blob: d2187ffa6c663cd7dbb6e695c67e45facc51000a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bp2build
For shareable/common functionality for conversion from soong-module to build files
for queryview/bp2build
import (
type BazelAttributes struct {
Attrs map[string]string
type BazelLoadSymbol struct {
// The name of the symbol in the file being loaded
symbol string
// The name the symbol wil have in this file. Can be left blank to use the same name as symbol.
alias string
type BazelLoad struct {
file string
symbols []BazelLoadSymbol
type BazelTarget struct {
name string
packageName string
content string
ruleClass string
loads []BazelLoad
// Label is the fully qualified Bazel label constructed from the BazelTarget's
// package name and target name.
func (t BazelTarget) Label() string {
if t.packageName == "." {
return "//:" +
} else {
return "//" + t.packageName + ":" +
// PackageName returns the package of the Bazel target.
// Defaults to root of tree.
func (t BazelTarget) PackageName() string {
if t.packageName == "" {
return "."
return t.packageName
// BazelTargets is a typedef for a slice of BazelTarget objects.
type BazelTargets []BazelTarget
func (targets BazelTargets) packageRule() *BazelTarget {
for _, target := range targets {
if target.ruleClass == "package" {
return &target
return nil
// sort a list of BazelTargets in-place, by name, and by generated/handcrafted types.
func (targets BazelTargets) sort() {
sort.Slice(targets, func(i, j int) bool {
return targets[i].name < targets[j].name
// String returns the string representation of BazelTargets, without load
// statements (use LoadStatements for that), since the targets are usually not
// adjacent to the load statements at the top of the BUILD file.
func (targets BazelTargets) String() string {
var res strings.Builder
for i, target := range targets {
if target.ruleClass != "package" {
if i != len(targets)-1 {
return res.String()
// LoadStatements return the string representation of the sorted and deduplicated
// Starlark rule load statements needed by a group of BazelTargets.
func (targets BazelTargets) LoadStatements() string {
// First, merge all the load statements from all the targets onto one list
bzlToLoadedSymbols := map[string][]BazelLoadSymbol{}
for _, target := range targets {
for _, load := range target.loads {
for _, symbol := range load.symbols {
alias := symbol.alias
if alias == "" {
alias = symbol.symbol
for _, otherSymbol := range bzlToLoadedSymbols[load.file] {
otherAlias := otherSymbol.alias
if otherAlias == "" {
otherAlias = otherSymbol.symbol
if symbol.symbol == otherSymbol.symbol && alias == otherAlias {
continue outer
} else if alias == otherAlias {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Conflicting destination (%s) for loads of %s and %s", alias, symbol.symbol, otherSymbol.symbol))
bzlToLoadedSymbols[load.file] = append(bzlToLoadedSymbols[load.file], symbol)
var loadStatements strings.Builder
for i, bzl := range android.SortedKeys(bzlToLoadedSymbols) {
symbols := bzlToLoadedSymbols[bzl]
loadStatements.WriteString("\", ")
sort.Slice(symbols, func(i, j int) bool {
if symbols[i].symbol < symbols[j].symbol {
return true
return symbols[i].alias < symbols[j].alias
for j, symbol := range symbols {
if symbol.alias != "" && symbol.alias != symbol.symbol {
loadStatements.WriteString(" = ")
if j != len(symbols)-1 {
loadStatements.WriteString(", ")
if i != len(bzlToLoadedSymbols)-1 {
return loadStatements.String()
type bpToBuildContext interface {
ModuleName(module blueprint.Module) string
ModuleDir(module blueprint.Module) string
ModuleSubDir(module blueprint.Module) string
ModuleType(module blueprint.Module) string
VisitAllModules(visit func(blueprint.Module))
VisitDirectDeps(module blueprint.Module, visit func(blueprint.Module))
type CodegenContext struct {
config android.Config
context *android.Context
mode CodegenMode
additionalDeps []string
unconvertedDepMode unconvertedDepsMode
topDir string
func (ctx *CodegenContext) Mode() CodegenMode {
return ctx.mode
// CodegenMode is an enum to differentiate code-generation modes.
type CodegenMode int
const (
// Bp2Build - generate BUILD files with targets buildable by Bazel directly.
// This mode is used for the Soong->Bazel build definition conversion.
Bp2Build CodegenMode = iota
// QueryView - generate BUILD files with targets representing fully mutated
// Soong modules, representing the fully configured Soong module graph with
// variants and dependency edges.
