blob: 8874209049b1c396d8a4da9d281107d586534b8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package build
import (
smpb "android/soong/ui/metrics/metrics_proto"
const (
envConfigDir = "vendor/google/tools/soong_config"
jsonSuffix = "json"
configFetcher = "vendor/google/tools/soong/expconfigfetcher"
envConfigFetchTimeout = 10 * time.Second
var (
rbeRandPrefix int
func init() {
rbeRandPrefix = rand.Intn(1000)
type Config struct{ *configImpl }
type configImpl struct {
// Some targets that are implemented in soong_build
// (bp2build, json-module-graph) are not here and have their own bits below.
arguments []string
goma bool
environ *Environment
distDir string
buildDateTime string
// From the arguments
parallel int
keepGoing int
verbose bool
checkbuild bool
dist bool
jsonModuleGraph bool
bp2build bool
queryview bool
reportMkMetrics bool // Collect and report mk2bp migration progress metrics.
soongDocs bool
skipConfig bool
skipKati bool
skipKatiNinja bool
skipSoong bool
skipNinja bool
skipSoongTests bool
// From the product config
katiArgs []string
ninjaArgs []string
katiSuffix string
targetDevice string
targetDeviceDir string
sandboxConfig *SandboxConfig
// Autodetected
totalRAM uint64
brokenDupRules bool
brokenUsesNetwork bool
brokenNinjaEnvVars []string
pathReplaced bool
useBazel bool
// During Bazel execution, Bazel cannot write outside OUT_DIR.
// So if DIST_DIR is set to an external dir (outside of OUT_DIR), we need to rig it temporarily and then migrate files at the end of the build.
riggedDistDirForBazel string
// Set by multiproduct_kati
emptyNinjaFile bool
metricsUploader string
const srcDirFileCheck = "build/soong/root.bp"
var buildFiles = []string{"", "Android.bp"}
type BuildAction uint
const (
// Builds all of the modules and their dependencies of a specified directory, relative to the root
// directory of the source tree.
// Builds all of the modules and their dependencies of a list of specified directories. All specified
// directories are relative to the root directory of the source tree.
// Build a list of specified modules. If none was specified, simply build the whole source tree.
type bazelBuildMode int
// Bazel-related build modes.
const (
// Don't use bazel at all.
noBazel bazelBuildMode = iota
// Generate synthetic build files and incorporate these files into a build which
// partially uses Bazel. Build metadata may come from Android.bp or BUILD files.
// checkTopDir validates that the current directory is at the root directory of the source tree.
func checkTopDir(ctx Context) {
if _, err := os.Stat(srcDirFileCheck); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
ctx.Fatalf("Current working directory must be the source tree. %q not found.", srcDirFileCheck)
ctx.Fatalln("Error verifying tree state:", err)
// fetchEnvConfig optionally fetches environment config from an
// experiments system to control Soong features dynamically.
func fetchEnvConfig(ctx Context, config *configImpl, envConfigName string) error {
configName := envConfigName + "." + jsonSuffix
expConfigFetcher := &smpb.ExpConfigFetcher{}
defer func() {
s, err := os.Stat(configFetcher)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
return err
if s.Mode()&0111 == 0 {
status := smpb.ExpConfigFetcher_ERROR
expConfigFetcher.Status = &status
return fmt.Errorf("configuration fetcher binary %v is not executable: %v", configFetcher, s.Mode())
tCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, envConfigFetchTimeout)
defer cancel()
fetchStart := time.Now()
cmd := exec.CommandContext(tCtx, configFetcher, "-output_config_dir", config.OutDir(),
"-output_config_name", configName)
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
status := smpb.ExpConfigFetcher_ERROR
expConfigFetcher.Status = &status
return err
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
status := smpb.ExpConfigFetcher_ERROR
expConfigFetcher.Status = &status
return err
fetchEnd := time.Now()
expConfigFetcher.Micros = proto.Uint64(uint64(fetchEnd.Sub(fetchStart).Microseconds()))
outConfigFilePath := filepath.Join(config.OutDir(), configName)
expConfigFetcher.Filename = proto.String(outConfigFilePath)
if _, err := os.Stat(outConfigFilePath); err == nil {
status := smpb.ExpConfigFetcher_CONFIG
expConfigFetcher.Status = &status
} else {
status := smpb.ExpConfigFetcher_NO_CONFIG
expConfigFetcher.Status = &status
return nil
func loadEnvConfig(ctx Context, config *configImpl) error {
if bc == "" {
return nil
if err := fetchEnvConfig(ctx, config, bc); err != nil {
ctx.Verbosef("Failed to fetch config file: %v\n", err)
configDirs := []string{
for _, dir := range configDirs {
cfgFile := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("TOP"), dir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", bc, jsonSuffix))
