blob: f5e40466aed5b0786eb58f0cc8db9c8c677af07a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
bp "android/soong/cmd/extract_apks/bundle_proto"
type testConfigDesc struct {
name string
targetConfig TargetConfig
expected SelectionResult
type testDesc struct {
protoText string
configs []testConfigDesc
func TestSelectApks_ApkSet(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []testDesc{
protoText: `
variant {
targeting {
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 29 } } } }
apk_set {
module_metadata {
name: "base" targeting {} delivery_type: INSTALL_TIME }
apk_description {
targeting {
screen_density_targeting {
value { density_alias: LDPI } }
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "splits/base-ldpi.apk"
split_apk_metadata { split_id: "config.ldpi" } }
apk_description {
targeting {
screen_density_targeting {
value { density_alias: MDPI } }
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "splits/base-mdpi.apk"
split_apk_metadata { split_id: "config.mdpi" } }
apk_description {
targeting {
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "splits/base-master.apk"
split_apk_metadata { is_master_split: true } }
apk_description {
targeting {
abi_targeting {
value { alias: ARMEABI_V7A }
alternatives { alias: ARM64_V8A }
alternatives { alias: X86 }
alternatives { alias: X86_64 } }
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "splits/base-armeabi_v7a.apk"
split_apk_metadata { split_id: "config.armeabi_v7a" } }
apk_description {
targeting {
abi_targeting {
value { alias: ARM64_V8A }
alternatives { alias: ARMEABI_V7A }
alternatives { alias: X86 }
alternatives { alias: X86_64 } }
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "splits/base-arm64_v8a.apk"
split_apk_metadata { split_id: "config.arm64_v8a" } }
apk_description {
targeting {
abi_targeting {
value { alias: X86 }
alternatives { alias: ARMEABI_V7A }
alternatives { alias: ARM64_V8A }
alternatives { alias: X86_64 } }
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "splits/base-x86.apk"
split_apk_metadata { split_id: "config.x86" } }
apk_description {
targeting {
abi_targeting {
value { alias: X86_64 }
alternatives { alias: ARMEABI_V7A }
alternatives { alias: ARM64_V8A }
alternatives { alias: X86 } }
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "splits/base-x86_64.apk"
split_apk_metadata { split_id: "config.x86_64" } } }
bundletool {
version: "0.10.3" }
configs: []testConfigDesc{
name: "one",
targetConfig: TargetConfig{
sdkVersion: 29,
screenDpi: map[bp.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias]bool{
bp.ScreenDensity_DENSITY_UNSPECIFIED: true,
abis: map[bp.Abi_AbiAlias]int{
bp.Abi_ARMEABI_V7A: 0,
bp.Abi_ARM64_V8A: 1,
expected: SelectionResult{
name: "two",
targetConfig: TargetConfig{
sdkVersion: 29,
screenDpi: map[bp.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias]bool{
bp.ScreenDensity_LDPI: true,
abis: map[bp.Abi_AbiAlias]int{},
expected: SelectionResult{
name: "three",
targetConfig: TargetConfig{
sdkVersion: 20,
screenDpi: map[bp.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias]bool{
bp.ScreenDensity_LDPI: true,
abis: map[bp.Abi_AbiAlias]int{},
expected: SelectionResult{
name: "four",
targetConfig: TargetConfig{
sdkVersion: 29,
screenDpi: map[bp.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias]bool{
bp.ScreenDensity_MDPI: true,
abis: map[bp.Abi_AbiAlias]int{
bp.Abi_ARM64_V8A: 0,
bp.Abi_ARMEABI_V7A: 1,
expected: SelectionResult{
protoText: `
variant {
targeting {
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 10000 } } } }
apk_set {
module_metadata {
name: "base" targeting {} delivery_type: INSTALL_TIME }
apk_description {
targeting {
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "splits/base-master.apk"
split_apk_metadata { is_master_split: true } } } }`,
configs: []testConfigDesc{
name: "Prerelease",
targetConfig: TargetConfig{
sdkVersion: 30,
screenDpi: map[bp.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias]bool{},
abis: map[bp.Abi_AbiAlias]int{},
allowPrereleased: true,
expected: SelectionResult{
protoText: `
variant {
targeting {
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 29 } } } }
apk_set {
module_metadata {
name: "base" targeting {} delivery_type: INSTALL_TIME }
apk_description {
targeting {}
path: "universal.apk"
standalone_apk_metadata { fused_module_name: "base" } } } }`,
configs: []testConfigDesc{
name: "Universal",
targetConfig: TargetConfig{sdkVersion: 30},
expected: SelectionResult{
for _, testCase := range testCases {
var toc bp.BuildApksResult
if err := prototext.Unmarshal([]byte(testCase.protoText), &toc); err != nil {
for _, config := range testCase.configs {
actual := selectApks(&toc, config.targetConfig)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(config.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("%s: expected %v, got %v",, config.expected, actual)
func TestSelectApks_ApexSet(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []testDesc{
protoText: `
variant {
targeting {
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 29 } } } }
apk_set {
module_metadata {
name: "base" targeting {} delivery_type: INSTALL_TIME }
apk_description {
targeting {
multi_abi_targeting {
value { abi { alias: ARMEABI_V7A } }
alternatives { abi { alias: ARM64_V8A } }
alternatives { abi { alias: X86 } }
alternatives { abi { alias: X86_64 } } }
