blob: ad02c39b3ed30dd8e176179b3cbbd420a5598ff7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace art {
void setMemRefType(LIR* lir, bool isLoad, int memType)
u8 *maskPtr;
u8 mask = ENCODE_MEM;;
DCHECK(EncodingMap[lir->opcode].flags & (IS_LOAD | IS_STORE));
if (isLoad) {
maskPtr = &lir->useMask;
} else {
maskPtr = &lir->defMask;
/* Clear out the memref flags */
*maskPtr &= ~mask;
/* ..and then add back the one we need */
switch(memType) {
case kLiteral:
case kDalvikReg:
case kHeapRef:
*maskPtr |= ENCODE_HEAP_REF;
case kMustNotAlias:
/* Currently only loads can be marked as kMustNotAlias */
DCHECK(!(EncodingMap[lir->opcode].flags & IS_STORE));
LOG(FATAL) << "Oat: invalid memref kind - " << memType;
* Mark load/store instructions that access Dalvik registers through r5FP +
* offset.
void annotateDalvikRegAccess(LIR* lir, int regId, bool isLoad)
setMemRefType(lir, isLoad, kDalvikReg);
* Store the Dalvik register id in aliasInfo. Mark he MSB if it is a 64-bit
* access.
lir->aliasInfo = regId;
if (DOUBLEREG(lir->operands[0])) {
lir->aliasInfo |= 0x80000000;
* Decode the register id.
inline u8 getRegMaskCommon(int reg)
u8 seed;
int shift;
int regId = reg & 0x1f;
* Each double register is equal to a pair of single-precision FP registers
seed = DOUBLEREG(reg) ? 3 : 1;
/* FP register starts at bit position 16 */
shift = FPREG(reg) ? kFPReg0 : 0;
/* Expand the double register id into single offset */
shift += regId;
return (seed << shift);
* Mark the corresponding bit(s).
inline void setupRegMask(u8* mask, int reg)
*mask |= getRegMaskCommon(reg);
* Set up the proper fields in the resource mask
void setupResourceMasks(LIR* lir)
int opcode = lir->opcode;
int flags;
if (opcode <= 0) {
lir->useMask = lir->defMask = 0;
flags = EncodingMap[lir->opcode].flags;
if (flags & NEEDS_FIXUP) {
lir->flags.pcRelFixup = true;
/* Get the starting size of the instruction's template */
lir->flags.size = oatGetInsnSize(lir);
/* Set up the mask for resources that are updated */
if (flags & (IS_LOAD | IS_STORE)) {
/* Default to heap - will catch specialized classes later */
setMemRefType(lir, flags & IS_LOAD, kHeapRef);
* Conservatively assume the branch here will call out a function that in
* turn will trash everything.
if (flags & IS_BRANCH) {
lir->defMask = lir->useMask = ENCODE_ALL;
if (flags & REG_DEF0) {
setupRegMask(&lir->defMask, lir->operands[0]);
if (flags & REG_DEF1) {
setupRegMask(&lir->defMask, lir->operands[1]);
if (flags & REG_DEF_SP) {
lir->defMask |= ENCODE_REG_SP;
#if !defined(TARGET_X86)
if (flags & REG_DEF_LR) {
lir->defMask |= ENCODE_REG_LR;
if (flags & REG_DEF_LIST0) {
lir->defMask |= ENCODE_REG_LIST(lir->operands[0]);
if (flags & REG_DEF_LIST1) {
lir->defMask |= ENCODE_REG_LIST(lir->operands[1]);
#if defined(TARGET_ARM)
if (flags & REG_DEF_FPCS_LIST0) {
lir->defMask |= ENCODE_REG_FPCS_LIST(lir->operands[0]);
if (flags & REG_DEF_FPCS_LIST2) {
for (int i = 0; i < lir->operands[2]; i++) {
setupRegMask(&lir->defMask, lir->operands[1] + i);
if (flags & SETS_CCODES) {
lir->defMask |= ENCODE_CCODE;
#if defined(TARGET_ARM)
