blob: 0895951ab15d541b932ffe176205f24699baa7b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
import (
// Contains support for processing hiddenAPI in a modular fashion.
// HiddenAPIScope encapsulates all the information that the hidden API processing needs about API
// scopes, i.e. what is called android.SdkKind and apiScope. It does not just use those as they do
// not provide the information needed by hidden API processing.
type HiddenAPIScope struct {
// The name of the scope, used for debug purposes.
name string
// The corresponding android.SdkKind, used for retrieving paths from java_sdk_library* modules.
sdkKind android.SdkKind
// The option needed to passed to "hiddenapi list".
hiddenAPIListOption string
// The name sof the source stub library modules that contain the API provided by the platform,
// i.e. by modules that are not in an APEX.
nonUpdatableSourceModule string
// The names of the prebuilt stub library modules that contain the API provided by the platform,
// i.e. by modules that are not in an APEX.
nonUpdatablePrebuiltModule string
// initHiddenAPIScope initializes the scope.
func initHiddenAPIScope(apiScope *HiddenAPIScope) *HiddenAPIScope {
sdkKind := apiScope.sdkKind
// The platform does not provide a core platform API.
if sdkKind != android.SdkCorePlatform {
kindAsString := sdkKind.String()
var insert string
if sdkKind == android.SdkPublic {
insert = ""
} else {
insert = "." + strings.ReplaceAll(kindAsString, "-", "_")
nonUpdatableModule := "android-non-updatable"
// Construct the name of the android-non-updatable source module for this scope.
apiScope.nonUpdatableSourceModule = fmt.Sprintf("%s.stubs%s", nonUpdatableModule, insert)
prebuiltModuleName := func(name string, kind string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("sdk_%s_current_%s", kind, name)
// Construct the name of the android-non-updatable prebuilt module for this scope.
apiScope.nonUpdatablePrebuiltModule = prebuiltModuleName(nonUpdatableModule, kindAsString)
return apiScope
// android-non-updatable takes the name of a module and returns a possibly scope specific name of
// the module.
func (l *HiddenAPIScope) scopeSpecificStubModule(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, name string) string {
// The android-non-updatable is not a java_sdk_library but there are separate stub libraries for
// each scope.
// TODO(b/192067200): Remove special handling of android-non-updatable.
if name == "android-non-updatable" {
if ctx.Config().AlwaysUsePrebuiltSdks() {
return l.nonUpdatablePrebuiltModule
} else {
return l.nonUpdatableSourceModule
} else {
// Assume that the module is either a java_sdk_library (or equivalent) and so will provide
// separate stub jars for each scope or is a java_library (or equivalent) in which case it will
// have the same stub jar for each scope.
return name
func (l *HiddenAPIScope) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("HiddenAPIScope{%s}",
var (
PublicHiddenAPIScope = initHiddenAPIScope(&HiddenAPIScope{
name: "public",
sdkKind: android.SdkPublic,
hiddenAPIListOption: "--public-stub-classpath",
SystemHiddenAPIScope = initHiddenAPIScope(&HiddenAPIScope{
name: "system",
sdkKind: android.SdkSystem,
hiddenAPIListOption: "--system-stub-classpath",
TestHiddenAPIScope = initHiddenAPIScope(&HiddenAPIScope{
name: "test",
sdkKind: android.SdkTest,
hiddenAPIListOption: "--test-stub-classpath",
ModuleLibHiddenAPIScope = initHiddenAPIScope(&HiddenAPIScope{
name: "module-lib",
sdkKind: android.SdkModule,
CorePlatformHiddenAPIScope = initHiddenAPIScope(&HiddenAPIScope{
name: "core-platform",
sdkKind: android.SdkCorePlatform,
hiddenAPIListOption: "--core-platform-stub-classpath",
// hiddenAPIRelevantSdkKinds lists all the android.SdkKind instances that are needed by the hidden
// API processing.
// These are roughly in order from narrowest API surface to widest. Widest means the API stubs
// with the biggest API surface, e.g. test is wider than system is wider than public.
// Core platform is considered wider than system/module-lib because those modules that provide
// core platform APIs either do not have any system/module-lib APIs at all, or if they do it is
// because the core platform API is being converted to system/module-lib APIs. In either case the
// system/module-lib APIs are subsets of the core platform API.
// This is not strictly in order from narrowest to widest as the Test API is wider than system but
// is neither wider or narrower than the module-lib or core platform APIs. However, this works
// well enough at the moment.
// TODO(b/191644675): Correctly reflect the sub/superset relationships between APIs.
hiddenAPIScopes = []*HiddenAPIScope{
// The HiddenAPIScope instances that are supported by a java_sdk_library.
// CorePlatformHiddenAPIScope is not used as the java_sdk_library does not have special support
// for core_platform API, instead it is implemented as a customized form of PublicHiddenAPIScope.
hiddenAPISdkLibrarySupportedScopes = []*HiddenAPIScope{
// The HiddenAPIScope instances that are supported by the `hiddenapi list`.
hiddenAPIFlagScopes = []*HiddenAPIScope{
type hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag struct {
// The api scope for which this dependency was added.
apiScope *HiddenAPIScope
// Indicates that the dependency is not for an API provided by the current bootclasspath fragment
// but is an additional API provided by a module that is not part of the current bootclasspath
// fragment.
fromAdditionalDependency bool
func (b hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag) ExcludeFromApexContents() {
func (b hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag) ReplaceSourceWithPrebuilt() bool {
return false
func (b hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag) SdkMemberType(child android.Module) android.SdkMemberType {
// Do not add additional dependencies to the sdk.
if b.fromAdditionalDependency {
return nil
// If the module is a java_sdk_library then treat it as if it was specific in the java_sdk_libs
// property, otherwise treat if it was specified in the java_header_libs property.
if javaSdkLibrarySdkMemberType.IsInstance(child) {
return javaSdkLibrarySdkMemberType
return javaHeaderLibsSdkMemberType
func (b hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag) ExportMember() bool {
// Export the module added via this dependency tag from the sdk.
return true
// Avoid having to make stubs content explicitly visible to dependent modules.
