blob: ef2e68cda123f514495cf2cf2e6f2cb55a7a8bd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
func init() {
android.RegisterModuleType("cc_fuzz", LibFuzzFactory)
android.RegisterParallelSingletonType("cc_fuzz_packaging", fuzzPackagingFactory)
android.RegisterParallelSingletonType("cc_fuzz_presubmit_packaging", fuzzPackagingFactoryPresubmit)
type FuzzProperties struct {
FuzzFramework fuzz.Framework `blueprint:"mutated"`
type fuzzer struct {
Properties FuzzProperties
func (fuzzer *fuzzer) flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
if fuzzer.Properties.FuzzFramework == fuzz.AFL {
flags.Local.CFlags = append(flags.Local.CFlags, []string{
return flags
func (fuzzer *fuzzer) props() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{&fuzzer.Properties}
func fuzzMutatorDeps(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
currentModule, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module)
if !ok {
if currentModule.fuzzer == nil {
mctx.WalkDeps(func(child android.Module, parent android.Module) bool {
c, ok := child.(*Module)
if !ok {
return false
if c.sanitize == nil {
return false
isFuzzerPointer := c.sanitize.getSanitizerBoolPtr(Fuzzer)
if isFuzzerPointer == nil || !*isFuzzerPointer {
return false
if c.fuzzer == nil {
return false
c.fuzzer.Properties.FuzzFramework = currentModule.fuzzer.Properties.FuzzFramework
return true
// cc_fuzz creates a host/device fuzzer binary. Host binaries can be found at
// $ANDROID_HOST_OUT/fuzz/, and device binaries can be found at /data/fuzz on
// your device, or $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/data/fuzz in your build tree.
func LibFuzzFactory() android.Module {
module := NewFuzzer(android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
module.testModule = true
return module.Init()
type fuzzBinary struct {
fuzzPackagedModule fuzz.FuzzPackagedModule
installedSharedDeps []string
sharedLibraries android.RuleBuilderInstalls
data []android.DataPath
func (fuzz *fuzzBinary) fuzzBinary() bool {
return true
func (fuzz *fuzzBinary) linkerProps() []interface{} {
props := fuzz.binaryDecorator.linkerProps()
props = append(props, &fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties)
return props
func (fuzz *fuzzBinary) linkerInit(ctx BaseModuleContext) {
func (fuzzBin *fuzzBinary) linkerDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps {
if ctx.Config().Getenv("FUZZ_FRAMEWORK") == "AFL" {
deps.HeaderLibs = append(deps.HeaderLibs, "libafl_headers")
} else {
deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, config.LibFuzzerRuntimeLibrary(ctx.toolchain()))
// Fuzzers built with HWASAN should use the interceptors for better
// mutation based on signals in strcmp, memcpy, etc. This is only needed for
// fuzz targets, not generic HWASAN-ified binaries or libraries.
if module, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok {
if module.IsSanitizerEnabled(Hwasan) {
deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, config.LibFuzzerRuntimeInterceptors(ctx.toolchain()))
deps = fuzzBin.binaryDecorator.linkerDeps(ctx, deps)
return deps
func (fuzz *fuzzBinary) linkerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
flags = fuzz.binaryDecorator.linkerFlags(ctx, flags)
// RunPaths on devices isn't instantiated by the base linker. `../lib` for
// installed fuzz targets (both host and device), and `./lib` for fuzz
// target packages.
flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, `-Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/lib`)
// When running on device, fuzz targets with vendor: true set will be in
// fuzzer_name/vendor/fuzzer_name (note the extra 'vendor' and thus need to
// link with libraries in ../../lib/. Non-vendor binaries only need to look
// one level up, in ../lib/.