// This mode is used for discovering and introspecting the existing Soong
// module graph.
type unconvertedDepsMode int
const (
// Include a warning in conversion metrics about converted modules with unconverted direct deps
warnUnconvertedDeps unconvertedDepsMode = iota
// Error and fail conversion if encountering a module with unconverted direct deps
// Enabled by setting environment variable `BP2BUILD_ERROR_UNCONVERTED`
func (mode CodegenMode) String() string {
switch mode {
case Bp2Build:
return "Bp2Build"
case QueryView:
return "QueryView"
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", mode)
// AddNinjaFileDeps adds dependencies on the specified files to be added to the ninja manifest. The
// primary builder will be rerun whenever the specified files are modified. Allows us to fulfill the
// PathContext interface in order to add dependencies on hand-crafted BUILD files. Note: must also
// call AdditionalNinjaDeps and add them manually to the ninja file.
func (ctx *CodegenContext) AddNinjaFileDeps(deps ...string) {
ctx.additionalDeps = append(ctx.additionalDeps, deps...)
// AdditionalNinjaDeps returns additional ninja deps added by CodegenContext
func (ctx *CodegenContext) AdditionalNinjaDeps() []string {
return ctx.additionalDeps
func (ctx *CodegenContext) Config() android.Config { return ctx.config }
func (ctx *CodegenContext) Context() *android.Context { return ctx.context }
// NewCodegenContext creates a wrapper context that conforms to PathContext for
// writing BUILD files in the output directory.
func NewCodegenContext(config android.Config, context *android.Context, mode CodegenMode, topDir string) *CodegenContext {
var unconvertedDeps unconvertedDepsMode
unconvertedDeps = errorModulesUnconvertedDeps
return &CodegenContext{
context: context,
config: config,
mode: mode,
unconvertedDepMode: unconvertedDeps,
topDir: topDir,
// props is an unsorted map. This function ensures that
// the generated attributes are sorted to ensure determinism.
func propsToAttributes(props map[string]string) string {
var attributes string
for _, propName := range android.SortedKeys(props) {
attributes += fmt.Sprintf(" %s = %s,\n", propName, props[propName])
return attributes
type conversionResults struct {
buildFileToTargets map[string]BazelTargets
moduleNameToPartition map[string]string
metrics CodegenMetrics
func (r conversionResults) BuildDirToTargets() map[string]BazelTargets {
return r.buildFileToTargets
// struct to store state of b bazel targets (e.g. go targets which do not implement android.Module)
// this implements bp2buildModule interface and is passed to generateBazelTargets
type bTarget struct {
targetName string
targetPackage string
bazelRuleClass string
bazelRuleLoadLocation string
bazelAttributes []interface{}
var _ bp2buildModule = (*bTarget)(nil)
func (b bTarget) TargetName() string {
return b.targetName
func (b bTarget) TargetPackage() string {
return b.targetPackage
func (b bTarget) BazelRuleClass() string {
return b.bazelRuleClass
func (b bTarget) BazelRuleLoadLocation() string {
return b.bazelRuleLoadLocation
func (b bTarget) BazelAttributes() []interface{} {
return b.bazelAttributes
// Creates a target_compatible_with entry that is *not* compatible with android
func targetNotCompatibleWithAndroid() bazel.LabelListAttribute {
ret := bazel.LabelListAttribute{}
ret.SetSelectValue(bazel.OsConfigurationAxis, bazel.OsAndroid,
Label: "@platforms//:incompatible",
return ret
// helper function to return labels for srcs used in bootstrap_go_package and bootstrap_go_binary
// this function has the following limitations which make it unsuitable for widespread use
// - wildcard patterns in srcs
// This is ok for go since build/blueprint does not support it.
