blob: 2bed1d5b2d0b6c58dae03382b4cf368d0c0cc000 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "class_loader_context.h"
#include "base/dchecked_vector.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "class_linker.h"
#include "dex_file.h"
#include "oat_file_assistant.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "scoped_thread_state_change-inl.h"
#include "thread.h"
namespace art {
static constexpr char kPathClassLoaderString[] = "PCL";
static constexpr char kDelegateLastClassLoaderString[] = "DLC";
static constexpr char kClassLoaderOpeningMark = '[';
static constexpr char kClassLoaderClosingMark = ']';
static constexpr char kClassLoaderSeparator = ';';
static constexpr char kClasspathSeparator = ':';
static constexpr char kDexFileChecksumSeparator = '*';
: special_shared_library_(false),
dex_files_open_result_(false) {}
std::unique_ptr<ClassLoaderContext> ClassLoaderContext::Create(const std::string& spec) {
std::unique_ptr<ClassLoaderContext> result(new ClassLoaderContext());
if (result->Parse(spec)) {
return result;
} else {
return nullptr;
// The expected format is: "ClassLoaderType1[ClasspathElem1*Checksum1:ClasspathElem2*Checksum2...]".
// The checksum part of the format is expected only if parse_cheksums is true.
bool ClassLoaderContext::ParseClassLoaderSpec(const std::string& class_loader_spec,
ClassLoaderType class_loader_type,
bool parse_checksums) {
const char* class_loader_type_str = GetClassLoaderTypeName(class_loader_type);
size_t type_str_size = strlen(class_loader_type_str);
CHECK_EQ(0,, type_str_size, class_loader_type_str));
// Check the opening and closing markers.
if (class_loader_spec[type_str_size] != kClassLoaderOpeningMark) {
return false;
if (class_loader_spec[class_loader_spec.length() - 1] != kClassLoaderClosingMark) {
return false;
// At this point we know the format is ok; continue and extract the classpath.
// Note that class loaders with an empty class path are allowed.
std::string classpath = class_loader_spec.substr(type_str_size + 1,
class_loader_spec.length() - type_str_size - 2);
if (!parse_checksums) {
Split(classpath, kClasspathSeparator, &class_loader_chain_.back().classpath);
} else {
std::vector<std::string> classpath_elements;
Split(classpath, kClasspathSeparator, &classpath_elements);
for (const std::string& element : classpath_elements) {
std::vector<std::string> dex_file_with_checksum;
Split(element, kDexFileChecksumSeparator, &dex_file_with_checksum);
if (dex_file_with_checksum.size() != 2) {
return false;
uint32_t checksum = 0;
if (!ParseInt(dex_file_with_checksum[1].c_str(), &checksum)) {
return false;
return true;
// Extracts the class loader type from the given spec.
// Return ClassLoaderContext::kInvalidClassLoader if the class loader type is not
// recognized.
ClassLoaderContext::ExtractClassLoaderType(const std::string& class_loader_spec) {
const ClassLoaderType kValidTypes[] = {kPathClassLoader, kDelegateLastClassLoader};
for (const ClassLoaderType& type : kValidTypes) {
const char* type_str = GetClassLoaderTypeName(type);
if (, strlen(type_str), type_str) == 0) {
return type;
return kInvalidClassLoader;
// The format: ClassLoaderType1[ClasspathElem1:ClasspathElem2...];ClassLoaderType2[...]...
// ClassLoaderType is either "PCL" (PathClassLoader) or "DLC" (DelegateLastClassLoader).
// ClasspathElem is the path of dex/jar/apk file.
bool ClassLoaderContext::Parse(const std::string& spec, bool parse_checksums) {
if (spec.empty()) {
return true;
// Stop early if we detect the special shared library, which may be passed as the classpath
// for dex2oat when we want to skip the shared libraries check.
if (spec == OatFile::kSpecialSharedLibrary) {
LOG(INFO) << "The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.";
special_shared_library_ = true;
return true;
std::vector<std::string> class_loaders;
Split(spec, kClassLoaderSeparator, &class_loaders);
for (const std::string& class_loader : class_loaders) {
ClassLoaderType type = ExtractClassLoaderType(class_loader);
if (type == kInvalidClassLoader) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid class loader type: " << class_loader;
return false;
if (!ParseClassLoaderSpec(class_loader, type, parse_checksums)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid class loader spec: " << class_loader;
return false;
return true;
// Opens requested class path files and appends them to opened_dex_files. If the dex files have
// been stripped, this opens them from their oat files (which get added to opened_oat_files).
bool ClassLoaderContext::OpenDexFiles(InstructionSet isa, const std::string& classpath_dir) {
CHECK(!dex_files_open_attempted_) << "OpenDexFiles should not be called twice";
dex_files_open_attempted_ = true;
// Assume we can open all dex files. If not, we will set this to false as we go.
dex_files_open_result_ = true;
if (special_shared_library_) {
// Nothing to open if the context is a special shared library.
return true;
// Note that we try to open all dex files even if some fail.
// We may get resource-only apks which we cannot load.
// TODO(calin): Refine the dex opening interface to be able to tell if an archive contains
// no dex files. So that we can distinguish the real failures...
for (ClassLoaderInfo& info : class_loader_chain_) {
for (const std::string& cp_elem : info.classpath) {
// If path is relative, append it to the provided base directory.
std::string location = cp_elem;
if (location[0] != '/') {
location = classpath_dir + '/' + location;
std::string error_msg;
// When opening the dex files from the context we expect their checksum to match their
// contents. So pass true to verify_checksum.
if (!DexFile::Open(location.c_str(),
/*verify_checksum*/ true,
&info.opened_dex_files)) {
// If we fail to open the dex file because it's been stripped, try to open the dex file
// from its corresponding oat file.
