blob: 114b1f5c2f6ae724e5cb4c6638e7d338db8ebaec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package android
import (
const (
// A sentinel value to be used as a key in Bp2BuildConfig for modules with
// no package path. This is also the module dir for top level Android.bp
// modules.
Bp2BuildTopLevel = "."
type MixedBuildEnabledStatus int
const (
// This module can be mixed_built.
MixedBuildEnabled = iota
// There is a technical incompatibility preventing this module from being
// bazel-analyzed. Note: the module might also be incompatible.
// This module cannot be mixed_built due to some incompatibility with it
// that is not a platform incompatibility. Example: the module-type is not
// enabled, or is not bp2build-converted.
// FileGroupAsLibrary describes a filegroup module that is converted to some library
// such as aidl_library or proto_library.
type FileGroupAsLibrary interface {
ShouldConvertToAidlLibrary(ctx BazelConversionPathContext) bool
ShouldConvertToProtoLibrary(ctx BazelConversionPathContext) bool
GetAidlLibraryLabel(ctx BazelConversionPathContext) string
GetProtoLibraryLabel(ctx BazelConversionPathContext) string
type BazelConversionStatus struct {
// Information about _all_ bp2build targets generated by this module. Multiple targets are
// supported as Soong handles some things within a single target that we may choose to split into
// multiple targets, e.g. renderscript, protos, yacc within a cc module.
Bp2buildInfo []bp2buildInfo `blueprint:"mutated"`
// UnconvertedBp2buildDep stores the module names of direct dependency that were not converted to
// Bazel
UnconvertedDeps []string `blueprint:"mutated"`
// MissingBp2buildDep stores the module names of direct dependency that were not found
MissingDeps []string `blueprint:"mutated"`
type BazelModuleProperties struct {
// The label of the Bazel target replacing this Soong module. When run in conversion mode, this
// will import the handcrafted build target into the autogenerated file. Note: this may result in
// a conflict due to duplicate targets if bp2build_available is also set.
Label *string
// If true, bp2build will generate the converted Bazel target for this module. Note: this may
// cause a conflict due to the duplicate targets if label is also set.
// This is a bool pointer to support tristates: true, false, not set.
// To opt in a module, set bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true }
// To opt out a module, set bazel_module: { bp2build_available: false }
// To defer the default setting for the directory, do not set the value.
Bp2build_available *bool
// CanConvertToBazel is set via InitBazelModule to indicate that a module type can be converted to
// Bazel with Bp2build.
CanConvertToBazel bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
// Properties contains common module properties for Bazel migration purposes.
type properties struct {
// In "Bazel mixed build" mode, this represents the Bazel target replacing
// this Soong module.
Bazel_module BazelModuleProperties
// namespacedVariableProperties is a map from a string representing a Soong
// config variable namespace, like "android" or "vendor_name" to a slice of
// pointer to a struct containing a single field called Soong_config_variables
// whose value mirrors the structure in the Blueprint file.
type namespacedVariableProperties map[string][]interface{}
// BazelModuleBase contains the property structs with metadata for modules which can be converted to
// Bazel.
type BazelModuleBase struct {
bazelProperties properties
// namespacedVariableProperties is used for soong_config_module_type support
// in bp2build. Soong config modules allow users to set module properties
// based on custom product variables defined in Android.bp files. These
// variables are namespaced to prevent clobbering, especially when set from
// Makefiles.
namespacedVariableProperties namespacedVariableProperties
// baseModuleType is set when this module was created from a module type
// defined by a soong_config_module_type. Every soong_config_module_type
// "wraps" another module type, e.g. a soong_config_module_type can wrap a
// cc_defaults to a custom_cc_defaults, or cc_binary to a custom_cc_binary.
