrame.mMaxJpegSize,
inputFrame.mJpegQuality, exifOrientation, actualJpegSize);
if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
ALOGE("%s: Confidence map compression failed!", __FUNCTION__);
return nullptr;
return DepthMap::FromData(depthParams, items);
int processDepthPhotoFrame(DepthPhotoInputFrame inputFrame, size_t depthPhotoBufferSize,
void* depthPhotoBuffer /*out*/, size_t* depthPhotoActualSize /*out*/) {
if ((inputFrame.mMainJpegBuffer == nullptr) || (inputFrame.mDepthMapBuffer == nullptr) ||
(depthPhotoBuffer == nullptr) || (depthPhotoActualSize == nullptr)) {
return BAD_VALUE;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Item>> items;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Camera>> cameraList;
auto image = Image::FromDataForPrimaryImage("image/jpeg", &items);
std::unique_ptr<CameraParams> cameraParams(new CameraParams(std::move(image)));
if (cameraParams == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed to initialize camera parameters", __FUNCTION__);
return BAD_VALUE;
ExifOrientation exifOrientation = getExifOrientation(
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*> (inputFrame.mMainJpegBuffer),
bool switchDimensions;
cameraParams->depth_map = processDepthMapFrame(inputFrame, exifOrientation, &items,
if (cameraParams->depth_map == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: Depth map processing failed!", __FUNCTION__);
return BAD_VALUE;
// It is not possible to generate an imaging model without intrinsic calibration.
if (inputFrame.mIsIntrinsicCalibrationValid) {
// The camera intrinsic calibration layout is as follows:
// [focalLengthX, focalLengthY, opticalCenterX, opticalCenterY, skew]
const dynamic_depth::Point<double> focalLength(inputFrame.mIntrinsicCalibration[0],
size_t width = inputFrame.mMainJpegWidth;
size_t height = inputFrame.mMainJpegHeight;
if (switchDimensions) {
width = inputFrame.mMainJpegHeight;
height = inputFrame.mMainJpegWidth;
const Dimension imageSize(width, height);
ImagingModelParams imagingParams(focalLength, imageSize);
imagingParams.principal_point.x = inputFrame.mIntrinsicCalibration[2];
imagingParams.principal_point.y = inputFrame.mIntrinsicCalibration[3];
imagingParams.skew = inputFrame.mIntrinsicCalibration[4];
// The camera lens distortion contains the following lens correction coefficients.
// [kappa_1, kappa_2, kappa_3 kappa_4, kappa_5]
if (inputFrame.mIsLensDistortionValid) {
// According to specification the lens distortion coefficients should be ordered
// as [1, kappa_4, kappa_1, kappa_5, kappa_2, 0, kappa_3, 0]
float distortionData[] = {1.f, inputFrame.mLensDistortion[3],
inputFrame.mLensDistortion[0], inputFrame.mLensDistortion[4],
inputFrame.mLensDistortion[1], 0.f, inputFrame.mLensDistortion[2], 0.f};
auto distortionDataLength = sizeof(distortionData) / sizeof(distortionData[0]);
imagingParams.distortion.insert(imagingParams.distortion.end(), distortionData,
distortionData + distortionDataLength);
cameraParams->imaging_model = ImagingModel::FromData(imagingParams);
if (inputFrame.mIsLogical) {
cameraParams->trait = dynamic_depth::CameraTrait::LOGICAL;
} else {
cameraParams->trait = dynamic_depth::CameraTrait::PHYSICAL;
auto deviceParams = std::make_unique<DeviceParams> (Cameras::FromCameraArray(&cameraList));
deviceParams->container = Container::FromItems(&items);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Profile>> profileList;
profileList.emplace_back(Profile::FromData("DepthPhoto", {0}));
deviceParams->profiles = Profiles::FromProfileArray(&profileList);
std::unique_ptr<Device> device = Device::FromData(std::move(deviceParams));
if (device == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed to initialize camera device", __FUNCTION__);
return BAD_VALUE;
std::istringstream inputJpegStream(
std::string(inputFrame.mMainJpegBuffer, inputFrame.mMainJpegSize));
std::ostringstream outputJpegStream;
if (!WriteImageAndMetadataAndContainer(&inputJpegStream, device.get(), &outputJpegStream)) {
ALOGE("%s: Failed writing depth output", __FUNCTION__);
return BAD_VALUE;
*depthPhotoActualSize = static_cast<size_t> (outputJpegStream.tellp());
if (*depthPhotoActualSize > depthPhotoBufferSize) {
ALOGE("%s: Depth photo output buffer not sufficient, needed %zu actual %zu", __FUNCTION__,
*depthPhotoActualSize, depthPhotoBufferSize);
return NO_MEMORY;
memcpy(depthPhotoBuffer, outputJpegStream.str().c_str(), *depthPhotoActualSize);
return 0;
}; // namespace camera3
}; // namespace android