// This is a temporary workaround to make it easier to migrate to bootclasspath_fragment modules
// with proper dependencies.
// TODO(b/177892522): Remove this and add needed visibility.
func (b hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag) ExcludeFromVisibilityEnforcement() {
var _ android.ExcludeFromVisibilityEnforcementTag = hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag{}
var _ android.ReplaceSourceWithPrebuilt = hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag{}
var _ android.ExcludeFromApexContentsTag = hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag{}
var _ android.SdkMemberTypeDependencyTag = hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag{}
// hiddenAPIComputeMonolithicStubLibModules computes the set of module names that provide stubs
// needed to produce the hidden API monolithic stub flags file.
func hiddenAPIComputeMonolithicStubLibModules(config android.Config) map[*HiddenAPIScope][]string {
var publicStubModules []string
var systemStubModules []string
var testStubModules []string
var corePlatformStubModules []string
if config.AlwaysUsePrebuiltSdks() {
// Build configuration mandates using prebuilt stub modules
publicStubModules = append(publicStubModules, "sdk_public_current_android")
systemStubModules = append(systemStubModules, "sdk_system_current_android")
testStubModules = append(testStubModules, "sdk_test_current_android")
} else {
// Use stub modules built from source
publicStubModules = append(publicStubModules, "android_stubs_current")
systemStubModules = append(systemStubModules, "android_system_stubs_current")
testStubModules = append(testStubModules, "android_test_stubs_current")
// We do not have prebuilts of the core platform api yet
corePlatformStubModules = append(corePlatformStubModules, "legacy.core.platform.api.stubs")
// Allow products to define their own stubs for custom product jars that apps can use.
publicStubModules = append(publicStubModules, config.ProductHiddenAPIStubs()...)
systemStubModules = append(systemStubModules, config.ProductHiddenAPIStubsSystem()...)
testStubModules = append(testStubModules, config.ProductHiddenAPIStubsTest()...)
if config.IsEnvTrue("EMMA_INSTRUMENT") {
// Add jacoco-stubs to public, system and test. It doesn't make any real difference as public
// allows everyone access but it is needed to ensure consistent flags between the
// bootclasspath fragment generated flags and the platform_bootclasspath generated flags.
publicStubModules = append(publicStubModules, "jacoco-stubs")
systemStubModules = append(systemStubModules, "jacoco-stubs")
testStubModules = append(testStubModules, "jacoco-stubs")
m := map[*HiddenAPIScope][]string{}
m[PublicHiddenAPIScope] = publicStubModules
m[SystemHiddenAPIScope] = systemStubModules
m[TestHiddenAPIScope] = testStubModules
m[CorePlatformHiddenAPIScope] = corePlatformStubModules
return m
// hiddenAPIAddStubLibDependencies adds dependencies onto the modules specified in
// apiScopeToStubLibModules. It adds them in a well known order and uses a HiddenAPIScope specific
// tag to identify the source of the dependency.
func hiddenAPIAddStubLibDependencies(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, apiScopeToStubLibModules map[*HiddenAPIScope][]string) {
module := ctx.Module()
for _, apiScope := range hiddenAPIScopes {
modules := apiScopeToStubLibModules[apiScope]
ctx.AddDependency(module, hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag{apiScope: apiScope}, modules...)
// hiddenAPIRetrieveDexJarBuildPath retrieves the DexJarBuildPath from the specified module, if
// available, or reports an error.
func hiddenAPIRetrieveDexJarBuildPath(ctx android.ModuleContext, module android.Module, kind android.SdkKind) android.Path {
var dexJar android.Path
if sdkLibrary, ok := module.(SdkLibraryDependency); ok {
dexJar = sdkLibrary.SdkApiStubDexJar(ctx, kind)
} else if j, ok := module.(UsesLibraryDependency); ok {
dexJar = j.DexJarBuildPath()
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("dependency %s of module type %s does not support providing a dex jar", module, ctx.OtherModuleType(module))
return nil
if dexJar == nil {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("dependency %s does not provide a dex jar, consider setting compile_dex: true", module)
return dexJar
// buildRuleToGenerateHiddenAPIStubFlagsFile creates a rule to create a hidden API stub flags file.
// The rule is initialized but not built so that the caller can modify it and select an appropriate
// name.
func buildRuleToGenerateHiddenAPIStubFlagsFile(ctx android.BuilderContext, name, desc string, outputPath android.WritablePath, bootDexJars android.Paths, input HiddenAPIFlagInput, moduleStubFlagsPaths android.Paths) {
// Singleton rule which applies hiddenapi on all boot class path dex files.
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
tempPath := tempPathForRestat(ctx, outputPath)
// Find the widest API stubs provided by the fragments on which this depends, if any.
dependencyStubDexJars := input.DependencyStubDexJarsByScope.StubDexJarsForWidestAPIScope()
// Add widest API stubs from the additional dependencies of this, if any.
dependencyStubDexJars = append(dependencyStubDexJars, input.AdditionalStubDexJarsByScope.StubDexJarsForWidestAPIScope()...)
command := rule.Command().
Tool(ctx.Config().HostToolPath(ctx, "hiddenapi")).
FlagForEachInput("--dependency-stub-dex=", dependencyStubDexJars).
FlagForEachInput("--boot-dex=", bootDexJars)
// If no module stub flags paths are provided then this must be being called for a
// bootclasspath_fragment and not the whole platform_bootclasspath.
if moduleStubFlagsPaths == nil {
// This is being run on a fragment of the bootclasspath.
