blob: 2a80e560e8b21b17cd1e3ffa94eb36af6b7eff3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Convert makefile containing device configuration to Starlark file
// The conversion can handle the following constructs in a makefile:
// * comments
// * simple variable assignments
// * $(call init-product,<file>)
// * $(call inherit-product-if-exists
// * if directives
// All other constructs are carried over to the output starlark file as comments.
package mk2rbc
import (
mkparser "android/soong/androidmk/parser"
const (
annotationCommentPrefix = "RBC#"
baseUri = "//build/make/core:product_config.rbc"
// The name of the struct exported by the product_config.rbc
// that contains the functions and variables available to
// product configuration Starlark files.
baseName = "rblf"
soongNsPrefix = "SOONG_CONFIG_"
// And here are the functions and variables:
cfnGetCfg = baseName + ".cfg"
cfnMain = baseName + ".product_configuration"
cfnBoardMain = baseName + ".board_configuration"
cfnPrintVars = baseName + ".printvars"
cfnPrintGlobals = baseName + ".printglobals"
cfnWarning = baseName + ".warning"
cfnLocalAppend = baseName + ".local_append"
cfnLocalSetDefault = baseName + ".local_set_default"
cfnInherit = baseName + ".inherit"
cfnSetListDefault = baseName + ".setdefault"
const (
// Phony makefile functions, they are eventually rewritten
// according to knownFunctions map
fileExistsPhony = "$file_exists"
// The following two macros are obsolete, and will we deleted once
// there are deleted from the makefiles:
soongConfigNamespaceOld = "add_soong_config_namespace"
soongConfigVarSetOld = "add_soong_config_var_value"
soongConfigAppend = "soong_config_append"
soongConfigAssign = "soong_config_set"
soongConfigGet = "soong_config_get"
wildcardExistsPhony = "$wildcard_exists"
const (
callLoadAlways = "inherit-product"
callLoadIf = "inherit-product-if-exists"
var knownFunctions = map[string]struct {
// The name of the runtime function this function call in makefiles maps to.
// If it starts with !, then this makefile function call is rewritten to
// something else.
runtimeName string
returnType starlarkType
hiddenArg hiddenArgType
"abspath": {baseName + ".abspath", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgNone},
fileExistsPhony: {baseName + ".file_exists", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone},
wildcardExistsPhony: {baseName + ".file_wildcard_exists", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone},
soongConfigNamespaceOld: {baseName + ".soong_config_namespace", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgGlobal},
soongConfigVarSetOld: {baseName + ".soong_config_set", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgGlobal},
soongConfigAssign: {baseName + ".soong_config_set", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgGlobal},
soongConfigAppend: {baseName + ".soong_config_append", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgGlobal},
soongConfigGet: {baseName + ".soong_config_get", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgGlobal},
"add-to-product-copy-files-if-exists": {baseName + ".copy_if_exists", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
"addprefix": {baseName + ".addprefix", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
"addsuffix": {baseName + ".addsuffix", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
"copy-files": {baseName + ".copy_files", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
"dir": {baseName + ".dir", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
"dist-for-goals": {baseName + ".mkdist_for_goals", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgGlobal},
"enforce-product-packages-exist": {baseName + ".enforce_product_packages_exist", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgNone},
"error": {baseName + ".mkerror", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgNone},
"findstring": {baseName + ".findstring", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgNone},
"find-copy-subdir-files": {baseName + ".find_and_copy", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
"find-word-in-list": {"!find-word-in-list", starlarkTypeUnknown, hiddenArgNone}, // internal macro
"filter": {baseName + ".filter", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
"filter-out": {baseName + ".filter_out", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
"firstword": {"!firstword", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgNone},
"foreach": {"!foreach", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
"get-vendor-board-platforms": {"!get-vendor-board-platforms", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone}, // internal macro, used by is-board-platform, etc.
"if": {"!if", starlarkTypeUnknown, hiddenArgNone},
"info": {baseName + ".mkinfo", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgNone},
"is-android-codename": {"!is-android-codename", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone}, // unused by product config
"is-android-codename-in-list": {"!is-android-codename-in-list", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone}, // unused by product config
"is-board-platform": {"!is-board-platform", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone},
"is-board-platform2": {baseName + ".board_platform_is", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgGlobal},
"is-board-platform-in-list": {"!is-board-platform-in-list", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone},
"is-board-platform-in-list2": {baseName + ".board_platform_in", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgGlobal},
"is-chipset-in-board-platform": {"!is-chipset-in-board-platform", starlarkTypeUnknown, hiddenArgNone}, // unused by product config
"is-chipset-prefix-in-board-platform": {"!is-chipset-prefix-in-board-platform", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone}, // unused by product config
"is-not-board-platform": {"!is-not-board-platform", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone}, // defined but never used
"is-platform-sdk-version-at-least": {"!is-platform-sdk-version-at-least", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone}, // unused by product config
"is-product-in-list": {"!is-product-in-list", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone},
"is-vendor-board-platform": {"!is-vendor-board-platform", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone},
"is-vendor-board-qcom": {"!is-vendor-board-qcom", starlarkTypeBool, hiddenArgNone},
callLoadAlways: {"!inherit-product", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgNone},
callLoadIf: {"!inherit-product-if-exists", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgNone},
"lastword": {"!lastword", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgNone},
"match-prefix": {"!match-prefix", starlarkTypeUnknown, hiddenArgNone}, // internal macro
"match-word": {"!match-word", starlarkTypeUnknown, hiddenArgNone}, // internal macro
"match-word-in-list": {"!match-word-in-list", starlarkTypeUnknown, hiddenArgNone}, // internal macro
"notdir": {baseName + ".notdir", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgNone},
"my-dir": {"!my-dir", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgNone},
"patsubst": {baseName + ".mkpatsubst", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgNone},
"product-copy-files-by-pattern": {baseName + ".product_copy_files_by_pattern", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
"require-artifacts-in-path": {baseName + ".require_artifacts_in_path", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgNone},
"require-artifacts-in-path-relaxed": {baseName + ".require_artifacts_in_path_relaxed", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgNone},
// TODO(asmundak): remove it once all calls are removed from configuration makefiles. see b/183161002
"shell": {baseName + ".shell", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgNone},
"strip": {baseName + ".mkstrip", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgNone},
"tb-modules": {"!tb-modules", starlarkTypeUnknown, hiddenArgNone}, // defined in hardware/amlogic/tb_modules/, unused
"subst": {baseName + ".mksubst", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgNone},
"warning": {baseName + ".mkwarning", starlarkTypeVoid, hiddenArgNone},
"word": {baseName + "!word", starlarkTypeString, hiddenArgNone},
"wildcard": {baseName + ".expand_wildcard", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
"words": {baseName + ".words", starlarkTypeList, hiddenArgNone},
var identifierFullMatchRegex = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$")
// Conversion request parameters
type Request struct {
MkFile string // file to convert
Reader io.Reader // if set, read input from this stream instead
RootDir string // root directory path used to resolve included files
OutputSuffix string // generated Starlark files suffix
OutputDir string // if set, root of the output hierarchy
ErrorLogger ErrorLogger
TracedVariables []string // trace assignment to these variables
TraceCalls bool
SourceFS fs.FS
MakefileFinder MakefileFinder
// ErrorLogger prints errors and gathers error statistics.