envVarsJSON, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cfgFile)
if err != nil {
ctx.Verbosef("Loading config file %v\n", cfgFile)
var envVars map[string]map[string]string
if err := json.Unmarshal(envVarsJSON, &envVars); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Env vars config file %s did not parse correctly: %s", cfgFile, err.Error())
for k, v := range envVars["env"] {
if os.Getenv(k) != "" {
config.environ.Set(k, v)
ctx.Verbosef("Finished loading config file %v\n", cfgFile)
return nil
func NewConfig(ctx Context, args ...string) Config {
ret := &configImpl{
environ: OsEnvironment(),
sandboxConfig: &SandboxConfig{},
// Default matching ninja
ret.parallel = runtime.NumCPU() + 2
ret.keepGoing = 1
ret.totalRAM = detectTotalRAM(ctx)
ret.parseArgs(ctx, args)
// Make sure OUT_DIR is set appropriately
if outDir, ok := ret.environ.Get("OUT_DIR"); ok {
ret.environ.Set("OUT_DIR", filepath.Clean(outDir))
} else {
outDir := "out"
if baseDir, ok := ret.environ.Get("OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASE"); ok {
if wd, err := os.Getwd(); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to get working directory:", err)
} else {
outDir = filepath.Join(baseDir, filepath.Base(wd))
ret.environ.Set("OUT_DIR", outDir)
// loadEnvConfig needs to know what the OUT_DIR is, so it should
// be called after we determine the appropriate out directory.
if err := loadEnvConfig(ctx, ret); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalln("Failed to parse env config files: %v", err)
if distDir, ok := ret.environ.Get("DIST_DIR"); ok {
ret.distDir = filepath.Clean(distDir)
} else {
ret.distDir = filepath.Join(ret.OutDir(), "dist")
if srcDirIsWritable, ok := ret.environ.Get("BUILD_BROKEN_SRC_DIR_IS_WRITABLE"); ok {
ret.sandboxConfig.SetSrcDirIsRO(srcDirIsWritable == "false")
// We're already using it
// We should never use GOROOT/GOPATH from the shell environment
// These should only come from Soong, not the environment.
// Used by the goma compiler wrapper, but should only be set by
// gomacc
// We handle this above
// This is handled above too, and set for individual commands later
// Variables that have caused problems in the past
// Drop make flags
// Set in, reset in makefiles
// Set by, but shouldn't be used inside the build because is optional
if ret.UseGoma() || ret.ForceUseGoma() {
ctx.Println("Goma for Android has been deprecated and replaced with RBE. See go/rbe_for_android for instructions on how to use RBE.")
ctx.Fatalln("USE_GOMA / FORCE_USE_GOMA flag is no longer supported.")
// Tell python not to spam the source tree with .pyc files.
tmpDir := absPath(ctx, ret.TempDir())
ret.environ.Set("TMPDIR", tmpDir)
// Always set ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH so that ASAN-based tools can symbolize any crashes
symbolizerPath := filepath.Join("prebuilts/clang/host", ret.HostPrebuiltTag(),
ret.environ.Set("ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH", absPath(ctx, symbolizerPath))
// Precondition: the current directory is the top of the source tree
srcDir := absPath(ctx, ".")
if strings.ContainsRune(srcDir, ' ') {
ctx.Println("You are building in a directory whose absolute path contains a space character:")
ctx.Printf("%q\n", srcDir)
ctx.Fatalln("Directory names containing spaces are not supported")
ret.metricsUploader = GetMetricsUploader(srcDir, ret.environ)
if outDir := ret.OutDir(); strings.ContainsRune(outDir, ' ') {
ctx.Println("The absolute path of your output directory ($OUT_DIR) contains a space character:")
ctx.Printf("%q\n", outDir)
ctx.Fatalln("Directory names containing spaces are not supported")
if distDir := ret.RealDistDir(); strings.ContainsRune(distDir, ' ') {
ctx.Println("The absolute path of your dist directory ($DIST_DIR) contains a space character:")
ctx.Printf("%q\n", distDir)
ctx.Fatalln("Directory names containing spaces are not supported")
// Configure Java-related variables, including adding it to $PATH
java8Home := filepath.Join("prebuilts/jdk/jdk8", ret.HostPrebuiltTag())
java9Home := filepath.Join("prebuilts/jdk/jdk9", ret.HostPrebuiltTag())
java11Home := filepath.Join("prebuilts/jdk/jdk11", ret.HostPrebuiltTag())
java17Home := filepath.Join("prebuilts/jdk/jdk17", ret.HostPrebuiltTag())
javaHome := func() string {
if override, ok := ret.environ.Get("OVERRIDE_ANDROID_JAVA_HOME"); ok {
return override
return java17Home
if toolchain11, ok := ret.environ.Get("EXPERIMENTAL_USE_OPENJDK11_TOOLCHAIN"); ok && toolchain11 != "true" {
ctx.Fatalln("The environment variable EXPERIMENTAL_USE_OPENJDK11_TOOLCHAIN is no longer supported. An OpenJDK 11 toolchain is now the global default.")