/* Conservatively treat the IT block */
if (flags & IS_IT) {
lir->defMask = ENCODE_ALL;
if (flags & (REG_USE0 | REG_USE1 | REG_USE2 | REG_USE3)) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (flags & (1 << (kRegUse0 + i))) {
setupRegMask(&lir->useMask, lir->operands[i]);
#if defined(TARGET_ARM)
if (flags & REG_USE_PC) {
lir->useMask |= ENCODE_REG_PC;
if (flags & REG_USE_SP) {
lir->useMask |= ENCODE_REG_SP;
if (flags & REG_USE_LIST0) {
lir->useMask |= ENCODE_REG_LIST(lir->operands[0]);
if (flags & REG_USE_LIST1) {
lir->useMask |= ENCODE_REG_LIST(lir->operands[1]);
#if defined(TARGET_ARM)
if (flags & REG_USE_FPCS_LIST0) {
lir->useMask |= ENCODE_REG_FPCS_LIST(lir->operands[0]);
if (flags & REG_USE_FPCS_LIST2) {
for (int i = 0; i < lir->operands[2]; i++) {
setupRegMask(&lir->useMask, lir->operands[1] + i);
if (flags & USES_CCODES) {
lir->useMask |= ENCODE_CCODE;
#if defined(TARGET_ARM)
/* Fixup for kThumbPush/lr and kThumbPop/pc */
if (opcode == kThumbPush || opcode == kThumbPop) {
u8 r8Mask = getRegMaskCommon(r8);
if ((opcode == kThumbPush) && (lir->useMask & r8Mask)) {
lir->useMask &= ~r8Mask;
lir->useMask |= ENCODE_REG_LR;
} else if ((opcode == kThumbPop) && (lir->defMask & r8Mask)) {
lir->defMask &= ~r8Mask;
lir->defMask |= ENCODE_REG_PC;
* Debugging macros
#define DUMP_SSA_REP(X)
/* Pretty-print a LIR instruction */
void oatDumpLIRInsn(CompilationUnit* cUnit, LIR* arg, unsigned char* baseAddr)
LIR* lir = (LIR*) arg;
int offset = lir->offset;
int dest = lir->operands[0];
const bool dumpNop = (cUnit->enableDebug & (1 << kDebugShowNops));
/* Handle pseudo-ops individually, and all regular insns as a group */
switch(lir->opcode) {
case kPseudoMethodEntry:
LOG(INFO) << "-------- method entry " <<
PrettyMethod(cUnit->method_idx, *cUnit->dex_file);
case kPseudoMethodExit:
LOG(INFO) << "-------- Method_Exit";
case kPseudoBarrier:
LOG(INFO) << "-------- BARRIER";
case kPseudoExtended:
LOG(INFO) << "-------- " << (char* ) dest;
case kPseudoSSARep:
DUMP_SSA_REP(LOG(INFO) << "-------- kMirOpPhi: " << (char* ) dest);
case kPseudoEntryBlock:
LOG(INFO) << "-------- entry offset: 0x" << std::hex << dest;
case kPseudoDalvikByteCodeBoundary:
LOG(INFO) << "-------- dalvik offset: 0x" << std::hex <<
lir->dalvikOffset << " @ " << (char* )lir->operands[0];
case kPseudoExitBlock:
LOG(INFO) << "-------- exit offset: 0x" << std::hex << dest;
case kPseudoPseudoAlign4:
LOG(INFO) << (intptr_t)baseAddr + offset << " (0x" << std::hex <<
offset << "): .align4";
case kPseudoEHBlockLabel:
LOG(INFO) << "Exception_Handling:";
case kPseudoTargetLabel:
case kPseudoNormalBlockLabel:
LOG(INFO) << "L" << (intptr_t)lir << ":";
case kPseudoThrowTarget:
LOG(INFO) << "LT" << (intptr_t)lir << ":";
case kPseudoSuspendTarget:
LOG(INFO) << "LS" << (intptr_t)lir << ":";
case kPseudoCaseLabel:
LOG(INFO) << "LC" << (intptr_t)lir << ": Case target 0x" <<
std::hex << lir->operands[0] << "|" << std::dec <<
if (lir->flags.isNop && !dumpNop) {
} else {
std::string op_name(buildInsnString(EncodingMap[lir->opcode].name, lir, baseAddr));
std::string op_operands(buildInsnString(EncodingMap[lir->opcode].fmt, lir, baseAddr));
LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("%05x: %-9s%s%s", (unsigned int)(baseAddr + offset),
op_name.c_str(), op_operands.c_str(), lir->flags.isNop ? "(nop)" : "");
if (lir->useMask && (!lir->flags.isNop || dumpNop)) {
DUMP_RESOURCE_MASK(oatDumpResourceMask((LIR* ) lir,
lir->useMask, "use"));
if (lir->defMask && (!lir->flags.isNop || dumpNop)) {
DUMP_RESOURCE_MASK(oatDumpResourceMask((LIR* ) lir,
lir->defMask, "def"));
void oatDumpPromotionMap(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
for (int i = 0; i < cUnit->numDalvikRegisters; i++) {
PromotionMap vRegMap = cUnit->promotionMap[i];
char buf[100];
if (vRegMap.fpLocation == kLocPhysReg) {
snprintf(buf, 100, " : s%d", vRegMap.fpReg & FP_REG_MASK);
} else {
buf[0] = 0;
char buf2[100];
snprintf(buf2, 100, "V[%02d] -> %s%d%s", i,
vRegMap.coreLocation == kLocPhysReg ?
"r" : "SP+", vRegMap.coreLocation == kLocPhysReg ?
vRegMap.coreReg : oatSRegOffset(cUnit, i), buf);
LOG(INFO) << buf2;
void oatDumpFullPromotionMap(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
for (int i = 0; i < cUnit->numDalvikRegisters; i++) {
PromotionMap vRegMap = cUnit->promotionMap[i];
LOG(INFO) << i << " -> " << "CL:" << (int)vRegMap.coreLocation <<
", CR:" << (int)vRegMap.coreReg << ", FL:" <<
(int)vRegMap.fpLocation << ", FR:" << (int)vRegMap.fpReg <<
", - " << (int)vRegMap.firstInPair;
/* Dump instructions and constant pool contents */
void oatCodegenDump(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
LOG(INFO) << "/*";
LOG(INFO) << "Dumping LIR insns for "
<< PrettyMethod(cUnit->method_idx, *cUnit->dex_file);
LIR* lirInsn;
LIR* thisLIR;
int insnsSize = cUnit->insnsSize;
LOG(INFO) << "Regs (excluding ins) : " << cUnit->numRegs;
LOG(INFO) << "Ins : " << cUnit->numIns;
LOG(INFO) << "Outs : " << cUnit->numOuts;
LOG(INFO) << "CoreSpills : " << cUnit->numCoreSpills;
LOG(INFO) << "FPSpills : " << cUnit->numFPSpills;
LOG(INFO) << "Padding : " << cUnit->numPadding;
LOG(INFO) << "Frame size : " << cUnit->frameSize;
LOG(INFO) << "Start of ins : " << cUnit->insOffset;
LOG(INFO) << "Start of regs : " << cUnit->regsOffset;
LOG(INFO) << "code size is " << cUnit->totalSize <<
" bytes, Dalvik size is " << insnsSize * 2;
LOG(INFO) << "expansion factor: " <<
(float)cUnit->totalSize / (float)(insnsSize * 2);
for (lirInsn = cUnit->firstLIRInsn; lirInsn; lirInsn = lirInsn->next) {
oatDumpLIRInsn(cUnit, lirInsn, 0);
for (lirInsn = cUnit->classPointerList; lirInsn; lirInsn = lirInsn->next) {
thisLIR = (LIR*) lirInsn;
LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("%x (%04x): .class (%s)",
thisLIR->offset, thisLIR->offset,
((CallsiteInfo *) thisLIR->operands[0])->classDescriptor);
for (lirInsn = cUnit->literalList; lirInsn; lirInsn = lirInsn->next) {
thisLIR = (LIR*) lirInsn;
LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("%x (%04x): .word (%#x)",
thisLIR->offset, thisLIR->offset, thisLIR->operands[0]);
const DexFile::MethodId& method_id =
std::string signature(cUnit->dex_file->GetMethodSignature(method_id));
std::string name(cUnit->dex_file->GetMethodName(method_id));