// Its NewError function is called on every error encountered during the conversion.
type ErrorLogger interface {
NewError(el ErrorLocation, node mkparser.Node, text string, args ...interface{})
type ErrorLocation struct {
MkFile string
MkLine int
func (el ErrorLocation) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", el.MkFile, el.MkLine)
// Derives module name for a given file. It is base name
// (file name without suffix), with some characters replaced to make it a Starlark identifier
func moduleNameForFile(mkFile string) string {
base := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(mkFile), filepath.Ext(mkFile))
// TODO(asmundak): what else can be in the product file names?
return strings.NewReplacer("-", "_", ".", "_").Replace(base)
func cloneMakeString(mkString *mkparser.MakeString) *mkparser.MakeString {
r := &mkparser.MakeString{StringPos: mkString.StringPos}
r.Strings = append(r.Strings, mkString.Strings...)
r.Variables = append(r.Variables, mkString.Variables...)
return r
func isMakeControlFunc(s string) bool {
return s == "error" || s == "warning" || s == "info"
// Starlark output generation context
type generationContext struct {
buf strings.Builder
starScript *StarlarkScript
indentLevel int
inAssignment bool
tracedCount int
func NewGenerateContext(ss *StarlarkScript) *generationContext {
return &generationContext{starScript: ss}
// emit returns generated script
func (gctx *generationContext) emit() string {
ss := gctx.starScript
// The emitted code has the following layout:
// <initial comments>
// preamble, i.e.,
// load statement for the runtime support
// load statement for each unique submodule pulled in by this one
// def init(g, handle):
// cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
// <statements>
// <warning if conversion was not clean>
iNode := len(ss.nodes)
for i, node := range ss.nodes {
if _, ok := node.(*commentNode); !ok {
iNode = i
// The arguments passed to the init function are the global dictionary
// ('g') and the product configuration dictionary ('cfg')
gctx.write("def init(g, handle):")
if gctx.starScript.traceCalls {
gctx.writef(`print(">%s")`, gctx.starScript.mkFile)
gctx.writef("cfg = %s(handle)", cfnGetCfg)
for _, node := range ss.nodes[iNode:] {
if gctx.starScript.traceCalls {
gctx.writef(`print("<%s")`, gctx.starScript.mkFile)
return gctx.buf.String()
func (gctx *generationContext) emitPreamble() {
gctx.writef("load(%q, %q)", baseUri, baseName)
// Emit exactly one load statement for each URI.
loadedSubConfigs := make(map[string]string)
for _, sc := range gctx.starScript.inherited {
uri := sc.path
if m, ok := loadedSubConfigs[uri]; ok {
// No need to emit load statement, but fix module name.
sc.moduleLocalName = m
if sc.optional {
uri += "|init"
gctx.writef("load(%q, %s = \"init\")", uri, sc.entryName())
loadedSubConfigs[uri] = sc.moduleLocalName
func (gctx *generationContext) emitPass() {
func (gctx *generationContext) write(ss ...string) {
for _, s := range ss {
func (gctx *generationContext) writef(format string, args ...interface{}) {
gctx.write(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
func (gctx *generationContext) newLine() {
if gctx.buf.Len() == 0 {
gctx.writef("%*s", 2*gctx.indentLevel, "")
func (gctx *generationContext) emitConversionError(el ErrorLocation, message string) {
gctx.writef(`rblf.mk2rbc_error("%s", %q)`, el, message)
type knownVariable struct {
name string
class varClass
valueType starlarkType
type knownVariables map[string]knownVariable
func (pcv knownVariables) NewVariable(name string, varClass varClass, valueType starlarkType) {
v, exists := pcv[name]
if !exists {
pcv[name] = knownVariable{name, varClass, valueType}
// Conflict resolution:
// * config class trumps everything
// * any type trumps unknown type
match := varClass == v.class
if !match {
if varClass == VarClassConfig {
v.class = VarClassConfig
match = true
} else if v.class == VarClassConfig {
match = true
if valueType != v.valueType {
if valueType != starlarkTypeUnknown {
if v.valueType == starlarkTypeUnknown {
v.valueType = valueType
} else {
match = false
if !match {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cannot redefine %s as %v/%v (already defined as %v/%v)\n",
name, varClass, valueType, v.class, v.valueType)
// All known product variables.
var KnownVariables = make(knownVariables)
func init() {
for _, kv := range []string{
// Kernel-related variables that we know are lists.
// Other variables we knwo are lists
} {
KnownVariables.NewVariable(kv, VarClassSoong, starlarkTypeList)
type nodeReceiver interface {
newNode(node starlarkNode)
// Information about the generated Starlark script.
type StarlarkScript struct {
mkFile string
moduleName string
mkPos scanner.Position
nodes []starlarkNode
inherited []*moduleInfo
hasErrors bool
topDir string
traceCalls bool // print enter/exit each init function
sourceFS fs.FS
makefileFinder MakefileFinder
nodeLocator func(pos mkparser.Pos) int
func (ss *StarlarkScript) newNode(node starlarkNode) {
ss.nodes = append(ss.nodes, node)
// varAssignmentScope points to the last assignment for each variable
// in the current block. It is used during the parsing to chain
// the assignments to a variable together.
type varAssignmentScope struct {
outer *varAssignmentScope
vars map[string]*assignmentNode
// parseContext holds the script we are generating and all the ephemeral data
// needed during the parsing.
