blob: 3b27cf6b3dbadf818bca10eba583dddf2486e0e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "APM::Serializer"
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <hidl/Status.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/xinclude.h>
#include <media/convert.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include "Serializer.h"
#include "TypeConverter.h"
namespace android {
namespace {
// TODO(mnaganov): Consider finding an alternative for using HIDL code.
using hardware::Return;
using hardware::Status;
using utilities::convertTo;
template<typename E, typename C>
struct AndroidCollectionTraits {
typedef sp<E> Element;
typedef C Collection;
typedef void* PtrSerializingCtx;
static status_t addElementToCollection(const Element &element, Collection *collection) {
return collection->add(element) >= 0 ? NO_ERROR : BAD_VALUE;
template<typename C>
struct StdCollectionTraits {
typedef C Collection;
typedef typename C::value_type Element;
typedef void* PtrSerializingCtx;
static status_t addElementToCollection(const Element &element, Collection *collection) {
auto pair = collection->insert(element);
return pair.second ? NO_ERROR : BAD_VALUE;
struct AudioGainTraits : public AndroidCollectionTraits<AudioGain, AudioGains>
static constexpr const char *tag = "gain";
static constexpr const char *collectionTag = "gains";
struct Attributes
/** gain modes supported, e.g. AUDIO_GAIN_MODE_CHANNELS. */
static constexpr const char *mode = "mode";
/** controlled channels, needed if mode AUDIO_GAIN_MODE_CHANNELS. */
static constexpr const char *channelMask = "channel_mask";
static constexpr const char *minValueMB = "minValueMB"; /**< min value in millibel. */
static constexpr const char *maxValueMB = "maxValueMB"; /**< max value in millibel. */
/** default value in millibel. */
static constexpr const char *defaultValueMB = "defaultValueMB";
static constexpr const char *stepValueMB = "stepValueMB"; /**< step value in millibel. */
/** needed if mode AUDIO_GAIN_MODE_RAMP. */
static constexpr const char *minRampMs = "minRampMs";
/** needed if mode AUDIO_GAIN_MODE_RAMP. */
static constexpr const char *maxRampMs = "maxRampMs";
/** needed to allow use setPortGain instead of setStreamVolume. */
static constexpr const char *useForVolume = "useForVolume";
static Return<Element> deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrSerializingCtx serializingContext);
// No children
// A profile section contains a name, one audio format and the list of supported sampling rates
// and channel masks for this format
struct AudioProfileTraits : public AndroidCollectionTraits<AudioProfile, AudioProfileVector>
static constexpr const char *tag = "profile";
static constexpr const char *collectionTag = "profiles";
struct Attributes
static constexpr const char *samplingRates = "samplingRates";
static constexpr const char *format = "format";
static constexpr const char *channelMasks = "channelMasks";
static Return<Element> deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrSerializingCtx serializingContext);
struct MixPortTraits : public AndroidCollectionTraits<IOProfile, IOProfileCollection>
static constexpr const char *tag = "mixPort";
static constexpr const char *collectionTag = "mixPorts";
struct Attributes
static constexpr const char *name = "name";
static constexpr const char *role = "role";
static constexpr const char *roleSource = "source"; /**< <attribute role source value>. */
static constexpr const char *flags = "flags";
static constexpr const char *maxOpenCount = "maxOpenCount";
static constexpr const char *maxActiveCount = "maxActiveCount";
static Return<Element> deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrSerializingCtx serializingContext);
// Children: GainTraits
struct DevicePortTraits : public AndroidCollectionTraits<DeviceDescriptor, DeviceVector>
static constexpr const char *tag = "devicePort";
static constexpr const char *collectionTag = "devicePorts";
struct Attributes
/** <device tag name>: any string without space. */
