| #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
| # |
| # Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| """ |
| This scripts compiles Java files which are needed to execute run-tests. |
| It is intended to be used only from soong genrule. |
| """ |
| |
| import argparse |
| import functools |
| import glob |
| import os |
| import pathlib |
| import re |
| import shlex |
| import shutil |
| import subprocess |
| import sys |
| import zipfile |
| |
| from argparse import ArgumentParser |
| from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor |
| from fcntl import lockf, LOCK_EX, LOCK_NB |
| from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader |
| from os import environ, getcwd, chdir, cpu_count, chmod |
| from os.path import relpath |
| from pathlib import Path |
| from pprint import pprint |
| from re import match |
| from shutil import copytree, rmtree |
| from subprocess import run |
| from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory, NamedTemporaryFile |
| from typing import Dict, List, Union, Set, Optional |
| |
| USE_RBE = 100 # Percentage of tests that can use RBE (between 0 and 100) |
| |
| lock_file = None # Keep alive as long as this process is alive. |
| |
| "952-invoke-custom", # b/228312861: RBE uses wrong inputs. |
| "979-const-method-handle", # b/228312861: RBE uses wrong inputs. |
| } |
| |
| # Debug option. Report commands that are taking a lot of user CPU time. |
| |
| class BuildTestContext: |
| def __init__(self, args, android_build_top, test_dir): |
| self.android_build_top = android_build_top.absolute() |
| self.bootclasspath = args.bootclasspath.absolute() |
| self.test_name = test_dir.name |
| self.test_dir = test_dir.absolute() |
| self.mode = args.mode |
| self.jvm = (self.mode == "jvm") |
| self.host = (self.mode == "host") |
| self.target = (self.mode == "target") |
| assert self.jvm or self.host or self.target |
| |
| self.java_home = Path(os.environ.get("JAVA_HOME")).absolute() |
| self.java_path = self.java_home / "bin/java" |
| self.javac_path = self.java_home / "bin/javac" |
| self.javac_args = "-g -Xlint:-options -source 1.8 -target 1.8" |
| |
| # Helper functions to execute tools. |
| self.d8 = functools.partial(self.run, args.d8.absolute()) |
| self.jasmin = functools.partial(self.run, args.jasmin.absolute()) |
| self.javac = functools.partial(self.run, self.javac_path) |
| self.smali = functools.partial(self.run, args.smali.absolute()) |
| self.soong_zip = functools.partial(self.run, args.soong_zip.absolute()) |
| self.zipalign = functools.partial(self.run, args.zipalign.absolute()) |
| if args.hiddenapi: |
| self.hiddenapi = functools.partial(self.run, args.hiddenapi.absolute()) |
| |
| # RBE wrapper for some of the tools. |
| if "RBE_server_address" in os.environ and USE_RBE > (hash(self.test_name) % 100): |
| self.rbe_exec_root = os.environ.get("RBE_exec_root") |
| self.rbe_rewrapper = self.android_build_top / "prebuilts/remoteexecution-client/live/rewrapper" |
| if self.test_name not in RBE_D8_DISABLED_FOR: |
| self.d8 = functools.partial(self.rbe_d8, args.d8.absolute()) |
| self.javac = functools.partial(self.rbe_javac, self.javac_path) |
| self.smali = functools.partial(self.rbe_smali, args.smali.absolute()) |
| |
| # Minimal environment needed for bash commands that we execute. |
| self.bash_env = { |
| "ANDROID_BUILD_TOP": self.android_build_top, |
| "D8": args.d8.absolute(), |
| "JAVA": self.java_path, |
| "JAVAC": self.javac_path, |
