blob: b29017d1f81e7b70f51807962184463304476967 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package apex
import (
prebuilt_etc "android/soong/etc"
const (
imageApexSuffix = ".apex"
zipApexSuffix = ".zipapex"
flattenedSuffix = ".flattened"
imageApexType = "image"
zipApexType = "zip"
flattenedApexType = "flattened"
type dependencyTag struct {
name string
// determines if the dependent will be part of the APEX payload
payload bool
var (
sharedLibTag = dependencyTag{name: "sharedLib", payload: true}
jniLibTag = dependencyTag{name: "jniLib", payload: true}
executableTag = dependencyTag{name: "executable", payload: true}
javaLibTag = dependencyTag{name: "javaLib", payload: true}
prebuiltTag = dependencyTag{name: "prebuilt", payload: true}
testTag = dependencyTag{name: "test", payload: true}
keyTag = dependencyTag{name: "key"}
certificateTag = dependencyTag{name: "certificate"}
usesTag = dependencyTag{name: "uses"}
androidAppTag = dependencyTag{name: "androidApp", payload: true}
rroTag = dependencyTag{name: "rro", payload: true}
apexAvailBaseline = makeApexAvailableBaseline()
inverseApexAvailBaseline = invertApexBaseline(apexAvailBaseline)
// Transform the map of apex -> modules to module -> apexes.
func invertApexBaseline(m map[string][]string) map[string][]string {
r := make(map[string][]string)
for apex, modules := range m {
for _, module := range modules {
r[module] = append(r[module], apex)
return r
// Retrieve the baseline of apexes to which the supplied module belongs.
func BaselineApexAvailable(moduleName string) []string {
return inverseApexAvailBaseline[normalizeModuleName(moduleName)]
// This is a map from apex to modules, which overrides the
// apex_available setting for that particular module to make
// it available for the apex regardless of its setting.
// TODO(b/147364041): remove this
func makeApexAvailableBaseline() map[string][]string {
// The "Module separator"s below are employed to minimize merge conflicts.
m := make(map[string][]string)
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{"CellBroadcastApp", "CellBroadcastServiceModule"}
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{
// Module separator
m[""] = []string{
// Module separator
m[android.AvailableToAnyApex] = []string{
// TODO(b/156996905) Set apex_available/min_sdk_version for androidx/extras support libraries
return m
func init() {
android.RegisterModuleType("apex", BundleFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("apex_test", testApexBundleFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("apex_vndk", vndkApexBundleFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("apex_defaults", defaultsFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_apex", PrebuiltFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("override_apex", overrideApexFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("apex_set", apexSetFactory)
android.RegisterMakeVarsProvider(pctx, func(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
apexFileContextsInfos := apexFileContextsInfos(ctx.Config())
ctx.Strict("APEX_FILE_CONTEXTS_INFOS", strings.Join(*apexFileContextsInfos, " "))
func RegisterPreDepsMutators(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.TopDown("apex_vndk", apexVndkMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("apex_vndk_deps", apexVndkDepsMutator).Parallel()
func RegisterPostDepsMutators(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.TopDown("apex_deps", apexDepsMutator)
ctx.BottomUp("apex", apexMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("apex_flattened", apexFlattenedMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("apex_uses", apexUsesMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("mark_platform_availability", markPlatformAvailability).Parallel()
// Mark the direct and transitive dependencies of apex bundles so that they
// can be built for the apex bundles.
func apexDepsMutator(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
if !mctx.Module().Enabled() {
var apexBundles []android.ApexInfo
var directDep bool
if a, ok := mctx.Module().(*apexBundle); ok && !a.vndkApex {
apexBundles = []android.ApexInfo{{
ApexName: mctx.ModuleName(),
MinSdkVersion: a.minSdkVersion(mctx),
Updatable: a.Updatable(),
directDep = true
} else if am, ok := mctx.Module().(android.ApexModule); ok {
apexBundles = am.ApexVariations()
directDep = false
if len(apexBundles) == 0 {
cur := mctx.Module().(android.DepIsInSameApex)
mctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(child android.Module) {
depName := mctx.OtherModuleName(child)
if am, ok := child.(android.ApexModule); ok && am.CanHaveApexVariants() &&
(cur.DepIsInSameApex(mctx, child) || inAnySdk(child)) {
android.UpdateApexDependency(apexBundles, depName, directDep)
// mark if a module cannot be available to platform. A module cannot be available
// to platform if 1) it is explicitly marked as not available (i.e. "//apex_available:platform"
// is absent) or 2) it depends on another module that isn't (or can't be) available to platform
func markPlatformAvailability(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
// Host and recovery are not considered as platform
if mctx.Host() || mctx.Module().InstallInRecovery() {
if am, ok := mctx.Module().(android.ApexModule); ok {
availableToPlatform := am.AvailableFor(android.AvailableToPlatform)
// In a rare case when a lib is marked as available only to an apex
// but the apex doesn't exist. This can happen in a partial manifest branch
// like master-art. Currently, libstatssocket in the stats APEX is causing
// this problem.
// Include the lib in platform because the module SDK that ought to provide
// it doesn't exist, so it would otherwise be left out completely.
// TODO(b/154888298) remove this by adding those libraries in module SDKS and skipping
// this check for libraries provided by SDKs.
if !availableToPlatform && !android.InAnyApex(am.Name()) {
availableToPlatform = true
// If any of the dep is not available to platform, this module is also considered
// as being not available to platform even if it has "//apex_available:platform"
mctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(child android.Module) {
if !am.DepIsInSameApex(mctx, child) {
// if the dependency crosses apex boundary, don't consider it
if dep, ok := child.(android.ApexModule); ok && dep.NotAvailableForPlatform() {
availableToPlatform = false
// TODO(b/154889534) trigger an error when 'am' has "//apex_available:platform"
// Exception 1: stub libraries and native bridge libraries are always available to platform
if cc, ok := mctx.Module().(*cc.Module); ok &&
(cc.IsStubs() || cc.Target().NativeBridge == android.NativeBridgeEnabled) {
availableToPlatform = true
// Exception 2: bootstrap bionic libraries are also always available to platform
if cc.InstallToBootstrap(mctx.ModuleName(), mctx.Config()) {
availableToPlatform = true
if !availableToPlatform {
// If a module in an APEX depends on a module from an SDK then it needs an APEX
// specific variant created for it. Refer to sdk.sdkDepsReplaceMutator.
func inAnySdk(module android.Module) bool {
if sa, ok := module.(android.SdkAware); ok {
return sa.IsInAnySdk()
return false
// Create apex variations if a module is included in APEX(s).
func apexMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if !mctx.Module().Enabled() {
if am, ok := mctx.Module().(android.ApexModule); ok && am.CanHaveApexVariants() {
} else if a, ok := mctx.Module().(*apexBundle); ok && !a.vndkApex {
// apex bundle itself is mutated so that it and its modules have same
// apex variant.
apexBundleName := mctx.ModuleName()
} else if o, ok := mctx.Module().(*OverrideApex); ok {
apexBundleName := o.GetOverriddenModuleName()
if apexBundleName == "" {
mctx.ModuleErrorf("base property is not set")
var (
apexFileContextsInfosKey = android.NewOnceKey("apexFileContextsInfosKey")
apexFileContextsInfosMutex sync.Mutex
func apexFileContextsInfos(config android.Config) *[]string {
return config.Once(apexFileContextsInfosKey, func() interface{} {
return &[]string{}
func addFlattenedFileContextsInfos(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, fileContextsInfo string) {
defer apexFileContextsInfosMutex.Unlock()
apexFileContextsInfos := apexFileContextsInfos(ctx.Config())
*apexFileContextsInfos = append(*apexFileContextsInfos, fileContextsInfo)
func apexFlattenedMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if !mctx.Module().Enabled() {
if ab, ok := mctx.Module().(*apexBundle); ok {
var variants []string
switch proptools.StringDefault(, "image") {
case "image":
variants = append(variants, imageApexType, flattenedApexType)
case "zip":
variants = append(variants, zipApexType)
case "both":
variants = append(variants, imageApexType, zipApexType, flattenedApexType)
mctx.PropertyErrorf("type", "%q is not one of \"image\", \"zip\", or \"both\".", *
modules := mctx.CreateLocalVariations(variants...)
for i, v := range variants {
switch v {
case imageApexType:
modules[i].(*apexBundle).properties.ApexType = imageApex
case zipApexType:
modules[i].(*apexBundle).properties.ApexType = zipApex
case flattenedApexType:
modules[i].(*apexBundle).properties.ApexType = flattenedApex
if !mctx.Config().FlattenApex() && ab.Platform() {
} else if _, ok := mctx.Module().(*OverrideApex); ok {
mctx.CreateVariations(imageApexType, flattenedApexType)
func apexUsesMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if ab, ok := mctx.Module().(*apexBundle); ok {
mctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(nil, usesTag,
var (
useVendorAllowListKey = android.NewOnceKey("useVendorAllowList")
// useVendorAllowList returns the list of APEXes which are allowed to use_vendor.
// When use_vendor is used, native modules are built with __ANDROID_VNDK__ and __ANDROID_APEX__,
// which may cause compatibility issues. (e.g. libbinder)
// Even though libbinder restricts its availability via 'apex_available' property and relies on
// yet another macro __ANDROID_APEX_<NAME>__, we restrict usage of "use_vendor:" from other APEX modules
// to avoid similar problems.
func useVendorAllowList(config android.Config) []string {
return config.Once(useVendorAllowListKey, func() interface{} {
return []string{
// swcodec uses "vendor" variants for smaller size
// setUseVendorAllowListForTest overrides useVendorAllowList and must be
// called before the first call to useVendorAllowList()
func setUseVendorAllowListForTest(config android.Config, allowList []string) {
config.Once(useVendorAllowListKey, func() interface{} {
return allowList
type ApexNativeDependencies struct {
// List of native libraries
Native_shared_libs []string
// List of JNI libraries
Jni_libs []string
// List of native executables
Binaries []string
// List of native tests
Tests []string
type apexMultilibProperties struct {
// Native dependencies whose compile_multilib is "first"
First ApexNativeDependencies
// Native dependencies whose compile_multilib is "both"
Both ApexNativeDependencies
// Native dependencies whose compile_multilib is "prefer32"
Prefer32 ApexNativeDependencies
// Native dependencies whose compile_multilib is "32"
Lib32 ApexNativeDependencies
// Native dependencies whose compile_multilib is "64"
Lib64 ApexNativeDependencies
type apexBundleProperties struct {
// Json manifest file describing meta info of this APEX bundle. Default:
// "apex_manifest.json"
Manifest *string `android:"path"`
// AndroidManifest.xml file used for the zip container of this APEX bundle.
// If unspecified, a default one is automatically generated.
AndroidManifest *string `android:"path"`
// Canonical name of the APEX bundle. Used to determine the path to the activated APEX on
// device (/apex/<apex_name>).
// If unspecified, defaults to the value of name.
Apex_name *string
// Determines the file contexts file for setting security context to each file in this APEX bundle.
// For platform APEXes, this should points to a file under /system/sepolicy
// Default: /system/sepolicy/apex/<module_name>_file_contexts.
File_contexts *string `android:"path"`
// List of java libraries that are embedded inside this APEX bundle
Java_libs []string
// List of prebuilt files that are embedded inside this APEX bundle
Prebuilts []string
// Name of the apex_key module that provides the private key to sign APEX
Key *string
// The type of APEX to build. Controls what the APEX payload is. Either
// 'image', 'zip' or 'both'. Default: 'image'.
Payload_type *string
// The name of a certificate in the default certificate directory, blank to use the default product certificate,
// or an android_app_certificate module name in the form ":module".
Certificate *string
// Whether this APEX is installable to one of the partitions. Default: true.
Installable *bool
// For native libraries and binaries, use the vendor variant instead of the core (platform) variant.
// Default is false.
Use_vendor *bool
// For telling the apex to ignore special handling for system libraries such as bionic. Default is false.
Ignore_system_library_special_case *bool
Multilib apexMultilibProperties
// List of sanitizer names that this APEX is enabled for
SanitizerNames []string `blueprint:"mutated"`
PreventInstall bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
HideFromMake bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
// Indicates this APEX provides C++ shared libaries to other APEXes. Default: false.
Provide_cpp_shared_libs *bool
// List of providing APEXes' names so that this APEX can depend on provided shared libraries.
Uses []string
// package format of this apex variant; could be non-flattened, flattened, or zip.
// imageApex, zipApex or flattened
ApexType apexPackaging `blueprint:"mutated"`
// List of SDKs that are used to build this APEX. A reference to an SDK should be either
// `name#version` or `name` which is an alias for `name#current`. If left empty, `platform#current`
// is implied. This value affects all modules included in this APEX. In other words, they are
// also built with the SDKs specified here.
Uses_sdks []string
// Whenever apex_payload.img of the APEX should include dm-verity hashtree.
// Should be only used in tests#.
Test_only_no_hashtree *bool
// Whenever apex_payload.img of the APEX should not be dm-verity signed.
// Should be only used in tests#.
Test_only_unsigned_payload *bool
IsCoverageVariant bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
// Whether this APEX is considered updatable or not. When set to true, this will enforce additional
// rules for making sure that the APEX is truly updatable.