// This baseModuleType is set to the wrapped module type.
baseModuleType string
// Bazelable is specifies the interface for modules that can be converted to Bazel.
type Bazelable interface {
bazelProps() *properties
HasHandcraftedLabel() bool
HandcraftedLabel() string
GetBazelLabel(ctx BazelConversionPathContext, module blueprint.Module) string
ShouldConvertWithBp2build(ctx BazelConversionContext) bool
shouldConvertWithBp2build(ctx bazelOtherModuleContext, module blueprint.Module) bool
ConvertWithBp2build(ctx TopDownMutatorContext)
// namespacedVariableProps is a map from a soong config variable namespace
// (e.g. acme, android) to a map of interfaces{}, which are really
// reflect.Struct pointers, representing the value of the
// soong_config_variables property of a module. The struct pointer is the
// one with the single member called Soong_config_variables, which itself is
// a struct containing fields for each supported feature in that namespace.
// The reason for using a slice of interface{} is to support defaults
// propagation of the struct pointers.
namespacedVariableProps() namespacedVariableProperties
setNamespacedVariableProps(props namespacedVariableProperties)
BaseModuleType() string
SetBaseModuleType(baseModuleType string)
// ApiProvider is implemented by modules that contribute to an API surface
type ApiProvider interface {
ConvertWithApiBp2build(ctx TopDownMutatorContext)
// MixedBuildBuildable is an interface that module types should implement in order
// to be "handled by Bazel" in a mixed build.
type MixedBuildBuildable interface {
// IsMixedBuildSupported returns true if and only if this module should be
// "handled by Bazel" in a mixed build.
// This "escape hatch" allows modules with corner-case scenarios to opt out
// of being built with Bazel.
IsMixedBuildSupported(ctx BaseModuleContext) bool
// QueueBazelCall invokes request-queueing functions on the BazelContext
// so that these requests are handled when Bazel's cquery is invoked.
QueueBazelCall(ctx BaseModuleContext)
// ProcessBazelQueryResponse uses Bazel information (obtained from the BazelContext)
// to set module fields and providers to propagate this module's metadata upstream.
// This effectively "bridges the gap" between Bazel and Soong in a mixed build.
// Soong modules depending on this module should be oblivious to the fact that
// this module was handled by Bazel.
ProcessBazelQueryResponse(ctx ModuleContext)
// BazelModule is a lightweight wrapper interface around Module for Bazel-convertible modules.
type BazelModule interface {
// InitBazelModule is a wrapper function that decorates a BazelModule with Bazel-conversion
// properties.
func InitBazelModule(module BazelModule) {
module.bazelProps().Bazel_module.CanConvertToBazel = true
// bazelProps returns the Bazel properties for the given BazelModuleBase.
func (b *BazelModuleBase) bazelProps() *properties {
return &b.bazelProperties
func (b *BazelModuleBase) namespacedVariableProps() namespacedVariableProperties {
return b.namespacedVariableProperties
func (b *BazelModuleBase) setNamespacedVariableProps(props namespacedVariableProperties) {
b.namespacedVariableProperties = props
func (b *BazelModuleBase) BaseModuleType() string {
return b.baseModuleType
func (b *BazelModuleBase) SetBaseModuleType(baseModuleType string) {
b.baseModuleType = baseModuleType
// HasHandcraftedLabel returns whether this module has a handcrafted Bazel label.
func (b *BazelModuleBase) HasHandcraftedLabel() bool {
return b.bazelProperties.Bazel_module.Label != nil
// HandcraftedLabel returns the handcrafted label for this module, or empty string if there is none
func (b *BazelModuleBase) HandcraftedLabel() string {
return proptools.String(b.bazelProperties.Bazel_module.Label)
// GetBazelLabel returns the Bazel label for the given BazelModuleBase.
func (b *BazelModuleBase) GetBazelLabel(ctx BazelConversionPathContext, module blueprint.Module) string {
if b.HasHandcraftedLabel() {
return b.HandcraftedLabel()
if b.ShouldConvertWithBp2build(ctx) {
return bp2buildModuleLabel(ctx, module)
return "" // no label for unconverted module
type Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist struct {
// Configure modules in these directories to enable bp2build_available: true or false by default.
defaultConfig allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig
// Keep any existing BUILD files (and do not generate new BUILD files) for these directories
// in the synthetic Bazel workspace.
keepExistingBuildFile map[string]bool
// Per-module allowlist to always opt modules into both bp2build and Bazel Dev Mode mixed
// builds. These modules are usually in directories with many other modules that are not ready
// for conversion.
