blob: 63bb1b73ba7e0f3f11431b47e89eec4b987bce41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package sdk
import (
var pctx = android.NewPackageContext("android/soong/sdk")
var (
repackageZip = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("SnapshotRepackageZip",
Command: `${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i $in -o $out "**/*:$destdir"`,
CommandDeps: []string{
zipFiles = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("SnapshotZipFiles",
Command: `${config.SoongZipCmd} -C $basedir -l $out.rsp -o $out`,
CommandDeps: []string{
Rspfile: "$out.rsp",
RspfileContent: "$in",
mergeZips = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("SnapshotMergeZips",
Command: `${config.MergeZipsCmd} $out $in`,
CommandDeps: []string{
type generatedContents struct {
content strings.Builder
indentLevel int
// generatedFile abstracts operations for writing contents into a file and emit a build rule
// for the file.
type generatedFile struct {
path android.OutputPath
func newGeneratedFile(ctx android.ModuleContext, path ...string) *generatedFile {
return &generatedFile{
path: android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, path...).OutputPath,
func (gc *generatedContents) Indent() {
func (gc *generatedContents) Dedent() {
func (gc *generatedContents) Printfln(format string, args ...interface{}) {
// ninja consumes newline characters in rspfile_content. Prevent it by
// escaping the backslash in the newline character. The extra backslash
// is removed when the rspfile is written to the actual script file
fmt.Fprintf(&(gc.content), strings.Repeat(" ", gc.indentLevel)+format+"\\n", args...)
func (gf *generatedFile) build(pctx android.PackageContext, ctx android.BuilderContext, implicits android.Paths) {
rb := android.NewRuleBuilder()
// convert \\n to \n
Text("| sed 's/\\\\n/\\n/g' >").Output(gf.path)
Text("chmod a+x").Output(gf.path)
rb.Build(pctx, ctx, gf.path.Base(), "Build "+gf.path.Base())
func (s *sdk) javaLibs(ctx android.ModuleContext) []android.SdkAware {
result := []android.SdkAware{}
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(m android.Module) {
if j, ok := m.(*java.Library); ok {
result = append(result, j)
return result
func (s *sdk) stubsSources(ctx android.ModuleContext) []android.SdkAware {
result := []android.SdkAware{}
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(m android.Module) {
if j, ok := m.(*java.Droidstubs); ok {
result = append(result, j)
return result
// archSpecificNativeLibInfo represents an arch-specific variant of a native lib
type archSpecificNativeLibInfo struct {
name string
archType string
exportedIncludeDirs android.Paths
exportedSystemIncludeDirs android.Paths
exportedFlags []string
exportedDeps android.Paths
outputFile android.Path
func (lib *archSpecificNativeLibInfo) signature() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v %v",,
// nativeLibInfo represents a collection of arch-specific modules having the same name
type nativeLibInfo struct {
name string
archVariants []archSpecificNativeLibInfo
// hasArchSpecificFlags is set to true if modules for each architecture all have the same
// include dirs, flags, etc, in which case only those of the first arch is selected.
hasArchSpecificFlags bool
// nativeMemberInfos collects all cc.Modules that are member of an SDK.
func (s *sdk) nativeMemberInfos(ctx android.ModuleContext) []*nativeLibInfo {
infoMap := make(map[string]*nativeLibInfo)
// Collect cc.Modules
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(m android.Module) {
ccModule, ok := m.(*cc.Module)
if !ok {
depName := ctx.OtherModuleName(m)
if _, ok := infoMap[depName]; !ok {
infoMap[depName] = &nativeLibInfo{name: depName}
info := infoMap[depName]
info.archVariants = append(info.archVariants, archSpecificNativeLibInfo{
name: ccModule.BaseModuleName(),
archType: ccModule.Target().Arch.ArchType.String(),
exportedIncludeDirs: ccModule.ExportedIncludeDirs(),
exportedSystemIncludeDirs: ccModule.ExportedSystemIncludeDirs(),
exportedFlags: ccModule.ExportedFlags(),
exportedDeps: ccModule.ExportedDeps(),
outputFile: ccModule.OutputFile().Path(),
// Determine if include dirs and flags for each module are different across arch-specific
// modules or not. And set hasArchSpecificFlags accordingly
for _, info := range infoMap {
// by default, include paths and flags are assumed to be the same across arches
info.hasArchSpecificFlags = false
oldSignature := ""
for _, av := range info.archVariants {
newSignature := av.signature()
if oldSignature == "" {
oldSignature = newSignature
if oldSignature != newSignature {
info.hasArchSpecificFlags = true
var list []*nativeLibInfo
for _, v := range infoMap {
list = append(list, v)
return list
// SDK directory structure
// <sdk_root>/
// Android.bp : definition of a 'sdk' module is here. This is a hand-made one.
