blob: 9ad319b808adcae6a04837367a586a77bde7914c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package compliance
import (
// LicenseGraph describes the immutable license metadata for a set of root
// targets and the transitive closure of their dependencies.
// Alternatively, a graph is a set of edges. In this case directed, annotated
// edges from targets to dependencies.
// A LicenseGraph provides the frame of reference for all of the other types
// defined here. It is possible to have multiple graphs, and to have targets,
// edges, and resolutions from multiple graphs. But it is an error to try to
// mix items from different graphs in the same operation.
// May panic if attempted.
// The compliance package assumes specific private implementations of each of
// these interfaces. May panic if attempts are made to combine different
// implementations of some interfaces with expected implementations of other
// interfaces here.
type LicenseGraph struct {
// rootFiles identifies the original set of files to read. (immutable)
// Defines the starting "top" for top-down walks.
// Alternatively, an instance of licenseGraphImp conceptually defines a scope within
// the universe of build graphs as a sub-graph rooted at rootFiles where all edges
// and targets for the instance are defined relative to and within that scope. For
// most analyses, the correct scope is to root the graph at all of the distributed
// artifacts.
rootFiles []string
// edges lists the directed edges in the graph from target to dependency. (guarded by mu)
// Alternatively, the graph is the set of `edges`.
edges TargetEdgeList
// targets identifies, indexes, and describes the entire set of target node files.
/// (guarded by mu)
targets map[string]*TargetNode
// onceBottomUp makes sure the bottom-up resolve walk only happens one time.
onceBottomUp sync.Once
// onceTopDown makes sure the top-down resolve walk only happens one time.
onceTopDown sync.Once
// shippedNodes caches the results of a full walk of nodes identifying targets
// distributed either directly or as derivative works. (creation guarded by mu)
shippedNodes *TargetNodeSet
// mu guards against concurrent update.
mu sync.Mutex
// Edges returns the list of edges in the graph. (unordered)
func (lg *LicenseGraph) Edges() TargetEdgeList {
edges := make(TargetEdgeList, 0, len(lg.edges))
edges = append(edges, lg.edges...)
return edges
// Targets returns the list of target nodes in the graph. (unordered)
func (lg *LicenseGraph) Targets() TargetNodeList {
targets := make(TargetNodeList, 0, len(lg.targets))
for _, target := range lg.targets {
targets = append(targets, target)
return targets
// TargetNames returns the list of target node names in the graph. (unordered)
func (lg *LicenseGraph) TargetNames() []string {
targets := make([]string, 0, len(lg.targets))
for target := range lg.targets {
targets = append(targets, target)
return targets
// compliance-only LicenseGraph methods
// newLicenseGraph constructs a new, empty instance of LicenseGraph.
func newLicenseGraph() *LicenseGraph {
return &LicenseGraph{
rootFiles: []string{},
targets: make(map[string]*TargetNode),
// TargetEdge describes a directed, annotated edge from a target to a
// dependency. (immutable)
// A LicenseGraph, above, is a set of TargetEdges.
// i.e. `Target` depends on `Dependency` in the manner described by
// `Annotations`.
type TargetEdge struct {
// target and dependency identify the nodes connected by the edge.
target, dependency *TargetNode
// annotations identifies the set of compliance-relevant annotations describing the edge.
annotations TargetEdgeAnnotations
// Target identifies the target that depends on the dependency.
// Target needs Dependency to build.
func (e *TargetEdge) Target() *TargetNode {
// Dependency identifies the target depended on by the target.
// Dependency builds without Target, but Target needs Dependency to build.
func (e *TargetEdge) Dependency() *TargetNode {
return e.dependency
// Annotations describes the type of edge by the set of annotations attached to
// it.
// Only annotations prescribed by policy have any meaning for licensing, and
// the meaning for licensing is likewise prescribed by policy. Other annotations
// are preserved and ignored by policy.
func (e *TargetEdge) Annotations() TargetEdgeAnnotations {
return e.annotations
// IsRuntimeDependency returns true for edges representing shared libraries
// linked dynamically at runtime.
func (e *TargetEdge) IsRuntimeDependency() bool {
return edgeIsDynamicLink(e)
// IsDerivation returns true for edges where the target is a derivative
// work of dependency.
func (e *TargetEdge) IsDerivation() bool {
return edgeIsDerivation(e)
// IsBuildTool returns true for edges where the target is built
// by dependency.
func (e *TargetEdge) IsBuildTool() bool {
return !edgeIsDerivation(e) && !edgeIsDynamicLink(e)
// String returns a human-readable string representation of the edge.
func (e *TargetEdge) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s -[%s]> %s",, strings.Join(e.annotations.AsList(), ", "),
// TargetEdgeList orders lists of edges by target then dependency then annotations.
type TargetEdgeList []*TargetEdge
// Len returns the count of the elmements in the list.