// A module can either be in this list or its directory allowlisted entirely
// in bp2buildDefaultConfig, but not both at the same time.
moduleAlwaysConvert map[string]bool
// Per-module-type allowlist to always opt modules in to both bp2build and
// Bazel Dev Mode mixed builds when they have the same type as one listed.
moduleTypeAlwaysConvert map[string]bool
// Per-module denylist to always opt modules out of bp2build conversion.
moduleDoNotConvert map[string]bool
// NewBp2BuildAllowlist creates a new, empty Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist
// which can be populated using builder pattern Set* methods
func NewBp2BuildAllowlist() Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist {
return Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist{
// SetDefaultConfig copies the entries from defaultConfig into the allowlist
func (a Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist) SetDefaultConfig(defaultConfig allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig) Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist {
if a.defaultConfig == nil {
a.defaultConfig = allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig{}
for k, v := range defaultConfig {
a.defaultConfig[k] = v
return a
// SetKeepExistingBuildFile copies the entries from keepExistingBuildFile into the allowlist
func (a Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist) SetKeepExistingBuildFile(keepExistingBuildFile map[string]bool) Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist {
if a.keepExistingBuildFile == nil {
a.keepExistingBuildFile = map[string]bool{}
for k, v := range keepExistingBuildFile {
a.keepExistingBuildFile[k] = v
return a
// SetModuleAlwaysConvertList copies the entries from moduleAlwaysConvert into the allowlist
func (a Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist) SetModuleAlwaysConvertList(moduleAlwaysConvert []string) Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist {
if a.moduleAlwaysConvert == nil {
a.moduleAlwaysConvert = map[string]bool{}
for _, m := range moduleAlwaysConvert {
a.moduleAlwaysConvert[m] = true
return a
// SetModuleTypeAlwaysConvertList copies the entries from moduleTypeAlwaysConvert into the allowlist
func (a Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist) SetModuleTypeAlwaysConvertList(moduleTypeAlwaysConvert []string) Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist {
if a.moduleTypeAlwaysConvert == nil {
a.moduleTypeAlwaysConvert = map[string]bool{}
for _, m := range moduleTypeAlwaysConvert {
a.moduleTypeAlwaysConvert[m] = true
return a
// SetModuleDoNotConvertList copies the entries from moduleDoNotConvert into the allowlist
func (a Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist) SetModuleDoNotConvertList(moduleDoNotConvert []string) Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist {
if a.moduleDoNotConvert == nil {
a.moduleDoNotConvert = map[string]bool{}
for _, m := range moduleDoNotConvert {
a.moduleDoNotConvert[m] = true
return a
// ShouldKeepExistingBuildFileForDir returns whether an existing BUILD file should be
// added to the build symlink forest based on the current global configuration.
func (a Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist) ShouldKeepExistingBuildFileForDir(dir string) bool {
if _, ok := a.keepExistingBuildFile[dir]; ok {
// Exact dir match
return true
var i int
// Check if subtree match
for {
j := strings.Index(dir[i:], "/")
if j == -1 {
return false //default
prefix := dir[0 : i+j]
i = i + j + 1 // skip the "/"
if recursive, ok := a.keepExistingBuildFile[prefix]; ok && recursive {
return true
var bp2BuildAllowListKey = NewOnceKey("Bp2BuildAllowlist")
var bp2buildAllowlist OncePer
func GetBp2BuildAllowList() Bp2BuildConversionAllowlist {
return bp2buildAllowlist.Once(bp2BuildAllowListKey, func() interface{} {
return NewBp2BuildAllowlist().SetDefaultConfig(allowlists.Bp2buildDefaultConfig).
