blob: 972103801fba5c77ba0dd4fbad431aa666b646bc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace art {
* This file contains codegen for the X86 ISA and is intended to be
* includes by:
//FIXME: restore "static" when usage uncovered
/*static*/ int coreRegs[] = {
rAX, rCX, rDX, rBX, rSP, rBP, rSI, rDI
r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, 15
/*static*/ int reservedRegs[] = {rSP};
/*static*/ int coreTemps[] = {rAX, rCX, rDX, rBX};
/*static*/ int fpRegs[] = {
fr0, fr1, fr2, fr3, fr4, fr5, fr6, fr7,
fr8, fr9, fr10, fr11, fr12, fr13, fr14, fr15
/*static*/ int fpTemps[] = {
fr0, fr1, fr2, fr3, fr4, fr5, fr6, fr7,
fr8, fr9, fr10, fr11, fr12, fr13, fr14, fr15
void genBarrier(CompilationUnit *cUnit);
void loadPair(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int base, int lowReg, int highReg);
LIR *loadWordDisp(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase, int displacement,
int rDest);
LIR *storeWordDisp(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase,
int displacement, int rSrc);
LIR *loadConstant(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rDest, int value);
LIR *fpRegCopy(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rDest, int rSrc)
int opcode;
/* must be both DOUBLE or both not DOUBLE */
if (DOUBLEREG(rDest)) {
opcode = kX86MovsdRR;
} else {
if (SINGLEREG(rDest)) {
if (SINGLEREG(rSrc)) {
opcode = kX86MovssRR;
} else { // Fpr <- Gpr
opcode = kX86MovdxrRR;
} else { // Gpr <- Fpr
opcode = kX86MovdrxRR;
DCHECK_NE((EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_BINARY_OP), 0);
LIR* res = rawLIR(cUnit, cUnit->currentDalvikOffset, opcode, rDest, rSrc);
if (rDest == rSrc) {
res->flags.isNop = true;
return res;
* Load a immediate using a shortcut if possible; otherwise
* grab from the per-translation literal pool. If target is
* a high register, build constant into a low register and copy.
* No additional register clobbering operation performed. Use this version when
* 1) rDest is freshly returned from oatAllocTemp or
* 2) The codegen is under fixed register usage
LIR *loadConstantNoClobber(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rDest, int value)
int rDestSave = rDest;
if (FPREG(rDest)) {
if (value == 0) {
return newLIR2(cUnit, kX86XorpsRR, rDest, rDest);
rDest = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
LIR *res;
if (value == 0) {
res = newLIR2(cUnit, kX86Xor32RR, rDest, rDest);
} else {
res = newLIR2(cUnit, kX86Mov32RI, rDest, value);
if (FPREG(rDestSave)) {
newLIR2(cUnit, kX86MovdxrRR, rDestSave, rDest);
oatFreeTemp(cUnit, rDest);
return res;
LIR* opBranchUnconditional(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op)
CHECK_EQ(op, kOpUncondBr);
return newLIR1(cUnit, kX86Jmp8, 0 /* offset to be patched */ );
LIR *loadMultiple(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase, int rMask);
X86ConditionCode oatX86ConditionEncoding(ConditionCode cond);
LIR* opCondBranch(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ConditionCode cc, LIR* target)
LIR* branch = newLIR2(cUnit, kX86Jcc8, 0 /* offset to be patched */,
branch->target = target;
return branch;
LIR *opReg(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDestSrc)
X86OpCode opcode = kX86Bkpt;
switch (op) {
case kOpNeg: opcode = kX86Neg32R; break;
case kOpNot: opcode = kX86Not32R; break;
case kOpBlx: opcode = kX86CallR; break;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in opReg " << op;
return newLIR1(cUnit, opcode, rDestSrc);
LIR *opRegImm(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDestSrc1, int value)
X86OpCode opcode = kX86Bkpt;
bool byteImm = IS_SIMM8(value);
switch (op) {
