blob: 1a0ba7b93a22fd516fece68140fdc9e5c02d0b30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package android
import (
func TestExpandVars(t *testing.T) {
android_arm64_config := TestConfig("out", nil, "", nil)
android_arm64_config.BuildOS = Android
android_arm64_config.BuildArch = Arm64
testCases := []struct {
description string
config Config
stringScope ExportedStringVariables
stringListScope ExportedStringListVariables
configVars ExportedConfigDependingVariables
toExpand string
expectedValues []string
description: "no expansion for non-interpolated value",
toExpand: "foo",
expectedValues: []string{"foo"},
description: "single level expansion for string var",
stringScope: ExportedStringVariables{
"foo": "bar",
toExpand: "${foo}",
expectedValues: []string{"bar"},
description: "single level expansion with short-name for string var",
stringScope: ExportedStringVariables{
"foo": "bar",
toExpand: "${}",
expectedValues: []string{"bar"},
description: "single level expansion string list var",
stringListScope: ExportedStringListVariables{
"foo": []string{"bar"},
toExpand: "${foo}",
expectedValues: []string{"bar"},
description: "mixed level expansion for string list var",
stringScope: ExportedStringVariables{
"foo": "${bar}",
"qux": "hello",
stringListScope: ExportedStringListVariables{
"bar": []string{"baz", "${qux}"},
toExpand: "${foo}",
expectedValues: []string{"baz hello"},
description: "double level expansion",
stringListScope: ExportedStringListVariables{
"foo": []string{"${bar}"},
"bar": []string{"baz"},
toExpand: "${foo}",
expectedValues: []string{"baz"},
description: "double level expansion with a literal",
stringListScope: ExportedStringListVariables{
"a": []string{"${b}", "c"},
"b": []string{"d"},
toExpand: "${a}",
expectedValues: []string{"d c"},
description: "double level expansion, with two variables in a string",
stringListScope: ExportedStringListVariables{
"a": []string{"${b} ${c}"},
"b": []string{"d"},
"c": []string{"e"},
toExpand: "${a}",
expectedValues: []string{"d e"},
description: "triple level expansion with two variables in a string",
stringListScope: ExportedStringListVariables{
"a": []string{"${b} ${c}"},
"b": []string{"${c}", "${d}"},
"c": []string{"${d}"},
"d": []string{"foo"},
toExpand: "${a}",
expectedValues: []string{"foo foo foo"},
description: "expansion with config depending vars",
configVars: ExportedConfigDependingVariables{
"a": func(c Config) string { return c.BuildOS.String() },
"b": func(c Config) string { return c.BuildArch.String() },
config: android_arm64_config,
toExpand: "${a}-${b}",
expectedValues: []string{"android-arm64"},
description: "double level multi type expansion",
stringListScope: ExportedStringListVariables{
"platform": []string{"${os}-${arch}"},
"const": []string{"const"},
configVars: ExportedConfigDependingVariables{
"os": func(c Config) string { return c.BuildOS.String() },
"arch": func(c Config) string { return c.BuildArch.String() },
"foo": func(c Config) string { return "foo" },
config: android_arm64_config,
toExpand: "${const}/${platform}/${foo}",
expectedValues: []string{"const/android-arm64/foo"},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(testCase.description, func(t *testing.T) {
output, _ := expandVar(testCase.config, testCase.toExpand, testCase.stringScope, testCase.stringListScope, testCase.configVars)
if len(output) != len(testCase.expectedValues) {
t.Errorf("Expected %d values, got %d", len(testCase.expectedValues), len(output))
for i, actual := range output {
expectedValue := testCase.expectedValues[i]
if actual != expectedValue {
t.Errorf("Actual value '%s' doesn't match expected value '%s'", actual, expectedValue)
func TestBazelToolchainVars(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
config Config
vars ExportedVariables
expectedOut string
name: "exports strings",
vars: ExportedVariables{
exportedStringVars: ExportedStringVariables{
"a": "b",
"c": "d",
expectedOut: bazel.GeneratedBazelFileWarning + `
_a = "b"
_c = "d"
constants = struct(
a = _a,
c = _c,
name: "exports string lists",