return java11Home
absJavaHome := absPath(ctx, javaHome)
newPath := []string{filepath.Join(absJavaHome, "bin")}
if path, ok := ret.environ.Get("PATH"); ok && path != "" {
newPath = append(newPath, path)
ret.environ.Set("JAVA_HOME", absJavaHome)
ret.environ.Set("ANDROID_JAVA_HOME", javaHome)
ret.environ.Set("ANDROID_JAVA8_HOME", java8Home)
ret.environ.Set("ANDROID_JAVA9_HOME", java9Home)
ret.environ.Set("ANDROID_JAVA11_HOME", java11Home)
ret.environ.Set("PATH", strings.Join(newPath, string(filepath.ListSeparator)))
outDir := ret.OutDir()
buildDateTimeFile := filepath.Join(outDir, "build_date.txt")
if buildDateTime, ok := ret.environ.Get("BUILD_DATETIME"); ok && buildDateTime != "" {
ret.buildDateTime = buildDateTime
} else {
ret.buildDateTime = strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
ret.environ.Set("BUILD_DATETIME_FILE", buildDateTimeFile)
if ret.UseRBE() {
for k, v := range getRBEVars(ctx, Config{ret}) {
ret.environ.Set(k, v)
bpd := ret.BazelMetricsDir()
if err := os.RemoveAll(bpd); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Unable to remove bazel profile directory %q: %v", bpd, err)
ret.useBazel = ret.environ.IsEnvTrue("USE_BAZEL")
if ret.UseBazel() {
if err := os.MkdirAll(bpd, 0777); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Failed to create bazel profile directory %q: %v", bpd, err)
if ret.UseBazel() {
ret.riggedDistDirForBazel = filepath.Join(ret.OutDir(), "dist")
} else {
// Not rigged
ret.riggedDistDirForBazel = ret.distDir
c := Config{ret}
storeConfigMetrics(ctx, c)
return c
// NewBuildActionConfig returns a build configuration based on the build action. The arguments are
// processed based on the build action and extracts any arguments that belongs to the build action.
func NewBuildActionConfig(action BuildAction, dir string, ctx Context, args ...string) Config {
return NewConfig(ctx, getConfigArgs(action, dir, ctx, args)...)
// storeConfigMetrics selects a set of configuration information and store in
// the metrics system for further analysis.
func storeConfigMetrics(ctx Context, config Config) {
if ctx.Metrics == nil {
s := &smpb.SystemResourceInfo{
TotalPhysicalMemory: proto.Uint64(config.TotalRAM()),
AvailableCpus: proto.Int32(int32(runtime.NumCPU())),
func buildConfig(config Config) *smpb.BuildConfig {
c := &smpb.BuildConfig{
ForceUseGoma: proto.Bool(config.ForceUseGoma()),
UseGoma: proto.Bool(config.UseGoma()),
UseRbe: proto.Bool(config.UseRBE()),
BazelAsNinja: proto.Bool(config.UseBazel()),
BazelMixedBuild: proto.Bool(config.bazelBuildMode() == mixedBuild),
c.Targets = append(c.Targets, config.arguments...)
return c
// getConfigArgs processes the command arguments based on the build action and creates a set of new
// arguments to be accepted by Config.
func getConfigArgs(action BuildAction, dir string, ctx Context, args []string) []string {
// The next block of code verifies that the current directory is the root directory of the source
// tree. It then finds the relative path of dir based on the root directory of the source tree
// and verify that dir is inside of the source tree.
topDir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Error retrieving top directory: %v", err)
dir, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(dir)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Unable to evaluate symlink of %s: %v", dir, err)
dir, err = filepath.Abs(dir)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Unable to find absolute path %s: %v", dir, err)
relDir, err := filepath.Rel(topDir, dir)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Unable to find relative path %s of %s: %v", relDir, topDir, err)
// If there are ".." in the path, it's not in the source tree.
if strings.Contains(relDir, "..") {
ctx.Fatalf("Directory %s is not under the source tree %s", dir, topDir)
configArgs := args[:]
// If the arguments contains GET-INSTALL-PATH, change the target name prefix from MODULES-IN- to
// GET-INSTALL-PATH-IN- to extract the installation path instead of building the modules.
targetNamePrefix := "MODULES-IN-"
if inList("GET-INSTALL-PATH", configArgs) {
targetNamePrefix = "GET-INSTALL-PATH-IN-"
configArgs = removeFromList("GET-INSTALL-PATH", configArgs)
var targets []string
switch action {
// No additional processing is required when building a list of specific modules or all modules.