case kOpLsl: opcode = kX86Sal32RI; break;
case kOpLsr: opcode = kX86Shr32RI; break;
case kOpAsr: opcode = kX86Sar32RI; break;
case kOpAdd: opcode = byteImm ? kX86Add32RI8 : kX86Add32RI; break;
case kOpOr: opcode = byteImm ? kX86Or32RI8 : kX86Or32RI; break;
case kOpAdc: opcode = byteImm ? kX86Adc32RI8 : kX86Adc32RI; break;
//case kOpSbb: opcode = kX86Sbb32RI; break;
case kOpAnd: opcode = byteImm ? kX86And32RI8 : kX86And32RI; break;
case kOpSub: opcode = byteImm ? kX86Sub32RI8 : kX86Sub32RI; break;
case kOpXor: opcode = byteImm ? kX86Xor32RI8 : kX86Xor32RI; break;
case kOpCmp: opcode = byteImm ? kX86Cmp32RI8 : kX86Cmp32RI; break;
case kOpMov: return loadConstantNoClobber(cUnit, rDestSrc1, value);
case kOpMul:
opcode = byteImm ? kX86Imul32RRI8 : kX86Imul32RRI;
return newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDestSrc1, rDestSrc1, value);
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in opRegImm " << op;
return newLIR2(cUnit, opcode, rDestSrc1, value);
LIR *opRegReg(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDestSrc1, int rSrc2)
X86OpCode opcode = kX86Nop;
bool src2_must_be_cx = false;
switch (op) {
// X86 unary opcodes
case kOpMvn:
opRegCopy(cUnit, rDestSrc1, rSrc2);
return opReg(cUnit, kOpNot, rDestSrc1);
case kOpNeg:
opRegCopy(cUnit, rDestSrc1, rSrc2);
return opReg(cUnit, kOpNeg, rDestSrc1);
// X86 binary opcodes
case kOpSub: opcode = kX86Sub32RR; break;
case kOpSbc: opcode = kX86Sbb32RR; break;
case kOpLsl: opcode = kX86Sal32RC; src2_must_be_cx = true; break;
case kOpLsr: opcode = kX86Shr32RC; src2_must_be_cx = true; break;
case kOpAsr: opcode = kX86Sar32RC; src2_must_be_cx = true; break;
case kOpMov: opcode = kX86Mov32RR; break;
case kOpCmp: opcode = kX86Cmp32RR; break;
case kOpAdd: opcode = kX86Add32RR; break;
case kOpAdc: opcode = kX86Adc32RR; break;
case kOpAnd: opcode = kX86And32RR; break;
case kOpOr: opcode = kX86Or32RR; break;
case kOpXor: opcode = kX86Xor32RR; break;
case kOp2Byte: opcode = kX86Movsx8RR; break;
case kOp2Short: opcode = kX86Movsx16RR; break;
case kOp2Char: opcode = kX86Movzx16RR; break;
case kOpMul: opcode = kX86Imul32RR; break;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in opRegReg " << op;
CHECK(!src2_must_be_cx || rSrc2 == rCX);
return newLIR2(cUnit, opcode, rDestSrc1, rSrc2);
LIR* opRegMem(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDest, int rBase,
int offset)
X86OpCode opcode = kX86Nop;
switch (op) {
// X86 binary opcodes
case kOpSub: opcode = kX86Sub32RM; break;
case kOpMov: opcode = kX86Mov32RM; break;
case kOpCmp: opcode = kX86Cmp32RM; break;
case kOpAdd: opcode = kX86Add32RM; break;
case kOpAnd: opcode = kX86And32RM; break;
case kOpOr: opcode = kX86Or32RM; break;
case kOpXor: opcode = kX86Xor32RM; break;
case kOp2Byte: opcode = kX86Movsx8RM; break;
case kOp2Short: opcode = kX86Movsx16RM; break;
case kOp2Char: opcode = kX86Movzx16RM; break;
case kOpMul:
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in opRegReg " << op;
return newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rBase, offset);
LIR* opRegRegReg(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDest, int rSrc1,
int rSrc2)
if (rDest != rSrc1 && rDest != rSrc2) {
if (op == kOpAdd) { // lea special case, except can't encode rbp as base
if (rSrc1 == rSrc2) {
opRegCopy(cUnit, rDest, rSrc1);
return opRegImm(cUnit, kOpLsl, rDest, 1);
} else if (rSrc1 != rBP) {
return newLIR5(cUnit, kX86Lea32RA, rDest, rSrc1 /* base */,
rSrc2 /* index */, 0 /* scale */, 0 /* disp */);
} else {
return newLIR5(cUnit, kX86Lea32RA, rDest, rSrc2 /* base */,
rSrc1 /* index */, 0 /* scale */, 0 /* disp */);
} else {
opRegCopy(cUnit, rDest, rSrc1);