| "JAVAC_ARGS": self.javac_args, |
| "JAVA_HOME": self.java_home, |
| "PATH": os.environ["PATH"], |
| "SMALI": args.smali.absolute(), |
| "SOONG_ZIP": args.soong_zip.absolute(), |
| "TEST_NAME": self.test_name, |
| } |
| |
| def bash(self, cmd): |
| return subprocess.run(cmd, |
| shell=True, |
| cwd=self.test_dir, |
| env=self.bash_env, |
| check=True) |
| |
| def run(self, executable: pathlib.Path, args: List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]]): |
| assert isinstance(executable, pathlib.Path), executable |
| cmd: List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]] = [] |
| cmd += ["/usr/bin/time"] |
| if executable.suffix == ".sh": |
| cmd += ["/bin/bash"] |
| cmd += [executable] |
| cmd += args |
| env = self.bash_env |
| env.update({k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.startswith("RBE_")}) |
| # Make paths relative as otherwise we could create too long command line. |
| for i, arg in enumerate(cmd): |
| if isinstance(arg, pathlib.Path): |
| assert arg.absolute(), arg |
| cmd[i] = relpath(arg, self.test_dir) |
| elif isinstance(arg, list): |
| assert all(p.absolute() for p in arg), arg |
| cmd[i] = ":".join(relpath(p, self.test_dir) for p in arg) |
| else: |
| assert isinstance(arg, str), arg |
| p = subprocess.run(cmd, |
| encoding=sys.stdout.encoding, |
| cwd=self.test_dir, |
| env=self.bash_env, |
| stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, |
| stdout=subprocess.PIPE) |
| m = re.search("([0-9\.]+)user", p.stdout) |
| assert m, p.stdout |
| t = float(m.group(1)) |
| if t > 1.0: |
| cmd_text = " ".join(map(str, cmd[1:]))[:100] |
| print(f"[{self.test_name}] Command took {t:.2f}s: {cmd_text}") |
| |
| if p.returncode != 0: |
| raise Exception("Command failed with exit code {}\n$ {}\n{}".format( |
| p.returncode, " ".join(map(str, cmd)), p.stdout)) |
| return p |
| |
| def rbe_wrap(self, args, inputs: Set[pathlib.Path]=None): |
| with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+t") as input_list: |
| inputs = inputs or set() |
| for i, arg in enumerate(args): |
| if isinstance(arg, pathlib.Path): |
| assert arg.absolute(), arg |
| inputs.add(arg) |
| elif isinstance(arg, list): |
| assert all(p.absolute() for p in arg), arg |
| inputs.update(arg) |
| input_list.writelines([relpath(i, self.rbe_exec_root)+"\n" for i in inputs]) |
| input_list.flush() |
| return self.run(self.rbe_rewrapper, [ |
| "--platform=" + os.environ["RBE_platform"], |
| "--input_list_paths=" + input_list.name, |
| ] + args) |
| |
| def rbe_javac(self, javac_path:Path, args): |
| output = relpath(Path(args[args.index("-d") + 1]), self.rbe_exec_root) |
| return self.rbe_wrap(["--output_directories", output, javac_path] + args) |
| |
| def rbe_d8(self, d8_path:Path, args): |
| inputs = set([d8_path.parent.parent / "framework/d8.jar"]) |
| output = relpath(Path(args[args.index("--output") + 1]), self.rbe_exec_root) |
| return self.rbe_wrap([ |
| "--output_files" if output.endswith(".jar") else "--output_directories", output, |
| "--toolchain_inputs=prebuilts/jdk/jdk17/linux-x86/bin/java", |
| d8_path] + args, inputs) |
| |
| def rbe_smali(self, smali_path:Path, args): |
| inputs = set([smali_path.parent.parent / "framework/smali.jar"]) |
| output = relpath(Path(args[args.index("--output") + 1]), self.rbe_exec_root) |
| return self.rbe_wrap([ |
| "--output_files", output, |
| "--toolchain_inputs=prebuilts/jdk/jdk17/linux-x86/bin/java", |
| smali_path] + args, inputs) |
| |