type parseContext struct {
script *StarlarkScript
nodes []mkparser.Node // Makefile as parsed by mkparser
currentNodeIndex int // Node in it we are processing
ifNestLevel int
moduleNameCount map[string]int // count of imported modules with given basename
fatalError error
outputSuffix string
errorLogger ErrorLogger
tracedVariables map[string]bool // variables to be traced in the generated script
variables map[string]variable
varAssignments *varAssignmentScope
receiver nodeReceiver // receptacle for the generated starlarkNode's
receiverStack []nodeReceiver
outputDir string
dependentModules map[string]*moduleInfo
soongNamespaces map[string]map[string]bool
includeTops []string
func newParseContext(ss *StarlarkScript, nodes []mkparser.Node) *parseContext {
topdir, _ := filepath.Split(filepath.Join(ss.topDir, "foo"))
predefined := []struct{ name, value string }{
{"SRC_TARGET_DIR", filepath.Join("build", "make", "target")},
{"LOCAL_PATH", filepath.Dir(ss.mkFile)},
{"TOPDIR", topdir},
// TODO(asmundak): maybe read it from build/make/core/
{"TARGET_COPY_OUT_SYSTEM_OTHER", "system_other"},
{"TARGET_COPY_OUT_ASAN", filepath.Join("data", "asan")},
{"TARGET_COPY_OUT_DEBUG_RAMDISK", "debug_ramdisk"},
{"TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR_DEBUG_RAMDISK", "vendor_debug_ramdisk"},
{"TARGET_COPY_OUT_TEST_HARNESS_RAMDISK", "test_harness_ramdisk"},
{"TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR_RAMDISK", "vendor_ramdisk"},
// TODO(asmundak): to process internal config files, we need the following variables:
// target_base_product
// the following utility variables are set in build/make/common/
{"empty", ""},
{"space", " "},
{"comma", ","},
{"newline", "\n"},
{"pound", "#"},
{"backslash", "\\"},
ctx := &parseContext{
script: ss,
nodes: nodes,
currentNodeIndex: 0,
ifNestLevel: 0,
moduleNameCount: make(map[string]int),
variables: make(map[string]variable),
dependentModules: make(map[string]*moduleInfo),
soongNamespaces: make(map[string]map[string]bool),
includeTops: []string{"vendor/google-devices"},
for _, item := range predefined {
ctx.variables[] = &predefinedVariable{
baseVariable: baseVariable{nam:, typ: starlarkTypeString},
value: &stringLiteralExpr{item.value},
return ctx
func (ctx *parseContext) lastAssignment(name string) *assignmentNode {
for va := ctx.varAssignments; va != nil; va = va.outer {
if v, ok := va.vars[name]; ok {
return v
return nil
func (ctx *parseContext) setLastAssignment(name string, asgn *assignmentNode) {
ctx.varAssignments.vars[name] = asgn
func (ctx *parseContext) pushVarAssignments() {
va := &varAssignmentScope{
outer: ctx.varAssignments,
vars: make(map[string]*assignmentNode),
ctx.varAssignments = va
func (ctx *parseContext) popVarAssignments() {
ctx.varAssignments = ctx.varAssignments.outer
func (ctx *parseContext) pushReceiver(rcv nodeReceiver) {
ctx.receiverStack = append(ctx.receiverStack, ctx.receiver)
ctx.receiver = rcv
func (ctx *parseContext) popReceiver() {
last := len(ctx.receiverStack) - 1
if last < 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("popReceiver: receiver stack empty"))
ctx.receiver = ctx.receiverStack[last]
ctx.receiverStack = ctx.receiverStack[0:last]
func (ctx *parseContext) hasNodes() bool {
return ctx.currentNodeIndex < len(ctx.nodes)
func (ctx *parseContext) getNode() mkparser.Node {
if !ctx.hasNodes() {
return nil
node := ctx.nodes[ctx.currentNodeIndex]
return node
func (ctx *parseContext) backNode() {
if ctx.currentNodeIndex <= 0 {
panic("Cannot back off")
func (ctx *parseContext) handleAssignment(a *mkparser.Assignment) {
// Handle only simple variables
if !a.Name.Const() {
ctx.errorf(a, "Only simple variables are handled")
name := a.Name.Strings[0]
// The `override` directive
// override FOO :=
// is parsed as an assignment to a variable named `override FOO`.
// There are very few places where `override` is used, just flag it.
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "override ") {
ctx.errorf(a, "cannot handle override directive")
// Soong configuration
if strings.HasPrefix(name, soongNsPrefix) {
ctx.handleSoongNsAssignment(strings.TrimPrefix(name, soongNsPrefix), a)
lhs := ctx.addVariable(name)
if lhs == nil {
ctx.errorf(a, "unknown variable %s", name)
_, isTraced := ctx.tracedVariables[name]
asgn := &assignmentNode{lhs: lhs, mkValue: a.Value, isTraced: isTraced, location: ctx.errorLocation(a)}
if lhs.valueType() == starlarkTypeUnknown {
// Try to divine variable type from the RHS
asgn.value = ctx.parseMakeString(a, a.Value)
if xBad, ok := asgn.value.(*badExpr); ok {
inferred_type := asgn.value.typ()
if inferred_type != starlarkTypeUnknown {
if lhs.valueType() == starlarkTypeList {
xConcat := ctx.buildConcatExpr(a)
if xConcat == nil {
switch len(xConcat.items) {
case 0:
asgn.value = &listExpr{}
case 1:
asgn.value = xConcat.items[0]
asgn.value = xConcat
} else {
asgn.value = ctx.parseMakeString(a, a.Value)
if xBad, ok := asgn.value.(*badExpr); ok {
asgn.previous = ctx.lastAssignment(name)
ctx.setLastAssignment(name, asgn)
switch a.Type {
case "=", ":=":
asgn.flavor = asgnSet
case "+=":
if asgn.previous == nil && !asgn.lhs.isPreset() {
asgn.flavor = asgnMaybeAppend
} else {
asgn.flavor = asgnAppend
case "?=":
asgn.flavor = asgnMaybeSet
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected assignment type %s", a.Type))
func (ctx *parseContext) handleSoongNsAssignment(name string, asgn *mkparser.Assignment) {
val := ctx.parseMakeString(asgn, asgn.Value)
if xBad, ok := val.(*badExpr); ok {
// Unfortunately, Soong namespaces can be set up by directly setting corresponding Make
// variables instead of via add_soong_config_namespace + add_soong_config_var_value.
// Try to divine the call from the assignment as follows:
if name == "NAMESPACES" {
// Upon seeng
// remember that there is a namespace `foo` and act as we saw
// $(call add_soong_config_namespace,foo)
s, ok := maybeString(val)
if !ok {
ctx.errorf(asgn, "cannot handle variables in SOONG_CONFIG_NAMESPACES assignment, please use add_soong_config_namespace instead")
for _, ns := range strings.Fields(s) {
name: soongConfigNamespaceOld,
args: []starlarkExpr{&stringLiteralExpr{ns}},
returnType: starlarkTypeVoid,
} else {
// Upon seeing
// SOONG_CONFIG_x_y = v
// find a namespace called `x` and act as if we encountered
// $(call soong_config_set,x,y,v)
// or check that `x_y` is a namespace, and then add the RHS of this assignment as variables in
// it.
// Emit an error in the ambiguous situation (namespaces `foo_bar` with a variable `baz`
// and `foo` with a variable `bar_baz`.
namespaceName := ""
if ctx.hasSoongNamespace(name) {
namespaceName = name
var varName string
for pos, ch := range name {
if !(ch == '_' && ctx.hasSoongNamespace(name[0:pos])) {
if namespaceName != "" {
ctx.errorf(asgn, "ambiguous soong namespace (may be either `%s` or `%s`)", namespaceName, name[0:pos])
namespaceName = name[0:pos]
varName = name[pos+1:]
if namespaceName == "" {
ctx.errorf(asgn, "cannot figure out Soong namespace, please use add_soong_config_var_value macro instead")
if varName == "" {
// Remember variables in this namespace
s, ok := maybeString(val)
if !ok {
ctx.errorf(asgn, "cannot handle variables in SOONG_CONFIG_ assignment, please use add_soong_config_var_value instead")
ctx.updateSoongNamespace(asgn.Type != "+=", namespaceName, strings.Fields(s))
// Finally, handle assignment to a namespace variable
if !ctx.hasNamespaceVar(namespaceName, varName) {
ctx.errorf(asgn, "no %s variable in %s namespace, please use add_soong_config_var_value instead", varName, namespaceName)
fname := soongConfigAssign
if asgn.Type == "+=" {
fname = soongConfigAppend
name: fname,
args: []starlarkExpr{&stringLiteralExpr{namespaceName}, &stringLiteralExpr{varName}, val},
returnType: starlarkTypeVoid,
func (ctx *parseContext) buildConcatExpr(a *mkparser.Assignment) *concatExpr {
xConcat := &concatExpr{}
var xItemList *listExpr
addToItemList := func(x ...starlarkExpr) {
if xItemList == nil {
xItemList = &listExpr{[]starlarkExpr{}}
xItemList.items = append(xItemList.items, x...)