// If dir is the root source tree, all the modules are built of the source tree are built so
// no need to find the build file.
if topDir == dir {
buildFile := findBuildFile(ctx, relDir)
if buildFile == "" {
ctx.Fatalf("Build file not found for %s directory", relDir)
targets = []string{convertToTarget(filepath.Dir(buildFile), targetNamePrefix)}
newConfigArgs, dirs := splitArgs(configArgs)
configArgs = newConfigArgs
targets = getTargetsFromDirs(ctx, relDir, dirs, targetNamePrefix)
// Tidy only override all other specified targets.
tidyOnly := os.Getenv("WITH_TIDY_ONLY")
if tidyOnly == "true" || tidyOnly == "1" {
configArgs = append(configArgs, "tidy_only")
} else {
configArgs = append(configArgs, targets...)
return configArgs
// convertToTarget replaces "/" to "-" in dir and pre-append the targetNamePrefix to the target name.
func convertToTarget(dir string, targetNamePrefix string) string {
return targetNamePrefix + strings.ReplaceAll(dir, "/", "-")
// hasBuildFile returns true if dir contains an Android build file.
func hasBuildFile(ctx Context, dir string) bool {
for _, buildFile := range buildFiles {
_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, buildFile))
if err == nil {
return true
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
ctx.Fatalf("Error retrieving the build file stats: %v", err)
return false
// findBuildFile finds a build file (makefile or blueprint file) by looking if there is a build file
// in the current and any sub directory of dir. If a build file is not found, traverse the path
// up by one directory and repeat again until either a build file is found or reached to the root
// source tree. The returned filename of build file is "". If one was not found, a blank
// string is returned.
func findBuildFile(ctx Context, dir string) string {
// If the string is empty or ".", assume it is top directory of the source tree.
if dir == "" || dir == "." {
return ""
found := false
for buildDir := dir; buildDir != "."; buildDir = filepath.Dir(buildDir) {
err := filepath.Walk(buildDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if found {
return filepath.SkipDir
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
for _, buildFile := range buildFiles {
if info.Name() == buildFile {
found = true
return filepath.SkipDir
return nil
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Error finding Android build file: %v", err)
if found {
return filepath.Join(buildDir, "")
return ""
// splitArgs iterates over the arguments list and splits into two lists: arguments and directories.
func splitArgs(args []string) (newArgs []string, dirs []string) {
specialArgs := map[string]bool{
"showcommands": true,
"snod": true,
"dist": true,
"checkbuild": true,
newArgs = []string{}
dirs = []string{}
for _, arg := range args {
// It's a dash argument if it starts with "-" or it's a key=value pair, it's not a directory.
if strings.IndexRune(arg, '-') == 0 || strings.IndexRune(arg, '=') != -1 {
newArgs = append(newArgs, arg)
if _, ok := specialArgs[arg]; ok {
newArgs = append(newArgs, arg)
dirs = append(dirs, arg)
return newArgs, dirs
// getTargetsFromDirs iterates over the dirs list and creates a list of targets to build. If a
// directory from the dirs list does not exist, a fatal error is raised. relDir is related to the
// source root tree where the build action command was invoked. Each directory is validated if the
// build file can be found and follows the format "dir1:target1,target2,...". Target is optional.
func getTargetsFromDirs(ctx Context, relDir string, dirs []string, targetNamePrefix string) (targets []string) {
for _, dir := range dirs {
// The directory may have specified specific modules to build. ":" is the separator to separate
// the directory and the list of modules.
s := strings.Split(dir, ":")
l := len(s)
if l > 2 { // more than one ":" was specified.
ctx.Fatalf("%s not in proper directory:target1,target2,... format (\":\" was specified more than once)", dir)
dir = filepath.Join(relDir, s[0])
if _, err := os.Stat(dir); err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("couldn't find directory %s", dir)
// Verify that if there are any targets specified after ":". Each target is separated by ",".
var newTargets []string
if l == 2 && s[1] != "" {
newTargets = strings.Split(s[1], ",")
if inList("", newTargets) {
ctx.Fatalf("%s not in proper directory:target1,target2,... format", dir)
// If there are specified targets to build in dir, an android build file must exist for the one
// shot build. For the non-targets case, find the appropriate build file and build all the
// modules in dir (or the closest one in the dir path).
if len(newTargets) > 0 {
if !hasBuildFile(ctx, dir) {
ctx.Fatalf("Couldn't locate a build file from %s directory", dir)
} else {
buildFile := findBuildFile(ctx, dir)
if buildFile == "" {
ctx.Fatalf("Build file not found for %s directory", dir)
newTargets = []string{convertToTarget(filepath.Dir(buildFile), targetNamePrefix)}
targets = append(targets, newTargets...)