// - To be updatable, min_sdk_version should be set as well
// This will also disable the size optimizations like symlinking to the system libs.
// Default is false.
Updatable *bool
// The minimum SDK version that this apex must be compatibile with.
Min_sdk_version *string
type apexTargetBundleProperties struct {
Target struct {
// Multilib properties only for android.
Android struct {
Multilib apexMultilibProperties
// Multilib properties only for host.
Host struct {
Multilib apexMultilibProperties
// Multilib properties only for host linux_bionic.
Linux_bionic struct {
Multilib apexMultilibProperties
// Multilib properties only for host linux_glibc.
Linux_glibc struct {
Multilib apexMultilibProperties
type overridableProperties struct {
// List of APKs to package inside APEX
Apps []string
// List of runtime resource overlays (RROs) inside APEX
Rros []string
// Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries
// (in Make or Soong).
// This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both
// binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed
Overrides []string
// Logging Parent value
Logging_parent string
// Apex Container Package Name.
// Override value for attribute package:name in AndroidManifest.xml
Package_name string
// A txt file containing list of files that are allowed to be included in this APEX.
Allowed_files *string `android:"path"`
type apexPackaging int
const (
imageApex apexPackaging = iota
// The suffix for the output "file", not the module
func (a apexPackaging) suffix() string {
switch a {
case imageApex:
return imageApexSuffix
case zipApex:
return zipApexSuffix
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown APEX type %d", a))
func (a apexPackaging) name() string {
switch a {
case imageApex:
return imageApexType
case zipApex:
return zipApexType
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown APEX type %d", a))
type apexFileClass int
const (
etc apexFileClass = iota
func (class apexFileClass) NameInMake() string {
switch class {
case etc:
return "ETC"
case nativeSharedLib:
case nativeExecutable, shBinary, pyBinary, goBinary:
case javaSharedLib:
case nativeTest:
case app, appSet:
// b/142537672 Why isn't this APP? We want to have full control over
// the paths and file names of the apk file under the flattend APEX.
// If this is set to APP, then the paths and file names are modified
// by the Make build system. For example, it is installed to
// /system/apex/<apexname>/app/<Appname>/<apexname>.<Appname>/ instead of
// /system/apex/<apexname>/app/<Appname> because the build system automatically
// appends module name (which is <apexname>.<Appname> to the path.
return "ETC"
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown class %d", class))
// apexFile represents a file in an APEX bundle
type apexFile struct {
builtFile android.Path
stem string
moduleName string
installDir string
class apexFileClass
module android.Module
// list of symlinks that will be created in installDir that point to this apexFile
symlinks []string
dataPaths android.Paths
transitiveDep bool
moduleDir string
requiredModuleNames []string
targetRequiredModuleNames []string
hostRequiredModuleNames []string
jacocoReportClassesFile android.Path // only for javalibs and apps
certificate java.Certificate // only for apps
overriddenPackageName string // only for apps
isJniLib bool
func newApexFile(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, builtFile android.Path, moduleName string, installDir string, class apexFileClass, module android.Module) apexFile {
ret := apexFile{
builtFile: builtFile,
moduleName: moduleName,
installDir: installDir,
class: class,
module: module,
if module != nil {
ret.moduleDir = ctx.OtherModuleDir(module)
ret.requiredModuleNames = module.RequiredModuleNames()
ret.targetRequiredModuleNames = module.TargetRequiredModuleNames()
ret.hostRequiredModuleNames = module.HostRequiredModuleNames()
return ret
func (af *apexFile) Ok() bool {
return af.builtFile != nil && af.builtFile.String() != ""
func (af *apexFile) apexRelativePath(path string) string {
return filepath.Join(af.installDir, path)
// Path() returns path of this apex file relative to the APEX root
func (af *apexFile) Path() string {
return af.apexRelativePath(af.Stem())
func (af *apexFile) Stem() string {
if af.stem != "" {
return af.stem
return af.builtFile.Base()
// SymlinkPaths() returns paths of the symlinks (if any) relative to the APEX root
func (af *apexFile) SymlinkPaths() []string {
var ret []string
for _, symlink := range af.symlinks {
ret = append(ret, af.apexRelativePath(symlink))
return ret
func (af *apexFile) AvailableToPlatform() bool {
if af.module == nil {
return false
if am, ok := af.module.(android.ApexModule); ok {
return am.AvailableFor(android.AvailableToPlatform)
return false
type apexBundle struct {
properties apexBundleProperties
targetProperties apexTargetBundleProperties
overridableProperties overridableProperties
// specific to apex_vndk modules
vndkProperties apexVndkProperties
bundleModuleFile android.WritablePath
outputFile android.WritablePath
installDir android.InstallPath
prebuiltFileToDelete string
public_key_file android.Path
private_key_file android.Path
container_certificate_file android.Path
container_private_key_file android.Path
fileContexts android.WritablePath
// list of files to be included in this apex
filesInfo []apexFile
// list of module names that should be installed along with this APEX
requiredDeps []string
// list of module names that this APEX is including (to be shown via *-deps-info target)
testApex bool
vndkApex bool
artApex bool
primaryApexType bool
manifestJsonOut android.WritablePath
manifestPbOut android.WritablePath
// list of commands to create symlinks for backward compatibility.
// these commands will be attached as LOCAL_POST_INSTALL_CMD to
// apex package itself(for unflattened build) or apex_manifest(for flattened build)
// so that compat symlinks are always installed regardless of TARGET_FLATTEN_APEX setting.
compatSymlinks []string
// Suffix of module name in
// ".flattened", ".apex", ".zipapex", or ""
suffix string
installedFilesFile android.WritablePath
// Whether to create symlink to the system file instead of having a file
// inside the apex or not
linkToSystemLib bool
// Struct holding the merged notice file paths in different formats
mergedNotices android.NoticeOutputs
func addDependenciesForNativeModules(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext,
nativeModules ApexNativeDependencies,
target android.Target, imageVariation string) {
// Use *FarVariation* to be able to depend on modules having
// conflicting variations with this module. This is required since
// arch variant of an APEX bundle is 'common' but it is 'arm' or 'arm64'
// for native shared libs.
ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(append(target.Variations(), []blueprint.Variation{
{Mutator: "image", Variation: imageVariation},
{Mutator: "link", Variation: "shared"},
{Mutator: "version", Variation: ""}, // "" is the non-stub variant
}...), sharedLibTag, nativeModules.Native_shared_libs...)
ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(append(target.Variations(), []blueprint.Variation{
{Mutator: "image", Variation: imageVariation},
{Mutator: "link", Variation: "shared"},
{Mutator: "version", Variation: ""}, // "" is the non-stub variant
}...), jniLibTag, nativeModules.Jni_libs...)
blueprint.Variation{Mutator: "image", Variation: imageVariation}),
executableTag, nativeModules.Binaries...)
ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(append(target.Variations(), []blueprint.Variation{
{Mutator: "image", Variation: imageVariation},
{Mutator: "test_per_src", Variation: ""}, // "" is the all-tests variant
}...), testTag, nativeModules.Tests...)
func (a *apexBundle) combineProperties(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if ctx.Os().Class == android.Device {
proptools.AppendProperties(&, &a.targetProperties.Target.Android.Multilib, nil)
} else {
proptools.AppendProperties(&, &a.targetProperties.Target.Host.Multilib, nil)
if ctx.Os().Bionic() {
proptools.AppendProperties(&, &a.targetProperties.Target.Linux_bionic.Multilib, nil)
} else {
proptools.AppendProperties(&, &a.targetProperties.Target.Linux_glibc.Multilib, nil)
func (a *apexBundle) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if proptools.Bool( && !android.InList(a.Name(), useVendorAllowList(ctx.Config())) {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("use_vendor", "not allowed to set use_vendor: true")
targets := ctx.MultiTargets()
config := ctx.DeviceConfig()
imageVariation := a.getImageVariation(ctx)
has32BitTarget := false
for _, target := range targets {
if target.Arch.ArchType.Multilib == "lib32" {
has32BitTarget = true
for i, target := range targets {
// When multilib.* is omitted for native_shared_libs/jni_libs/tests, it implies
// multilib.both
Binaries: nil,
target, imageVariation)
// Add native modules targetting both ABIs
isPrimaryAbi := i == 0
if isPrimaryAbi {
// When multilib.* is omitted for binaries, it implies
// multilib.first
Native_shared_libs: nil,
Tests: nil,
Jni_libs: nil,
target, imageVariation)
// Add native modules targetting the first ABI
switch target.Arch.ArchType.Multilib {
case "lib32":
// Add native modules targetting 32-bit ABI
case "lib64":
// Add native modules targetting 64-bit ABI
if !has32BitTarget {
// For prebuilt_etc, use the first variant (64 on 64/32bit device,
// 32 on 32bit device) regardless of the TARGET_PREFER_* setting.
// b/144532908
archForPrebuiltEtc := config.Arches()[0]
for _, arch := range config.Arches() {
// Prefer 64-bit arch if there is any
if arch.ArchType.Multilib == "lib64" {
archForPrebuiltEtc = arch
{Mutator: "os", Variation: ctx.Os().String()},
{Mutator: "arch", Variation: archForPrebuiltEtc.String()},
}, prebuiltTag,
// With EMMA_INSTRUMENT_FRAMEWORK=true the ART boot image includes jacoco library.
if a.artApex && ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("EMMA_INSTRUMENT_FRAMEWORK") {
javaLibTag, "jacocoagent")
if String( == "" {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("key is missing")
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), keyTag, String(
cert := android.SrcIsModule(a.getCertString(ctx))
if cert != "" {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), certificateTag, cert)
// TODO(jiyong): ensure that all apexes are with non-empty uses_sdks
if len( > 0 {
sdkRefs := []android.SdkRef{}
for _, str := range {
parsed := android.ParseSdkRef(ctx, str, "uses_sdks")
sdkRefs = append(sdkRefs, parsed)
func (a *apexBundle) OverridablePropertiesDepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if a.overridableProperties.Allowed_files != nil {
android.ExtractSourceDeps(ctx, a.overridableProperties.Allowed_files)
androidAppTag, a.overridableProperties.Apps...)
rroTag, a.overridableProperties.Rros...)
func (a *apexBundle) DepIsInSameApex(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, dep android.Module) bool {
// direct deps of an APEX bundle are all part of the APEX bundle
return true
func (a *apexBundle) getCertString(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) string {
moduleName := ctx.ModuleName()
// VNDK APEXes share the same certificate. To avoid adding a new VNDK version to the OVERRIDE_* list,
// we check with the pseudo module name to see if its certificate is overridden.
if a.vndkApex {
moduleName = vndkApexName
certificate, overridden := ctx.DeviceConfig().OverrideCertificateFor(moduleName)
if overridden {
return ":" + certificate
return String(
func (a *apexBundle) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
switch tag {
case "":
return android.Paths{a.outputFile}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
func (a *apexBundle) installable() bool {
return ! && ( == nil || proptools.Bool(
func (a *apexBundle) testOnlyShouldSkipHashtreeGeneration() bool {
return proptools.Bool(
func (a *apexBundle) testOnlyShouldSkipPayloadSign() bool {
return proptools.Bool(
func (a *apexBundle) getImageVariation(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) string {
deviceConfig := ctx.DeviceConfig()
if a.vndkApex {
return cc.VendorVariationPrefix + a.vndkVersion(deviceConfig)
var prefix string
var vndkVersion string
if deviceConfig.VndkVersion() != "" {
if proptools.Bool( {
prefix = cc.VendorVariationPrefix
vndkVersion = deviceConfig.PlatformVndkVersion()
} else if a.SocSpecific() || a.DeviceSpecific() {
prefix = cc.VendorVariationPrefix
vndkVersion = deviceConfig.VndkVersion()
} else if a.ProductSpecific() {
prefix = cc.ProductVariationPrefix
vndkVersion = deviceConfig.ProductVndkVersion()
if vndkVersion == "current" {
vndkVersion = deviceConfig.PlatformVndkVersion()
if vndkVersion != "" {
return prefix + vndkVersion
return android.CoreVariation
func (a *apexBundle) EnableSanitizer(sanitizerName string) {
if !android.InList(sanitizerName, { = append(, sanitizerName)
func (a *apexBundle) IsSanitizerEnabled(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sanitizerName string) bool {
if android.InList(sanitizerName, {
return true
// Then follow the global setting
globalSanitizerNames := []string{}
if a.Host() {
globalSanitizerNames = ctx.Config().SanitizeHost()
} else {
arches := ctx.Config().SanitizeDeviceArch()
if len(arches) == 0 || android.InList(a.Arch().ArchType.Name, arches) {
globalSanitizerNames = ctx.Config().SanitizeDevice()
return android.InList(sanitizerName, globalSanitizerNames)
func (a *apexBundle) AddSanitizerDependencies(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, sanitizerName string) {
if ctx.Device() && sanitizerName == "hwaddress" && strings.HasPrefix(a.Name(), "") {
for _, target := range ctx.MultiTargets() {
if target.Arch.ArchType.Multilib == "lib64" {
ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(append(target.Variations(), []blueprint.Variation{
{Mutator: "image", Variation: a.getImageVariation(ctx)},
{Mutator: "link", Variation: "shared"},
{Mutator: "version", Variation: ""}, // "" is the non-stub variant
}...), sharedLibTag, "libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android")
var _ cc.Coverage = (*apexBundle)(nil)
func (a *apexBundle) IsNativeCoverageNeeded(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool {
return ctx.Device() && ctx.DeviceConfig().NativeCoverageEnabled()
func (a *apexBundle) PreventInstall() { = true
func (a *apexBundle) HideFromMake() { = true
func (a *apexBundle) MarkAsCoverageVariant(coverage bool) { = coverage
func (a *apexBundle) EnableCoverageIfNeeded() {}
// TODO(jiyong) move apexFileFor* close to the apexFile type definition
func apexFileForNativeLibrary(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, ccMod *cc.Module, handleSpecialLibs bool) apexFile {
// Decide the APEX-local directory by the multilib of the library
// In the future, we may query this to the module.