finishItemList := func() {
if xItemList != nil {
xConcat.items = append(xConcat.items, xItemList)
xItemList = nil
items := a.Value.Words()
for _, item := range items {
// A function call in RHS is supposed to return a list, all other item
// expressions return individual elements.
switch x := ctx.parseMakeString(a, item).(type) {
case *badExpr:
return nil
case *stringLiteralExpr:
switch x.typ() {
case starlarkTypeList:
xConcat.items = append(xConcat.items, x)
case starlarkTypeString:
xConcat.items = append(xConcat.items, &callExpr{
object: x,
name: "split",
args: nil,
returnType: starlarkTypeList,
if xItemList != nil {
xConcat.items = append(xConcat.items, xItemList)
return xConcat
func (ctx *parseContext) newDependentModule(path string, optional bool) *moduleInfo {
modulePath := ctx.loadedModulePath(path)
if mi, ok := ctx.dependentModules[modulePath]; ok {
mi.optional = mi.optional && optional
return mi
moduleName := moduleNameForFile(path)
moduleLocalName := "_" + moduleName
n, found := ctx.moduleNameCount[moduleName]
if found {
moduleLocalName += fmt.Sprintf("%d", n)
ctx.moduleNameCount[moduleName] = n + 1
mi := &moduleInfo{
path: modulePath,
originalPath: path,
moduleLocalName: moduleLocalName,
optional: optional,
ctx.dependentModules[modulePath] = mi
ctx.script.inherited = append(ctx.script.inherited, mi)
return mi
func (ctx *parseContext) handleSubConfig(
v mkparser.Node, pathExpr starlarkExpr, loadAlways bool, processModule func(inheritedModule)) {
// In a simple case, the name of a module to inherit/include is known statically.
if path, ok := maybeString(pathExpr); ok {
// Note that even if this directive loads a module unconditionally, a module may be
// absent without causing any harm if this directive is inside an if/else block.
moduleShouldExist := loadAlways && ctx.ifNestLevel == 0
if strings.Contains(path, "*") {
if paths, err := fs.Glob(ctx.script.sourceFS, path); err == nil {
for _, p := range paths {
mi := ctx.newDependentModule(p, !moduleShouldExist)
processModule(inheritedStaticModule{mi, loadAlways})
} else {
ctx.errorf(v, "cannot glob wildcard argument")
} else {
mi := ctx.newDependentModule(path, !moduleShouldExist)
processModule(inheritedStaticModule{mi, loadAlways})
// If module path references variables (e.g., $(v1)/foo/$(v2)/, find all the paths in the
// source tree that may be a match and the corresponding variable values. For instance, if the source tree
// contains vendor1/foo/abc/ and vendor2/foo/def/, the first one will be inherited when
// (v1, v2) == ('vendor1', 'abc'), and the second one when (v1, v2) == ('vendor2', 'def').
// We then emit the code that loads all of them, e.g.:
// load("//vendor1/foo/abc:dev.rbc", _dev1_init="init")
// load("//vendor2/foo/def/dev.rbc", _dev2_init="init")
// And then inherit it as follows:
// _e = {
// "vendor1/foo/abc/": ("vendor1/foo/abc/dev", _dev1_init),
// "vendor2/foo/def/": ("vendor2/foo/def/dev", _dev_init2) }.get("%s/foo/%s/" % (v1, v2))
// if _e:
// rblf.inherit(handle, _e[0], _e[1])
var matchingPaths []string
varPath, ok := pathExpr.(*interpolateExpr)
if !ok {
ctx.errorf(v, "inherit-product/include argument is too complex")
pathPattern := []string{varPath.chunks[0]}
for _, chunk := range varPath.chunks[1:] {
if chunk != "" {
pathPattern = append(pathPattern, chunk)
if pathPattern[0] == "" {
// If pattern starts from the top. restrict it to the directories where
// we know inherit-product uses dynamically calculated path.
for _, p := range ctx.includeTops {
pathPattern[0] = p
matchingPaths = append(matchingPaths, ctx.findMatchingPaths(pathPattern)...)
} else {
matchingPaths = ctx.findMatchingPaths(pathPattern)
// Safeguard against $(call inherit-product,$(PRODUCT_PATH))
const maxMatchingFiles = 150
if len(matchingPaths) > maxMatchingFiles {
ctx.errorf(v, "there are >%d files matching the pattern, please rewrite it", maxMatchingFiles)
res := inheritedDynamicModule{*varPath, []*moduleInfo{}, loadAlways}
for _, p := range matchingPaths {
// A product configuration files discovered dynamically may attempt to inherit
// from another one which does not exist in this source tree. Prevent load errors
// by always loading the dynamic files as optional.
res.candidateModules = append(res.candidateModules, ctx.newDependentModule(p, true))
func (ctx *parseContext) findMatchingPaths(pattern []string) []string {
files := ctx.script.makefileFinder.Find(ctx.script.topDir)
if len(pattern) == 0 {
return files
// Create regular expression from the pattern
s_regexp := "^" + regexp.QuoteMeta(pattern[0])
for _, s := range pattern[1:] {
s_regexp += ".*" + regexp.QuoteMeta(s)
s_regexp += "$"
rex := regexp.MustCompile(s_regexp)
// Now match
var res []string
for _, p := range files {
if rex.MatchString(p) {
res = append(res, p)
return res
func (ctx *parseContext) handleInheritModule(v mkparser.Node, pathExpr starlarkExpr, loadAlways bool) {
ctx.handleSubConfig(v, pathExpr, loadAlways, func(im inheritedModule) {
ctx.receiver.newNode(&inheritNode{im, loadAlways})
func (ctx *parseContext) handleInclude(v mkparser.Node, pathExpr starlarkExpr, loadAlways bool) {
ctx.handleSubConfig(v, pathExpr, loadAlways, func(im inheritedModule) {
ctx.receiver.newNode(&includeNode{im, loadAlways})
func (ctx *parseContext) handleVariable(v *mkparser.Variable) {
// Handle:
// $(call inherit-product,...)
// $(call inherit-product-if-exists,...)