// MixedBuildsEnabled returns a MixedBuildEnabledStatus regarding whether
// a module is ready to be replaced by a converted or handcrafted Bazel target.
// As a side effect, calling this method will also log whether this module is
// mixed build enabled for metrics reporting.
func MixedBuildsEnabled(ctx BaseModuleContext) MixedBuildEnabledStatus {
module := ctx.Module()
apexInfo := ctx.Provider(ApexInfoProvider).(ApexInfo)
withinApex := !apexInfo.IsForPlatform()
platformIncompatible := isPlatformIncompatible(ctx.Os(), ctx.Arch().ArchType)
if platformIncompatible {
ctx.Config().LogMixedBuild(ctx, false)
return TechnicalIncompatibility
mixedBuildEnabled := ctx.Config().IsMixedBuildsEnabled() &&
module.Enabled() &&
convertedToBazel(ctx, module) &&
ctx.Config().BazelContext.IsModuleNameAllowed(module.Name(), withinApex)
ctx.Config().LogMixedBuild(ctx, mixedBuildEnabled)
if mixedBuildEnabled {
return MixedBuildEnabled
return ModuleIncompatibility
// ConvertedToBazel returns whether this module has been converted (with bp2build or manually) to Bazel.
func convertedToBazel(ctx BazelConversionContext, module blueprint.Module) bool {
b, ok := module.(Bazelable)
if !ok {
return false
return b.shouldConvertWithBp2build(ctx, module) || b.HasHandcraftedLabel()
// ShouldConvertWithBp2build returns whether the given BazelModuleBase should be converted with bp2build
func (b *BazelModuleBase) ShouldConvertWithBp2build(ctx BazelConversionContext) bool {
return b.shouldConvertWithBp2build(ctx, ctx.Module())
type bazelOtherModuleContext interface {
ModuleErrorf(format string, args ...interface{})
Config() Config
OtherModuleType(m blueprint.Module) string
OtherModuleName(m blueprint.Module) string
OtherModuleDir(m blueprint.Module) string
func isPlatformIncompatible(osType OsType, arch ArchType) bool {
return osType == Windows || // Windows toolchains are not currently supported.
osType == LinuxBionic || // Linux Bionic toolchains are not currently supported.
osType == LinuxMusl || // Linux musl toolchains are not currently supported (b/259266326).
arch == Riscv64 // TODO(b/262192655) Riscv64 toolchains are not currently supported.
func (b *BazelModuleBase) shouldConvertWithBp2build(ctx bazelOtherModuleContext, module blueprint.Module) bool {
if !b.bazelProps().Bazel_module.CanConvertToBazel {
return false
// In api_bp2build mode, all soong modules that can provide API contributions should be converted
// This is irrespective of its presence/absence in bp2build allowlists
if ctx.Config().BuildMode == ApiBp2build {
_, providesApis := module.(ApiProvider)
return providesApis
propValue := b.bazelProperties.Bazel_module.Bp2build_available
packagePath := moduleDirWithPossibleOverride(ctx, module)
// Modules in unit tests which are enabled in the allowlist by type or name
// trigger this conditional because unit tests run under the "." package path
isTestModule := packagePath == Bp2BuildTopLevel && proptools.BoolDefault(propValue, false)
if isTestModule {
return true
moduleName := moduleNameWithPossibleOverride(ctx, module)
allowlist := ctx.Config().Bp2buildPackageConfig
moduleNameAllowed := allowlist.moduleAlwaysConvert[moduleName]
moduleTypeAllowed := allowlist.moduleTypeAlwaysConvert[ctx.OtherModuleType(module)]
allowlistConvert := moduleNameAllowed || moduleTypeAllowed
if moduleNameAllowed && moduleTypeAllowed {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("A module cannot be in moduleAlwaysConvert and also be in moduleTypeAlwaysConvert")
return false
if allowlist.moduleDoNotConvert[moduleName] {
if moduleNameAllowed {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("a module cannot be in moduleDoNotConvert and also be in moduleAlwaysConvert")
return false
// This is a tristate value: true, false, or unset.
