blob: 1142cbcc9c7a4391092ccd5c40a2ffdc4fe0ed6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package apex
import (
var buildDir string
// names returns name list from white space separated string
func names(s string) (ns []string) {
for _, n := range strings.Split(s, " ") {
if len(n) > 0 {
ns = append(ns, n)
func testApexError(t *testing.T, pattern, bp string, handlers ...testCustomizer) {
ctx, config := testApexContext(t, bp, handlers...)
_, errs := ctx.ParseFileList(".", []string{"Android.bp"})
if len(errs) > 0 {
android.FailIfNoMatchingErrors(t, pattern, errs)
_, errs = ctx.PrepareBuildActions(config)
if len(errs) > 0 {
android.FailIfNoMatchingErrors(t, pattern, errs)
t.Fatalf("missing expected error %q (0 errors are returned)", pattern)
func testApex(t *testing.T, bp string, handlers ...testCustomizer) (*android.TestContext, android.Config) {
ctx, config := testApexContext(t, bp, handlers...)
_, errs := ctx.ParseFileList(".", []string{"Android.bp"})
android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
_, errs = ctx.PrepareBuildActions(config)
android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
return ctx, config
type testCustomizer func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config)
func withFiles(files map[string][]byte) testCustomizer {
return func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
for k, v := range files {
fs[k] = v
func withTargets(targets map[android.OsType][]android.Target) testCustomizer {
return func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
for k, v := range targets {
config.Targets[k] = v
// withNativeBridgeTargets sets configuration with targets including:
// - X86_64 (primary)
// - X86 (secondary)
// - Arm64 on X86_64 (native bridge)
// - Arm on X86 (native bridge)
func withNativeBridgeEnabled(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
config.Targets[android.Android] = []android.Target{
{Os: android.Android, Arch: android.Arch{ArchType: android.X86_64, ArchVariant: "silvermont", Abi: []string{"arm64-v8a"}},
NativeBridge: android.NativeBridgeDisabled, NativeBridgeHostArchName: "", NativeBridgeRelativePath: ""},
{Os: android.Android, Arch: android.Arch{ArchType: android.X86, ArchVariant: "silvermont", Abi: []string{"armeabi-v7a"}},
NativeBridge: android.NativeBridgeDisabled, NativeBridgeHostArchName: "", NativeBridgeRelativePath: ""},
{Os: android.Android, Arch: android.Arch{ArchType: android.Arm64, ArchVariant: "armv8-a", Abi: []string{"arm64-v8a"}},
NativeBridge: android.NativeBridgeEnabled, NativeBridgeHostArchName: "x86_64", NativeBridgeRelativePath: "arm64"},
{Os: android.Android, Arch: android.Arch{ArchType: android.Arm, ArchVariant: "armv7-a-neon", Abi: []string{"armeabi-v7a"}},
NativeBridge: android.NativeBridgeEnabled, NativeBridgeHostArchName: "x86", NativeBridgeRelativePath: "arm"},
func withManifestPackageNameOverrides(specs []string) testCustomizer {
return func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
config.TestProductVariables.ManifestPackageNameOverrides = specs
func withBinder32bit(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
config.TestProductVariables.Binder32bit = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
func withUnbundledBuild(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
config.TestProductVariables.Unbundled_build = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
func testApexContext(t *testing.T, bp string, handlers ...testCustomizer) (*android.TestContext, android.Config) {
bp = bp + `
filegroup {
name: "myapex-file_contexts",
srcs: [
bp = bp + cc.GatherRequiredDepsForTest(android.Android)
bp = bp + java.GatherRequiredDepsForTest()
fs := map[string][]byte{
"": nil,
"PrebuiltAppFoo.apk": nil,
"PrebuiltAppFooPriv.apk": nil,
"build/make/target/product/security": nil,
"apex_manifest.json": nil,
"AndroidManifest.xml": nil,
"system/sepolicy/apex/myapex-file_contexts": nil,
"system/sepolicy/apex/myapex.updatable-file_contexts": nil,
"system/sepolicy/apex/myapex2-file_contexts": nil,
"system/sepolicy/apex/otherapex-file_contexts": nil,
"system/sepolicy/apex/commonapex-file_contexts": nil,
"system/sepolicy/apex/": nil,
"mylib.cpp": nil,
"mylib_common.cpp": nil,
"mytest.cpp": nil,
"mytest1.cpp": nil,
"mytest2.cpp": nil,
"mytest3.cpp": nil,
"myprebuilt": nil,
"my_include": nil,
"foo/bar/": nil,
"prebuilt.jar": nil,
"": nil,
"vendor/foo/devkeys/test.x509.pem": nil,
"vendor/foo/devkeys/test.pk8": nil,
"testkey.x509.pem": nil,
"testkey.pk8": nil,
"testkey.override.x509.pem": nil,
"testkey.override.pk8": nil,
"vendor/foo/devkeys/testkey.avbpubkey": nil,
"vendor/foo/devkeys/testkey.pem": nil,
"NOTICE": nil,
"custom_notice": nil,
"custom_notice_for_static_lib": nil,
"testkey2.avbpubkey": nil,
"testkey2.pem": nil,
"myapex-arm64.apex": nil,
"myapex-arm.apex": nil,
"myapex.apks": nil,
"frameworks/base/api/current.txt": nil,
"framework/aidl/a.aidl": nil,
"build/make/core/proguard.flags": nil,
"build/make/core/proguard_basic_keeps.flags": nil,
"dummy.txt": nil,
"baz": nil,
"bar/baz": nil,
"testdata/baz": nil,
for _, handler := range handlers {
// The fs now needs to be populated before creating the config, call handlers twice
// for now, once to get any fs changes, and later after the config was created to
// set product variables or targets.
tempConfig := android.TestArchConfig(buildDir, nil, bp, fs)
handler(fs, tempConfig)
config := android.TestArchConfig(buildDir, nil, bp, fs)
config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = proptools.StringPtr("current")
config.TestProductVariables.DefaultAppCertificate = proptools.StringPtr("vendor/foo/devkeys/test")
config.TestProductVariables.CertificateOverrides = []string{"myapex_keytest:myapex.certificate.override"}
config.TestProductVariables.Platform_sdk_codename = proptools.StringPtr("Q")
config.TestProductVariables.Platform_sdk_final = proptools.BoolPtr(false)
config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = proptools.StringPtr("VER")
for _, handler := range handlers {
// The fs now needs to be populated before creating the config, call handlers twice
// for now, earlier to get any fs changes, and now after the config was created to
// set product variables or targets.
tempFS := map[string][]byte{}
handler(tempFS, config)
ctx := android.NewTestArchContext()
ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex", BundleFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex_test", testApexBundleFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex_vndk", vndkApexBundleFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex_key", ApexKeyFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex_defaults", defaultsFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_apex", PrebuiltFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("override_apex", overrideApexFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex_set", apexSetFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_test", cc.TestFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("vndk_prebuilt_shared", cc.VndkPrebuiltSharedFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("vndk_libraries_txt", cc.VndkLibrariesTxtFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_etc", android.PrebuiltEtcFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("platform_compat_config", java.PlatformCompatConfigFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("sh_binary", android.ShBinaryFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("filegroup", android.FileGroupFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("java_sdk_library", java.SdkLibraryFactory)
return ctx, config
func setUp() {
var err error
buildDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "soong_apex_test")
if err != nil {
func tearDown() {
// ensure that 'result' equals 'expected'
func ensureEquals(t *testing.T, result string, expected string) {
if result != expected {
t.Errorf("%q != %q", expected, result)
// ensure that 'result' contains 'expected'
func ensureContains(t *testing.T, result string, expected string) {
if !strings.Contains(result, expected) {
t.Errorf("%q is not found in %q", expected, result)
// ensure that 'result' contains 'expected' exactly one time
func ensureContainsOnce(t *testing.T, result string, expected string) {
count := strings.Count(result, expected)
if count != 1 {
t.Errorf("%q is found %d times (expected 1 time) in %q", expected, count, result)
// ensures that 'result' does not contain 'notExpected'
func ensureNotContains(t *testing.T, result string, notExpected string) {
if strings.Contains(result, notExpected) {
t.Errorf("%q is found in %q", notExpected, result)
func ensureListContains(t *testing.T, result []string, expected string) {
if !android.InList(expected, result) {
t.Errorf("%q is not found in %v", expected, result)
func ensureListNotContains(t *testing.T, result []string, notExpected string) {
if android.InList(notExpected, result) {
t.Errorf("%q is found in %v", notExpected, result)
func ensureListEmpty(t *testing.T, result []string) {
if len(result) > 0 {
t.Errorf("%q is expected to be empty", result)
// Minimal test
func TestBasicApex(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex_defaults {
name: "myapex-defaults",
manifest: ":myapex.manifest",
androidManifest: ":myapex.androidmanifest",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
multilib: {
both: {
binaries: ["foo",],
java_libs: [
apex {
name: "myapex",
defaults: ["myapex-defaults"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
filegroup {
name: "myapex.manifest",
srcs: ["apex_manifest.json"],
filegroup {
name: "myapex.androidmanifest",
srcs: ["AndroidManifest.xml"],
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["mylib2"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
// TODO: remove //apex_available:platform
apex_available: [
cc_binary {
name: "foo",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
compile_multilib: "both",
multilib: {
lib32: {
suffix: "32",
lib64: {
suffix: "64",
symlinks: ["foo_link_"],
symlink_preferred_arch: true,
system_shared_libs: [],
static_executable: true,
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library_shared {
name: "mylib2",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
notice: "custom_notice",
static_libs: ["libstatic"],
// TODO: remove //apex_available:platform
apex_available: [
cc_prebuilt_library_shared {
name: "mylib2",
srcs: [""],
// TODO: remove //apex_available:platform
apex_available: [
cc_library_static {
name: "libstatic",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
notice: "custom_notice_for_static_lib",
// TODO: remove //apex_available:platform
apex_available: [
java_library {
name: "myjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
stem: "myjar_stem",
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
static_libs: ["myotherjar"],
libs: ["mysharedjar"],
// TODO: remove //apex_available:platform
apex_available: [
dex_import {
name: "myjar_dex",
jars: ["prebuilt.jar"],
apex_available: [
java_library {
name: "myotherjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
// TODO: remove //apex_available:platform
apex_available: [
java_library {
name: "mysharedjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
apexRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("apexRule")
optFlags := apexRule.Args["opt_flags"]
ensureContains(t, optFlags, "--pubkey vendor/foo/devkeys/testkey.avbpubkey")
// Ensure that the NOTICE output is being packaged as an asset.
