| // Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
| |
| class IntMath extends IntMathBase { |
| |
| public static boolean mBoolean1, mBoolean2; |
| public static byte mByte1, mByte2; |
| public static char mChar1, mChar2; |
| public static short mShort1, mShort2; |
| public static int mInt1, mInt2; |
| public static float mFloat1, mFloat2; |
| public static long mLong1, mLong2; |
| public static double mDouble1, mDouble2; |
| public static volatile long mVolatileLong1, mVolatileLong2; |
| |
| |
| private int foo_; |
| |
| public IntMath(int stuff) { |
| super(); |
| foo_ = stuff; |
| } |
| |
| public IntMath() { |
| super(); |
| foo_ = 123; |
| } |
| |
| /* Regression test: triggered an SSA renaming bug. */ |
| static long divideLongByBillion(long a) { |
| long quot; |
| long rem; |
| |
| if (a >= 0) { |
| long bLong = 1000000000L; |
| quot = (a / bLong); |
| rem = (a % bLong); |
| } else { |
| /* |
| * Make the dividend positive shifting it right by 1 bit then get |
| * the quotient an remainder and correct them properly |
| */ |
| long aPos = a >>> 1; |
| long bPos = 1000000000L >>> 1; |
| quot = aPos / bPos; |
| rem = aPos % bPos; |
| // double the remainder and add 1 if 'a' is odd |
| rem = (rem << 1) + (a & 1); |
| } |
| return ((rem << 32) | (quot & 0xFFFFFFFFL)); |
| } |
| |
| |
| static int instanceTest(int x) { |
| IntMathBase a = new IntMathBase(); |
| IntMath b = new IntMath(); |
| |
| if (a instanceof IntMathBase) { |
| x = x * 2; |
| } |
| |
| if (a instanceof IntMath) { |
| x = x + 13; |
| } |
| |
| if (b instanceof IntMathBase) { |
| x = x -1; |
| } |
| |
| if (b instanceof IntMath) { |
| x = x + 1333; |
| } |
| return x; |
| } |
| |
| int tryThing() { |
| int val = super.tryThing(); |
| return val + 10; |
| } |
| |
| static int superTest(int x) { |
| IntMath instance = new IntMath(); |
| IntMath base = instance; |
| int val1 = instance.tryThing(); |
| int val2 = base.tryThing(); |
| return val1 + val2 + x; |
| } |
| |
| static int constClassTest(int x) { |
| Class c = String.class; |
| if (c != null) { |
| return x * 2; |
| } else { |
| return x; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static int constStringTest(int x) { |
| String str = "Hello World!"; |
| return x + str.length(); |
| } |
| |
| static void throwNullPointerException() { |
| throw new NullPointerException(); |
| } |
| |
| static void throwImplicitNullPointerException() { |
| throw null; |
| } |
| |
| static int catchBlock(int x) { |
| try { |
| if (x == 1000) { |
| x += 123; |
| throwNullPointerException(); |
| } else { |
| x += 321; |
| throwImplicitNullPointerException(); |
| } |
| } catch (NullPointerException npe) { |
| x += 456; |
| } |
| return x; |
| } |
| |
| static int catchBlockNoThrow(int x) { |
| try { |
| x += 123; |
| } catch (NullPointerException npe) { |
| x += 456; |
| } |
| return x; |
| } |
| |
| static int staticFieldTest(int x) { |
| mBoolean1 = true; |
| mBoolean2 = false; |
| mByte1 = 127; |
| mByte2 = -128; |
| mChar1 = 32767; |
| mChar2 = 65535; |
| mShort1 = 32767; |
| mShort2 = -32768; |
| mInt1 = 65537; |
| mInt2 = -65537; |
| mFloat1 = 3.1415f; |
| mFloat2 = -1.0f / 0.0f; // -inf |
| mLong1 = 1234605616436508552L; // 0x1122334455667788 |
| mLong2 = -1234605616436508552L; |
| mDouble1 = 3.1415926535; |
| mDouble2 = 1.0 / 0.0; // +inf |
| mVolatileLong1 = mLong1 - 1; |
| mVolatileLong2 = mLong2 + 1; |
| |
| if (!mBoolean1) { return 10; } |
| if (mBoolean2) { return 11; } |
| if (mByte1 != 127) { return 12; } |
| if (mByte2 != -128) { return 13; } |
| if (mChar1 != 32767) { return 14; } |
| if (mChar2 != 65535) { return 15; } |
| if (mShort1 != 32767) { return 16; } |
| if (mShort2 != -32768) { return 17; } |
| if (mInt1 != 65537) { return 18; } |
| if (mInt2 != -65537) { return 19; } |
| if (!(mFloat1 > 3.141f && mFloat1 < 3.142f)) { return 20; } |
| if (mFloat2 >= mFloat1) { return 21; } |
| if (mLong1 != 1234605616436508552L) { return 22; } |
| if (mLong2 != -1234605616436508552L) { return 23; } |