| def build(self) -> None: |
| script = self.test_dir / "build.py" |
| if script.exists(): |
| module = SourceFileLoader("build_" + self.test_name, |
| str(script)).load_module() |
| module.build(self) |
| else: |
| self.default_build() |
| |
| def default_build( |
| self, |
| use_desugar=True, |
| use_hiddenapi=True, |
| need_dex=None, |
| zip_compression_method="deflate", |
| zip_align_bytes=None, |
| api_level:Union[int, str]=26, # Can also be named alias (string). |
| javac_args=[], |
| javac_classpath: List[Path]=[], |
| d8_flags=[], |
| smali_args=[], |
| use_smali=True, |
| use_jasmin=True, |
| ): |
| javac_classpath = javac_classpath.copy() # Do not modify default value. |
| |
| # Wrap "pathlib.Path" with our own version that ensures all paths are absolute. |
| # Plain filenames are assumed to be relative to self.test_dir and made absolute. |
| class Path(pathlib.Path): |
| def __new__(cls, filename: str): |
| path = pathlib.Path(filename) |
| return path if path.is_absolute() else (self.test_dir / path) |
| |
| need_dex = (self.host or self.target) if need_dex is None else need_dex |
| |
| if self.jvm: |
| # No desugaring on jvm because it supports the latest functionality. |
| use_desugar = False |
| |
| # Set API level for smali and d8. |
| if isinstance(api_level, str): |
| API_LEVEL = { |
| "default-methods": 24, |
| "parameter-annotations": 25, |
| "agents": 26, |
| "method-handles": 26, |
| "var-handles": 28, |
| } |
| api_level = API_LEVEL[api_level] |
| assert isinstance(api_level, int), api_level |
| |
| def zip(zip_target: Path, *files: Path): |
| zip_args = ["-o", zip_target, "-C", zip_target.parent] |
| if zip_compression_method == "store": |
| zip_args.extend(["-L", "0"]) |
| for f in files: |
| zip_args.extend(["-f", f]) |
| self.soong_zip(zip_args) |
| |
| if zip_align_bytes: |
| # zipalign does not operate in-place, so write results to a temp file. |
| with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: |
| tmp_file = Path(tmp_dir) / "aligned.zip" |
| self.zipalign(["-f", str(zip_align_bytes), zip_target, tmp_file]) |
| # replace original zip target with our temp file. |
| tmp_file.rename(zip_target) |
| |
| |
| def make_jasmin(dst_dir: Path, src_dir: Path) -> Optional[Path]: |
| if not use_jasmin or not src_dir.exists(): |
| return None # No sources to compile. |
| dst_dir.mkdir() |
| self.jasmin(["-d", dst_dir] + sorted(src_dir.glob("**/*.j"))) |
| return dst_dir |
| |
| def make_smali(dst_dex: Path, src_dir: Path) -> Optional[Path]: |
| if not use_smali or not src_dir.exists(): |
| return None # No sources to compile. |
| self.smali(["-JXmx512m", "assemble"] + smali_args + ["--api", str(api_level)] + |
| ["--output", dst_dex] + sorted(src_dir.glob("**/*.smali"))) |
| return dst_dex |
| |
| def make_java(dst_dir: Path, *src_dirs: Path) -> Optional[Path]: |
| if not any(src_dir.exists() for src_dir in src_dirs): |
| return None # No sources to compile. |
| dst_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) |
| args = self.javac_args.split(" ") + javac_args |
| args += ["-implicit:none", "-encoding", "utf8", "-d", dst_dir] |
| if not self.jvm: |
| args += ["-bootclasspath", self.bootclasspath] |
| if javac_classpath: |
| args += ["-classpath", javac_classpath] |
| for src_dir in src_dirs: |
| args += sorted(src_dir.glob("**/*.java")) |
| self.javac(args) |
| javac_post = Path("javac_post.sh") |
| if javac_post.exists(): |
| self.run(javac_post, [dst_dir]) |
| return dst_dir |
| |
| |