// Iterate over the api scopes in a fixed order.
for _, apiScope := range hiddenAPIFlagScopes {
// Merge in the stub dex jar paths for this api scope from the fragments on which it depends.
// They will be needed to resolve dependencies from this fragment's stubs to classes in the
// other fragment's APIs.
var paths android.Paths
paths = append(paths, input.DependencyStubDexJarsByScope.StubDexJarsForScope(apiScope)...)
paths = append(paths, input.AdditionalStubDexJarsByScope.StubDexJarsForScope(apiScope)...)
paths = append(paths, input.StubDexJarsByScope.StubDexJarsForScope(apiScope)...)
if len(paths) > 0 {
option := apiScope.hiddenAPIListOption
command.FlagWithInputList(option+"=", paths, ":")
// Add the output path.
command.FlagWithOutput("--out-api-flags=", tempPath)
// If there are stub flag files that have been generated by fragments on which this depends then
// use them to validate the stub flag file generated by the rules created by this method.
if len(moduleStubFlagsPaths) > 0 {
validFile := buildRuleValidateOverlappingCsvFiles(ctx, name, desc, outputPath, moduleStubFlagsPaths)
// Add the file that indicates that the file generated by this is valid.
// This will cause the validation rule above to be run any time that the output of this rule
// changes but the validation will run in parallel with other rules that depend on this file.
commitChangeForRestat(rule, tempPath, outputPath)
rule.Build(name, desc)
// HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties contains paths to the flag files that can be used to augment the
// information obtained from annotations within the source code in order to create the complete set
// of flags that should be applied to the dex implementation jars on the bootclasspath.
// Each property contains a list of paths. With the exception of the Unsupported_packages the paths
// of each property reference a plain text file that contains a java signature per line. The flags
// for each of those signatures will be updated in a property specific way.
// The Unsupported_packages property contains a list of paths, each of which is a plain text file
// with one Java package per line. All members of all classes within that package (but not nested
// packages) will be updated in a property specific way.
type HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties struct {
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported.
Unsupported []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being unsupported because it has been removed.
// Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
Removed []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= R
// and low priority.
Max_target_r_low_priority []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= Q.
Max_target_q []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= P.
Max_target_p []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being supported only for targetSdkVersion <= O
// and low priority. Any conflicts with other flags are ignored.
Max_target_o_low_priority []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in the referenced files as being blocked.
Blocked []string `android:"path"`
// Marks each signature in every package in the referenced files as being unsupported.
Unsupported_packages []string `android:"path"`
type hiddenAPIFlagFileCategory struct {
// PropertyName is the name of the property for this category.
PropertyName string
// propertyValueReader retrieves the value of the property for this category from the set of
// properties.
propertyValueReader func(properties *HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties) []string
// commandMutator adds the appropriate command line options for this category to the supplied
// command
commandMutator func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path)
// The flag file category for removed members of the API.
// This is extracted from HiddenAPIFlagFileCategories as it is needed to add the dex signatures
// list of removed API members that are generated automatically from the removed.txt files provided
// by API stubs.
var hiddenAPIRemovedFlagFileCategory = &hiddenAPIFlagFileCategory{
// See HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties.Removed
PropertyName: "removed",
propertyValueReader: func(properties *HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties) []string {
return properties.Removed
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--unsupported ", path).Flag("--ignore-conflicts ").FlagWithArg("--tag ", "removed")
var HiddenAPIFlagFileCategories = []*hiddenAPIFlagFileCategory{
// See HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties.Unsupported
PropertyName: "unsupported",
propertyValueReader: func(properties *HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties) []string {
return properties.Unsupported
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--unsupported ", path)
// See HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties.Max_target_r_low_priority
PropertyName: "max_target_r_low_priority",
propertyValueReader: func(properties *HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties) []string {
return properties.Max_target_r_low_priority
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--max-target-r ", path).FlagWithArg("--tag ", "lo-prio")
// See HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties.Max_target_q
PropertyName: "max_target_q",
propertyValueReader: func(properties *HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties) []string {
return properties.Max_target_q
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--max-target-q ", path)
// See HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties.Max_target_p
PropertyName: "max_target_p",
propertyValueReader: func(properties *HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties) []string {
return properties.Max_target_p
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--max-target-p ", path)
// See HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties.Max_target_o_low_priority
PropertyName: "max_target_o_low_priority",
propertyValueReader: func(properties *HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties) []string {
return properties.Max_target_o_low_priority
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--max-target-o ", path).Flag("--ignore-conflicts ").FlagWithArg("--tag ", "lo-prio")
// See HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties.Blocked
PropertyName: "blocked",
propertyValueReader: func(properties *HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties) []string {
return properties.Blocked
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--blocked ", path)
// See HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties.Unsupported_packages
PropertyName: "unsupported_packages",
propertyValueReader: func(properties *HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties) []string {
return properties.Unsupported_packages
commandMutator: func(command *android.RuleBuilderCommand, path android.Path) {
command.FlagWithInput("--unsupported ", path).Flag("--packages ")
// FlagFilesByCategory maps a hiddenAPIFlagFileCategory to the paths to the files in that category.
type FlagFilesByCategory map[*hiddenAPIFlagFileCategory]android.Paths
// append appends the supplied flags files to the corresponding category in this map.
func (s FlagFilesByCategory) append(other FlagFilesByCategory) {
for _, category := range HiddenAPIFlagFileCategories {
s[category] = append(s[category], other[category]...)
// dedup removes duplicates in the flag files, while maintaining the order in which they were
// appended.
func (s FlagFilesByCategory) dedup() {
for category, paths := range s {
s[category] = android.FirstUniquePaths(paths)
// HiddenAPIInfo contains information provided by the hidden API processing.
// That includes paths resolved from HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties and also generated by hidden API
// processing.
type HiddenAPIInfo struct {
// FlagFilesByCategory maps from the flag file category to the paths containing information for
// that category.