// Prefer to use `BazelLabelForModuleSrc` instead
func goSrcLabels(cfg android.Config, moduleDir string, srcs []string, linuxSrcs, darwinSrcs []string) bazel.LabelListAttribute {
labels := func(srcs []string) bazel.LabelList {
ret := []bazel.Label{}
for _, src := range srcs {
srcLabel := bazel.Label{
Label: src,
ret = append(ret, srcLabel)
// Respect package boundaries
return android.TransformSubpackagePaths(
ret := bazel.LabelListAttribute{}
// common
ret.SetSelectValue(bazel.NoConfigAxis, "", labels(srcs))
// linux
ret.SetSelectValue(bazel.OsConfigurationAxis, bazel.OsLinux, labels(linuxSrcs))
// darwin
ret.SetSelectValue(bazel.OsConfigurationAxis, bazel.OsDarwin, labels(darwinSrcs))
return ret
func goDepLabels(deps []string, goModulesMap nameToGoLibraryModule) bazel.LabelListAttribute {
labels := []bazel.Label{}
for _, dep := range deps {
moduleDir := goModulesMap[dep].Dir
if moduleDir == "." {
moduleDir = ""
label := bazel.Label{
Label: fmt.Sprintf("//%s:%s", moduleDir, dep),
labels = append(labels, label)
return bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(bazel.MakeLabelList(labels))
// attributes common to blueprint_go_binary and bootstap_go_package
type goAttributes struct {
Importpath bazel.StringAttribute
Srcs bazel.LabelListAttribute
Deps bazel.LabelListAttribute
Data bazel.LabelListAttribute
Target_compatible_with bazel.LabelListAttribute
// attributes for the dynamically generated go_test target
Embed bazel.LabelListAttribute
type goTestProperties struct {
name string
dir string
testSrcs []string
linuxTestSrcs []string
darwinTestSrcs []string
testData []string
// Name of the target that should be compiled together with the test
embedName string
// Creates a go_test target for bootstrap_go_package / blueprint_go_binary
func generateBazelTargetsGoTest(ctx *android.Context, goModulesMap nameToGoLibraryModule, gp goTestProperties) (BazelTarget, error) {
ca := android.CommonAttributes{
ga := goAttributes{
Srcs: goSrcLabels(ctx.Config(), gp.dir, gp.testSrcs, gp.linuxTestSrcs, gp.darwinTestSrcs),
Data: goSrcLabels(ctx.Config(), gp.dir, gp.testData, []string{}, []string{}),
Embed: bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(
[]bazel.Label{bazel.Label{Label: ":" + gp.embedName}},
Target_compatible_with: targetNotCompatibleWithAndroid(),
libTest := bTarget{
targetPackage: gp.dir,
bazelRuleClass: "go_test",
bazelRuleLoadLocation: "@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl",
bazelAttributes: []interface{}{&ca, &ga},
return generateBazelTarget(ctx, libTest)
// TODO - b/288491147: testSrcs of certain bootstrap_go_package/blueprint_go_binary are not hermetic and depend on
// testdata checked into the filesystem.
// Denylist the generation of go_test targets for these Soong modules.
// The go_library/go_binary will still be generated, since those are hermitic.
var (
goTestsDenylist = []string{
func testOfGoPackageIsIncompatible(g *bootstrap.GoPackage) bool {
return android.InList(g.Name(), goTestsDenylist) ||
// Denylist tests of soong_build
// Theses tests have a guard that prevent usage outside a test environment
// The guard (`ensureTestOnly`) looks for a `-test` in os.Args, which is present in soong's gotestrunner, but missing in `b test`
g.IsPluginFor("soong_build") ||
// soong-android is a dep of soong_build
// This dependency is created by soong_build by listing it in its deps explicitly in Android.bp, and not via `plugin_for` in `soong-android`
g.Name() == "soong-android"
func testOfGoBinaryIsIncompatible(g *bootstrap.GoBinary) bool {
return android.InList(g.Name(), goTestsDenylist)
func generateBazelTargetsGoPackage(ctx *android.Context, g *bootstrap.GoPackage, goModulesMap nameToGoLibraryModule) ([]BazelTarget, []error) {
ca := android.CommonAttributes{
Name: g.Name(),
// For this bootstrap_go_package dep chain,
// A --> B --> C ( ---> depends on)
// Soong provides the convenience of only listing B as deps of A even if a src file of A imports C
// Bazel OTOH
// 1. requires C to be listed in `deps` expllicity.