| if (!(mDouble1 > 3.141592653 && mDouble1 < 3.141592654)) { return 24; } |
| if (mDouble2 <= mDouble1) { return 25; } |
| if (mVolatileLong1 != 1234605616436508551L) { return 26; } |
| if (mVolatileLong2 != -1234605616436508551L) { return 27; } |
| |
| return 1000 + x; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Try to cause some unary operations. |
| */ |
| static int unopTest(int x) { |
| x = -x; |
| x ^= 0xffffffff; |
| return x; |
| } |
| |
| static int shiftTest1() { |
| final int[] mBytes = { |
| 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb |
| }; |
| long l; |
| int i1, i2; |
| |
| if (mBytes[0] != 0x11) return 20; |
| if (mBytes[1] != 0x22) return 21; |
| if (mBytes[2] != 0x33) return 22; |
| if (mBytes[3] != 0x44) return 23; |
| if (mBytes[4] != 0x88) return 24; |
| if (mBytes[5] != 0x99) return 25; |
| if (mBytes[6] != 0xaa) return 26; |
| if (mBytes[7] != 0xbb) return 27; |
| |
| i1 = mBytes[0] | mBytes[1] << 8 | mBytes[2] << 16 | mBytes[3] << 24; |
| i2 = mBytes[4] | mBytes[5] << 8 | mBytes[6] << 16 | mBytes[7] << 24; |
| l = i1 | ((long)i2 << 32); |
| |
| if (i1 != 0x44332211) { return 0x80000000 | i1; } |
| if (i2 != 0xbbaa9988) { return 2; } |
| if (l != 0xbbaa998844332211L) { return 3; } |
| |
| l = (long)mBytes[0] |
| | (long)mBytes[1] << 8 |
| | (long)mBytes[2] << 16 |
| | (long)mBytes[3] << 24 |
| | (long)mBytes[4] << 32 |
| | (long)mBytes[5] << 40 |
| | (long)mBytes[6] << 48 |
| | (long)mBytes[7] << 56; |
| |
| if (l != 0xbbaa998844332211L) { return 4; } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static int shiftTest2() { |
| |
| long a = 0x11; |
| long b = 0x22; |
| long c = 0x33; |
| long d = 0x44; |
| long e = 0x55; |
| long f = 0x66; |
| long g = 0x77; |
| long h = 0x88; |
| |
| long result = ((a << 56) | (b << 48) | (c << 40) | (d << 32) | |
| (e << 24) | (f << 16) | (g << 8) | h); |
| |
| if (result != 0x1122334455667788L) { return 1; } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static int unsignedShiftTest() { |
| byte b = -4; |
| short s = -4; |
| char c = 0xfffc; |
| int i = -4; |
| |
| b >>>= 4; |
| s >>>= 4; |
| c >>>= 4; |
| i >>>= 4; |
| |
| if ((int) b != -1) { return 1; } |
| if ((int) s != -1) { return 2; } |
| if ((int) c != 0x0fff) { return 3; } |
| if (i != 268435455) { return 4; } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static int convTest() { |
| |
| float f; |
| double d; |
| int i; |
| long l; |
| |
| /* int --> long */ |
| i = 7654; |
| l = (long) i; |
| if (l != 7654L) { return 1; } |
| |
| i = -7654; |
| l = (long) i; |
| if (l != -7654L) { return 2; } |
| |
| /* long --> int (with truncation) */ |
| l = 5678956789L; |
| i = (int) l; |
| if (i != 1383989493) { return 3; } |
| |
| l = -5678956789L; |
| i = (int) l; |
| if (i != -1383989493) { return 4; } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| static int charSubTest() { |
| |
| char char1 = 0x00e9; |
| char char2 = 0xffff; |
| int i; |
| |
| /* chars are unsigned-expanded to ints before subtraction */ |
| i = char1 - char2; |
| if (i != 0xffff00ea) { return 1; } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * We pass in the arguments and return the results so the compiler |
| * doesn't do the math for us. (x=70000, y=-3) |
| */ |
| static int intOperTest(int x, int y) { |
| int[] results = new int[10]; |
| |
| /* this seems to generate "op-int" instructions */ |
| results[0] = x + y; |
| results[1] = x - y; |
| results[2] = x * y; |
| results[3] = x * x; |
| results[4] = x / y; |
| results[5] = x % -y; |
| results[6] = x & y; |
| results[7] = x | y; |
| results[8] = x ^ y; |
| |
| /* this seems to generate "op-int/2addr" instructions */ |
| results[9] = x + ((((((((x + y) - y) * y) / y) % y) & y) | y) ^ y); |
| |
| /* check this edge case while we're here (div-int/2addr) */ |
| int minInt = -2147483648; |
| int negOne = -results[5]; |
| int plusOne = 1; |
| int result = (((minInt + plusOne) - plusOne) / negOne) / negOne; |
| |
| if (result != minInt) { return 1;}; |
