blob: a31a585080d91134f6e310aa401b8272a4514957 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
func getNdkStlFamily(m LinkableInterface) string {
family, _ := getNdkStlFamilyAndLinkType(m)
return family
func deduplicateStlInput(stl string) string {
switch stl {
case "c++_shared":
return "libc++"
case "c++_static":
return "libc++_static"
return stl
func getNdkStlFamilyAndLinkType(m LinkableInterface) (string, string) {
stl := m.SelectedStl()
switch stl {
case "ndk_libc++_shared", "libc++":
return "libc++", "shared"
case "ndk_libc++_static", "libc++_static":
return "libc++", "static"
case "ndk_system":
return "system", "shared"
case "":
return "none", "none"
panic(fmt.Errorf("stl: %q is not a valid STL", stl))
type StlProperties struct {
// Select the STL library to use. Possible values are "libc++",
// "libc++_static", "libstdc++", or "none". Leave blank to select the
// default.
Stl *string `android:"arch_variant"`
SelectedStl string `blueprint:"mutated"`
type stl struct {
Properties StlProperties
func (stl *stl) props() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{&stl.Properties}
func (stl *stl) begin(ctx BaseModuleContext) {
stl.Properties.SelectedStl = func() string {
s := ""
if stl.Properties.Stl != nil {
s = *stl.Properties.Stl
} else if ctx.header() {
s = "none"
if s == "none" {
return ""
s = deduplicateStlInput(s)
if ctx.useSdk() && ctx.Device() {
switch s {
case "", "system":
return "ndk_system"
case "libc++":
return "ndk_libc++_shared"
case "libc++_static":
return "ndk_libc++_static"
ctx.ModuleErrorf("stl: %q is not a supported STL with sdk_version set", s)
return ""
} else if ctx.Windows() {
switch s {
case "libc++", "libc++_static", "":
// Only use static libc++ for Windows.
return "libc++_static"
ctx.ModuleErrorf("stl: %q is not a supported STL for windows", s)
return ""
} else {
switch s {
case "libc++", "libc++_static":
return s
case "", "system":
if ctx.static() {
return "libc++_static"
} else {
return "libc++"
ctx.ModuleErrorf("stl: %q is not a supported STL", s)
return ""
func staticUnwinder(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) string {
vndkVersion := ctx.Module().(*Module).VndkVersion()
// Modules using R vndk use different unwinder
if vndkVersion == "30" {
if ctx.Arch().ArchType == android.Arm {
return "libunwind_llvm"
} else {
return "libgcc_stripped"
return "libunwind"
// Should be kept up to date with
func (stl *stl) deps(ctx BaseModuleContext, deps Deps) Deps {
switch stl.Properties.SelectedStl {
case "libstdc++":
// Nothing
case "libc++", "libc++_static":
if stl.Properties.SelectedStl == "libc++" {
deps.SharedLibs = append(deps.SharedLibs, stl.Properties.SelectedStl)
} else {
deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, stl.Properties.SelectedStl)
if ctx.Device() && !ctx.useSdk() {
// __cxa_demangle is not a part of on the device since
// it's large and most processes don't need it. Statically link
// libc++demangle into every process so that users still have it if
// needed, but the linker won't include this unless it is actually
// called.
// http://b/138245375
deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, "libc++demangle")
if ctx.toolchain().Bionic() {
if ctx.staticBinary() {
deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, "libm", "libc", staticUnwinder(ctx))
} else {
deps.StaticUnwinderIfLegacy = true
case "":
// None or error.
if ctx.toolchain().Bionic() && ctx.Module().Name() == "libc++" {
deps.StaticUnwinderIfLegacy = true
case "ndk_system":
// TODO: Make a system STL prebuilt for the NDK.
// The system STL doesn't have a prebuilt (it uses the system's libstdc++), but it does have
// its own includes. The includes are handled in CCBase.Flags().
deps.SharedLibs = append([]string{"libstdc++"}, deps.SharedLibs...)
deps.HeaderLibs = append([]string{"ndk_system"}, deps.HeaderLibs...)
case "ndk_libc++_shared", "ndk_libc++_static":
if stl.Properties.SelectedStl == "ndk_libc++_shared" {
deps.SharedLibs = append(deps.SharedLibs, stl.Properties.SelectedStl)
} else {
deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, stl.Properties.SelectedStl, "ndk_libc++abi")
deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, "ndk_libunwind")
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown stl: %q", stl.Properties.SelectedStl))
return deps
// Should be kept up to date with
func (stl *stl) flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
switch stl.Properties.SelectedStl {
case "libc++", "libc++_static":
if ctx.Darwin() {
// libc++'s headers are annotated with availability macros that
// indicate which version of Mac OS was the first to ship with a
// libc++ feature available in its *system's* libc++.dylib. We do
// not use the system's library, but rather ship our own. As such,
// these availability attributes are meaningless for us but cause
// build breaks when we try to use code that would not be available
// in the system's dylib.
flags.Local.CppFlags = append(flags.Local.CppFlags,
if !ctx.toolchain().Bionic() {
flags.Local.CppFlags = append(flags.Local.CppFlags, "-nostdinc++")
flags.extraLibFlags = append(flags.extraLibFlags, "-nostdlib++")
if ctx.Windows() {
flags.Local.CppFlags = append(flags.Local.CppFlags,
// Disable visiblity annotations since we're using static
// libc++.
// Use Win32 threads in libc++.
case "libstdc++":
// Nothing
case "ndk_system":
// Nothing: The exports of ndk_system will be added automatically to the local cflags
case "ndk_libc++_shared", "ndk_libc++_static":
if ctx.Arch().ArchType == android.Arm {
// Make sure the _Unwind_XXX symbols are not re-exported.
flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, "-Wl,--exclude-libs,libunwind.a")
case "":
// None or error.
if !ctx.toolchain().Bionic() {
flags.Local.CppFlags = append(flags.Local.CppFlags, "-nostdinc++")
flags.extraLibFlags = append(flags.extraLibFlags, "-nostdlib++")
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown stl: %q", stl.Properties.SelectedStl))
return flags