// 2. does not require C to be listed if src of A does not import C
// bp2build does not have sufficient info on whether C is a direct dep of A or not, so for now collect all transitive deps and add them to deps
transitiveDeps := transitiveGoDeps(g.Deps(), goModulesMap)
ga := goAttributes{
Importpath: bazel.StringAttribute{
Value: proptools.StringPtr(g.GoPkgPath()),
Srcs: goSrcLabels(ctx.Config(), ctx.ModuleDir(g), g.Srcs(), g.LinuxSrcs(), g.DarwinSrcs()),
Deps: goDepLabels(
Target_compatible_with: targetNotCompatibleWithAndroid(),
lib := bTarget{
targetName: g.Name(),
targetPackage: ctx.ModuleDir(g),
bazelRuleClass: "go_library",
bazelRuleLoadLocation: "@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl",
bazelAttributes: []interface{}{&ca, &ga},
retTargets := []BazelTarget{}
var retErrs []error
if libTarget, err := generateBazelTarget(ctx, lib); err == nil {
retTargets = append(retTargets, libTarget)
} else {
retErrs = []error{err}
// If the library contains test srcs, create an additional go_test target
if !testOfGoPackageIsIncompatible(g) && (len(g.TestSrcs()) > 0 || len(g.LinuxTestSrcs()) > 0 || len(g.DarwinTestSrcs()) > 0) {
gp := goTestProperties{
name: g.Name() + "-test",
dir: ctx.ModuleDir(g),
testSrcs: g.TestSrcs(),
linuxTestSrcs: g.LinuxTestSrcs(),
darwinTestSrcs: g.DarwinTestSrcs(),
testData: g.TestData(),
embedName: g.Name(), // embed the source go_library in the test so that its .go files are included in the compilation unit
if libTestTarget, err := generateBazelTargetsGoTest(ctx, goModulesMap, gp); err == nil {
retTargets = append(retTargets, libTestTarget)
} else {
retErrs = append(retErrs, err)
return retTargets, retErrs
type goLibraryModule struct {
Dir string
Deps []string
type buildConversionMetadata struct {
nameToGoLibraryModule nameToGoLibraryModule
ndkHeaders []blueprint.Module
type nameToGoLibraryModule map[string]goLibraryModule
// Visit each module in the graph, and collect metadata about the build graph
// If a module is of type `bootstrap_go_package`, return a map containing metadata like its dir and deps
// If a module is of type `ndk_headers`, add it to a list and return the list
func createBuildConversionMetadata(ctx *android.Context) buildConversionMetadata {
goMap := nameToGoLibraryModule{}
ndkHeaders := []blueprint.Module{}
ctx.VisitAllModules(func(m blueprint.Module) {
moduleType := ctx.ModuleType(m)
// We do not need to store information about blueprint_go_binary since it does not have any rdeps
if moduleType == "bootstrap_go_package" {
goMap[m.Name()] = goLibraryModule{
Dir: ctx.ModuleDir(m),
Deps: m.(*bootstrap.GoPackage).Deps(),
} else if moduleType == "ndk_headers" || moduleType == "versioned_ndk_headers" {
ndkHeaders = append(ndkHeaders, m)
return buildConversionMetadata{
nameToGoLibraryModule: goMap,
ndkHeaders: ndkHeaders,
// Returns the deps in the transitive closure of a go target
func transitiveGoDeps(directDeps []string, goModulesMap nameToGoLibraryModule) []string {
allDeps := directDeps
i := 0
for i < len(allDeps) {
curr := allDeps[i]
allDeps = append(allDeps, goModulesMap[curr].Deps...)
i += 1
allDeps = android.SortedUniqueStrings(allDeps)
return allDeps
func generateBazelTargetsGoBinary(ctx *android.Context, g *bootstrap.GoBinary, goModulesMap nameToGoLibraryModule) ([]BazelTarget, []error) {
ca := android.CommonAttributes{
Name: g.Name(),
retTargets := []BazelTarget{}
var retErrs []error
// For this bootstrap_go_package dep chain,
// A --> B --> C ( ---> depends on)
// Soong provides the convenience of only listing B as deps of A even if a src file of A imports C
// Bazel OTOH
// 1. requires C to be listed in `deps` expllicity.
// 2. does not require C to be listed if src of A does not import C
// bp2build does not have sufficient info on whether C is a direct dep of A or not, so for now collect all transitive deps and add them to deps
transitiveDeps := transitiveGoDeps(g.Deps(), goModulesMap)
goSource := ""
// If the library contains test srcs, create an additional go_test target
// The go_test target will embed a go_source containining the source .go files it tests
if !testOfGoBinaryIsIncompatible(g) && (len(g.TestSrcs()) > 0 || len(g.LinuxTestSrcs()) > 0 || len(g.DarwinTestSrcs()) > 0) {
// Create a go_source containing the source .go files of go_library
// This target will be an `embed` of the go_binary and go_test
goSource = g.Name() + "-source"
ca := android.CommonAttributes{
Name: goSource,
ga := goAttributes{
Srcs: goSrcLabels(ctx.Config(), ctx.ModuleDir(g), g.Srcs(), g.LinuxSrcs(), g.DarwinSrcs()),
Deps: goDepLabels(transitiveDeps, goModulesMap),
Target_compatible_with: targetNotCompatibleWithAndroid(),
libTestSource := bTarget{
targetName: goSource,
targetPackage: ctx.ModuleDir(g),
bazelRuleClass: "go_source",
bazelRuleLoadLocation: "@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl",