ensureContains(t, optFlags, "--assets_dir "+buildDir+"/.intermediates/myapex/android_common_myapex_image/NOTICE")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
// Ensure that main rule creates an output
ensureContains(t, apexRule.Output.String(), "myapex.apex.unsigned")
// Ensure that apex variant is created for the direct dep
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex")
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("myjar"), "android_common_myapex")
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("myjar_dex"), "android_common_myapex")
// Ensure that apex variant is created for the indirect dep
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib2"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex")
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("myotherjar"), "android_common_myapex")
// Ensure that both direct and indirect deps are copied into apex
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/javalib/myjar_stem.jar")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/javalib/myjar_dex.jar")
// .. but not for java libs
ensureNotContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/javalib/myotherjar.jar")
ensureNotContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/javalib/msharedjar.jar")
// Ensure that the platform variant ends with _shared or _common
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib2"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("myjar"), "android_common")
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("myotherjar"), "android_common")
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mysharedjar"), "android_common")
// Ensure that dynamic dependency to java libs are not included
ensureListNotContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mysharedjar"), "android_common_myapex")
// Ensure that all symlinks are present.
found_foo_link_64 := false
found_foo := false
for _, cmd := range strings.Split(copyCmds, " && ") {
if strings.HasPrefix(cmd, "ln -sfn foo64") {
if strings.HasSuffix(cmd, "bin/foo") {
found_foo = true
} else if strings.HasSuffix(cmd, "bin/foo_link_64") {
found_foo_link_64 = true
good := found_foo && found_foo_link_64
if !good {
t.Errorf("Could not find all expected symlinks! foo: %t, foo_link_64: %t. Command was %s", found_foo, found_foo_link_64, copyCmds)
mergeNoticesRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("mergeNoticesRule")
noticeInputs := mergeNoticesRule.Inputs.Strings()
if len(noticeInputs) != 3 {
t.Errorf("number of input notice files: expected = 3, actual = %q", len(noticeInputs))
ensureListContains(t, noticeInputs, "NOTICE")
ensureListContains(t, noticeInputs, "custom_notice")
ensureListContains(t, noticeInputs, "custom_notice_for_static_lib")
fullDepsInfo := strings.Split(ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Output("depsinfo/fulllist.txt").Args["content"], "\\n")
ensureListContains(t, fullDepsInfo, "myjar(minSdkVersion:(no version)) <- myapex")
ensureListContains(t, fullDepsInfo, "mylib(minSdkVersion:(no version)) <- myapex")
ensureListContains(t, fullDepsInfo, "mylib2(minSdkVersion:(no version)) <- mylib")
ensureListContains(t, fullDepsInfo, "myotherjar(minSdkVersion:(no version)) <- myjar")
ensureListContains(t, fullDepsInfo, "mysharedjar(minSdkVersion:(no version)) (external) <- myjar")
flatDepsInfo := strings.Split(ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Output("depsinfo/flatlist.txt").Args["content"], "\\n")
ensureListContains(t, flatDepsInfo, " myjar(minSdkVersion:(no version))")
ensureListContains(t, flatDepsInfo, " mylib(minSdkVersion:(no version))")
ensureListContains(t, flatDepsInfo, " mylib2(minSdkVersion:(no version))")
ensureListContains(t, flatDepsInfo, " myotherjar(minSdkVersion:(no version))")
ensureListContains(t, flatDepsInfo, " mysharedjar(minSdkVersion:(no version)) (external)")
func TestDefaults(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex_defaults {
name: "myapex-defaults",
key: "myapex.key",
prebuilts: ["myetc"],
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
java_libs: ["myjar"],
apps: ["AppFoo"],
rros: ["rro"],
prebuilt_etc {
name: "myetc",
src: "myprebuilt",
apex {
name: "myapex",
defaults: ["myapex-defaults"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
java_library {
name: "myjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
android_app {
name: "AppFoo",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
runtime_resource_overlay {
name: "rro",
theme: "blue",
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
func TestApexManifest(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
module := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
args := module.Rule("apexRule").Args
if manifest := args["manifest"]; manifest != module.Output("apex_manifest.pb").Output.String() {
t.Error("manifest should be apex_manifest.pb, but " + manifest)
func TestBasicZipApex(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
payload_type: "zip",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["mylib2"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "mylib2",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
zipApexRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_zip").Rule("zipApexRule")
copyCmds := zipApexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
// Ensure that main rule creates an output
ensureContains(t, zipApexRule.Output.String(), "myapex.zipapex.unsigned")
// Ensure that APEX variant is created for the direct dep
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex")
// Ensure that APEX variant is created for the indirect dep
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib2"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex")
// Ensure that both direct and indirect deps are copied into apex
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.zipapex/lib64/")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.zipapex/lib64/")
func TestApexWithStubs(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib", "mylib3"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["mylib2", "mylib3"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "mylib2",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
cflags: ["-include mylib.h"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: {
versions: ["1", "2", "3"],
cc_library {
name: "mylib3",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["mylib4"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: {
versions: ["10", "11", "12"],
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "mylib4",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
apexRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
// Ensure that direct non-stubs dep is always included
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
// Ensure that indirect stubs dep is not included
ensureNotContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
// Ensure that direct stubs dep is included
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
mylibLdFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
// Ensure that mylib is linking with the latest version of stubs for mylib2
ensureContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "mylib2/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_3/")
// ... and not linking to the non-stub (impl) variant of mylib2
ensureNotContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "mylib2/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
// Ensure that mylib is linking with the non-stub (impl) of mylib3 (because mylib3 is in the same apex)
ensureContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "mylib3/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex/")
// .. and not linking to the stubs variant of mylib3
ensureNotContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "mylib3/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_12_myapex/")
// Ensure that stubs libs are built without -include flags
mylib2Cflags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib2", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
ensureNotContains(t, mylib2Cflags, "-include ")
// Ensure that genstub is invoked with --apex
ensureContains(t, "--apex", ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib2", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_3").Rule("genStubSrc").Args["flags"])
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
func TestApexWithExplicitStubsDependency(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex2",
key: "myapex2.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex2.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["libfoo#10"],
static_libs: ["libbaz"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex2" ],
cc_library {
name: "libfoo",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["libbar"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: {
versions: ["10", "20", "30"],
cc_library {
name: "libbar",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
cc_library_static {
name: "libbaz",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex2" ],
apexRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex2", "android_common_myapex2_image").Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
// Ensure that direct non-stubs dep is always included
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
// Ensure that indirect stubs dep is not included
ensureNotContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
// Ensure that dependency of stubs is not included
ensureNotContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
mylibLdFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex2").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
// Ensure that mylib is linking with version 10 of libfoo
ensureContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_10/")
// ... and not linking to the non-stub (impl) variant of libfoo
ensureNotContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libfoo/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
libFooStubsLdFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_10").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
// Ensure that libfoo stubs is not linking to libbar (since it is a stubs)
ensureNotContains(t, libFooStubsLdFlags, "")
fullDepsInfo := strings.Split(ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex2", "android_common_myapex2_image").Output("depsinfo/fulllist.txt").Args["content"], "\\n")
ensureListContains(t, fullDepsInfo, "mylib(minSdkVersion:(no version)) <- myapex2")
ensureListContains(t, fullDepsInfo, "libbaz(minSdkVersion:(no version)) <- mylib")
ensureListContains(t, fullDepsInfo, "libfoo(minSdkVersion:(no version)) (external) <- mylib")
flatDepsInfo := strings.Split(ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex2", "android_common_myapex2_image").Output("depsinfo/flatlist.txt").Args["content"], "\\n")
ensureListContains(t, flatDepsInfo, " mylib(minSdkVersion:(no version))")
ensureListContains(t, flatDepsInfo, " libbaz(minSdkVersion:(no version))")
ensureListContains(t, flatDepsInfo, " libfoo(minSdkVersion:(no version)) (external)")
func TestApexWithRuntimeLibsDependency(t *testing.T) {
v (runtime_libs)
mylib ------+------> libfoo [provides stub]
`------> libbar
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
runtime_libs: ["libfoo", "libbar"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "libfoo",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: {
versions: ["10", "20", "30"],
cc_library {
name: "libbar",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
apexRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
// Ensure that direct non-stubs dep is always included
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
// Ensure that indirect stubs dep is not included
ensureNotContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
// Ensure that runtime_libs dep in included
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
apexManifestRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("apexManifestRule")
ensureListEmpty(t, names(apexManifestRule.Args["provideNativeLibs"]))
ensureListContains(t, names(apexManifestRule.Args["requireNativeLibs"]), "")
func TestRuntimeApexShouldInstallHwasanIfLibcDependsOnIt(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, "", func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
bp := `
apex {
name: "",
key: "",
native_shared_libs: ["libc"],
apex_key {
name: "",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libc",
no_libcrt: true,
nocrt: true,
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
stubs: { versions: ["1"] },
apex_available: [""],
sanitize: {
hwaddress: true,
cc_prebuilt_library_shared {
name: "libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android",
no_libcrt: true,
nocrt: true,
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
srcs: [""],
stubs: { versions: ["1"] },
sanitize: {
never: true,
// override bp to use hard-coded names: and libc
fs["Android.bp"] = []byte(bp)
fs["system/sepolicy/apex/"] = nil
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "", "", []string{
hwasan := ctx.ModuleForTests("libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
installed := hwasan.Description("install libclang_rt.hwasan")
ensureContains(t, installed.Output.String(), "/system/lib64/bootstrap/")
symlink := hwasan.Description("install symlink libclang_rt.hwasan")
ensureEquals(t, symlink.Args["fromPath"], "/apex/")
ensureContains(t, symlink.Output.String(), "/system/lib64/")
func TestRuntimeApexShouldInstallHwasanIfHwaddressSanitized(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, "", func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
bp := `
apex {
name: "",
key: "",
native_shared_libs: ["libc"],
apex_key {
name: "",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libc",
no_libcrt: true,
nocrt: true,
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
stubs: { versions: ["1"] },
apex_available: [""],
cc_prebuilt_library_shared {
name: "libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android",
no_libcrt: true,
nocrt: true,
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
srcs: [""],
stubs: { versions: ["1"] },
sanitize: {
never: true,
// override bp to use hard-coded names: and libc
fs["Android.bp"] = []byte(bp)
fs["system/sepolicy/apex/"] = nil
config.TestProductVariables.SanitizeDevice = []string{"hwaddress"}
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "", "", []string{
hwasan := ctx.ModuleForTests("libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
installed := hwasan.Description("install libclang_rt.hwasan")
ensureContains(t, installed.Output.String(), "/system/lib64/bootstrap/")
symlink := hwasan.Description("install symlink libclang_rt.hwasan")
ensureEquals(t, symlink.Args["fromPath"], "/apex/")
ensureContains(t, symlink.Output.String(), "/system/lib64/")
func TestApexDependsOnLLNDKTransitively(t *testing.T) {
testcases := []struct {
name string
minSdkVersion string
shouldLink string
shouldNotLink []string
name: "should link to the latest",
minSdkVersion: "current",
shouldLink: "30",
shouldNotLink: []string{"29"},
name: "should link to llndk#29",
minSdkVersion: "29",
shouldLink: "29",
shouldNotLink: []string{"30"},
for _, tc := range testcases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
use_vendor: true,
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
min_sdk_version: "`+tc.minSdkVersion+`",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
vendor_available: true,
shared_libs: ["libbar"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "libbar",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: { versions: ["29","30"] },
llndk_library {
name: "libbar",
symbol_file: "",
`, func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
setUseVendorWhitelistForTest(config, []string{"myapex"})
}, withUnbundledBuild)
// Ensure that LLNDK dep is not included
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
// Ensure that LLNDK dep is required
apexManifestRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("apexManifestRule")
ensureListEmpty(t, names(apexManifestRule.Args["provideNativeLibs"]))
ensureListContains(t, names(apexManifestRule.Args["requireNativeLibs"]), "")
mylibLdFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_vendor.VER_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
ensureContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libbar.llndk/android_vendor.VER_arm64_armv8-a_shared_"+tc.shouldLink+"/")
for _, ver := range tc.shouldNotLink {
ensureNotContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libbar.llndk/android_vendor.VER_arm64_armv8-a_shared_"+ver+"/")
mylibCFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_vendor.VER_arm64_armv8-a_static_myapex").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "__LIBBAR_API__="+tc.shouldLink)
func TestApexWithSystemLibsStubs(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib", "mylib_shared", "libdl", "libm"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["libdl#27"],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library_shared {
name: "mylib_shared",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["libdl#27"],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "libBootstrap",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
stl: "none",
bootstrap: true,
apexRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
// Ensure that mylib, libm, libdl are included.