| if (results[0] != 69997) { return 2;}; |
| if (results[1] != 70003) { return 3;}; |
| if (results[2] != -210000) { return 4;}; |
| if (results[3] != 605032704) { return 5;}; |
| if (results[4] != -23333) { return 6;}; |
| if (results[5] != 1) { return 7;}; |
| if (results[6] != 70000) { return 8;}; |
| if (results[7] != -3) { return 9;}; |
| if (results[8] != -70003) { return 10;}; |
| if (results[9] != 70000) { return 11;}; |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * More operations, this time with 16-bit constants. (x=77777) |
| */ |
| static int lit16Test(int x) { |
| |
| int[] results = new int[8]; |
| |
| /* try to generate op-int/lit16" instructions */ |
| results[0] = x + 1000; |
| results[1] = 1000 - x; |
| results[2] = x * 1000; |
| results[3] = x / 1000; |
| results[4] = x % 1000; |
| results[5] = x & 1000; |
| results[6] = x | -1000; |
| results[7] = x ^ -1000; |
| |
| if (results[0] != 78777) { return 1; } |
| if (results[1] != -76777) { return 2; } |
| if (results[2] != 77777000) { return 3; } |
| if (results[3] != 77) { return 4; } |
| if (results[4] != 777) { return 5; } |
| if (results[5] != 960) { return 6; } |
| if (results[6] != -39) { return 7; } |
| if (results[7] != -76855) { return 8; } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * More operations, this time with 8-bit constants. (x=-55555) |
| */ |
| static int lit8Test(int x) { |
| |
| int[] results = new int[8]; |
| |
| /* try to generate op-int/lit8" instructions */ |
| results[0] = x + 10; |
| results[1] = 10 - x; |
| results[2] = x * 10; |
| results[3] = x / 10; |
| results[4] = x % 10; |
| results[5] = x & 10; |
| results[6] = x | -10; |
| results[7] = x ^ -10; |
| int minInt = -2147483648; |
| int result = minInt / -1; |
| if (result != minInt) {return 1; } |
| if (results[0] != -55545) {return 2; } |
| if (results[1] != 55565) {return 3; } |
| if (results[2] != -555550) {return 4; } |
| if (results[3] != -5555) {return 5; } |
| if (results[4] != -5) {return 6; } |
| if (results[5] != 8) {return 7; } |
| if (results[6] != -1) {return 8; } |
| if (results[7] != 55563) {return 9; } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /* |
| * Shift some data. (value=0xff00aa01, dist=8) |
| */ |
| static int intShiftTest(int value, int dist) { |
| int results[] = new int[4]; |
| results[0] = value << dist; |
| results[1] = value >> dist; |
| results[2] = value >>> dist; |
| results[3] = (((value << dist) >> dist) >>> dist) << dist; |
| if (results[0] != 0x00aa0100) {return 1; } |
| if (results[1] != 0xffff00aa) {return 2; } |
| if (results[2] != 0x00ff00aa) {return 3; } |
| if (results[3] != 0xaa00) {return 4; } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * We pass in the arguments and return the results so the compiler |
| * doesn't do the math for us. (x=70000000000, y=-3) |
| */ |
| static int longOperTest(long x, long y) { |
| long[] results = new long[10]; |
| |
| /* this seems to generate "op-long" instructions */ |
| results[0] = x + y; |
| results[1] = x - y; |
| results[2] = x * y; |
| results[3] = x * x; |
| results[4] = x / y; |
| results[5] = x % -y; |
| results[6] = x & y; |
| results[7] = x | y; |
| results[8] = x ^ y; |
| /* this seems to generate "op-long/2addr" instructions */ |
| results[9] = x + ((((((((x + y) - y) * y) / y) % y) & y) | y) ^ y); |
| /* check this edge case while we're here (div-long/2addr) */ |
| long minLong = -9223372036854775808L; |
| long negOne = -results[5]; |
| long plusOne = 1; |
| long result = (((minLong + plusOne) - plusOne) / negOne) / negOne; |
| if (result != minLong) { return 1; } |
| if (results[0] != 69999999997L) { return 2; } |
| if (results[1] != 70000000003L) { return 3; } |
| if (results[2] != -210000000000L) { return 4; } |
| if (results[3] != -6833923606740729856L) { return 5; } // overflow |
| if (results[4] != -23333333333L) { return 6; } |
| if (results[5] != 1) { return 7; } |
| if (results[6] != 70000000000L) { return 8; } |
| if (results[7] != -3) { return 9; } |