return opRegReg(cUnit, op, rDest, rSrc2);
} else if (rDest == rSrc1) {
return opRegReg(cUnit, op, rDest, rSrc2);
} else { // rDest == rSrc2
switch (op) {
case kOpSub: // non-commutative
opReg(cUnit, kOpNeg, rDest);
op = kOpAdd;
case kOpSbc:
case kOpLsl: case kOpLsr: case kOpAsr: case kOpRor: {
int tReg = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
opRegCopy(cUnit, tReg, rSrc1);
opRegReg(cUnit, op, tReg, rSrc2);
LIR* res = opRegCopy(cUnit, rDest, tReg);
oatFreeTemp(cUnit, tReg);
return res;
case kOpAdd: // commutative
case kOpOr:
case kOpAdc:
case kOpAnd:
case kOpXor:
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in opRegRegReg " << op;
return opRegReg(cUnit, op, rDest, rSrc1);
LIR* opRegRegImm(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDest, int rSrc,
int value)
if (op == kOpMul) {
X86OpCode opcode = IS_SIMM8(value) ? kX86Imul32RRI8 : kX86Imul32RRI;
return newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rSrc, value);
} else if (op == kOpAnd) {
if (value == 0xFF) {
return newLIR2(cUnit, kX86Movzx8RR, rDest, rSrc);
} else if (value == 0xFFFF) {
return newLIR2(cUnit, kX86Movzx16RR, rDest, rSrc);
if (rDest != rSrc) {
if (false && op == kOpLsl && value >= 0 && value <= 3) { // lea shift special case
// TODO: fix bug in LEA encoding when disp == 0
return newLIR5(cUnit, kX86Lea32RA, rDest, r5sib_no_base /* base */,
rSrc /* index */, value /* scale */, 0 /* disp */);
} else if (op == kOpAdd) { // lea add special case
return newLIR5(cUnit, kX86Lea32RA, rDest, rSrc /* base */,
r4sib_no_index /* index */, 0 /* scale */, value /* disp */);
opRegCopy(cUnit, rDest, rSrc);
return opRegImm(cUnit, op, rDest, value);
LIR* opThreadMem(CompilationUnit* cUnit, OpKind op, int threadOffset)
X86OpCode opcode = kX86Bkpt;
switch (op) {
case kOpBlx: opcode = kX86CallT; break;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode: " << op;
return newLIR1(cUnit, opcode, threadOffset);
LIR* opMem(CompilationUnit* cUnit, OpKind op, int rBase, int disp)
X86OpCode opcode = kX86Bkpt;
switch (op) {
case kOpBlx: opcode = kX86CallM; break;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode: " << op;
return newLIR2(cUnit, opcode, rBase, disp);
LIR *loadConstantValueWide(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rDestLo,
int rDestHi, int valLo, int valHi)
LIR *res;
if (FPREG(rDestLo)) {
DCHECK(FPREG(rDestHi)); // ignore rDestHi
if (valLo == 0 && valHi == 0) {
return newLIR2(cUnit, kX86XorpsRR, rDestLo, rDestLo);
} else {
if (valLo == 0) {
res = newLIR2(cUnit, kX86XorpsRR, rDestLo, rDestLo);
} else {
res = loadConstantNoClobber(cUnit, rDestLo, valLo);
if (valHi != 0) {
loadConstantNoClobber(cUnit, rDestHi, valHi);
newLIR2(cUnit, kX86PsllqRI, rDestHi, 32);
newLIR2(cUnit, kX86OrpsRR, rDestLo, rDestHi);
} else {
res = loadConstantNoClobber(cUnit, rDestLo, valLo);
loadConstantNoClobber(cUnit, rDestHi, valHi);
return res;
LIR *loadMultiple(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase, int rMask)
newLIR0(cUnit, kX86Bkpt);
return NULL;
#if 0
int i;
int loadCnt = 0;
LIR *res = NULL ;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, rMask >>= 1) {
if (rMask & 0x1) {
newLIR3(cUnit, kX86Lw, i+r_A0, loadCnt*4, rBase);
if (loadCnt) {/* increment after */
newLIR3(cUnit, kX86Addiu, rBase, rBase, loadCnt*4);
return res; /* NULL always returned which should be ok since no callers use it */
LIR *storeMultiple(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase, int rMask)
UNIMPLEMENTED(WARNING) << "storeMultiple";
newLIR0(cUnit, kX86Bkpt);
return NULL;
#if 0
int i;
int storeCnt = 0;
LIR *res = NULL ;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, rMask >>= 1) {