FlagFilesByCategory FlagFilesByCategory
// The paths to the stub dex jars for each of the *HiddenAPIScope in hiddenAPIScopes provided by
// this fragment and the fragments on which this depends.
TransitiveStubDexJarsByScope StubDexJarsByModule
// The output from the hidden API processing needs to be made available to other modules.
func newHiddenAPIInfo() *HiddenAPIInfo {
info := HiddenAPIInfo{
FlagFilesByCategory: FlagFilesByCategory{},
TransitiveStubDexJarsByScope: StubDexJarsByModule{},
return &info
func (i *HiddenAPIInfo) mergeFromFragmentDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext, fragments []android.Module) {
// Merge all the information from the fragments. The fragments form a DAG so it is possible that
// this will introduce duplicates so they will be resolved after processing all the fragments.
for _, fragment := range fragments {
if ctx.OtherModuleHasProvider(fragment, HiddenAPIInfoProvider) {
info := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(fragment, HiddenAPIInfoProvider).(HiddenAPIInfo)
var HiddenAPIInfoProvider = blueprint.NewProvider(HiddenAPIInfo{})
// ModuleStubDexJars contains the stub dex jars provided by a single module.
// It maps a *HiddenAPIScope to the path to stub dex jars appropriate for that scope. See
// hiddenAPIScopes for a list of the acceptable *HiddenAPIScope values.
type ModuleStubDexJars map[*HiddenAPIScope]android.Path
// stubDexJarForWidestAPIScope returns the stub dex jars for the widest API scope provided by this
// map.
// The relative width of APIs is determined by their order in hiddenAPIScopes.
func (s ModuleStubDexJars) stubDexJarForWidestAPIScope() android.Path {
for i := len(hiddenAPIScopes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
apiScope := hiddenAPIScopes[i]
if stubsForAPIScope, ok := s[apiScope]; ok {
return stubsForAPIScope
return nil
// StubDexJarsByModule contains the stub dex jars provided by a set of modules.
// It maps a module name to the path to the stub dex jars provided by that module.
type StubDexJarsByModule map[string]ModuleStubDexJars
// addStubDexJar adds a stub dex jar path provided by the specified module for the specified scope.
func (s StubDexJarsByModule) addStubDexJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, module android.Module, scope *HiddenAPIScope, stubDexJar android.Path) {
name := android.RemoveOptionalPrebuiltPrefix(module.Name())
if name == scope.nonUpdatablePrebuiltModule || name == scope.nonUpdatableSourceModule {
// Treat all *android-non-updatable* modules as if they were part of an android-non-updatable
// java_sdk_library.
// TODO(b/192067200): Remove once android-non-updatable is a java_sdk_library or equivalent.
name = "android-non-updatable"
} else if name == "" {
// Treat as if it was an API scope provided by the
// art.module.public.api java_sdk_library which will be the case once the former has been
// migrated to a module_lib API.
name = "art.module.public.api"
} else if name == "legacy.i18n.module.platform.api" {
// Treat legacy.i18n.module.platform.api as if it was an API scope provided by the
// i18n.module.public.api java_sdk_library which will be the case once the former has been
// migrated to a module_lib API.
name = "i18n.module.public.api"
} else if name == "conscrypt.module.platform.api" {
// Treat conscrypt.module.platform.api as if it was an API scope provided by the
// conscrypt.module.public.api java_sdk_library which will be the case once the former has been
// migrated to a module_lib API.
name = "conscrypt.module.public.api"
stubDexJarsByScope := s[name]
if stubDexJarsByScope == nil {
stubDexJarsByScope = ModuleStubDexJars{}
s[name] = stubDexJarsByScope
stubDexJarsByScope[scope] = stubDexJar
// addStubDexJarsByModule adds the stub dex jars in the supplied StubDexJarsByModule to this map.
func (s StubDexJarsByModule) addStubDexJarsByModule(other StubDexJarsByModule) {
for module, stubDexJarsByScope := range other {
s[module] = stubDexJarsByScope
// StubDexJarsForWidestAPIScope returns a list of stub dex jars containing the widest API scope
// provided by each module.
// The relative width of APIs is determined by their order in hiddenAPIScopes.
func (s StubDexJarsByModule) StubDexJarsForWidestAPIScope() android.Paths {
stubDexJars := android.Paths{}
modules := android.SortedStringKeys(s)
for _, module := range modules {
stubDexJarsByScope := s[module]
stubDexJars = append(stubDexJars, stubDexJarsByScope.stubDexJarForWidestAPIScope())
return stubDexJars
// StubDexJarsForScope returns a list of stub dex jars containing the stub dex jars provided by each
// module for the specified scope.
// If a module does not provide a stub dex jar for the supplied scope then it does not contribute to
// the returned list.
func (s StubDexJarsByModule) StubDexJarsForScope(scope *HiddenAPIScope) android.Paths {
stubDexJars := android.Paths{}
modules := android.SortedStringKeys(s)
for _, module := range modules {
stubDexJarsByScope := s[module]
// Not every module will have the same set of
if jars, ok := stubDexJarsByScope[scope]; ok {
stubDexJars = append(stubDexJars, jars)
return stubDexJars
// HiddenAPIFlagInput encapsulates information obtained from a module and its dependencies that are
// needed for hidden API flag generation.
type HiddenAPIFlagInput struct {
// FlagFilesByCategory contains the flag files that override the initial flags that are derived
// from the stub dex files.
FlagFilesByCategory FlagFilesByCategory
// StubDexJarsByScope contains the stub dex jars for different *HiddenAPIScope and which determine
// the initial flags for each dex member.
StubDexJarsByScope StubDexJarsByModule
// DependencyStubDexJarsByScope contains the stub dex jars provided by the fragments on which this
// depends. It is the result of merging HiddenAPIInfo.TransitiveStubDexJarsByScope from each
// fragment on which this depends.