var dirInApex string
switch ccMod.Arch().ArchType.Multilib {
case "lib32":
dirInApex = "lib"
case "lib64":
dirInApex = "lib64"
if ccMod.Target().NativeBridge == android.NativeBridgeEnabled {
dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, ccMod.Target().NativeBridgeRelativePath)
dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, ccMod.RelativeInstallPath())
if handleSpecialLibs && cc.InstallToBootstrap(ccMod.BaseModuleName(), ctx.Config()) {
// Special case for Bionic libs and other libs installed with them. This is
// to prevent those libs from being included in the search path
// /apex/${LIB}. This exclusion is required because
// those libs in the Runtime APEX are available via the legacy paths in
// /system/lib/. By the init process, the libs in the APEX are bind-mounted
// to the legacy paths and thus will be loaded into the default linker
// namespace (aka "platform" namespace). If the libs are directly in
// /apex/${LIB} then the same libs will be loaded again
// into the runtime linker namespace, which will result in double loading of
// them, which isn't supported.
dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, "bionic")
fileToCopy := ccMod.OutputFile().Path()
return newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, ccMod.Name(), dirInApex, nativeSharedLib, ccMod)
func apexFileForExecutable(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, cc *cc.Module) apexFile {
dirInApex := "bin"
if cc.Target().NativeBridge == android.NativeBridgeEnabled {
dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, cc.Target().NativeBridgeRelativePath)
dirInApex = filepath.Join(dirInApex, cc.RelativeInstallPath())
fileToCopy := cc.OutputFile().Path()
af := newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, cc.Name(), dirInApex, nativeExecutable, cc)
af.symlinks = cc.Symlinks()
af.dataPaths = cc.DataPaths()
return af
func apexFileForPyBinary(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, py *python.Module) apexFile {
dirInApex := "bin"
fileToCopy := py.HostToolPath().Path()
return newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, py.Name(), dirInApex, pyBinary, py)
func apexFileForGoBinary(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, depName string, gb bootstrap.GoBinaryTool) apexFile {
dirInApex := "bin"
s, err := filepath.Rel(android.PathForOutput(ctx).String(), gb.InstallPath())
if err != nil {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Unable to use compiled binary at %s", gb.InstallPath())
return apexFile{}
fileToCopy := android.PathForOutput(ctx, s)
// NB: Since go binaries are static we don't need the module for anything here, which is
// good since the go tool is a blueprint.Module not an android.Module like we would
// normally use.
return newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, goBinary, nil)
func apexFileForShBinary(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sh *sh.ShBinary) apexFile {
dirInApex := filepath.Join("bin", sh.SubDir())
fileToCopy := sh.OutputFile()
af := newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, sh.Name(), dirInApex, shBinary, sh)
af.symlinks = sh.Symlinks()
return af
type javaDependency interface {
DexJarBuildPath() android.Path
JacocoReportClassesFile() android.Path
Stem() string
func apexFileForJavaLibrary(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, lib javaDependency, module android.Module) apexFile {
dirInApex := "javalib"
fileToCopy := lib.DexJarBuildPath()
// Remove prebuilt_ if necessary so the source and prebuilt modules have the same name.
name := strings.TrimPrefix(module.Name(), "prebuilt_")
af := newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, name, dirInApex, javaSharedLib, module)
af.jacocoReportClassesFile = lib.JacocoReportClassesFile()
af.stem = lib.Stem() + ".jar"
return af
func apexFileForPrebuiltEtc(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, prebuilt prebuilt_etc.PrebuiltEtcModule, depName string) apexFile {
dirInApex := filepath.Join("etc", prebuilt.SubDir())
fileToCopy := prebuilt.OutputFile()
return newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, etc, prebuilt)
func apexFileForCompatConfig(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, config java.PlatformCompatConfigIntf, depName string) apexFile {
dirInApex := filepath.Join("etc", config.SubDir())
fileToCopy := config.CompatConfig()
return newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, depName, dirInApex, etc, config)
func apexFileForAndroidApp(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, aapp interface {
Privileged() bool
InstallApkName() string
OutputFile() android.Path
JacocoReportClassesFile() android.Path
Certificate() java.Certificate
}) apexFile {
appDir := "app"
if aapp.Privileged() {
appDir = "priv-app"
dirInApex := filepath.Join(appDir, aapp.InstallApkName())
fileToCopy := aapp.OutputFile()
af := newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, aapp.Name(), dirInApex, app, aapp)
af.jacocoReportClassesFile = aapp.JacocoReportClassesFile()
af.certificate = aapp.Certificate()
if app, ok := aapp.(interface {
OverriddenManifestPackageName() string
}); ok {
af.overriddenPackageName = app.OverriddenManifestPackageName()
return af
func apexFileForRuntimeResourceOverlay(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, rro java.RuntimeResourceOverlayModule) apexFile {
rroDir := "overlay"
dirInApex := filepath.Join(rroDir, rro.Theme())
fileToCopy := rro.OutputFile()
af := newApexFile(ctx, fileToCopy, rro.Name(), dirInApex, app, rro)
af.certificate = rro.Certificate()
if a, ok := rro.(interface {
OverriddenManifestPackageName() string
}); ok {
af.overriddenPackageName = a.OverriddenManifestPackageName()
return af
// Context "decorator", overriding the InstallBypassMake method to always reply `true`.
type flattenedApexContext struct {
func (c *flattenedApexContext) InstallBypassMake() bool {
return true
// Visit dependencies that contributes to the payload of this APEX
func (a *apexBundle) WalkPayloadDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext, do android.PayloadDepsCallback) {
ctx.WalkDeps(func(child, parent android.Module) bool {
am, ok := child.(android.ApexModule)
if !ok || !am.CanHaveApexVariants() {
return false
dt := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(child)
if _, ok := dt.(android.ExcludeFromApexContentsTag); ok {
return false
// Check for the direct dependencies that contribute to the payload
if adt, ok := dt.(dependencyTag); ok {
if adt.payload {
return do(ctx, parent, am, false /* externalDep */)
// As soon as the dependency graph crosses the APEX boundary, don't go further.
return false
// Check for the indirect dependencies if it is considered as part of the APEX
if am.ApexName() != "" {
return do(ctx, parent, am, false /* externalDep */)
return do(ctx, parent, am, true /* externalDep */)
func (a *apexBundle) minSdkVersion(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) int {
ver := proptools.String(
if ver == "" {
return android.FutureApiLevel
// Treat the current codenames as "current", which means future API version (10000)
// Otherwise, ApiStrToNum converts codename(non-finalized) to a value from [9000...]