static constexpr const char *tagName = "tagName";
static constexpr const char *type = "type"; /**< <device type>. */
static constexpr const char *role = "role"; /**< <device role: sink or source>. */
static constexpr const char *roleSource = "source"; /**< <attribute role source value>. */
/** optional: device address, char string less than 64. */
static constexpr const char *address = "address";
/** optional: the list of encoded audio formats that are known to be supported. */
static constexpr const char *encodedFormats = "encodedFormats";
static Return<Element> deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrSerializingCtx serializingContext);
// Children: GainTraits (optional)
struct RouteTraits : public AndroidCollectionTraits<AudioRoute, AudioRouteVector>
static constexpr const char *tag = "route";
static constexpr const char *collectionTag = "routes";
struct Attributes
static constexpr const char *type = "type"; /**< <route type>: mix or mux. */
static constexpr const char *typeMix = "mix"; /**< type attribute mix value. */
static constexpr const char *sink = "sink"; /**< <sink: involved in this route>. */
/** sources: all source that can be involved in this route. */
static constexpr const char *sources = "sources";
typedef HwModule *PtrSerializingCtx;
static Return<Element> deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrSerializingCtx serializingContext);
struct ModuleTraits : public AndroidCollectionTraits<HwModule, HwModuleCollection>
static constexpr const char *tag = "module";
static constexpr const char *collectionTag = "modules";
static constexpr const char *childAttachedDevicesTag = "attachedDevices";
static constexpr const char *childAttachedDeviceTag = "item";
static constexpr const char *childDefaultOutputDeviceTag = "defaultOutputDevice";
struct Attributes
static constexpr const char *name = "name";
static constexpr const char *version = "halVersion";
typedef AudioPolicyConfig *PtrSerializingCtx;
static Return<Element> deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrSerializingCtx serializingContext);
// Children: mixPortTraits, devicePortTraits, and routeTraits
// Need to call deserialize on each child
struct GlobalConfigTraits
static constexpr const char *tag = "globalConfiguration";
struct Attributes
static constexpr const char *speakerDrcEnabled = "speaker_drc_enabled";
static status_t deserialize(const xmlNode *root, AudioPolicyConfig *config);
struct SurroundSoundTraits
static constexpr const char *tag = "surroundSound";
static status_t deserialize(const xmlNode *root, AudioPolicyConfig *config);
// Children: SurroundSoundFormatTraits
struct SurroundSoundFormatTraits : public StdCollectionTraits<AudioPolicyConfig::SurroundFormats>
static constexpr const char *tag = "format";
static constexpr const char *collectionTag = "formats";
struct Attributes
static constexpr const char *name = "name";
static constexpr const char *subformats = "subformats";
static Return<Element> deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrSerializingCtx serializingContext);
class PolicySerializer
PolicySerializer() : mVersion{std::to_string(gMajor) + "." + std::to_string(gMinor)}
ALOGV("%s: Version=%s Root=%s", __func__, mVersion.c_str(), rootName);
status_t deserialize(const char *configFile, AudioPolicyConfig *config);
static constexpr const char *rootName = "audioPolicyConfiguration";
static constexpr const char *versionAttribute = "version";
static constexpr uint32_t gMajor = 1; /**< the major number of the policy xml format version. */
static constexpr uint32_t gMinor = 0; /**< the minor number of the policy xml format version. */
typedef AudioPolicyConfig Element;
const std::string mVersion;
// Children: ModulesTraits, VolumeTraits, SurroundSoundTraits (optional)
template <class T>
constexpr void (*xmlDeleter)(T* t);
template <>
constexpr auto xmlDeleter<xmlDoc> = xmlFreeDoc;
// http://b/111067277 - Add back constexpr when we switch to C++17.