DependencyStubDexJarsByScope StubDexJarsByModule
// AdditionalStubDexJarsByScope contains stub dex jars provided by other modules in addition to
// the ones that are obtained from fragments on which this depends.
// These are kept separate from stub dex jars in HiddenAPIFlagInput.DependencyStubDexJarsByScope
// as there are not propagated transitively to other fragments that depend on this.
AdditionalStubDexJarsByScope StubDexJarsByModule
// RemovedTxtFiles is the list of removed.txt files provided by java_sdk_library modules that are
// specified in the bootclasspath_fragment's stub_libs and contents properties.
RemovedTxtFiles android.Paths
// newHiddenAPIFlagInput creates a new initialize HiddenAPIFlagInput struct.
func newHiddenAPIFlagInput() HiddenAPIFlagInput {
input := HiddenAPIFlagInput{
FlagFilesByCategory: FlagFilesByCategory{},
StubDexJarsByScope: StubDexJarsByModule{},
DependencyStubDexJarsByScope: StubDexJarsByModule{},
AdditionalStubDexJarsByScope: StubDexJarsByModule{},
return input
// canPerformHiddenAPIProcessing determines whether hidden API processing should be performed.
// A temporary workaround to avoid existing bootclasspath_fragments that do not provide the
// appropriate information needed for hidden API processing breaking the build.
// TODO(b/179354495): Remove this workaround.
func (i *HiddenAPIFlagInput) canPerformHiddenAPIProcessing(ctx android.ModuleContext, properties bootclasspathFragmentProperties) bool {
// Performing hidden API processing without stubs is not supported and it is unlikely to ever be
// required as the whole point of adding something to the bootclasspath fragment is to add it to
// the bootclasspath in order to be used by something else in the system. Without any stubs it
// cannot do that.
if len(i.StubDexJarsByScope) == 0 {
return false
// Hidden API processing is always enabled in tests.
if ctx.Config().TestProductVariables != nil {
return true
// A module that has fragments should have access to the information it needs in order to perform
// hidden API processing.
if len(properties.Fragments) != 0 {
return true
// The art bootclasspath fragment does not depend on any other fragments but already supports
// hidden API processing.
imageName := proptools.String(properties.Image_name)
if imageName == "art" {
return true
// Disable it for everything else.
return false
// gatherStubLibInfo gathers information from the stub libs needed by hidden API processing from the
// dependencies added in hiddenAPIAddStubLibDependencies.
// That includes paths to the stub dex jars as well as paths to the *removed.txt files.
func (i *HiddenAPIFlagInput) gatherStubLibInfo(ctx android.ModuleContext, contents []android.Module) {
addFromModule := func(ctx android.ModuleContext, module android.Module, apiScope *HiddenAPIScope) {
sdkKind := apiScope.sdkKind
dexJar := hiddenAPIRetrieveDexJarBuildPath(ctx, module, sdkKind)
if dexJar != nil {
i.StubDexJarsByScope.addStubDexJar(ctx, module, apiScope, dexJar)
if sdkLibrary, ok := module.(SdkLibraryDependency); ok {
removedTxtFile := sdkLibrary.SdkRemovedTxtFile(ctx, sdkKind)
i.RemovedTxtFiles = append(i.RemovedTxtFiles, removedTxtFile.AsPaths()...)
// If the contents includes any java_sdk_library modules then add them to the stubs.
for _, module := range contents {
if _, ok := module.(SdkLibraryDependency); ok {
// Add information for every possible API scope needed by hidden API.
for _, apiScope := range hiddenAPISdkLibrarySupportedScopes {
addFromModule(ctx, module, apiScope)
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(module android.Module) {
tag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(module)
if hiddenAPIStubsTag, ok := tag.(hiddenAPIStubsDependencyTag); ok {
apiScope := hiddenAPIStubsTag.apiScope
if hiddenAPIStubsTag.fromAdditionalDependency {
dexJar := hiddenAPIRetrieveDexJarBuildPath(ctx, module, apiScope.sdkKind)
if dexJar != nil {
i.AdditionalStubDexJarsByScope.addStubDexJar(ctx, module, apiScope, dexJar)
} else {
addFromModule(ctx, module, apiScope)
// Normalize the paths, i.e. remove duplicates and sort.
i.RemovedTxtFiles = android.SortedUniquePaths(i.RemovedTxtFiles)
// extractFlagFilesFromProperties extracts the paths to flag files that are specified in the
// supplied properties and stores them in this struct.
func (i *HiddenAPIFlagInput) extractFlagFilesFromProperties(ctx android.ModuleContext, p *HiddenAPIFlagFileProperties) {
for _, category := range HiddenAPIFlagFileCategories {
paths := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, category.propertyValueReader(p))
i.FlagFilesByCategory[category] = paths
func (i *HiddenAPIFlagInput) transitiveStubDexJarsByScope() StubDexJarsByModule {
transitive := i.DependencyStubDexJarsByScope
return transitive
// HiddenAPIFlagOutput contains paths to output files from the hidden API flag generation for a
// bootclasspath_fragment module.
type HiddenAPIFlagOutput struct {
// The path to the generated stub-flags.csv file.
StubFlagsPath android.Path
// The path to the generated annotation-flags.csv file.
AnnotationFlagsPath android.Path
// The path to the generated metadata.csv file.
MetadataPath android.Path
// The path to the generated index.csv file.
IndexPath android.Path
// The path to the generated all-flags.csv file.