func (l TargetEdgeList) Len() int { return len(l) }
// Swap rearranges 2 elements so that each occupies the other's former position.
func (l TargetEdgeList) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
// Less returns true when the `i`th element is lexicographically less than the `j`th.
func (l TargetEdgeList) Less(i, j int) bool {
namei := l[i]
namej := l[j]
if namei == namej {
namei = l[i]
namej = l[j]
if namei == namej {
return l[i].annotations.Compare(l[j].annotations) < 0
return namei < namej
// TargetEdgePathSegment describes a single arc in a TargetPath associating the
// edge with a context `ctx` defined by whatever process is creating the path.
type TargetEdgePathSegment struct {
edge *TargetEdge
ctx interface{}
// Target identifies the target that depends on the dependency.
// Target needs Dependency to build.
func (s TargetEdgePathSegment) Target() *TargetNode {
// Dependency identifies the target depended on by the target.
// Dependency builds without Target, but Target needs Dependency to build.
func (s TargetEdgePathSegment) Dependency() *TargetNode {
return s.edge.dependency
// Edge describes the target edge.
func (s TargetEdgePathSegment) Edge() *TargetEdge {
return s.edge
// Annotations describes the type of edge by the set of annotations attached to
// it.
// Only annotations prescribed by policy have any meaning for licensing, and
// the meaning for licensing is likewise prescribed by policy. Other annotations
// are preserved and ignored by policy.
func (s TargetEdgePathSegment) Annotations() TargetEdgeAnnotations {
return s.edge.annotations
// Context returns the context associated with the path segment. The type and
// value of the context defined by the process creating the path.
func (s TargetEdgePathSegment) Context() interface{} {
return s.ctx
// String returns a human-readable string representation of the edge.
func (s TargetEdgePathSegment) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s -[%s]> %s",, strings.Join(s.edge.annotations.AsList(), ", "),
// TargetEdgePath describes a sequence of edges starting at a root and ending
// at some final dependency.
type TargetEdgePath []TargetEdgePathSegment
// NewTargetEdgePath creates a new, empty path with capacity `cap`.
func NewTargetEdgePath(cap int) *TargetEdgePath {
p := make(TargetEdgePath, 0, cap)
return &p
// Push appends a new edge to the list verifying that the target of the new
// edge is the dependency of the prior.
func (p *TargetEdgePath) Push(edge *TargetEdge, ctx interface{}) {
if len(*p) == 0 {
*p = append(*p, TargetEdgePathSegment{edge, ctx})
if (*p)[len(*p)-1].edge.dependency != {
panic(fmt.Errorf("disjoint path %s does not end at %s", p.String(),
*p = append(*p, TargetEdgePathSegment{edge, ctx})
// Pop shortens the path by 1 edge.
func (p *TargetEdgePath) Pop() {
if len(*p) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("attempt to remove edge from empty path"))
*p = (*p)[:len(*p)-1]
// Clear makes the path length 0.
func (p *TargetEdgePath) Clear() {
*p = (*p)[:0]
// Copy makes a new path with the same value.
func (p *TargetEdgePath) Copy() *TargetEdgePath {
result := make(TargetEdgePath, 0, len(*p))
for _, e := range *p {
result = append(result, e)
return &result
// String returns a string representation of the path: [n1 -> n2 -> ... -> nn].
func (p *TargetEdgePath) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "nil"
if len(*p) == 0 {
return "[]"
var sb strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "[")
for _, s := range *p {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%s -> ",
lastSegment := (*p)[len(*p)-1]
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%s]",
return sb.String()
// TargetNode describes a module or target identified by the name of a specific
// metadata file. (immutable)
// Each metadata file corresponds to a Soong module or to a Make target.
// A target node can appear as the target or as the dependency in edges.
// Most target nodes appear as both target in one edge and as dependency in
// other edges.
type TargetNode targetNode
// Name returns the string that identifies the target node.
// i.e. path to license metadata file
func (tn *TargetNode) Name() string {
// Dependencies returns the list of edges to dependencies of `tn`.
func (tn *TargetNode) Dependencies() TargetEdgeList {
edges := make(TargetEdgeList, 0, len(tn.edges))
edges = append(edges, tn.edges...)
return edges
// PackageName returns the string that identifes the package for the target.
func (tn *TargetNode) PackageName() string {
return tn.proto.GetPackageName()
// ModuleName returns the module name of the target.
func (tn *TargetNode) ModuleName() string {
return tn.proto.GetModuleName()
// Projects returns the projects defining the target node. (unordered)
// In an ideal world, only 1 project defines a target, but the interaction
// between Soong and Make for a variety of architectures and for host versus
// product means a module is sometimes defined more than once.
func (tn *TargetNode) Projects() []string {
return append([]string{}, tn.proto.Projects...)