std::string descriptor(cUnit->dex_file->GetMethodDeclaringClassDescriptor(method_id));
// Dump mapping table
if (cUnit->mappingTable.size() > 0) {
std::string line(StringPrintf("\n MappingTable %s%s_%s_mappingTable[%zu] = {",
descriptor.c_str(), name.c_str(), signature.c_str(), cUnit->mappingTable.size()));
std::replace(line.begin(), line.end(), ';', '_');
LOG(INFO) << line;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cUnit->mappingTable.size(); i+=2) {
line = StringPrintf(" {0x%05x, 0x%04x},",
cUnit->mappingTable[i], cUnit->mappingTable[i+1]);
LOG(INFO) << line;
LOG(INFO) <<" };\n\n";
LIR* rawLIR(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int dalvikOffset, int opcode, int op0,
int op1, int op2, int op3, LIR* target)
LIR* insn = (LIR* ) oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(LIR), true, kAllocLIR);
insn->dalvikOffset = dalvikOffset;
insn->opcode = opcode;
insn->operands[0] = op0;
insn->operands[1] = op1;
insn->operands[2] = op2;
insn->operands[3] = op3;
insn->target = target;
if (opcode == kPseudoTargetLabel) {
// Always make labels scheduling barriers
insn->defMask = ENCODE_ALL;
return insn;
* The following are building blocks to construct low-level IRs with 0 - 4
* operands.
LIR* newLIR0(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int opcode)
DCHECK(isPseudoOpcode(opcode) || (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & NO_OPERAND));
LIR* insn = rawLIR(cUnit, cUnit->currentDalvikOffset, opcode);
oatAppendLIR(cUnit, (LIR*) insn);
return insn;
LIR* newLIR1(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int opcode,
int dest)
DCHECK(isPseudoOpcode(opcode) || (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_UNARY_OP));
LIR* insn = rawLIR(cUnit, cUnit->currentDalvikOffset, opcode, dest);
oatAppendLIR(cUnit, (LIR*) insn);
return insn;
LIR* newLIR2(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int opcode,
int dest, int src1)
DCHECK(isPseudoOpcode(opcode) ||
(EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_BINARY_OP));
LIR* insn = rawLIR(cUnit, cUnit->currentDalvikOffset, opcode, dest, src1);
oatAppendLIR(cUnit, (LIR*) insn);
return insn;
LIR* newLIR3(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int opcode,
int dest, int src1, int src2)
DCHECK(isPseudoOpcode(opcode) ||
(EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_TERTIARY_OP))
<< (int)opcode << " "
<< PrettyMethod(cUnit->method_idx, *cUnit->dex_file) << " "
<< cUnit->currentDalvikOffset;
LIR* insn = rawLIR(cUnit, cUnit->currentDalvikOffset, opcode, dest, src1,
oatAppendLIR(cUnit, (LIR*) insn);
return insn;
LIR* newLIR4(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int opcode,
int dest, int src1, int src2, int info)
DCHECK(isPseudoOpcode(opcode) ||
(EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP));
LIR* insn = rawLIR(cUnit, cUnit->currentDalvikOffset, opcode, dest, src1,
src2, info);
oatAppendLIR(cUnit, (LIR*) insn);
return insn;
* Search the existing constants in the literal pool for an exact or close match
* within specified delta (greater or equal to 0).