// $(info xxx)
// $(warning xxx)
// $(error xxx)
expr := ctx.parseReference(v, v.Name)
switch x := expr.(type) {
case *callExpr:
if == callLoadAlways || == callLoadIf {
ctx.handleInheritModule(v, x.args[0], == callLoadAlways)
} else if isMakeControlFunc( {
// File name is the first argument
args := []starlarkExpr{
&callExpr{name:, args: args, returnType: starlarkTypeUnknown},
} else {
case *badExpr:
ctx.errorf(v, "cannot handle %s", v.Dump())
func (ctx *parseContext) handleDefine(directive *mkparser.Directive) {
macro_name := strings.Fields(directive.Args.Strings[0])[0]
// Ignore the macros that we handle
if _, ok := knownFunctions[macro_name]; !ok {
ctx.errorf(directive, "define is not supported: %s", macro_name)
func (ctx *parseContext) handleIfBlock(ifDirective *mkparser.Directive) {
ssSwitch := &switchNode{}
for ctx.processBranch(ifDirective); ctx.hasNodes() && ctx.fatalError == nil; {
node := ctx.getNode()
switch x := node.(type) {
case *mkparser.Directive:
switch x.Name {
case "else", "elifdef", "elifndef", "elifeq", "elifneq":
case "endif":
ctx.errorf(node, "unexpected directive %s", x.Name)
ctx.errorf(ifDirective, "unexpected statement")
if ctx.fatalError == nil {
ctx.fatalError = fmt.Errorf("no matching endif for %s", ifDirective.Dump())
// processBranch processes a single branch (if/elseif/else) until the next directive
// on the same level.
func (ctx *parseContext) processBranch(check *mkparser.Directive) {
block := switchCase{gate: ctx.parseCondition(check)}
defer func() {
for ctx.hasNodes() {
node := ctx.getNode()
if d, ok := node.(*mkparser.Directive); ok {
switch d.Name {
case "else", "elifdef", "elifndef", "elifeq", "elifneq", "endif":
ctx.fatalError = fmt.Errorf("no matching endif for %s", check.Dump())
func (ctx *parseContext) newIfDefinedNode(check *mkparser.Directive) (starlarkExpr, bool) {
if !check.Args.Const() {
return ctx.newBadExpr(check, "ifdef variable ref too complex: %s", check.Args.Dump()), false
v := ctx.addVariable(check.Args.Strings[0])
return &variableDefinedExpr{v}, true
func (ctx *parseContext) parseCondition(check *mkparser.Directive) starlarkNode {
switch check.Name {
case "ifdef", "ifndef", "elifdef", "elifndef":
v, ok := ctx.newIfDefinedNode(check)
if ok && strings.HasSuffix(check.Name, "ndef") {
v = &notExpr{v}
return &ifNode{
isElif: strings.HasPrefix(check.Name, "elif"),
expr: v,
case "ifeq", "ifneq", "elifeq", "elifneq":
return &ifNode{
isElif: strings.HasPrefix(check.Name, "elif"),
expr: ctx.parseCompare(check),
case "else":
return &elseNode{}
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s: unknown directive: %s", ctx.script.mkFile, check.Dump()))
func (ctx *parseContext) newBadExpr(node mkparser.Node, text string, args ...interface{}) starlarkExpr {
message := fmt.Sprintf(text, args...)
if ctx.errorLogger != nil {
ctx.errorLogger.NewError(ctx.errorLocation(node), node, text, args...)
ctx.script.hasErrors = true
return &badExpr{errorLocation: ctx.errorLocation(node), message: message}
func (ctx *parseContext) parseCompare(cond *mkparser.Directive) starlarkExpr {
// Strip outer parentheses
mkArg := cloneMakeString(cond.Args)
mkArg.Strings[0] = strings.TrimLeft(mkArg.Strings[0], "( ")
n := len(mkArg.Strings)
mkArg.Strings[n-1] = strings.TrimRight(mkArg.Strings[n-1], ") ")
args := mkArg.Split(",")
// TODO(asmundak): handle the case where the arguments are in quotes and space-separated
if len(args) != 2 {
return ctx.newBadExpr(cond, "ifeq/ifneq len(args) != 2 %s", cond.Dump())
isEq := !strings.HasSuffix(cond.Name, "neq")
xLeft := ctx.parseMakeString(cond, args[0])
xRight := ctx.parseMakeString(cond, args[1])
if bad, ok := xLeft.(*badExpr); ok {
return bad
if bad, ok := xRight.(*badExpr); ok {
return bad
if expr, ok := ctx.parseCompareSpecialCases(cond, xLeft, xRight); ok {
return expr
return &eqExpr{left: xLeft, right: xRight, isEq: isEq}
// Given an if statement's directive and the left/right starlarkExprs,
// check if the starlarkExprs are one of a few hardcoded special cases
// that can be converted to a simpler equalify expression than simply comparing
// the two.
func (ctx *parseContext) parseCompareSpecialCases(directive *mkparser.Directive, left starlarkExpr,
right starlarkExpr) (starlarkExpr, bool) {
isEq := !strings.HasSuffix(directive.Name, "neq")
// All the special cases require a call on one side and a
// string literal/variable on the other. Turn the left/right variables into
// call/value variables, and return false if that's not possible.
var value starlarkExpr = nil
call, ok := left.(*callExpr)
if ok {
switch right.(type) {
case *stringLiteralExpr, *variableRefExpr:
value = right
} else {
call, _ = right.(*callExpr)
switch left.(type) {
case *stringLiteralExpr, *variableRefExpr:
value = left
if call == nil || value == nil {
return nil, false
checkIsSomethingFunction := func(xCall *callExpr) starlarkExpr {
s, ok := maybeString(value)
if !ok || s != "true" {
return ctx.newBadExpr(directive,
fmt.Sprintf("the result of %s can be compared only to 'true'",
if len(xCall.args) < 1 {
return ctx.newBadExpr(directive, "%s requires an argument",
return nil
switch {
case "filter", "filter-out":
return ctx.parseCompareFilterFuncResult(directive, call, value, isEq), true
case "wildcard":
return ctx.parseCompareWildcardFuncResult(directive, call, value, !isEq), true
case "findstring":
return ctx.parseCheckFindstringFuncResult(directive, call, value, !isEq), true
case "strip":
return ctx.parseCompareStripFuncResult(directive, call, value, !isEq), true
case "is-board-platform":
if xBad := checkIsSomethingFunction(call); xBad != nil {
return xBad, true
return &eqExpr{
left: NewVariableRefExpr(ctx.addVariable("TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM"), false),
right: call.args[0],
isEq: isEq,
}, true
case "is-board-platform-in-list":
if xBad := checkIsSomethingFunction(call); xBad != nil {
return xBad, true
return &inExpr{
expr: NewVariableRefExpr(ctx.addVariable("TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM"), false),
list: maybeConvertToStringList(call.args[0]),
isNot: !isEq,
}, true
case "is-product-in-list":
if xBad := checkIsSomethingFunction(call); xBad != nil {
return xBad, true
return &inExpr{
expr: NewVariableRefExpr(ctx.addVariable("TARGET_PRODUCT"), true),
list: maybeConvertToStringList(call.args[0]),
isNot: !isEq,
}, true
case "is-vendor-board-platform":
if xBad := checkIsSomethingFunction(call); xBad != nil {
return xBad, true
s, ok := maybeString(call.args[0])
if !ok {
return ctx.newBadExpr(directive, "cannot handle non-constant argument to is-vendor-board-platform"), true
return &inExpr{
expr: NewVariableRefExpr(ctx.addVariable("TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM"), false),
list: NewVariableRefExpr(ctx.addVariable(s+"_BOARD_PLATFORMS"), true),
isNot: !isEq,
}, true
case "is-board-platform2", "is-board-platform-in-list2":
if s, ok := maybeString(value); !ok || s != "" {
return ctx.newBadExpr(directive,
fmt.Sprintf("the result of %s can be compared only to empty",, true
if len(call.args) != 1 {
return ctx.newBadExpr(directive, "%s requires an argument",, true
cc := &callExpr{
args: []starlarkExpr{call.args[0]},
returnType: starlarkTypeBool,
if isEq {
return &notExpr{cc}, true
return cc, true
case "is-vendor-board-qcom":
if s, ok := maybeString(value); !ok || s != "" {
return ctx.newBadExpr(directive,
fmt.Sprintf("the result of %s can be compared only to empty",, true
// if the expression is ifneq (,$(call is-vendor-board-platform,...)), negate==true,
// so we should set inExpr.isNot to false
return &inExpr{
expr: NewVariableRefExpr(ctx.addVariable("TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM"), false),
list: NewVariableRefExpr(ctx.addVariable("QCOM_BOARD_PLATFORMS"), true),
isNot: isEq,
}, true
return nil, false
func (ctx *parseContext) parseCompareFilterFuncResult(cond *mkparser.Directive,
filterFuncCall *callExpr, xValue starlarkExpr, negate bool) starlarkExpr {
// We handle:
// * ifeq/ifneq (,$(filter v1 v2 ..., EXPR) becomes if EXPR not in/in ["v1", "v2", ...]
