blob: 9fea15420ae43b521aea7adaa92a23efbd3287e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cc
import (
var (
// Add flags to ignore warnings that profiles are old or missing for
// some functions
profileUseOtherFlags = []string{"-Wno-backend-plugin"}
const pgoProfileProject = "toolchain/pgo-profiles"
const profileInstrumentFlag = "-fprofile-generate=/data/local/tmp"
const profileSamplingFlag = "-gline-tables-only"
const profileUseInstrumentFormat = "-fprofile-use=%s"
const profileUseSamplingFormat = "-fprofile-sample-use=%s"
type PgoProperties struct {
Pgo struct {
Instrumentation *bool
Sampling *bool
Profile_file *string `android:"arch_variant"`
Benchmarks []string
Enable_profile_use *bool `android:"arch_variant"`
} `android:"arch_variant"`
PgoPresent bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
ShouldProfileModule bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
type pgo struct {
Properties PgoProperties
func (props *PgoProperties) isInstrumentation() bool {
return props.Pgo.Instrumentation != nil && *props.Pgo.Instrumentation == true
func (props *PgoProperties) isSampling() bool {
return props.Pgo.Sampling != nil && *props.Pgo.Sampling == true
func (pgo *pgo) props() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{&pgo.Properties}
func (props *PgoProperties) addProfileGatherFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
if props.isInstrumentation() {
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, profileInstrumentFlag)
// The profile runtime is added below in deps(). Add the below
// flag, which is the only other link-time action performed by
// the Clang driver during link.
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, "-u__llvm_profile_runtime")
if props.isSampling() {
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, profileSamplingFlag)
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, profileSamplingFlag)
return flags
func (props *PgoProperties) profileUseFlag(ctx ModuleContext, file string) string {
if props.isInstrumentation() {
return fmt.Sprintf(profileUseInstrumentFormat, file)
if props.isSampling() {
return fmt.Sprintf(profileUseSamplingFormat, file)
return ""
func (props *PgoProperties) profileUseFlags(ctx ModuleContext, file string) []string {
flags := []string{props.profileUseFlag(ctx, file)}
flags = append(flags, profileUseOtherFlags...)
return flags
func (props *PgoProperties) addProfileUseFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
// Skip -fprofile-use if 'enable_profile_use' property is set
if props.Pgo.Enable_profile_use != nil && *props.Pgo.Enable_profile_use == false {
return flags
// If the PGO profiles project is found, and this module has PGO
// enabled, add flags to use the profile
if profilesDir := getPgoProfilesDir(ctx); props.PgoPresent && profilesDir.Valid() {
profileFile := android.PathForSource(ctx, profilesDir.String(), *props.Pgo.Profile_file)
profileUseFlags := props.profileUseFlags(ctx, profileFile.String())
flags.CFlags = append(flags.CFlags, profileUseFlags...)
flags.LdFlags = append(flags.LdFlags, profileUseFlags...)
// Update CFlagsDeps and LdFlagsDeps so the module is rebuilt
// if profileFile gets updated
flags.CFlagsDeps = append(flags.CFlagsDeps, profileFile)
flags.LdFlagsDeps = append(flags.LdFlagsDeps, profileFile)
return flags
func (props *PgoProperties) isPGO(ctx BaseModuleContext) bool {
isInstrumentation := props.isInstrumentation()
isSampling := props.isSampling()
profileKindPresent := isInstrumentation || isSampling
filePresent := props.Pgo.Profile_file != nil
benchmarksPresent := len(props.Pgo.Benchmarks) > 0
// If all three properties are absent, PGO is OFF for this module
if !profileKindPresent && !filePresent && !benchmarksPresent {
return false
// If at least one property exists, validate that all properties exist
if !profileKindPresent || !filePresent || !benchmarksPresent {
var missing []string
if !profileKindPresent {
missing = append(missing, "profile kind (either \"instrumentation\" or \"sampling\" property)")
if !filePresent {
missing = append(missing, "profile_file property")
if !benchmarksPresent {
missing = append(missing, "non-empty benchmarks property")
missingProps := strings.Join(missing, ", ")
ctx.ModuleErrorf("PGO specification is missing properties: " + missingProps)
// Sampling not supported yet
if isSampling {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("pgo.sampling", "\"sampling\" is not supported yet)")
if isSampling && isInstrumentation {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("pgo", "Exactly one of \"instrumentation\" and \"sampling\" properties must be set")
return true
func getPgoProfilesDir(ctx ModuleContext) android.OptionalPath {
return android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, "", pgoProfileProject)
func (pgo *pgo) begin(ctx BaseModuleContext) {
// TODO Evaluate if we need to support PGO for host modules
if ctx.Host() {
// Check if PGO is needed for this module
pgo.Properties.PgoPresent = pgo.Properties.isPGO(ctx)
if !pgo.Properties.PgoPresent {
// This module should be instrumented if ANDROID_PGO_INSTRUMENT is set
// and includes a benchmark listed for this module
// TODO Validate that each benchmark instruments at least one module
pgo.Properties.ShouldProfileModule = false
pgoBenchmarks := ctx.Config().Getenv("ANDROID_PGO_INSTRUMENT")
pgoBenchmarksMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, b := range strings.Split(pgoBenchmarks, ",") {
pgoBenchmarksMap[b] = true
for _, b := range pgo.Properties.Pgo.Benchmarks {
if pgoBenchmarksMap[b] == true {
pgo.Properties.ShouldProfileModule = true
func (pgo *pgo) deps(ctx BaseModuleContext, deps Deps) Deps {
if pgo.Properties.ShouldProfileModule {
runtimeLibrary := config.ProfileRuntimeLibrary(ctx.toolchain())
deps.LateStaticLibs = append(deps.LateStaticLibs, runtimeLibrary)
return deps
func (pgo *pgo) flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
if ctx.Host() {
return flags
props := pgo.Properties
// Add flags to profile this module based on its profile_kind
if props.ShouldProfileModule {
return props.addProfileGatherFlags(ctx, flags)
if !ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("ANDROID_PGO_NO_PROFILE_USE") {
return props.addProfileUseFlags(ctx, flags)
return flags