if (rMask & 0x1) {
newLIR3(cUnit, kX86Sw, i+r_A0, storeCnt*4, rBase);
if (storeCnt) { /* increment after */
newLIR3(cUnit, kX86Addiu, rBase, rBase, storeCnt*4);
return res; /* NULL always returned which should be ok since no callers use it */
LIR* loadBaseIndexedDisp(CompilationUnit *cUnit,
int rBase, int rIndex, int scale, int displacement,
int rDest, int rDestHi,
OpSize size, int sReg) {
LIR *load = NULL;
LIR *load2 = NULL;
bool isArray = rIndex != INVALID_REG;
bool pair = false;
bool is64bit = false;
X86OpCode opcode = kX86Nop;
switch (size) {
case kLong:
case kDouble:
is64bit = true;
if (FPREG(rDest)) {
opcode = isArray ? kX86MovsdRA : kX86MovsdRM;
if (SINGLEREG(rDest)) {
DCHECK_EQ(rDest, (rDestHi - 1));
rDest = S2D(rDest, rDestHi);
rDestHi = rDest + 1;
} else {
pair = true;
opcode = isArray ? kX86Mov32RA : kX86Mov32RM;
// TODO: double store is to unaligned address
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
case kWord:
case kSingle:
opcode = isArray ? kX86Mov32RA : kX86Mov32RM;
if (FPREG(rDest)) {
opcode = isArray ? kX86MovssRA : kX86MovssRM;
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
case kUnsignedHalf:
opcode = isArray ? kX86Movzx16RA : kX86Movzx16RM;
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x1), 0);
case kSignedHalf:
opcode = isArray ? kX86Movsx16RA : kX86Movsx16RM;
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x1), 0);
case kUnsignedByte:
opcode = isArray ? kX86Movzx8RA : kX86Movzx8RM;
case kSignedByte:
opcode = isArray ? kX86Movsx8RA : kX86Movsx8RM;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in loadBaseIndexedDispBody";
if (!isArray) {
if (!pair) {
load = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rBase, displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET);
} else {
if (rBase == rDest) {
load2 = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDestHi, rBase,
displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET);
load = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rBase, displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET);
} else {
load = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rBase, displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET);
load2 = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDestHi, rBase,
displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET);
if (rBase == rSP) {
annotateDalvikRegAccess(load, (displacement + (pair ? LOWORD_OFFSET : 0))
>> 2, true /* isLoad */, is64bit);
if (pair) {
annotateDalvikRegAccess(load2, (displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET) >> 2,
true /* isLoad */, is64bit);
} else {
if (!pair) {
load = newLIR5(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rBase, rIndex, scale,
displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET);
} else {
if (rBase == rDest) {
load2 = newLIR5(cUnit, opcode, rDestHi, rBase, rIndex, scale,
displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET);
load = newLIR5(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rBase, rIndex, scale,
displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET);
} else {
load = newLIR5(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rBase, rIndex, scale,
displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET);
load2 = newLIR5(cUnit, opcode, rDestHi, rBase, rIndex, scale,
displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET);
return load;
/* Load value from base + scaled index. */
LIR *loadBaseIndexed(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase,
int rIndex, int rDest, int scale, OpSize size) {
return loadBaseIndexedDisp(cUnit, rBase, rIndex, scale, 0,