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/bionic/")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/bionic/")
// Ensure that libc is not included (since it has stubs and not listed in native_shared_libs)
ensureNotContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/bionic/")
mylibLdFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
mylibCFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_myapex").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
mylibSharedCFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib_shared", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
// For dependency to libc
// Ensure that mylib is linking with the latest version of stubs
ensureContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libc/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_29/")
// ... and not linking to the non-stub (impl) variant
ensureNotContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libc/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
// ... Cflags from stub is correctly exported to mylib
ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "__LIBC_API__=29")
ensureContains(t, mylibSharedCFlags, "__LIBC_API__=29")
// For dependency to libm
// Ensure that mylib is linking with the non-stub (impl) variant
ensureContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libm/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex/")
// ... and not linking to the stub variant
ensureNotContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libm/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_29/")
// ... and is not compiling with the stub
ensureNotContains(t, mylibCFlags, "__LIBM_API__=29")
ensureNotContains(t, mylibSharedCFlags, "__LIBM_API__=29")
// For dependency to libdl
// Ensure that mylib is linking with the specified version of stubs
ensureContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libdl/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_27/")
// ... and not linking to the other versions of stubs
ensureNotContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libdl/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_28/")
ensureNotContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libdl/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_29/")
// ... and not linking to the non-stub (impl) variant
ensureNotContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libdl/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex/")
// ... Cflags from stub is correctly exported to mylib
ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "__LIBDL_API__=27")
ensureContains(t, mylibSharedCFlags, "__LIBDL_API__=27")
// Ensure that libBootstrap is depending on the platform variant of bionic libs
libFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("libBootstrap", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
ensureContains(t, libFlags, "libc/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
ensureContains(t, libFlags, "libm/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
ensureContains(t, libFlags, "libdl/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
func TestApexUseStubsAccordingToMinSdkVersionInUnbundledBuild(t *testing.T) {
// there are three links between liba --> libz
// 1) myapex -> libx -> liba -> libz : this should be #2 link, but fallback to #1
// 2) otherapex -> liby -> liba -> libz : this should be #3 link
// 3) (platform) -> liba -> libz : this should be non-stub link
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libx"],
min_sdk_version: "2",
apex {
name: "otherapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["liby"],
min_sdk_version: "3",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libx",
shared_libs: ["liba"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "liby",
shared_libs: ["liba"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "otherapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "liba",
shared_libs: ["libz"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [
cc_library {
name: "libz",
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: {
versions: ["1", "3"],
`, withUnbundledBuild)
expectLink := func(from, from_variant, to, to_variant string) {
ldArgs := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
ensureContains(t, ldArgs, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
expectNoLink := func(from, from_variant, to, to_variant string) {
ldArgs := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
ensureNotContains(t, ldArgs, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
// platform liba is linked to non-stub version
expectLink("liba", "shared", "libz", "shared")
// liba in myapex is linked to #1
expectLink("liba", "shared_myapex", "libz", "shared_1")
expectNoLink("liba", "shared_myapex", "libz", "shared_3")
expectNoLink("liba", "shared_myapex", "libz", "shared")
// liba in otherapex is linked to #3
expectLink("liba", "shared_otherapex", "libz", "shared_3")
expectNoLink("liba", "shared_otherapex", "libz", "shared_1")
expectNoLink("liba", "shared_otherapex", "libz", "shared")
func TestApexMinSdkVersion_SupportsCodeNames(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libx"],
min_sdk_version: "R",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libx",
shared_libs: ["libz"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "libz",
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: {
versions: ["29", "R"],
`, func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
config.TestProductVariables.Platform_version_active_codenames = []string{"R"}
expectLink := func(from, from_variant, to, to_variant string) {
ldArgs := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
ensureContains(t, ldArgs, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
expectNoLink := func(from, from_variant, to, to_variant string) {
ldArgs := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
ensureNotContains(t, ldArgs, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
// 9000 is quite a magic number.
// Finalized SDK codenames are mapped as P(28), Q(29), ...
// And, codenames which are not finalized yet(active_codenames + future_codenames) are numbered from 9000, 9001, ...
// to distinguish them from finalized and future_api(10000)
// In this test, "R" is assumed not finalized yet( listed in Platform_version_active_codenames) and translated into 9000
// (refer android/api_levels.go)
expectLink("libx", "shared_myapex", "libz", "shared_9000")
expectNoLink("libx", "shared_myapex", "libz", "shared_29")
expectNoLink("libx", "shared_myapex", "libz", "shared")
func TestApexMinSdkVersionDefaultsToLatest(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libx"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libx",
shared_libs: ["libz"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "libz",
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: {
versions: ["1", "2"],
expectLink := func(from, from_variant, to, to_variant string) {
ldArgs := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
ensureContains(t, ldArgs, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
expectNoLink := func(from, from_variant, to, to_variant string) {
ldArgs := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
ensureNotContains(t, ldArgs, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
expectLink("libx", "shared_myapex", "libz", "shared_2")
expectNoLink("libx", "shared_myapex", "libz", "shared_1")
expectNoLink("libx", "shared_myapex", "libz", "shared")
func TestPlatformUsesLatestStubsFromApexes(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libx"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libx",
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
stubs: {
versions: ["1", "2"],
cc_library {
name: "libz",
shared_libs: ["libx"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
expectLink := func(from, from_variant, to, to_variant string) {
ldArgs := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
ensureContains(t, ldArgs, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
expectNoLink := func(from, from_variant, to, to_variant string) {
ldArgs := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
ensureNotContains(t, ldArgs, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
expectLink("libz", "shared", "libx", "shared_2")
expectNoLink("libz", "shared", "libz", "shared_1")
expectNoLink("libz", "shared", "libz", "shared")
func TestQApexesUseLatestStubsInBundledBuildsAndHWASAN(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libx"],
min_sdk_version: "29",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libx",
shared_libs: ["libbar"],
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "libbar",
stubs: {
versions: ["29", "30"],
`, func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
config.TestProductVariables.SanitizeDevice = []string{"hwaddress"}
expectLink := func(from, from_variant, to, to_variant string) {
ld := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld")
libFlags := ld.Args["libFlags"]
ensureContains(t, libFlags, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
expectLink("libx", "shared_hwasan_myapex", "libbar", "shared_30")
func TestQTargetApexUsesStaticUnwinder(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libx"],
min_sdk_version: "29",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libx",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
// ensure apex variant of c++ is linked with static unwinder
cm := ctx.ModuleForTests("libc++", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex").Module().(*cc.Module)
ensureListContains(t, cm.Properties.AndroidMkStaticLibs, "libgcc_stripped")
// note that platform variant is not.
