| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.c.library |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.copy |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.fill |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.generate |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.move |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.partitions |
| random_shuffle_urng.pass.cpp:32:2: error: #error random_shuffle for UniformRandomNumberGenerator not implemented |
| random_shuffle_urng.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.random.shuffle |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.random.shuffle |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.remove |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.replace |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.reverse |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.rotate |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.swap |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.transform |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.unique |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/alg.adjacent.find |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/alg.all_of |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/alg.any_of |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/alg.count |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/alg.equal |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/alg.find |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/alg.find.end |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/alg.find.first.of |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/alg.foreach |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/alg.none_of |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/alg.search |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.nonmodifying/mismatch |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.binary.search |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.binary.search/binary.search |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.binary.search/equal.range |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.binary.search/lower.bound |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.binary.search/upper.bound |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.heap.operations |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.heap.operations/is.heap |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.heap.operations/make.heap |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.heap.operations/pop.heap |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.heap.operations/push.heap |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.heap.operations/sort.heap |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.lex.comparison |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.merge |
| max_init_list.pass.cpp:33:2: error: #error max(initializer_list<T> t) is not implemented |
| max_init_list.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| max_init_list_comp.pass.cpp:33:2: error: #error max(initializer_list<T> t, Compare comp) is not implemented |
| max_init_list_comp.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| min_init_list.pass.cpp:33:2: error: #error min(initializer_list<T> t) is not implemented |
| min_init_list.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| min_init_list_comp.pass.cpp:33:2: error: #error min(initializer_list<T> t, Compare comp) is not implemented |
| min_init_list_comp.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| minmax.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test(const T&, const T&, const T&, const T&)’: |
| minmax.pass.cpp:37: error: ‘minmax’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| minmax.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| minmax_comp.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test(const T&, const T&, C, const T&, const T&)’: |
| minmax_comp.pass.cpp:39: error: ‘minmax’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| minmax_comp.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| minmax_init_list.pass.cpp:33:2: error: #error minmax(initializer_list<T> t) is not implemented |
| minmax_init_list.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| minmax_init_list_comp.pass.cpp:33:2: error: #error minmax(initializer_list<T> t, Compare comp) is not implemented |
| minmax_init_list_comp.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.min.max |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.min.max |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.nth.element |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.permutation.generators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.set.operations |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.set.operations/includes |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.set.operations/set.difference |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.set.operations/set.intersection |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.set.operations/set.symmetric.difference |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.set.operations/set.union |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.sort |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.sort/is.sorted |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.sort/partial.sort |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.sort/partial.sort.copy |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.sort/sort |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/alg.sorting/alg.sort/stable.sort |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/algorithms/algorithms.general |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics/atomics.fences |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics/atomics.flag |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics/atomics.general |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics/atomics.lockfree |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics/atomics.order |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics/atomics.syn |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics/atomics.types |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics/atomics.types/atomics.types.address |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics/atomics.types/atomics.types.generic |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics/atomics.types/atomics.types.integral |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/atomics/atomics.types.operations |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/map |
| passed 7 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/map/map.access |
| passed 17 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/map/map.cons |
| passed 12 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/map/map.modifiers |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/map/map.ops |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/map/map.special |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/multimap |
| passed 17 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/multimap/multimap.cons |
| passed 12 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/multimap/multimap.modifiers |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/multimap/multimap.ops |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/multimap/multimap.special |
| passed 22 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/multiset |
| passed 17 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/multiset/multiset.cons |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/multiset/multiset.special |
| passed 22 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/set |
| passed 17 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/set/set.cons |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/associative/set/set.special |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/container.requirements |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/container.requirements/associative.reqmts |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/container.requirements/associative.reqmts/associative.reqmts.except |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/container.requirements/container.requirements.dataraces |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/container.requirements/container.requirements.general |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/container.requirements/sequence.reqmts |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/container.requirements/unord.req |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/container.requirements/unord.req/unord.req.except |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/containers.general |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/array |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/array/array.cons |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/array/array.data |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/array/array.fill |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/array/array.size |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/array/array.special |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/array/array.tuple |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/array/array.zero |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/priority.queue |
| passed 17 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/priority.queue/priqueue.cons |
| passed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/priority.queue/priqueue.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/priority.queue/priqueue.special |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/queue |
| passed 23 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/queue/queue.defn |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/queue/queue.ops |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/queue/queue.special |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/stack |
| passed 21 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/stack/stack.defn |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/stack/stack.ops |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/container.adaptors/stack/stack.special |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/deque |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/deque/deque.capacity |
| passed 19 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/deque/deque.cons |
| passed 16 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/deque/deque.modifiers |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/deque/deque.special |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/forwardlist |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/forwardlist/forwardlist.access |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/forwardlist/forwardlist.cons |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/forwardlist/forwardlist.iter |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/forwardlist/forwardlist.modifiers |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/forwardlist/forwardlist.ops |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/forwardlist/forwardlist.spec |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/list |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/list/list.capacity |
| passed 15 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/list/list.cons |
| passed 17 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/list/list.modifiers |
| passed 12 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/list/list.ops |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/list/list.special |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/vector |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/vector/vector.capacity |
| passed 16 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/vector/vector.cons |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/vector/vector.data |
| passed 11 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/vector/vector.modifiers |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/vector/vector.special |
| passed 30 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/sequences/vector.bool |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/unord |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.map |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.map/unord.map.cnstr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.map/unord.map.elem |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.map/unord.map.swap |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.multimap |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.multimap/unord.multimap.cnstr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.multimap/unord.multimap.swap |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.multiset |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.multiset/unord.multiset.cnstr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.multiset/unord.multiset.swap |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.set |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.set/unord.set.cnstr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/containers/unord/unord.set/unord.set.swap |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.auto.ptr |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.auto.ptr/auto.ptr |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.auto.ptr/auto.ptr/auto.ptr.cons |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.auto.ptr/auto.ptr/auto.ptr.conv |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.auto.ptr/auto.ptr/auto.ptr.members |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:274:2: error: #error PRId8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:278:2: error: #error PRId16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:282:2: error: #error PRId32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:286:2: error: #error PRId64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:290:2: error: #error PRIdLEAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:294:2: error: #error PRIdLEAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:298:2: error: #error PRIdLEAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:302:2: error: #error PRIdLEAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:306:2: error: #error PRIdFAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:310:2: error: #error PRIdFAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:314:2: error: #error PRIdFAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:318:2: error: #error PRIdFAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:322:2: error: #error PRIdMAX not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:326:2: error: #error PRIdPTR not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:330:2: error: #error PRIi8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:334:2: error: #error PRIi16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:338:2: error: #error PRIi32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:342:2: error: #error PRIi64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:346:2: error: #error PRIiLEAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:350:2: error: #error PRIiLEAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:354:2: error: #error PRIiLEAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:358:2: error: #error PRIiLEAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:362:2: error: #error PRIiFAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:366:2: error: #error PRIiFAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:370:2: error: #error PRIiFAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:374:2: error: #error PRIiFAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:378:2: error: #error PRIiMAX not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:382:2: error: #error PRIiPTR not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:386:2: error: #error PRIo8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:390:2: error: #error PRIo16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:394:2: error: #error PRIo32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:398:2: error: #error PRIo64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:402:2: error: #error PRIoLEAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:406:2: error: #error PRIoLEAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:410:2: error: #error PRIoLEAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:414:2: error: #error PRIoLEAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:418:2: error: #error PRIoFAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:422:2: error: #error PRIoFAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:426:2: error: #error PRIoFAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:430:2: error: #error PRIoFAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:434:2: error: #error PRIoMAX not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:438:2: error: #error PRIoPTR not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:442:2: error: #error PRIu8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:446:2: error: #error PRIu16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:450:2: error: #error PRIu32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:454:2: error: #error PRIu64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:458:2: error: #error PRIuLEAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:462:2: error: #error PRIuLEAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:466:2: error: #error PRIuLEAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:470:2: error: #error PRIuLEAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:474:2: error: #error PRIuFAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:478:2: error: #error PRIuFAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:482:2: error: #error PRIuFAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:486:2: error: #error PRIuFAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:490:2: error: #error PRIuMAX not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:494:2: error: #error PRIuPTR not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:498:2: error: #error PRIx8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:502:2: error: #error PRIx16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:506:2: error: #error PRIx32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:510:2: error: #error PRIx64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:514:2: error: #error PRIxLEAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:518:2: error: #error PRIxLEAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:522:2: error: #error PRIxLEAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:526:2: error: #error PRIxLEAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:530:2: error: #error PRIxFAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:534:2: error: #error PRIxFAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:538:2: error: #error PRIxFAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:542:2: error: #error PRIxFAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:546:2: error: #error PRIxMAX not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:550:2: error: #error PRIxPTR not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:554:2: error: #error PRIX8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:558:2: error: #error PRIX16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:562:2: error: #error PRIX32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:566:2: error: #error PRIX64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:570:2: error: #error PRIXLEAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:574:2: error: #error PRIXLEAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:578:2: error: #error PRIXLEAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:582:2: error: #error PRIXLEAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:586:2: error: #error PRIXFAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:590:2: error: #error PRIXFAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:594:2: error: #error PRIXFAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:598:2: error: #error PRIXFAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:602:2: error: #error PRIXMAX not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:606:2: error: #error PRIXPTR not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:610:2: error: #error SCNd8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:614:2: error: #error SCNd16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:618:2: error: #error SCNd32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:622:2: error: #error SCNd64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:626:2: error: #error SCNdLEAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:630:2: error: #error SCNdLEAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:634:2: error: #error SCNdLEAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:638:2: error: #error SCNdLEAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:642:2: error: #error SCNdFAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:646:2: error: #error SCNdFAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:650:2: error: #error SCNdFAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:654:2: error: #error SCNdFAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:658:2: error: #error SCNdMAX not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:662:2: error: #error SCNdPTR not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:666:2: error: #error SCNi8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:670:2: error: #error SCNi16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:674:2: error: #error SCNi32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:678:2: error: #error SCNi64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:682:2: error: #error SCNiLEAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:686:2: error: #error SCNiLEAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:690:2: error: #error SCNiLEAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:694:2: error: #error SCNiLEAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:698:2: error: #error SCNiFAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:702:2: error: #error SCNiFAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:706:2: error: #error SCNiFAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:710:2: error: #error SCNiFAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:714:2: error: #error SCNiMAX not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:718:2: error: #error SCNiPTR not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:722:2: error: #error SCNo8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:726:2: error: #error SCNo16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:730:2: error: #error SCNo32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:734:2: error: #error SCNo64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:738:2: error: #error SCNoLEAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:742:2: error: #error SCNoLEAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:746:2: error: #error SCNoLEAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:750:2: error: #error SCNoLEAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:754:2: error: #error SCNoFAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:758:2: error: #error SCNoFAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:762:2: error: #error SCNoFAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:766:2: error: #error SCNoFAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:770:2: error: #error SCNoMAX not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:774:2: error: #error SCNoPTR not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:778:2: error: #error SCNu8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:782:2: error: #error SCNu16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:786:2: error: #error SCNu32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:790:2: error: #error SCNu64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:794:2: error: #error SCNuLEAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:798:2: error: #error SCNuLEAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:802:2: error: #error SCNuLEAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:806:2: error: #error SCNuLEAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:810:2: error: #error SCNuFAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:814:2: error: #error SCNuFAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:818:2: error: #error SCNuFAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:822:2: error: #error SCNuFAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:826:2: error: #error SCNuMAX not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:830:2: error: #error SCNuPTR not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:834:2: error: #error SCNx8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:838:2: error: #error SCNx16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:842:2: error: #error SCNx32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:846:2: error: #error SCNx64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:850:2: error: #error SCNxLEAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:854:2: error: #error SCNxLEAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:858:2: error: #error SCNxLEAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:862:2: error: #error SCNxLEAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:866:2: error: #error SCNxFAST8 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:870:2: error: #error SCNxFAST16 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:874:2: error: #error SCNxFAST32 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:878:2: error: #error SCNxFAST64 not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:882:2: error: #error SCNxMAX not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp:886:2: error: #error SCNxPTR not defined |
| inttypes_h.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| uchar_h.pass.cpp:26:19: error: uchar.h: No such file or directory |
| uchar_h.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.c.headers |
| passed 24 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.c.headers |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.ios.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.lib.binders |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.lib.binders/depr.lib.bind.1st |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.lib.binders/depr.lib.bind.2nd |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.lib.binders/depr.lib.binder.1st |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.lib.binders/depr.lib.binder.2nd |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.istrstream |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.istrstream/depr.istrstream.cons |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.istrstream/depr.istrstream.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.ostrstream |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.ostrstream/depr.ostrstream.cons |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.ostrstream/depr.ostrstream.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.strstream |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.strstream/depr.strstream.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.strstream/depr.strstream.dest |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.strstream/depr.strstream.oper |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.strstreambuf |