LIR* scanLiteralPool(LIR* dataTarget, int value, unsigned int delta)
while (dataTarget) {
if (((unsigned) (value - ((LIR* ) dataTarget)->operands[0])) <=
return (LIR* ) dataTarget;
dataTarget = dataTarget->next;
return NULL;
/* Search the existing constants in the literal pool for an exact wide match */
LIR* scanLiteralPoolWide(LIR* dataTarget, int valLo, int valHi)
bool loMatch = false;
LIR* loTarget = NULL;
while (dataTarget) {
if (loMatch && (((LIR*)dataTarget)->operands[0] == valHi)) {
return (LIR*)loTarget;
loMatch = false;
if (((LIR*)dataTarget)->operands[0] == valLo) {
loMatch = true;
loTarget = dataTarget;
dataTarget = dataTarget->next;
return NULL;
* The following are building blocks to insert constants into the pool or
* instruction streams.
/* Add a 32-bit constant either in the constant pool */
LIR* addWordData(CompilationUnit* cUnit, LIR* *constantListP,
int value)
/* Add the constant to the literal pool */
if (constantListP) {
LIR* newValue = (LIR* ) oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(LIR), true,
newValue->operands[0] = value;
newValue->next = *constantListP;
*constantListP = (LIR*) newValue;
return newValue;
return NULL;
/* Add a 64-bit constant to the constant pool or mixed with code */
LIR* addWideData(CompilationUnit* cUnit, LIR* *constantListP,
int valLo, int valHi)
//FIXME: hard-coded little endian, need BE variant
// Insert high word into list first
addWordData(cUnit, constantListP, valHi);
return addWordData(cUnit, constantListP, valLo);
void pushWord(std::vector<uint16_t>&buf, int data) {
buf.push_back( data & 0xffff);
buf.push_back( (data >> 16) & 0xffff);
void alignBuffer(std::vector<uint16_t>&buf, size_t offset) {
while (buf.size() < (offset/2))
/* Write the literal pool to the output stream */
void installLiteralPools(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
alignBuffer(cUnit->codeBuffer, cUnit->dataOffset);
LIR* dataLIR = (LIR*) cUnit->literalList;
while (dataLIR != NULL) {
pushWord(cUnit->codeBuffer, dataLIR->operands[0]);
dataLIR = NEXT_LIR(dataLIR);
/* Write the switch tables to the output stream */
void installSwitchTables(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
GrowableListIterator iterator;
oatGrowableListIteratorInit(&cUnit->switchTables, &iterator);
while (true) {
SwitchTable* tabRec = (SwitchTable *) oatGrowableListIteratorNext(
if (tabRec == NULL) break;
alignBuffer(cUnit->codeBuffer, tabRec->offset);
* For Arm, our reference point is the address of the bx
* instruction that does the launch, so we have to subtract
* the auto pc-advance. For other targets the reference point
* is a label, so we can use the offset as-is.