cm = ctx.ModuleForTests("libc++", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module().(*cc.Module)
ensureListNotContains(t, cm.Properties.AndroidMkStaticLibs, "libgcc_stripped")
func TestInvalidMinSdkVersion(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `"libz" .*: not found a version\(<=29\)`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libx"],
min_sdk_version: "29",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libx",
shared_libs: ["libz"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "libz",
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: {
versions: ["30"],
testApexError(t, `"myapex" .*: min_sdk_version: SDK version should be .*`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
min_sdk_version: "abc",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
func TestJavaStableSdkVersion(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
expectedError string
bp string
name: "Non-updatable apex with non-stable dep",
bp: `
apex {
name: "myapex",
java_libs: ["myjar"],
key: "myapex.key",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
java_library {
name: "myjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "core_platform",
apex_available: ["myapex"],
name: "Updatable apex with stable dep",
bp: `
apex {
name: "myapex",
java_libs: ["myjar"],
key: "myapex.key",
updatable: true,
min_sdk_version: "29",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
java_library {
name: "myjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "current",
apex_available: ["myapex"],
name: "Updatable apex with non-stable dep",
expectedError: "cannot depend on \"myjar\"",
bp: `
apex {
name: "myapex",
java_libs: ["myjar"],
key: "myapex.key",
updatable: true,
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
java_library {
name: "myjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "core_platform",
apex_available: ["myapex"],
name: "Updatable apex with non-stable transitive dep",
expectedError: "compiles against Android API, but dependency \"transitive-jar\" is compiling against non-public Android API.",
bp: `
apex {
name: "myapex",
java_libs: ["myjar"],
key: "myapex.key",
updatable: true,
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
java_library {
name: "myjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "current",
apex_available: ["myapex"],
static_libs: ["transitive-jar"],
java_library {
name: "transitive-jar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "core_platform",
apex_available: ["myapex"],
for _, test := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if test.expectedError == "" {
testApex(t, test.bp)
} else {
testApexError(t, test.expectedError, test.bp)
func TestFilesInSubDir(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
binaries: ["mybin"],
prebuilts: ["myetc"],
compile_multilib: "both",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
prebuilt_etc {
name: "myetc",
src: "myprebuilt",
sub_dir: "foo/bar",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
relative_install_path: "foo/bar",
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_binary {
name: "mybin",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
relative_install_path: "foo/bar",
system_shared_libs: [],
static_executable: true,
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
generateFsRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("generateFsConfig")
dirs := strings.Split(generateFsRule.Args["exec_paths"], " ")
// Ensure that the subdirectories are all listed
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "etc")
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "etc/foo")
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "etc/foo/bar")
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "lib64")
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "lib64/foo")
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "lib64/foo/bar")
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "lib")
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "lib/foo")
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "lib/foo/bar")
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "bin")
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "bin/foo")
ensureListContains(t, dirs, "bin/foo/bar")
func TestFilesInSubDirWhenNativeBridgeEnabled(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
multilib: {
both: {
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
binaries: ["mybin"],
compile_multilib: "both",
native_bridge_supported: true,
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
relative_install_path: "foo/bar",
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
native_bridge_supported: true,
cc_binary {
name: "mybin",
relative_install_path: "foo/bar",
system_shared_libs: [],
static_executable: true,
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
native_bridge_supported: true,
compile_multilib: "both", // default is "first" for binary
multilib: {
lib64: {
suffix: "64",
`, withNativeBridgeEnabled)
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
func TestUseVendor(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
use_vendor: true,
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["mylib2"],
system_shared_libs: [],
vendor_available: true,
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "mylib2",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
vendor_available: true,
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
`, func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
setUseVendorWhitelistForTest(config, []string{"myapex"})
inputsList := []string{}
for _, i := range ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Module().BuildParamsForTests() {
for _, implicit := range i.Implicits {
inputsList = append(inputsList, implicit.String())
inputsString := strings.Join(inputsList, " ")
// ensure that the apex includes vendor variants of the direct and indirect deps
ensureContains(t, inputsString, "android_vendor.VER_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex/")
ensureContains(t, inputsString, "android_vendor.VER_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex/")
// ensure that the apex does not include core variants
ensureNotContains(t, inputsString, "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex/")
ensureNotContains(t, inputsString, "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex/")
func TestUseVendorRestriction(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `module "myapex" .*: use_vendor: not allowed`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
use_vendor: true,
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
`, func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
setUseVendorWhitelistForTest(config, []string{""})
// no error with whitelist
testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
use_vendor: true,
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
`, func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
setUseVendorWhitelistForTest(config, []string{"myapex"})
func TestUseVendorFailsIfNotVendorAvailable(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `dependency "mylib" of "myapex" missing variant:\n.*image:vendor`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
use_vendor: true,
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
func TestStaticLinking(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: {
versions: ["1", "2", "3"],
apex_available: [
cc_binary {
name: "not_in_apex",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
static_libs: ["mylib"],
static_executable: true,
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
ldFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("not_in_apex", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
// Ensure that not_in_apex is linking with the static variant of mylib
ensureContains(t, ldFlags, "mylib/android_arm64_armv8-a_static/mylib.a")
func TestKeys(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex_keytest",
key: "myapex.key",
certificate: ":myapex.certificate",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex_keytest" ],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
android_app_certificate {
name: "myapex.certificate",
certificate: "testkey",
android_app_certificate {
name: "myapex.certificate.override",
certificate: "testkey.override",
// check the APEX keys
keys := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex.key", "android_common").Module().(*apexKey)
if keys.public_key_file.String() != "vendor/foo/devkeys/testkey.avbpubkey" {
t.Errorf("public key %q is not %q", keys.public_key_file.String(),
if keys.private_key_file.String() != "vendor/foo/devkeys/testkey.pem" {
t.Errorf("private key %q is not %q", keys.private_key_file.String(),
// check the APK certs. It should be overridden to myapex.certificate.override
certs := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex_keytest", "android_common_myapex_keytest_image").Rule("signapk").Args["certificates"]
if certs != "testkey.override.x509.pem testkey.override.pk8" {
t.Errorf("cert and private key %q are not %q", certs,
"testkey.override.509.pem testkey.override.pk8")
func TestCertificate(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("if unspecified, it defaults to DefaultAppCertificate", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
rule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("signapk")
expected := "vendor/foo/devkeys/test.x509.pem vendor/foo/devkeys/test.pk8"
if actual := rule.Args["certificates"]; actual != expected {
t.Errorf("certificates should be %q, not %q", expected, actual)
t.Run("override when unspecified", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex_keytest",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
android_app_certificate {
name: "myapex.certificate.override",
certificate: "testkey.override",
rule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex_keytest", "android_common_myapex_keytest_image").Rule("signapk")
expected := "testkey.override.x509.pem testkey.override.pk8"
if actual := rule.Args["certificates"]; actual != expected {
t.Errorf("certificates should be %q, not %q", expected, actual)
t.Run("if specified as :module, it respects the prop", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
certificate: ":myapex.certificate",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
android_app_certificate {
name: "myapex.certificate",
certificate: "testkey",
rule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("signapk")
expected := "testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8"
if actual := rule.Args["certificates"]; actual != expected {
t.Errorf("certificates should be %q, not %q", expected, actual)
t.Run("override when specifiec as <:module>", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex_keytest",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
certificate: ":myapex.certificate",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
android_app_certificate {
name: "myapex.certificate.override",
certificate: "testkey.override",
rule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex_keytest", "android_common_myapex_keytest_image").Rule("signapk")
expected := "testkey.override.x509.pem testkey.override.pk8"
if actual := rule.Args["certificates"]; actual != expected {
t.Errorf("certificates should be %q, not %q", expected, actual)
t.Run("if specified as name, finds it from DefaultDevKeyDir", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
certificate: "testkey",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
rule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("signapk")
expected := "vendor/foo/devkeys/testkey.x509.pem vendor/foo/devkeys/testkey.pk8"
if actual := rule.Args["certificates"]; actual != expected {
t.Errorf("certificates should be %q, not %q", expected, actual)
t.Run("override when specified as <name>", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex_keytest",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
certificate: "testkey",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
android_app_certificate {
name: "myapex.certificate.override",
certificate: "testkey.override",
rule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex_keytest", "android_common_myapex_keytest_image").Rule("signapk")
expected := "testkey.override.x509.pem testkey.override.pk8"
if actual := rule.Args["certificates"]; actual != expected {
t.Errorf("certificates should be %q, not %q", expected, actual)
func TestMacro(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib", "mylib2"],
apex {
name: "otherapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib", "mylib2"],
min_sdk_version: "29",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [
recovery_available: true,
cc_library {
name: "mylib2",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [
use_apex_name_macro: true,
// non-APEX variant does not have __ANDROID_APEX__ defined
mylibCFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
ensureNotContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX__")
ensureNotContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_SDK_VERSION__")
// APEX variant has __ANDROID_APEX__ and __ANDROID_APEX_SDK__ defined
mylibCFlags = ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_myapex").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX__")
ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_SDK_VERSION__=10000")
ensureNotContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX_MYAPEX__")
// APEX variant has __ANDROID_APEX__ and __ANDROID_APEX_SDK__ defined
mylibCFlags = ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_otherapex").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX__")
ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_SDK_VERSION__=29")
ensureNotContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX_OTHERAPEX__")
// When cc_library sets use_apex_name_macro: true
// apex variants define additional macro to distinguish which apex variant it is built for
// non-APEX variant does not have __ANDROID_APEX__ defined
mylibCFlags = ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib2", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
ensureNotContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX__")
// APEX variant has __ANDROID_APEX__ defined
mylibCFlags = ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib2", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_myapex").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX__")
ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX_MYAPEX__")
ensureNotContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX_OTHERAPEX__")
// APEX variant has __ANDROID_APEX__ defined
mylibCFlags = ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib2", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static_otherapex").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX__")
ensureNotContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX_MYAPEX__")
ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX_OTHERAPEX__")
// recovery variant does not set __ANDROID_SDK_VERSION__
mylibCFlags = ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_recovery_arm64_armv8-a_static").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
ensureNotContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_APEX__")
ensureNotContains(t, mylibCFlags, "-D__ANDROID_SDK_VERSION__")
func TestHeaderLibsDependency(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library_headers {
name: "mylib_headers",
export_include_dirs: ["my_include"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
header_libs: ["mylib_headers"],
export_header_lib_headers: ["mylib_headers"],
stubs: {
versions: ["1", "2", "3"],
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "otherlib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
shared_libs: ["mylib"],
cFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("otherlib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
// Ensure that the include path of the header lib is exported to 'otherlib'
ensureContains(t, cFlags, "-Imy_include")
type fileInApex struct {
path string // path in apex
src string // src path
isLink bool
func getFiles(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, moduleName, variant string) []fileInApex {
apexRule := ctx.ModuleForTests(moduleName, variant).Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
imageApexDir := "/image.apex/"
var ret []fileInApex
for _, cmd := range strings.Split(copyCmds, "&&") {
cmd = strings.TrimSpace(cmd)
if cmd == "" {
terms := strings.Split(cmd, " ")
var dst, src string
var isLink bool
switch terms[0] {
case "mkdir":
case "cp":
if len(terms) != 3 && len(terms) != 4 {
t.Fatal("copyCmds contains invalid cp command", cmd)
dst = terms[len(terms)-1]
src = terms[len(terms)-2]
isLink = false
case "ln":
if len(terms) != 3 && len(terms) != 4 {
t.Fatal("copyCmds contains invalid ln command", cmd)
dst = terms[len(terms)-1]
src = terms[len(terms)-2]
isLink = true
t.Fatalf("copyCmds should contain mkdir/cp commands only: %q", cmd)
if dst != "" {
index := strings.Index(dst, imageApexDir)
if index == -1 {
t.Fatal("copyCmds should copy a file to image.apex/", cmd)
dstFile := dst[index+len(imageApexDir):]
ret = append(ret, fileInApex{path: dstFile, src: src, isLink: isLink})
return ret
func ensureExactContents(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, moduleName, variant string, files []string) {
var failed bool
var surplus []string
filesMatched := make(map[string]bool)
for _, file := range getFiles(t, ctx, moduleName, variant) {
mactchFound := false
for _, expected := range files {
if matched, _ := path.Match(expected, file.path); matched {
filesMatched[expected] = true
mactchFound = true
if !mactchFound {
surplus = append(surplus, file.path)
if len(surplus) > 0 {
t.Log("surplus files", surplus)
failed = true
if len(files) > len(filesMatched) {
var missing []string
for _, expected := range files {
if !filesMatched[expected] {
missing = append(missing, expected)
t.Log("missing files", missing)
failed = true
if failed {
func TestVndkApexCurrent(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex_vndk {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libvndk",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "libvndksp",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
support_system_process: true,
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_image", []string{
func TestVndkApexWithPrebuilt(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex_vndk {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_prebuilt_library_shared {
name: "libvndk",
srcs: [""],
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_prebuilt_library_shared {
name: "libvndk.arm",
srcs: [""],
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
enabled: false,
arch: {
arm: {
enabled: true,
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
"": nil,
"": nil,
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_image", []string{
func vndkLibrariesTxtFiles(vers ...string) (result string) {
for _, v := range vers {
if v == "current" {
for _, txt := range []string{"llndk", "vndkcore", "vndksp", "vndkprivate"} {
result += `
vndk_libraries_txt {
name: "` + txt + `.libraries.txt",
} else {
for _, txt := range []string{"llndk", "vndkcore", "vndksp", "vndkprivate"} {
result += `
prebuilt_etc {
name: "` + txt + `.libraries.` + v + `.txt",
src: "dummy.txt",
func TestVndkApexVersion(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex_vndk {
name: "myapex_v27",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
vndk_version: "27",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
vndk_prebuilt_shared {
name: "libvndk27",
version: "27",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
target_arch: "arm64",
arch: {
arm: {
srcs: [""],
arm64: {
srcs: [""],
apex_available: [ "myapex_v27" ],
vndk_prebuilt_shared {
name: "libvndk27",
version: "27",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
target_arch: "x86_64",
arch: {
x86: {
srcs: [""],
x86_64: {
srcs: [""],
"": nil,
"": nil,
"": nil,
"": nil,
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex_v27", "android_common_image", []string{
func TestVndkApexErrorWithDuplicateVersion(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `module "myapex_v27.*" .*: vndk_version: 27 is already defined in "myapex_v27.*"`, `
apex_vndk {
name: "myapex_v27",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
vndk_version: "27",
apex_vndk {
name: "myapex_v27_other",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
vndk_version: "27",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libvndk",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
vndk_prebuilt_shared {
name: "libvndk",
version: "27",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
srcs: [""],
`, withFiles(map[string][]byte{
"": nil,
func TestVndkApexNameRule(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex_vndk {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
apex_vndk {
name: "myapex_v28",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
vndk_version: "28",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
}`+vndkLibrariesTxtFiles("28", "current"))
assertApexName := func(expected, moduleName string) {
bundle := ctx.ModuleForTests(moduleName, "android_common_image").Module().(*apexBundle)
actual := proptools.String(
if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) {
t.Errorf("Got '%v', expected '%v'", actual, expected)
assertApexName("", "myapex")
assertApexName("", "myapex_v28")
func TestVndkApexSkipsNativeBridgeSupportedModules(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex_vndk {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libvndk",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
vendor_available: true,
native_bridge_supported: true,
host_supported: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
`+vndkLibrariesTxtFiles("current"), withNativeBridgeEnabled)
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_image", []string{
func TestVndkApexDoesntSupportNativeBridgeSupported(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `module "myapex" .*: native_bridge_supported: .* doesn't support native bridge binary`, `
apex_vndk {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
native_bridge_supported: true,
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libvndk",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
vendor_available: true,
native_bridge_supported: true,
host_supported: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
func TestVndkApexWithBinder32(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex_vndk {
name: "myapex_v27",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
vndk_version: "27",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
vndk_prebuilt_shared {
name: "libvndk27",
version: "27",
target_arch: "arm",
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
arch: {
arm: {
srcs: [""],
vndk_prebuilt_shared {
name: "libvndk27",
version: "27",
target_arch: "arm",
binder32bit: true,
vendor_available: true,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
arch: {
arm: {
srcs: [""],
apex_available: [ "myapex_v27" ],
"": nil,
"": nil,
android.Android: []android.Target{
{Os: android.Android, Arch: android.Arch{ArchType: android.Arm, ArchVariant: "armv7-a-neon", Abi: []string{"armeabi-v7a"}},
NativeBridge: android.NativeBridgeDisabled, NativeBridgeHostArchName: "", NativeBridgeRelativePath: ""},
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex_v27", "android_common_image", []string{
func TestDependenciesInApexManifest(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex_nodep",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["lib_nodep"],
compile_multilib: "both",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
apex {
name: "myapex_dep",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["lib_dep"],
compile_multilib: "both",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
apex {
name: "myapex_provider",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
compile_multilib: "both",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
apex {
name: "myapex_selfcontained",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["lib_dep", "libfoo"],
compile_multilib: "both",
file_contexts: ":myapex-file_contexts",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "lib_nodep",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex_nodep" ],
cc_library {
name: "lib_dep",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [
cc_library {
name: "libfoo",
srcs: ["mytest.cpp"],
stubs: {
versions: ["1"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [
var apexManifestRule android.TestingBuildParams
var provideNativeLibs, requireNativeLibs []string
apexManifestRule = ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex_nodep", "android_common_myapex_nodep_image").Rule("apexManifestRule")
provideNativeLibs = names(apexManifestRule.Args["provideNativeLibs"])
requireNativeLibs = names(apexManifestRule.Args["requireNativeLibs"])
ensureListEmpty(t, provideNativeLibs)
ensureListEmpty(t, requireNativeLibs)
apexManifestRule = ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex_dep", "android_common_myapex_dep_image").Rule("apexManifestRule")
provideNativeLibs = names(apexManifestRule.Args["provideNativeLibs"])
requireNativeLibs = names(apexManifestRule.Args["requireNativeLibs"])
ensureListEmpty(t, provideNativeLibs)
ensureListContains(t, requireNativeLibs, "")
apexManifestRule = ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex_provider", "android_common_myapex_provider_image").Rule("apexManifestRule")
provideNativeLibs = names(apexManifestRule.Args["provideNativeLibs"])
requireNativeLibs = names(apexManifestRule.Args["requireNativeLibs"])
ensureListContains(t, provideNativeLibs, "")
ensureListEmpty(t, requireNativeLibs)
apexManifestRule = ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex_selfcontained", "android_common_myapex_selfcontained_image").Rule("apexManifestRule")
provideNativeLibs = names(apexManifestRule.Args["provideNativeLibs"])
requireNativeLibs = names(apexManifestRule.Args["requireNativeLibs"])
ensureListContains(t, provideNativeLibs, "")
ensureListEmpty(t, requireNativeLibs)
func TestApexName(t *testing.T) {
ctx, config := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apex_name: "",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [
module := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
apexManifestRule := module.Rule("apexManifestRule")
ensureContains(t, apexManifestRule.Args["opt"], "-v name")
apexRule := module.Rule("apexRule")
ensureContains(t, apexRule.Args["opt_flags"], "--do_not_check_keyname")
apexBundle := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Module().(*apexBundle)
data := android.AndroidMkDataForTest(t, config, "", apexBundle)
name := apexBundle.BaseModuleName()
prefix := "TARGET_"
var builder strings.Builder
data.Custom(&builder, name, prefix, "", data)
androidMk := builder.String()
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := mylib.myapex\n")
ensureNotContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE :=\n")
func TestNonTestApex(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib_common"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib_common",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [
module := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
apexRule := module.Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
if apex, ok := module.Module().(*apexBundle); !ok || apex.testApex {
t.Log("Apex was a test apex!")
// Ensure that main rule creates an output
ensureContains(t, apexRule.Output.String(), "myapex.apex.unsigned")
// Ensure that apex variant is created for the direct dep
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib_common"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex")
// Ensure that both direct and indirect deps are copied into apex
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
// Ensure that the platform variant ends with _shared
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib_common"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
if !android.InAnyApex("mylib_common") {
t.Log("Found mylib_common not in any apex!")
func TestTestApex(t *testing.T) {
if android.InAnyApex("mylib_common_test") {
t.Fatal("mylib_common_test must not be used in any other tests since this checks that global state is not updated in an illegal way!")
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex_test {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib_common_test"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib_common_test",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
// TODO: remove //apex_available:platform
apex_available: [
module := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
apexRule := module.Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
if apex, ok := module.Module().(*apexBundle); !ok || !apex.testApex {
t.Log("Apex was not a test apex!")
