blob: 8c90e4c7a41b766813e892731f11845e45d5a3c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
// This file contains the module implementations for android_app_import and android_test_import.
import (
func init() {
var (
uncompressEmbeddedJniLibsRule = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("uncompress-embedded-jni-libs", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: `if (zipinfo $in 'lib/*.so' 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' stor ' >/dev/null) ; then ` +
`${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i $in -o $out -0 'lib/**/*.so'` +
`; else cp -f $in $out; fi`,
CommandDeps: []string{"${config.Zip2ZipCmd}"},
Description: "Uncompress embedded JNI libs",
uncompressDexRule = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("uncompress-dex", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: `if (zipinfo $in '*.dex' 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' stor ' >/dev/null) ; then ` +
`${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i $in -o $out -0 'classes*.dex'` +
`; else cp -f $in $out; fi`,
CommandDeps: []string{"${config.Zip2ZipCmd}"},
Description: "Uncompress dex files",
checkPresignedApkRule = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("check-presigned-apk", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: "build/soong/scripts/ --aapt2 ${config.Aapt2Cmd} --zipalign ${config.ZipAlign} $extraArgs $in $out",
CommandDeps: []string{"build/soong/scripts/", "${config.Aapt2Cmd}", "${config.ZipAlign}"},
Description: "Check presigned apk",
}, "extraArgs")
func RegisterAppImportBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
ctx.RegisterModuleType("android_app_import", AndroidAppImportFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("android_test_import", AndroidTestImportFactory)
type AndroidAppImport struct {
prebuilt android.Prebuilt
properties AndroidAppImportProperties
dpiVariants interface{}
archVariants interface{}
arch_dpiVariants interface{}
outputFile android.Path
certificate Certificate
usesLibrary usesLibrary
installPath android.InstallPath
hideApexVariantFromMake bool
provenanceMetaDataFile android.OutputPath
// Single aconfig "cache file" merged from this module and all dependencies.
mergedAconfigFiles map[string]android.Paths
type AndroidAppImportProperties struct {
// A prebuilt apk to import
Apk *string `android:"path"`
// The name of a certificate in the default certificate directory or an android_app_certificate
// module name in the form ":module". Should be empty if presigned or default_dev_cert is set.
Certificate *string
// Names of extra android_app_certificate modules to sign the apk with in the form ":module".
Additional_certificates []string
// Set this flag to true if the prebuilt apk is already signed. The certificate property must not
// be set for presigned modules.
Presigned *bool
// Name of the signing certificate lineage file or filegroup module.
Lineage *string `android:"path"`
// For overriding the --rotation-min-sdk-version property of apksig
RotationMinSdkVersion *string
// Sign with the default system dev certificate. Must be used judiciously. Most imported apps
// need to either specify a specific certificate or be presigned.
Default_dev_cert *bool
// Specifies that this app should be installed to the priv-app directory,
// where the system will grant it additional privileges not available to
// normal apps.
Privileged *bool
// Names of modules to be overridden. Listed modules can only be other binaries
// (in Make or Soong).
// This does not completely prevent installation of the overridden binaries, but if both
// binaries would be installed by default (in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) the other binary will be removed
Overrides []string
// Optional name for the installed app. If unspecified, it is derived from the module name.
Filename *string
// If set, create package-export.apk, which other packages can
// use to get PRODUCT-agnostic resource data like IDs and type definitions.
Export_package_resources *bool
// Optional. Install to a subdirectory of the default install path for the module
Relative_install_path *string
// Whether the prebuilt apk can be installed without additional processing. Default is false.
Preprocessed *bool
// Whether or not to skip checking the preprocessed apk for proper alignment and uncompressed
// JNI libs and dex files. Default is false
Skip_preprocessed_apk_checks *bool
func (a *AndroidAppImport) IsInstallable() bool {
return true
// Updates properties with variant-specific values.