| passed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.strstreambuf/depr.strstreambuf.cons |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.strstreambuf/depr.strstreambuf.members |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/depr/depr.str.strstreams/depr.strstreambuf/depr.strstreambuf.virtuals |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/assertions |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/diagnostics.general |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/errno |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/std.exceptions |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/std.exceptions/domain.error |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/std.exceptions/invalid.argument |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/std.exceptions/length.error |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/std.exceptions/logic.error |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/std.exceptions/out.of.range |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/std.exceptions/overflow.error |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/std.exceptions/range.error |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/std.exceptions/runtime.error |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/std.exceptions/underflow.error |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.compare |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcat |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcat/syserr.errcat.derived |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcat/syserr.errcat.nonvirtuals |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcat/syserr.errcat.objects |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcat/syserr.errcat.overview |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcat/syserr.errcat.virtuals |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcode |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcode/syserr.errcode.constructors |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcode/syserr.errcode.modifiers |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcode/syserr.errcode.nonmembers |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcode/syserr.errcode.observers |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcode/syserr.errcode.overview |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcondition |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcondition/syserr.errcondition.constructors |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcondition/syserr.errcondition.modifiers |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcondition/syserr.errcondition.nonmembers |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcondition/syserr.errcondition.observers |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.errcondition/syserr.errcondition.overview |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.syserr |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.syserr/syserr.syserr.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/diagnostics/syserr/syserr.syserr/syserr.syserr.overview |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:274:2: error: #error PRId8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:278:2: error: #error PRId16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:282:2: error: #error PRId32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:286:2: error: #error PRId64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:290:2: error: #error PRIdLEAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:294:2: error: #error PRIdLEAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:298:2: error: #error PRIdLEAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:302:2: error: #error PRIdLEAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:306:2: error: #error PRIdFAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:310:2: error: #error PRIdFAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:314:2: error: #error PRIdFAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:318:2: error: #error PRIdFAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:322:2: error: #error PRIdMAX not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:326:2: error: #error PRIdPTR not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:330:2: error: #error PRIi8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:334:2: error: #error PRIi16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:338:2: error: #error PRIi32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:342:2: error: #error PRIi64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:346:2: error: #error PRIiLEAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:350:2: error: #error PRIiLEAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:354:2: error: #error PRIiLEAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:358:2: error: #error PRIiLEAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:362:2: error: #error PRIiFAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:366:2: error: #error PRIiFAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:370:2: error: #error PRIiFAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:374:2: error: #error PRIiFAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:378:2: error: #error PRIiMAX not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:382:2: error: #error PRIiPTR not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:386:2: error: #error PRIo8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:390:2: error: #error PRIo16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:394:2: error: #error PRIo32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:398:2: error: #error PRIo64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:402:2: error: #error PRIoLEAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:406:2: error: #error PRIoLEAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:410:2: error: #error PRIoLEAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:414:2: error: #error PRIoLEAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:418:2: error: #error PRIoFAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:422:2: error: #error PRIoFAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:426:2: error: #error PRIoFAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:430:2: error: #error PRIoFAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:434:2: error: #error PRIoMAX not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:438:2: error: #error PRIoPTR not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:442:2: error: #error PRIu8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:446:2: error: #error PRIu16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:450:2: error: #error PRIu32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:454:2: error: #error PRIu64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:458:2: error: #error PRIuLEAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:462:2: error: #error PRIuLEAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:466:2: error: #error PRIuLEAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:470:2: error: #error PRIuLEAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:474:2: error: #error PRIuFAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:478:2: error: #error PRIuFAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:482:2: error: #error PRIuFAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:486:2: error: #error PRIuFAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:490:2: error: #error PRIuMAX not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:494:2: error: #error PRIuPTR not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:498:2: error: #error PRIx8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:502:2: error: #error PRIx16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:506:2: error: #error PRIx32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:510:2: error: #error PRIx64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:514:2: error: #error PRIxLEAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:518:2: error: #error PRIxLEAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:522:2: error: #error PRIxLEAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:526:2: error: #error PRIxLEAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:530:2: error: #error PRIxFAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:534:2: error: #error PRIxFAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:538:2: error: #error PRIxFAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:542:2: error: #error PRIxFAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:546:2: error: #error PRIxMAX not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:550:2: error: #error PRIxPTR not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:554:2: error: #error PRIX8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:558:2: error: #error PRIX16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:562:2: error: #error PRIX32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:566:2: error: #error PRIX64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:570:2: error: #error PRIXLEAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:574:2: error: #error PRIXLEAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:578:2: error: #error PRIXLEAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:582:2: error: #error PRIXLEAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:586:2: error: #error PRIXFAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:590:2: error: #error PRIXFAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:594:2: error: #error PRIXFAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:598:2: error: #error PRIXFAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:602:2: error: #error PRIXMAX not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:606:2: error: #error PRIXPTR not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:610:2: error: #error SCNd8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:614:2: error: #error SCNd16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:618:2: error: #error SCNd32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:622:2: error: #error SCNd64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:626:2: error: #error SCNdLEAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:630:2: error: #error SCNdLEAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:634:2: error: #error SCNdLEAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:638:2: error: #error SCNdLEAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:642:2: error: #error SCNdFAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:646:2: error: #error SCNdFAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:650:2: error: #error SCNdFAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:654:2: error: #error SCNdFAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:658:2: error: #error SCNdMAX not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:662:2: error: #error SCNdPTR not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:666:2: error: #error SCNi8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:670:2: error: #error SCNi16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:674:2: error: #error SCNi32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:678:2: error: #error SCNi64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:682:2: error: #error SCNiLEAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:686:2: error: #error SCNiLEAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:690:2: error: #error SCNiLEAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:694:2: error: #error SCNiLEAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:698:2: error: #error SCNiFAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:702:2: error: #error SCNiFAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:706:2: error: #error SCNiFAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:710:2: error: #error SCNiFAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:714:2: error: #error SCNiMAX not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:718:2: error: #error SCNiPTR not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:722:2: error: #error SCNo8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:726:2: error: #error SCNo16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:730:2: error: #error SCNo32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:734:2: error: #error SCNo64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:738:2: error: #error SCNoLEAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:742:2: error: #error SCNoLEAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:746:2: error: #error SCNoLEAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:750:2: error: #error SCNoLEAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:754:2: error: #error SCNoFAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:758:2: error: #error SCNoFAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:762:2: error: #error SCNoFAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:766:2: error: #error SCNoFAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:770:2: error: #error SCNoMAX not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:774:2: error: #error SCNoPTR not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:778:2: error: #error SCNu8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:782:2: error: #error SCNu16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:786:2: error: #error SCNu32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:790:2: error: #error SCNu64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:794:2: error: #error SCNuLEAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:798:2: error: #error SCNuLEAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:802:2: error: #error SCNuLEAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:806:2: error: #error SCNuLEAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:810:2: error: #error SCNuFAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:814:2: error: #error SCNuFAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:818:2: error: #error SCNuFAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:822:2: error: #error SCNuFAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:826:2: error: #error SCNuMAX not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:830:2: error: #error SCNuPTR not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:834:2: error: #error SCNx8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:838:2: error: #error SCNx16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:842:2: error: #error SCNx32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:846:2: error: #error SCNx64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:850:2: error: #error SCNxLEAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:854:2: error: #error SCNxLEAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:858:2: error: #error SCNxLEAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:862:2: error: #error SCNxLEAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:866:2: error: #error SCNxFAST8 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:870:2: error: #error SCNxFAST16 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:874:2: error: #error SCNxFAST32 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:878:2: error: #error SCNxFAST64 not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:882:2: error: #error SCNxMAX not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp:886:2: error: #error SCNxPTR not defined |
| cinttypes.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/c.files |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/c.files |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/filebuf |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/filebuf.assign |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/filebuf.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/filebuf.members |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/filebuf.virtuals |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/fstream |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/fstream.assign |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/fstream.cons |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/fstream.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/ifstream |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/ifstream.assign |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/ifstream.cons |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/ifstream.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/ofstream |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/ofstream.assign |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/ofstream.cons |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/ofstream.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/input.output.general |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/ext.manip |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/iostreamclass |
| ../../../../../../include/istream: In function ‘int main()’: |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1567: error: ‘void std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::swap(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| member_swap.pass.cpp:48: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1567: error: ‘void std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::swap(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| member_swap.pass.cpp:71: error: within this context |
| member_swap.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| ../../../../../../include/istream: In function ‘int main()’: |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1551: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| move_assign.pass.cpp:53: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1551: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| move_assign.pass.cpp:76: error: within this context |
| move_assign.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| In file included from ../../../../../../include/algorithm:559, |
| from ../../../../../../include/string:380, |
| from ../../../../../../include/__locale:33, |
| from ../../../../../../include/ios:234, |
| from ../../../../../../include/ostream:148, |
| from ../../../../../../include/istream:174, |
| from nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:32: |
| ../../../../../../include/istream: In function ‘void std::__yuga1::swap(_Tp&, _Tp&) [with _Tp = std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<char, std::__yuga1::char_traits<char> >]’: |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:49: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1543: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_iostream(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1247: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:49: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1551: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1248: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:49: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1551: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1249: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../../include/istream: In function ‘void std::__yuga1::swap(_Tp&, _Tp&) [with _Tp = std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t> >]’: |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:72: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1543: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_iostream(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1247: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:72: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1551: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1248: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:72: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1551: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1249: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/iostreamclass/iostream.assign |
| ../../../../../../include/istream: In function ‘int main()’: |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1543: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_iostream(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| move.pass.cpp:51: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:1543: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_iostream(std::__yuga1::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| move.pass.cpp:67: error: within this context |
| move.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/iostreamclass/iostream.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/iostreamclass/iostream.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/iostreamclass/iostream.dest |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream |
| ../../../../../../include/istream: In function ‘int main()’: |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:336: error: ‘void std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::swap(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| member_swap.pass.cpp:48: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:336: error: ‘void std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::swap(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| member_swap.pass.cpp:71: error: within this context |
| member_swap.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| ../../../../../../include/istream: In function ‘int main()’: |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:320: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| move_assign.pass.cpp:53: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:320: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| move_assign.pass.cpp:76: error: within this context |
| move_assign.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| In file included from ../../../../../../include/algorithm:559, |
| from ../../../../../../include/string:380, |
| from ../../../../../../include/__locale:33, |
| from ../../../../../../include/ios:234, |
| from ../../../../../../include/ostream:148, |
| from ../../../../../../include/istream:174, |
| from nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:32: |
| ../../../../../../include/istream: In function ‘void std::__yuga1::swap(_Tp&, _Tp&) [with _Tp = std::__yuga1::basic_istream<char, std::__yuga1::char_traits<char> >]’: |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:49: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:310: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_istream(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1247: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:49: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:320: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1248: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:49: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:320: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1249: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../../include/istream: In function ‘void std::__yuga1::swap(_Tp&, _Tp&) [with _Tp = std::__yuga1::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t> >]’: |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:72: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:310: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_istream(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1247: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:72: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:320: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1248: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:72: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:320: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../../include/type_traits:1249: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream/istream.assign |
| ../../../../../../include/istream: In function ‘int main()’: |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:310: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_istream(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| move.pass.cpp:51: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../../include/istream:310: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_istream(std::__yuga1::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| move.pass.cpp:67: error: within this context |
| move.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream/istream.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream/istream.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream/istream::sentry |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream.formatted |
| passed 13 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream.formatted/istream.formatted.arithmetic |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream.formatted/istream.formatted.reqmts |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream.formatted/istream::extractors |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream.manip |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream.rvalue |
| passed 18 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/input.streams/istream.unformatted |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream |
| ../../../../../include/ostream: In function ‘int main()’: |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:297: error: ‘void std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::swap(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| member_swap.pass.cpp:48: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:297: error: ‘void std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::swap(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| member_swap.pass.cpp:71: error: within this context |
| member_swap.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| ../../../../../include/ostream: In function ‘int main()’: |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:281: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| move_assign.pass.cpp:53: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:281: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| move_assign.pass.cpp:76: error: within this context |
| move_assign.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| In file included from ../../../../../include/algorithm:559, |
| from ../../../../../include/string:380, |
| from ../../../../../include/__locale:33, |
| from ../../../../../include/ios:234, |
| from ../../../../../include/ostream:148, |
| from nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:32: |
| ../../../../../include/ostream: In function ‘void std::__yuga1::swap(_Tp&, _Tp&) [with _Tp = std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<char, std::__yuga1::char_traits<char> >]’: |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:49: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:273: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_ostream(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../include/type_traits:1247: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:49: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:281: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../include/type_traits:1248: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:49: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:281: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../include/type_traits:1249: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../include/ostream: In function ‘void std::__yuga1::swap(_Tp&, _Tp&) [with _Tp = std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t> >]’: |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:72: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:273: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_ostream(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../include/type_traits:1247: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:72: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:281: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../include/type_traits:1248: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp:72: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:281: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::operator=(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| ../../../../../include/type_traits:1249: error: within this context |
| nonmember_swap.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.assign |
| ../../../../../include/ostream: In function ‘int main()’: |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:273: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_ostream(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>]’ is protected |
| move.pass.cpp:51: error: within this context |
| ../../../../../include/ostream:273: error: ‘std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::basic_ostream(std::__yuga1::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&&) [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::__yuga1::char_traits<wchar_t>]’ is protected |
| move.pass.cpp:65: error: within this context |
| move.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.formatted |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.formatted/ostream.formatted.reqmts |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.formatted/ostream.inserters |
| passed 13 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.formatted/ostream.inserters.arithmetic |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.formatted/ostream.inserters.character |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.manip |
| Assertion failed: (sb.str() == "testing..."), function main, file CharT_pointer.pass.cpp, line 78. |
| ./testit: line 94: 78720 Abort trap ./a.out |
| CharT_pointer.pass.cpp failed at run time |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.rvalue |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.seeks |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream.unformatted |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/output.streams/ostream::sentry |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.format/std.manip |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.forward |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.objects |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.objects/narrow.stream.objects |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostream.objects/wide.stream.objects |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/fpos |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/fpos/fpos.members |
| passed 7 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/fpos/fpos.operations |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios/basic.ios.cons |
| passed 13 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios/basic.ios.members |
| passed 11 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios/iostate.flags |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base |
| passed 9 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/fmtflags.state |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.base.callback |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.base.cons |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.base.locales |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.base.storage |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.members.static |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.types |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.types/ios::Init |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.types/ios::failure |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.types/ios::fmtflags |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.types/ios::iostate |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.types/ios::openmode |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/ios.base/ios.types/ios::seekdir |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/std.ios.manip |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/std.ios.manip/adjustfield.manip |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/std.ios.manip/basefield.manip |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/std.ios.manip/error.reporting |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/std.ios.manip/floatfield.manip |