// Ensure that main rule creates an output
ensureContains(t, apexRule.Output.String(), "myapex.apex.unsigned")
// Ensure that apex variant is created for the direct dep
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib_common_test"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex")
// Ensure that both direct and indirect deps are copied into apex
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
// Ensure that the platform variant ends with _shared
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib_common_test"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
func TestApexWithTarget(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
multilib: {
first: {
native_shared_libs: ["mylib_common"],
target: {
android: {
multilib: {
first: {
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
host: {
multilib: {
first: {
native_shared_libs: ["mylib2"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
// TODO: remove //apex_available:platform
apex_available: [
cc_library {
name: "mylib_common",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
compile_multilib: "first",
// TODO: remove //apex_available:platform
apex_available: [
cc_library {
name: "mylib2",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
compile_multilib: "first",
apexRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
// Ensure that main rule creates an output
ensureContains(t, apexRule.Output.String(), "myapex.apex.unsigned")
// Ensure that apex variant is created for the direct dep
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex")
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib_common"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex")
ensureListNotContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib2"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex")
// Ensure that both direct and indirect deps are copied into apex
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
ensureNotContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
// Ensure that the platform variant ends with _shared
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib_common"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib2"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared")
func TestApexWithShBinary(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
binaries: ["myscript"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
sh_binary {
name: "myscript",
src: "mylib.cpp",
filename: "",
sub_dir: "script",
apexRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/bin/script/")
func TestApexInVariousPartition(t *testing.T) {
testcases := []struct {
propName, parition, flattenedPartition string
{"", "system", "system_ext"},
{"product_specific: true", "product", "product"},
{"soc_specific: true", "vendor", "vendor"},
{"proprietary: true", "vendor", "vendor"},
{"vendor: true", "vendor", "vendor"},
{"system_ext_specific: true", "system_ext", "system_ext"},
for _, tc := range testcases {
t.Run(tc.propName+":"+tc.parition, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
apex := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Module().(*apexBundle)
expected := buildDir + "/target/product/test_device/" + tc.parition + "/apex"
actual := apex.installDir.String()
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("wrong install path. expected %q. actual %q", expected, actual)
flattened := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_flattened").Module().(*apexBundle)
expected = buildDir + "/target/product/test_device/" + tc.flattenedPartition + "/apex"
actual = flattened.installDir.String()
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("wrong install path. expected %q. actual %q", expected, actual)
func TestFileContexts(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
module := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
apexRule := module.Rule("apexRule")
actual := apexRule.Args["file_contexts"]
expected := "system/sepolicy/apex/myapex-file_contexts"
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("wrong file_contexts. expected %q. actual %q", expected, actual)
testApexError(t, `"myapex" .*: file_contexts: should be under system/sepolicy`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
file_contexts: "my_own_file_contexts",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
`, withFiles(map[string][]byte{
"my_own_file_contexts": nil,
testApexError(t, `"myapex" .*: file_contexts: cannot find`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
product_specific: true,
file_contexts: "product_specific_file_contexts",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
ctx, _ = testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
product_specific: true,
file_contexts: "product_specific_file_contexts",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
`, withFiles(map[string][]byte{
"product_specific_file_contexts": nil,
module = ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
apexRule = module.Rule("apexRule")
actual = apexRule.Args["file_contexts"]
expected = "product_specific_file_contexts"
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("wrong file_contexts. expected %q. actual %q", expected, actual)
ctx, _ = testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
product_specific: true,
file_contexts: ":my-file-contexts",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
filegroup {
name: "my-file-contexts",
srcs: ["product_specific_file_contexts"],
`, withFiles(map[string][]byte{
"product_specific_file_contexts": nil,
module = ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
apexRule = module.Rule("apexRule")
actual = apexRule.Args["file_contexts"]
expected = "product_specific_file_contexts"
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("wrong file_contexts. expected %q. actual %q", expected, actual)
func TestApexKeyFromOtherModule(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: ":my.avbpubkey",
private_key: ":my.pem",
product_specific: true,
filegroup {
name: "my.avbpubkey",
srcs: ["testkey2.avbpubkey"],
filegroup {
name: "my.pem",
srcs: ["testkey2.pem"],
apex_key := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex.key", "android_common").Module().(*apexKey)
expected_pubkey := "testkey2.avbpubkey"
actual_pubkey := apex_key.public_key_file.String()
if actual_pubkey != expected_pubkey {
t.Errorf("wrong public key path. expected %q. actual %q", expected_pubkey, actual_pubkey)
expected_privkey := "testkey2.pem"
actual_privkey := apex_key.private_key_file.String()
if actual_privkey != expected_privkey {
t.Errorf("wrong private key path. expected %q. actual %q", expected_privkey, actual_privkey)
func TestPrebuilt(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
prebuilt_apex {
name: "myapex",
arch: {
arm64: {
src: "myapex-arm64.apex",
arm: {
src: "myapex-arm.apex",
prebuilt := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common").Module().(*Prebuilt)
expectedInput := "myapex-arm64.apex"
if prebuilt.inputApex.String() != expectedInput {
t.Errorf("inputApex invalid. expected: %q, actual: %q", expectedInput, prebuilt.inputApex.String())
func TestPrebuiltFilenameOverride(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
prebuilt_apex {
name: "myapex",
src: "myapex-arm.apex",
filename: "notmyapex.apex",
p := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common").Module().(*Prebuilt)
expected := "notmyapex.apex"
if p.installFilename != expected {
t.Errorf("installFilename invalid. expected: %q, actual: %q", expected, p.installFilename)
func TestPrebuiltOverrides(t *testing.T) {
ctx, config := testApex(t, `
prebuilt_apex {
name: "myapex.prebuilt",
src: "myapex-arm.apex",
overrides: [
p := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex.prebuilt", "android_common").Module().(*Prebuilt)
expected := []string{"myapex"}
actual := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, config, "", p)[0].EntryMap["LOCAL_OVERRIDES_MODULES"]
if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect LOCAL_OVERRIDES_MODULES value '%s', expected '%s'", actual, expected)
func TestApexWithTests(t *testing.T) {
ctx, config := testApex(t, `
apex_test {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
tests: [
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
filegroup {
name: "fg",
srcs: [
cc_test {
name: "mytest",
gtest: false,
srcs: ["mytest.cpp"],
relative_install_path: "test",
shared_libs: ["mylib"],
system_shared_libs: [],
static_executable: true,
stl: "none",
data: [":fg"],
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
filegroup {
name: "fg2",
srcs: [
cc_test {
name: "mytests",
gtest: false,
srcs: [
test_per_src: true,
relative_install_path: "test",
system_shared_libs: [],
static_executable: true,
stl: "none",
data: [
apexRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
// Ensure that test dep (and their transitive dependencies) are copied into apex.
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/bin/test/mytest")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/")
//Ensure that test data are copied into apex.
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/bin/test/baz")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/bin/test/bar/baz")
// Ensure that test deps built with `test_per_src` are copied into apex.
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/bin/test/mytest1")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/bin/test/mytest2")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/bin/test/mytest3")
// Ensure the module is correctly translated.
bundle := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Module().(*apexBundle)
data := android.AndroidMkDataForTest(t, config, "", bundle)
name := bundle.BaseModuleName()
prefix := "TARGET_"
var builder strings.Builder
data.Custom(&builder, name, prefix, "", data)
androidMk := builder.String()
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := mytest.myapex\n")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := mytest1.myapex\n")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := mytest2.myapex\n")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := mytest3.myapex\n")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := apex_manifest.pb.myapex\n")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := apex_pubkey.myapex\n")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := myapex\n")
flatBundle := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_flattened").Module().(*apexBundle)
data = android.AndroidMkDataForTest(t, config, "", flatBundle)
data.Custom(&builder, name, prefix, "", data)
flatAndroidMk := builder.String()
ensureContainsOnce(t, flatAndroidMk, "LOCAL_TEST_DATA := :baz :bar/baz\n")
ensureContainsOnce(t, flatAndroidMk, "LOCAL_TEST_DATA := :testdata/baz\n")
func TestInstallExtraFlattenedApexes(t *testing.T) {
ctx, config := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
`, func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
config.TestProductVariables.InstallExtraFlattenedApexes = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
ab := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Module().(*apexBundle)
ensureListContains(t, ab.requiredDeps, "myapex.flattened")
mk := android.AndroidMkDataForTest(t, config, "", ab)
var builder strings.Builder
mk.Custom(&builder, ab.Name(), "TARGET_", "", mk)
androidMk := builder.String()
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += myapex.flattened")
func TestApexUsesOtherApex(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
uses: ["commonapex"],
apex {
name: "commonapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libcommon"],
provide_cpp_shared_libs: true,
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["libcommon"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "libcommon",
srcs: ["mylib_common.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
// TODO: remove //apex_available:platform
apex_available: [
module1 := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
apexRule1 := module1.Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds1 := apexRule1.Args["copy_commands"]
module2 := ctx.ModuleForTests("commonapex", "android_common_commonapex_image")
apexRule2 := module2.Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds2 := apexRule2.Args["copy_commands"]
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("mylib"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex")
ensureListContains(t, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("libcommon"), "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_commonapex")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds1, "image.apex/lib64/")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds2, "image.apex/lib64/")
ensureNotContains(t, copyCmds1, "image.apex/lib64/")
func TestApexUsesFailsIfNotProvided(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `uses: "commonapex" does not provide native_shared_libs`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
uses: ["commonapex"],
apex {
name: "commonapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
testApexError(t, `uses: "commonapex" is not a provider`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
uses: ["commonapex"],
cc_library {
name: "commonapex",
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
func TestApexUsesFailsIfUseVenderMismatch(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `use_vendor: "commonapex" has different value of use_vendor`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
use_vendor: true,
uses: ["commonapex"],
apex {
name: "commonapex",
key: "myapex.key",
provide_cpp_shared_libs: true,
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
`, func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
setUseVendorWhitelistForTest(config, []string{"myapex"})
func TestErrorsIfDepsAreNotEnabled(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `module "myapex" .* depends on disabled module "libfoo"`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libfoo",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
enabled: false,
apex_available: ["myapex"],
testApexError(t, `module "myapex" .* depends on disabled module "myjar"`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
java_libs: ["myjar"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
java_library {
name: "myjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
enabled: false,
apex_available: ["myapex"],
func TestApexWithApps(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apps: [