// <api_ver>/ : below this directory are all auto-generated
// Android.bp : definition of 'sdk_snapshot' module is here
// aidl/
// frameworks/base/core/..../IFoo.aidl : an exported AIDL file
// java/
// <module_name>.jar : the stub jar for a java library 'module_name'
// include/
// bionic/libc/include/stdlib.h : an exported header file
// include_gen/
// <module_name>/com/android/.../IFoo.h : a generated header file
// <arch>/include/ : arch-specific exported headers
// <arch>/include_gen/ : arch-specific generated headers
// <arch>/lib/
// : a stub library
const (
nativeIncludeDir = "include"
nativeGeneratedIncludeDir = "include_gen"
nativeStubDir = "lib"
nativeStubFileSuffix = ".so"
// path to the stub file of a native shared library. Relative to <sdk_root>/<api_dir>
func nativeStubFilePathFor(lib archSpecificNativeLibInfo) string {
return filepath.Join(lib.archType,
// paths to the include dirs of a native shared library. Relative to <sdk_root>/<api_dir>
func nativeIncludeDirPathsFor(ctx android.ModuleContext, lib archSpecificNativeLibInfo,
systemInclude bool, archSpecific bool) []string {
var result []string
var includeDirs []android.Path
if !systemInclude {
includeDirs = lib.exportedIncludeDirs
} else {
includeDirs = lib.exportedSystemIncludeDirs
for _, dir := range includeDirs {
var path string
if _, gen := dir.(android.WritablePath); gen {
path = filepath.Join(nativeGeneratedIncludeDir,
} else {
path = filepath.Join(nativeIncludeDir, dir.String())
if archSpecific {
path = filepath.Join(lib.archType, path)
result = append(result, path)
return result
// A name that uniquely identifies a prebuilt SDK member for a version of SDK snapshot
// This isn't visible to users, so could be changed in future.
func versionedSdkMemberName(ctx android.ModuleContext, memberName string, version string) string {
return ctx.ModuleName() + "_" + memberName + string(android.SdkVersionSeparator) + version
// buildSnapshot is the main function in this source file. It creates rules to copy
// the contents (header files, stub libraries, etc) into the zip file.
func (s *sdk) buildSnapshot(ctx android.ModuleContext) android.OutputPath {
snapshotDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "snapshot")
bp := newGeneratedFile(ctx, "snapshot", "Android.bp")
bpFile := &bpFile{
modules: make(map[string]*bpModule),
builder := &snapshotBuilder{
ctx: ctx,
sdk: s,
version: "current",
snapshotDir: snapshotDir.OutputPath,
filesToZip: []android.Path{bp.path},
bpFile: bpFile,
prebuiltModules: make(map[string]*bpModule),
s.builderForTests = builder
// copy exported AIDL files and stub jar files
javaLibs := s.javaLibs(ctx)
for _, m := range javaLibs {
m.BuildSnapshot(ctx, builder)
// copy stubs sources
stubsSources := s.stubsSources(ctx)
for _, m := range stubsSources {
m.BuildSnapshot(ctx, builder)
// copy exported header files and stub *.so files
nativeLibInfos := s.nativeMemberInfos(ctx)
for _, info := range nativeLibInfos {
buildSharedNativeLibSnapshot(ctx, info, builder)
for _, unversioned := range builder.prebuiltOrder {
// Copy the unversioned module so it can be modified to make it versioned.
versioned := unversioned.copy()
name :=["name"].(string)
versioned.setProperty("name", builder.versionedSdkMemberName(name))
versioned.insertAfter("name", "sdk_member_name", name)
// Set prefer: false - this is not strictly required as that is the default.
unversioned.insertAfter("name", "prefer", false)
// Create the snapshot module.