template <>
auto xmlDeleter<xmlChar> = [](xmlChar *s) { xmlFree(s); };
/** @return a unique_ptr with the correct deleter for the libxml2 object. */
template <class T>
constexpr auto make_xmlUnique(T *t) {
// Wrap deleter in lambda to enable empty base optimization
auto deleter = [](T *t) { xmlDeleter<T>(t); };
return std::unique_ptr<T, decltype(deleter)>{t, deleter};
std::string getXmlAttribute(const xmlNode *cur, const char *attribute)
auto xmlValue = make_xmlUnique(xmlGetProp(cur, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(attribute)));
if (xmlValue == nullptr) {
return "";
std::string value(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(xmlValue.get()));
return value;
template <class Trait>
const xmlNode* getReference(const xmlNode *cur, const std::string &refName)
for (; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
if (!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(Trait::collectionTag))) {
for (const xmlNode *child = cur->children; child != NULL; child = child->next) {
if ((!xmlStrcmp(child->name,
reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(Trait::referenceTag)))) {
std::string name = getXmlAttribute(child, Trait::Attributes::referenceName);
if (refName == name) {
return child;
return NULL;
template <class Trait>
status_t deserializeCollection(const xmlNode *cur,
typename Trait::Collection *collection,
typename Trait::PtrSerializingCtx serializingContext)
for (cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
const xmlNode *child = NULL;
if (!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(Trait::collectionTag))) {
child = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
} else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(Trait::tag))) {
child = cur;
for (; child != NULL; child = child->next) {
if (!xmlStrcmp(child->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(Trait::tag))) {
auto element = Trait::deserialize(child, serializingContext);
if (element.isOk()) {
status_t status = Trait::addElementToCollection(element, collection);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
ALOGE("%s: could not add element to %s collection", __func__,
return status;
} else {
return BAD_VALUE;
if (!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(Trait::tag))) {
return NO_ERROR;
return NO_ERROR;
Return<AudioGainTraits::Element> AudioGainTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *cur,
PtrSerializingCtx /*serializingContext*/)
static uint32_t index = 0;
Element gain = new AudioGain(index++, true);
std::string mode = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::mode);
if (!mode.empty()) {
std::string channelsLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::channelMask);
if (!channelsLiteral.empty()) {
std::string minValueMBLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::minValueMB);
int32_t minValueMB;
if (!minValueMBLiteral.empty() && convertTo(minValueMBLiteral, minValueMB)) {
std::string maxValueMBLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::maxValueMB);
int32_t maxValueMB;
if (!maxValueMBLiteral.empty() && convertTo(maxValueMBLiteral, maxValueMB)) {
std::string defaultValueMBLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::defaultValueMB);
int32_t defaultValueMB;
if (!defaultValueMBLiteral.empty() && convertTo(defaultValueMBLiteral, defaultValueMB)) {
std::string stepValueMBLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::stepValueMB);
uint32_t stepValueMB;
if (!stepValueMBLiteral.empty() && convertTo(stepValueMBLiteral, stepValueMB)) {
std::string minRampMsLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::minRampMs);
uint32_t minRampMs;
if (!minRampMsLiteral.empty() && convertTo(minRampMsLiteral, minRampMs)) {
std::string maxRampMsLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::maxRampMs);
uint32_t maxRampMs;
if (!maxRampMsLiteral.empty() && convertTo(maxRampMsLiteral, maxRampMs)) {
std::string useForVolumeLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::useForVolume);
bool useForVolume = false;
if (!useForVolumeLiteral.empty() && convertTo(useForVolumeLiteral, useForVolume)) {
ALOGV("%s: adding new gain mode %08x channel mask %08x min mB %d max mB %d UseForVolume: %d",
__func__, gain->getMode(), gain->getChannelMask(), gain->getMinValueInMb(),
gain->getMaxValueInMb(), useForVolume);
if (gain->getMode() != 0) {
return gain;
} else {
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
Return<AudioProfileTraits::Element> AudioProfileTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *cur,
PtrSerializingCtx /*serializingContext*/)
std::string samplingRates = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::samplingRates);
std::string format = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::format);
std::string channels = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::channelMasks);
Element profile = new AudioProfile(formatFromString(format, gDynamicFormat),
channelMasksFromString(channels, ","),
samplingRatesFromString(samplingRates, ","));
profile->setDynamicFormat(profile->getFormat() == gDynamicFormat);
return profile;
Return<MixPortTraits::Element> MixPortTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *child,
PtrSerializingCtx /*serializingContext*/)
std::string name = getXmlAttribute(child, Attributes::name);
if (name.empty()) {
ALOGE("%s: No %s found", __func__, Attributes::name);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
ALOGV("%s: %s %s=%s", __func__, tag, Attributes::name, name.c_str());
std::string role = getXmlAttribute(child, Attributes::role);
if (role.empty()) {
ALOGE("%s: No %s found", __func__, Attributes::role);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
ALOGV("%s: Role=%s", __func__, role.c_str());
audio_port_role_t portRole = (role == Attributes::roleSource) ?