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
android_app {
name: "AppFoo",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "current",
system_modules: "none",
jni_libs: ["libjni"],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
android_app {
name: "AppFooPriv",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "current",
system_modules: "none",
privileged: true,
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library_shared {
name: "libjni",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
sdk_version: "current",
cc_library_shared {
name: "libfoo",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
sdk_version: "current",
module := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
apexRule := module.Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/app/AppFoo/AppFoo.apk")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/priv-app/AppFooPriv/AppFooPriv.apk")
appZipRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("AppFoo", "android_common_myapex").Description("zip jni libs")
// JNI libraries are uncompressed
if args := appZipRule.Args["jarArgs"]; !strings.Contains(args, "-L 0") {
t.Errorf("jni libs are not uncompressed for AppFoo")
// JNI libraries including transitive deps are
for _, jni := range []string{"libjni", "libfoo"} {
jniOutput := ctx.ModuleForTests(jni, "android_arm64_armv8-a_sdk_shared_myapex").Module().(*cc.Module).OutputFile()
// ... embedded inside APK (
ensureListContains(t, appZipRule.Implicits.Strings(), jniOutput.String())
// ... and not directly inside the APEX
ensureNotContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/lib64/"+jni+".so")
func TestApexWithAppImports(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apps: [
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
android_app_import {
name: "AppFooPrebuilt",
apk: "PrebuiltAppFoo.apk",
presigned: true,
dex_preopt: {
enabled: false,
apex_available: ["myapex"],
android_app_import {
name: "AppFooPrivPrebuilt",
apk: "PrebuiltAppFooPriv.apk",
privileged: true,
presigned: true,
dex_preopt: {
enabled: false,
filename: "AwesomePrebuiltAppFooPriv.apk",
apex_available: ["myapex"],
module := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
apexRule := module.Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/app/AppFooPrebuilt/AppFooPrebuilt.apk")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/priv-app/AppFooPrivPrebuilt/AwesomePrebuiltAppFooPriv.apk")
func TestApexWithAppImportsPrefer(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apps: [
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
android_app {
name: "AppFoo",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
android_app_import {
name: "AppFoo",
apk: "AppFooPrebuilt.apk",
filename: "AppFooPrebuilt.apk",
presigned: true,
prefer: true,
apex_available: ["myapex"],
`, withFiles(map[string][]byte{
"AppFooPrebuilt.apk": nil,
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
func TestApexWithTestHelperApp(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apps: [
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
android_test_helper_app {
name: "TesterHelpAppFoo",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
module := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
apexRule := module.Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/app/TesterHelpAppFoo/TesterHelpAppFoo.apk")
func TestApexPropertiesShouldBeDefaultable(t *testing.T) {
// libfoo's apex_available comes from cc_defaults
testApexError(t, `requires "libfoo" that is not available for the APEX`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
apex {
name: "otherapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
cc_defaults {
name: "libfoo-defaults",
apex_available: ["otherapex"],
cc_library {
name: "libfoo",
defaults: ["libfoo-defaults"],
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
func TestApexAvailable_DirectDep(t *testing.T) {
// libfoo is not available to myapex, but only to otherapex
testApexError(t, "requires \"libfoo\" that is not available for the APEX", `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
apex {
name: "otherapex",
key: "otherapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
apex_key {
name: "otherapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libfoo",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
apex_available: ["otherapex"],
func TestApexAvailable_IndirectDep(t *testing.T) {
// libbbaz is an indirect dep
testApexError(t, `requires "libbaz" that is not available for the APEX. Dependency path:
.*via tag apex\.dependencyTag.*"sharedLib".*
.*-> libfoo.*link:shared.*
.*via tag cc\.DependencyTag.*"shared".*
.*-> libbar.*link:shared.*
.*via tag cc\.DependencyTag.*"shared".*
.*-> libbaz.*link:shared.*`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libfoo",
stl: "none",
shared_libs: ["libbar"],
system_shared_libs: [],
apex_available: ["myapex"],
cc_library {
name: "libbar",
stl: "none",
shared_libs: ["libbaz"],
system_shared_libs: [],
apex_available: ["myapex"],
cc_library {
name: "libbaz",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
func TestApexAvailable_InvalidApexName(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, "\"otherapex\" is not a valid module name", `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libfoo",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
apex_available: ["otherapex"],
testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libfoo", "libbar"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libfoo",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
runtime_libs: ["libbaz"],
apex_available: ["myapex"],
cc_library {
name: "libbar",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
apex_available: ["//apex_available:anyapex"],
cc_library {
name: "libbaz",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
stubs: {
versions: ["10", "20", "30"],
func TestApexAvailable_CheckForPlatform(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libbar", "libbaz"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libfoo",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
shared_libs: ["libbar"],
apex_available: ["//apex_available:platform"],
cc_library {
name: "libfoo2",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
shared_libs: ["libbaz"],
apex_available: ["//apex_available:platform"],
cc_library {
name: "libbar",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
apex_available: ["myapex"],
cc_library {
name: "libbaz",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
apex_available: ["myapex"],
stubs: {
versions: ["1"],
// libfoo shouldn't be available to platform even though it has "//apex_available:platform",
// because it depends on libbar which isn't available to platform
libfoo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module().(*cc.Module)
if libfoo.NotAvailableForPlatform() != true {
t.Errorf("%q shouldn't be available to platform", libfoo.String())
// libfoo2 however can be available to platform because it depends on libbaz which provides
// stubs
libfoo2 := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo2", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module().(*cc.Module)
if libfoo2.NotAvailableForPlatform() == true {
t.Errorf("%q should be available to platform", libfoo2.String())
func TestApexAvailable_CreatedForApex(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "libfoo",
stl: "none",
system_shared_libs: [],
apex_available: ["myapex"],
static: {
apex_available: ["//apex_available:platform"],
libfooShared := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Module().(*cc.Module)
if libfooShared.NotAvailableForPlatform() != true {
t.Errorf("%q shouldn't be available to platform", libfooShared.String())
libfooStatic := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_static").Module().(*cc.Module)
if libfooStatic.NotAvailableForPlatform() != false {
t.Errorf("%q should be available to platform", libfooStatic.String())
func TestOverrideApex(t *testing.T) {
ctx, config := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apps: ["app"],
overrides: ["oldapex"],
override_apex {
name: "override_myapex",
base: "myapex",
apps: ["override_app"],
overrides: ["unknownapex"],
logging_parent: "",
package_name: "test.overridden.package",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
android_app {
name: "app",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
package_name: "foo",
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
override_android_app {
name: "override_app",
base: "app",
package_name: "bar",
`, withManifestPackageNameOverrides([]string{""}))
originalVariant := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Module().(android.OverridableModule)
overriddenVariant := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_override_myapex_myapex_image").Module().(android.OverridableModule)
if originalVariant.GetOverriddenBy() != "" {
t.Errorf("GetOverriddenBy should be empty, but was %q", originalVariant.GetOverriddenBy())
if overriddenVariant.GetOverriddenBy() != "override_myapex" {
t.Errorf("GetOverriddenBy should be \"override_myapex\", but was %q", overriddenVariant.GetOverriddenBy())
module := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_override_myapex_myapex_image")
apexRule := module.Rule("apexRule")
copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
ensureNotContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/app/app/app.apk")
ensureContains(t, copyCmds, "image.apex/app/override_app/override_app.apk")
apexBundle := module.Module().(*apexBundle)
name := apexBundle.Name()
if name != "override_myapex" {
t.Errorf("name should be \"override_myapex\", but was %q", name)
if apexBundle.overridableProperties.Logging_parent != "" {
t.Errorf("override_myapex should have logging parent (, but was %q.", apexBundle.overridableProperties.Logging_parent)
optFlags := apexRule.Args["opt_flags"]
ensureContains(t, optFlags, "--override_apk_package_name test.overridden.package")
data := android.AndroidMkDataForTest(t, config, "", apexBundle)
var builder strings.Builder
data.Custom(&builder, name, "TARGET_", "", data)
androidMk := builder.String()
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := override_app.override_myapex")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := apex_manifest.pb.override_myapex")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE_STEM := override_myapex.apex")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_OVERRIDES_MODULES := unknownapex myapex")
ensureNotContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := app.myapex")
ensureNotContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := override_app.myapex")
ensureNotContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE := apex_manifest.pb.myapex")
ensureNotContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE_STEM := myapex.apex")
func TestLegacyAndroid10Support(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
min_sdk_version: "29",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
stl: "libc++",
system_shared_libs: [],
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
`, withUnbundledBuild)
module := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
args := module.Rule("apexRule").Args
ensureContains(t, args["opt_flags"], "--manifest_json "+module.Output("apex_manifest.json").Output.String())
ensureNotContains(t, args["opt_flags"], "--no_hashtree")
// The copies of the libraries in the apex should have one more dependency than
// the ones outside the apex, namely the unwinder. Ideally we should check
// the dependency names directly here but for some reason the names are blank in
// this test.
for _, lib := range []string{"libc++", "mylib"} {
apexImplicits := ctx.ModuleForTests(lib, "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_myapex").Rule("ld").Implicits
nonApexImplicits := ctx.ModuleForTests(lib, "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("ld").Implicits
if len(apexImplicits) != len(nonApexImplicits)+1 {
t.Errorf("%q missing unwinder dep", lib)
var filesForSdkLibrary = map[string][]byte{
"api/current.txt": nil,
"api/removed.txt": nil,
"api/system-current.txt": nil,
"api/system-removed.txt": nil,
"api/test-current.txt": nil,
"api/test-removed.txt": nil,
func TestJavaSDKLibrary(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
java_libs: ["foo"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
java_sdk_library {
name: "foo",
srcs: [""],
api_packages: ["foo"],
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
`, withFiles(filesForSdkLibrary))
// java_sdk_library installs both impl jar and permission XML
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
// Permission XML should point to the activated path of impl jar of java_sdk_library
sdkLibrary := ctx.ModuleForTests("foo.xml", "android_common_myapex").Rule("java_sdk_xml")
ensureContains(t, sdkLibrary.RuleParams.Command, `<library name=\"foo\" file=\"/apex/myapex/javalib/foo.jar\"`)
func TestJavaSDKLibrary_WithinApex(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
java_libs: ["foo", "bar"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
java_sdk_library {
name: "foo",
srcs: [""],
api_packages: ["foo"],
apex_available: ["myapex"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
java_library {
name: "bar",
srcs: [""],
libs: ["foo"],
apex_available: ["myapex"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
`, withFiles(filesForSdkLibrary))
// java_sdk_library installs both impl jar and permission XML
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
// The bar library should depend on the implementation jar.
barLibrary := ctx.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common_myapex").Rule("javac")
if expected, actual := `^-classpath /[^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.jar$`, barLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
t.Errorf("expected %q, found %#q", expected, actual)
func TestJavaSDKLibrary_CrossBoundary(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
java_libs: ["foo"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
java_sdk_library {
name: "foo",
srcs: [""],
api_packages: ["foo"],
apex_available: ["myapex"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
java_library {
name: "bar",
srcs: [""],
libs: ["foo"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
`, withFiles(filesForSdkLibrary))
// java_sdk_library installs both impl jar and permission XML
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
// The bar library should depend on the stubs jar.