| if (results[8] != -70000000003L) { return 10; } |
| if (results[9] != 70000000000L) { return 11; } |
| if (results.length != 10) { return 12; } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Shift some data. (value=0xd5aa96deff00aa01, dist=16) |
| */ |
| static long longShiftTest(long value, int dist) { |
| long results[] = new long[4]; |
| results[0] = value << dist; |
| results[1] = value >> dist; |
| results[2] = value >>> dist; |
| results[3] = (((value << dist) >> dist) >>> dist) << dist; |
| if (results[0] != 0x96deff00aa010000L) { return results[0]; } |
| if (results[1] != 0xffffd5aa96deff00L) { return results[1]; } |
| if (results[2] != 0x0000d5aa96deff00L) { return results[2]; } |
| if (results[3] != 0xffff96deff000000L) { return results[3]; } |
| if (results.length != 4) { return 5; } |
| |
| return results[0]; // test return-long |
| } |
| |
| static int switchTest(int a) { |
| int res = 1234; |
| |
| switch (a) { |
| case -1: res = 1; return res; |
| case 0: res = 2; return res; |
| case 1: /*correct*/ break; |
| case 2: res = 3; return res; |
| case 3: res = 4; return res; |
| case 4: res = 5; return res; |
| default: res = 6; return res; |
| } |
| switch (a) { |
| case 3: res = 7; return res; |
| case 4: res = 8; return res; |
| default: /*correct*/ break; |
| } |
| |
| a = 0x12345678; |
| |
| switch (a) { |
| case 0x12345678: /*correct*/ break; |
| case 0x12345679: res = 9; return res; |
| default: res = 1; return res; |
| } |
| switch (a) { |
| case 57: res = 10; return res; |
| case -6: res = 11; return res; |
| case 0x12345678: /*correct*/ break; |
| case 22: res = 12; return res; |
| case 3: res = 13; return res; |
| default: res = 14; return res; |
| } |
| switch (a) { |
| case -6: res = 15; return res; |
| case 3: res = 16; return res; |
| default: /*correct*/ break; |
| } |
| |
| a = -5; |
| switch (a) { |
| case 12: res = 17; return res; |
| case -5: /*correct*/ break; |
| case 0: res = 18; return res; |
| default: res = 19; return res; |
| } |
| |
| switch (a) { |
| default: /*correct*/ break; |
| } |
| return res; |
| } |
| /* |
| * Test the integer comparisons in various ways. |
| */ |
| static int testIntCompare(int minus, int plus, int plus2, int zero) { |
| int res = 1111; |
| |
| if (minus > plus) |
| return 1; |
| if (minus >= plus) |
| return 2; |
| if (plus < minus) |
| return 3; |
| if (plus <= minus) |
| return 4; |
| if (plus == minus) |
| return 5; |
| if (plus != plus2) |
| return 6; |
| |
| /* try a branch-taken */ |
| if (plus != minus) { |
| res = res; |
| } else { |
| return 7; |
| } |
| |
| if (minus > 0) |
| return 8; |
| if (minus >= 0) |
| return 9; |
| if (plus < 0) |
| return 10; |
| if (plus <= 0) |
| return 11; |
| if (plus == 0) |
| return 12; |
| if (zero != 0) |
| return 13; |
| |
| if (zero == 0) { |
| res = res; |
| } else { |
| return 14; |
| } |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Test cmp-long. |
| * |
| * minus=-5, alsoMinus=0xFFFFFFFF00000009, plus=4, alsoPlus=8 |
| */ |
| static int testLongCompare(long minus, long alsoMinus, long plus, |
| long alsoPlus) { |
| int res = 2222; |
| |
| if (minus > plus) |
| return 2; |
| if (plus < minus) |
| return 3; |
| if (plus == minus) |
| return 4; |
| |
| if (plus >= plus+1) |
| return 5; |
| if (minus >= minus+1) |
| return 6; |
| |
| /* try a branch-taken */ |
| if (plus != minus) { |
| res = res; |
| } else { |
| return 7; |
| } |
| |
| /* compare when high words are equal but low words differ */ |
| if (plus > alsoPlus) |
| return 8; |
| if (alsoPlus < plus) |
| return 9; |
| if (alsoPlus == plus) |
| return 10; |
| |
| /* high words are equal, low words have apparently different signs */ |
| if (minus < alsoMinus) // bug! |
| return 11; |
| if (alsoMinus > minus) |
| return 12; |
| if (alsoMinus == minus) |
| return 13; |
| |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Test cmpl-float and cmpg-float. |
| */ |
| static int testFloatCompare(float minus, float plus, float plus2, |
| float nan) { |
| |
