blob: 4f666aa5fe2d9f63c2b53ec9895dfe6ddc0450a3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import List
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from os.path import join, relpath
from itertools import chain
import argparse
class FileLister:
def __init__(self, args) -> None:
self.out_file = args.out_file
self.folder_dir = args.dir
self.extensions = [e if e.startswith(".") else "." + e for e in args.extensions]
self.root = args.root
self.files_list : List[str] = list()
self.classes = args.classes
def get_files(self) -> None:
"""Get all files directory in the input directory including the files in the subdirectories
Recursively finds all files in the input directory.
Set file_list as a list of file directory strings,
which do not include directories but only files.
List is sorted in alphabetical order of the file directories.
dir: Directory to get the files. String.
FileNotFoundError: An error occurred accessing the non-existing directory
if not dir_exists(self.folder_dir):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Directory {self.folder_dir} does not exist")
if self.folder_dir[:-2] != "**":
self.folder_dir = join(self.folder_dir, "**")
self.files_list = list()
for file in sorted(glob(self.folder_dir, recursive=True)):
if Path(file).is_file():
if self.root:
file = join(self.root, relpath(file, self.folder_dir[:-2]))
def list(self) -> None:
self.files_list = [f for f in self.files_list if not self.extensions or Path(f).suffix in self.extensions]
# If files_list is as below:
# A/B/
# A/B/
# A/B/E.txt
# --classes flag converts files_list in the following format:
# A/B/C.class
# A/B/C$*.class
# A/B/D.class
# A/B/D$*.class
# Additional `$*`-suffixed line is appended after each line
# to take multiple top level classes in a single java file into account.
# Note that non-java files in files_list are filtered out.
if self.classes:
self.files_list = list(chain.from_iterable([
(class_files := str(Path(ff).with_suffix(".class")),
class_files.replace(".class", "$*.class"))
for ff in self.files_list if ff.endswith(".java")
def write(self) -> None:
if self.out_file == "":
write_lines(self.out_file, self.files_list)
# Helper functions
def pprint(l: List[str]) -> None:
for line in l:
def dir_exists(dir: str) -> bool:
return Path(dir).exists()
def write_lines(out_file: str, lines: List[str]) -> None:
with open(out_file, "w+") as f:
f.writelines(line + '\n' for line in lines)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('dir', action='store', type=str,
help="directory to list all subdirectory files")
parser.add_argument('--out', dest='out_file',
action='store', default="", type=str,
help="optional directory to write subdirectory files. If not set, will print to console")
parser.add_argument('--root', dest='root',
action='store', default="", type=str,
help="optional directory to replace the root directories of output.")
parser.add_argument('--extensions', nargs='*', default=list(), dest='extensions',
help="Extensions to include in the output. If not set, all files are included")
parser.add_argument('--classes', dest='classes', action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction,
help="Optional flag. If passed, outputs a list of pattern of class files \
that will be produced by compiling java files in the input dir. \
Non-java files in the input directory will be ignored.")
args = parser.parse_args()
file_lister = FileLister(args)