blob: 0d52614ea6c8efdb4a0390f9b493e74a9096a9f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
import (
func init() {
func registerPlatformBootclasspathBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
ctx.RegisterParallelSingletonModuleType("platform_bootclasspath", platformBootclasspathFactory)
// The tags used for the dependencies between the platform bootclasspath and any configured boot
// jars.
var (
platformBootclasspathArtBootJarDepTag = bootclasspathDependencyTag{name: "art-boot-jar"}
platformBootclasspathBootJarDepTag = bootclasspathDependencyTag{name: "platform-boot-jar"}
platformBootclasspathApexBootJarDepTag = bootclasspathDependencyTag{name: "apex-boot-jar"}
type platformBootclasspathModule struct {
properties platformBootclasspathProperties
// The apex:module pairs obtained from the configured modules.
configuredModules []android.Module
// The apex:module pairs obtained from the fragments.
fragments []android.Module
// Path to the monolithic hiddenapi-flags.csv file.
hiddenAPIFlagsCSV android.OutputPath
// Path to the monolithic hiddenapi-index.csv file.
hiddenAPIIndexCSV android.OutputPath
// Path to the monolithic hiddenapi-unsupported.csv file.
hiddenAPIMetadataCSV android.OutputPath
// Path to a srcjar containing all the transitive sources of the bootclasspath.
srcjar android.OutputPath
type platformBootclasspathProperties struct {
func platformBootclasspathFactory() android.SingletonModule {
m := &platformBootclasspathModule{}
initClasspathFragment(m, BOOTCLASSPATH)
android.InitAndroidArchModule(m, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon)
return m
var _ android.OutputFileProducer = (*platformBootclasspathModule)(nil)
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) AndroidMkEntries() (entries []android.AndroidMkEntries) {
entries = append(entries, android.AndroidMkEntries{
Class: "FAKE",
// Need at least one output file in order for this to take effect.
OutputFile: android.OptionalPathForPath(b.hiddenAPIFlagsCSV),
entries = append(entries, b.classpathFragmentBase().androidMkEntries()...)
// Make the hidden API files available from the platform-bootclasspath module.
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
switch tag {
case "hiddenapi-flags.csv":
return android.Paths{b.hiddenAPIFlagsCSV}, nil
case "hiddenapi-index.csv":
return android.Paths{b.hiddenAPIIndexCSV}, nil
case "hiddenapi-metadata.csv":
return android.Paths{b.hiddenAPIMetadataCSV}, nil
case ".srcjar":
return android.Paths{b.srcjar}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown tag %s", tag)
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if !dexpreopt.IsDex2oatNeeded(ctx) {
// Add a dependency onto the dex2oat tool which is needed for creating the boot image. The
// path is retrieved from the dependency by GetGlobalSoongConfig(ctx).
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) hiddenAPIDepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if ctx.Config().DisableHiddenApiChecks() {
// Add dependencies onto the stub lib modules.
apiLevelToStubLibModules := hiddenAPIComputeMonolithicStubLibModules(ctx.Config())
hiddenAPIAddStubLibDependencies(ctx, apiLevelToStubLibModules)
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) BootclasspathDepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
// Add dependencies on all the ART jars.
global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
addDependenciesOntoBootImageModules(ctx, global.ArtApexJars, platformBootclasspathArtBootJarDepTag)
// Add dependencies on all the non-updatable jars, which are on the platform or in non-updatable
// APEXes.
addDependenciesOntoBootImageModules(ctx, b.platformJars(ctx), platformBootclasspathBootJarDepTag)
// Add dependencies on all the updatable jars, except the ART jars.
apexJars := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx).ApexBootJars
addDependenciesOntoBootImageModules(ctx, apexJars, platformBootclasspathApexBootJarDepTag)
// Add dependencies on all the fragments.
func addDependenciesOntoBootImageModules(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, modules android.ConfiguredJarList, tag bootclasspathDependencyTag) {
for i := 0; i < modules.Len(); i++ {
apex := modules.Apex(i)
name := modules.Jar(i)
addDependencyOntoApexModulePair(ctx, apex, name, tag)
// GenerateSingletonBuildActions does nothing and must never do anything.