bazelAttributes: []interface{}{&ca, &ga},
if libSourceTarget, err := generateBazelTarget(ctx, libTestSource); err == nil {
retTargets = append(retTargets, libSourceTarget)
} else {
retErrs = append(retErrs, err)
// Create a go_test target
gp := goTestProperties{
name: g.Name() + "-test",
dir: ctx.ModuleDir(g),
testSrcs: g.TestSrcs(),
linuxTestSrcs: g.LinuxTestSrcs(),
darwinTestSrcs: g.DarwinTestSrcs(),
testData: g.TestData(),
// embed the go_source in the test
embedName: g.Name() + "-source",
if libTestTarget, err := generateBazelTargetsGoTest(ctx, goModulesMap, gp); err == nil {
retTargets = append(retTargets, libTestTarget)
} else {
retErrs = append(retErrs, err)
// Create a go_binary target
ga := goAttributes{
Deps: goDepLabels(transitiveDeps, goModulesMap),
Target_compatible_with: targetNotCompatibleWithAndroid(),
// If the binary has testSrcs, embed the common `go_source`
if goSource != "" {
ga.Embed = bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(
[]bazel.Label{bazel.Label{Label: ":" + goSource}},
} else {
ga.Srcs = goSrcLabels(ctx.Config(), ctx.ModuleDir(g), g.Srcs(), g.LinuxSrcs(), g.DarwinSrcs())
bin := bTarget{
targetName: g.Name(),
targetPackage: ctx.ModuleDir(g),
bazelRuleClass: "go_binary",
bazelRuleLoadLocation: "@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl",
bazelAttributes: []interface{}{&ca, &ga},
if binTarget, err := generateBazelTarget(ctx, bin); err == nil {
retTargets = append(retTargets, binTarget)
} else {
retErrs = []error{err}
return retTargets, retErrs
func GenerateBazelTargets(ctx *CodegenContext, generateFilegroups bool) (conversionResults, []error) {
defer ctx.Context().EndEvent("GenerateBazelTargets")
buildFileToTargets := make(map[string]BazelTargets)
// Simple metrics tracking for bp2build
metrics := CreateCodegenMetrics()
dirs := make(map[string]bool)
moduleNameToPartition := make(map[string]string)
var errs []error
// Visit go libraries in a pre-run and store its state in a map
// The time complexity remains O(N), and this does not add significant wall time.
meta := createBuildConversionMetadata(ctx.Context())
nameToGoLibMap := meta.nameToGoLibraryModule
ndkHeaders := meta.ndkHeaders
bpCtx := ctx.Context()
bpCtx.VisitAllModules(func(m blueprint.Module) {
dir := bpCtx.ModuleDir(m)
moduleType := bpCtx.ModuleType(m)
dirs[dir] = true
var targets []BazelTarget
var targetErrs []error
switch ctx.Mode() {
case Bp2Build:
if aModule, ok := m.(android.Module); ok {
reason := aModule.GetUnconvertedReason()
if reason != nil {
// If this module was force-enabled, cause an error.
if _, ok := ctx.Config().BazelModulesForceEnabledByFlag()[m.Name()]; ok && m.Name() != "" {
err := fmt.Errorf("Force Enabled Module %s not converted", m.Name())
errs = append(errs, err)
// Log the module isn't to be converted by bp2build.
// TODO: b/291598248 - Log handcrafted modules differently than other unconverted modules.
metrics.AddUnconvertedModule(m, moduleType, dir, *reason)
if len(aModule.Bp2buildTargets()) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("illegal bp2build invariant: module '%s' was neither converted nor marked unconvertible", aModule.Name()))
// Handle modules converted to generated targets.
targets, targetErrs = generateBazelTargets(bpCtx, aModule)
errs = append(errs, targetErrs...)
for _, t := range targets {
// A module can potentially generate more than 1 Bazel
// target, each of a different rule class.
// record the partition
moduleNameToPartition[android.RemoveOptionalPrebuiltPrefix(aModule.Name())] = aModule.GetPartitionForBp2build()
// Log the module.
metrics.AddConvertedModule(aModule, moduleType, dir)
// Handle modules with unconverted deps. By default, emit a warning.
if unconvertedDeps := aModule.GetUnconvertedBp2buildDeps(); len(unconvertedDeps) > 0 {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s:%s depends on unconverted modules: %s",
moduleType, bpCtx.ModuleDir(m), m.Name(), strings.Join(unconvertedDeps, ", "))
switch ctx.unconvertedDepMode {
case warnUnconvertedDeps:
metrics.moduleWithUnconvertedDepsMsgs = append(metrics.moduleWithUnconvertedDepsMsgs, msg)
case errorModulesUnconvertedDeps:
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf(msg))
if unconvertedDeps := aModule.GetMissingBp2buildDeps(); len(unconvertedDeps) > 0 {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s:%s depends on missing modules: %s",
moduleType, bpCtx.ModuleDir(m), m.Name(), strings.Join(unconvertedDeps, ", "))
switch ctx.unconvertedDepMode {
case warnUnconvertedDeps:
metrics.moduleWithMissingDepsMsgs = append(metrics.moduleWithMissingDepsMsgs, msg)
case errorModulesUnconvertedDeps:
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf(msg))
} else if glib, ok := m.(*bootstrap.GoPackage); ok {
targets, targetErrs = generateBazelTargetsGoPackage(bpCtx, glib, nameToGoLibMap)
errs = append(errs, targetErrs...)