| int res = 3333; |
| if (minus > plus) |
| res = 1; |
| if (plus < minus) |
| res = 2; |
| if (plus == minus) |
| res = 3; |
| if (plus != plus2) |
| res = 4; |
| |
| if (plus <= nan) |
| res = 5; |
| if (plus >= nan) |
| res = 6; |
| if (minus <= nan) |
| res = 7; |
| if (minus >= nan) |
| res = 8; |
| if (nan >= plus) |
| res = 9; |
| if (nan <= plus) |
| res = 10; |
| |
| if (nan == nan) |
| res = 1212; |
| |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| static int testDoubleCompare(double minus, double plus, double plus2, |
| double nan) { |
| |
| int res = 4444; |
| |
| if (minus > plus) |
| return 1; |
| if (plus < minus) |
| return 2; |
| if (plus == minus) |
| return 3; |
| if (plus != plus2) |
| return 4; |
| |
| if (plus <= nan) |
| return 5; |
| if (plus >= nan) |
| return 6; |
| if (minus <= nan) |
| return 7; |
| if (minus >= nan) |
| return 8; |
| if (nan >= plus) |
| return 9; |
| if (nan <= plus) |
| return 10; |
| |
| if (nan == nan) |
| return 11; |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| static int fibonacci(int n) { |
| if (n == 0) { |
| return 0; |
| } else if (n == 1) { |
| return 1; |
| } else { |
| return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static int throwAndCatch() { |
| try { |
| throwNullPointerException(); |
| return 1; |
| } catch (NullPointerException npe) { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static int manyArgs(int a0, long a1, int a2, long a3, int a4, long a5, |
| int a6, int a7, double a8, float a9, double a10, short a11, int a12, |
| char a13, int a14, int a15, byte a16, boolean a17, int a18, int a19, |
| long a20, long a21, int a22, int a23, int a24, int a25, int a26) |
| { |
| if (a0 != 0) return 0; |
| if (a1 != 1L) return 1; |
| if (a2 != 2) return 2; |
| if (a3 != 3L) return 3; |
| if (a4 != 4) return 4; |
| if (a5 != 5L) return 5; |
| if (a6 != 6) return 6; |
| if (a7 != 7) return 7; |
| if (a8 != 8.0) return 8; |
| if (a9 != 9.0f) return 9; |
| if (a10 != 10.0) return 10; |
| if (a11 != (short)11) return 11; |
| if (a12 != 12) return 12; |
| if (a13 != (char)13) return 13; |
| if (a14 != 14) return 14; |
| if (a15 != 15) return 15; |
| if (a16 != (byte)-16) return 16; |
| if (a17 != true) return 17; |
| if (a18 != 18) return 18; |
| if (a19 != 19) return 19; |
| if (a20 != 20L) return 20; |
| if (a21 != 21L) return 21; |
| if (a22 != 22) return 22; |
| if (a23 != 23) return 23; |
| if (a24 != 24) return 24; |
| if (a25 != 25) return 25; |
| if (a26 != 26) return 26; |
| return -1; |
| } |
| |
| int virtualCall(int a) |
| { |
| return a * 2; |
| } |
| |
| void setFoo(int a) |
| { |
| foo_ = a; |
| } |
| |
| int getFoo() |
| { |
| return foo_; |
| } |
| |
| static int staticCall(int a) |
| { |
| IntMath foo = new IntMath(); |
| return foo.virtualCall(a); |
| } |
| |
| static int testIGetPut(int a) |
| { |
| IntMath foo = new IntMath(99); |
| IntMath foo123 = new IntMath(); |
| int z = foo.getFoo(); |
| z += a; |
| z += foo123.getFoo(); |
| foo.setFoo(z); |
| return foo.getFoo(); |
| } |
| |
| static int throwClassCast(Object o) { |
| return ((Integer)o).intValue(); |
| } |
| |
| static int testClassCast() { |
| int res = 0; |
| try { |
| res += throwClassCast(Integer.valueOf(123)); |
| } catch(ClassCastException e) { |
| res += 456; |
| } |
| try { |
| res += throwClassCast(new Short((short)321)); |
| } catch(ClassCastException e) { |
| res += 765; |
| } |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| static void throwArrayStoreException(Object[] array, Object element) { |
| array[0] = element; |
| } |
| |
| static int testArrayStoreException() { |
| int res=0; |
| Object[] array = new Number[2]; |
| try { |
| throwArrayStoreException(array, null); |
| res += 1; |
| } catch(ArrayStoreException e) { |
| res += 2; |
| } |
| try { |
| throwArrayStoreException(array, Integer.valueOf(1)); |
| res += 10; |
| } catch(ArrayStoreException e) { |
| res += 20; |
| } |
| try { |
| throwArrayStoreException(array, "hello MTV-44"); |
| res += 100; |