| # Make a "dex" file given a directory of classes. This will be |
| # packaged in a jar file. |
| def make_dex(src_dir: Path): |
| dst_jar = Path(src_dir.name + ".jar") |
| args = d8_flags + ["--min-api", str(api_level), "--output", dst_jar] |
| args += ["--lib", self.bootclasspath] if use_desugar else ["--no-desugaring"] |
| args += sorted(src_dir.glob("**/*.class")) |
| self.d8(args) |
| |
| # D8 outputs to JAR files today rather than DEX files as DX used |
| # to. To compensate, we extract the DEX from d8's output to meet the |
| # expectations of make_dex callers. |
| dst_dex = Path(src_dir.name + ".dex") |
| with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: |
| zipfile.ZipFile(dst_jar, "r").extractall(tmp_dir) |
| (Path(tmp_dir) / "classes.dex").rename(dst_dex) |
| |
| # Merge all the dex files. |
| # Skip non-existing files, but at least 1 file must exist. |
| def make_dexmerge(dst_dex: Path, *src_dexs: Path): |
| # Include destination. Skip any non-existing files. |
| srcs = [f for f in [dst_dex] + list(src_dexs) if f.exists()] |
| |
| # NB: We merge even if there is just single input. |
| # It is useful to normalize non-deterministic smali output. |
| tmp_dir = self.test_dir / "dexmerge" |
| tmp_dir.mkdir() |
| self.d8(["--min-api", str(api_level), "--output", tmp_dir] + srcs) |
| assert not (tmp_dir / "classes2.dex").exists() |
| for src_file in srcs: |
| src_file.unlink() |
| (tmp_dir / "classes.dex").rename(dst_dex) |
| tmp_dir.rmdir() |
| |
| |
| def make_hiddenapi(*dex_files: Path): |
| if not use_hiddenapi or not Path("hiddenapi-flags.csv").exists(): |
| return # Nothing to do. |
| args: List[Union[str, Path]] = ["encode"] |
| for dex_file in dex_files: |
| args.extend(["--input-dex=" + str(dex_file), "--output-dex=" + str(dex_file)]) |
| args.append("--api-flags=hiddenapi-flags.csv") |
| args.append("--no-force-assign-all") |
| self.hiddenapi(args) |
| |
| |
| if Path("classes.dex").exists(): |
| zip(Path(self.test_name + ".jar"), Path("classes.dex")) |
| return |
| |
| if Path("classes.dm").exists(): |
| zip(Path(self.test_name + ".jar"), Path("classes.dm")) |
| return |
| |
| if make_jasmin(Path("jasmin_classes"), Path("jasmin")): |
| javac_classpath.append(Path("jasmin_classes")) |
| |
| if make_jasmin(Path("jasmin_classes2"), Path("jasmin-multidex")): |
| javac_classpath.append(Path("jasmin_classes2")) |
| |
| # To allow circular references, compile src/, src-multidex/, src-aotex/, |
| # src-bcpex/, src-ex/ together and pass the output as class path argument. |
| # Replacement sources in src-art/, src2/ and src-ex2/ can replace symbols |
| # used by the other src-* sources we compile here but everything needed to |
| # compile the other src-* sources should be present in src/ (and jasmin*/). |
| extra_srcs = ["src-multidex", "src-aotex", "src-bcpex", "src-ex"] |
| replacement_srcs = ["src2", "src-ex2"] + ([] if self.jvm else ["src-art"]) |
| if (Path("src").exists() and |
| any(Path(p).exists() for p in extra_srcs + replacement_srcs)): |
| make_java(Path("classes-tmp-all"), Path("src"), *map(Path, extra_srcs)) |
| javac_classpath.append(Path("classes-tmp-all")) |
| |
| if make_java(Path("classes-aotex"), Path("src-aotex")) and need_dex: |
| make_dex(Path("classes-aotex")) |
| # rename it so it shows up as "classes.dex" in the zip file. |
| Path("classes-aotex.dex").rename(Path("classes.dex")) |
| zip(Path(self.test_name + "-aotex.jar"), Path("classes.dex")) |
| |