// This could happen when we need to recompile a pre-build whose dex code has been stripped.
// (for example, if the pre-build is only quicken and we want to re-compile it
// speed-profile).
// TODO(calin): Use the vdex directly instead of going through the oat file.
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(location.c_str(), isa, false);
std::unique_ptr<OatFile> oat_file(oat_file_assistant.GetBestOatFile());
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> oat_dex_files;
if (oat_file != nullptr &&
OatFileAssistant::LoadDexFiles(*oat_file, location, &oat_dex_files)) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not open dex files from location: " << location;
dex_files_open_result_ = false;
return dex_files_open_result_;
bool ClassLoaderContext::RemoveLocationsFromClassPaths(
const dchecked_vector<std::string>& locations) {
<< "RemoveLocationsFromClasspaths cannot be call after OpenDexFiles";
std::set<std::string> canonical_locations;
for (const std::string& location : locations) {
bool removed_locations = false;
for (ClassLoaderInfo& info : class_loader_chain_) {
size_t initial_size = info.classpath.size();
auto kept_it = std::remove_if(
[canonical_locations](const std::string& location) {
return ContainsElement(canonical_locations,
info.classpath.erase(kept_it, info.classpath.end());
if (initial_size != info.classpath.size()) {
removed_locations = true;
return removed_locations;
std::string ClassLoaderContext::EncodeContextForOatFile(const std::string& base_dir) const {
if (special_shared_library_) {
return OatFile::kSpecialSharedLibrary;
if (class_loader_chain_.empty()) {
return "";
std::ostringstream out;
for (size_t i = 0; i < class_loader_chain_.size(); i++) {
const ClassLoaderInfo& info = class_loader_chain_[i];
if (i > 0) {
out << kClassLoaderSeparator;
out << GetClassLoaderTypeName(info.type);
out << kClassLoaderOpeningMark;
for (size_t k = 0; k < info.opened_dex_files.size(); k++) {
const std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex_file = info.opened_dex_files[k];
const std::string& location = dex_file->GetLocation();
if (k > 0) {
out << kClasspathSeparator;
// Find paths that were relative and convert them back from absolute.
if (!base_dir.empty() && location.substr(0, base_dir.length()) == base_dir) {
out << location.substr(base_dir.length() + 1).c_str();
} else {
out << dex_file->GetLocation().c_str();
out << kDexFileChecksumSeparator;
out << dex_file->GetLocationChecksum();
out << kClassLoaderClosingMark;
return out.str();
jobject ClassLoaderContext::CreateClassLoader(
const std::vector<const DexFile*>& compilation_sources) const {
Thread* self = Thread::Current();
ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
std::vector<const DexFile*> class_path_files;
// TODO(calin): Transition period: assume we only have a classloader until
// the oat file assistant implements the full class loader check.
if (!class_loader_chain_.empty()) {
CHECK_EQ(1u, class_loader_chain_.size());
CHECK_EQ(kPathClassLoader, class_loader_chain_[0].type);
class_path_files = MakeNonOwningPointerVector(class_loader_chain_[0].opened_dex_files);
// Classpath: first the class-path given; then the dex files we'll compile.
// Thus we'll resolve the class-path first.
ClassLinker* const class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
return class_linker->CreatePathClassLoader(self, class_path_files);
std::vector<const DexFile*> ClassLoaderContext::FlattenOpenedDexFiles() const {
std::vector<const DexFile*> result;
for (const ClassLoaderInfo& info : class_loader_chain_) {
for (const std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex_file : info.opened_dex_files) {
return result;
const char* ClassLoaderContext::GetClassLoaderTypeName(ClassLoaderType type) {
switch (type) {
case kPathClassLoader: return kPathClassLoaderString;
case kDelegateLastClassLoader: return kDelegateLastClassLoaderString;
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid class loader type " << type;
void ClassLoaderContext::CheckDexFilesOpened(const std::string& calling_method) const {
<< "Dex files were not successfully opened before the call to " << calling_method
<< "attempt=" << dex_files_open_attempted_ << ", result=" << dex_files_open_result_;
bool ClassLoaderContext::DecodePathClassLoaderContextFromOatFileKey(
const std::string& context_spec,
std::vector<std::string>* out_classpath,
std::vector<uint32_t>* out_checksums,
bool* out_is_special_shared_library) {
ClassLoaderContext context;
if (!context.Parse(context_spec, /*parse_checksums*/ true)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid class loader context: " << context_spec;
return false;
*out_is_special_shared_library = context.special_shared_library_;
if (context.special_shared_library_) {
return true;
if (context.class_loader_chain_.empty()) {
return true;
// TODO(calin): assert that we only have a PathClassLoader until the logic for
// checking the context covers all case.
CHECK_EQ(1u, context.class_loader_chain_.size());
const ClassLoaderInfo& info = context.class_loader_chain_[0];
CHECK_EQ(kPathClassLoader, info.type);
DCHECK_EQ(info.classpath.size(), info.checksums.size());
*out_classpath = info.classpath;
*out_checksums = info.checksums;
return true;
} // namespace art