if ctx.inVendor() {
flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, `-Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/../../lib`)
} else {
flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, `-Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/../lib`)
return flags
// IsValidSharedDependency takes a module and determines if it is a unique shared library
// that should be installed in the fuzz target output directories. This function
// returns true, unless:
// - The module is not an installable shared library, or
// - The module is a header or stub, or
// - The module is a prebuilt and its source is available, or
// - The module is a versioned member of an SDK snapshot.
func IsValidSharedDependency(dependency android.Module) bool {
// TODO(b/144090547): We should be parsing these modules using
// ModuleDependencyTag instead of the current brute-force checking.
linkable, ok := dependency.(LinkableInterface)
if !ok || !linkable.CcLibraryInterface() {
// Discard non-linkables.
return false
if !linkable.Shared() {
// Discard static libs.
return false
if lib := moduleLibraryInterface(dependency); lib != nil && lib.buildStubs() && linkable.CcLibrary() {
// Discard stubs libs (only CCLibrary variants). Prebuilt libraries should not
// be excluded on the basis of they're not CCLibrary()'s.
return false
// We discarded module stubs libraries above, but the LLNDK prebuilts stubs
// libraries must be handled differently - by looking for the stubDecorator.
// Discard LLNDK prebuilts stubs as well.
if ccLibrary, isCcLibrary := dependency.(*Module); isCcLibrary {
if _, isLLndkStubLibrary := ccLibrary.linker.(*stubDecorator); isLLndkStubLibrary {
return false
// Discard installable:false libraries because they are expected to be absent
// in runtime.
if !proptools.BoolDefault(ccLibrary.Installable(), true) {
return false
// If the same library is present both as source and a prebuilt we must pick
// only one to avoid a conflict. Always prefer the source since the prebuilt
// probably won't be built with sanitizers enabled.
if prebuilt := android.GetEmbeddedPrebuilt(dependency); prebuilt != nil && prebuilt.SourceExists() {
return false
return true
func SharedLibraryInstallLocation(
libraryBase string, isHost bool, fuzzDir string, archString string) string {
installLocation := "$(PRODUCT_OUT)/data"
if isHost {
installLocation = "$(HOST_OUT)"
installLocation = filepath.Join(
installLocation, fuzzDir, archString, "lib", libraryBase)
return installLocation
// Get the device-only shared library symbols install directory.
func SharedLibrarySymbolsInstallLocation(libraryBase string, fuzzDir string, archString string) string {
return filepath.Join("$(PRODUCT_OUT)/symbols/data/", fuzzDir, archString, "/lib/", libraryBase)
func (fuzzBin *fuzzBinary) install(ctx ModuleContext, file android.Path) {
fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule = PackageFuzzModule(ctx, fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule, pctx)
installBase := "fuzz"
// Grab the list of required shared libraries.
fuzzBin.sharedLibraries, _ = CollectAllSharedDependencies(ctx)
for _, ruleBuilderInstall := range fuzzBin.sharedLibraries {
install := ruleBuilderInstall.To
fuzzBin.installedSharedDeps = append(fuzzBin.installedSharedDeps,
install, ctx.Host(), installBase, ctx.Arch().ArchType.String()))
// Also add the dependency on the shared library symbols dir.