return targets
func (c *configImpl) parseArgs(ctx Context, args []string) {
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
arg := strings.TrimSpace(args[i])
if arg == "showcommands" {
c.verbose = true
} else if arg == "--empty-ninja-file" {
c.emptyNinjaFile = true
} else if arg == "--skip-ninja" {
c.skipNinja = true
} else if arg == "--skip-make" {
// TODO(ccross): deprecate this, it has confusing behaviors. It doesn't run kati,
// but it does run a Kati ninja file if the .kati_enabled marker file was created
// by a previous build.
c.skipConfig = true
c.skipKati = true
} else if arg == "--skip-kati" {
// TODO: remove --skip-kati once module builds have been migrated to --song-only
c.skipKati = true
} else if arg == "--soong-only" {
c.skipKati = true
c.skipKatiNinja = true
} else if arg == "--config-only" {
c.skipKati = true
c.skipKatiNinja = true
c.skipSoong = true
} else if arg == "--skip-config" {
c.skipConfig = true
} else if arg == "--skip-soong-tests" {
c.skipSoongTests = true
} else if arg == "--mk-metrics" {
c.reportMkMetrics = true
} else if len(arg) > 0 && arg[0] == '-' {
parseArgNum := func(def int) int {
if len(arg) > 2 {
p, err := strconv.ParseUint(arg[2:], 10, 31)
if err != nil {
ctx.Fatalf("Failed to parse %q: %v", arg, err)
return int(p)
} else if i+1 < len(args) {
p, err := strconv.ParseUint(args[i+1], 10, 31)
if err == nil {
return int(p)
return def
if len(arg) > 1 && arg[1] == 'j' {
c.parallel = parseArgNum(c.parallel)
} else if len(arg) > 1 && arg[1] == 'k' {
c.keepGoing = parseArgNum(0)
} else {
ctx.Fatalln("Unknown option:", arg)
} else if k, v, ok := decodeKeyValue(arg); ok && len(k) > 0 {
if k == "OUT_DIR" {
ctx.Fatalln("OUT_DIR may only be set in the environment, not as a command line option.")
c.environ.Set(k, v)
} else if arg == "dist" {
c.dist = true
} else if arg == "json-module-graph" {
c.jsonModuleGraph = true
} else if arg == "bp2build" {
c.bp2build = true
} else if arg == "queryview" {
c.queryview = true
} else if arg == "soong_docs" {
c.soongDocs = true
} else {
if arg == "checkbuild" {
c.checkbuild = true
c.arguments = append(c.arguments, arg)
func (c *configImpl) configureLocale(ctx Context) {
cmd := Command(ctx, Config{c}, "locale", "locale", "-a")
output, err := cmd.Output()
var locales []string
if err == nil {
locales = strings.Split(string(output), "\n")
} else {
// If we're unable to list the locales, let's assume en_US.UTF-8
locales = []string{"en_US.UTF-8"}
ctx.Verbosef("Failed to list locales (%q), falling back to %q", err, locales)
// gettext uses LANGUAGE, which is passed directly through
// For LANG and LC_*, only preserve the evaluated version of
userLang := ""
if lc_all, ok := c.environ.Get("LC_ALL"); ok {
userLang = lc_all
} else if lc_messages, ok := c.environ.Get("LC_MESSAGES"); ok {
userLang = lc_messages
} else if lang, ok := c.environ.Get("LANG"); ok {
userLang = lang
if userLang != "" {
c.environ.Set("LC_MESSAGES", userLang)
// The for LANG, use C.UTF-8 if it exists (Debian currently, proposed
// for others)
if inList("C.UTF-8", locales) {
c.environ.Set("LANG", "C.UTF-8")
} else if inList("C.utf8", locales) {
// These normalize to the same thing
c.environ.Set("LANG", "C.UTF-8")
} else if inList("en_US.UTF-8", locales) {
c.environ.Set("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8")
} else if inList("en_US.utf8", locales) {
// These normalize to the same thing
c.environ.Set("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8")
} else {
ctx.Fatalln("System doesn't support either C.UTF-8 or en_US.UTF-8")
func (c *configImpl) Environment() *Environment {
return c.environ
func (c *configImpl) Arguments() []string {
return c.arguments
func (c *configImpl) SoongBuildInvocationNeeded() bool {
if len(c.Arguments()) > 0 {
// Explicit targets requested that are not special targets like b2pbuild
// or the JSON module graph
return true
if !c.JsonModuleGraph() && !c.Bp2Build() && !c.Queryview() && !c.SoongDocs() {
// Command line was empty, the default Ninja target is built
return true
// bp2build + dist may be used to dist bp2build logs but does not require SoongBuildInvocation
if c.Dist() && !c.Bp2Build() {
return true
// doesn't need to be generated
return false
func (c *configImpl) OutDir() string {
if outDir, ok := c.environ.Get("OUT_DIR"); ok {
return outDir
return "out"
func (c *configImpl) DistDir() string {
if c.UseBazel() {
return c.riggedDistDirForBazel
} else {
return c.distDir
func (c *configImpl) RealDistDir() string {
return c.distDir
func (c *configImpl) NinjaArgs() []string {
if c.skipKati {
return c.arguments
return c.ninjaArgs
func (c *configImpl) BazelOutDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "bazel")