metrics.AddConvertedModule(glib, "bootstrap_go_package", dir)
} else if gbin, ok := m.(*bootstrap.GoBinary); ok {
targets, targetErrs = generateBazelTargetsGoBinary(bpCtx, gbin, nameToGoLibMap)
errs = append(errs, targetErrs...)
metrics.AddConvertedModule(gbin, "blueprint_go_binary", dir)
} else {
metrics.AddUnconvertedModule(m, moduleType, dir, android.UnconvertedReason{
ReasonType: int(bp2build_metrics_proto.UnconvertedReasonType_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED),
case QueryView:
// Blocklist certain module types from being generated.
if canonicalizeModuleType(bpCtx.ModuleType(m)) == "package" {
// package module name contain slashes, and thus cannot
// be mapped cleanly to a bazel label.
t, err := generateSoongModuleTarget(bpCtx, m)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
targets = append(targets, t)
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Unknown code-generation mode: %s", ctx.Mode()))
for _, target := range targets {
targetDir := target.PackageName()
buildFileToTargets[targetDir] = append(buildFileToTargets[targetDir], target)
// Create an ndk_sysroot target that has a dependency edge on every target corresponding to Soong's ndk_headers
// This root target will provide headers to sdk variants of jni libraries
if ctx.Mode() == Bp2Build {
var depLabels bazel.LabelList
for _, ndkHeader := range ndkHeaders {
depLabel := bazel.Label{
Label: "//" + bpCtx.ModuleDir(ndkHeader) + ":" + ndkHeader.Name(),
a := struct {
Deps bazel.LabelListAttribute
Deps: bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(bazel.UniqueSortedBazelLabelList(depLabels)),
ndkSysroot := bTarget{
targetName: "ndk_sysroot",
targetPackage: "build/bazel/rules/cc", // The location is subject to change, use build/bazel for now
bazelRuleClass: "cc_library_headers",
bazelRuleLoadLocation: "//build/bazel/rules/cc:cc_library_headers.bzl",
bazelAttributes: []interface{}{&a},
if t, err := generateBazelTarget(bpCtx, ndkSysroot); err == nil {
dir := ndkSysroot.targetPackage
buildFileToTargets[dir] = append(buildFileToTargets[dir], t)
} else {
errs = append(errs, err)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return conversionResults{}, errs
if generateFilegroups {
// Add a filegroup target that exposes all sources in the subtree of this package
// NOTE: This also means we generate a BUILD file for every Android.bp file (as long as it has at least one module)
// This works because:
// "As a legacy behaviour, also files mentioned as input to a rule are exported with the
// default visibility until the flag --incompatible_no_implicit_file_export is flipped. However, this behavior
// should not be relied upon and actively migrated away from."
// TODO(b/198619163): We should change this to export_files(glob(["**/*"])) instead, but doing that causes these errors:
// "Error in exports_files: generated label '//external/avb:avbtool' conflicts with existing py_binary rule"
// So we need to solve all the "target ... is both a rule and a file" warnings first.
for dir := range dirs {
buildFileToTargets[dir] = append(buildFileToTargets[dir], BazelTarget{
name: "bp2build_all_srcs",
content: `filegroup(name = "bp2build_all_srcs", srcs = glob(["**/*"]), tags = ["manual"])`,
ruleClass: "filegroup",
return conversionResults{
buildFileToTargets: buildFileToTargets,
moduleNameToPartition: moduleNameToPartition,
metrics: metrics,
}, errs
func generateBazelTargets(ctx bpToBuildContext, m android.Module) ([]BazelTarget, []error) {
var targets []BazelTarget
var errs []error
for _, m := range m.Bp2buildTargets() {
target, err := generateBazelTarget(ctx, m)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
return targets, errs
targets = append(targets, target)
return targets, errs
type bp2buildModule interface {
TargetName() string
TargetPackage() string
BazelRuleClass() string
BazelRuleLoadLocation() string
BazelAttributes() []interface{}
func generateBazelTarget(ctx bpToBuildContext, m bp2buildModule) (BazelTarget, error) {
ruleClass := m.BazelRuleClass()
bzlLoadLocation := m.BazelRuleLoadLocation()
// extract the bazel attributes from the module.