AllFlagsPath android.Path
// bootDexJarByModule is a map from base module name (without prebuilt_ prefix) to the boot dex
// path.
type bootDexJarByModule map[string]android.Path
// addPath adds the path for a module to the map.
func (b bootDexJarByModule) addPath(module android.Module, path android.Path) {
b[android.RemoveOptionalPrebuiltPrefix(module.Name())] = path
// bootDexJars returns the boot dex jar paths sorted by their keys.
func (b bootDexJarByModule) bootDexJars() android.Paths {
paths := android.Paths{}
for _, k := range android.SortedStringKeys(b) {
paths = append(paths, b[k])
return paths
// bootDexJarsWithoutCoverage returns the boot dex jar paths sorted by their keys without coverage
// libraries if present.
func (b bootDexJarByModule) bootDexJarsWithoutCoverage() android.Paths {
paths := android.Paths{}
for _, k := range android.SortedStringKeys(b) {
if k == "jacocoagent" {
paths = append(paths, b[k])
return paths
// HiddenAPIOutput encapsulates the output from the hidden API processing.
type HiddenAPIOutput struct {
// The map from base module name to the path to the encoded boot dex file.
EncodedBootDexFilesByModule bootDexJarByModule
// pathForValidation creates a path of the same type as the supplied type but with a name of
// <path>.valid.
// e.g. If path is an OutputPath for out/soong/hiddenapi/hiddenapi-flags.csv then this will return
// an OutputPath for out/soong/hiddenapi/hiddenapi-flags.csv.valid
func pathForValidation(ctx android.PathContext, path android.WritablePath) android.WritablePath {
extWithoutLeadingDot := strings.TrimPrefix(path.Ext(), ".")
return path.ReplaceExtension(ctx, extWithoutLeadingDot+".valid")
// buildRuleToGenerateHiddenApiFlags creates a rule to create the monolithic hidden API flags from
// the flags from all the modules, the stub flags, augmented with some additional configuration
// files.
// baseFlagsPath is the path to the flags file containing all the information from the stubs plus
// an entry for every single member in the dex implementation jars of the individual modules. Every
// signature in any of the other files MUST be included in this file.
// annotationFlags is the path to the annotation flags file generated from annotation information
// in each module.
// hiddenAPIInfo is a struct containing paths to files that augment the information provided by
// the annotationFlags.
func buildRuleToGenerateHiddenApiFlags(ctx android.BuilderContext, name, desc string,
outputPath android.WritablePath, baseFlagsPath android.Path, annotationFlagPaths android.Paths,
flagFilesByCategory FlagFilesByCategory, allFlagsPaths android.Paths, generatedRemovedDexSignatures android.OptionalPath) {
// Create the rule that will generate the flag files.
tempPath := tempPathForRestat(ctx, outputPath)
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
command := rule.Command().
FlagWithInput("--csv ", baseFlagsPath).
FlagWithOutput("--output ", tempPath)
// Add the options for the different categories of flag files.
for _, category := range HiddenAPIFlagFileCategories {
paths := flagFilesByCategory[category]
for _, path := range paths {
category.commandMutator(command, path)
// If available then pass the automatically generated file containing dex signatures of removed
// API members to the rule so they can be marked as removed.
if generatedRemovedDexSignatures.Valid() {
hiddenAPIRemovedFlagFileCategory.commandMutator(command, generatedRemovedDexSignatures.Path())
commitChangeForRestat(rule, tempPath, outputPath)
// If there are flag files that have been generated by fragments on which this depends then use
// them to validate the flag file generated by the rules created by this method.
if len(allFlagsPaths) > 0 {
validFile := buildRuleValidateOverlappingCsvFiles(ctx, name, desc, outputPath, allFlagsPaths)
// Add the file that indicates that the file generated by this is valid.
// This will cause the validation rule above to be run any time that the output of this rule
// changes but the validation will run in parallel with other rules that depend on this file.
rule.Build(name, desc)
// buildRuleValidateOverlappingCsvFiles checks that the modular CSV files, i.e. the files generated
// by the individual bootclasspath_fragment modules are subsets of the monolithic CSV file.
func buildRuleValidateOverlappingCsvFiles(ctx android.BuilderContext, name string, desc string, monolithicFilePath android.WritablePath, modularFilePaths android.Paths) android.WritablePath {
// The file which is used to record that the flags file is valid.
validFile := pathForValidation(ctx, monolithicFilePath)
// Create a rule to validate the output from the following rule.
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
// If validation passes then update the file that records that.
Text("&& touch").Output(validFile)
rule.Build(name+"Validation", desc+" validation")
return validFile
// hiddenAPIRulesForBootclasspathFragment will generate all the flags for a fragment of the
// bootclasspath and then encode the flags into the boot dex files.
// It takes:
// * Map from android.SdkKind to stub dex jar paths defining the API for that sdk kind.
// * The list of modules that are the contents of the fragment.
// * The additional manually curated flag files to use.
// It generates:
// * stub-flags.csv
// * annotation-flags.csv
// * metadata.csv
// * index.csv
// * all-flags.csv
// * encoded boot dex files
func hiddenAPIRulesForBootclasspathFragment(ctx android.ModuleContext, contents []android.Module, input HiddenAPIFlagInput) *HiddenAPIOutput {
hiddenApiSubDir := "modular-hiddenapi"
// Gather information about the boot dex files for the boot libraries provided by this fragment.
bootDexInfoByModule := extractBootDexInfoFromModules(ctx, contents)
// Generate the stub-flags.csv.
stubFlagsCSV := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, hiddenApiSubDir, "stub-flags.csv")
buildRuleToGenerateHiddenAPIStubFlagsFile(ctx, "modularHiddenAPIStubFlagsFile", "modular hiddenapi stub flags", stubFlagsCSV, bootDexInfoByModule.bootDexJars(), input, nil)
// Extract the classes jars from the contents.
classesJars := extractClassesJarsFromModules(contents)
// Generate the set of flags from the annotations in the source code.
annotationFlagsCSV := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, hiddenApiSubDir, "annotation-flags.csv")
buildRuleToGenerateAnnotationFlags(ctx, "modular hiddenapi annotation flags", classesJars, stubFlagsCSV, annotationFlagsCSV)
// Generate the metadata from the annotations in the source code.