| if make_java(Path("classes-bcpex"), Path("src-bcpex")) and need_dex: |
| make_dex(Path("classes-bcpex")) |
| # rename it so it shows up as "classes.dex" in the zip file. |
| Path("classes-bcpex.dex").rename(Path("classes.dex")) |
| zip(Path(self.test_name + "-bcpex.jar"), Path("classes.dex")) |
| |
| make_java(Path("classes"), Path("src")) |
| |
| if not self.jvm: |
| # Do not attempt to build src-art directories on jvm, |
| # since it would fail without libcore. |
| make_java(Path("classes"), Path("src-art")) |
| |
| if make_java(Path("classes2"), Path("src-multidex")) and need_dex: |
| make_dex(Path("classes2")) |
| |
| make_java(Path("classes"), Path("src2")) |
| |
| # If the classes directory is not-empty, package classes in a DEX file. |
| # NB: some tests provide classes rather than java files. |
| if any(Path("classes").glob("*")) and need_dex: |
| make_dex(Path("classes")) |
| |
| if Path("jasmin_classes").exists(): |
| # Compile Jasmin classes as if they were part of the classes.dex file. |
| if need_dex: |
| make_dex(Path("jasmin_classes")) |
| make_dexmerge(Path("classes.dex"), Path("jasmin_classes.dex")) |
| else: |
| # Move jasmin classes into classes directory so that they are picked up |
| # with -cp classes. |
| Path("classes").mkdir(exist_ok=True) |
| copytree(Path("jasmin_classes"), Path("classes"), dirs_exist_ok=True) |
| |
| if need_dex and make_smali(Path("smali_classes.dex"), Path("smali")): |
| # Merge smali files into classes.dex, |
| # this takes priority over any jasmin files. |
| make_dexmerge(Path("classes.dex"), Path("smali_classes.dex")) |
| |
| # Compile Jasmin classes in jasmin-multidex as if they were part of |
| # the classes2.jar |
| if Path("jasmin-multidex").exists(): |
| if need_dex: |
| make_dex(Path("jasmin_classes2")) |
| make_dexmerge(Path("classes2.dex"), Path("jasmin_classes2.dex")) |
| else: |
| # Move jasmin classes into classes2 directory so that |
| # they are picked up with -cp classes2. |
| Path("classes2").mkdir() |
| copytree(Path("jasmin_classes2"), Path("classes2"), dirs_exist_ok=True) |
| rmtree(Path("jasmin_classes2")) |
| |
| if need_dex and make_smali(Path("smali_classes2.dex"), Path("smali-multidex")): |
| # Merge smali_classes2.dex into classes2.dex |
| make_dexmerge(Path("classes2.dex"), Path("smali_classes2.dex")) |
| |
| make_java(Path("classes-ex"), Path("src-ex")) |
| |
| make_java(Path("classes-ex"), Path("src-ex2")) |
| |
| if Path("classes-ex").exists() and need_dex: |
| make_dex(Path("classes-ex")) |
| |
| if need_dex and make_smali(Path("smali_classes-ex.dex"), Path("smali-ex")): |
| # Merge smali files into classes-ex.dex. |
| make_dexmerge(Path("classes-ex.dex"), Path("smali_classes-ex.dex")) |
| |
| if Path("classes-ex.dex").exists(): |
| # Apply hiddenapi on the dex files if the test has API list file(s). |
| make_hiddenapi(Path("classes-ex.dex")) |
| |
| # quick shuffle so that the stored name is "classes.dex" |
| Path("classes.dex").rename(Path("classes-1.dex")) |
| Path("classes-ex.dex").rename(Path("classes.dex")) |
| zip(Path(self.test_name + "-ex.jar"), Path("classes.dex")) |
| Path("classes.dex").rename(Path("classes-ex.dex")) |
| Path("classes-1.dex").rename(Path("classes.dex")) |
| |
| # Apply hiddenapi on the dex files if the test has API list file(s). |
| if need_dex: |
| if any(Path(".").glob("*-multidex")): |
| make_hiddenapi(Path("classes.dex"), Path("classes2.dex")) |
| else: |
| make_hiddenapi(Path("classes.dex")) |
| |
| # Create a single dex jar with two dex files for multidex. |
