blob: e7dea0e0dc7ed5cef9e9bd5015bb449b5f16ec00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
// TODO(b/267229066): Remove globalAfdoProfileProjects after implementing bp2build converter for fdo_profile
var (
globalAfdoProfileProjects = []string{
var afdoProfileProjectsConfigKey = android.NewOnceKey("AfdoProfileProjects")
// This flag needs to be in both CFlags and LdFlags to ensure correct symbol ordering
const afdoFlagsFormat = "-fprofile-sample-use=%s -fprofile-sample-accurate"
func recordMissingAfdoProfileFile(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, missing string) {
getNamedMapForConfig(ctx.Config(), modulesMissingProfileFileKey).Store(missing, true)
type afdoRdep struct {
VariationName *string
ProfilePath *string
type AfdoProperties struct {
// Afdo allows developers self-service enroll for
// automatic feedback-directed optimization using profile data.
Afdo bool
FdoProfilePath *string `blueprint:"mutated"`
AfdoRDeps []afdoRdep `blueprint:"mutated"`
type afdo struct {
Properties AfdoProperties
func (afdo *afdo) props() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{&afdo.Properties}
func (afdo *afdo) begin(ctx BaseModuleContext) {
// Disable on eng builds for faster build.
if ctx.Config().Eng() {
afdo.Properties.Afdo = false
// afdoEnabled returns true for binaries and shared libraries
// that set afdo prop to True and there is a profile available
func (afdo *afdo) afdoEnabled() bool {
return afdo != nil && afdo.Properties.Afdo
func (afdo *afdo) flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
if afdo.Properties.Afdo {
// We use `-funique-internal-linkage-names` to associate profiles to the right internal
// functions. This option should be used before generating a profile. Because a profile
// generated for a binary without unique names doesn't work well building a binary with
// unique names (they have different internal function names).
// To avoid a chicken-and-egg problem, we enable `-funique-internal-linkage-names` when
// `afdo=true`, whether a profile exists or not.
// The profile can take effect in three steps:
// 1. Add `afdo: true` in Android.bp, and build the binary.
// 2. Collect an AutoFDO profile for the binary.
// 3. Make the profile searchable by the build system. So it's used the next time the binary
// is built.
flags.Local.CFlags = append([]string{"-funique-internal-linkage-names"}, flags.Local.CFlags...)
// Flags for Flow Sensitive AutoFDO
flags.Local.CFlags = append([]string{"-mllvm", "-enable-fs-discriminator=true"}, flags.Local.CFlags...)
// TODO(b/266595187): Remove the following feature once it is enabled in LLVM by default.
flags.Local.CFlags = append([]string{"-mllvm", "-improved-fs-discriminator=true"}, flags.Local.CFlags...)
if path := afdo.Properties.FdoProfilePath; path != nil {
// The flags are prepended to allow overriding.
profileUseFlag := fmt.Sprintf(afdoFlagsFormat, *path)
flags.Local.CFlags = append([]string{profileUseFlag}, flags.Local.CFlags...)
flags.Local.LdFlags = append([]string{profileUseFlag, "-Wl,-mllvm,-no-warn-sample-unused=true"}, flags.Local.LdFlags...)
// Update CFlagsDeps and LdFlagsDeps so the module is rebuilt
// if profileFile gets updated
pathForSrc := android.PathForSource(ctx, *path)
flags.CFlagsDeps = append(flags.CFlagsDeps, pathForSrc)
flags.LdFlagsDeps = append(flags.LdFlagsDeps, pathForSrc)
return flags
func (afdo *afdo) addDep(ctx BaseModuleContext, actx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if ctx.Host() {
if ctx.static() && !ctx.staticBinary() {
if c, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok && c.Enabled() {
if fdoProfileName, err := actx.DeviceConfig().AfdoProfile(actx.ModuleName()); fdoProfileName != nil && err == nil {
{Mutator: "arch", Variation: actx.Target().ArchVariation()},
{Mutator: "os", Variation: "android"},
// FdoProfileMutator reads the FdoProfileProvider from a direct dep with FdoProfileTag
// assigns FdoProfileInfo.Path to the FdoProfilePath mutated property
func (c *Module) fdoProfileMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if !c.Enabled() {
if !c.afdo.afdoEnabled() {
ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(FdoProfileTag, func(m android.Module) {
if ctx.OtherModuleHasProvider(m, FdoProfileProvider) {
info := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(m, FdoProfileProvider).(FdoProfileInfo)
c.afdo.Properties.FdoProfilePath = proptools.StringPtr(info.Path.String())
var _ FdoProfileMutatorInterface = (*Module)(nil)
// Propagate afdo requirements down from binaries and shared libraries
func afdoDepsMutator(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
if m, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module); ok && m.afdo.afdoEnabled() {
path := m.afdo.Properties.FdoProfilePath
mctx.WalkDeps(func(dep android.Module, parent android.Module) bool {
tag := mctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(dep)
libTag, isLibTag := tag.(libraryDependencyTag)
// Do not recurse down non-static dependencies
if isLibTag {
if !libTag.static() {
return false
} else {
if tag != objDepTag && tag != reuseObjTag {
return false
if dep, ok := dep.(*Module); ok {
dep.afdo.Properties.AfdoRDeps = append(
VariationName: proptools.StringPtr(encodeTarget(m.Name())),
ProfilePath: path,
return true
// Create afdo variants for modules that need them
func afdoMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if m, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module); ok && m.afdo != nil {
if !m.static() && m.afdo.Properties.Afdo {
variationNames := []string{""}
variantNameToProfilePath := make(map[string]*string)
for _, afdoRDep := range m.afdo.Properties.AfdoRDeps {
variantName := *afdoRDep.VariationName
// An rdep can be set twice in AfdoRDeps because there can be
// more than one path from an afdo-enabled module to
// a static dep such as
// afdo_enabled_foo -> static_bar ----> static_baz
// \ ^
// ----------------------|
// We only need to create one variant per unique rdep
if _, exists := variantNameToProfilePath[variantName]; !exists {
variationNames = append(variationNames, variantName)
variantNameToProfilePath[variantName] = afdoRDep.ProfilePath
if len(variationNames) > 1 {
modules := mctx.CreateVariations(variationNames...)
for i, name := range variationNames {
if name == "" {
variation := modules[i].(*Module)
variation.Properties.PreventInstall = true
variation.Properties.HideFromMake = true
variation.afdo.Properties.Afdo = true
variation.afdo.Properties.FdoProfilePath = variantNameToProfilePath[name]
// Encode target name to variation name.
func encodeTarget(target string) string {
if target == "" {
return ""
return "afdo-" + target
// Decode target name from variation name.
func decodeTarget(variation string) string {
if variation == "" {
return ""
return strings.TrimPrefix(variation, "afdo-")