// This module only implements android.SingletonModule so that it can implement
// android.SingletonMakeVarsProvider.
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) GenerateSingletonBuildActions(android.SingletonContext) {
// Keep empty
func (d *platformBootclasspathModule) MakeVars(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// Gather all the dependencies from the art, platform, and apex boot jars.
artModules := gatherApexModulePairDepsWithTag(ctx, platformBootclasspathArtBootJarDepTag)
platformModules := gatherApexModulePairDepsWithTag(ctx, platformBootclasspathBootJarDepTag)
apexModules := gatherApexModulePairDepsWithTag(ctx, platformBootclasspathApexBootJarDepTag)
// Concatenate them all, in order as they would appear on the bootclasspath.
var allModules []android.Module
allModules = append(allModules, artModules...)
allModules = append(allModules, platformModules...)
allModules = append(allModules, apexModules...)
b.configuredModules = allModules
var transitiveSrcFiles android.Paths
for _, module := range allModules {
depInfo := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(module, JavaInfoProvider).(JavaInfo)
if depInfo.TransitiveSrcFiles != nil {
transitiveSrcFiles = append(transitiveSrcFiles, depInfo.TransitiveSrcFiles.ToList()...)
jarArgs := resourcePathsToJarArgs(transitiveSrcFiles)
jarArgs = append(jarArgs, "-srcjar") // Move srcfiles to the right package
b.srcjar = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"-transitive.srcjar").OutputPath
TransformResourcesToJar(ctx, b.srcjar, jarArgs, transitiveSrcFiles)
// Gather all the fragments dependencies.
b.fragments = gatherApexModulePairDepsWithTag(ctx, bootclasspathFragmentDepTag)
// Check the configuration of the boot modules.
// ART modules are checked by the art-bootclasspath-fragment.
b.checkPlatformModules(ctx, platformModules)
b.checkApexModules(ctx, apexModules)
bootDexJarByModule := b.generateHiddenAPIBuildActions(ctx, b.configuredModules, b.fragments)
buildRuleForBootJarsPackageCheck(ctx, bootDexJarByModule)
// Generate classpaths.proto config
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) generateClasspathProtoBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
configuredJars := b.configuredJars(ctx)
// ART and platform boot jars must have a corresponding entry in DEX2OATBOOTCLASSPATH
classpathJars := configuredJarListToClasspathJars(ctx, configuredJars, BOOTCLASSPATH, DEX2OATBOOTCLASSPATH)
b.classpathFragmentBase().generateClasspathProtoBuildActions(ctx, configuredJars, classpathJars)
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) configuredJars(ctx android.ModuleContext) android.ConfiguredJarList {
// Include all non APEX jars
jars := b.platformJars(ctx)
// Include jars from APEXes that don't populate their classpath proto config.
remainingJars := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx).ApexBootJars
for _, fragment := range b.fragments {
info := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(fragment, ClasspathFragmentProtoContentInfoProvider).(ClasspathFragmentProtoContentInfo)
if info.ClasspathFragmentProtoGenerated {
remainingJars = remainingJars.RemoveList(info.ClasspathFragmentProtoContents)
for i := 0; i < remainingJars.Len(); i++ {
jars = jars.Append(remainingJars.Apex(i), remainingJars.Jar(i))
return jars
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) platformJars(ctx android.PathContext) android.ConfiguredJarList {
global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
return global.BootJars.RemoveList(global.ArtApexJars)
// checkPlatformModules ensures that the non-updatable modules supplied are not part of an
// apex module.
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) checkPlatformModules(ctx android.ModuleContext, modules []android.Module) {
// TODO(satayev): change this check to only allow core-icu4j, all apex jars should not be here.
for _, m := range modules {
apexInfo := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(m, android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo)
fromUpdatableApex := apexInfo.Updatable
if fromUpdatableApex {
// error: this jar is part of an updatable apex
ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q from updatable apexes %q is not allowed in the platform bootclasspath", ctx.OtherModuleName(m), apexInfo.InApexVariants)
} else {
// ok: this jar is part of the platform or a non-updatable apex
// checkApexModules ensures that the apex modules supplied are not from the platform.