Element mixPort = new IOProfile(name, portRole);
AudioProfileTraits::Collection profiles;
status_t status = deserializeCollection<AudioProfileTraits>(child, &profiles, NULL);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return Status::fromStatusT(status);
if (profiles.empty()) {
// The audio profiles are in order of listed in audio policy configuration file.
// Sort audio profiles accroding to the format.
std::string flags = getXmlAttribute(child, Attributes::flags);
if (!flags.empty()) {
// Source role
if (portRole == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE) {
} else {
// Sink role
std::string maxOpenCount = getXmlAttribute(child, Attributes::maxOpenCount);
if (!maxOpenCount.empty()) {
convertTo(maxOpenCount, mixPort->maxOpenCount);
std::string maxActiveCount = getXmlAttribute(child, Attributes::maxActiveCount);
if (!maxActiveCount.empty()) {
convertTo(maxActiveCount, mixPort->maxActiveCount);
// Deserialize children
AudioGainTraits::Collection gains;
status = deserializeCollection<AudioGainTraits>(child, &gains, NULL);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return Status::fromStatusT(status);
return mixPort;
Return<DevicePortTraits::Element> DevicePortTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *cur,
PtrSerializingCtx /*serializingContext*/)
std::string name = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::tagName);
if (name.empty()) {
ALOGE("%s: No %s found", __func__, Attributes::tagName);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
ALOGV("%s: %s %s=%s", __func__, tag, Attributes::tagName, name.c_str());
std::string typeName = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::type);
if (typeName.empty()) {
ALOGE("%s: no type for %s", __func__, name.c_str());
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
ALOGV("%s: %s %s=%s", __func__, tag, Attributes::type, typeName.c_str());
std::string role = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::role);
if (role.empty()) {
ALOGE("%s: No %s found", __func__, Attributes::role);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
ALOGV("%s: %s %s=%s", __func__, tag, Attributes::role, role.c_str());
audio_port_role_t portRole = (role == Attributes::roleSource) ?
audio_devices_t type = AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE;
if (!deviceFromString(typeName, type) ||
(!audio_is_input_device(type) && portRole == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE) ||
(!audio_is_output_devices(type) && portRole == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SINK)) {
ALOGW("%s: bad type %08x", __func__, type);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
std::string encodedFormatsLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::encodedFormats);
ALOGV("%s: %s %s=%s", __func__, tag, Attributes::encodedFormats, encodedFormatsLiteral.c_str());
FormatVector encodedFormats;
if (!encodedFormatsLiteral.empty()) {
encodedFormats = formatsFromString(encodedFormatsLiteral, " ");
Element deviceDesc = new DeviceDescriptor(type, encodedFormats, name);
std::string address = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::address);
if (!address.empty()) {
ALOGV("%s: address=%s for %s", __func__, address.c_str(), name.c_str());
AudioProfileTraits::Collection profiles;
status_t status = deserializeCollection<AudioProfileTraits>(cur, &profiles, NULL);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return Status::fromStatusT(status);
if (profiles.empty()) {
// The audio profiles are in order of listed in audio policy configuration file.
// Sort audio profiles accroding to the format.
