blob: 3092091dc83e08f85db9c0bde721ae6f8e6dd682 [file] [log] [blame]
# Codec framework feature flags.
# !!! Please add flags in alphabetical order. !!!
package: ""
container: "system"
flag {
name: "aidl_hal_input_surface"
namespace: "codec_fwk"
description: "Feature flags for enabling AIDL HAL InputSurface handling"
bug: "201479783"
flag {
name: "dynamic_color_aspects"
namespace: "codec_fwk"
description: "Feature flag for dynamic color aspect support"
bug: "297914560"
flag {
name: "hlg_editing"
namespace: "codec_fwk"
description: "Feature flag for HLG editing support"
bug: "316397061"
flag {
name: "in_process_sw_audio_codec"
namespace: "codec_fwk"
description: "Feature flag for in-process software audio codec API"
bug: "297922713"
flag {
name: "in_process_sw_audio_codec_support"
namespace: "codec_fwk"
description: "Feature flag for in-process software audio codec support"
bug: "325520135"
flag {
name: "large_audio_frame_finish"
namespace: "codec_fwk"
description: "Implementation flag for large audio frame finishing tasks"
bug: "325512893"
flag {
name: "null_output_surface"
namespace: "codec_fwk"
description: "Feature flag for null output Surface API"
bug: "297920102"
flag {
name: "null_output_surface_support"
namespace: "codec_fwk"
description: "Feature flag for null output Surface support"
bug: "325550522"
flag {
name: "region_of_interest"
namespace: "codec_fwk"
description: "Feature flag for region of interest API"
bug: "299191092"
flag {
name: "region_of_interest_support"
namespace: "codec_fwk"
description: "Feature flag for region of interest support"
bug: "325549730"