blob: 43631918b2fa013eed2391c25fede520bb427215 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <aaudio/RingBuffer.h>
#include <binder/Parcelable.h>
#include "binding/AAudioServiceDefinitions.h"
#include "binding/SharedRegionParcelable.h"
namespace aaudio {
class RingBufferParcelable {
RingBufferParcelable() = default;
// Construct based on a parcelable representation.
explicit RingBufferParcelable(const RingBuffer& parcelable);
// TODO This assumes that all three use the same SharedMemoryParcelable
void setupMemory(int32_t sharedMemoryIndex,
int32_t dataMemoryOffset,
int32_t dataSizeInBytes,
int32_t readCounterOffset,
int32_t writeCounterOffset,
int32_t counterSizeBytes);
void setupMemory(int32_t sharedMemoryIndex,
int32_t dataMemoryOffset,
int32_t dataSizeInBytes);
* Set up memory for the RingBufferParcelable.
* This function will take three MemoryInfoTuple as parameters to set up memory. The
* MemoryInfoTuple contains the shared memory index, offset in the shared memory and size
* of the object. This will allow setting up the read counter, write counter and data memory
* that are located in different shared memory blocks.
* @param dataMemoryInfo
* @param readCounterInfo
* @param writeCounterInfo
void setupMemory(const SharedRegionParcelable::MemoryInfoTuple& dataMemoryInfo,
const SharedRegionParcelable::MemoryInfoTuple& readCounterInfo,
const SharedRegionParcelable::MemoryInfoTuple& writeCounterInfo);
int32_t getBytesPerFrame() const;
void setBytesPerFrame(int32_t bytesPerFrame);
int32_t getFramesPerBurst() const;
void setFramesPerBurst(int32_t framesPerBurst);
int32_t getCapacityInFrames() const;
void setCapacityInFrames(int32_t capacityInFrames);
bool isFileDescriptorSafe(SharedMemoryParcelable *memoryParcels);
aaudio_result_t resolve(SharedMemoryParcelable *memoryParcels, RingBufferDescriptor *descriptor);
* Update this ring buffer with the given ring buffer.
* @param parcelable the ring buffer to be used to update this ring buffer.
* @param memoryIndexMap a map from the shared memory indexes used by the given ring buffer
* to the shared memory indexes used by this ring buffer.
void updateMemory(const RingBufferParcelable& parcelable,
const std::map<int32_t, int32_t>& memoryIndexMap);
int32_t getReadCounterSharedMemoryIndex() const {
return mReadCounterParcelable.getSharedMemoryIndex();
int32_t getWriteCounterSharedMemoryIndex() const {
return mWriteCounterParcelable.getSharedMemoryIndex();
int32_t getDataSharedMemoryIndex() const {
return mDataParcelable.getSharedMemoryIndex();
void dump();
// Extract a parcelable representation of this object.
RingBuffer parcelable() const;
SharedRegionParcelable mReadCounterParcelable;
SharedRegionParcelable mWriteCounterParcelable;
SharedRegionParcelable mDataParcelable;
int32_t mBytesPerFrame = 0; // index is in frames
int32_t mFramesPerBurst = 0; // for ISOCHRONOUS queues
int32_t mCapacityInFrames = 0; // zero if unused
RingbufferFlags mFlags = RingbufferFlags::NONE;
aaudio_result_t validate() const;
} /* namespace aaudio */