// * ifeq/ifneq (,$(filter EXPR, v1 v2 ...) becomes if EXPR not in/in ["v1", "v2", ...]
// * ifeq/ifneq ($(VAR),$(filter $(VAR), v1 v2 ...) becomes if VAR in/not in ["v1", "v2"]
// TODO(Asmundak): check the last case works for filter-out, too.
xPattern := filterFuncCall.args[0]
xText := filterFuncCall.args[1]
var xInList *stringLiteralExpr
var expr starlarkExpr
var ok bool
switch x := xValue.(type) {
case *stringLiteralExpr:
if x.literal != "" {
return ctx.newBadExpr(cond, "filter comparison to non-empty value: %s", xValue)
// Either pattern or text should be const, and the
// non-const one should be varRefExpr
if xInList, ok = xPattern.(*stringLiteralExpr); ok && !strings.ContainsRune(xInList.literal, '%') && xText.typ() == starlarkTypeList {
expr = xText
} else if xInList, ok = xText.(*stringLiteralExpr); ok {
expr = xPattern
} else {
expr = &callExpr{
object: nil,
args: filterFuncCall.args,
returnType: starlarkTypeBool,
if negate {
expr = &notExpr{expr: expr}
return expr
case *variableRefExpr:
if v, ok := xPattern.(*variableRefExpr); ok {
if xInList, ok = xText.(*stringLiteralExpr); ok && == {
// ifeq/ifneq ($(VAR),$(filter $(VAR), v1 v2 ...), flip negate,
// it's the opposite to what is done when comparing to empty.
expr = xPattern
negate = !negate
if expr != nil && xInList != nil {
slExpr := newStringListExpr(strings.Fields(xInList.literal))
// Generate simpler code for the common cases:
if expr.typ() == starlarkTypeList {
if len(slExpr.items) == 1 {
// Checking that a string belongs to list
return &inExpr{isNot: negate, list: expr, expr: slExpr.items[0]}
} else {
// TODO(asmundak):
} else if len(slExpr.items) == 1 {
return &eqExpr{left: expr, right: slExpr.items[0], isEq: !negate}
} else {
return &inExpr{isNot: negate, list: newStringListExpr(strings.Fields(xInList.literal)), expr: expr}
return ctx.newBadExpr(cond, "filter arguments are too complex: %s", cond.Dump())
func (ctx *parseContext) parseCompareWildcardFuncResult(directive *mkparser.Directive,
xCall *callExpr, xValue starlarkExpr, negate bool) starlarkExpr {
if !isEmptyString(xValue) {
return ctx.newBadExpr(directive, "wildcard result can be compared only to empty: %s", xValue)
callFunc := wildcardExistsPhony
if s, ok := xCall.args[0].(*stringLiteralExpr); ok && !strings.ContainsAny(s.literal, "*?{[") {
callFunc = fileExistsPhony
var cc starlarkExpr = &callExpr{name: callFunc, args: xCall.args, returnType: starlarkTypeBool}
if !negate {
cc = &notExpr{cc}
return cc
func (ctx *parseContext) parseCheckFindstringFuncResult(directive *mkparser.Directive,
xCall *callExpr, xValue starlarkExpr, negate bool) starlarkExpr {
if isEmptyString(xValue) {
return &eqExpr{
left: &callExpr{
object: xCall.args[1],
name: "find",
args: []starlarkExpr{xCall.args[0]},
returnType: starlarkTypeInt,
right: &intLiteralExpr{-1},
isEq: !negate,
} else if s, ok := maybeString(xValue); ok {
if s2, ok := maybeString(xCall.args[0]); ok && s == s2 {
return &eqExpr{
left: &callExpr{
object: xCall.args[1],
name: "find",
args: []starlarkExpr{xCall.args[0]},
returnType: starlarkTypeInt,
right: &intLiteralExpr{-1},
isEq: negate,
return ctx.newBadExpr(directive, "$(findstring) can only be compared to nothing or its first argument")
func (ctx *parseContext) parseCompareStripFuncResult(directive *mkparser.Directive,
xCall *callExpr, xValue starlarkExpr, negate bool) starlarkExpr {
if _, ok := xValue.(*stringLiteralExpr); !ok {
return ctx.newBadExpr(directive, "strip result can be compared only to string: %s", xValue)
return &eqExpr{
left: &callExpr{
name: "strip",
args: xCall.args,
returnType: starlarkTypeString,
right: xValue, isEq: !negate}
// parses $(...), returning an expression
func (ctx *parseContext) parseReference(node mkparser.Node, ref *mkparser.MakeString) starlarkExpr {
refDump := ref.Dump()
// Handle only the case where the first (or only) word is constant
words := ref.SplitN(" ", 2)
if !words[0].Const() {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "reference is too complex: %s", refDump)
// If it is a single word, it can be a simple variable
// reference or a function call
if len(words) == 1 {
if isMakeControlFunc(refDump) || refDump == "shell" {
return &callExpr{
name: refDump,
args: []starlarkExpr{&stringLiteralExpr{""}},
returnType: starlarkTypeUnknown,
if strings.HasPrefix(refDump, soongNsPrefix) {
// TODO (asmundak): if we find many, maybe handle them.
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "SOONG_CONFIG_ variables cannot be referenced, use soong_config_get instead: %s", refDump)
// Handle substitution references:
if strings.Contains(refDump, ":") {
parts := strings.SplitN(refDump, ":", 2)
substParts := strings.SplitN(parts[1], "=", 2)
if len(substParts) < 2 || strings.Count(substParts[0], "%") > 1 {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "Invalid substitution reference")
if !strings.Contains(substParts[0], "%") {
if strings.Contains(substParts[1], "%") {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "A substitution reference must have a %% in the \"before\" part of the substitution if it has one in the \"after\" part.")