#if defined(TARGET_ARM)
int bxOffset = tabRec->anchor->offset + 4;
int bxOffset = tabRec->anchor->offset;
if (cUnit->printMe) {
LOG(INFO) << "Switch table for offset 0x" << std::hex << bxOffset;
if (tabRec->table[0] == Instruction::kSparseSwitchSignature) {
int* keys = (int*)&(tabRec->table[2]);
for (int elems = 0; elems < tabRec->table[1]; elems++) {
int disp = tabRec->targets[elems]->offset - bxOffset;
if (cUnit->printMe) {
LOG(INFO) << " Case[" << elems << "] key: 0x" <<
std::hex << keys[elems] << ", disp: 0x" <<
std::hex << disp;
pushWord(cUnit->codeBuffer, keys[elems]);
tabRec->targets[elems]->offset - bxOffset);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(tabRec->table[0]), static_cast<int>(Instruction::kPackedSwitchSignature));
for (int elems = 0; elems < tabRec->table[1]; elems++) {
int disp = tabRec->targets[elems]->offset - bxOffset;
if (cUnit->printMe) {
LOG(INFO) << " Case[" << elems << "] disp: 0x" <<
std::hex << disp;
tabRec->targets[elems]->offset - bxOffset);
/* Write the fill array dta to the output stream */
void installFillArrayData(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
GrowableListIterator iterator;
oatGrowableListIteratorInit(&cUnit->fillArrayData, &iterator);
while (true) {
FillArrayData *tabRec = (FillArrayData *) oatGrowableListIteratorNext(
if (tabRec == NULL) break;
alignBuffer(cUnit->codeBuffer, tabRec->offset);
for (int i = 0; i < ((tabRec->size + 1) / 2) ; i++) {
cUnit->codeBuffer.push_back( tabRec->table[i]);
int assignLiteralOffsetCommon(LIR* lir, int offset)
for (;lir != NULL; lir = lir->next) {
lir->offset = offset;
offset += 4;
return offset;
void createMappingTable(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
LIR* tgtLIR;
int currentDalvikOffset = -1;
for (tgtLIR = (LIR *) cUnit->firstLIRInsn;
tgtLIR = NEXT_LIR(tgtLIR)) {
if ((tgtLIR->opcode >= 0) && !tgtLIR->flags.isNop &&
(currentDalvikOffset != tgtLIR->dalvikOffset)) {
// Changed - need to emit a record
currentDalvikOffset = tgtLIR->dalvikOffset;
/* Determine the offset of each literal field */
int assignLiteralOffset(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int offset)
offset = assignLiteralOffsetCommon(cUnit->literalList, offset);
return offset;
int assignSwitchTablesOffset(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int offset)
GrowableListIterator iterator;
oatGrowableListIteratorInit(&cUnit->switchTables, &iterator);
while (true) {
SwitchTable *tabRec = (SwitchTable *) oatGrowableListIteratorNext(
if (tabRec == NULL) break;
tabRec->offset = offset;
if (tabRec->table[0] == Instruction::kSparseSwitchSignature) {
offset += tabRec->table[1] * (sizeof(int) * 2);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(tabRec->table[0]), static_cast<int>(Instruction::kPackedSwitchSignature));
offset += tabRec->table[1] * sizeof(int);
return offset;
int assignFillArrayDataOffset(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int offset)
GrowableListIterator iterator;
oatGrowableListIteratorInit(&cUnit->fillArrayData, &iterator);
while (true) {
FillArrayData *tabRec = (FillArrayData *) oatGrowableListIteratorNext(
if (tabRec == NULL) break;
tabRec->offset = offset;
offset += tabRec->size;
// word align
offset = (offset + 3) & ~3;
return offset;
* Walk the compilation unit and assign offsets to instructions
* and literals and compute the total size of the compiled unit.
void oatAssignOffsets(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
int offset = oatAssignInsnOffsets(cUnit);
/* Const values have to be word aligned */
offset = (offset + 3) & ~3;
/* Set up offsets for literals */
cUnit->dataOffset = offset;
offset = assignLiteralOffset(cUnit, offset);
offset = assignSwitchTablesOffset(cUnit, offset);
offset = assignFillArrayDataOffset(cUnit, offset);
cUnit->totalSize = offset;
* Go over each instruction in the list and calculate the offset from the top
* before sending them off to the assembler. If out-of-range branch distance is
* seen rearrange the instructions a bit to correct it.
void oatAssembleLIR(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
* Assemble here. Note that we generate code with optimistic assumptions
* and if found now to work, we'll have to redo the sequence and retry.
while (true) {
AssemblerStatus res = oatAssembleInstructions(cUnit, 0);
if (res == kSuccess) {
} else {
if (cUnit->assemblerRetries > MAX_ASSEMBLER_RETRIES) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Assembler error - too many retries";
// Redo offsets and try again
// Install literals
// Install switch tables
// Install fill array data
* Create the mapping table
* Insert a kPseudoCaseLabel at the beginning of the Dalvik
* offset vaddr. This label will be used to fix up the case
* branch table during the assembly phase. Be sure to set
* all resource flags on this to prevent code motion across
* target boundaries. KeyVal is just there for debugging.