| passed 14 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/std.ios.manip/fmtflags.manip |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.base/stream.types |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.requirements |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.requirements/iostream.limits.imbue |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.requirements/iostreams.limits.pos |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/iostreams.requirements/iostreams.threadsafety |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.members |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.members/streambuf.buffer |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.members/streambuf.locales |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.members/streambuf.pub.get |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.members/streambuf.pub.pback |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.members/streambuf.pub.put |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.protected |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.protected/streambuf.assign |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.protected/streambuf.get.area |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.protected/streambuf.put.area |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.virtuals |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.virtuals/streambuf.virt.buffer |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.virtuals/streambuf.virt.get |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.virtuals/streambuf.virt.locales |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.virtuals/streambuf.virt.pback |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf/streambuf.virtuals/streambuf.virt.put |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/stream.buffers/streambuf.reqts |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/istringstream |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/istringstream/istringstream.assign |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/istringstream/istringstream.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/istringstream/istringstream.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/ostringstream |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/ostringstream/ostringstream.assign |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/ostringstream/ostringstream.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/ostringstream/ostringstream.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/stringbuf |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/stringbuf/stringbuf.assign |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/stringbuf/stringbuf.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/stringbuf/stringbuf.members |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/stringbuf/stringbuf.virtuals |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/stringstream |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/stringstream.cons |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/stringstream.cons/stringstream.assign |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/input.output/string.streams/stringstream.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.primitives |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.primitives/iterator.basic |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.primitives/iterator.operations |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.primitives/iterator.traits |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.primitives/std.iterator.tags |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.requirements |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.requirements/bidirectional.iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.requirements/forward.iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.requirements/input.iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.requirements/output.iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.requirements/random.access.iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterator.synopsis |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/iterators.general |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/back.insert.iter.ops |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/back.insert.iter.ops/back.insert.iter.cons |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/back.insert.iter.ops/back.insert.iter.op++ |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/back.insert.iter.ops/back.insert.iter.op= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/back.insert.iter.ops/back.insert.iter.op_astrk |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/back.insert.iter.ops/back.inserter |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/back.insert.iterator |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/front.insert.iter.ops |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/front.insert.iter.ops/front.insert.iter.cons |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/front.insert.iter.ops/front.insert.iter.op++ |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/front.insert.iter.ops/front.insert.iter.op= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/front.insert.iter.ops/front.insert.iter.op_astrk |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/front.insert.iter.ops/front.inserter |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/front.insert.iterator |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/insert.iter.ops |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/insert.iter.ops/insert.iter.cons |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/insert.iter.ops/insert.iter.op++ |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/insert.iter.ops/insert.iter.op= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/insert.iter.ops/insert.iter.op_astrk |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/insert.iter.ops/inserter |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/insert.iterators/insert.iterator |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.nonmember |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.+ |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.+= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.- |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.-= |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.comp |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.const |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.conv |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.decr |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.incr |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.index |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.ref |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op.star |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.ops/move.iter.op= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iter.requirements |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/move.iterators/move.iterator |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.conv |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.op!= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.op+ |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.op++ |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.op+= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.op- |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.op-- |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.op-= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.op.star |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.op= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.op== |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.opdiff |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.opgt |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.opgt= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.opindex |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.oplt |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.oplt= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.opref |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.ops/reverse.iter.opsum |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iter.requirements |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/predef.iterators/reverse.iterators/reverse.iterator |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/istream.iterator |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/istream.iterator/istream.iterator.cons |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/istream.iterator/istream.iterator.ops |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/istreambuf.iterator |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/istreambuf.iterator/istreambuf.iterator.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/istreambuf.iterator/istreambuf.iterator::equal |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/istreambuf.iterator/istreambuf.iterator::op!= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/istreambuf.iterator/istreambuf.iterator::op++ |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/istreambuf.iterator/istreambuf.iterator::op== |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/istreambuf.iterator/istreambuf.iterator::op_astrk |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/istreambuf.iterator/istreambuf.iterator::proxy |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/iterator.range |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/ostream.iterator |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/ostream.iterator/ostream.iterator.cons.des |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/ostream.iterator/ostream.iterator.ops |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/ostreambuf.iterator |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/ostreambuf.iterator/ostreambuf.iter.cons |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/iterators/stream.iterators/ostreambuf.iterator/ostreambuf.iter.ops |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/cstdint |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/cstdint/cstdint.syn |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/cstdint/stdinth |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.dynamic |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.dynamic/alloc.errors |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.dynamic/alloc.errors/bad.alloc |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.dynamic/alloc.errors/new.badlength |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.dynamic/alloc.errors/new.handler |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.dynamic/alloc.errors/set.new.handler |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.dynamic/new.delete |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.dynamic/new.delete/new.delete.array |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.dynamic/new.delete/new.delete.dataraces |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.dynamic/new.delete/new.delete.placement |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.dynamic/new.delete/new.delete.single |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/except.nested |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/exception |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/exception.terminate |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/exception.terminate/set.terminate |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/exception.terminate/terminate |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/exception.terminate/terminate.handler |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/exception.unexpected |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/exception.unexpected/bad.exception |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/exception.unexpected/set.unexpected |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/exception.unexpected/unexpected |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/exception.unexpected/unexpected.handler |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/propagation |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.exception/uncaught |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/language.support/support.general |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.initlist |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.initlist/support.initlist.access |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.initlist/support.initlist.cons |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/language.support/support.initlist/support.initlist.range |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.limits |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.limits/c.limits |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.limits/limits |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.limits/limits/denorm.style |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.limits/limits/numeric.limits |
| passed 31 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.limits/limits/numeric.limits.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.limits/limits/numeric.special |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.limits/limits/round.style |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.rtti |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.rtti/bad.cast |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.rtti/bad.typeid |
| type_info_hash.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| type_info_hash.pass.cpp:35: error: ‘const class std::type_info’ has no member named ‘hash_code’ |
| type_info_hash.pass.cpp:35: error: ‘const class std::type_info’ has no member named ‘hash_code’ |
| type_info_hash.pass.cpp:36: error: ‘const class std::type_info’ has no member named ‘hash_code’ |
| type_info_hash.pass.cpp:36: error: ‘const class std::type_info’ has no member named ‘hash_code’ |
| type_info_hash.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.rtti/type.info |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.rtti/type.info |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.runtime |
| quick_exit.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| quick_exit.pass.cpp:33: error: ‘at_quick_exit’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| quick_exit.pass.cpp:34: error: ‘quick_exit’ was not declared in this scope |
| quick_exit.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.start.term |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/language.support/support.types |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/c.locales |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.collate |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.collate/locale.collate |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.collate/locale.collate/locale.collate.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.collate/locale.collate/locale.collate.virtuals |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.collate/locale.collate.byname |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/facet.ctype.special |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/facet.ctype.special/facet.ctype.char.dtor |
| passed 14 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/facet.ctype.special/facet.ctype.char.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/facet.ctype.special/facet.ctype.char.statics |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/facet.ctype.special/facet.ctype.char.virtuals |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "typeinfo for std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>", referenced from: |
| typeinfo for my_facet in cco0y8ap.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_out(__mbstate_t&, char16_t const*, char16_t const*, char16_t const*&, char*, char*, char*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cco0y8ap.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_encoding() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cco0y8ap.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cco0y8ap.o |
| "vtable for std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>", referenced from: |
| __ZTVNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tEE$non_lazy_ptr in cco0y8ap.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_length(__mbstate_t&, char const*, char const*, unsigned long) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cco0y8ap.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_max_length() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cco0y8ap.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_in(__mbstate_t&, char const*, char const*, char const*&, char16_t*, char16_t*, char16_t*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cco0y8ap.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_unshift(__mbstate_t&, char*, char*, char*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cco0y8ap.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::~codecvt()", referenced from: |
| my_facet::~my_facet() in cco0y8ap.o |
| my_facet::~my_facet() in cco0y8ap.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cco0y8ap.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| ctor_char16_t.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cc5z0tms.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_out(__mbstate_t&, char32_t const*, char32_t const*, char32_t const*&, char*, char*, char*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cc5z0tms.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_length(__mbstate_t&, char const*, char const*, unsigned long) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cc5z0tms.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_unshift(__mbstate_t&, char*, char*, char*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cc5z0tms.o |
| "typeinfo for std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>", referenced from: |
| typeinfo for my_facet in cc5z0tms.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_max_length() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cc5z0tms.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::~codecvt()", referenced from: |
| my_facet::~my_facet() in cc5z0tms.o |
| my_facet::~my_facet() in cc5z0tms.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc5z0tms.o |
| "vtable for std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>", referenced from: |
| __ZTVNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tEE$non_lazy_ptr in cc5z0tms.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_encoding() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cc5z0tms.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_in(__mbstate_t&, char const*, char const*, char const*&, char32_t*, char32_t*, char32_t*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in cc5z0tms.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| ctor_char32_t.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccbHAtej.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| types_char16_t.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cctGl3YG.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| types_char32_t.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/locale.codecvt |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/locale.codecvt |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccJvCLRS.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char16_t_always_noconv.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cckj9DUM.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char16_t_encoding.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc20sBKT.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char16_t_in.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc5aAxf6.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char16_t_length.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccYIHyXg.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char16_t_max_length.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccuYJgVi.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char16_t_out.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cca5NDZg.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char16_t_unshift.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccPw4prt.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char32_t_always_noconv.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccOQiEAL.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char32_t_encoding.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccXbLJk0.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char32_t_in.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccHrChbd.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char32_t_length.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccikIgXL.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char32_t_max_length.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccesjVSx.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char32_t_out.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccbmMCoD.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char32_t_unshift.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char16_t, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDiDs11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccbbVJB7.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccbbVJB7.o |
| "vtable for std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char16_t, __mbstate_t>", referenced from: |
| __ZTVNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDiDs11__mbstate_tEE$non_lazy_ptr in ccbbVJB7.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccbbVJB7.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| utf_sanity_check.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 15 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/locale.codecvt/locale.codecvt.members |
| passed 14 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/locale.codecvt/locale.codecvt.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/locale.codecvt/locale.codecvt.virtuals |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_out(__mbstate_t&, char16_t const*, char16_t const*, char16_t const*&, char*, char*, char*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_encoding() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_length(__mbstate_t&, char const*, char const*, unsigned long) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_max_length() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt_byname<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::codecvt_byname(char const*, unsigned long)", referenced from: |
| my_facet::my_facet(char const*, unsigned long) in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt_byname<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::codecvt_byname(std::__yuga1::basic_string<char, std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>, std::__yuga1::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned long)", referenced from: |
| my_facet::my_facet(std::__yuga1::basic_string<char, std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>, std::__yuga1::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned long) in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt_byname<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::~codecvt_byname()", referenced from: |
| my_facet::~my_facet() in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| my_facet::~my_facet() in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_in(__mbstate_t&, char const*, char const*, char const*&, char16_t*, char16_t*, char16_t*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| "typeinfo for std::__yuga1::codecvt_byname<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>", referenced from: |
| typeinfo for my_facet in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_unshift(__mbstate_t&, char*, char*, char*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccJ1qodQ.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| ctor_char16_t.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccWfhDHV.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt_byname<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::codecvt_byname(std::__yuga1::basic_string<char, std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>, std::__yuga1::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned long)", referenced from: |
| my_facet::my_facet(std::__yuga1::basic_string<char, std::__yuga1::char_traits<char>, std::__yuga1::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned long) in ccWfhDHV.o |
| "typeinfo for std::__yuga1::codecvt_byname<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>", referenced from: |
| typeinfo for my_facet in ccWfhDHV.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt_byname<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::~codecvt_byname()", referenced from: |
| my_facet::~my_facet() in ccWfhDHV.o |
| my_facet::~my_facet() in ccWfhDHV.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_out(__mbstate_t&, char32_t const*, char32_t const*, char32_t const*&, char*, char*, char*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccWfhDHV.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_length(__mbstate_t&, char const*, char const*, unsigned long) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccWfhDHV.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_unshift(__mbstate_t&, char*, char*, char*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccWfhDHV.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_max_length() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccWfhDHV.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccWfhDHV.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_encoding() const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccWfhDHV.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt_byname<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::codecvt_byname(char const*, unsigned long)", referenced from: |
| my_facet::my_facet(char const*, unsigned long) in ccWfhDHV.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_in(__mbstate_t&, char const*, char const*, char const*&, char32_t*, char32_t*, char32_t*&) const", referenced from: |
| vtable for my_facet in ccWfhDHV.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| ctor_char32_t.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/locale.codecvt.byname |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/locale.codecvt.byname |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/locale.ctype |
| passed 12 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/locale.ctype/locale.ctype.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/locale.ctype/locale.ctype.virtuals |
| passed 13 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.ctype/locale.ctype.byname |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.messages |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.messages/locale.messages |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.messages/locale.messages/locale.messages.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.messages/locale.messages/locale.messages.virtuals |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.messages/locale.messages.byname |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.monetary |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.monetary/locale.money.get |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.monetary/locale.money.get/locale.money.get.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.monetary/locale.money.get/locale.money.get.virtuals |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.monetary/locale.money.put |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.monetary/locale.money.put/locale.money.put.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.monetary/locale.money.put/locale.money.put.virtuals |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.monetary/locale.moneypunct |
| passed 9 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.monetary/locale.moneypunct/locale.moneypunct.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.monetary/locale.moneypunct/locale.moneypunct.virtuals |
| passed 9 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.monetary/locale.moneypunct.byname |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.numeric |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.numeric/locale.nm.put |
| passed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.numeric/locale.nm.put/facet.num.put.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.numeric/locale.nm.put/facet.num.put.virtuals |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.numeric/locale.num.get |
| passed 11 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.numeric/locale.num.get/facet.num.get.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.numeric/locale.num.get/facet.num.get.virtuals |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.time |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.time/locale.time.get |
| passed 12 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.time/locale.time.get/locale.time.get.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.time/locale.time.get/locale.time.get.virtuals |
| passed 14 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.time/locale.time.get.byname |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.time/locale.time.put |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.time/locale.time.put/locale.time.put.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.time/locale.time.put/locale.time.put.virtuals |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/category.time/locale.time.put.byname |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/facet.numpunct |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/facet.numpunct/locale.numpunct |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/facet.numpunct/locale.numpunct/facet.numpunct.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/facet.numpunct/locale.numpunct/facet.numpunct.virtuals |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/facet.numpunct/locale.numpunct.byname |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.categories/facets.examples |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/localization/locale.stdcvt |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locale.syn |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc3sFSGa.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc3sFSGa.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| assign.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc9skbmL.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc9skbmL.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| char_pointer.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc04xaH2.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc04xaH2.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| copy.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccVeXTPD.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccVeXTPD.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| default.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc3A5USb.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc3A5USb.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| locale_char_pointer_cat.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cckmNL83.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cckmNL83.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| locale_facetptr.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc6Xfb8N.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc6Xfb8N.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| locale_locale_cat.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccehzw5v.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccehzw5v.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| locale_string_cat.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc75cj5x.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cc75cj5x.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| string.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 9 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale/locale.cons |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccVeHmE5.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccVeHmE5.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| combine.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale/locale.members |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale/locale.members |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale/locale.operators |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccq2VXUl.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in ccq2VXUl.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| classic.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| Undefined symbols: |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char32_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDic11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cckTR2Jo.o |
| "std::__yuga1::codecvt<char16_t, char, __mbstate_t>::id", referenced from: |
| __ZNSt7__yuga17codecvtIDsc11__mbstate_tE2idE$non_lazy_ptr in cckTR2Jo.o |
| ld: symbol(s) not found |
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status |
| global.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale/locale.statics |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale/locale.types |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale/locale.types/locale.category |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale/locale.types/locale.facet |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale/locale.types/locale.id |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale.convenience |
| passed 11 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale.convenience/classification |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale.convenience/conversions |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale.convenience/conversions/conversions.buffer |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale.convenience/conversions/conversions.character |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale.convenience/conversions/conversions.string |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/locales/locale.global.templates |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/localization/localization.general |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics |
| tgmath_h.pass.cpp:26:2: error: #error <tgmath.h> is not implemented |
| tgmath_h.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/c.math |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/c.math |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/cfenv |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/cfenv/cfenv.syn |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/cfenv/fenv |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/ccmplx |
| passed 7 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/cmplx.over |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/cmplxh |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/complex |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/complex.member.ops |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/complex.members |
| stream_input.pass.cpp:30:2: error: #error operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>& is, complex<T>& x) not implemented. |
| stream_input.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| stream_output.pass.cpp:30:2: error: #error operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& o, const complex<T>& x) not implemented. |
| stream_output.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/complex.ops |
| passed 20 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/complex.ops |
| passed 12 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/complex.special |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/complex.synopsis |
| passed 19 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/complex.transcendentals |
| passed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/complex.number/complex.value.ops |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/class.gslice |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/class.gslice/gslice.access |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/class.gslice/gslice.cons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/class.slice |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/class.slice/cons.slice |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/class.slice/slice.access |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.gslice.array |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.gslice.array/gslice.array.assign |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.gslice.array/gslice.array.comp.assign |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.gslice.array/gslice.array.fill |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.indirect.array |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.indirect.array/indirect.array.assign |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.indirect.array/indirect.array.comp.assign |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.indirect.array/indirect.array.fill |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.mask.array |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.mask.array/mask.array.assign |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.mask.array/mask.array.comp.assign |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.mask.array/mask.array.fill |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.slice.array |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.slice.array/slice.arr.assign |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.slice.array/slice.arr.comp.assign |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.slice.array/slice.arr.fill |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.valarray |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.valarray/valarray.access |
| passed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.valarray/valarray.assign |
| passed 20 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.valarray/valarray.cassign |
| passed 11 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.valarray/valarray.cons |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.valarray/valarray.members |
| passed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.valarray/valarray.sub |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/template.valarray/valarray.unary |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/valarray.nonmembers |
| passed 30 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/valarray.nonmembers/valarray.binary |
| passed 24 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/valarray.nonmembers/valarray.comparison |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/valarray.nonmembers/valarray.special |
| passed 20 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/valarray.nonmembers/valarray.transcend |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/valarray.range |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numarray/valarray.syn |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numeric.ops |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numeric.ops/accumulate |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numeric.ops/adjacent.difference |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numeric.ops/inner.product |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/numeric.ops/numeric.iota |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numeric.ops/partial.sum |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/numerics/numeric.requirements |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/numerics.general |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.adapt |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.adapt/rand.adapt.disc |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.adapt/rand.adapt.ibits |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.adapt/rand.adapt.shuf |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.concept |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.concept/rand.concept.adapt |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.concept/rand.concept.distr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.concept/rand.concept.eng |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.concept/rand.concept.seedseq |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.concept/rand.concept.urng |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.device |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.bern |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.bern/rand.dist.bern.bernoulli |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.bern/rand.dist.bern.bin |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.bern/rand.dist.bern.geo |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.bern/rand.dist.bern.negbin |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.norm |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.norm/rand.dist.norm.cauchy |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.norm/rand.dist.norm.chisq |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.norm/rand.dist.norm.f |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.norm/rand.dist.norm.lognormal |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.norm/rand.dist.norm.normal |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.norm/rand.dist.norm.t |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.pois |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.pois/rand.dist.pois.exp |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.pois/rand.dist.pois.extreme |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.pois/rand.dist.pois.gamma |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.pois/rand.dist.pois.poisson |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.pois/rand.dist.pois.weibull |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.samp |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.samp/rand.dist.samp.discrete |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.samp/rand.dist.samp.genpdf |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.samp/rand.dist.samp.pconst |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.uni |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.uni/rand.dist.uni.int |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.dis/rand.dist.uni/rand.dist.uni.real |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.eng |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.eng/rand.eng.lcong |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.eng/rand.eng.mers |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.eng/rand.eng.sub |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.predef |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.synopsis |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.util |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.util/rand.util.canonical |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/numerics/rand/rand.util/rand.util.seedseq |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.alg |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.alg/re.alg.match |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.alg/re.alg.replace |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.alg/re.alg.search |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.alg/re.except |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.badexp |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.const |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.const/re.err |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.const/re.matchflag |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.const/re.synopt |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.def |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.def/defns.regex.collating.element |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.def/defns.regex.finite.state.machine |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.def/defns.regex.format.specifier |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.def/defns.regex.matched |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.def/defns.regex.primary.equivalence.class |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.def/defns.regex.regular.expression |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.def/defns.regex.subexpression |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.general |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.grammar |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.iter |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.iter/re.regiter |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.iter/re.regiter/re.regiter.cnstr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.iter/re.regiter/re.regiter.comp |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.iter/re.regiter/re.regiter.deref |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.iter/re.regiter/re.regiter.incr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.iter/re.tokiter |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.iter/re.tokiter/re.tokiter.cnstr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.iter/re.tokiter/re.tokiter.comp |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.iter/re.tokiter/re.tokiter.deref |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.iter/re.tokiter/re.tokiter.incr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.regex |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.regex/re.regex.assign |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.regex/re.regex.const |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.regex/re.regex.construct |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.regex/re.regex.locale |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.regex/re.regex.nonmemb |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.regex/re.regex.nonmemb/re.regex.nmswap |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.regex/re.regex.operations |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.regex/re.regex.swap |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.req |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.results |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.results/re.results.acc |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.results/re.results.all |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.results/re.results.const |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.results/re.results.form |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.results/re.results.nonmember |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.results/re.results.size |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.results/re.results.swap |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.submatch |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.submatch/re.submatch.members |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.submatch/re.submatch.op |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.syn |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/re/re.traits |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.access |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.capacity |
| passed 16 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.cons |
| passed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.iterators |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.modifiers |
| passed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.modifiers/string::append |
| passed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.modifiers/string::assign |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.modifiers/string::copy |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.modifiers/string::erase |
| iter_initializer_list.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| iter_initializer_list.pass.cpp:36: error: using ‘typename’ outside of template |
| iter_initializer_list.pass.cpp:36: error: using ‘typename’ outside of template |
| iter_initializer_list.pass.cpp:36: error: ‘S’ has not been declared |
| iter_initializer_list.pass.cpp:36: error: expected ‘(’ before ‘i’ |
| iter_initializer_list.pass.cpp:36: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘i’ |
| iter_initializer_list.pass.cpp:36: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token |
| iter_initializer_list.pass.cpp:36: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘)’ token |
| iter_initializer_list.pass.cpp:37: error: ‘i’ was not declared in this scope |
| iter_initializer_list.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.modifiers/string::insert |
| passed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.modifiers/string::insert |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.modifiers/string::op+= |
| passed 11 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.modifiers/string::replace |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.modifiers/string::swap |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.nonmembers |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.nonmembers/string.io |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.nonmembers/string.special |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.nonmembers/string::op!= |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.nonmembers/string::op+ |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.nonmembers/string::operator== |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.nonmembers/string::opgt |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.nonmembers/string::opgt= |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.nonmembers/string::oplt |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.nonmembers/string::oplt= |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.ops |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.ops/string.accessors |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.ops/string::compare |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.ops/string::find |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.ops/string::find.first.not.of |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.ops/string::find.first.of |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.ops/string::find.last.not.of |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.ops/string::find.last.of |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.ops/string::rfind |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.ops/string::substr |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/basic.string/string.require |
| cuchar.pass.cpp:26:18: error: cuchar: No such file or directory |
| cuchar.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/c.strings |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/c.strings |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/char.traits |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/char.traits/char.traits.require |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/char.traits/char.traits.specializations |
| passed 15 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/char.traits/char.traits.specializations/char.traits.specializations.char |
| passed 15 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/char.traits/char.traits.specializations/char.traits.specializations.char16_t |
| passed 15 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/char.traits/char.traits.specializations/char.traits.specializations.char32_t |
| passed 15 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/char.traits/char.traits.specializations/char.traits.specializations.wchar.t |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/char.traits/char.traits.typedefs |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/strings/string.classes |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/strings/string.conversions |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/strings/strings.general |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/futures |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/futures/future.shared_future |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/futures/futures.async |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/futures/futures.atomic_future |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/futures/futures.errors |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/futures/futures.future_error |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/futures/futures.overview |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/futures/futures.promise |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/futures/futures.state |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/futures/futures.tas |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/futures/futures.unique_future |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.condition |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.condition/thread.condition.condvar |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.condition/thread.condition.condvarany |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.general |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.lock |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.lock/thread.lock.guard |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.lock/thread.lock.unique |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.lock/thread.lock.unique/thread.lock.unique.cons |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.lock/thread.lock.unique/thread.lock.unique.locking |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.lock/thread.lock.unique/thread.lock.unique.mod |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.lock/thread.lock.unique/thread.lock.unique.obs |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.lock.algorithm |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.mutex.requirements |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.mutex.requirements/thread.mutex.class |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.mutex.requirements/thread.mutex.recursive |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.once |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.once/thread.once.callonce |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.once/thread.once.onceflag |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.timedmutex.requirements |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.timedmutex.requirements/thread.timedmutex.class |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.mutex/thread.timedmutex.requirements/thread.timedmutex.recursive |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.req |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.req/thread.req.exception |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.req/thread.req.native |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.req/thread.req.paramname |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.req/thread.req.timing |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.threads |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.threads/thread.thread.class |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.threads/thread.thread.class/thread.thread.algorithm |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.threads/thread.thread.class/thread.thread.assign |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.threads/thread.thread.class/thread.thread.constr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.threads/thread.thread.class/thread.thread.destr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.threads/thread.thread.class/thread.thread.id |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.threads/thread.thread.class/thread.thread.member |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.threads/thread.thread.class/thread.thread.static |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/thread/thread.threads/thread.thread.this |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/date.time |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/arithmetic.operations |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/base |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/bind |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/bind/func.bind |
| In file included from invoke_rvalue.pass.cpp:33: |
| ../../../../../../include/functional: In member function ‘typename std::__yuga1::__bind_return<_F, std::__yuga1::tuple<_Tp ...>, std::__yuga1::tuple<_Args&& ...> >::type std::__yuga1::__bind<_F, _BoundArgs>::operator()(_Args&& ...) [with _Args = A_int_1, _F = int A_int_1::*, _BoundArgs = std::__yuga1::placeholders::__ph<1>]’: |
| invoke_rvalue.pass.cpp:200: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/functional:1628: warning: returning reference to temporary |
| ../../../../../../include/functional: In function ‘typename std::__yuga1::__bind_return<_F, _BoundArgs, _Args>::type std::__yuga1::__apply_functor(_F&, _BoundArgs&, std::__yuga1::__tuple_indices<_Indx ...>, _Args&&) [with _F = int A_int_1::*, _BoundArgs = std::__yuga1::tuple<std::__yuga1::placeholders::__ph<1> >, long unsigned int ..._Indx = 0ul, _Args = std::__yuga1::tuple<A_int_1&&>]’: |
| ../../../../../../include/functional:1628: instantiated from ‘typename std::__yuga1::__bind_return<_F, std::__yuga1::tuple<_Tp ...>, std::__yuga1::tuple<_Args&& ...> >::type std::__yuga1::__bind<_F, _BoundArgs>::operator()(_Args&& ...) [with _Args = A_int_1, _F = int A_int_1::*, _BoundArgs = std::__yuga1::placeholders::__ph<1>]’ |
| invoke_rvalue.pass.cpp:200: instantiated from here |
| ../../../../../../include/functional:1602: warning: returning reference to temporary |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/bind/func.bind/func.bind.bind |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/bind/func.bind/func.bind.isbind |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/bind/func.bind/func.bind.isplace |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/bind/func.bind/func.bind.place |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/bitwise.operations |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/comparisons |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.def |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.memfn |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.require |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.ret |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.wrap |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.wrap/func.wrap.badcall |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.wrap/func.wrap.badcall/func.wrap.badcall.const |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.wrap/func.wrap.func |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.wrap/func.wrap.func/func.wrap.func.alg |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.wrap/func.wrap.func/func.wrap.func.cap |
| passed 7 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.wrap/func.wrap.func/func.wrap.func.con |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.wrap/func.wrap.func/func.wrap.func.inv |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.wrap/func.wrap.func/func.wrap.func.mod |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.wrap/func.wrap.func/func.wrap.func.nullptr |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/func.wrap/func.wrap.func/func.wrap.func.targ |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/function.pointer.adaptors |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/logical.operations |
| passed 16 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/member.pointer.adaptors |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/negators |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/refwrap |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/refwrap/refwrap.access |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/refwrap/refwrap.assign |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/refwrap/refwrap.const |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/refwrap/refwrap.helpers |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/refwrap/refwrap.invoke |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/function.objects/unord.hash |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.adaptor |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.adaptor/allocator.adaptor.cnstr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.adaptor/allocator.adaptor.members |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.adaptor/allocator.adaptor.types |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.tag |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.traits |
| Assertion failed: (b_construct == 1), function main, file construct.pass.cpp, line 132. |
| ./testit: line 94: 98779 Abort trap ./a.out |
| construct.pass.cpp failed at run time |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.traits/allocator.traits.members |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.traits/allocator.traits.members |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.traits/allocator.traits.types |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.uses |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.uses/allocator.uses.construction |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/allocator.uses/allocator.uses.trait |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/c.malloc |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/default.allocator |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/default.allocator/allocator.globals |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/default.allocator/allocator.members |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/pointer.traits |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/pointer.traits/pointer.traits.functions |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/pointer.traits/pointer.traits.types |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/ptr.align |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/specialized.algorithms |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/specialized.algorithms/specialized.addressof |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/specialized.algorithms/uninitialized.copy |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/specialized.algorithms/uninitialized.fill |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/specialized.algorithms/uninitialized.fill.n |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/storage.iterator |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/temporary.buffer |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.dltr |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.dltr/unique.ptr.dltr.dflt |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.dltr/unique.ptr.dltr.dflt1 |
| passed 18 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.runtime |
| passed 42 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.runtime/unique.ptr.runtime.ctor |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.runtime/unique.ptr.runtime.modifiers |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.runtime/unique.ptr.runtime.observers |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.single |
| passed 17 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.single/unique.ptr.single.asgn |
| passed 48 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.single/unique.ptr.single.ctor |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.single/unique.ptr.single.dtor |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.single/unique.ptr.single.modifiers |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.single/unique.ptr.single.observers |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/unique.ptr/unique.ptr.special |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.dynamic.safety |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.enab |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared/util.smartptr.getdeleter |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared/util.smartptr.shared.assign |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared/util.smartptr.shared.cast |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared/util.smartptr.shared.cmp |
| passed 20 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared/util.smartptr.shared.const |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared/util.smartptr.shared.create |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared/util.smartptr.shared.dest |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared/util.smartptr.shared.io |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared/util.smartptr.shared.mod |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared/util.smartptr.shared.obs |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared/util.smartptr.shared.spec |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.shared.atomic |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.weak |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.weak/util.smartptr.ownerless |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.weak/util.smartptr.weak.assign |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.weak/util.smartptr.weak.const |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.weak/util.smartptr.weak.dest |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.weak/util.smartptr.weak.mod |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.weak/util.smartptr.weak.obs |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.weak/util.smartptr.weak.spec |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/memory/util.smartptr/util.smartptr.weakptr |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.hel |