func (c *configImpl) SoongOutDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "soong")
func (c *configImpl) PrebuiltOS() string {
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "linux":
return "linux-x86"
case "darwin":
return "darwin-x86"
panic("Unknown GOOS")
func (c *configImpl) HostToolDir() string {
if c.SkipKatiNinja() {
return filepath.Join(c.SoongOutDir(), "host", c.PrebuiltOS(), "bin")
} else {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "host", c.PrebuiltOS(), "bin")
func (c *configImpl) NamedGlobFile(name string) string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), "globs-"+name+".ninja")
func (c *configImpl) UsedEnvFile(tag string) string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), usedEnvFile+"."+tag)
func (c *configImpl) Bp2BuildMarkerFile() string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), "bp2build_workspace_marker")
func (c *configImpl) SoongDocsHtml() string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), "docs/soong_build.html")
func (c *configImpl) QueryviewMarkerFile() string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), "queryview.marker")
func (c *configImpl) ModuleGraphFile() string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), "module-graph.json")
func (c *configImpl) ModuleActionsFile() string {
return shared.JoinPath(c.SoongOutDir(), "module-actions.json")
func (c *configImpl) TempDir() string {
return shared.TempDirForOutDir(c.SoongOutDir())
func (c *configImpl) FileListDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), ".module_paths")
func (c *configImpl) KatiSuffix() string {
if c.katiSuffix != "" {
return c.katiSuffix
panic("SetKatiSuffix has not been called")
// Checkbuild returns true if "checkbuild" was one of the build goals, which means that the
// user is interested in additional checks at the expense of build time.
func (c *configImpl) Checkbuild() bool {
return c.checkbuild
func (c *configImpl) Dist() bool {
return c.dist
func (c *configImpl) JsonModuleGraph() bool {
return c.jsonModuleGraph
func (c *configImpl) Bp2Build() bool {
return c.bp2build
func (c *configImpl) Queryview() bool {
return c.queryview
func (c *configImpl) SoongDocs() bool {
return c.soongDocs
func (c *configImpl) IsVerbose() bool {
return c.verbose
func (c *configImpl) SkipKati() bool {
return c.skipKati
func (c *configImpl) SkipKatiNinja() bool {
return c.skipKatiNinja
func (c *configImpl) SkipSoong() bool {
return c.skipSoong
func (c *configImpl) SkipNinja() bool {
return c.skipNinja
func (c *configImpl) SetSkipNinja(v bool) {
c.skipNinja = v
func (c *configImpl) SkipConfig() bool {
return c.skipConfig
func (c *configImpl) TargetProduct() string {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("TARGET_PRODUCT"); ok {
return v
panic("TARGET_PRODUCT is not defined")
func (c *configImpl) TargetDevice() string {
return c.targetDevice
func (c *configImpl) SetTargetDevice(device string) {
c.targetDevice = device
func (c *configImpl) TargetBuildVariant() string {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT"); ok {
return v
panic("TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT is not defined")
func (c *configImpl) KatiArgs() []string {
return c.katiArgs
func (c *configImpl) Parallel() int {
return c.parallel
func (c *configImpl) HighmemParallel() int {
if i, ok := c.environ.GetInt("NINJA_HIGHMEM_NUM_JOBS"); ok {
return i
const minMemPerHighmemProcess = 8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
parallel := c.Parallel()
if c.UseRemoteBuild() {
// Ninja doesn't support nested pools, and when remote builds are enabled the total ninja parallelism
// is set very high (i.e. 500). Using a large value here would cause the total number of running jobs
// to be the sum of the sizes of the local and highmem pools, which will cause extra CPU contention.
// Return 1/16th of the size of the local pool, rounding up.
return (parallel + 15) / 16
} else if c.totalRAM == 0 {
// Couldn't detect the total RAM, don't restrict highmem processes.
return parallel
} else if c.totalRAM <= 16*1024*1024*1024 {
// Less than 16GB of ram, restrict to 1 highmem processes
return 1
} else if c.totalRAM <= 32*1024*1024*1024 {
// Less than 32GB of ram, restrict to 2 highmem processes
return 2
} else if p := int(c.totalRAM / minMemPerHighmemProcess); p < parallel {
// If less than 8GB total RAM per process, reduce the number of highmem processes
return p
// No restriction on highmem processes
return parallel
func (c *configImpl) TotalRAM() uint64 {
return c.totalRAM
// ForceUseGoma determines whether we should override Goma deprecation
// and use Goma for the current build or not.