attrs := m.BazelAttributes()
props, err := extractModuleProperties(attrs, true)
if err != nil {
return BazelTarget{}, err
// name is handled in a special manner
delete(props.Attrs, "name")
// Return the Bazel target with rule class and attributes, ready to be
// code-generated.
attributes := propsToAttributes(props.Attrs)
var content string
targetName := m.TargetName()
if targetName != "" {
content = fmt.Sprintf(ruleTargetTemplate, ruleClass, targetName, attributes)
} else {
content = fmt.Sprintf(unnamedRuleTargetTemplate, ruleClass, attributes)
var loads []BazelLoad
if bzlLoadLocation != "" {
loads = append(loads, BazelLoad{
file: bzlLoadLocation,
symbols: []BazelLoadSymbol{{symbol: ruleClass}},
return BazelTarget{
name: targetName,
packageName: m.TargetPackage(),
ruleClass: ruleClass,
loads: loads,
content: content,
}, nil
// Convert a module and its deps and props into a Bazel macro/rule
// representation in the BUILD file.
func generateSoongModuleTarget(ctx bpToBuildContext, m blueprint.Module) (BazelTarget, error) {
props, err := getBuildProperties(ctx, m)
// TODO(b/163018919): DirectDeps can have duplicate (module, variant)
// items, if the modules are added using different DependencyTag. Figure
// out the implications of that.
depLabels := map[string]bool{}
if aModule, ok := m.(android.Module); ok {
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(aModule, func(depModule blueprint.Module) {
depLabels[qualifiedTargetLabel(ctx, depModule)] = true
for p := range ignoredPropNames {
delete(props.Attrs, p)
attributes := propsToAttributes(props.Attrs)
depLabelList := "[\n"
for depLabel := range depLabels {
depLabelList += fmt.Sprintf(" %q,\n", depLabel)
depLabelList += " ]"
targetName := targetNameWithVariant(ctx, m)
return BazelTarget{
name: targetName,
packageName: ctx.ModuleDir(m),
content: fmt.Sprintf(
}, err
func getBuildProperties(ctx bpToBuildContext, m blueprint.Module) (BazelAttributes, error) {
// TODO: this omits properties for blueprint modules (blueprint_go_binary,
// bootstrap_go_binary, bootstrap_go_package), which will have to be handled separately.
if aModule, ok := m.(android.Module); ok {
return extractModuleProperties(aModule.GetProperties(), false)
return BazelAttributes{}, nil
// Generically extract module properties and types into a map, keyed by the module property name.
func extractModuleProperties(props []interface{}, checkForDuplicateProperties bool) (BazelAttributes, error) {
ret := map[string]string{}
// Iterate over this android.Module's property structs.
for _, properties := range props {
propertiesValue := reflect.ValueOf(properties)
// Check that propertiesValue is a pointer to the Properties struct, like
// *cc.BaseLinkerProperties or *java.CompilerProperties.
// propertiesValue can also be type-asserted to the structs to
// manipulate internal props, if needed.
if isStructPtr(propertiesValue.Type()) {
structValue := propertiesValue.Elem()
ok, err := extractStructProperties(structValue, 0)
if err != nil {
return BazelAttributes{}, err
for k, v := range ok {
if existing, exists := ret[k]; checkForDuplicateProperties && exists {
return BazelAttributes{}, fmt.Errorf(
"%s (%v) is present in properties whereas it should be consolidated into a commonAttributes",
k, existing)
ret[k] = v
} else {
return BazelAttributes{},
"properties must be a pointer to a struct, got %T",
return BazelAttributes{
Attrs: ret,
}, nil
func isStructPtr(t reflect.Type) bool {
return t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct
// prettyPrint a property value into the equivalent Starlark representation
// recursively.
func prettyPrint(propertyValue reflect.Value, indent int, emitZeroValues bool) (string, error) {
if !emitZeroValues && isZero(propertyValue) {
// A property value being set or unset actually matters -- Soong does set default
// values for unset properties, like system_shared_libs = ["libc", "libm", "libdl"] at
// In Bazel-parlance, we would use "attr.<type>(default = <default
// value>)" to set the default value of unset attributes. In the cases
// where the bp2build converter didn't set the default value within the
// mutator when creating the BazelTargetModule, this would be a zero
// value. For those cases, we return an empty string so we don't
// unnecessarily generate empty values.