| is_convertible.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| is_convertible.pass.cpp:145: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_convertible.pass.cpp:286: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_convertible.pass.cpp:289: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_convertible.pass.cpp:328: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_convertible.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:36: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:36: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:36: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:36: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:36: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:36: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:37: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:37: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:37: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:37: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:37: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:37: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:38: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:38: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:38: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:38: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:38: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:38: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:39: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:39: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:39: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:39: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:39: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:39: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:41: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:41: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:41: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:41: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:41: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:41: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:42: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:42: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:42: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:42: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:42: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:42: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:44: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:44: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:44: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:44: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:44: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:44: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:45: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:45: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:45: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:45: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:45: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:45: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:47: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:47: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:47: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:47: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:47: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:47: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:48: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:48: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:48: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:48: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:48: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:48: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:49: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:49: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:49: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:49: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:49: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:49: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:50: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:50: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:50: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:50: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:50: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:50: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:52: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:52: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:52: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:52: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:52: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:52: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:53: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:53: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:53: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:53: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:53: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:53: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:54: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:54: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:54: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:54: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:54: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:54: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:55: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:55: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:55: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:55: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:55: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:55: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:57: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:57: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:57: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:57: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:57: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:57: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:58: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:58: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:58: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:58: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:58: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:58: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:59: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:59: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:59: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:59: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:59: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:59: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:60: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:60: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:60: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:60: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:60: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:60: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:62: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:62: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:62: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:62: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:62: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:62: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:63: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:63: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:63: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:63: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:63: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:63: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:64: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:65: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:65: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:65: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:65: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:65: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:65: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:67: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:67: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:67: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:67: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:67: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:67: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:68: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:68: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:68: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:68: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:68: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:68: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:69: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:69: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:69: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:69: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:69: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:69: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:70: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:70: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:70: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:70: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:70: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:70: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:72: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:72: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:72: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:72: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:72: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:72: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:73: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:73: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:73: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:73: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:73: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:73: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:74: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:74: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:74: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:74: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:74: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:74: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:75: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:75: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:75: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:75: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:75: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:75: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:78: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:78: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:78: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:78: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:78: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:78: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:78: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:78: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:79: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:79: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:79: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:79: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:79: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:79: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:79: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:79: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:81: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:81: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:81: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:81: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:81: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:83: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:83: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:83: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:83: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:83: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:83: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:84: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:84: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:84: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:84: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:84: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:84: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:86: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:86: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:86: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:86: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:86: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:86: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:87: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:87: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:87: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:87: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:87: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:87: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:87: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:87: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:87: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:89: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:89: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:89: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:89: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:89: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:90: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:90: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:90: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:90: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:90: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:90: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:90: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:90: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:92: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:92: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:92: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:92: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:92: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:92: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:93: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:93: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:93: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:93: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:93: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:93: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:93: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:93: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:95: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:95: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:95: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:95: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:95: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:95: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:95: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:95: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:96: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:96: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:96: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:96: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:96: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:96: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:96: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:96: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:98: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:98: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:98: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:98: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:98: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:98: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:98: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:98: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:99: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:99: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:99: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:99: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:99: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:99: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:99: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:99: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:101: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:101: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:101: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:101: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:101: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:101: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:101: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:101: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:102: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:102: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:102: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:102: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:102: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:102: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:102: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:102: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:105: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:105: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:105: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:105: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:105: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:105: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:105: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:105: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:105: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:106: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:106: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:106: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:106: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:106: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:106: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:106: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:106: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:106: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:108: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:108: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:108: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:108: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:108: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:108: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:110: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:110: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:110: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:110: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:110: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:110: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:110: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:111: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:111: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:111: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:111: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:111: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:111: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:111: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:111: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:111: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:113: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:113: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:113: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:113: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:113: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:113: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:113: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:114: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:114: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:114: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:114: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:114: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:114: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:114: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:114: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:114: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:114: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:116: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:116: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:116: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:116: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:116: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:116: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:117: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:117: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:117: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:117: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:117: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:117: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:117: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:117: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:117: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:119: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:119: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:119: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:119: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:119: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:119: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:119: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:120: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:120: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:120: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:120: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:120: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:120: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:120: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:120: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:120: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:122: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:122: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:122: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:122: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:122: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:122: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:122: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:122: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:122: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:123: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:123: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:123: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:123: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:123: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:123: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:123: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:123: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:123: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:125: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:125: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:125: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:125: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:125: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:125: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:125: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:125: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:125: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:126: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:126: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:126: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:126: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:126: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:126: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:126: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:126: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:126: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:128: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:128: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:128: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:128: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:128: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:128: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:128: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:128: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:128: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:129: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:129: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:129: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:129: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:129: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:129: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:129: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:129: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:129: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:132: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:132: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:132: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:132: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:132: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:132: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:132: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:132: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:132: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:133: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:133: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:133: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:133: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:133: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:133: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:133: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:134: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:134: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:134: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:134: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:134: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:134: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:134: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:134: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:134: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:135: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:135: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:135: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:135: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:135: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:135: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:135: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:137: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:137: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:137: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:137: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:137: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:137: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:138: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:138: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:138: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:138: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:138: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:138: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:138: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:140: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:140: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:140: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:140: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:140: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:140: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:140: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:141: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:141: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:141: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:141: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:141: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:141: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:141: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:143: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:143: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:143: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:143: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:143: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:143: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:143: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:144: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:144: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:144: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:144: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:144: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:144: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:144: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:144: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:144: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:144: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:145: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:145: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:145: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:145: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:145: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:145: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:145: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:146: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:146: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:146: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:146: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:146: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:146: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:146: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:148: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:148: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:148: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:148: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:148: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:148: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