func (c *configImpl) ForceUseGoma() bool {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("FORCE_USE_GOMA"); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" {
return true
return false
func (c *configImpl) UseGoma() bool {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("USE_GOMA"); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" {
return true
return false
func (c *configImpl) StartGoma() bool {
if !c.UseGoma() {
return false
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("NOSTART_GOMA"); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" {
return false
return true
func (c *configImpl) UseRBE() bool {
if v, ok := c.Environment().Get("USE_RBE"); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" {
return true
return false
func (c *configImpl) UseBazel() bool {
return c.useBazel
func (c *configImpl) bazelBuildMode() bazelBuildMode {
if c.Environment().IsEnvTrue("USE_BAZEL_ANALYSIS") {
return mixedBuild
} else {
return noBazel
func (c *configImpl) StartRBE() bool {
if !c.UseRBE() {
return false
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("NOSTART_RBE"); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" {
return false
return true
func (c *configImpl) rbeProxyLogsDir() string {
for _, f := range []string{"RBE_proxy_log_dir", "FLAG_output_dir"} {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get(f); ok {
return v
buildTmpDir := shared.TempDirForOutDir(c.SoongOutDir())
return filepath.Join(buildTmpDir, "rbe")
func (c *configImpl) shouldCleanupRBELogsDir() bool {
// Perform a log directory cleanup only when the log directory
// is auto created by the build rather than user-specified.
for _, f := range []string{"RBE_proxy_log_dir", "FLAG_output_dir"} {
if _, ok := c.environ.Get(f); ok {
return false
return true
func (c *configImpl) rbeExecRoot() string {
for _, f := range []string{"RBE_exec_root", "FLAG_exec_root"} {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get(f); ok {
return v
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return ""
return wd
func (c *configImpl) rbeDir() string {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("RBE_DIR"); ok {
return v
return "prebuilts/remoteexecution-client/live/"
func (c *configImpl) rbeReproxy() string {
for _, f := range []string{"RBE_re_proxy", "FLAG_re_proxy"} {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get(f); ok {
return v
return filepath.Join(c.rbeDir(), "reproxy")
func (c *configImpl) rbeAuth() (string, string) {
credFlags := []string{
for _, cf := range credFlags {
for _, f := range []string{"RBE_" + cf, "FLAG_" + cf} {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get(f); ok {
v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
if v != "" && v != "false" && v != "0" {
return "RBE_" + cf, v
return "RBE_use_application_default_credentials", "true"
func (c *configImpl) rbeSockAddr(dir string) (string, error) {
maxNameLen := len(syscall.RawSockaddrUnix{}.Path)
base := fmt.Sprintf("reproxy_%v.sock", rbeRandPrefix)
name := filepath.Join(dir, base)
if len(name) < maxNameLen {
return name, nil
name = filepath.Join("/tmp", base)
if len(name) < maxNameLen {
return name, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot generate a proxy socket address shorter than the limit of %v", maxNameLen)
// IsGooglerEnvironment returns true if the current build is running
// on a Google developer machine and false otherwise.
func (c *configImpl) IsGooglerEnvironment() bool {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get(cf); ok {
return v == "googler"
return false
// GoogleProdCredsExist determine whether credentials exist on the
// Googler machine to use remote execution.
func (c *configImpl) GoogleProdCredsExist() bool {
if _, err := exec.Command("/usr/bin/prodcertstatus", "--simple_output", "--nocheck_loas").Output(); err != nil {
return false
return true
// UseRemoteBuild indicates whether to use a remote build acceleration system
// to speed up the build.
func (c *configImpl) UseRemoteBuild() bool {
return c.UseGoma() || c.UseRBE()
// StubbyExists checks whether the stubby binary exists on the machine running
// the build.