return "", nil
switch propertyValue.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return fmt.Sprintf("\"%v\"", escapeString(propertyValue.String())), nil
case reflect.Bool:
return starlark_fmt.PrintBool(propertyValue.Bool()), nil
case reflect.Int, reflect.Uint, reflect.Int64:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", propertyValue.Interface()), nil
case reflect.Ptr:
return prettyPrint(propertyValue.Elem(), indent, emitZeroValues)
case reflect.Slice:
elements := make([]string, 0, propertyValue.Len())
for i := 0; i < propertyValue.Len(); i++ {
val, err := prettyPrint(propertyValue.Index(i), indent, emitZeroValues)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if val != "" {
elements = append(elements, val)
return starlark_fmt.PrintList(elements, indent, func(s string) string {
return "%s"
}), nil
case reflect.Struct:
// Special cases where the bp2build sends additional information to the codegenerator
// by wrapping the attributes in a custom struct type.
if attr, ok := propertyValue.Interface().(bazel.Attribute); ok {
return prettyPrintAttribute(attr, indent)
} else if label, ok := propertyValue.Interface().(bazel.Label); ok {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", label.Label), nil
// Sort and print the struct props by the key.
structProps, err := extractStructProperties(propertyValue, indent)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(structProps) == 0 {
return "", nil
return starlark_fmt.PrintDict(structProps, indent), nil
case reflect.Interface:
// TODO(b/164227191): implement pretty print for interfaces.
// Interfaces are used for for arch, multilib and target properties.
return "", nil
case reflect.Map:
if v, ok := propertyValue.Interface().(bazel.StringMapAttribute); ok {
return starlark_fmt.PrintStringStringDict(v, indent), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("bp2build expects map of type map[string]string for field: %s", propertyValue)
return "", fmt.Errorf(
"unexpected kind for property struct field: %s", propertyValue.Kind())
// Converts a reflected property struct value into a map of property names and property values,
// which each property value correctly pretty-printed and indented at the right nest level,
// since property structs can be nested. In Starlark, nested structs are represented as nested
// dicts:
func extractStructProperties(structValue reflect.Value, indent int) (map[string]string, error) {
if structValue.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return map[string]string{}, fmt.Errorf("Expected a reflect.Struct type, but got %s", structValue.Kind())
var err error
ret := map[string]string{}
structType := structValue.Type()
for i := 0; i < structValue.NumField(); i++ {
field := structType.Field(i)
if shouldSkipStructField(field) {
fieldValue := structValue.Field(i)
if isZero(fieldValue) {
// Ignore zero-valued fields
// if the struct is embedded (anonymous), flatten the properties into the containing struct
if field.Anonymous {
if field.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
fieldValue = fieldValue.Elem()
if fieldValue.Type().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
propsToMerge, err := extractStructProperties(fieldValue, indent)
if err != nil {
return map[string]string{}, err
for prop, value := range propsToMerge {
ret[prop] = value
propertyName := proptools.PropertyNameForField(field.Name)
var prettyPrintedValue string
prettyPrintedValue, err = prettyPrint(fieldValue, indent+1, false)
if err != nil {
return map[string]string{}, fmt.Errorf(
"Error while parsing property: %q. %s",
if prettyPrintedValue != "" {
ret[propertyName] = prettyPrintedValue
return ret, nil
func isZero(value reflect.Value) bool {
switch value.Kind() {
case reflect.Func, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
return value.IsNil()
case reflect.Array:
valueIsZero := true
for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ {
valueIsZero = valueIsZero && isZero(value.Index(i))
return valueIsZero
case reflect.Struct:
valueIsZero := true
for i := 0; i < value.NumField(); i++ {
valueIsZero = valueIsZero && isZero(value.Field(i))
return valueIsZero
case reflect.Ptr:
if !value.IsNil() {
return isZero(reflect.Indirect(value))
} else {
return true
// Always print bool/strings, if you want a bool/string attribute to be able to take the default value, use a
// pointer instead
case reflect.Bool, reflect.String:
return false
if !value.IsValid() {
return true
zeroValue := reflect.Zero(value.Type())
result := value.Interface() == zeroValue.Interface()
return result
func escapeString(s string) string {
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\\", "\\\\")
// b/184026959: Reverse the application of some common control sequences.
// These must be generated literally in the BUILD file.
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\t", "\\t")
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\n", "\\n")
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\r", "\\r")
return strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\"", "\\\"")
func targetNameWithVariant(c bpToBuildContext, logicModule blueprint.Module) string {
name := ""
if c.ModuleSubDir(logicModule) != "" {
// TODO(b/162720883): Figure out a way to drop the "--" variant suffixes.
name = c.ModuleName(logicModule) + "--" + c.ModuleSubDir(logicModule)
} else {
name = c.ModuleName(logicModule)
return strings.Replace(name, "//", "", 1)
func qualifiedTargetLabel(c bpToBuildContext, logicModule blueprint.Module) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("//%s:%s", c.ModuleDir(logicModule), targetNameWithVariant(c, logicModule))