blob: 7f321b73c89c8c60896db0d26beaa93bfaa2c0b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "nodes.h"
namespace art {
class LoopAnalysis;
// No loop unrolling factor (just one copy of the loop-body).
static constexpr uint32_t kNoUnrollingFactor = 1;
// Class to hold cached information on properties of the loop.
class LoopAnalysisInfo : public ValueObject {
explicit LoopAnalysisInfo(HLoopInformation* loop_info)
: bb_num_(0),
loop_info_(loop_info) {}
size_t GetNumberOfBasicBlocks() const { return bb_num_; }
size_t GetNumberOfInstructions() const { return instr_num_; }
size_t GetNumberOfExits() const { return exits_num_; }
bool HasInstructionsPreventingScalarPeeling() const {
return has_instructions_preventing_scalar_peeling_;
bool HasInstructionsPreventingScalarUnrolling() const {
return has_instructions_preventing_scalar_unrolling_;
bool HasLongTypeInstructions() const {
return has_long_type_instructions_;
const HLoopInformation* GetLoopInfo() const { return loop_info_; }
// Number of basic blocks in the loop body.
size_t bb_num_;
// Number of instructions in the loop body.
size_t instr_num_;
// Number of loop's exits.
size_t exits_num_;
// Whether the loop has instructions which make scalar loop peeling non-beneficial.
bool has_instructions_preventing_scalar_peeling_;
// Whether the loop has instructions which make scalar loop unrolling non-beneficial.
bool has_instructions_preventing_scalar_unrolling_;
// Whether the loop has instructions of primitive long type; unrolling these loop will
// likely introduce spill/fills on 32-bit targets.
bool has_long_type_instructions_;
// Corresponding HLoopInformation.
const HLoopInformation* loop_info_;
friend class LoopAnalysis;
// Placeholder class for methods and routines used to analyse loops, calculate loop properties
// and characteristics.
class LoopAnalysis : public ValueObject {
// Calculates loops basic properties like body size, exits number, etc. and fills
// 'analysis_results' with this information.
static void CalculateLoopBasicProperties(HLoopInformation* loop_info,
LoopAnalysisInfo* analysis_results);
// Returns whether the loop has at least one loop invariant exit.
static bool HasLoopAtLeastOneInvariantExit(HLoopInformation* loop_info);
// Returns whether HIf's true or false successor is outside the specified loop.
// Prerequisite: HIf must be in the specified loop.
static bool IsLoopExit(HLoopInformation* loop_info, const HIf* hif) {
HBasicBlock* true_succ = hif->IfTrueSuccessor();
HBasicBlock* false_succ = hif->IfFalseSuccessor();
return (!loop_info->Contains(*true_succ) || !loop_info->Contains(*false_succ));
// Returns whether an instruction makes scalar loop peeling/unrolling non-beneficial.
// If in the loop body we have a dex/runtime call then its contribution to the whole
// loop performance will probably prevail. So peeling/unrolling optimization will not bring
// any noticeable performance improvement. It will increase the code size.
static bool MakesScalarPeelingUnrollingNonBeneficial(HInstruction* instruction) {
return (instruction->IsNewArray() ||
instruction->IsNewInstance() ||
instruction->IsUnresolvedInstanceFieldGet() ||
instruction->IsUnresolvedInstanceFieldSet() ||
instruction->IsUnresolvedStaticFieldGet() ||
instruction->IsUnresolvedStaticFieldSet() ||
// TODO: Support loops with intrinsified invokes.
// Helper class which holds target-dependent methods and constants needed for loop optimizations.
// To support peeling/unrolling for a new architecture one needs to create new helper class,
// inherit it from this and add implementation for the following methods.
class ArchNoOptsLoopHelper : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocOptimization> {
virtual ~ArchNoOptsLoopHelper() {}
// Creates an instance of specialised helper for the target or default helper if the target
// doesn't support loop peeling and unrolling.
static ArchNoOptsLoopHelper* Create(InstructionSet isa, ArenaAllocator* allocator);
// Returns whether the loop is not beneficial for loop peeling/unrolling.
// For example, if the loop body has too many instructions then peeling/unrolling optimization
// will not bring any noticeable performance improvement however will increase the code size.
// Returns 'true' by default, should be overridden by particular target loop helper.
virtual bool IsLoopNonBeneficialForScalarOpts(
LoopAnalysisInfo* loop_analysis_info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const { return true; }
// Returns optimal scalar unrolling factor for the loop.
// Returns kNoUnrollingFactor by default, should be overridden by particular target loop helper.
virtual uint32_t GetScalarUnrollingFactor(HLoopInformation* loop_info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
uint64_t trip_count ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const {
return kNoUnrollingFactor;
// Returns whether scalar loop peeling is enabled,
// Returns 'false' by default, should be overridden by particular target loop helper.
virtual bool IsLoopPeelingEnabled() const { return false; }
// Returns optimal SIMD unrolling factor for the loop.
// Returns kNoUnrollingFactor by default, should be overridden by particular target loop helper.
virtual uint32_t GetSIMDUnrollingFactor(HBasicBlock* block ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
int64_t trip_count ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
uint32_t max_peel ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
uint32_t vector_length ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const {
return kNoUnrollingFactor;
} // namespace art