func (c *configImpl) StubbyExists() bool {
if _, err := exec.LookPath("stubby"); err != nil {
return false
return true
// RemoteParallel controls how many remote jobs (i.e., commands which contain
// gomacc) are run in parallel. Note the parallelism of all other jobs is
// still limited by Parallel()
func (c *configImpl) RemoteParallel() int {
if !c.UseRemoteBuild() {
return 0
if i, ok := c.environ.GetInt("NINJA_REMOTE_NUM_JOBS"); ok {
return i
return 500
func (c *configImpl) SetKatiArgs(args []string) {
c.katiArgs = args
func (c *configImpl) SetNinjaArgs(args []string) {
c.ninjaArgs = args
func (c *configImpl) SetKatiSuffix(suffix string) {
c.katiSuffix = suffix
func (c *configImpl) LastKatiSuffixFile() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "last_kati_suffix")
func (c *configImpl) HasKatiSuffix() bool {
return c.katiSuffix != ""
func (c *configImpl) KatiEnvFile() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "env"+c.KatiSuffix()+".sh")
func (c *configImpl) KatiBuildNinjaFile() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "build"+c.KatiSuffix()+katiBuildSuffix+".ninja")
func (c *configImpl) KatiPackageNinjaFile() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "build"+c.KatiSuffix()+katiPackageSuffix+".ninja")
func (c *configImpl) SoongNinjaFile() string {
return filepath.Join(c.SoongOutDir(), "")
func (c *configImpl) CombinedNinjaFile() string {
if c.katiSuffix == "" {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "")
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "combined"+c.KatiSuffix()+".ninja")
func (c *configImpl) SoongAndroidMk() string {
return filepath.Join(c.SoongOutDir(), "Android-"+c.TargetProduct()+".mk")
func (c *configImpl) SoongMakeVarsMk() string {
return filepath.Join(c.SoongOutDir(), "make_vars-"+c.TargetProduct()+".mk")
func (c *configImpl) ProductOut() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "target", "product", c.TargetDevice())
func (c *configImpl) DevicePreviousProductConfig() string {
return filepath.Join(c.ProductOut(), "")
func (c *configImpl) KatiPackageMkDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.ProductOut(), "obj", "CONFIG", "kati_packaging")
func (c *configImpl) hostOutRoot() string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir(), "host")
func (c *configImpl) HostOut() string {
return filepath.Join(c.hostOutRoot(), c.HostPrebuiltTag())
// This probably needs to be multi-valued, so not exporting it for now
func (c *configImpl) hostCrossOut() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
return filepath.Join(c.hostOutRoot(), "windows-x86")
} else {
return ""
func (c *configImpl) HostPrebuiltTag() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
return "linux-x86"
} else if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
return "darwin-x86"
} else {
panic("Unsupported OS")
func (c *configImpl) PrebuiltBuildTool(name string) string {
if v, ok := c.environ.Get("SANITIZE_HOST"); ok {
if sanitize := strings.Fields(v); inList("address", sanitize) {
asan := filepath.Join("prebuilts/build-tools", c.HostPrebuiltTag(), "asan/bin", name)
if _, err := os.Stat(asan); err == nil {
return asan
return filepath.Join("prebuilts/build-tools", c.HostPrebuiltTag(), "bin", name)
func (c *configImpl) SetBuildBrokenDupRules(val bool) {
c.brokenDupRules = val
func (c *configImpl) BuildBrokenDupRules() bool {
return c.brokenDupRules
func (c *configImpl) SetBuildBrokenUsesNetwork(val bool) {
c.brokenUsesNetwork = val
func (c *configImpl) BuildBrokenUsesNetwork() bool {
return c.brokenUsesNetwork
func (c *configImpl) SetBuildBrokenNinjaUsesEnvVars(val []string) {
c.brokenNinjaEnvVars = val
func (c *configImpl) BuildBrokenNinjaUsesEnvVars() []string {
return c.brokenNinjaEnvVars
func (c *configImpl) SetTargetDeviceDir(dir string) {
c.targetDeviceDir = dir
func (c *configImpl) TargetDeviceDir() string {
return c.targetDeviceDir
func (c *configImpl) BuildDateTime() string {
return c.buildDateTime
func (c *configImpl) MetricsUploaderApp() string {
return c.metricsUploader
// LogsDir returns the absolute path to the logs directory where build log and
// metrics files are located. By default, the logs directory is the out
// directory. If the argument dist is specified, the logs directory
// is <dist_dir>/logs.
func (c *configImpl) LogsDir() string {
dir := c.OutDir()
if c.Dist() {
// Always write logs to the real dist dir, even if Bazel is using a rigged dist dir for other files
dir = filepath.Join(c.RealDistDir(), "logs")
absDir, err := filepath.Abs(dir)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nError making log dir '%s' absolute: %s\n", dir, err.Error())
return absDir
// BazelMetricsDir returns the <logs dir>/bazel_metrics directory
// where the bazel profiles are located.
func (c *configImpl) BazelMetricsDir() string {
return filepath.Join(c.LogsDir(), "bazel_metrics")
// MkFileMetrics returns the file path for make-related metrics.
func (c *configImpl) MkMetrics() string {
return filepath.Join(c.LogsDir(), "mk_metrics.pb")
func (c *configImpl) SetEmptyNinjaFile(v bool) {
c.emptyNinjaFile = v
func (c *configImpl) EmptyNinjaFile() bool {
return c.emptyNinjaFile
func GetMetricsUploader(topDir string, env *Environment) string {
if p, ok := env.Get("METRICS_UPLOADER"); ok {
metricsUploader := filepath.Join(topDir, p)
if _, err := os.Stat(metricsUploader); err == nil {
return metricsUploader
return ""