// and would fail to build against "current".
if android.InList(ver, ctx.Config().PlatformVersionActiveCodenames()) {
return android.FutureApiLevel
// In "REL" branch, "current" is mapped to finalized sdk version
if ctx.Config().PlatformSdkCodename() == "REL" && ver == "current" {
return ctx.Config().PlatformSdkVersionInt()
// Finalized codenames are OKAY and will be converted to int
intVer, err := android.ApiStrToNum(ctx, ver)
if err != nil {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("min_sdk_version", "%s", err.Error())
return intVer
func (a *apexBundle) Updatable() bool {
return proptools.Bool(
var _ android.ApexBundleDepsInfoIntf = (*apexBundle)(nil)
// Ensures that the dependencies are marked as available for this APEX
func (a *apexBundle) checkApexAvailability(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// Let's be practical. Availability for test, host, and the VNDK apex isn't important
if ctx.Host() || a.testApex || a.vndkApex {
// Because APEXes targeting other than system/system_ext partitions
// can't set apex_available, we skip checks for these APEXes
if ctx.SocSpecific() || ctx.DeviceSpecific() || ctx.ProductSpecific() {
// Coverage build adds additional dependencies for the coverage-only runtime libraries.
// Requiring them and their transitive depencies with apex_available is not right
// because they just add noise.
if ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("EMMA_INSTRUMENT") || a.IsNativeCoverageNeeded(ctx) {
a.WalkPayloadDeps(ctx, func(ctx android.ModuleContext, from blueprint.Module, to android.ApexModule, externalDep bool) bool {
if externalDep {
// As soon as the dependency graph crosses the APEX boundary, don't go further.
return false
apexName := ctx.ModuleName()
fromName := ctx.OtherModuleName(from)
toName := ctx.OtherModuleName(to)
// If `to` is not actually in the same APEX as `from` then it does not need apex_available and neither
// do any of its dependencies.
if am, ok := from.(android.DepIsInSameApex); ok && !am.DepIsInSameApex(ctx, to) {
// As soon as the dependency graph crosses the APEX boundary, don't go further.
return false
if to.AvailableFor(apexName) || baselineApexAvailable(apexName, toName) {
return true
ctx.ModuleErrorf("%q requires %q that is not available for the APEX. Dependency path:%s", fromName, toName, ctx.GetPathString(true))
// Visit this module's dependencies to check and report any issues with their availability.
return true
func (a *apexBundle) checkUpdatable(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if a.Updatable() {
if String( == "" {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("updatable", "updatable APEXes should set min_sdk_version as well")
func (a *apexBundle) checkMinSdkVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if a.testApex || a.vndkApex {
// Meaningless to check min_sdk_version when building use_vendor modules against non-Trebleized targets
if proptools.Bool( && ctx.DeviceConfig().VndkVersion() == "" {
android.CheckMinSdkVersion(a, ctx, a.minSdkVersion(ctx))
// Ensures that a lib providing stub isn't statically linked
func (a *apexBundle) checkStaticLinkingToStubLibraries(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// Practically, we only care about regular APEXes on the device.
if ctx.Host() || a.testApex || a.vndkApex {
a.WalkPayloadDeps(ctx, func(ctx android.ModuleContext, from blueprint.Module, to android.ApexModule, externalDep bool) bool {
if ccm, ok := to.(*cc.Module); ok {
apexName := ctx.ModuleName()
fromName := ctx.OtherModuleName(from)
toName := ctx.OtherModuleName(to)
// If `to` is not actually in the same APEX as `from` then it does not need apex_available and neither
// do any of its dependencies.
if am, ok := from.(android.DepIsInSameApex); ok && !am.DepIsInSameApex(ctx, to) {
// As soon as the dependency graph crosses the APEX boundary, don't go further.
return false
// TODO(jiyong) remove this check when R is published to AOSP. Currently, libstatssocket
// is capable of providing a stub variant, but is being statically linked from the bluetooth
// APEX.
if toName == "libstatssocket" {
return false
// The dynamic linker and crash_dump tool in the runtime APEX is the only exception to this rule.
// It can't make the static dependencies dynamic because it can't
// do the dynamic linking for itself.