if !ctx.Host() {
fuzzBin.installedSharedDeps = append(fuzzBin.installedSharedDeps,
SharedLibrarySymbolsInstallLocation(install, installBase, ctx.Arch().ArchType.String()))
for _, d := range fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Corpus { = append(, android.DataPath{SrcPath: d, RelativeInstallPath: "corpus", WithoutRel: true})
for _, d := range fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Data { = append(, android.DataPath{SrcPath: d, RelativeInstallPath: "data"})
if d := fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Dictionary; d != nil { = append(, android.DataPath{SrcPath: d, WithoutRel: true})
if d := fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Config; d != nil { = append(, android.DataPath{SrcPath: d, WithoutRel: true})
fuzzBin.binaryDecorator.baseInstaller.dir = filepath.Join(
installBase, ctx.Target().Arch.ArchType.String(), ctx.ModuleName())
fuzzBin.binaryDecorator.baseInstaller.dir64 = filepath.Join(
installBase, ctx.Target().Arch.ArchType.String(), ctx.ModuleName())
fuzzBin.binaryDecorator.baseInstaller.install(ctx, file)
func PackageFuzzModule(ctx android.ModuleContext, fuzzPackagedModule fuzz.FuzzPackagedModule, pctx android.PackageContext) fuzz.FuzzPackagedModule {
fuzzPackagedModule.Corpus = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Corpus)
fuzzPackagedModule.Data = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Data)
if fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Dictionary != nil {
fuzzPackagedModule.Dictionary = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Dictionary)
if fuzzPackagedModule.Dictionary.Ext() != ".dict" {
"Fuzzer dictionary %q does not have '.dict' extension",
if fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Fuzz_config != nil {
configPath := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "config").Join(ctx, "config.json")
android.WriteFileRule(ctx, configPath, fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Fuzz_config.String())
fuzzPackagedModule.Config = configPath
return fuzzPackagedModule
func NewFuzzer(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) *Module {
module, binary := newBinary(hod, false)
baseInstallerPath := "fuzz"
binary.baseInstaller = NewBaseInstaller(baseInstallerPath, baseInstallerPath, InstallInData)
fuzzBin := &fuzzBinary{
binaryDecorator: binary,
baseCompiler: NewBaseCompiler(),
module.compiler = fuzzBin
module.linker = fuzzBin
module.installer = fuzzBin
module.fuzzer.Properties.FuzzFramework = fuzz.LibFuzzer
// The fuzzer runtime is not present for darwin host modules, disable cc_fuzz modules when targeting darwin.
android.AddLoadHook(module, func(ctx android.LoadHookContext) {
extraProps := struct {
Sanitize struct {
Fuzzer *bool
Target struct {
Darwin struct {
Enabled *bool
Linux_bionic struct {
Enabled *bool
extraProps.Sanitize.Fuzzer = BoolPtr(true)
extraProps.Target.Darwin.Enabled = BoolPtr(false)
extraProps.Target.Linux_bionic.Enabled = BoolPtr(false)
targetFramework := fuzz.GetFramework(ctx, fuzz.Cc)
if !fuzz.IsValidFrameworkForModule(targetFramework, fuzz.Cc, fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Fuzzing_frameworks) {
if targetFramework == fuzz.AFL {
fuzzBin.baseCompiler.Properties.Srcs = append(fuzzBin.baseCompiler.Properties.Srcs, ":aflpp_driver", ":afl-compiler-rt")
module.fuzzer.Properties.FuzzFramework = fuzz.AFL
return module
// Responsible for generating GNU Make rules that package fuzz targets into
// their architecture & target/host specific zip file.
type ccRustFuzzPackager struct {
fuzzPackagingArchModules string
fuzzTargetSharedDepsInstallPairs string
allFuzzTargetsName string
onlyIncludePresubmits bool
func fuzzPackagingFactory() android.Singleton {
fuzzPackager := &ccRustFuzzPackager{
fuzzTargetSharedDepsInstallPairs: "FUZZ_TARGET_SHARED_DEPS_INSTALL_PAIRS",
allFuzzTargetsName: "ALL_FUZZ_TARGETS",
onlyIncludePresubmits: false,
return fuzzPackager
func fuzzPackagingFactoryPresubmit() android.Singleton {
fuzzPackager := &ccRustFuzzPackager{
onlyIncludePresubmits: true,
return fuzzPackager
func (s *ccRustFuzzPackager) GenerateBuildActions(ctx android.SingletonContext) {
// Map between each architecture + host/device combination, and the files that
// need to be packaged (in the tuple of {source file, destination folder in
// archive}).
archDirs := make(map[fuzz.ArchOs][]fuzz.FileToZip)
// List of individual fuzz targets, so that 'make fuzz' also installs the targets
// to the correct output directories as well.
