blob: a85b39f37175849e82b22d17ce75cb04c2c98b92 [file] [log] [blame]
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <type_traits>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <int I>
struct Int : public std::integral_constant<int, I> {};
template <bool P>
struct Bool : public std::integral_constant<bool, P> {};
struct Q_None {
template <class T>
struct apply { typedef T type; };
struct Q_Const {
template <class T>
struct apply { typedef T const type; };
struct Q_Volatile {
template <class T>
struct apply { typedef T volatile type; };
struct Q_CV {
template <class T>
struct apply { typedef T const volatile type; };
// Caster - A functor object that performs cv-qualifier and value category
// conversions.
// QualTag - A metafunction type that applies cv-qualifiers to its argument.
// RValue - True if the resulting object should be an RValue reference.
// False otherwise.
template <class QualTag, bool RValue = false>
struct Caster {
template <class T>
struct apply {
typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type RawType;
typedef typename QualTag::template apply<RawType>::type CVType;
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
typedef typename std::conditional<RValue,
CVType&&, CVType&
>::type type;
typedef CVType& type;
template <class T>
typename apply<T>::type
operator()(T& obj) const {
typedef typename apply<T>::type OutType;
return static_cast<OutType>(obj);
typedef Caster<Q_None> LValueCaster;
typedef Caster<Q_Const> ConstCaster;
typedef Caster<Q_Volatile> VolatileCaster;
typedef Caster<Q_CV> CVCaster;
typedef Caster<Q_None, true> MoveCaster;
typedef Caster<Q_Const, true> MoveConstCaster;
typedef Caster<Q_Volatile, true> MoveVolatileCaster;
typedef Caster<Q_CV, true> MoveCVCaster;
// A shorter name for 'static_cast'
template <class QualType, class Tp>
QualType C_(Tp& v) { return static_cast<QualType>(v); };
// ArgType - A non-copyable type intended to be used as a dummy argument type
// to test functions.
struct ArgType {
int value;
explicit ArgType(int val = 0) : value(val) {}
ArgType(ArgType const&);
ArgType& operator=(ArgType const&);
// DerivedFromBase - A type that derives from it's template argument 'Base'
template <class Base>
struct DerivedFromType : public Base {
DerivedFromType() : Base() {}
template <class Tp>
explicit DerivedFromType(Tp const& t) : Base(t) {}
// DerefToType - A type that dereferences to it's template argument 'To'.
// The cv-ref qualifiers of the 'DerefToType' object do not propagate
// to the resulting 'To' object.
template <class To>
struct DerefToType {
To object;
DerefToType() {}
template <class Up>
explicit DerefToType(Up const& val) : object(val) {}
To& operator*() const volatile { return const_cast<To&>(object); }
// DerefPropToType - A type that dereferences to it's template argument 'To'.
// The cv-ref qualifiers of the 'DerefPropToType' object propagate
// to the resulting 'To' object.
template <class To>
struct DerefPropType {
To object;
DerefPropType() {}
template <class Up>
explicit DerefPropType(Up const& val) : object(val) {}
#if TEST_STD_VER < 11
To& operator*() { return object; }
To const& operator*() const { return object; }
To volatile& operator*() volatile { return object; }
To const volatile& operator*() const volatile { return object; }
To& operator*() & { return object; }
To const& operator*() const & { return object; }
To volatile& operator*() volatile & { return object; }
To const volatile& operator*() const volatile & { return object; }
To&& operator*() && { return static_cast<To &&>(object); }
To const&& operator*() const && { return static_cast<To const&&>(object); }
To volatile&& operator*() volatile && { return static_cast<To volatile&&>(object); }
To const volatile&& operator*() const volatile && { return static_cast<To const volatile&&>(object); }
// MethodID - A type that uniquely identifies a member function for a class.
// This type is used to communicate between the member functions being tested
// and the tests invoking them.
// - Test methods should call 'setUncheckedCall()' whenever they are invoked.