// This happens as a DefaultableHook instead of a LoadHook because we want to run it after
// soong config variables are applied.
func (a *AndroidAppImport) processVariants(ctx android.DefaultableHookContext) {
config := ctx.Config()
dpiProps := reflect.ValueOf(a.dpiVariants).Elem().FieldByName(DpiGroupName)
// Try DPI variant matches in the reverse-priority order so that the highest priority match
// overwrites everything else.
// TODO(jungjw): Can we optimize this by making it priority order?
for i := len(config.ProductAAPTPrebuiltDPI()) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
MergePropertiesFromVariant(ctx, &, dpiProps, config.ProductAAPTPrebuiltDPI()[i])
if config.ProductAAPTPreferredConfig() != "" {
MergePropertiesFromVariant(ctx, &, dpiProps, config.ProductAAPTPreferredConfig())
archProps := reflect.ValueOf(a.archVariants).Elem().FieldByName(ArchGroupName)
archType := ctx.Config().AndroidFirstDeviceTarget.Arch.ArchType
MergePropertiesFromVariant(ctx, &, archProps, archType.Name)
// Process "arch" includes "dpi_variants"
archStructPtr := reflect.ValueOf(a.arch_dpiVariants).Elem().FieldByName(ArchGroupName)
if archStruct := archStructPtr.Elem(); archStruct.IsValid() {
archPartPropsPtr := archStruct.FieldByName(proptools.FieldNameForProperty(archType.Name))
if archPartProps := archPartPropsPtr.Elem(); archPartProps.IsValid() {
archDpiPropsPtr := archPartProps.FieldByName(DpiGroupName)
if archDpiProps := archDpiPropsPtr.Elem(); archDpiProps.IsValid() {
for i := len(config.ProductAAPTPrebuiltDPI()) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
MergePropertiesFromVariant(ctx, &, archDpiProps, config.ProductAAPTPrebuiltDPI()[i])
if config.ProductAAPTPreferredConfig() != "" {
MergePropertiesFromVariant(ctx, &, archDpiProps, config.ProductAAPTPreferredConfig())
if String( == "" {
// Disable this module since the apk property is still empty after processing all matching
// variants. This likely means there is no matching variant, and the default variant doesn't
// have an apk property value either.
func MergePropertiesFromVariant(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext,
dst interface{}, variantGroup reflect.Value, variant string) {
src := variantGroup.FieldByName(proptools.FieldNameForProperty(variant))
if !src.IsValid() {
err := proptools.ExtendMatchingProperties([]interface{}{dst}, src.Interface(), nil, proptools.OrderAppend)
if err != nil {
if propertyErr, ok := err.(*proptools.ExtendPropertyError); ok {
ctx.PropertyErrorf(propertyErr.Property, "%s", propertyErr.Err.Error())
} else {
func (a *AndroidAppImport) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
cert := android.SrcIsModule(String(
if cert != "" {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), certificateTag, cert)
for _, cert := range {
cert = android.SrcIsModule(cert)
if cert != "" {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), certificateTag, cert)
} else {
`must be names of android_app_certificate modules in the form ":module"`)
a.usesLibrary.deps(ctx, true)
func (a *AndroidAppImport) uncompressEmbeddedJniLibs(
ctx android.ModuleContext, inputPath android.Path, outputPath android.OutputPath) {
// Test apps don't need their JNI libraries stored uncompressed. As a matter of fact, messing
// with them may invalidate pre-existing signature data.
if ctx.InstallInTestcases() && (Bool( || Bool( {
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: android.Cp,
Output: outputPath,
Input: inputPath,
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: uncompressEmbeddedJniLibsRule,
Input: inputPath,
Output: outputPath,
// Returns whether this module should have the dex file stored uncompressed in the APK.
func (a *AndroidAppImport) shouldUncompressDex(ctx android.ModuleContext) bool {
if ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() || proptools.Bool( {
return false
// Uncompress dex in APKs of priv-apps if and only if DONT_UNCOMPRESS_PRIV_APPS_DEXS is false.