| if need_dex: |
| if Path("classes2.dex").exists(): |
| zip(Path(self.test_name + ".jar"), Path("classes.dex"), Path("classes2.dex")) |
| else: |
| zip(Path(self.test_name + ".jar"), Path("classes.dex")) |
| |
| |
| # If we build just individual shard, we want to split the work among all the cores, |
| # but if the build system builds all shards, we don't want to overload the machine. |
| # We don't know which situation we are in, so as simple work-around, we use a lock |
| # file to allow only one shard to use multiprocessing at the same time. |
| def use_multiprocessing(mode: str) -> bool: |
| if "RBE_server_address" in os.environ: |
| return True |
| global lock_file |
| lock_path = Path(environ["TMPDIR"]) / ("art-test-run-test-build-py-" + mode) |
| lock_file = open(lock_path, "w") |
| try: |
| lockf(lock_file, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) |
| return True # We are the only instance of this script in the build system. |
| except BlockingIOError: |
| return False # Some other instance is already running. |
| |
| |
| def main() -> None: |
| parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) |
| parser.add_argument("--out", type=Path, help="Final zip file") |
| parser.add_argument("--mode", choices=["host", "jvm", "target"]) |
| parser.add_argument("--bootclasspath", type=Path) |
| parser.add_argument("--d8", type=Path) |
| parser.add_argument("--hiddenapi", type=Path) |
| parser.add_argument("--jasmin", type=Path) |
| parser.add_argument("--smali", type=Path) |
| parser.add_argument("--soong_zip", type=Path) |
| parser.add_argument("--zipalign", type=Path) |
| parser.add_argument("srcs", nargs="+", type=Path) |
| args = parser.parse_args() |
| |
| android_build_top = Path(getcwd()).absolute() |
| ziproot = args.out.absolute().parent / "zip" |
| srcdirs = set(s.parents[-4].absolute() for s in args.srcs) |
| |
| # Special hidden-api shard: If the --hiddenapi flag is provided, build only |
| # hiddenapi tests. Otherwise exclude all hiddenapi tests from normal shards. |
| def filter_by_hiddenapi(srcdir: Path) -> bool: |
| return (args.hiddenapi != None) == ("hiddenapi" in srcdir.name) |
| |
| # Initialize the test objects. |
| # We need to do this before we change the working directory below. |
| tests: List[BuildTestContext] = [] |
| for srcdir in filter(filter_by_hiddenapi, srcdirs): |
| dstdir = ziproot / args.mode / srcdir.name |
| copytree(srcdir, dstdir) |
| tests.append(BuildTestContext(args, android_build_top, dstdir)) |
| |
| # We can not change the working directory per each thread since they all run in parallel. |
| # Create invalid read-only directory to catch accidental use of current working directory. |
| with TemporaryDirectory("-do-not-use-cwd") as invalid_tmpdir: |
| os.chdir(invalid_tmpdir) |
| os.chmod(invalid_tmpdir, 0) |
| with ThreadPoolExecutor(cpu_count() if use_multiprocessing(args.mode) else 1) as pool: |
| jobs = {} |
| for ctx in tests: |
| jobs[ctx.test_name] = pool.submit(ctx.build) |
| for test_name, job in jobs.items(): |
| try: |
| job.result() |
| except Exception as e: |
| raise Exception("Failed to build " + test_name) from e |
| |
| # Create the final zip file which contains the content of the temporary directory. |
| proc = run([android_build_top / args.soong_zip, "-o", android_build_top / args.out, |
| "-C", ziproot, "-D", ziproot], check=True) |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == "__main__": |
| main() |