| } catch(ArrayStoreException e) { |
| res += 200; |
| } |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| static long recursion_count_; |
| static void throwStackOverflow(long l) { |
| recursion_count_++; |
| throwStackOverflow(recursion_count_); |
| } |
| |
| static long testStackOverflow() { |
| try { |
| throwStackOverflow(0); |
| if (recursion_count_ != 0) { |
| return recursion_count_; |
| } else { |
| return -1; |
| } |
| } catch(StackOverflowError soe) { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public static void main(String[] args) { |
| boolean failure = false; |
| int res; |
| long lres; |
| |
| lres = divideLongByBillion(123000000000L); |
| if (lres == 123) { |
| System.out.println("divideLongByBillion PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("divideLongByBillion FAILED: " + lres); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = unopTest(38); |
| if (res == 37) { |
| System.out.println("unopTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("unopTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = shiftTest1(); |
| if (res == 0) { |
| System.out.println("shiftTest1 PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("shiftTest1 FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = shiftTest2(); |
| if (res == 0) { |
| System.out.println("shiftTest2 PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("shiftTest2 FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = unsignedShiftTest(); |
| if (res == 0) { |
| System.out.println("unsignedShiftTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("unsignedShiftTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = convTest(); |
| if (res == 0) { |
| System.out.println("convTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("convTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = charSubTest(); |
| if (res == 0) { |
| System.out.println("charSubTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("charSubTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = intOperTest(70000, -3); |
| if (res == 0) { |
| System.out.println("intOperTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("intOperTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = lit16Test(77777); |
| if (res == 0) { |
| System.out.println("lit16Test PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("lit16Test FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = lit8Test(-55555); |
| if (res == 0) { |
| System.out.println("lit8Test PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("lit8Test FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = intShiftTest(0xff00aa01, 8); |
| if (res == 0) { |
| System.out.println("intShiftTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("intShiftTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = longOperTest(70000000000L, -3L); |
| if (res == 0) { |
| System.out.println("longOperTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("longOperTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| lres = longShiftTest(0xd5aa96deff00aa01L, 16); |
| if (lres == 0x96deff00aa010000L) { |
| System.out.println("longShiftTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("longShiftTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = switchTest(1); |
| if (res == 1234) { |
| System.out.println("switchTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("switchTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = testIntCompare(-5, 4, 4, 0); |
| if (res == 1111) { |
| System.out.println("testIntCompare PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("testIntCompare FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = testLongCompare(-5L, -4294967287L, 4L, 8L); |
| if (res == 2222) { |
| System.out.println("testLongCompare PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("testLongCompare FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = testFloatCompare(-5.0f, 4.0f, 4.0f, (1.0f/0.0f) / (1.0f/0.0f)); |
| if (res == 3333) { |