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) checkApexModules(ctx android.ModuleContext, modules []android.Module) {
for _, m := range modules {
apexInfo := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(m, android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo)
fromUpdatableApex := apexInfo.Updatable
if fromUpdatableApex {
// ok: this jar is part of an updatable apex
} else {
name := ctx.OtherModuleName(m)
if apexInfo.IsForPlatform() {
// If AlwaysUsePrebuiltSdks() returns true then it is possible that the updatable list will
// include platform variants of a prebuilt module due to workarounds elsewhere. In that case
// do not treat this as an error.
// TODO(b/179354495): Always treat this as an error when migration to bootclasspath_fragment
// modules is complete.
if !ctx.Config().AlwaysUsePrebuiltSdks() {
// error: this jar is part of the platform
ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q from platform is not allowed in the apex boot jars list", name)
} else {
// TODO(b/177892522): Treat this as an error.
// Cannot do that at the moment because framework-wifi and framework-tethering are in the
// PRODUCT_APEX_BOOT_JARS but not marked as updatable in AOSP.
// generateHiddenAPIBuildActions generates all the hidden API related build rules.
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) generateHiddenAPIBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext, modules []android.Module, fragments []android.Module) bootDexJarByModule {
// Save the paths to the monolithic files for retrieval via OutputFiles().
b.hiddenAPIFlagsCSV = hiddenAPISingletonPaths(ctx).flags
b.hiddenAPIIndexCSV = hiddenAPISingletonPaths(ctx).index
b.hiddenAPIMetadataCSV = hiddenAPISingletonPaths(ctx).metadata
bootDexJarByModule := extractBootDexJarsFromModules(ctx, modules)
// Don't run any hiddenapi rules if hidden api checks are disabled. This is a performance
// optimization that can be used to reduce the incremental build time but as its name suggests it
// can be unsafe to use, e.g. when the changes affect anything that goes on the bootclasspath.
if ctx.Config().DisableHiddenApiChecks() {
paths := android.OutputPaths{b.hiddenAPIFlagsCSV, b.hiddenAPIIndexCSV, b.hiddenAPIMetadataCSV}
for _, path := range paths {
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: android.Touch,
Output: path,
return bootDexJarByModule
// Construct a list of ClasspathElement objects from the modules and fragments.
classpathElements := CreateClasspathElements(ctx, modules, fragments)
monolithicInfo := b.createAndProvideMonolithicHiddenAPIInfo(ctx, classpathElements)
// Extract the classes jars only from those libraries that do not have corresponding fragments as
// the fragments will have already provided the flags that are needed.
classesJars := monolithicInfo.ClassesJars
// Create the input to pass to buildRuleToGenerateHiddenAPIStubFlagsFile
input := newHiddenAPIFlagInput()
// Gather stub library information from the dependencies on modules provided by
// hiddenAPIComputeMonolithicStubLibModules.
input.gatherStubLibInfo(ctx, nil)
// Use the flag files from this module and all the fragments.
input.FlagFilesByCategory = monolithicInfo.FlagsFilesByCategory
// Generate the monolithic stub-flags.csv file.
stubFlags := hiddenAPISingletonPaths(ctx).stubFlags
buildRuleToGenerateHiddenAPIStubFlagsFile(ctx, "platform-bootclasspath-monolithic-hiddenapi-stub-flags", "monolithic hidden API stub flags", stubFlags, bootDexJarByModule.bootDexJars(), input, monolithicInfo.StubFlagSubsets)
// Generate the annotation-flags.csv file from all the module annotations.
annotationFlags := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "hiddenapi-monolithic", "annotation-flags-from-classes.csv")
buildRuleToGenerateAnnotationFlags(ctx, "intermediate hidden API flags", classesJars, stubFlags, annotationFlags)
// Generate the monolithic hiddenapi-flags.csv file.