// LicenseConditions returns a copy of the set of license conditions
// originating at the target. The values that appear and how each is resolved
// is a matter of policy. (unordered)
// e.g. notice or proprietary
func (tn *TargetNode) LicenseConditions() LicenseConditionSet {
return tn.licenseConditions
// LicenseTexts returns the paths to the files containing the license texts for
// the target. (unordered)
func (tn *TargetNode) LicenseTexts() []string {
return append([]string{}, tn.proto.LicenseTexts...)
// IsContainer returns true if the target represents a container that merely
// aggregates other targets.
func (tn *TargetNode) IsContainer() bool {
return tn.proto.GetIsContainer()
// Built returns the list of files built by the module or target. (unordered)
func (tn *TargetNode) Built() []string {
return append([]string{}, tn.proto.Built...)
// Installed returns the list of files installed by the module or target.
// (unordered)
func (tn *TargetNode) Installed() []string {
return append([]string{}, tn.proto.Installed...)
// TargetFiles returns the list of files built or installed by the module or
// target. (unordered)
func (tn *TargetNode) TargetFiles() []string {
return append(tn.proto.Built, tn.proto.Installed...)
// InstallMap returns the list of path name transformations to make to move
// files from their original location in the file system to their destination
// inside a container. (unordered)
func (tn *TargetNode) InstallMap() []InstallMap {
result := make([]InstallMap, 0, len(tn.proto.InstallMap))
for _, im := range tn.proto.InstallMap {
result = append(result, InstallMap{im.GetFromPath(), im.GetContainerPath()})
return result
// Sources returns the list of file names depended on by the target, which may
// be a proper subset of those made available by dependency modules.
// (unordered)
func (tn *TargetNode) Sources() []string {
return append([]string{}, tn.proto.Sources...)
// InstallMap describes the mapping from an input filesystem file to file in a
// container.
type InstallMap struct {
// FromPath is the input path on the filesystem.
FromPath string
// ContainerPath is the path to the same file inside the container or
// installed location.
ContainerPath string
// TargetEdgeAnnotations describes an immutable set of annotations attached to
// an edge from a target to a dependency.
// Annotations typically distinguish between static linkage versus dynamic
// versus tools that are used at build time but are not linked in any way.
type TargetEdgeAnnotations struct {
annotations map[string]struct{}
// newEdgeAnnotations creates a new instance of TargetEdgeAnnotations.
func newEdgeAnnotations() TargetEdgeAnnotations {
return TargetEdgeAnnotations{make(map[string]struct{})}
// HasAnnotation returns true if an annotation `ann` is in the set.
func (ea TargetEdgeAnnotations) HasAnnotation(ann string) bool {
_, ok := ea.annotations[ann]
return ok
// Compare orders TargetAnnotations returning:
// -1 when ea < other,
// +1 when ea > other, and
// 0 when ea == other.
func (ea TargetEdgeAnnotations) Compare(other TargetEdgeAnnotations) int {
a1 := ea.AsList()
a2 := other.AsList()
for k := 0; k < len(a1) && k < len(a2); k++ {
if a1[k] < a2[k] {
return -1
if a1[k] > a2[k] {
return 1
if len(a1) < len(a2) {
return -1
if len(a1) > len(a2) {
return 1
return 0
// AsList returns the list of annotation names attached to the edge.
// (unordered)
func (ea TargetEdgeAnnotations) AsList() []string {
l := make([]string, 0, len(ea.annotations))
for ann := range ea.annotations {
l = append(l, ann)
return l
// TargetNodeSet describes a set of distinct nodes in a license graph.
type TargetNodeSet map[*TargetNode]struct{}
// Contains returns true when `target` is an element of the set.
func (ts TargetNodeSet) Contains(target *TargetNode) bool {
_, isPresent := ts[target]
return isPresent
// Names returns the array of target node namess in the set. (unordered)
func (ts TargetNodeSet) Names() []string {
result := make([]string, 0, len(ts))
for tn := range ts {
result = append(result,
return result
// String returns a human-readable string representation of the set.
func (ts TargetNodeSet) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", strings.Join(ts.Names(), ", "))
// TargetNodeList orders a list of targets by name.
type TargetNodeList []*TargetNode
// Len returns the count of elements in the list.
func (l TargetNodeList) Len() int { return len(l) }
// Swap rearranges 2 elements so that each occupies the other's former position.
func (l TargetNodeList) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
// Less returns true when the `i`th element is lexicographicallt less than the `j`th.
func (l TargetNodeList) Less(i, j int) bool {
return l[i].name < l[j].name
// String returns a string representation of the list.
func (l TargetNodeList) String() string {
var sb strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "[")
sep := ""
for _, tn := range l {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%s%s", sep,
sep = " "
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "]")
return sb.String()
// Names returns an array the names of the nodes in the same order as the nodes in the list.
func (l TargetNodeList) Names() []string {
result := make([]string, 0, len(l))
for _, tn := range l {
result = append(result,
return result