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "standalones/standalone-armeabi_v7a.apex"
apex_apk_metadata { } }
apk_description {
targeting {
multi_abi_targeting {
value { abi { alias: ARM64_V8A } }
alternatives { abi { alias: ARMEABI_V7A } }
alternatives { abi { alias: X86 } }
alternatives { abi { alias: X86_64 } } }
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "standalones/standalone-arm64_v8a.apex"
apex_apk_metadata { } }
apk_description {
targeting {
multi_abi_targeting {
value { abi { alias: X86 } }
alternatives { abi { alias: ARMEABI_V7A } }
alternatives { abi { alias: ARM64_V8A } }
alternatives { abi { alias: X86_64 } } }
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "standalones/standalone-x86.apex"
apex_apk_metadata { } }
apk_description {
targeting {
multi_abi_targeting {
value { abi { alias: X86_64 } }
alternatives { abi { alias: ARMEABI_V7A } }
alternatives { abi { alias: ARM64_V8A } }
alternatives { abi { alias: X86 } } }
sdk_version_targeting {
value { min { value: 21 } } } }
path: "standalones/standalone-x86_64.apex"
apex_apk_metadata { } } }
bundletool {
version: "0.10.3" }
configs: []testConfigDesc{
name: "order matches priorities",
targetConfig: TargetConfig{
sdkVersion: 29,
screenDpi: map[bp.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias]bool{
bp.ScreenDensity_DENSITY_UNSPECIFIED: true,
abis: map[bp.Abi_AbiAlias]int{
bp.Abi_ARM64_V8A: 0,
bp.Abi_ARMEABI_V7A: 1,
expected: SelectionResult{
name: "order doesn't match priorities",
targetConfig: TargetConfig{
sdkVersion: 29,
screenDpi: map[bp.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias]bool{
bp.ScreenDensity_DENSITY_UNSPECIFIED: true,
abis: map[bp.Abi_AbiAlias]int{
bp.Abi_ARMEABI_V7A: 0,
bp.Abi_ARM64_V8A: 1,
expected: SelectionResult{
name: "single choice",
targetConfig: TargetConfig{
sdkVersion: 29,
screenDpi: map[bp.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias]bool{
bp.ScreenDensity_DENSITY_UNSPECIFIED: true,
abis: map[bp.Abi_AbiAlias]int{
bp.Abi_ARMEABI_V7A: 0,
expected: SelectionResult{
name: "cross platform",
targetConfig: TargetConfig{
sdkVersion: 29,
screenDpi: map[bp.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias]bool{
bp.ScreenDensity_DENSITY_UNSPECIFIED: true,
abis: map[bp.Abi_AbiAlias]int{
bp.Abi_ARM64_V8A: 0,
bp.Abi_MIPS64: 1,
bp.Abi_X86: 2,
expected: SelectionResult{
for _, testCase := range testCases {
var toc bp.BuildApksResult
if err := prototext.Unmarshal([]byte(testCase.protoText), &toc); err != nil {
for _, config := range testCase.configs {
actual := selectApks(&toc, config.targetConfig)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(config.expected, actual) {
t.Errorf("%s: expected %v, got %v",, config.expected, actual)
type testZip2ZipWriter struct {
entries map[string]string
func (w testZip2ZipWriter) CopyFrom(file *zip.File, out string) error {
if x, ok := w.entries[out]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%s and %s both write to %s", x, file.Name, out)
w.entries[out] = file.Name
return nil
type testCaseWriteApks struct {
name string
moduleName string
stem string
partition string
// what we write from what
zipEntries map[string]string
expectedApkcerts []string
func TestWriteApks(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []testCaseWriteApks{
name: "splits",
moduleName: "mybase",
stem: "Foo",
partition: "system",
zipEntries: map[string]string{
"Foo.apk": "splits/mybase-master.apk",
"Foo-xhdpi.apk": "splits/mybase-xhdpi.apk",
expectedApkcerts: []string{
`name="Foo-xhdpi.apk" certificate="PRESIGNED" private_key="" partition="system"`,
`name="Foo.apk" certificate="PRESIGNED" private_key="" partition="system"`,
name: "universal",
moduleName: "base",
stem: "Bar",
partition: "product",
zipEntries: map[string]string{
"Bar.apk": "universal.apk",
expectedApkcerts: []string{
`name="Bar.apk" certificate="PRESIGNED" private_key="" partition="product"`,
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
testZipBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
testZip := zip.NewWriter(testZipBuf)
for _, in := range testCase.zipEntries {
f, _ := testZip.Create(in)
zipReader, _ := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(testZipBuf.Bytes()), int64(testZipBuf.Len()))
apkSet := ApkSet{entries: make(map[string]*zip.File)}
sel := SelectionResult{moduleName: testCase.moduleName}
for _, f := range zipReader.File {
apkSet.entries[f.Name] = f
sel.entries = append(sel.entries, f.Name)
zipWriter := testZip2ZipWriter{make(map[string]string)}
outWriter := &bytes.Buffer{}
config := TargetConfig{stem: testCase.stem}
apkcerts, err := apkSet.writeApks(sel, config, outWriter, zipWriter, testCase.partition)
if err != nil {
expectedZipEntries := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range testCase.zipEntries {
if k != testCase.stem+".apk" {
expectedZipEntries[k] = v
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedZipEntries, zipWriter.entries) {
t.Errorf("expected zip entries %v, got %v", testCase.zipEntries, zipWriter.entries)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(testCase.expectedApkcerts, apkcerts) {
t.Errorf("expected apkcerts %v, got %v", testCase.expectedApkcerts, apkcerts)
if g, w := outWriter.String(), testCase.zipEntries[testCase.stem+".apk"]; !reflect.DeepEqual(g, w) {
t.Errorf("expected output file contents %q, got %q", testCase.stem+".apk", outWriter.String())