LIR* insertCaseLabel(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int vaddr, int keyVal)
std::map<unsigned int, LIR*>::iterator it;
it = cUnit->boundaryMap.find(vaddr);
if (it == cUnit->boundaryMap.end()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Error: didn't find vaddr 0x" << std::hex << vaddr;
LIR* newLabel = (LIR*)oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(LIR), true, kAllocLIR);
newLabel->dalvikOffset = vaddr;
newLabel->opcode = kPseudoCaseLabel;
newLabel->operands[0] = keyVal;
oatInsertLIRAfter(it->second, (LIR*)newLabel);
return newLabel;
void markPackedCaseLabels(CompilationUnit* cUnit, SwitchTable *tabRec)
const u2* table = tabRec->table;
int baseVaddr = tabRec->vaddr;
int *targets = (int*)&table[4];
int entries = table[1];
int lowKey = s4FromSwitchData(&table[2]);
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
tabRec->targets[i] = insertCaseLabel(cUnit, baseVaddr + targets[i],
i + lowKey);
void markSparseCaseLabels(CompilationUnit* cUnit, SwitchTable *tabRec)
const u2* table = tabRec->table;
int baseVaddr = tabRec->vaddr;
int entries = table[1];
int* keys = (int*)&table[2];
int* targets = &keys[entries];
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
tabRec->targets[i] = insertCaseLabel(cUnit, baseVaddr + targets[i],
void oatProcessSwitchTables(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
GrowableListIterator iterator;
oatGrowableListIteratorInit(&cUnit->switchTables, &iterator);
while (true) {
SwitchTable *tabRec = (SwitchTable *) oatGrowableListIteratorNext(
if (tabRec == NULL) break;
if (tabRec->table[0] == Instruction::kPackedSwitchSignature) {
markPackedCaseLabels(cUnit, tabRec);
} else if (tabRec->table[0] == Instruction::kSparseSwitchSignature) {
markSparseCaseLabels(cUnit, tabRec);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid switch table";
//FIXME: Do we have endian issues here?
void dumpSparseSwitchTable(const u2* table)
* Sparse switch data format:
* ushort ident = 0x0200 magic value
* ushort size number of entries in the table; > 0
* int keys[size] keys, sorted low-to-high; 32-bit aligned
* int targets[size] branch targets, relative to switch opcode
* Total size is (2+size*4) 16-bit code units.
u2 ident = table[0];
int entries = table[1];
int* keys = (int*)&table[2];
int* targets = &keys[entries];
LOG(INFO) << "Sparse switch table - ident:0x" << std::hex << ident <<
", entries: " << std::dec << entries;
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
LOG(INFO) << " Key[" << keys[i] << "] -> 0x" << std::hex <<
void dumpPackedSwitchTable(const u2* table)
* Packed switch data format:
* ushort ident = 0x0100 magic value
* ushort size number of entries in the table
* int first_key first (and lowest) switch case value
* int targets[size] branch targets, relative to switch opcode
* Total size is (4+size*2) 16-bit code units.
u2 ident = table[0];
int* targets = (int*)&table[4];
int entries = table[1];
int lowKey = s4FromSwitchData(&table[2]);
LOG(INFO) << "Packed switch table - ident:0x" << std::hex << ident <<
", entries: " << std::dec << entries << ", lowKey: " << lowKey;
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
LOG(INFO) << " Key[" << (i + lowKey) << "] -> 0x" << std::hex <<
} // namespace art