if a.Privileged() {
return ctx.Config().UncompressPrivAppDex()
return shouldUncompressDex(ctx, android.RemoveOptionalPrebuiltPrefix(ctx.ModuleName()), &a.dexpreopter)
func (a *AndroidAppImport) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
func (a *AndroidAppImport) InstallApkName() string {
return a.BaseModuleName()
func (a *AndroidAppImport) generateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if a.Name() == "prebuilt_framework-res" {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("prebuilt_framework-res found. This used to have special handling in soong, but was removed due to prebuilt_framework-res no longer existing. This check is to ensure it doesn't come back without readding the special handling.")
apexInfo, _ := android.ModuleProvider(ctx, android.ApexInfoProvider)
if !apexInfo.IsForPlatform() {
a.hideApexVariantFromMake = true
if Bool( {
if != nil && !* {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Setting preprocessed: true implies presigned: true, so you cannot set presigned to false")
t := true = &t
numCertPropsSet := 0
if String( != "" {
if Bool( {
if Bool( {
if numCertPropsSet != 1 {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("One and only one of certficate, presigned (implied by preprocessed), and default_dev_cert properties must be set")
srcApk := a.prebuilt.SingleSourcePath(ctx)
// TODO: Install or embed JNI libraries
// Uncompress JNI libraries in the apk
jnisUncompressed := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "jnis-uncompressed", ctx.ModuleName()+".apk")
a.uncompressEmbeddedJniLibs(ctx, srcApk, jnisUncompressed.OutputPath)
var pathFragments []string
relInstallPath := String(
if Bool( {
pathFragments = []string{"priv-app", relInstallPath, a.BaseModuleName()}
} else if ctx.InstallInTestcases() {
pathFragments = []string{relInstallPath, a.BaseModuleName(), ctx.DeviceConfig().DeviceArch()}
} else {
pathFragments = []string{"app", relInstallPath, a.BaseModuleName()}
installDir := android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, pathFragments...)
a.dexpreopter.isApp = true
a.dexpreopter.installPath = installDir.Join(ctx, a.BaseModuleName()+".apk")
a.dexpreopter.isPresignedPrebuilt = Bool(
a.dexpreopter.uncompressedDex = a.shouldUncompressDex(ctx)
a.dexpreopter.enforceUsesLibs = a.usesLibrary.enforceUsesLibraries()
a.dexpreopter.classLoaderContexts = a.usesLibrary.classLoaderContextForUsesLibDeps(ctx)
if a.usesLibrary.shouldDisableDexpreopt {
if a.usesLibrary.enforceUsesLibraries() {
a.usesLibrary.verifyUsesLibrariesAPK(ctx, srcApk)
a.dexpreopter.dexpreopt(ctx, android.RemoveOptionalPrebuiltPrefix(ctx.ModuleName()), jnisUncompressed)
if a.dexpreopter.uncompressedDex {
dexUncompressed := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dex-uncompressed", ctx.ModuleName()+".apk")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: uncompressDexRule,
Input: jnisUncompressed,
Output: dexUncompressed,
jnisUncompressed = dexUncompressed
apkFilename := proptools.StringDefault(, a.BaseModuleName()+".apk")
// Sign or align the package if package has not been preprocessed
if proptools.Bool( {
validationStamp := a.validatePresignedApk(ctx, srcApk)
output := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, apkFilename)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: android.Cp,
Input: srcApk,
Output: output,
Validation: validationStamp,
a.outputFile = output
a.certificate = PresignedCertificate
} else if !Bool( {
// If the certificate property is empty at this point, default_dev_cert must be set to true.
// Which makes processMainCert's behavior for the empty cert string WAI.