s.FuzzTargets = make(map[string]bool)
// Map tracking whether each shared library has an install rule to avoid duplicate install rules from
// multiple fuzzers that depend on the same shared library.
sharedLibraryInstalled := make(map[string]bool)
ctx.VisitAllModules(func(module android.Module) {
ccModule, ok := module.(LinkableInterface)
if !ok || ccModule.PreventInstall() {
// Discard non-fuzz targets.
if ok := fuzz.IsValid(ccModule.FuzzModuleStruct()); !ok {
sharedLibsInstallDirPrefix := "lib"
if !ccModule.IsFuzzModule() {
hostOrTargetString := "target"
if ccModule.Target().HostCross {
hostOrTargetString = "host_cross"
} else if ccModule.Host() {
hostOrTargetString = "host"
if s.onlyIncludePresubmits == true {
hostOrTargetString = "presubmit-" + hostOrTargetString
fpm := fuzz.FuzzPackagedModule{}
if ok {
fpm = ccModule.FuzzPackagedModule()
intermediatePath := "fuzz"
archString := ccModule.Target().Arch.ArchType.String()
archDir := android.PathForIntermediates(ctx, intermediatePath, hostOrTargetString, archString)
archOs := fuzz.ArchOs{HostOrTarget: hostOrTargetString, Arch: archString, Dir: archDir.String()}
var files []fuzz.FileToZip
builder := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
// Package the corpus, data, dict and config into a zipfile.
files = s.PackageArtifacts(ctx, module, fpm, archDir, builder)
// Package shared libraries
files = append(files, GetSharedLibsToZip(ccModule.FuzzSharedLibraries(), ccModule, &s.FuzzPackager, archString, sharedLibsInstallDirPrefix, &sharedLibraryInstalled)...)
// The executable.
files = append(files, fuzz.FileToZip{SourceFilePath: android.OutputFileForModule(ctx, ccModule, "unstripped")})
if s.onlyIncludePresubmits == true {
if fpm.FuzzProperties.Fuzz_config == nil {
if !BoolDefault(fpm.FuzzProperties.Fuzz_config.Use_for_presubmit, false) {
archDirs[archOs], ok = s.BuildZipFile(ctx, module, fpm, files, builder, archDir, archString, hostOrTargetString, archOs, archDirs)
if !ok {
s.CreateFuzzPackage(ctx, archDirs, fuzz.Cc, pctx)
func (s *ccRustFuzzPackager) MakeVars(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
packages := s.Packages.Strings()
// TODO(mitchp): Migrate this to use MakeVarsContext::DistForGoal() when it's
// ready to handle phony targets created in Soong. In the meantime, this
// exports the phony 'fuzz' target and dependencies on packages to
// core/ so that we can use dist-for-goals.
ctx.Strict(s.fuzzPackagingArchModules, strings.Join(packages, " "))
strings.Join(s.FuzzPackager.SharedLibInstallStrings, " "))
// Preallocate the slice of fuzz targets to minimise memory allocations.
s.PreallocateSlice(ctx, s.allFuzzTargetsName)
// GetSharedLibsToZip finds and marks all the transiently-dependent shared libraries for
// packaging.
func GetSharedLibsToZip(sharedLibraries android.RuleBuilderInstalls, module LinkableInterface, s *fuzz.FuzzPackager, archString string, destinationPathPrefix string, sharedLibraryInstalled *map[string]bool) []fuzz.FileToZip {
var files []fuzz.FileToZip
fuzzDir := "fuzz"
for _, ruleBuilderInstall := range sharedLibraries {
library := ruleBuilderInstall.From
install := ruleBuilderInstall.To
files = append(files, fuzz.FileToZip{
SourceFilePath: library,
DestinationPathPrefix: destinationPathPrefix,
DestinationPath: install,
// For each architecture-specific shared library dependency, we need to
// install it to the output directory. Setup the install destination here,
// which will be used by $(copy-many-files) in the Make backend.
