blob: 4af5017ef290bec57bf3e29e0c7f743b6e05f845 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
#include "base/dchecked_vector.h"
#include "jni.h"
namespace art {
class DexFile;
class OatFile;
// Utility class which holds the class loader context used during compilation/verification.
class ClassLoaderContext {
// Creates an empty context (with no class loaders).
// Opens requested class path files and appends them to ClassLoaderInfo::opened_dex_files.
// If the dex files have been stripped, the method opens them from their oat files which are added
// to ClassLoaderInfo::opened_oat_files. The 'classpath_dir' argument specifies the directory to
// use for the relative class paths.
// Returns true if all dex files where successfully opened.
// It may be called only once per ClassLoaderContext. The second call will abort.
// Note that a "false" return could mean that either an apk/jar contained no dex files or
// that we hit a I/O or checksum mismatch error.
// TODO(calin): Currently there's no easy way to tell the difference.
// TODO(calin): we're forced to complicate the flow in this class with a different
// OpenDexFiles step because the current dex2oat flow requires the dex files be opened before
// the class loader is created. Consider reworking the dex2oat part.
bool OpenDexFiles(InstructionSet isa, const std::string& classpath_dir);
// Remove the specified compilation sources from all classpaths present in this context.
// Should only be called before the first call to OpenDexFiles().
bool RemoveLocationsFromClassPaths(const dchecked_vector<std::string>& compilation_sources);
// Creates the entire class loader hierarchy according to the current context.
// The compilation sources are appended to the classpath of the top class loader
// (i.e the class loader whose parent is the BootClassLoader).
// Should only be called if OpenDexFiles() returned true.
jobject CreateClassLoader(const std::vector<const DexFile*>& compilation_sources) const;
// Encodes the context as a string suitable to be added in oat files.
// (so that it can be read and verified at runtime against the actual class
// loader hierarchy).
// Should only be called if OpenDexFiles() returned true.
// E.g. if the context is PCL[a.dex:b.dex] this will return "a.dex*a_checksum*b.dex*a_checksum".
std::string EncodeContextForOatFile(const std::string& base_dir) const;
// Flattens the opened dex files into the given vector.
// Should only be called if OpenDexFiles() returned true.
std::vector<const DexFile*> FlattenOpenedDexFiles() const;
// Creates the class loader context from the given string.
// The format: ClassLoaderType1[ClasspathElem1:ClasspathElem2...];ClassLoaderType2[...]...
// ClassLoaderType is either "PCL" (PathClassLoader) or "DLC" (DelegateLastClassLoader).
// ClasspathElem is the path of dex/jar/apk file.
// Note that we allowed class loaders with an empty class path in order to support a custom
// class loader for the source dex files.
static std::unique_ptr<ClassLoaderContext> Create(const std::string& spec);
enum ClassLoaderType {
kInvalidClassLoader = 0,
kPathClassLoader = 1,
kDelegateLastClassLoader = 2
struct ClassLoaderInfo {
// The type of this class loader.
ClassLoaderType type;
// The list of class path elements that this loader loads.
// Note that this list may contain relative paths.
std::vector<std::string> classpath;
// After OpenDexFiles is called this holds the opened dex files.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> opened_dex_files;
// After OpenDexFiles, in case some of the dex files were opened from their oat files
// this holds the list of opened oat files.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OatFile>> opened_oat_files;
explicit ClassLoaderInfo(ClassLoaderType cl_type) : type(cl_type) {}
// Reads the class loader spec in place and returns true if the spec is valid and the
// compilation context was constructed.
bool Parse(const std::string& spec);
// Attempts to parse a single class loader spec for the given class_loader_type.
// If successful the class loader spec will be added to the chain.
// Returns whether or not the operation was successful.
bool ParseClassLoaderSpec(const std::string& class_loader_spec,
ClassLoaderType class_loader_type);
// Extracts the class loader type from the given spec.
// Return ClassLoaderContext::kInvalidClassLoader if the class loader type is not
// recognized.
static ClassLoaderType ExtractClassLoaderType(const std::string& class_loader_spec);
// Returns the string representation of the class loader type.
// The returned format can be used when parsing a context spec.
static const char* GetClassLoaderTypeName(ClassLoaderType type);
// CHECKs that the dex files were opened (OpenDexFiles was called). Aborts if not.
void CheckDexFilesOpened(const std::string& calling_method) const;
// The class loader chain represented as a vector.
// The parent of class_loader_chain_[i] is class_loader_chain_[i++].
// The parent of the last element is assumed to be the boot class loader.
std::vector<ClassLoaderInfo> class_loader_chain_;
// Whether or not the class loader context should be ignored at runtime when loading the oat
// files. When true, dex2oat will use OatFile::kSpecialSharedLibrary as the classpath key in
// the oat file.
// TODO(calin): Can we get rid of this and cover all relevant use cases?
// (e.g. packages using prebuild system packages as shared libraries b/36480683)
bool special_shared_library_;
// Whether or not OpenDexFiles() was called.
bool dex_files_open_attempted_;
// The result of the last OpenDexFiles() operation.
bool dex_files_open_result_;
friend class ClassLoaderContextTest;
} // namespace art