_, _, certificates := collectAppDeps(ctx, a, false, false)
a.certificate, certificates = processMainCert(a.ModuleBase, String(, certificates, ctx)
signed := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "signed", apkFilename)
var lineageFile android.Path
if lineage := String(; lineage != "" {
lineageFile = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, lineage)
rotationMinSdkVersion := String(
SignAppPackage(ctx, signed, jnisUncompressed, certificates, nil, lineageFile, rotationMinSdkVersion)
a.outputFile = signed
} else {
validationStamp := a.validatePresignedApk(ctx, srcApk)
alignedApk := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "zip-aligned", apkFilename)
TransformZipAlign(ctx, alignedApk, jnisUncompressed, []android.Path{validationStamp})
a.outputFile = alignedApk
a.certificate = PresignedCertificate
// TODO: Optionally compress the output apk.
if apexInfo.IsForPlatform() {
a.installPath = ctx.InstallFile(installDir, apkFilename, a.outputFile)
artifactPath := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *
a.provenanceMetaDataFile = provenance.GenerateArtifactProvenanceMetaData(ctx, artifactPath, a.installPath)
android.CollectDependencyAconfigFiles(ctx, &a.mergedAconfigFiles)
// TODO: androidmk converter jni libs
func (a *AndroidAppImport) validatePresignedApk(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcApk android.Path) android.Path {
stamp := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "validated-prebuilt", "check.stamp")
var extraArgs []string
if a.Privileged() {
extraArgs = append(extraArgs, "--privileged")
if proptools.Bool( {
extraArgs = append(extraArgs, "--skip-preprocessed-apk-checks")
if proptools.Bool( {
extraArgs = append(extraArgs, "--preprocessed")
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: checkPresignedApkRule,
Input: srcApk,
Output: stamp,
Args: map[string]string{
"extraArgs": strings.Join(extraArgs, " "),
return stamp
func (a *AndroidAppImport) Prebuilt() *android.Prebuilt {
return &a.prebuilt
func (a *AndroidAppImport) Name() string {
return a.prebuilt.Name(a.ModuleBase.Name())
func (a *AndroidAppImport) OutputFile() android.Path {
return a.outputFile
func (a *AndroidAppImport) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
switch tag {
case "":
return []android.Path{a.outputFile}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
func (a *AndroidAppImport) JacocoReportClassesFile() android.Path {
return nil
func (a *AndroidAppImport) Certificate() Certificate {
return a.certificate
func (a *AndroidAppImport) ProvenanceMetaDataFile() android.OutputPath {
return a.provenanceMetaDataFile
func (a *AndroidAppImport) PrivAppAllowlist() android.OptionalPath {
return android.OptionalPath{}
const (
ArchGroupName = "Arch"
DpiGroupName = "Dpi_variants"
var dpiVariantGroupType reflect.Type
var archVariantGroupType reflect.Type
var archdpiVariantGroupType reflect.Type
var supportedDpis = []string{"ldpi", "mdpi", "hdpi", "xhdpi", "xxhdpi", "xxxhdpi"}
func initAndroidAppImportVariantGroupTypes() {
dpiVariantGroupType = createVariantGroupType(supportedDpis, DpiGroupName)
archNames := make([]string, len(android.ArchTypeList()))
for i, archType := range android.ArchTypeList() {
archNames[i] = archType.Name
archVariantGroupType = createVariantGroupType(archNames, ArchGroupName)
archdpiVariantGroupType = createArchDpiVariantGroupType(archNames, supportedDpis)
// Populates all variant struct properties at creation time.
func (a *AndroidAppImport) populateAllVariantStructs() {
a.dpiVariants = reflect.New(dpiVariantGroupType).Interface()
a.archVariants = reflect.New(archVariantGroupType).Interface()
a.arch_dpiVariants = reflect.New(archdpiVariantGroupType).Interface()
func (a *AndroidAppImport) Privileged() bool {
return Bool(
func (a *AndroidAppImport) DepIsInSameApex(_ android.BaseModuleContext, _ android.Module) bool {
// android_app_import might have extra dependencies via uses_libs property.