installDestination := SharedLibraryInstallLocation(
install, module.Host(), fuzzDir, archString)
if (*sharedLibraryInstalled)[installDestination] {
(*sharedLibraryInstalled)[installDestination] = true
// Escape all the variables, as the install destination here will be called
// via. $(eval) in Make.
installDestination = strings.ReplaceAll(
installDestination, "$", "$$")
s.SharedLibInstallStrings = append(s.SharedLibInstallStrings,
// Ensure that on device, the library is also reinstalled to the /symbols/
// dir. Symbolized DSO's are always installed to the device when fuzzing, but
// we want symbolization tools (like `stack`) to be able to find the symbols
// in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/symbols automagically.
if !module.Host() {
symbolsInstallDestination := SharedLibrarySymbolsInstallLocation(install, fuzzDir, archString)
symbolsInstallDestination = strings.ReplaceAll(symbolsInstallDestination, "$", "$$")
s.SharedLibInstallStrings = append(s.SharedLibInstallStrings,
return files
// CollectAllSharedDependencies search over the provided module's dependencies using
// VisitDirectDeps and WalkDeps to enumerate all shared library dependencies.
// VisitDirectDeps is used first to avoid incorrectly using the core libraries (sanitizer
// runtimes, libc, libdl, etc.) from a dependency. This may cause issues when dependencies
// have explicit sanitizer tags, as we may get a dependency on an unsanitized libc, etc.
func CollectAllSharedDependencies(ctx android.ModuleContext) (android.RuleBuilderInstalls, []android.Module) {
seen := make(map[string]bool)
recursed := make(map[string]bool)
deps := []android.Module{}
var sharedLibraries android.RuleBuilderInstalls
// Enumerate the first level of dependencies, as we discard all non-library
// modules in the BFS loop below.
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(dep android.Module) {
if !IsValidSharedDependency(dep) {
if !ctx.OtherModuleHasProvider(dep, SharedLibraryInfoProvider) {
if seen[ctx.OtherModuleName(dep)] {
seen[ctx.OtherModuleName(dep)] = true
deps = append(deps, dep)
sharedLibraryInfo := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(dep, SharedLibraryInfoProvider).(SharedLibraryInfo)
installDestination := sharedLibraryInfo.SharedLibrary.Base()
ruleBuilderInstall := android.RuleBuilderInstall{android.OutputFileForModule(ctx, dep, "unstripped"), installDestination}
sharedLibraries = append(sharedLibraries, ruleBuilderInstall)
ctx.WalkDeps(func(child, parent android.Module) bool {
// If this is a Rust module which is not rust_ffi_shared, we still want to bundle any transitive
// shared dependencies (even for rust_ffi_static)
if rustmod, ok := child.(LinkableInterface); ok && rustmod.RustLibraryInterface() && !rustmod.Shared() {
if recursed[ctx.OtherModuleName(child)] {
return false
recursed[ctx.OtherModuleName(child)] = true
return true
if !IsValidSharedDependency(child) {
return false
if !ctx.OtherModuleHasProvider(child, SharedLibraryInfoProvider) {
return false
if !seen[ctx.OtherModuleName(child)] {
seen[ctx.OtherModuleName(child)] = true
deps = append(deps, child)
sharedLibraryInfo := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(child, SharedLibraryInfoProvider).(SharedLibraryInfo)
installDestination := sharedLibraryInfo.SharedLibrary.Base()
ruleBuilderInstall := android.RuleBuilderInstall{android.OutputFileForModule(ctx, child, "unstripped"), installDestination}
sharedLibraries = append(sharedLibraries, ruleBuilderInstall)
if recursed[ctx.OtherModuleName(child)] {
return false
recursed[ctx.OtherModuleName(child)] = true
return true
return sharedLibraries, deps