metadataCSV := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, hiddenApiSubDir, "metadata.csv")
buildRuleToGenerateMetadata(ctx, "modular hiddenapi metadata", classesJars, stubFlagsCSV, metadataCSV)
// Generate the index file from the CSV files in the classes jars.
indexCSV := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, hiddenApiSubDir, "index.csv")
buildRuleToGenerateIndex(ctx, "modular hiddenapi index", classesJars, indexCSV)
// Removed APIs need to be marked and in order to do that the hiddenAPIInfo needs to specify files
// containing dex signatures of all the removed APIs. In the monolithic files that is done by
// manually combining all the removed.txt files for each API and then converting them to dex
// signatures, see the combined-removed-dex module. This does that automatically by using the
// *removed.txt files retrieved from the java_sdk_library modules that are specified in the
// stub_libs and contents properties of a bootclasspath_fragment.
removedDexSignatures := buildRuleToGenerateRemovedDexSignatures(ctx, input.RemovedTxtFiles)
// Generate the all-flags.csv which are the flags that will, in future, be encoded into the dex
// files.
allFlagsCSV := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, hiddenApiSubDir, "all-flags.csv")
buildRuleToGenerateHiddenApiFlags(ctx, "modularHiddenApiAllFlags", "modular hiddenapi all flags", allFlagsCSV, stubFlagsCSV, android.Paths{annotationFlagsCSV}, input.FlagFilesByCategory, nil, removedDexSignatures)
// Encode the flags into the boot dex files.
encodedBootDexJarsByModule := map[string]android.Path{}
outputDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "hiddenapi-modular/encoded").OutputPath
for _, name := range android.SortedStringKeys(bootDexInfoByModule) {
bootDexInfo := bootDexInfoByModule[name]
unencodedDex := bootDexInfo.path
encodedDex := hiddenAPIEncodeDex(ctx, unencodedDex, allFlagsCSV, bootDexInfo.uncompressDex, outputDir)
encodedBootDexJarsByModule[name] = encodedDex
// Store the paths in the info for use by other modules and sdk snapshot generation.
output := HiddenAPIOutput{
HiddenAPIFlagOutput: HiddenAPIFlagOutput{
StubFlagsPath: stubFlagsCSV,
AnnotationFlagsPath: annotationFlagsCSV,
MetadataPath: metadataCSV,
IndexPath: indexCSV,
AllFlagsPath: allFlagsCSV,
EncodedBootDexFilesByModule: encodedBootDexJarsByModule,
return &output
func buildRuleToGenerateRemovedDexSignatures(ctx android.ModuleContext, removedTxtFiles android.Paths) android.OptionalPath {
if len(removedTxtFiles) == 0 {
return android.OptionalPath{}
output := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "modular-hiddenapi/removed-dex-signatures.txt")
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
FlagWithOutput("--dex-api ", output)
rule.Build("modular-hiddenapi-removed-dex-signatures", "modular hiddenapi removed dex signatures")
return android.OptionalPathForPath(output)
// extractBootDexJarsFromModules extracts the boot dex jars from the supplied modules.
func extractBootDexJarsFromModules(ctx android.ModuleContext, contents []android.Module) bootDexJarByModule {
bootDexJars := bootDexJarByModule{}
for _, module := range contents {
hiddenAPIModule := hiddenAPIModuleFromModule(ctx, module)
if hiddenAPIModule == nil {
bootDexJar := retrieveBootDexJarFromHiddenAPIModule(ctx, hiddenAPIModule)
bootDexJars.addPath(module, bootDexJar)
return bootDexJars
func hiddenAPIModuleFromModule(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, module android.Module) hiddenAPIModule {
if hiddenAPIModule, ok := module.(hiddenAPIModule); ok {
return hiddenAPIModule
} else if _, ok := module.(*DexImport); ok {
// Ignore this for the purposes of hidden API processing
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %s does not implement hiddenAPIModule", module)
return nil
// bootDexInfo encapsulates both the path and uncompressDex status retrieved from a hiddenAPIModule.
type bootDexInfo struct {
// The path to the dex jar that has not had hidden API flags encoded into it.
path android.Path
// Indicates whether the dex jar needs uncompressing before encoding.
uncompressDex bool
// bootDexInfoByModule is a map from module name (as returned by module.Name()) to the boot dex
// path (as returned by hiddenAPIModule.bootDexJar()) and the uncompressDex flag.
type bootDexInfoByModule map[string]bootDexInfo
// bootDexJars returns the boot dex jar paths sorted by their keys.
func (b bootDexInfoByModule) bootDexJars() android.Paths {
paths := android.Paths{}
for _, m := range android.SortedStringKeys(b) {
paths = append(paths, b[m].path)
return paths
// extractBootDexInfoFromModules extracts the boot dex jar and uncompress dex state from
// each of the supplied modules which must implement hiddenAPIModule.
func extractBootDexInfoFromModules(ctx android.ModuleContext, contents []android.Module) bootDexInfoByModule {
bootDexJarsByModule := bootDexInfoByModule{}
for _, module := range contents {
hiddenAPIModule := module.(hiddenAPIModule)
bootDexJar := retrieveBootDexJarFromHiddenAPIModule(ctx, hiddenAPIModule)
bootDexJarsByModule[module.Name()] = bootDexInfo{
path: bootDexJar,
uncompressDex: *hiddenAPIModule.uncompressDex(),
return bootDexJarsByModule
// retrieveBootDexJarFromHiddenAPIModule retrieves the boot dex jar from the hiddenAPIModule.