// Don't track the dependency as we don't automatically add those libraries
// to the classpath. It should be explicitly added to java_libs property of APEX
return false
func (a *AndroidAppImport) SdkVersion(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) android.SdkSpec {
return android.SdkSpecPrivate
func (a *AndroidAppImport) MinSdkVersion(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) android.ApiLevel {
return android.SdkSpecPrivate.ApiLevel
func (a *AndroidAppImport) LintDepSets() LintDepSets {
return LintDepSets{}
var _ android.ApexModule = (*AndroidAppImport)(nil)
// Implements android.ApexModule
func (j *AndroidAppImport) ShouldSupportSdkVersion(ctx android.BaseModuleContext,
sdkVersion android.ApiLevel) error {
// Do not check for prebuilts against the min_sdk_version of enclosing APEX
return nil
func createVariantGroupType(variants []string, variantGroupName string) reflect.Type {
props := reflect.TypeOf((*AndroidAppImportProperties)(nil))
variantFields := make([]reflect.StructField, len(variants))
for i, variant := range variants {
variantFields[i] = reflect.StructField{
Name: proptools.FieldNameForProperty(variant),
Type: props,
variantGroupStruct := reflect.StructOf(variantFields)
return reflect.StructOf([]reflect.StructField{
Name: variantGroupName,
Type: variantGroupStruct,
func createArchDpiVariantGroupType(archNames []string, dpiNames []string) reflect.Type {
props := reflect.TypeOf((*AndroidAppImportProperties)(nil))
dpiVariantFields := make([]reflect.StructField, len(dpiNames))
for i, variant_dpi := range dpiNames {
dpiVariantFields[i] = reflect.StructField{
Name: proptools.FieldNameForProperty(variant_dpi),
Type: props,
dpiVariantGroupStruct := reflect.StructOf(dpiVariantFields)
dpi_struct := reflect.StructOf([]reflect.StructField{
Name: DpiGroupName,
Type: reflect.PointerTo(dpiVariantGroupStruct),
archVariantFields := make([]reflect.StructField, len(archNames))
for i, variant_arch := range archNames {
archVariantFields[i] = reflect.StructField{
Name: proptools.FieldNameForProperty(variant_arch),
Type: reflect.PointerTo(dpi_struct),
archVariantGroupStruct := reflect.StructOf(archVariantFields)
return_struct := reflect.StructOf([]reflect.StructField{
Name: ArchGroupName,
Type: reflect.PointerTo(archVariantGroupStruct),
return return_struct
// android_app_import imports a prebuilt apk with additional processing specified in the module.
// DPI-specific apk source files can be specified using dpi_variants. Example:
// android_app_import {
// name: "example_import",
// apk: "prebuilts/example.apk",
// dpi_variants: {
// mdpi: {
// apk: "prebuilts/example_mdpi.apk",
// },
// xhdpi: {
// apk: "prebuilts/example_xhdpi.apk",
// },
// },
// presigned: true,
// }
func AndroidAppImportFactory() android.Module {
module := &AndroidAppImport{}
module.SetDefaultableHook(func(ctx android.DefaultableHookContext) {
android.InitAndroidMultiTargetsArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon)
android.InitSingleSourcePrebuiltModule(module, &, "Apk")
module.usesLibrary.enforce = true
return module
type AndroidTestImport struct {
testProperties struct {
// list of compatibility suites (for example "cts", "vts") that the module should be
// installed into.
Test_suites []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// list of files or filegroup modules that provide data that should be installed alongside
// the test
Data []string `android:"path"`
// Install the test into a folder named for the module in all test suites.
Per_testcase_directory *bool
data android.Paths
func (a *AndroidTestImport) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
a.generateAndroidBuildActions(ctx) = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, a.testProperties.Data)
func (a *AndroidTestImport) InstallInTestcases() bool {
return true
// android_test_import imports a prebuilt test apk with additional processing specified in the
// module. DPI or arch variant configurations can be made as with android_app_import.
func AndroidTestImportFactory() android.Module {
module := &AndroidTestImport{}
module.SetDefaultableHook(func(ctx android.DefaultableHookContext) {
module.dexpreopter.isTest = true
android.InitAndroidMultiTargetsArchModule(module, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon)
android.InitSingleSourcePrebuiltModule(module, &, "Apk")
return module