blob: d99c5b1c3397ba227d9ca0da3d342c826a5d0b68 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include "ResourceManagerService.h"
namespace android {
using ::aidl::android::media::ClientInfoParcel;
using ::aidl::android::media::ClientConfigParcel;
using ::aidl::android::media::IResourceManagerClient;
struct ProcessInfoInterface;
class UidObserver;
// Enumeration for Codec bucket based on:
// - Encoder or Decoder
// - hardware implementation or not
// - Audio/Video/Image codec
enum CodecBucket {
CodecBucketUnspecified = 0,
HwAudioEncoder = 1,
HwAudioDecoder = 2,
HwVideoEncoder = 3,
HwVideoDecoder = 4,
HwImageEncoder = 5,
HwImageDecoder = 6,
SwAudioEncoder = 7,
SwAudioDecoder = 8,
SwVideoEncoder = 9,
SwVideoDecoder = 10,
SwImageEncoder = 11,
SwImageDecoder = 12,
CodecBucketMaxSize = 13,
// Map of client id and client configuration, when it was started last.
typedef std::map<int64_t, ClientConfigParcel> ClientConfigMap;
// Map of pid and the uid.
typedef std::map<int32_t, uid_t> PidUidMap;
// Map of concurrent codes by Codec type bucket.
struct ConcurrentCodecsMap {
int& operator[](CodecBucket index) {
return mCodec[index];
const int& operator[](CodecBucket index) const {
return mCodec[index];
int mCodec[CodecBucketMaxSize] = {0};
// Current and Peak ConcurrentCodecMap for a process.
struct ConcurrentCodecs {
ConcurrentCodecsMap mCurrent;
ConcurrentCodecsMap mPeak;
// concurrent HW Video codecs.
int mHWVideoCodecs;
// concurrent SW Video codecs.
int mSWVideoCodecs;
// concurrent Video codecs.
int mVideoCodecs;
// concurrent Audio codecs.
int mAudioCodecs;
// concurrent Image codecs.
int mImageCodecs;
// Current and Peak pixel count for a process.
struct PixelCount {
long mCurrent = 0;
long mPeak = 0;
// ResourceManagerMetrics class that maintaines concurrent codec count based:
// 1. # of concurrent active codecs (initialized, but aren't released yet) of given
// implementation (by codec name) across the system.
// 2. # of concurrent codec usage (started, but not stopped yet), which is
// measured using codec type bucket (CodecBucket) for:
// - each process/application.
// - across the system.
// Also the peak count of the same for each process/application is maintained.
// 3. # of Peak Concurrent Pixels for each process/application.
// This should help with understanding the (video) memory usage per
// application.
class ResourceManagerMetrics {
ResourceManagerMetrics(const sp<ProcessInfoInterface>& processInfo);
// To be called when a client is created.
void notifyClientCreated(const ClientInfoParcel& clientInfo);
// To be called when a client is released.
void notifyClientReleased(const ClientInfoParcel& clientInfo);
// To be called when a client is started.
void notifyClientStarted(const ClientConfigParcel& clientConfig);
// To be called when a client is stopped.
void notifyClientStopped(const ClientConfigParcel& clientConfig);
// To be called when a client's configuration has changed.
void notifyClientConfigChanged(const ClientConfigParcel& clientConfig);
// To be called when after a reclaim event.
void pushReclaimAtom(const ClientInfoParcel& clientInfo,
const std::vector<int>& priorities,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IResourceManagerClient>>& clients,
const PidUidVector& idList, bool reclaimed);
// Add this pid/uid set to monitor for the process termination state.
void addPid(int pid, uid_t uid = 0);
// Get the peak concurrent pixel count (associated with the video codecs) for the process.
long getPeakConcurrentPixelCount(int pid) const;
// Get the current concurrent pixel count (associated with the video codecs) for the process.
long getCurrentConcurrentPixelCount(int pid) const;
ResourceManagerMetrics(const ResourceManagerMetrics&) = delete;
ResourceManagerMetrics(ResourceManagerMetrics&&) = delete;
ResourceManagerMetrics& operator=(const ResourceManagerMetrics&) = delete;
ResourceManagerMetrics& operator=(ResourceManagerMetrics&&) = delete;
// To increase/decrease the concurrent codec usage for a given CodecBucket.
void increaseConcurrentCodecs(int32_t pid, CodecBucket codecBucket);
void decreaseConcurrentCodecs(int32_t pid, CodecBucket codecBucket);
// To increase/update/decrease the concurrent pixels usage for a process.
void increasePixelCount(int32_t pid, long pixels);
void updatePixelCount(int32_t pid, long newPixels, long lastPixels);
void decreasePixelCount(int32_t pid, long pixels);
// Issued when the process/application with given pid/uid is terminated.
void onProcessTerminated(int32_t pid, uid_t uid);
// To push conccuret codec usage of a process/application.
void pushConcurrentUsageReport(int32_t pid, uid_t uid);
std::mutex mLock;
// Map of client id and the configuration.
ClientConfigMap mClientConfigMap;
// Concurrent and Peak Pixel count for each process/application.
std::map<int32_t, PixelCount> mProcessPixelsMap;
// Map of resources (name) and number of concurrent instances
std::map<std::string, int> mConcurrentResourceCountMap;
// Map of concurrent codes by CodecBucket across the system.
ConcurrentCodecsMap mConcurrentCodecsMap;
// Map of concurrent and peak codes by CodecBucket for each process/application.
std::map<int32_t, ConcurrentCodecs> mProcessConcurrentCodecsMap;
// Uid Observer to monitor the application termination.
sp<UidObserver> mUidObserver;
} // namespace android