// Deserialize AudioGain children
status = deserializeCollection<AudioGainTraits>(cur, &deviceDesc->mGains, NULL);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return Status::fromStatusT(status);
ALOGV("%s: adding device tag %s type %08x address %s", __func__,
deviceDesc->getName().c_str(), type, deviceDesc->address().c_str());
return deviceDesc;
Return<RouteTraits::Element> RouteTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrSerializingCtx ctx)
std::string type = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::type);
if (type.empty()) {
ALOGE("%s: No %s found", __func__, Attributes::type);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
audio_route_type_t routeType = (type == Attributes::typeMix) ?
ALOGV("%s: %s %s=%s", __func__, tag, Attributes::type, type.c_str());
Element route = new AudioRoute(routeType);
std::string sinkAttr = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::sink);
if (sinkAttr.empty()) {
ALOGE("%s: No %s found", __func__, Attributes::sink);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
// Convert Sink name to port pointer
sp<PolicyAudioPort> sink = ctx->findPortByTagName(sinkAttr);
if (sink == NULL) {
ALOGE("%s: no sink found with name=%s", __func__, sinkAttr.c_str());
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
std::string sourcesAttr = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::sources);
if (sourcesAttr.empty()) {
ALOGE("%s: No %s found", __func__, Attributes::sources);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
// Tokenize and Convert Sources name to port pointer
PolicyAudioPortVector sources;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> sourcesLiteral{strndup(
sourcesAttr.c_str(), strlen(sourcesAttr.c_str()))};
char *devTag = strtok(sourcesLiteral.get(), ",");
while (devTag != NULL) {
if (strlen(devTag) != 0) {
sp<PolicyAudioPort> source = ctx->findPortByTagName(devTag);
if (source == NULL) {
ALOGE("%s: no source found with name=%s", __func__, devTag);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
devTag = strtok(NULL, ",");
for (size_t i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
sp<PolicyAudioPort> source = sources.itemAt(i);
return route;
Return<ModuleTraits::Element> ModuleTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrSerializingCtx ctx)
std::string name = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::name);
if (name.empty()) {
ALOGE("%s: No %s found", __func__, Attributes::name);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
uint32_t versionMajor = 0, versionMinor = 0;
std::string versionLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::version);
if (!versionLiteral.empty()) {
sscanf(versionLiteral.c_str(), "%u.%u", &versionMajor, &versionMinor);
ALOGV("%s: mHalVersion = major %u minor %u", __func__,
versionMajor, versionMajor);
ALOGV("%s: %s %s=%s", __func__, tag, Attributes::name, name.c_str());
Element module = new HwModule(name.c_str(), versionMajor, versionMinor);
// Deserialize childrens: Audio Mix Port, Audio Device Ports (Source/Sink), Audio Routes
MixPortTraits::Collection mixPorts;
status_t status = deserializeCollection<MixPortTraits>(cur, &mixPorts, NULL);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return Status::fromStatusT(status);
DevicePortTraits::Collection devicePorts;
status = deserializeCollection<DevicePortTraits>(cur, &devicePorts, NULL);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return Status::fromStatusT(status);
RouteTraits::Collection routes;
status = deserializeCollection<RouteTraits>(cur, &routes, module.get());
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return Status::fromStatusT(status);
for (const xmlNode *children = cur->xmlChildrenNode; children != NULL;
children = children->next) {
if (!xmlStrcmp(children->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(childAttachedDevicesTag))) {
ALOGV("%s: %s %s found", __func__, tag, childAttachedDevicesTag);
for (const xmlNode *child = children->xmlChildrenNode; child != NULL;
child = child->next) {
if (!xmlStrcmp(child->name,
reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(childAttachedDeviceTag))) {
auto attachedDevice = make_xmlUnique(xmlNodeListGetString(
child->doc, child->xmlChildrenNode, 1));
if (attachedDevice != nullptr) {
ALOGV("%s: %s %s=%s", __func__, tag, childAttachedDeviceTag,
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(attachedDevice.get()));
sp<DeviceDescriptor> device = module->getDeclaredDevices().