| System.out.println("testFloatCompare PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("testFloatCompare FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = testDoubleCompare(-5.0, 4.0, 4.0, (1.0/0.0) / (1.0/0.0)); |
| if (res == 4444) { |
| System.out.println("testDoubleCompare PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("testDoubleCompare FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = fibonacci(10); |
| if (res == 55) { |
| System.out.println("fibonacci PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("fibonacci FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = throwAndCatch(); |
| if (res == 0) { |
| System.out.println("throwAndCatch PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("throwAndCatch FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = testClassCast(); |
| if (res == 888) { |
| System.out.println("testClassCast PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("testClassCast FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = testArrayStoreException(); |
| if (res == 211) { |
| System.out.println("testArrayStore PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("testArrayStore FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| lres= testStackOverflow(); |
| if (lres == 0) { |
| System.out.println("testStackOverflow PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("testStackOverflow FAILED: " + lres); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = manyArgs(0, 1L, 2, 3L, 4, 5L, 6, 7, 8.0, 9.0f, 10.0, |
| (short)11, 12, (char)13, 14, 15, (byte)-16, true, 18, |
| 19, 20L, 21L, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26); |
| if (res == -1) { |
| System.out.println("manyArgs PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("manyArgs FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = staticCall(3); |
| if (res == 6) { |
| System.out.println("virtualCall PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("virtualCall FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = testIGetPut(111); |
| if (res == 333) { |
| System.out.println("testGetPut PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("testGetPut FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = staticFieldTest(404); |
| if (res == 1404) { |
| System.out.println("staticFieldTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("staticFieldTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = catchBlock(1000); |
| if (res == 1579) { |
| System.out.println("catchBlock(1000) PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("catchBlock(1000) FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = catchBlock(7000); |
| if (res == 7777) { |
| System.out.println("catchBlock(7000) PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("catchBlock(7000) FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| res = catchBlockNoThrow(1000); |
| if (res == 1123) { |
| System.out.println("catchBlockNoThrow PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("catchBlockNoThrow FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = superTest(4141); |
| if (res == 4175) { |
| System.out.println("superTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("superTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = constClassTest(1111); |
| if (res == 2222) { |
| System.out.println("constClassTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("constClassTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = constStringTest(10); |
| if (res == 22) { |
| System.out.println("constStringTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("constStringTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| res = instanceTest(10); |
| if (res == 1352) { |
| System.out.println("instanceTest PASSED"); |
| } else { |
| System.out.println("instanceTest FAILED: " + res); |
| failure = true; |
| } |
| |
| System.exit(failure ? 1 : 0); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class IntMathBase { |
| IntMathBase() { |
| } |
| |
| int tryThing() { |
| return 7; |
| } |
| } |