if apexName == "" && (fromName == "linker" || fromName == "crash_dump") {
return false
isStubLibraryFromOtherApex := ccm.HasStubsVariants() && !android.DirectlyInApex(apexName, toName)
if isStubLibraryFromOtherApex && !externalDep {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("%q required by %q is a native library providing stub. "+
"It shouldn't be included in this APEX via static linking. Dependency path: %s", to.String(), fromName, ctx.GetPathString(false))
return true
func (a *apexBundle) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
buildFlattenedAsDefault := ctx.Config().FlattenApex() && !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuildApps()
switch {
case imageApex:
if buildFlattenedAsDefault {
a.suffix = imageApexSuffix
} else {
a.suffix = ""
a.primaryApexType = true
if ctx.Config().InstallExtraFlattenedApexes() {
a.requiredDeps = append(a.requiredDeps, a.Name()+flattenedSuffix)
case zipApex:
if proptools.String( == "zip" {
a.suffix = ""
a.primaryApexType = true
} else {
a.suffix = zipApexSuffix
case flattenedApex:
if buildFlattenedAsDefault {
a.suffix = ""
a.primaryApexType = true
} else {
a.suffix = flattenedSuffix
if len( > 0 && !a.testApex {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("tests", "property not allowed in apex module type")
handleSpecialLibs := !android.Bool(
// native lib dependencies
var provideNativeLibs []string
var requireNativeLibs []string
// Check if "uses" requirements are met with dependent apexBundles
var providedNativeSharedLibs []string
useVendor := proptools.Bool(
ctx.VisitDirectDepsBlueprint(func(m blueprint.Module) {
if ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(m) != usesTag {
otherName := ctx.OtherModuleName(m)
other, ok := m.(*apexBundle)
if !ok {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("uses", "%q is not a provider", otherName)
if proptools.Bool( != useVendor {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("use_vendor", "%q has different value of use_vendor", otherName)
if !proptools.Bool( {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("uses", "%q does not provide native_shared_libs", otherName)
providedNativeSharedLibs = append(providedNativeSharedLibs,
var filesInfo []apexFile
// TODO(jiyong) do this using WalkPayloadDeps
ctx.WalkDepsBlueprint(func(child, parent blueprint.Module) bool {
depTag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(child)
if _, ok := depTag.(android.ExcludeFromApexContentsTag); ok {
return false
depName := ctx.OtherModuleName(child)
if _, isDirectDep := parent.(*apexBundle); isDirectDep {
switch depTag {
case sharedLibTag, jniLibTag:
isJniLib := depTag == jniLibTag
if c, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok {
fi := apexFileForNativeLibrary(ctx, c, handleSpecialLibs)
fi.isJniLib = isJniLib
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, fi)
// Collect the list of stub-providing libs except:
// - VNDK libs are only for vendors
// - bootstrap bionic libs are treated as provided by system
if c.HasStubsVariants() && !a.vndkApex && !cc.InstallToBootstrap(c.BaseModuleName(), ctx.Config()) {
provideNativeLibs = append(provideNativeLibs, fi.Stem())
return true // track transitive dependencies
} else {
propertyName := "native_shared_libs"
if isJniLib {
propertyName = "jni_libs"
ctx.PropertyErrorf(propertyName, "%q is not a cc_library or cc_library_shared module", depName)
case executableTag:
if cc, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForExecutable(ctx, cc))
return true // track transitive dependencies
} else if sh, ok := child.(*sh.ShBinary); ok {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForShBinary(ctx, sh))
} else if py, ok := child.(*python.Module); ok && py.HostToolPath().Valid() {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForPyBinary(ctx, py))
} else if gb, ok := child.(bootstrap.GoBinaryTool); ok && a.Host() {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForGoBinary(ctx, depName, gb))
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("binaries", "%q is neither cc_binary, (embedded) py_binary, (host) blueprint_go_binary, (host) bootstrap_go_binary, nor sh_binary", depName)
case javaLibTag:
switch child.(type) {
case *java.Library, *java.SdkLibrary, *java.DexImport, *java.SdkLibraryImport:
af := apexFileForJavaLibrary(ctx, child.(javaDependency), child.(android.Module))
if !af.Ok() {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("java_libs", "%q is not configured to be compiled into dex", depName)
return false
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
return true // track transitive dependencies
ctx.PropertyErrorf("java_libs", "%q of type %q is not supported", depName, ctx.OtherModuleType(child))
case androidAppTag:
if ap, ok := child.(*java.AndroidApp); ok {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForAndroidApp(ctx, ap))
return true // track transitive dependencies
} else if ap, ok := child.(*java.AndroidAppImport); ok {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForAndroidApp(ctx, ap))
} else if ap, ok := child.(*java.AndroidTestHelperApp); ok {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForAndroidApp(ctx, ap))
} else if ap, ok := child.(*java.AndroidAppSet); ok {
appDir := "app"
if ap.Privileged() {
appDir = "priv-app"
af := newApexFile(ctx, ap.OutputFile(), ap.Name(),
filepath.Join(appDir, ap.BaseModuleName()), appSet, ap)
af.certificate = java.PresignedCertificate
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("apps", "%q is not an android_app module", depName)
case rroTag:
if rro, ok := child.(java.RuntimeResourceOverlayModule); ok {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForRuntimeResourceOverlay(ctx, rro))
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("rros", "%q is not an runtime_resource_overlay module", depName)
case prebuiltTag:
if prebuilt, ok := child.(prebuilt_etc.PrebuiltEtcModule); ok {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForPrebuiltEtc(ctx, prebuilt, depName))
} else if prebuilt, ok := child.(java.PlatformCompatConfigIntf); ok {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForCompatConfig(ctx, prebuilt, depName))
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("prebuilts", "%q is not a prebuilt_etc and not a platform_compat_config module", depName)
case testTag:
if ccTest, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok {
if ccTest.IsTestPerSrcAllTestsVariation() {
// Multiple-output test module (where `test_per_src: true`).
// `ccTest` is the "" ("all tests") variation of a `test_per_src` module.
// We do not add this variation to `filesInfo`, as it has no output;
// however, we do add the other variations of this module as indirect
// dependencies (see below).
} else {
// Single-output test module (where `test_per_src: false`).
af := apexFileForExecutable(ctx, ccTest)
af.class = nativeTest
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
return true // track transitive dependencies
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("tests", "%q is not a cc module", depName)
case keyTag:
if key, ok := child.(*apexKey); ok {
a.private_key_file = key.private_key_file
a.public_key_file = key.public_key_file
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("key", "%q is not an apex_key module", depName)
return false
case certificateTag:
if dep, ok := child.(*java.AndroidAppCertificate); ok {
a.container_certificate_file = dep.Certificate.Pem
a.container_private_key_file = dep.Certificate.Key
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("certificate dependency %q must be an android_app_certificate module", depName)
case android.PrebuiltDepTag:
// If the prebuilt is force disabled, remember to delete the prebuilt file
// that might have been installed in the previous builds
if prebuilt, ok := child.(*Prebuilt); ok && prebuilt.isForceDisabled() {
a.prebuiltFileToDelete = prebuilt.InstallFilename()
} else if !a.vndkApex {
// indirect dependencies
if am, ok := child.(android.ApexModule); ok {
// We cannot use a switch statement on `depTag` here as the checked
// tags used below are private (e.g. `cc.sharedDepTag`).
if cc.IsSharedDepTag(depTag) || cc.IsRuntimeDepTag(depTag) {
if cc, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok {
if android.InList(cc.Name(), providedNativeSharedLibs) {
// If we're using a shared library which is provided from other APEX,
// don't include it in this APEX
return false
af := apexFileForNativeLibrary(ctx, cc, handleSpecialLibs)
af.transitiveDep = true
if !a.Host() && !android.DirectlyInApex(ctx.ModuleName(), depName) && (cc.IsStubs() || cc.HasStubsVariants()) {
// If the dependency is a stubs lib, don't include it in this APEX,
// but make sure that the lib is installed on the device.
// In case no APEX is having the lib, the lib is installed to the system
// partition.