:149: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:149: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:149: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:149: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:149: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:149: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:149: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:149: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:149: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:150: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:150: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:150: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:150: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:150: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:150: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:150: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:151: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:151: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:151: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:151: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:151: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:151: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:151: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:153: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:153: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:153: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:153: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:153: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:153: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:153: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:154: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:154: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:154: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:154: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:154: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:154: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:154: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:154: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:154: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:155: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:155: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:155: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:155: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:155: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:155: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:155: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:156: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:156: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:156: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:156: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:156: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:156: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:156: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:158: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:158: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:158: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:158: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:158: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:158: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:158: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:158: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:158: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:159: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:159: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:159: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:159: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:159: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:159: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:159: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:159: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:159: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:160: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:160: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:160: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:160: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:160: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:160: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:160: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:161: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:161: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:161: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:161: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:161: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:161: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:161: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:163: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:163: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:163: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:163: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:163: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:163: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:163: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:163: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:163: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:164: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:164: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:164: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:164: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:164: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:164: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:164: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:164: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:164: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:165: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:165: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:165: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:165: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:165: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:165: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:165: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:166: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:166: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:166: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:166: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:166: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:166: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:166: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:168: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:168: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:168: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:168: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:168: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:168: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:168: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:168: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:168: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:169: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:169: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:169: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:169: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:169: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:169: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:169: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:169: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:169: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:170: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:170: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:170: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:170: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:170: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:170: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:170: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:171: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:171: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:171: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:171: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:171: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:171: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:171: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:174: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:174: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:174: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:174: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:174: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:174: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:174: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:174: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:175: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:175: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:175: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:175: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:175: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:175: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:176: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:176: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:176: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:176: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:176: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:176: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:176: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:176: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:177: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:177: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:177: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:177: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:177: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:177: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:179: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:179: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:179: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:179: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:179: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:180: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:180: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:180: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:180: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:180: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:180: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:182: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:182: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:182: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:182: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:182: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:182: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:183: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:183: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:183: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:183: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:183: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:183: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:185: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:185: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:185: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:185: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:185: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:185: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:186: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:186: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:186: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:186: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:186: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:186: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:186: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:186: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:186: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:187: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:187: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:187: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:187: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:187: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:187: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:188: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:188: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:188: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:188: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:188: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:188: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:190: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:190: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:190: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:190: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:190: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:191: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:191: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:191: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:191: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:191: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:191: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:191: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:191: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:192: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:192: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:192: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:192: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:192: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:192: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:193: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:193: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:193: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:193: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:193: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:193: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:195: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:195: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:195: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:195: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:195: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:195: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:196: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:196: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:196: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:196: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:196: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:196: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:196: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:196: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:197: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:197: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:197: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:197: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:197: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:197: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:198: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:198: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:198: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:198: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:198: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:198: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:200: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:200: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:200: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:200: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:200: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:200: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:200: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:200: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:201: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:201: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:201: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:201: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:201: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:201: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:201: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:201: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:202: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:202: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:202: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:202: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:202: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:202: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:203: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:203: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:203: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:203: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:203: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:203: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:205: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:205: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:205: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:205: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:205: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:205: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:205: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:205: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:206: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:206: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:206: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:206: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:206: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:206: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:206: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:206: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:207: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:207: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:207: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:207: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:207: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:207: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:208: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:208: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:208: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:208: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:208: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:208: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:210: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:210: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:210: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:210: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:210: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:210: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:210: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:210: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:211: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:211: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:211: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:211: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:211: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:211: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:211: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:211: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:212: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:212: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:212: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:212: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:212: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:212: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:213: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:213: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:213: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:213: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:213: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:213: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:216: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:216: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:216: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:216: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:216: error: expected primary-expression before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:216: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘void’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:216: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:216: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:216: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:217: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:217: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:217: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:217: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:217: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:217: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:218: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:218: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:218: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:218: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:218: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:218: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:218: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:218: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:218: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:219: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:219: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:219: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:219: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:219: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:219: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:221: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:221: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:221: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:221: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:221: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:221: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:222: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:222: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:222: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:222: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:222: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:222: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:224: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:224: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:224: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:224: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:224: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:224: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:224: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:225: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:225: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:225: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:225: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:225: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:225: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:227: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:227: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:227: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:227: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:227: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:227: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:227: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:228: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:228: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:228: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:228: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:228: error: expected primary-expression before ‘*’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:228: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:228: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:228: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:228: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:228: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:229: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:229: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:229: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:229: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:229: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:229: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:230: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:230: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:230: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:230: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:230: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:230: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:232: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:232: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:232: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:232: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:232: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:232: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:233: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:233: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:233: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:233: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:233: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:233: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:233: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:233: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:233: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:234: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:234: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:234: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:234: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:234: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:234: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:235: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:235: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:235: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:235: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:235: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:235: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:237: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:237: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:237: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:237: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:237: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:237: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:237: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:238: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:238: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:238: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:238: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:238: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:238: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:238: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:238: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:238: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:239: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:239: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:239: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:239: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:239: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:239: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:240: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:240: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:240: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:240: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:240: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:240: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:242: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:242: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:242: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:242: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:242: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:242: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:242: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:242: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:242: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:243: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:243: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:243: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:243: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:243: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:243: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:243: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:243: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:243: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:244: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:244: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:244: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:244: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:244: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:244: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:245: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:245: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:245: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:245: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:245: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:245: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:247: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:247: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:247: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:247: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:247: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:247: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:247: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:247: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:247: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:248: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:248: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:248: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:248: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:248: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:248: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:248: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:248: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:248: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:249: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:249: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:249: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:249: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:249: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:249: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:250: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:250: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:250: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:250: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:250: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:250: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:252: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:252: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:252: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:252: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:252: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:252: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:252: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:252: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:252: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:253: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:253: error: expected primary-expression before ‘&’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:253: error: expected primary-expression before ‘,’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:253: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:253: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:253: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:253: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:253: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:253: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:254: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:254: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:254: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:254: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:254: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:254: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:255: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:255: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:255: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:255: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:255: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:255: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:258: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:258: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:258: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:258: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:258: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:258: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:259: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:259: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:259: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:259: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:259: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:259: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:260: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:260: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:260: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:260: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:260: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:260: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:261: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:261: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:261: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:261: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:261: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:261: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:263: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:263: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:263: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:263: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:263: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:263: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:264: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:264: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:264: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:264: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:264: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:264: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:266: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:266: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:266: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:266: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:266: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:266: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:267: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:267: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:267: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:267: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:267: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:267: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:269: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:269: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:269: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:269: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:269: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:269: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:270: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:270: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:270: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:270: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:270: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:270: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:271: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:271: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:271: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:271: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:271: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:271: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:272: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:272: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:272: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:272: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:272: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:272: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:274: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:274: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:274: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:274: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:274: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:274: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:275: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:275: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:275: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:275: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:275: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:275: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:276: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:276: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:276: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:276: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:276: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:276: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:277: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:277: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:277: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:277: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:277: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:277: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:279: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:279: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:279: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:279: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:279: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:279: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:280: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:280: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:280: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:280: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:280: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:280: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:281: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:281: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:281: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:281: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:281: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:281: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:282: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:282: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:282: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:282: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:282: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:282: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:284: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:284: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:284: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:284: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:284: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:284: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:285: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:285: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:285: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:285: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:285: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:285: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:286: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:286: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:286: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:286: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:286: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:286: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:287: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:287: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:287: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:287: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:287: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:287: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:289: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:289: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:289: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:289: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:289: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:289: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:290: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:290: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:290: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:290: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:290: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:290: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:291: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:291: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:291: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:291: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:291: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:291: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:292: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:292: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:292: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:292: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:292: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:292: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:294: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:294: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:294: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:294: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:294: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:294: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:295: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:295: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:295: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:295: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:295: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:295: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:296: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:296: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:296: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:296: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:296: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:296: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:297: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:297: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:297: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:297: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:297: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:297: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:300: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:300: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:300: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:300: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:300: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:300: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:301: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:301: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:301: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:301: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:301: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:301: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:302: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:302: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:302: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:302: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:302: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:302: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:303: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:303: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:303: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:303: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:303: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:303: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:305: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:305: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:305: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:305: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:305: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:305: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:306: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:306: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:306: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:306: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:306: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:306: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:308: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:308: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:308: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:308: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:308: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:308: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:309: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:309: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:309: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:309: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:309: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:309: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:311: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:311: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:311: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:311: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:311: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:311: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:312: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:312: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:312: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:312: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:312: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:312: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:313: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:313: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:313: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:313: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:313: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:313: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:314: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:314: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:314: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:314: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:314: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:314: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:316: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:316: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:316: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:316: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:316: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:316: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:317: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:317: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:317: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:317: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:317: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:317: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:318: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:318: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:318: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:318: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:318: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:318: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:319: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:319: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:319: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:319: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:319: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:319: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:321: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:321: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:321: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:321: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:321: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:321: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:322: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:322: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:322: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:322: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:322: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:322: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:323: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:323: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:323: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:323: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:323: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:323: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:324: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:324: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:324: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:324: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:324: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:324: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:326: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:326: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:326: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:326: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:326: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:326: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:327: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:327: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:327: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:327: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:327: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:327: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:328: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:328: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:328: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:328: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:328: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:328: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:329: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:329: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:329: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:329: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:329: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:329: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:331: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:331: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:331: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:331: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:331: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:331: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:332: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:332: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:332: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:332: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:332: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:332: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:333: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:333: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:333: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:333: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:333: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:333: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:334: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:334: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:334: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:334: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:334: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:334: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:336: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:336: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:336: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:336: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:336: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:336: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:337: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:337: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:337: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:337: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:337: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:337: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:338: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:338: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:338: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:338: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:338: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:338: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:339: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:339: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:339: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:339: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:339: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:339: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:342: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:342: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:342: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:342: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:342: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:342: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:343: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:343: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:343: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:343: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:343: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:343: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:344: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:344: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:344: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:344: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:344: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:344: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:345: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:345: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:345: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:345: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:345: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:345: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:347: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:347: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:347: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:347: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:347: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:347: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:348: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:348: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:348: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:348: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:348: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:348: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:350: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:350: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:350: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:350: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:350: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:350: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:351: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:351: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:351: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:351: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:351: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:351: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:353: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:353: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:353: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:353: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:353: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:353: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:354: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:354: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:354: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:354: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:354: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:354: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:355: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:355: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:355: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:355: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:355: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:355: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:356: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:356: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:356: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:356: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:356: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:356: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:358: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:358: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:358: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:358: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:358: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:358: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:359: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:359: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:359: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:359: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:359: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:359: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:360: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:360: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:360: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:360: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:360: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:360: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:361: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:361: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:361: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:361: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:361: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:361: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:363: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:363: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:363: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:363: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:363: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:363: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:364: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:364: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:364: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:364: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:364: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:364: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:365: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:365: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:365: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:365: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:365: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:365: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:366: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:366: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:366: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:366: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:366: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:366: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:368: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:368: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:368: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:368: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:368: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:368: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:369: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:369: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:369: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:369: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:369: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:369: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:370: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:370: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:370: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:370: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:370: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:370: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:371: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:371: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:371: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:371: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:371: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:371: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:373: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:373: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:373: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:373: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:373: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:373: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:374: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:374: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:374: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:374: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:374: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:374: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:375: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:375: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:375: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:375: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:375: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:375: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:376: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:376: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:376: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:376: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:376: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:376: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:378: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:378: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:378: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:378: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:378: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:378: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:379: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:379: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:379: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:379: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:379: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:379: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:380: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:380: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:380: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:380: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:380: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:380: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:381: error: ‘is_explicitly_convertible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:381: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:381: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:381: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:381: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp:381: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_explicitly_convertible.