// - Tests consume the unchecked call using checkCall(<return-value>)` to assert
// that the method has been called and that the return value of `__invoke`
// matches what the method actually returned.
template <class T>
struct MethodID {
typedef void* IDType;
static int dummy; // A dummy memory location.
static void* id; // The "ID" is the value of this pointer.
static bool unchecked_call; // Has a call happened that has not been checked.
static void*& setUncheckedCall() {
assert(unchecked_call == false);
unchecked_call = true;
return id;
static bool checkCalled(void*& return_value) {
bool old = unchecked_call;
unchecked_call = false;
return old && id == return_value && &id == &return_value;
template <class T> int MethodID<T>::dummy = 0;
template <class T> void* MethodID<T>::id = (void*)&MethodID<T>::dummy;
template <class T> bool MethodID<T>::unchecked_call = false;
// FunctionPtrID - Like MethodID but for free function pointers.
template <class T, T*>
struct FunctionPtrID {
static int dummy; // A dummy memory location.
static void* id; // The "ID" is the value of this pointer.
static bool unchecked_call; // Has a call happened that has not been checked.
static void*& setUncheckedCall() {
assert(unchecked_call == false);
unchecked_call = true;
return id;
static bool checkCalled(void*& return_value) {
bool old = unchecked_call;
unchecked_call = false;
return old && id == return_value && &id == &return_value;
template <class T, T* Ptr> int FunctionPtrID<T, Ptr>::dummy = 0;
template <class T, T* Ptr> void* FunctionPtrID<T, Ptr>::id = (void*)&FunctionPtrID<T, Ptr>::dummy;
template <class T, T* Ptr> bool FunctionPtrID<T, Ptr>::unchecked_call = false;
// BasicTest - The basic test structure for everything except
// member object pointers.
// ID - The "Function Identifier" type used either MethodID or FunctionPtrID.
// Arity - The Arity of the call signature.
// ObjectCaster - The object transformation functor type.
// ArgCaster - The extra argument transformation functor type.
template <class ID, int Arity, class ObjectCaster = LValueCaster,
class ArgCaster = LValueCaster>
struct BasicTest {
template <class ObjectT>
void runTest(ObjectT& object) {
Int<Arity> A;
runTestImp(A, object);
template <class MethodPtr, class ObjectT>
void runTest(MethodPtr ptr, ObjectT& object) {
Int<Arity> A;
runTestImp(A, ptr, object);
typedef void*& CallRet;
ObjectCaster object_cast;
ArgCaster arg_cast;
ArgType a0, a1, a2;
template <class MethodPtr, class ObjectT>
void runTestImp(Int<0>, MethodPtr ptr, ObjectT& object) {
decltype(std::__invoke(ptr, object_cast(object)))
, CallRet>::value), "");
assert(ID::unchecked_call == false);
CallRet ret = std::__invoke(ptr, object_cast(object));
template <class MethodPtr, class ObjectT>
void runTestImp(Int<1>, MethodPtr ptr, ObjectT& object) {
decltype(std::__invoke(ptr, object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0)))
, CallRet>::value), "");
assert(ID::unchecked_call == false);
CallRet ret = std::__invoke(ptr, object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0));
template <class MethodPtr, class ObjectT>
void runTestImp(Int<2>, MethodPtr ptr, ObjectT& object) {
decltype(std::__invoke(ptr, object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0), arg_cast(a1)))
, CallRet>::value), "");
assert(ID::unchecked_call == false);
CallRet ret = std::__invoke(ptr, object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0), arg_cast(a1));
template <class MethodPtr, class ObjectT>
void runTestImp(Int<3>, MethodPtr ptr, ObjectT& object) {
decltype(std::__invoke(ptr, object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0), arg_cast(a1), arg_cast(a2)))
, CallRet>::value), "");
assert(ID::unchecked_call == false);
CallRet ret = std::__invoke(ptr, object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0), arg_cast(a1), arg_cast(a2));
template <class ObjectT>
void runTestImp(Int<0>, ObjectT& object) {
, CallRet>::value), "");
assert(ID::unchecked_call == false);
CallRet ret = std::__invoke(object_cast(object));
template <class ObjectT>
void runTestImp(Int<1>, ObjectT& object) {
decltype(std::__invoke(object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0)))
, CallRet>::value), "");
assert(ID::unchecked_call == false);
CallRet ret = std::__invoke(object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0));
template <class ObjectT>
void runTestImp(Int<2>, ObjectT& object) {
decltype(std::__invoke(object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0), arg_cast(a1)))
, CallRet>::value), "");
assert(ID::unchecked_call == false);
CallRet ret = std::__invoke(object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0), arg_cast(a1));
template <class ObjectT>
void runTestImp(Int<3>, ObjectT& object) {
decltype(std::__invoke(object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0), arg_cast(a1), arg_cast(a2)))
, CallRet>::value), "");
assert(ID::unchecked_call == false);
CallRet ret = std::__invoke(object_cast(object), arg_cast(a0), arg_cast(a1), arg_cast(a2));