// Always include if we are a host-apex however since those won't have any
// system libraries.
if !android.DirectlyInAnyApex(ctx, depName) {
// we need a module name for Make
name := cc.BaseModuleName() + cc.Properties.SubName
if proptools.Bool( {
// we don't use subName(.vendor) for a "use_vendor: true" apex
// which is supposed to be installed in /system
name = cc.BaseModuleName()
if !android.InList(name, a.requiredDeps) {
a.requiredDeps = append(a.requiredDeps, name)
requireNativeLibs = append(requireNativeLibs, af.Stem())
// Don't track further
return false
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
return true // track transitive dependencies
} else if cc.IsTestPerSrcDepTag(depTag) {
if cc, ok := child.(*cc.Module); ok {
af := apexFileForExecutable(ctx, cc)
// Handle modules created as `test_per_src` variations of a single test module:
// use the name of the generated test binary (`fileToCopy`) instead of the name
// of the original test module (`depName`, shared by all `test_per_src`
// variations of that module).
af.moduleName = filepath.Base(af.builtFile.String())
// these are not considered transitive dep
af.transitiveDep = false
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
return true // track transitive dependencies
} else if java.IsJniDepTag(depTag) {
// Because APK-in-APEX embeds jni_libs transitively, we don't need to track transitive deps
return false
} else if java.IsXmlPermissionsFileDepTag(depTag) {
if prebuilt, ok := child.(prebuilt_etc.PrebuiltEtcModule); ok {
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, apexFileForPrebuiltEtc(ctx, prebuilt, depName))
} else if am.CanHaveApexVariants() && am.IsInstallableToApex() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("unexpected tag %s for indirect dependency %q", android.PrettyPrintTag(depTag), depName)
return false
// Specific to the ART apex: dexpreopt artifacts for libcore Java libraries.
// Build rules are generated by the dexpreopt singleton, and here we access build artifacts
// via the global boot image config.
if a.artApex {
for arch, files := range java.DexpreoptedArtApexJars(ctx) {
dirInApex := filepath.Join("javalib", arch.String())
for _, f := range files {
localModule := "javalib_" + arch.String() + "_" + filepath.Base(f.String())
af := newApexFile(ctx, f, localModule, dirInApex, etc, nil)
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
if a.private_key_file == nil {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("key", "private_key for %q could not be found", String(
// remove duplicates in filesInfo
removeDup := func(filesInfo []apexFile) []apexFile {
encountered := make(map[string]apexFile)
for _, f := range filesInfo {
dest := filepath.Join(f.installDir, f.builtFile.Base())
if e, ok := encountered[dest]; !ok {
encountered[dest] = f
} else {
// If a module is directly included and also transitively depended on
// consider it as directly included.
e.transitiveDep = e.transitiveDep && f.transitiveDep
encountered[dest] = e
var result []apexFile
for _, v := range encountered {
result = append(result, v)
return result
filesInfo = removeDup(filesInfo)
// to have consistent build rules
sort.Slice(filesInfo, func(i, j int) bool {
return filesInfo[i].builtFile.String() < filesInfo[j].builtFile.String()
a.installDir = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "apex")
a.filesInfo = filesInfo
// Optimization. If we are building bundled APEX, for the files that are gathered due to the
// transitive dependencies, don't place them inside the APEX, but place a symlink pointing
// the same library in the system partition, thus effectively sharing the same libraries
// across the APEX boundary. For unbundled APEX, all the gathered files are actually placed
// in the APEX.
a.linkToSystemLib = !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() &&
a.installable() &&
// APEXes targeting other than system/system_ext partitions use vendor/product variants.
// So we can't link them to /system/lib libs which are core variants.
if a.SocSpecific() || a.DeviceSpecific() || a.ProductSpecific() {
a.linkToSystemLib = false
// We don't need the optimization for updatable APEXes, as it might give false signal
// to the system health when the APEXes are still bundled (b/149805758)
if a.Updatable() && == imageApex {
a.linkToSystemLib = false
// We also don't want the optimization for host APEXes, because it doesn't make sense.
if ctx.Host() {
a.linkToSystemLib = false
// prepare apex_manifest.json
a.buildManifest(ctx, provideNativeLibs, requireNativeLibs)
if == flattenedApex {
} else {
a.compatSymlinks = makeCompatSymlinks(a.BaseModuleName(), ctx)
// Enforce that Java deps of the apex are using stable SDKs to compile
func (a *apexBundle) checkJavaStableSdkVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// Visit direct deps only. As long as we guarantee top-level deps are using
// stable SDKs, java's checkLinkType guarantees correct usage for transitive deps
ctx.VisitDirectDepsBlueprint(func(module blueprint.Module) {
tag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(module)
switch tag {
case javaLibTag, androidAppTag:
if m, ok := module.(interface{ CheckStableSdkVersion() error }); ok {
if err := m.CheckStableSdkVersion(); err != nil {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("cannot depend on \"%v\": %v", ctx.OtherModuleName(module), err)
func baselineApexAvailable(apex, moduleName string) bool {
key := apex
moduleName = normalizeModuleName(moduleName)
if val, ok := apexAvailBaseline[key]; ok && android.InList(moduleName, val) {
return true
key = android.AvailableToAnyApex
if val, ok := apexAvailBaseline[key]; ok && android.InList(moduleName, val) {
return true
return false
func normalizeModuleName(moduleName string) string {
// Prebuilt modules (e.g. java_import, etc.) have "prebuilt_" prefix added by the build
// system. Trim the prefix for the check since they are confusing
moduleName = strings.TrimPrefix(moduleName, "prebuilt_")
if strings.HasPrefix(moduleName, "libclang_rt.") {
// This module has many arch variants that depend on the product being built.
// We don't want to list them all
moduleName = "libclang_rt"
if strings.HasPrefix(moduleName, "androidx.") {
// TODO(b/156996905) Set apex_available/min_sdk_version for androidx support libraries
moduleName = "androidx"
return moduleName
func newApexBundle() *apexBundle {
module := &apexBundle{}
android.InitAndroidMultiTargetsArchModule(module, android.HostAndDeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon)
android.InitOverridableModule(module, &module.overridableProperties.Overrides)
return module
func ApexBundleFactory(testApex bool, artApex bool) android.Module {
bundle := newApexBundle()
bundle.testApex = testApex
bundle.artApex = artApex
return bundle
// apex_test is an APEX for testing. The difference from the ordinary apex module type is that
// certain compatibility checks such as apex_available are not done for apex_test.
func testApexBundleFactory() android.Module {
bundle := newApexBundle()
bundle.testApex = true
return bundle
// apex packages other modules into an APEX file which is a packaging format for system-level
// components like binaries, shared libraries, etc.
func BundleFactory() android.Module {
return newApexBundle()
// Defaults
type Defaults struct {
func defaultsFactory() android.Module {
return DefaultsFactory()
func DefaultsFactory(props ...interface{}) android.Module {
module := &Defaults{}
return module
// OverrideApex
type OverrideApex struct {
func (o *OverrideApex) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// All the overrides happen in the base module.
// override_apex is used to create an apex module based on another apex module
// by overriding some of its properties.
func overrideApexFactory() android.Module {
m := &OverrideApex{}
android.InitAndroidMultiTargetsArchModule(m, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon)
return m