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.rel |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.rel |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.rqmts |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.trans |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.trans/meta.trans.arr |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.trans/meta.trans.cv |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.trans/meta.trans.ptr |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.trans/meta.trans.ref |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.trans/meta.trans.sign |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:32: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:32: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:32: error: wrong number of template arguments (1, should be 2) |
| ../../../../include/type_traits:503: error: provided for ‘template<class _Tp, class _Up> struct std::__yuga1::is_same’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:32: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:32: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:32: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:32: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:32: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:32: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:33: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:33: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:33: error: wrong number of template arguments (1, should be 2) |
| ../../../../include/type_traits:503: error: provided for ‘template<class _Tp, class _Up> struct std::__yuga1::is_same’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:33: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:33: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:33: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘char’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:33: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:33: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:33: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:35: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:35: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:35: error: wrong number of template arguments (1, should be 2) |
| ../../../../include/type_traits:503: error: provided for ‘template<class _Tp, class _Up> struct std::__yuga1::is_same’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:35: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:35: error: expected primary-expression before ‘double’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:35: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘double’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:35: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:35: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:35: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:36: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:36: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:36: error: wrong number of template arguments (1, should be 2) |
| ../../../../include/type_traits:503: error: provided for ‘template<class _Tp, class _Up> struct std::__yuga1::is_same’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:36: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:36: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:36: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:36: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:36: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:36: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:38: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:38: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:38: error: wrong number of template arguments (1, should be 2) |
| ../../../../include/type_traits:503: error: provided for ‘template<class _Tp, class _Up> struct std::__yuga1::is_same’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:38: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:38: error: expected primary-expression before ‘double’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:38: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘double’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:38: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:38: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:38: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:39: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:39: error: ‘underlying_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:39: error: wrong number of template arguments (1, should be 2) |
| ../../../../include/type_traits:503: error: provided for ‘template<class _Tp, class _Up> struct std::__yuga1::is_same’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:39: error: a comma operator cannot appear in a constant-expression |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:39: error: expected primary-expression before ‘long’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:39: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘long’ |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:39: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:39: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp:39: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| underlying_type.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.trans.other |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.trans.other |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.type.synop |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.unary |
| passed 13 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.unary/meta.unary.cat |
| passed 13 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.unary/meta.unary.comp |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_assign() [with T = Union]’: |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_assign() [with T = Abstract]’: |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_assign() [with T = Empty]’: |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_assign() [with T = NotEmpty]’: |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_assign() [with T = bit_zero]’: |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_assign.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_not_nothrow_copy_constructor() [with T = int&]’: |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:78: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:42: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:43: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:44: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:45: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_copy_constructor() [with T = Union]’: |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_copy_constructor() [with T = Abstract]’: |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_copy_constructor() [with T = Empty]’: |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_copy_constructor() [with T = NotEmpty]’: |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_copy_constructor() [with T = bit_zero]’: |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_copy_constructor.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_default_constructor() [with T = Union]’: |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_default_constructor() [with T = Abstract]’: |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_default_constructor() [with T = Empty]’: |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_default_constructor() [with T = NotEmpty]’: |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_nothrow_default_constructor() [with T = bit_zero]’: |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_nothrow_default_constructor.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_assign() [with T = Union]’: |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_assign() [with T = Abstract]’: |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_assign() [with T = Empty]’: |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_assign() [with T = NotEmpty]’: |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_assign() [with T = bit_zero]’: |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_assign.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_not_trivial_copy_constructor() [with T = int&]’: |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:78: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:42: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:43: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:44: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:45: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_copy_constructor() [with T = Union]’: |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_copy_constructor() [with T = Abstract]’: |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_copy_constructor() [with T = Empty]’: |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_copy_constructor() [with T = NotEmpty]’: |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_copy_constructor() [with T = bit_zero]’: |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_copy_constructor.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_default_constructor() [with T = Union]’: |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:80: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_default_constructor() [with T = Abstract]’: |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:81: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_default_constructor() [with T = Empty]’: |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_default_constructor() [with T = NotEmpty]’: |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_default_constructor() [with T = bit_zero]’: |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_default_constructor.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_destructor() [with T = Union]’: |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:82: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_destructor() [with T = Empty]’: |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:83: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:83: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:83: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:83: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_trivial_destructor() [with T = bit_zero]’: |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_trivial_destructor.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_virtual_destructor() [with T = Abstract]’: |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:89: instantiated from here |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_has_virtual_destructor() [with T = NotEmpty]’: |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:33: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:35: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:90: instantiated from here |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| has_virtual_destructor.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| is_constructible.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| is_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: ‘is_constructible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| is_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| is_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_constructible.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:32: error: ‘is_literal_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:32: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:32: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘int’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:32: error: expected string-literal before ‘int’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:32: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:33: error: ‘is_literal_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:33: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:33: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘const’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:33: error: expected string-literal before ‘const’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:33: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:34: error: ‘is_literal_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:34: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:34: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘int’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:34: error: expected string-literal before ‘int’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:34: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:35: error: ‘is_literal_type’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:35: error: expected primary-expression before ‘volatile’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:35: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘volatile’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:35: error: expected string-literal before ‘volatile’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp:35: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘volatile’ |
| is_literal_type.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| is_nothrow_constructible.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| is_nothrow_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: ‘is_nothrow_constructible’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_nothrow_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| is_nothrow_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| is_nothrow_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_nothrow_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected string-literal before ‘;’ token |
| is_nothrow_constructible.pass.cpp:64: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token |
| is_nothrow_constructible.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| is_pod.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_is_pod() [with T = int]’: |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:60: instantiated from here |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:60: instantiated from here |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_pod.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_is_pod() [with T = double]’: |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:61: instantiated from here |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:61: instantiated from here |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_pod.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_is_pod() [with T = int*]’: |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:62: instantiated from here |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:62: instantiated from here |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_pod.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_is_pod() [with T = const int*]’: |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:63: instantiated from here |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:63: instantiated from here |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_pod.pass.cpp: In function ‘void test_is_pod() [with T = char [3]]’: |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:64: instantiated from here |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:64: instantiated from here |
| is_pod.pass.cpp:36: error: static assertion failed: "" |
| is_pod.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:32: error: ‘is_standard_layout’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:32: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:32: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘int’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:32: error: expected string-literal before ‘int’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:32: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:33: error: ‘is_standard_layout’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:33: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:33: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘int’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:33: error: expected string-literal before ‘int’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:33: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:34: error: ‘is_standard_layout’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:34: error: expected primary-expression before ‘volatile’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:34: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘volatile’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:34: error: expected string-literal before ‘volatile’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp:34: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘volatile’ |
| is_standard_layout.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:32: error: ‘is_trivial’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:32: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:32: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘int’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:32: error: expected string-literal before ‘int’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:32: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:33: error: ‘is_trivial’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:33: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:33: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘int’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:33: error: expected string-literal before ‘int’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:33: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:34: error: ‘is_trivial’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:34: error: expected primary-expression before ‘volatile’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:34: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘volatile’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:34: error: expected string-literal before ‘volatile’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp:34: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘volatile’ |
| is_trivial.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:44: error: ‘is_trivially_copyable’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:44: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:44: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘int’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:44: error: expected string-literal before ‘int’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:44: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:45: error: ‘is_trivially_copyable’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:45: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:45: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:45: error: expected string-literal before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:45: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:46: error: ‘is_trivially_copyable’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:46: error: expected primary-expression before ‘int’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:46: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘int’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:46: error: expected string-literal before ‘int’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:46: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘int’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:47: error: ‘is_trivially_copyable’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:47: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:47: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:48: error: ‘is_trivially_copyable’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:48: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:48: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:48: error: expected string-literal before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:48: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:49: error: ‘is_trivially_copyable’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:49: error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:49: error: expected ‘,’ before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:49: error: expected string-literal before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:49: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘const’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:50: error: ‘is_trivially_copyable’ is not a member of ‘std’ |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:50: error: expected primary-expression before ‘>’ token |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp:50: error: ‘::value’ has not been declared |
| is_trivialially_copyable.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 15 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.unary/meta.unary.prop |
| passed 10 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/meta/meta.unary/meta.unary.prop |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/ratio |
| passed 8 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/ratio/ratio.arithmetic |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/ratio/ratio.comparison |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/ratio/ratio.ratio |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/ratio/ratio.si |
| passed 6 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.clock |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.clock/time.clock.hires |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.clock/time.clock.monotonic |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.clock/time.clock.system |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.clock.req |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.duration |
| passed 12 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.duration/time.duration.arithmetic |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.duration/time.duration.cast |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.duration/time.duration.comparisons |
| passed 11 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.duration/time.duration.cons |
| passed 11 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.duration/time.duration.nonmember |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.duration/time.duration.observer |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.duration/time.duration.special |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.point |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.point/time.point.arithmetic |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.point/time.point.cast |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.point/time.point.comparisons |
| passed 5 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.point/time.point.cons |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.point/time.point.nonmember |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.point/time.point.observer |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.point/time.point.special |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.traits |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.traits/time.traits.duration_values |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.traits/time.traits.is_fp |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/time/time.traits/time.traits.specializations |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.general |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.assign |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.cnstr |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.creation |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.elem |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.helper |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.range |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.rel |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.special |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.swap |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/tuple/tuple.tuple/tuple.traits |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/type.index |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/type.index/type.index.members |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/type.index/type.index.overview |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/type.index/type.index.synopsis |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/type.index/type.index.templ |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/utilities.general |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/utility |
| passed 14 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/utility/forward |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/utility/operators |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/utility/pair.astuple |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/utility/pair.range |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/utility/pairs |
| passed 1 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/utility/template.bitset |
| passed 4 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/utility/template.bitset/bitset.cons |
| passed 26 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/utility/template.bitset/bitset.members |
| stream_in.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| stream_in.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "bitset stream extraction operator not implemented" |
| stream_in.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| stream_out.pass.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: |
| stream_out.pass.cpp:34: error: static assertion failed: "bitset stream insertion operator not implemented" |
| stream_out.pass.cpp failed to compile |
| failed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/utility/template.bitset/bitset.operators |
| passed 3 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/utility/template.bitset/bitset.operators |
| passed 2 tests in /cayuga/test/utilities/utility/utility.swap |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/utility.requirements |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/utility.requirements/allocator.requirements |
| not implemented: /cayuga/test/utilities/utility.requirements/utility.arg.requirements |
| **************************************************** |
| Results for /cayuga/test: |
| using g++ (GCC) 4.4.0 |
| Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
| This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO |
| with -std=c++0x -nostdinc++ -nodefaultlibs /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib -Drestrict= -D__STDC_VERSION__=199901L -I/usr/include/gcc/darwin/4.2 -I../include ../lib/libcayuga.dylib |
| ---------------------------------------------------- |
| sections without tests : 227 |
| sections with failures : 28 |
| sections without failures: 776 |
| + ---- |
| total number of sections : 1031 |
| ---------------------------------------------------- |
| number of tests failed : 86 |
| number of tests passed : 2705 |
| + ---- |
| total number of tests : 2791 |
| **************************************************** |