vars: ExportedVariables{
exportedStringListVars: ExportedStringListVariables{
"a": []string{"b1", "b2"},
"c": []string{"d1", "d2"},
expectedOut: bazel.GeneratedBazelFileWarning + `
_a = [
_c = [
constants = struct(
a = _a,
c = _c,
name: "exports string lists dicts",
vars: ExportedVariables{
exportedStringListDictVars: ExportedStringListDictVariables{
"a": map[string][]string{"b1": {"b2"}},
"c": map[string][]string{"d1": {"d2"}},
expectedOut: bazel.GeneratedBazelFileWarning + `
_a = {
"b1": ["b2"],
_c = {
"d1": ["d2"],
constants = struct(
a = _a,
c = _c,
name: "exports dict with var refs",
vars: ExportedVariables{
exportedVariableReferenceDictVars: ExportedVariableReferenceDictVariables{
"a": map[string]string{"b1": "${b2}"},
"c": map[string]string{"d1": "${config.d2}"},
expectedOut: bazel.GeneratedBazelFileWarning + `
_a = {
"b1": _b2,
_c = {
"d1": _d2,
constants = struct(
a = _a,
c = _c,
name: "sorts across types with variable references last",
vars: ExportedVariables{
exportedStringVars: ExportedStringVariables{
"b": "b-val",
"d": "d-val",
exportedStringListVars: ExportedStringListVariables{
"c": []string{"c-val"},
"e": []string{"e-val"},
exportedStringListDictVars: ExportedStringListDictVariables{
"a": map[string][]string{"a1": {"a2"}},
"f": map[string][]string{"f1": {"f2"}},
exportedVariableReferenceDictVars: ExportedVariableReferenceDictVariables{
"aa": map[string]string{"b1": "${b}"},
"cc": map[string]string{"d1": "${config.d}"},
expectedOut: bazel.GeneratedBazelFileWarning + `
_a = {
"a1": ["a2"],
_b = "b-val"
_c = ["c-val"]
_d = "d-val"
_e = ["e-val"]
_f = {
"f1": ["f2"],
_aa = {
"b1": _b,
_cc = {
"d1": _d,
constants = struct(
a = _a,
b = _b,
c = _c,
d = _d,
e = _e,
f = _f,
aa = _aa,
cc = _cc,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
out := BazelToolchainVars(tc.config, tc.vars)
if out != tc.expectedOut {
t.Errorf("Expected \n%s, got \n%s", tc.expectedOut, out)
func TestSplitStringKeepingQuotedSubstring(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
description string
s string
delimiter byte
split []string
description: "empty string returns single empty string",
s: "",
delimiter: ' ',
split: []string{
description: "string with single space returns two empty strings",
s: " ",
delimiter: ' ',
split: []string{
description: "string with two spaces returns three empty strings",
s: " ",
delimiter: ' ',
split: []string{
description: "string with four words returns four word string",
s: "hello world with words",
delimiter: ' ',
split: []string{
description: "string with words and nested quote returns word strings and quote string",
s: `hello "world with" words`,
delimiter: ' ',
split: []string{
`"world with"`,
description: "string with escaped quote inside real quotes",
s: `hello \"world "with\" words"`,
delimiter: ' ',
split: []string{
`"with" words"`,
description: "string with words and escaped quotes returns word strings",
s: `hello \"world with\" words`,
delimiter: ' ',
split: []string{
description: "string which is single quoted substring returns only substring",
s: `"hello world with words"`,
delimiter: ' ',
split: []string{
`"hello world with words"`,
description: "string starting with quote returns quoted string",
s: `"hello world with" words`,
delimiter: ' ',
split: []string{
`"hello world with"`,
description: "string with starting quote and no ending quote returns quote to end of string",
s: `hello "world with words`,
delimiter: ' ',
split: []string{
`"world with words`,
description: "quoted string is treated as a single \"word\" unless separated by delimiter",
s: `hello "world"with words`,
delimiter: ' ',
split: []string{
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) {
split := splitStringKeepingQuotedSubstring(tc.s, tc.delimiter)
if len(split) != len(tc.split) {
t.Fatalf("number of split string elements (%d) differs from expected (%d): split string (%v), expected (%v)",
len(split), len(tc.split), split, tc.split,
for i := range split {
if split[i] != tc.split[i] {
t.Errorf("split string element (%d), %v, differs from expected, %v", i, split[i], tc.split[i])