snapshotName := ctx.ModuleName() + string(android.SdkVersionSeparator) + builder.version
snapshotModule := bpFile.newModule("sdk_snapshot")
snapshotModule.AddProperty("name", snapshotName)
addHostDeviceSupportedProperties(&s.ModuleBase, snapshotModule)
if len( > 0 {
snapshotModule.AddProperty("java_libs", builder.versionedSdkMemberNames(
if len( > 0 {
snapshotModule.AddProperty("stubs_sources", builder.versionedSdkMemberNames(
if len( > 0 {
snapshotModule.AddProperty("native_shared_libs", builder.versionedSdkMemberNames(
// generate Android.bp
bp = newGeneratedFile(ctx, "snapshot", "Android.bp")
generateBpContents(&bp.generatedContents, bpFile), ctx, nil)
filesToZip := builder.filesToZip
// zip them all
outputZipFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"").OutputPath
outputDesc := "Building snapshot for " + ctx.ModuleName()
// If there are no zips to merge then generate the output zip directly.
// Otherwise, generate an intermediate zip file into which other zips can be
// merged.
var zipFile android.OutputPath
var desc string
if len(builder.zipsToMerge) == 0 {
zipFile = outputZipFile
desc = outputDesc
} else {
zipFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"").OutputPath
desc = "Building intermediate snapshot for " + ctx.ModuleName()
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Description: desc,
Rule: zipFiles,
Inputs: filesToZip,
Output: zipFile,
Args: map[string]string{
"basedir": builder.snapshotDir.String(),
if len(builder.zipsToMerge) != 0 {
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Description: outputDesc,
Rule: mergeZips,
Input: zipFile,
Inputs: builder.zipsToMerge,
Output: outputZipFile,
return outputZipFile
func generateBpContents(contents *generatedContents, bpFile *bpFile) {
contents.Printfln("// This is auto-generated. DO NOT EDIT.")
for _, bpModule := range bpFile.order {
contents.Printfln("%s {", bpModule.moduleType)
outputPropertySet(contents, &bpModule.bpPropertySet)
func outputPropertySet(contents *generatedContents, set *bpPropertySet) {
for _, name := range set.order {
value :=[name]
reflectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(value)
t := reflectedValue.Type()
kind := t.Kind()
switch kind {
case reflect.Slice:
length := reflectedValue.Len()
if length > 1 {
contents.Printfln("%s: [", name)
for i := 0; i < length; i = i + 1 {
contents.Printfln("%q,", reflectedValue.Index(i).Interface())
} else if length == 0 {
contents.Printfln("%s: [],", name)
} else {
contents.Printfln("%s: [%q],", name, reflectedValue.Index(0).Interface())
case reflect.Bool:
contents.Printfln("%s: %t,", name, reflectedValue.Bool())
case reflect.Ptr:
contents.Printfln("%s: {", name)
outputPropertySet(contents, reflectedValue.Interface().(*bpPropertySet))
contents.Printfln("%s: %q,", name, value)
func (s *sdk) GetAndroidBpContentsForTests() string {
contents := &generatedContents{}
generateBpContents(contents, s.builderForTests.bpFile)
return contents.content.String()
func buildSharedNativeLibSnapshot(ctx android.ModuleContext, info *nativeLibInfo, builder android.SnapshotBuilder) {
// a function for emitting include dirs
printExportedDirCopyCommandsForNativeLibs := func(lib archSpecificNativeLibInfo) {
includeDirs := lib.exportedIncludeDirs
includeDirs = append(includeDirs, lib.exportedSystemIncludeDirs...)
if len(includeDirs) == 0 {
for _, dir := range includeDirs {
if _, gen := dir.(android.WritablePath); gen {
// generated headers are copied via exportedDeps. See below.