LIR *loadBaseDisp(CompilationUnit *cUnit,
int rBase, int displacement,
int rDest,
OpSize size, int sReg) {
return loadBaseIndexedDisp(cUnit, rBase, INVALID_REG, 0, displacement,
rDest, INVALID_REG, size, sReg);
LIR *loadBaseDispWide(CompilationUnit *cUnit,
int rBase, int displacement,
int rDestLo, int rDestHi,
int sReg) {
return loadBaseIndexedDisp(cUnit, rBase, INVALID_REG, 0, displacement,
rDestLo, rDestHi, kLong, sReg);
LIR* storeBaseIndexedDisp(CompilationUnit *cUnit,
int rBase, int rIndex, int scale, int displacement,
int rSrc, int rSrcHi,
OpSize size, int sReg) {
LIR *store = NULL;
LIR *store2 = NULL;
bool isArray = rIndex != INVALID_REG;
bool pair = false;
bool is64bit = false;
X86OpCode opcode = kX86Nop;
switch (size) {
case kLong:
case kDouble:
is64bit = true;
if (FPREG(rSrc)) {
opcode = isArray ? kX86MovsdAR : kX86MovsdMR;
if (SINGLEREG(rSrc)) {
DCHECK_EQ(rSrc, (rSrcHi - 1));
rSrc = S2D(rSrc, rSrcHi);
rSrcHi = rSrc + 1;
} else {
pair = true;
opcode = isArray ? kX86Mov32AR : kX86Mov32MR;
// TODO: double store is to unaligned address
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
case kWord:
case kSingle:
opcode = isArray ? kX86Mov32AR : kX86Mov32MR;
if (FPREG(rSrc)) {
opcode = isArray ? kX86MovssAR : kX86MovssMR;
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
case kUnsignedHalf:
case kSignedHalf:
opcode = isArray ? kX86Mov16AR : kX86Mov16MR;
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x1), 0);
case kUnsignedByte:
case kSignedByte:
opcode = isArray ? kX86Mov8AR : kX86Mov8MR;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in loadBaseIndexedDispBody";
if (!isArray) {
if (!pair) {
store = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rBase, displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET, rSrc);
} else {
store = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rBase, displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET, rSrc);
store2 = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rBase, displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET, rSrcHi);
if (rBase == rSP) {
annotateDalvikRegAccess(store, (displacement + (pair ? LOWORD_OFFSET : 0))
>> 2, false /* isLoad */, is64bit);
if (pair) {
annotateDalvikRegAccess(store2, (displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET) >> 2,
false /* isLoad */, is64bit);
} else {
if (!pair) {
store = newLIR5(cUnit, opcode, rBase, rIndex, scale,
displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET, rSrc);
} else {
store = newLIR5(cUnit, opcode, rBase, rIndex, scale,
displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET, rSrc);
store2 = newLIR5(cUnit, opcode, rBase, rIndex, scale,
displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET, rSrcHi);
return store;
/* store value base base + scaled index. */
LIR *storeBaseIndexed(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase, int rIndex, int rSrc,
int scale, OpSize size)
return storeBaseIndexedDisp(cUnit, rBase, rIndex, scale, 0,
LIR *storeBaseDisp(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase, int displacement,
int rSrc, OpSize size)
return storeBaseIndexedDisp(cUnit, rBase, INVALID_REG, 0,
displacement, rSrc, INVALID_REG, size,
LIR *storeBaseDispWide(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase, int displacement,
int rSrcLo, int rSrcHi)
return storeBaseIndexedDisp(cUnit, rBase, INVALID_REG, 0, displacement,
rSrcLo, rSrcHi, kLong, INVALID_SREG);
void loadPair(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int base, int lowReg, int highReg)
loadBaseDispWide(cUnit, base, 0, lowReg, highReg, INVALID_SREG);
} // namespace art