if ok, directoryPath := bp2buildDefaultTrueRecursively(packagePath, allowlist.defaultConfig); ok {
if moduleNameAllowed {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("A module cannot be in a directory marked Bp2BuildDefaultTrue"+
" or Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively and also be in moduleAlwaysConvert. Directory: '%s'"+
" Module: '%s'", directoryPath, moduleName)
return false
// Allow modules to explicitly opt-out.
return proptools.BoolDefault(propValue, true)
// Allow modules to explicitly opt-in.
return proptools.BoolDefault(propValue, allowlistConvert)
// bp2buildDefaultTrueRecursively checks that the package contains a prefix from the
// set of package prefixes where all modules must be converted. That is, if the
// package is x/y/z, and the list contains either x, x/y, or x/y/z, this function will
// return true.
// However, if the package is x/y, and it matches a Bp2BuildDefaultFalse "x/y" entry
// exactly, this module will return false early.
// This function will also return false if the package doesn't match anything in
// the config.
// This function will also return the allowlist entry which caused a particular
// package to be enabled. Since packages can be enabled via a recursive declaration,
// the path returned will not always be the same as the one provided.
func bp2buildDefaultTrueRecursively(packagePath string, config allowlists.Bp2BuildConfig) (bool, string) {
// Check if the package path has an exact match in the config.
if config[packagePath] == allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrue || config[packagePath] == allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively {
return true, packagePath
} else if config[packagePath] == allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalse || config[packagePath] == allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalseRecursively {
return false, packagePath
// If not, check for the config recursively.
packagePrefix := packagePath
// e.g. for x/y/z, iterate over x/y, then x, taking the most-specific value from the allowlist.
for strings.Contains(packagePrefix, "/") {
dirIndex := strings.LastIndex(packagePrefix, "/")
packagePrefix = packagePrefix[:dirIndex]
switch value := config[packagePrefix]; value {
case allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively:
// package contains this prefix and this prefix should convert all modules
return true, packagePrefix
case allowlists.Bp2BuildDefaultFalseRecursively:
//package contains this prefix and this prefix should NOT convert any modules
return false, packagePrefix
// Continue to the next part of the package dir.
return false, packagePath
func registerBp2buildConversionMutator(ctx RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.TopDown("bp2build_conversion", convertWithBp2build).Parallel()
func convertWithBp2build(ctx TopDownMutatorContext) {
bModule, ok := ctx.Module().(Bazelable)
if !ok || !bModule.shouldConvertWithBp2build(ctx, ctx.Module()) {
func registerApiBp2buildConversionMutator(ctx RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.TopDown("apiBp2build_conversion", convertWithApiBp2build).Parallel()
// Generate API contribution targets if the Soong module provides APIs
func convertWithApiBp2build(ctx TopDownMutatorContext) {
if m, ok := ctx.Module().(ApiProvider); ok {
// GetMainClassInManifest scans the manifest file specified in filepath and returns
// the value of attribute Main-Class in the manifest file if it exists, or returns error.
// WARNING: this is for bp2build converters of java_* modules only.
func GetMainClassInManifest(c Config, filepath string) (string, error) {
file, err := c.fs.Open(filepath)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "Main-Class:") {
return strings.TrimSpace(line[len("Main-Class:"):]), nil
return "", errors.New("Main-Class is not found.")
func AttachValidationActions(ctx ModuleContext, outputFilePath Path, validations Paths) ModuleOutPath {
validatedOutputFilePath := PathForModuleOut(ctx, "validated", outputFilePath.Base())
ctx.Build(pctx, BuildParams{
Rule: CpNoPreserveSymlink,
Description: "run validations " + outputFilePath.Base(),
Output: validatedOutputFilePath,
Input: outputFilePath,
Validations: validations,
return validatedOutputFilePath