targetDir := nativeIncludeDir
if info.hasArchSpecificFlags {
targetDir = filepath.Join(lib.archType, targetDir)
// TODO(jiyong) copy headers having other suffixes
headers, _ := ctx.GlobWithDeps(dir.String()+"/**/*.h", nil)
for _, file := range headers {
src := android.PathForSource(ctx, file)
dest := filepath.Join(targetDir, file)
builder.CopyToSnapshot(src, dest)
genHeaders := lib.exportedDeps
for _, file := range genHeaders {
targetDir := nativeGeneratedIncludeDir
if info.hasArchSpecificFlags {
targetDir = filepath.Join(lib.archType, targetDir)
dest := filepath.Join(targetDir,, file.Rel())
builder.CopyToSnapshot(file, dest)
if !info.hasArchSpecificFlags {
// for each architecture
for _, av := range info.archVariants {
builder.CopyToSnapshot(av.outputFile, nativeStubFilePathFor(av))
if info.hasArchSpecificFlags {
info.generatePrebuiltLibrary(ctx, builder)
func (info *nativeLibInfo) generatePrebuiltLibrary(ctx android.ModuleContext, builder android.SnapshotBuilder) {
// a function for emitting include dirs
addExportedDirsForNativeLibs := func(lib archSpecificNativeLibInfo, properties android.BpPropertySet, systemInclude bool) {
includeDirs := nativeIncludeDirPathsFor(ctx, lib, systemInclude, info.hasArchSpecificFlags)
if len(includeDirs) == 0 {
var propertyName string
if !systemInclude {
propertyName = "export_include_dirs"
} else {
propertyName = "export_system_include_dirs"
properties.AddProperty(propertyName, includeDirs)
pbm := builder.AddPrebuiltModule(, "cc_prebuilt_library_shared")
if !info.hasArchSpecificFlags {
addExportedDirsForNativeLibs(info.archVariants[0], pbm, false /*systemInclude*/)
addExportedDirsForNativeLibs(info.archVariants[0], pbm, true /*systemInclude*/)
archProperties := pbm.AddPropertySet("arch")
for _, av := range info.archVariants {
archTypeProperties := archProperties.AddPropertySet(av.archType)
archTypeProperties.AddProperty("srcs", []string{nativeStubFilePathFor(av)})
if info.hasArchSpecificFlags {
// export_* properties are added inside the arch: {<arch>: {...}} block
addExportedDirsForNativeLibs(av, archTypeProperties, false /*systemInclude*/)
addExportedDirsForNativeLibs(av, archTypeProperties, true /*systemInclude*/)
pbm.AddProperty("stl", "none")
pbm.AddProperty("system_shared_libs", []string{})
type snapshotBuilder struct {
ctx android.ModuleContext
sdk *sdk
version string
snapshotDir android.OutputPath
bpFile *bpFile
filesToZip android.Paths
zipsToMerge android.Paths
prebuiltModules map[string]*bpModule
prebuiltOrder []*bpModule
func (s *snapshotBuilder) CopyToSnapshot(src android.Path, dest string) {
path := s.snapshotDir.Join(s.ctx, dest)
s.ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: android.Cp,
Input: src,
Output: path,
s.filesToZip = append(s.filesToZip, path)
func (s *snapshotBuilder) UnzipToSnapshot(zipPath android.Path, destDir string) {
ctx := s.ctx
// Repackage the zip file so that the entries are in the destDir directory.
// This will allow the zip file to be merged into the snapshot.
tmpZipPath := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "tmp", destDir+".zip").OutputPath
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Description: "Repackaging zip file " + destDir + " for snapshot " + ctx.ModuleName(),
Rule: repackageZip,
Input: zipPath,
Output: tmpZipPath,
Args: map[string]string{
"destdir": destDir,
// Add the repackaged zip file to the files to merge.
s.zipsToMerge = append(s.zipsToMerge, tmpZipPath)
func (s *snapshotBuilder) AddPrebuiltModule(name string, moduleType string) android.BpModule {
if s.prebuiltModules[name] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Duplicate module detected, module %s has already been added", name))
m := s.bpFile.newModule(moduleType)
m.AddProperty("name", name)
addHostDeviceSupportedProperties(&s.sdk.ModuleBase, m)
s.prebuiltModules[name] = m
s.prebuiltOrder = append(s.prebuiltOrder, m)
return m
func addHostDeviceSupportedProperties(module *android.ModuleBase, bpModule *bpModule) {
if !module.DeviceSupported() {
bpModule.AddProperty("device_supported", false)
if module.HostSupported() {
bpModule.AddProperty("host_supported", true)
// Get a versioned name appropriate for the SDK snapshot version being taken.
func (s *snapshotBuilder) versionedSdkMemberName(unversionedName string) string {
return versionedSdkMemberName(s.ctx, unversionedName, s.version)
func (s *snapshotBuilder) versionedSdkMemberNames(members []string) []string {
var references []string = nil
for _, m := range members {
references = append(references, s.versionedSdkMemberName(m))
return references