// If the module does not provide a boot dex jar, i.e. the returned boot dex jar is nil, then that
// create a fake path and either report an error immediately or defer reporting of the error until
// the path is actually used.
func retrieveBootDexJarFromHiddenAPIModule(ctx android.ModuleContext, module hiddenAPIModule) android.Path {
bootDexJar := module.bootDexJar()
if bootDexJar == nil {
fake := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("fake/boot-dex/%s.jar", module.Name()))
bootDexJar = fake
handleMissingDexBootFile(ctx, module, fake)
return bootDexJar
// extractClassesJarsFromModules extracts the class jars from the supplied modules.
func extractClassesJarsFromModules(contents []android.Module) android.Paths {
classesJars := android.Paths{}
for _, module := range contents {
classesJars = append(classesJars, retrieveClassesJarsFromModule(module)...)
return classesJars
// retrieveClassesJarsFromModule retrieves the classes jars from the supplied module.
func retrieveClassesJarsFromModule(module android.Module) android.Paths {
if hiddenAPIModule, ok := module.(hiddenAPIModule); ok {
return hiddenAPIModule.classesJars()
return nil
// deferReportingMissingBootDexJar returns true if a missing boot dex jar should not be reported by
// Soong but should instead only be reported in ninja if the file is actually built.
func deferReportingMissingBootDexJar(ctx android.ModuleContext, module android.Module) bool {
// TODO(b/179354495): Remove this workaround when it is unnecessary.
// Prebuilt modules like framework-wifi do not yet provide dex implementation jars. So,
// create a fake one that will cause a build error only if it is used.
if ctx.Config().AlwaysUsePrebuiltSdks() {
return true
// Any missing dependency should be allowed.
if ctx.Config().AllowMissingDependencies() {
return true
// This is called for both platform_bootclasspath and bootclasspath_fragment modules.
// A bootclasspath_fragment module should only use the APEX variant of source or prebuilt modules.
// Ideally, a bootclasspath_fragment module should never have a platform variant created for it
// but unfortunately, due to b/187910671 it does.
// That causes issues when obtaining a boot dex jar for a prebuilt module as a prebuilt module
// used by a bootclasspath_fragment can only provide a boot dex jar when it is part of APEX, i.e.
// has an APEX variant not a platform variant.
// There are some other situations when a prebuilt module used by a bootclasspath_fragment cannot
// provide a boot dex jar:
// 1. If the bootclasspath_fragment is not exported by the prebuilt_apex/apex_set module then it
// does not have an APEX variant and only has a platform variant and neither do its content
// modules.
// 2. Some build configurations, e.g. setting TARGET_BUILD_USE_PREBUILT_SDKS causes all
// java_sdk_library_import modules to be treated as preferred and as many of them are not part
// of an apex they cannot provide a boot dex jar.
// The first case causes problems when the affected prebuilt modules are preferred but that is an
// invalid configuration and it is ok for it to fail as the work to enable that is not yet
// complete. The second case is used for building targets that do not use boot dex jars and so
// deferring error reporting to ninja is fine as the affected ninja targets should never be built.
// That is handled above.
// A platform_bootclasspath module can use libraries from both platform and APEX variants. Unlike
// the bootclasspath_fragment it supports dex_import modules which provides the dex file. So, it
// can obtain a boot dex jar from a prebuilt that is not part of an APEX. However, it is assumed
// that if the library can be part of an APEX then it is the APEX variant that is used.
// This check handles the slightly different requirements of the bootclasspath_fragment and
// platform_bootclasspath modules by only deferring error reporting for the platform variant of
// a prebuilt modules that has other variants which are part of an APEX.
// TODO(b/187910671): Remove this once platform variants are no longer created unnecessarily.
if android.IsModulePrebuilt(module) {
if am, ok := module.(android.ApexModule); ok && am.InAnyApex() {
apexInfo := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(module, android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo)
if apexInfo.IsForPlatform() {
return true
// A bootclasspath module that is part of a versioned sdk never provides a boot dex jar as there
// is no equivalently versioned prebuilt APEX file from which it can be obtained. However,
// versioned bootclasspath modules are processed by Soong so in order to avoid them causing build
// failures missing boot dex jars need to be deferred.
if android.IsModuleInVersionedSdk(ctx.Module()) {
return true
return false
// handleMissingDexBootFile will either log a warning or create an error rule to create the fake
// file depending on the value returned from deferReportingMissingBootDexJar.
func handleMissingDexBootFile(ctx android.ModuleContext, module android.Module, fake android.WritablePath) {
if deferReportingMissingBootDexJar(ctx, module) {
// Create an error rule that pretends to create the output file but will actually fail if it
// is run.
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: android.ErrorRule,
Output: fake,
Args: map[string]string{
"error": fmt.Sprintf("missing dependencies: boot dex jar for %s", module),
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %s does not provide a dex jar", module)
// retrieveEncodedBootDexJarFromModule returns a path to the boot dex jar from the supplied module's
// DexJarBuildPath() method.
// The returned path will usually be to a dex jar file that has been encoded with hidden API flags.
// However, under certain conditions, e.g. errors, or special build configurations it will return
// a path to a fake file.
func retrieveEncodedBootDexJarFromModule(ctx android.ModuleContext, module android.Module) android.Path {
bootDexJar := module.(interface{ DexJarBuildPath() android.Path }).DexJarBuildPath()
if bootDexJar == nil {
fake := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("fake/encoded-dex/%s.jar", module.Name()))
bootDexJar = fake
handleMissingDexBootFile(ctx, module, fake)
return bootDexJar
// extractEncodedDexJarsFromModules extracts the encoded dex jars from the supplied modules.
func extractEncodedDexJarsFromModules(ctx android.ModuleContext, contents []android.Module) bootDexJarByModule {
encodedDexJarsByModuleName := bootDexJarByModule{}
for _, module := range contents {
path := retrieveEncodedBootDexJarFromModule(ctx, module)
encodedDexJarsByModuleName.addPath(module, path)
return encodedDexJarsByModuleName