substParts[0] = "%" + substParts[0]
substParts[1] = "%" + substParts[1]
v := ctx.addVariable(parts[0])
if v == nil {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "unknown variable %s", refDump)
return &callExpr{
name: "patsubst",
returnType: knownFunctions["patsubst"].returnType,
args: []starlarkExpr{
&stringLiteralExpr{literal: substParts[0]},
&stringLiteralExpr{literal: substParts[1]},
NewVariableRefExpr(v, ctx.lastAssignment( != nil),
if v := ctx.addVariable(refDump); v != nil {
return NewVariableRefExpr(v, ctx.lastAssignment( != nil)
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "unknown variable %s", refDump)
expr := &callExpr{name: words[0].Dump(), returnType: starlarkTypeUnknown}
args := words[1]
// Make control functions and shell need special treatment as everything
// after the name is a single text argument
if isMakeControlFunc( || == "shell" {
x := ctx.parseMakeString(node, args)
if xBad, ok := x.(*badExpr); ok {
return xBad
expr.args = []starlarkExpr{x}
return expr
if == "call" {
words = args.SplitN(",", 2)
if words[0].Empty() || !words[0].Const() {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "cannot handle %s", refDump)
} = words[0].Dump()
if len(words) < 2 {
args = &mkparser.MakeString{}
} else {
args = words[1]
if kf, found := knownFunctions[]; found {
expr.returnType = kf.returnType
} else {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "cannot handle invoking %s",
switch {
case "if":
return ctx.parseIfFunc(node, args)
case "foreach":
return ctx.parseForeachFunc(node, args)
case "word":
return ctx.parseWordFunc(node, args)
case "firstword", "lastword":
return ctx.parseFirstOrLastwordFunc(node,, args)
case "my-dir":
return NewVariableRefExpr(ctx.addVariable("LOCAL_PATH"), true)
case "subst", "patsubst":
return ctx.parseSubstFunc(node,, args)
for _, arg := range args.Split(",") {
x := ctx.parseMakeString(node, arg)
if xBad, ok := x.(*badExpr); ok {
return xBad
expr.args = append(expr.args, x)
return expr
func (ctx *parseContext) parseSubstFunc(node mkparser.Node, fname string, args *mkparser.MakeString) starlarkExpr {
words := args.Split(",")
if len(words) != 3 {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "%s function should have 3 arguments", fname)
from := ctx.parseMakeString(node, words[0])
if xBad, ok := from.(*badExpr); ok {
return xBad
to := ctx.parseMakeString(node, words[1])
if xBad, ok := to.(*badExpr); ok {
return xBad
obj := ctx.parseMakeString(node, words[2])
typ := obj.typ()
if typ == starlarkTypeString && fname == "subst" {
// Optimization: if it's $(subst from, to, string), emit string.replace(from, to)
return &callExpr{
object: obj,
name: "replace",
args: []starlarkExpr{from, to},
returnType: typ,
return &callExpr{
name: fname,
args: []starlarkExpr{from, to, obj},
returnType: obj.typ(),
func (ctx *parseContext) parseIfFunc(node mkparser.Node, args *mkparser.MakeString) starlarkExpr {
words := args.Split(",")
if len(words) != 2 && len(words) != 3 {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "if function should have 2 or 3 arguments, found "+strconv.Itoa(len(words)))
condition := ctx.parseMakeString(node, words[0])
ifTrue := ctx.parseMakeString(node, words[1])
var ifFalse starlarkExpr
if len(words) == 3 {
ifFalse = ctx.parseMakeString(node, words[2])
} else {
switch ifTrue.typ() {
case starlarkTypeList:
ifFalse = &listExpr{items: []starlarkExpr{}}
case starlarkTypeInt:
ifFalse = &intLiteralExpr{literal: 0}
case starlarkTypeBool:
ifFalse = &boolLiteralExpr{literal: false}
ifFalse = &stringLiteralExpr{literal: ""}
return &ifExpr{
func (ctx *parseContext) parseForeachFunc(node mkparser.Node, args *mkparser.MakeString) starlarkExpr {
words := args.Split(",")
if len(words) != 3 {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "foreach function should have 3 arguments, found "+strconv.Itoa(len(words)))
if !words[0].Const() || words[0].Empty() || !identifierFullMatchRegex.MatchString(words[0].Strings[0]) {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "first argument to foreach function must be a simple string identifier")
loopVarName := words[0].Strings[0]
list := ctx.parseMakeString(node, words[1])
action := ctx.parseMakeString(node, words[2]).transform(func(expr starlarkExpr) starlarkExpr {
if varRefExpr, ok := expr.(*variableRefExpr); ok && == loopVarName {
return &identifierExpr{loopVarName}
return nil
if list.typ() != starlarkTypeList {
list = &callExpr{
name: "words",
returnType: knownFunctions["words"].returnType,
args: []starlarkExpr{list},
return &foreachExpr{
varName: loopVarName,
list: list,
action: action,
func (ctx *parseContext) parseWordFunc(node mkparser.Node, args *mkparser.MakeString) starlarkExpr {
words := args.Split(",")
if len(words) != 2 {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "word function should have 2 arguments")
var index uint64 = 0
if words[0].Const() {
index, _ = strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(words[0].Strings[0]), 10, 64)
if index < 1 {
return ctx.newBadExpr(node, "word index should be constant positive integer")
array := ctx.parseMakeString(node, words[1])
if xBad, ok := array.(*badExpr); ok {
return xBad
if array.typ() != starlarkTypeList {
array = &callExpr{object: array, name: "split", returnType: starlarkTypeList}
return &indexExpr{array, &intLiteralExpr{int(index - 1)}}
func (ctx *parseContext) parseFirstOrLastwordFunc(node mkparser.Node, name string, args *mkparser.MakeString) starlarkExpr {
arg := ctx.parseMakeString(node, args)
if bad, ok := arg.(*badExpr); ok {
return bad
index := &intLiteralExpr{0}
if name == "lastword" {
if v, ok := arg.(*variableRefExpr); ok && == "MAKEFILE_LIST" {
return &stringLiteralExpr{ctx.script.mkFile}
index.literal = -1
if arg.typ() == starlarkTypeList {
return &indexExpr{arg, index}
return &indexExpr{&callExpr{object: arg, name: "split", returnType: starlarkTypeList}, index}
func (ctx *parseContext) parseMakeString(node mkparser.Node, mk *mkparser.MakeString) starlarkExpr {
if mk.Const() {
return &stringLiteralExpr{mk.Dump()}
if mkRef, ok := mk.SingleVariable(); ok {
return ctx.parseReference(node, mkRef)
// If we reached here, it's neither string literal nor a simple variable,
// we need a full-blown interpolation node that will generate
// "a%b%c" % (X, Y) for a$(X)b$(Y)c
parts := make([]starlarkExpr, len(mk.Variables)+len(mk.Strings))
for i := 0; i < len(parts); i++ {
if i%2 == 0 {
parts[i] = &stringLiteralExpr{literal: mk.Strings[i/2]}
} else {
parts[i] = ctx.parseReference(node, mk.Variables[i/2].Name)
if x, ok := parts[i].(*badExpr); ok {
return x
return NewInterpolateExpr(parts)
// Handles the statements whose treatment is the same in all contexts: comment,
// assignment, variable (which is a macro call in reality) and all constructs that
// do not handle in any context ('define directive and any unrecognized stuff).