// Use annotation flags generated directly from the classes jars as well as annotation flag files
// provided by prebuilts.
allAnnotationFlagFiles := android.Paths{annotationFlags}
allAnnotationFlagFiles = append(allAnnotationFlagFiles, monolithicInfo.AnnotationFlagsPaths...)
allFlags := hiddenAPISingletonPaths(ctx).flags
buildRuleToGenerateHiddenApiFlags(ctx, "hiddenAPIFlagsFile", "monolithic hidden API flags", allFlags, stubFlags, allAnnotationFlagFiles, monolithicInfo.FlagsFilesByCategory, monolithicInfo.FlagSubsets, android.OptionalPath{})
// Generate an intermediate monolithic hiddenapi-metadata.csv file directly from the annotations
// in the source code.
intermediateMetadataCSV := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "hiddenapi-monolithic", "metadata-from-classes.csv")
buildRuleToGenerateMetadata(ctx, "intermediate hidden API metadata", classesJars, stubFlags, intermediateMetadataCSV)
// Generate the monolithic hiddenapi-metadata.csv file.
// Use metadata files generated directly from the classes jars as well as metadata files provided
// by prebuilts.
// This has the side effect of ensuring that the output file uses | quotes just in case that is
// important for the tools that consume the metadata file.
allMetadataFlagFiles := android.Paths{intermediateMetadataCSV}
allMetadataFlagFiles = append(allMetadataFlagFiles, monolithicInfo.MetadataPaths...)
metadataCSV := hiddenAPISingletonPaths(ctx).metadata
b.buildRuleMergeCSV(ctx, "monolithic hidden API metadata", allMetadataFlagFiles, metadataCSV)
// Generate an intermediate monolithic hiddenapi-index.csv file directly from the CSV files in the
// classes jars.
intermediateIndexCSV := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "hiddenapi-monolithic", "index-from-classes.csv")
buildRuleToGenerateIndex(ctx, "intermediate hidden API index", classesJars, intermediateIndexCSV)
// Generate the monolithic hiddenapi-index.csv file.
// Use index files generated directly from the classes jars as well as index files provided
// by prebuilts.
allIndexFlagFiles := android.Paths{intermediateIndexCSV}
allIndexFlagFiles = append(allIndexFlagFiles, monolithicInfo.IndexPaths...)
indexCSV := hiddenAPISingletonPaths(ctx).index
b.buildRuleMergeCSV(ctx, "monolithic hidden API index", allIndexFlagFiles, indexCSV)
return bootDexJarByModule
// createAndProvideMonolithicHiddenAPIInfo creates a MonolithicHiddenAPIInfo and provides it for
// testing.
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) createAndProvideMonolithicHiddenAPIInfo(ctx android.ModuleContext, classpathElements ClasspathElements) MonolithicHiddenAPIInfo {
// Create a temporary input structure in which to collate information provided directly by this
// module, either through properties or direct dependencies.
temporaryInput := newHiddenAPIFlagInput()
// Create paths to the flag files specified in the properties.
temporaryInput.extractFlagFilesFromProperties(ctx, &
// Create the monolithic info, by starting with the flag files specified on this and then merging
// in information from all the fragment dependencies of this.
monolithicInfo := newMonolithicHiddenAPIInfo(ctx, temporaryInput.FlagFilesByCategory, classpathElements)
// Store the information for testing.
ctx.SetProvider(MonolithicHiddenAPIInfoProvider, monolithicInfo)
return monolithicInfo
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) buildRuleMergeCSV(ctx android.ModuleContext, desc string, inputPaths android.Paths, outputPath android.WritablePath) {
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
Flag("--key_field signature").
FlagWithOutput("--output=", outputPath).
rule.Build(desc, desc)
// generateHiddenApiMakeVars generates make variables needed by hidden API related make rules, e.g.
// veridex and run-appcompat.
func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) generateHiddenApiMakeVars(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
// INTERNAL_PLATFORM_HIDDENAPI_FLAGS is used by Make rules in art/ and cts/.