barLibrary := ctx.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common").Rule("javac")
if expected, actual := `^-classpath /[^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.stubs\.jar$`, barLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
t.Errorf("expected %q, found %#q", expected, actual)
func TestCompatConfig(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
prebuilts: ["myjar-platform-compat-config"],
java_libs: ["myjar"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
platform_compat_config {
name: "myjar-platform-compat-config",
src: ":myjar",
java_library {
name: "myjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
func TestRejectNonInstallableJavaLibrary(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `"myjar" is not configured to be compiled into dex`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
java_libs: ["myjar"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
java_library {
name: "myjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
compile_dex: false,
apex_available: ["myapex"],
func TestCarryRequiredModuleNames(t *testing.T) {
ctx, config := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
required: ["a", "b"],
host_required: ["c", "d"],
target_required: ["e", "f"],
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
apexBundle := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Module().(*apexBundle)
data := android.AndroidMkDataForTest(t, config, "", apexBundle)
name := apexBundle.BaseModuleName()
prefix := "TARGET_"
var builder strings.Builder
data.Custom(&builder, name, prefix, "", data)
androidMk := builder.String()
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES += a b\n")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_HOST_REQUIRED_MODULES += c d\n")
ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_TARGET_REQUIRED_MODULES += e f\n")
func TestSymlinksFromApexToSystem(t *testing.T) {
bp := `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
java_libs: ["myjar"],
apex {
name: "myapex.updatable",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
java_libs: ["myjar"],
updatable: true,
min_sdk_version: "current",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["myotherlib"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [
cc_library {
name: "myotherlib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [
java_library {
name: "myjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
libs: ["myotherjar"],
apex_available: [
java_library {
name: "myotherjar",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
apex_available: [
ensureRealfileExists := func(t *testing.T, files []fileInApex, file string) {
for _, f := range files {
if f.path == file {
if f.isLink {
t.Errorf("%q is not a real file", file)
t.Errorf("%q is not found", file)
ensureSymlinkExists := func(t *testing.T, files []fileInApex, file string) {
for _, f := range files {
if f.path == file {
if !f.isLink {
t.Errorf("%q is not a symlink", file)
t.Errorf("%q is not found", file)
// For unbundled build, symlink shouldn't exist regardless of whether an APEX
// is updatable or not
ctx, _ := testApex(t, bp, withUnbundledBuild)
files := getFiles(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
ensureRealfileExists(t, files, "javalib/myjar.jar")
ensureRealfileExists(t, files, "lib64/")
ensureRealfileExists(t, files, "lib64/")
files = getFiles(t, ctx, "myapex.updatable", "android_common_myapex.updatable_image")
ensureRealfileExists(t, files, "javalib/myjar.jar")
ensureRealfileExists(t, files, "lib64/")
ensureRealfileExists(t, files, "lib64/")
// For bundled build, symlink to the system for the non-updatable APEXes only
ctx, _ = testApex(t, bp)
files = getFiles(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image")
ensureRealfileExists(t, files, "javalib/myjar.jar")
ensureRealfileExists(t, files, "lib64/")
ensureSymlinkExists(t, files, "lib64/") // this is symlink
files = getFiles(t, ctx, "myapex.updatable", "android_common_myapex.updatable_image")
ensureRealfileExists(t, files, "javalib/myjar.jar")
ensureRealfileExists(t, files, "lib64/")
ensureRealfileExists(t, files, "lib64/") // this is a real file
func TestApexWithJniLibs(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
jni_libs: ["mylib"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["mylib2"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "mylib2",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
rule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("apexManifestRule")
// Notice (transitive dep) is not added as a jni_lib
ensureEquals(t, rule.Args["opt"], "-a jniLibs")
ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
func TestApexMutatorsDontRunIfDisabled(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
`, func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
delete(config.Targets, android.Android)
config.AndroidCommonTarget = android.Target{}
if expected, got := []string{""}, ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("myapex"); !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, got) {
t.Errorf("Expected variants: %v, but got: %v", expected, got)
func TestApexWithJniLibs_Errors(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `jni_libs: "xxx" is not a cc_library`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
jni_libs: ["xxx"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
prebuilt_etc {
name: "xxx",
src: "xxx",
`, withFiles(map[string][]byte{
"xxx": nil,
func TestAppBundle(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
apps: ["AppFoo"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
android_app {
name: "AppFoo",
srcs: ["foo/bar/"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
`, withManifestPackageNameOverrides([]string{""}))
bundleConfigRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Description("Bundle Config")
content := bundleConfigRule.Args["content"]
ensureContains(t, content, `"compression":{"uncompressed_glob":["apex_payload.img","apex_manifest.*"]}`)
ensureContains(t, content, `"apex_config":{"apex_embedded_apk_config":[{"package_name":"","path":"app/AppFoo/AppFoo.apk"}]}`)
func testNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t *testing.T, errmsg string, transformDexpreoptConfig func(*dexpreopt.GlobalConfig)) {
bp := `
java_library {
name: "some-updatable-apex-lib",
srcs: [""],
sdk_version: "current",
apex_available: [
java_library {
name: "some-non-updatable-apex-lib",
srcs: [""],
apex_available: [
java_library {
name: "some-platform-lib",
srcs: [""],
sdk_version: "current",
installable: true,
java_library {
name: "some-art-lib",
srcs: [""],
sdk_version: "current",
apex_available: [
hostdex: true,
apex {
name: "some-updatable-apex",
key: "some-updatable-apex.key",
java_libs: ["some-updatable-apex-lib"],
updatable: true,
min_sdk_version: "current",
apex {
name: "some-non-updatable-apex",
key: "some-non-updatable-apex.key",
java_libs: ["some-non-updatable-apex-lib"],
apex_key {
name: "some-updatable-apex.key",
apex_key {
name: "some-non-updatable-apex.key",
apex {
name: "",
key: "",
java_libs: ["some-art-lib"],
updatable: true,
min_sdk_version: "current",
apex_key {
name: "",
filegroup {
name: "some-updatable-apex-file_contexts",
srcs: [
filegroup {
name: "some-non-updatable-apex-file_contexts",
srcs: [
bp += cc.GatherRequiredDepsForTest(android.Android)
bp += java.GatherRequiredDepsForTest()
bp += dexpreopt.BpToolModulesForTest()
fs := map[string][]byte{
"": nil,
"a.jar": nil,
"build/make/target/product/security": nil,
"apex_manifest.json": nil,
"AndroidManifest.xml": nil,
"system/sepolicy/apex/some-updatable-apex-file_contexts": nil,
"system/sepolicy/apex/some-non-updatable-apex-file_contexts": nil,
"system/sepolicy/apex/": nil,
"framework/aidl/a.aidl": nil,
ctx := android.NewTestArchContext()
ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex", BundleFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex_key", ApexKeyFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("filegroup", android.FileGroupFactory)
config := android.TestArchConfig(buildDir, nil, bp, fs)
_ = dexpreopt.GlobalSoongConfigForTests(config)
pathCtx := android.PathContextForTesting(config)
dexpreoptConfig := dexpreopt.GlobalConfigForTests(pathCtx)
dexpreopt.SetTestGlobalConfig(config, dexpreoptConfig)
_, errs := ctx.ParseBlueprintsFiles("Android.bp")
android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
_, errs = ctx.PrepareBuildActions(config)
if errmsg == "" {
android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
} else if len(errs) > 0 {
android.FailIfNoMatchingErrors(t, errmsg, errs)
} else {
t.Fatalf("missing expected error %q (0 errors are returned)", errmsg)
func TestUpdatable_should_set_min_sdk_version(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `"myapex" .*: updatable: updatable APEXes should set min_sdk_version`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
updatable: true,
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
func TestNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t *testing.T) {
var error string
var transform func(*dexpreopt.GlobalConfig)
t.Run("updatable jar from ART apex in the ART boot image => ok", func(t *testing.T) {
transform = func(config *dexpreopt.GlobalConfig) {
config.ArtApexJars = []string{""}
testNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t, "", transform)
t.Run("updatable jar from ART apex in the framework boot image => error", func(t *testing.T) {
error = "module 'some-art-lib' from updatable apex '' is not allowed in the framework boot image"
transform = func(config *dexpreopt.GlobalConfig) {
config.BootJars = []string{""}
testNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t, error, transform)
t.Run("updatable jar from some other apex in the ART boot image => error", func(t *testing.T) {
error = "module 'some-updatable-apex-lib' from updatable apex 'some-updatable-apex' is not allowed in the ART boot image"
transform = func(config *dexpreopt.GlobalConfig) {
config.ArtApexJars = []string{"some-updatable-apex:some-updatable-apex-lib"}
testNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t, error, transform)
t.Run("non-updatable jar from some other apex in the ART boot image => error", func(t *testing.T) {
error = "module 'some-non-updatable-apex-lib' is not allowed in the ART boot image"
transform = func(config *dexpreopt.GlobalConfig) {
config.ArtApexJars = []string{"some-non-updatable-apex:some-non-updatable-apex-lib"}
testNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t, error, transform)
t.Run("updatable jar from some other apex in the framework boot image => error", func(t *testing.T) {
error = "module 'some-updatable-apex-lib' from updatable apex 'some-updatable-apex' is not allowed in the framework boot image"
transform = func(config *dexpreopt.GlobalConfig) {
config.BootJars = []string{"some-updatable-apex:some-updatable-apex-lib"}
testNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t, error, transform)
t.Run("non-updatable jar from some other apex in the framework boot image => ok", func(t *testing.T) {
transform = func(config *dexpreopt.GlobalConfig) {
config.BootJars = []string{"some-non-updatable-apex:some-non-updatable-apex-lib"}
testNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t, "", transform)
t.Run("nonexistent jar in the ART boot image => error", func(t *testing.T) {
error = "failed to find a dex jar path for module 'nonexistent'"
transform = func(config *dexpreopt.GlobalConfig) {
config.ArtApexJars = []string{"platform:nonexistent"}
testNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t, error, transform)
t.Run("nonexistent jar in the framework boot image => error", func(t *testing.T) {
error = "failed to find a dex jar path for module 'nonexistent'"
transform = func(config *dexpreopt.GlobalConfig) {
config.BootJars = []string{"platform:nonexistent"}
testNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t, error, transform)
t.Run("platform jar in the ART boot image => error", func(t *testing.T) {
error = "module 'some-platform-lib' is not allowed in the ART boot image"
transform = func(config *dexpreopt.GlobalConfig) {
config.ArtApexJars = []string{"platform:some-platform-lib"}
testNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t, error, transform)
t.Run("platform jar in the framework boot image => ok", func(t *testing.T) {
transform = func(config *dexpreopt.GlobalConfig) {
config.BootJars = []string{"platform:some-platform-lib"}
testNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage(t, "", transform)
func TestTestFor(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _ := testApex(t, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib", "myprivlib"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: {
versions: ["1"],
apex_available: ["myapex"],
cc_library {
name: "myprivlib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: ["myapex"],
cc_test {
name: "mytest",
gtest: false,
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
shared_libs: ["mylib", "myprivlib"],
test_for: ["myapex"]
// the test 'mytest' is a test for the apex, therefore is linked to the
// actual implementation of mylib instead of its stub.
ldFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mytest", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
ensureContains(t, ldFlags, "mylib/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
ensureNotContains(t, ldFlags, "mylib/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_1/")
// TODO(jungjw): Move this to proptools
func intPtr(i int) *int {
return &i
func TestApexSet(t *testing.T) {
ctx, config := testApex(t, `
apex_set {
name: "myapex",
set: "myapex.apks",
filename: "foo_v2.apex",
overrides: ["foo"],
`, func(fs map[string][]byte, config android.Config) {
config.TestProductVariables.Platform_sdk_version = intPtr(30)
config.TestProductVariables.DeviceArch = proptools.StringPtr("arm")
config.TestProductVariables.DeviceSecondaryArch = proptools.StringPtr("arm64")
m := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common")
// Check extract_apks tool parameters.
extractedApex := m.Output(buildDir + "/.intermediates/myapex/android_common/foo_v2.apex")
actual := extractedApex.Args["abis"]
expected := "ARMEABI_V7A,ARM64_V8A"
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected abis parameter - expected %q vs actual %q", expected, actual)
actual = extractedApex.Args["sdk-version"]
expected = "30"
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected abis parameter - expected %q vs actual %q", expected, actual)
a := m.Module().(*ApexSet)
expectedOverrides := []string{"foo"}
actualOverrides := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, config, "", a)[0].EntryMap["LOCAL_OVERRIDES_MODULES"]
if !reflect.DeepEqual(actualOverrides, expectedOverrides) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect LOCAL_OVERRIDES_MODULES - expected %q vs actual %q", expectedOverrides, actualOverrides)
func TestNoStaticLinkingToStubsLib(t *testing.T) {
testApexError(t, `.*required by "mylib" is a native library providing stub.*`, `
apex {
name: "myapex",
key: "myapex.key",
native_shared_libs: ["mylib"],
apex_key {
name: "myapex.key",
public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
private_key: "testkey.pem",
cc_library {
name: "mylib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
static_libs: ["otherlib"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
cc_library {
name: "otherlib",
srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
system_shared_libs: [],
stl: "none",
stubs: {
versions: ["1", "2", "3"],
apex_available: [ "myapex" ],
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
run := func() int {
defer tearDown()
return m.Run()