func (ctx *parseContext) handleSimpleStatement(node mkparser.Node) {
switch x := node.(type) {
case *mkparser.Comment:
ctx.insertComment("#" + x.Comment)
case *mkparser.Assignment:
case *mkparser.Variable:
case *mkparser.Directive:
switch x.Name {
case "define":
case "include", "-include":
ctx.handleInclude(node, ctx.parseMakeString(node, x.Args), x.Name[0] != '-')
case "ifeq", "ifneq", "ifdef", "ifndef":
ctx.errorf(x, "unexpected directive %s", x.Name)
ctx.errorf(x, "unsupported line %s", strings.ReplaceAll(x.Dump(), "\n", "\n#"))
// Processes annotation. An annotation is a comment that starts with #RBC# and provides
// a conversion hint -- say, where to look for the dynamically calculated inherit/include
// paths.
func (ctx *parseContext) maybeHandleAnnotation(cnode *mkparser.Comment) {
maybeTrim := func(s, prefix string) (string, bool) {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
return strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(s, prefix)), true
return s, false
annotation, ok := maybeTrim(cnode.Comment, annotationCommentPrefix)
if !ok {
if p, ok := maybeTrim(annotation, "include_top"); ok {
// Don't allow duplicate include tops, because then we will generate
// invalid starlark code. (duplicate keys in the _entry dictionary)
for _, top := range ctx.includeTops {
if top == p {
ctx.includeTops = append(ctx.includeTops, p)
ctx.errorf(cnode, "unsupported annotation %s", cnode.Comment)
func (ctx *parseContext) insertComment(s string) {
func (ctx *parseContext) carryAsComment(failedNode mkparser.Node) {
for _, line := range strings.Split(failedNode.Dump(), "\n") {
ctx.insertComment("# " + line)
// records that the given node failed to be converted and includes an explanatory message
func (ctx *parseContext) errorf(failedNode mkparser.Node, message string, args ...interface{}) {
if ctx.errorLogger != nil {
ctx.errorLogger.NewError(ctx.errorLocation(failedNode), failedNode, message, args...)
ctx.receiver.newNode(&exprNode{ctx.newBadExpr(failedNode, message, args...)})
ctx.script.hasErrors = true
func (ctx *parseContext) wrapBadExpr(xBad *badExpr) {
func (ctx *parseContext) loadedModulePath(path string) string {
// During the transition to Roboleaf some of the product configuration files
// will be converted and checked in while the others will be generated on the fly
// and run. The runner (rbcrun application) accommodates this by allowing three
// different ways to specify the loaded file location:
// 1) load(":<file>",...) loads <file> from the same directory
// 2) load("//path/relative/to/source/root:<file>", ...) loads <file> source tree
// 3) load("/absolute/path/to/<file> absolute path
// If the file being generated and the file it wants to load are in the same directory,
// generate option 1.
// Otherwise, if output directory is not specified, generate 2)
// Finally, if output directory has been specified and the file being generated and
// the file it wants to load from are in the different directories, generate 2) or 3):
// * if the file being loaded exists in the source tree, generate 2)
// * otherwise, generate 3)
// Finally, figure out the loaded module path and name and create a node for it
loadedModuleDir := filepath.Dir(path)
base := filepath.Base(path)
loadedModuleName := strings.TrimSuffix(base, filepath.Ext(base)) + ctx.outputSuffix
if loadedModuleDir == filepath.Dir(ctx.script.mkFile) {
return ":" + loadedModuleName
if ctx.outputDir == "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("//%s:%s", loadedModuleDir, loadedModuleName)
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(loadedModuleDir, loadedModuleName)); err == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("//%s:%s", loadedModuleDir, loadedModuleName)
return filepath.Join(ctx.outputDir, loadedModuleDir, loadedModuleName)
func (ctx *parseContext) addSoongNamespace(ns string) {
if _, ok := ctx.soongNamespaces[ns]; ok {
ctx.soongNamespaces[ns] = make(map[string]bool)
func (ctx *parseContext) hasSoongNamespace(name string) bool {
_, ok := ctx.soongNamespaces[name]
return ok
func (ctx *parseContext) updateSoongNamespace(replace bool, namespaceName string, varNames []string) {
vars := ctx.soongNamespaces[namespaceName]
if replace {
vars = make(map[string]bool)
ctx.soongNamespaces[namespaceName] = vars
for _, v := range varNames {
vars[v] = true
func (ctx *parseContext) hasNamespaceVar(namespaceName string, varName string) bool {
vars, ok := ctx.soongNamespaces[namespaceName]
if ok {
_, ok = vars[varName]
return ok
func (ctx *parseContext) errorLocation(node mkparser.Node) ErrorLocation {
return ErrorLocation{ctx.script.mkFile, ctx.script.nodeLocator(node.Pos())}
func (ss *StarlarkScript) String() string {
return NewGenerateContext(ss).emit()
func (ss *StarlarkScript) SubConfigFiles() []string {
var subs []string
for _, src := range ss.inherited {
subs = append(subs, src.originalPath)
return subs
func (ss *StarlarkScript) HasErrors() bool {
return ss.hasErrors
// Convert reads and parses a makefile. If successful, parsed tree
// is returned and then can be passed to String() to get the generated
// Starlark file.
func Convert(req Request) (*StarlarkScript, error) {
reader := req.Reader
if reader == nil {
mkContents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(req.MkFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reader = bytes.NewBuffer(mkContents)
parser := mkparser.NewParser(req.MkFile, reader)
nodes, errs := parser.Parse()
if len(errs) > 0 {
for _, e := range errs {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ERROR:", e)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad makefile %s", req.MkFile)
starScript := &StarlarkScript{
moduleName: moduleNameForFile(req.MkFile),
mkFile: req.MkFile,
topDir: req.RootDir,
traceCalls: req.TraceCalls,
sourceFS: req.SourceFS,
makefileFinder: req.MakefileFinder,
nodeLocator: func(pos mkparser.Pos) int { return parser.Unpack(pos).Line },
ctx := newParseContext(starScript, nodes)
ctx.outputSuffix = req.OutputSuffix
ctx.outputDir = req.OutputDir
ctx.errorLogger = req.ErrorLogger
if len(req.TracedVariables) > 0 {
ctx.tracedVariables = make(map[string]bool)
for _, v := range req.TracedVariables {
ctx.tracedVariables[v] = true
for ctx.hasNodes() && ctx.fatalError == nil {
if ctx.fatalError != nil {
return nil, ctx.fatalError
return starScript, nil
func Launcher(mainModuleUri, inputVariablesUri, mainModuleName string) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "load(%q, %q)\n", baseUri, baseName)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "load(%q, input_variables_init = \"init\")\n", inputVariablesUri)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "load(%q, \"init\")\n", mainModuleUri)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s(%s(%q, init, input_variables_init))\n", cfnPrintVars, cfnMain, mainModuleName)
return buf.String()
func BoardLauncher(mainModuleUri string, inputVariablesUri string) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "load(%q, %q)\n", baseUri, baseName)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "load(%q, \"init\")\n", mainModuleUri)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "load(%q, input_variables_init = \"init\")\n", inputVariablesUri)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "globals, cfg, globals_base = %s(init, input_variables_init)\n", cfnBoardMain)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "# TODO: Some product config variables need to be printed, but most are readonly so we can't just print cfg here.\n")
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s((globals, cfg, globals_base))\n", cfnPrintVars)
return buf.String()
func MakePath2ModuleName(mkPath string) string {
return strings.TrimSuffix(mkPath, filepath.Ext(mkPath))