getDeviceFromTagName(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
if (!xmlStrcmp(children->name,
reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(childDefaultOutputDeviceTag))) {
auto defaultOutputDevice = make_xmlUnique(xmlNodeListGetString(
children->doc, children->xmlChildrenNode, 1));
if (defaultOutputDevice != nullptr) {
ALOGV("%s: %s %s=%s", __func__, tag, childDefaultOutputDeviceTag,
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(defaultOutputDevice.get()));
sp<DeviceDescriptor> device = module->getDeclaredDevices().getDeviceFromTagName(
std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(defaultOutputDevice.get())));
if (device != 0 && ctx->getDefaultOutputDevice() == 0) {
ALOGV("%s: default is %08x",
__func__, ctx->getDefaultOutputDevice()->type());
return module;
status_t GlobalConfigTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *root, AudioPolicyConfig *config)
for (const xmlNode *cur = root->xmlChildrenNode; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
if (!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(tag))) {
std::string speakerDrcEnabled =
getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::speakerDrcEnabled);
bool isSpeakerDrcEnabled;
if (!speakerDrcEnabled.empty() &&
convertTo<std::string, bool>(speakerDrcEnabled, isSpeakerDrcEnabled)) {
return NO_ERROR;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t SurroundSoundTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *root, AudioPolicyConfig *config)
for (const xmlNode *cur = root->xmlChildrenNode; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
if (!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(tag))) {
AudioPolicyConfig::SurroundFormats formats;
status_t status = deserializeCollection<SurroundSoundFormatTraits>(
cur, &formats, nullptr);
if (status == NO_ERROR) {
return NO_ERROR;
return NO_ERROR;
Return<SurroundSoundFormatTraits::Element> SurroundSoundFormatTraits::deserialize(
const xmlNode *cur, PtrSerializingCtx /*serializingContext*/)
std::string formatLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::name);
if (formatLiteral.empty()) {
ALOGE("%s: No %s found for a surround format", __func__, Attributes::name);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
audio_format_t format = formatFromString(formatLiteral);
if (format == AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT) {
ALOGE("%s: Unrecognized format %s", __func__, formatLiteral.c_str());
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
Element pair = std::make_pair(format, Collection::mapped_type{});
std::string subformatsLiteral = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::subformats);
if (subformatsLiteral.empty()) return pair;
FormatVector subformats = formatsFromString(subformatsLiteral, " ");
for (const auto& subformat : subformats) {
auto result = pair.second.insert(subformat);
if (!result.second) {
ALOGE("%s: could not add subformat %x to collection", __func__, subformat);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
return pair;
status_t PolicySerializer::deserialize(const char *configFile, AudioPolicyConfig *config)
auto doc = make_xmlUnique(xmlParseFile(configFile));
if (doc == nullptr) {
ALOGE("%s: Could not parse %s document.", __func__, configFile);
return BAD_VALUE;
xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc.get());
if (root == NULL) {
ALOGE("%s: Could not parse %s document: empty.", __func__, configFile);
return BAD_VALUE;
if (xmlXIncludeProcess(doc.get()) < 0) {
ALOGE("%s: libxml failed to resolve XIncludes on %s document.", __func__, configFile);
if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(rootName))) {
ALOGE("%s: No %s root element found in xml data %s.", __func__, rootName,
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(root->name));
return BAD_VALUE;
std::string version = getXmlAttribute(root, versionAttribute);
if (version.empty()) {
ALOGE("%s: No version found in root node %s", __func__, rootName);
return BAD_VALUE;
if (version != mVersion) {
ALOGE("%s: Version does not match; expect %s got %s", __func__, mVersion.c_str(),
return BAD_VALUE;
// Lets deserialize children
// Modules
ModuleTraits::Collection modules;
status_t status = deserializeCollection<ModuleTraits>(root, &modules, config);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return status;
// Global Configuration
GlobalConfigTraits::deserialize(root, config);
// Surround configuration
SurroundSoundTraits::deserialize(root, config);
return android::OK;
} // namespace
status_t deserializeAudioPolicyFile(const char *fileName, AudioPolicyConfig *config)
PolicySerializer serializer;
return serializer.deserialize(fileName, config);
} // namespace android